Too Much on Her Plate with Dr. Melissa McCreery

145: Procrastination vs. Permanent Results

Melissa McCreery Episode 145

It’s one thing to want to stop overeating or to want to lose weight. It’s another thing to figure out a way to make that happen. In between, it’s easy to get stuck in a pattern of starting food plans that aren’t sustainable, or of being frozen by overwhelm because of the distance between your current situation and your goal. 

In this episode I want to share with you how to avoid sitting in procrastination and fear (that perpetuates itself), and how to take action without creating another cycle of starting a plan that won’t last.

In this episode:

  • The pros and cons of seeing the big picture
  • Why plans to change your overeating can lead to overeating
  • Focusing on the goal vs. focusing on the habit
  • Imperfect consistency for lasting freedom from overeating
  • Key missing pieces for solving your overeating puzzle

Find links to everything we mention in this episode as well as complete show notes & transcript at

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