Two Avg Joes

Two Average Joes: The Making of An Ordinary Killer

Two Avg Joes Season 4 Episode 4


In this episode of Two Average Joes, Dean discusses the making of the movie 'An Ordinary Killer' and its connection to the future of the podcast. The movie, produced by Collective Development, Incorporated, is based on a true story and follows the life of Gerald Leroy Wingeart, a convicted rapist and murderer. 

The film was completed in 2001 but did not receive widespread distribution. The hosts express their desire to create high-quality content and explore the challenges of distribution. They also touch on the connection between Wingeart and other unsolved murders in the area.


Movie making, An Ordinary Killer, true crime, distribution, Gerald Leroy Wingeart, unsolved murders


The movie 'An Ordinary Killer' is based on the true story of Gerald Leroy Wingeart, a convicted rapist and murderer.

Distribution is a crucial aspect of the film industry, and many good movies struggle to reach a wide audience.

The hosts of Two Average Joes aim to create high-quality content and explore the challenges of distribution.

Wingeart 's connection to other unsolved murders in the area adds an intriguing element to the story.


The Making of 'An Ordinary Killer'

Challenges of Distribution in the Film Industry

Sound Bites
 "We're gonna talk about the making of a movie. The making of an ordinary killer."

"This movie is about Gerald Leroy Wingeart and it starts by showing his first defense, which was the rape of a blind girl and robbing her boyfriend."

"Distribution is everything. There's a bunch of good movies, great movies being made, good books, great books. What they lack is distribution."


00:00 The Making of 'An Ordinary Killer'

03:10 Gerald Leroy Wingeart and His Crimes

08:46 Challenges of Distribution in the Film Industry

15:02 Exploring the Connection Between Wingeart and Unsolved Murders