The Unfiltered Coach Podcast

EP 097: How We Created More Freedom While Making Less Money

September 23, 2019 Landon Poburan Season 1 Episode 97

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Discover how Laura and Landon were able to create more freedom during a time when they were making less money. Upon announcing they were moving to Mexico for 3 months, the questions started rolling in…How??!! They get real about the financial hit they experienced while re-structuring they business but how they actually created more freedom during this time (while making substantially less money).

They provide the exact steps about how they structure their freedom and provide tangible steps for you to do the same. When you define and build awareness around what you value you realize it’s closer than you thought.

Check out: I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the unfiltered coach podcast. Today we're going to dig into our life a little bit and discuss how we actually created more freedom in our life while making a less money.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this'll be fun. I just had a client reach out to me the other day. We just announced that we're moving down to Mexico for a few months and she was like, how the hell are you moving to Mexico for three months? Like how is that even possible?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it's something that, you know, not too long ago we didn't think was possible either. No. And then when we actually started to realize some very key things within our life in our business, it actually became a very, very strong reality for us. And now we're actually doing it. So we're really excited to kind of dig in here. So when it comes down to it over the last while, we've been going through a process of restructuring our business. It's pretty much almost completely done now we're in the process of finishing off, redeveloping a bunch of programs for the momentum lab. But we went through a period where our income drastically decreased because of the changes that we were going. We knew this was coming and we were prepared for it for the most part. But what happened is through a period of our revenue decreasing, we actually manage to create more freedom within our life, namely moving down to Mexico for three months, which is something that is an aspiration of a lot of people, the ability to pick up and go, but we assume that the price tag is so expensive that we don't think we can accomplish it, but it's so much closer than you actually think it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I think really it just came down to us discovering what we truly value in life. You know, and understanding that travel is a nonnegotiable for us. Being able to be in a place where it's cultural and it's an adventure and we're growing there personally and professionally. That is nonnegotiable for us in our life right now. So inside of making that a priority, we learned a lot of areas in our life where we were spending money that weren't priorities for us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. If it's a concept that we took from Ramit Sethi from his book. Yeah. I will teach you to be rich.[inaudible] good buck. He talks about conscious spending. Yeah. So, and this is something that we had started to implement before we started listening to the book, but it was a really good reminder of it and he talks about spending wildly and you know, guilt-free on the things that you want, but being ruthless about the things that you don't value in the things that you don't want. Yeah. And it's so important. It's the same concept of you know, managing and balancing your calories with flexible dieting. Yeah. You spend your calories where you want and you, you had just where you need. If you want to go and enjoy a birthday cake, he might make some cutbacks on the next day or with some other food within your day. It's no different with your financial budget. Yeah. There are certain things that we value like travel and also, you know, something like eating out. We really enjoy going out for nice food, but if I'm eating at home, I don't care if I'm eating egg whites. It just doesn't bother me. I would rather have the opportunity to go out for a really nice meal than spend a shit ton of money on certain things that are not important to me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. It, I think it take a long time for us to even get to this place because you get caught up in just doing what you've always done. Right. But when we started to make cut backs on things like cable or you know, how much we're spending on groceries every week, or the tangible things like needing a really nice condo or whatever, we realize, well we have a lot more money than we thought to be able to live the life that we actually want to live.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And this simply happened through, you know, exploration. Yeah. We didn't realize this until we exposed ourselves to it. We got rid of cable a long time ago and we started to read books at night. So we cut back on, you know, over a hundred dollars a month. We started to read more, our sleep improve, we feel better, we're more mindful of things. But now we also have a$100 we can divert it elsewhere. So it's simply just, you know, becoming more aware. But I think you need to become aware of what you value and what you don't. Yeah. For some travel and freedom is very, very valuable. Like it is for us. For others it's not. Yeah. But you need to understand what is valuable because if you are looking for freedom and the ability to travel, then start to assess what that looks like. Where do you want to go? How much is it going to cost? Have you actually thought about these things? Yeah. Because so often we build up in our minds it to be this massive thing that is not achievable. Yeah. So is it, you know, the travel and freedom to travel that you value or is it the, you know, the super yacht that you're going to go on on that trip, right? No, it's, it's not the thing. It's the ability to travel. It's the freedom. It's the way it makes you feel that you are looking for and you can do that for less. So just to kind of break down numbers for people, we're paying$1,000 a month to live in Mexico for the first month. We're paying$1,000 for a month. So we have actually decreased our living expenses. Yeah. To move to Mexico for a month. So when you ask us how are you moving to Mexico? While the answer is it's costing us less. Yeah. We have renters in our house, we're going down to Mexico, it's costing us less to live there. The cost of living is likely going to be less than it is here. So we have the ability to pick up and go cause we have renters in our house and now we can go to Mexico, enjoy the culture. And it's something that is very hard for people to grasp. But we'll be break it down to the actual numbers. It's not that crazy. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think a lot of the time freedom becomes unaccessible but for reasons other than financial barriers, right. Because when you really do break it down, you could go to Mexico to every single one of you listening right now could go to Mexico for three months if you wanted to. Right, but there's other going on in your life that's maybe becoming a barrier for you, like family at home or another job or your husband's job or whatever. So that's why we're really stressing for you to assess what you value and then really realistically look at what it would take to achieve what you're truly chasing. Like line and said, are you chasing the yacht or are you chasing the vacation? What are you chasing the new clothes or are you chasing feeling the feeling, the ability to just like buy things that you really value

Speaker 3:

[inaudible] exactly right, because you can make those shifts. Yeah. Thought even changing your income. Yeah,

Speaker 2:

seriously, you can. You can become more free right now today just by stopping spending money on shit that you don't actually value that you're you're consuming because of status. Ego or habit.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. Yeah. I think that's such a good way to put it. Our Ego is, is the enemy 100% and we just, we're in the habit of these things. We just think it's natural and we get pure pressured into things because of the people we're around. But when you start to break down what you truly value and then we remove the guilt around it, I don't feel guilty about spending money because I'm spending it where I want to spend it. Yeah. And then you know, I understand that. Yeah. And when you can come to that, it's very empowering as opposed to trying to pinch pennies. No, it's not about that. It's just simply about not spending money where you don't care and then spending money where you do care and things add up very quickly. I changed the one subscription with click funnels and saved over$300 a month Canadian.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God. That's crazy.

Speaker 3:

You know what? And now that is going into advertising spend for the business. So it's such simple changes can adjust things massively.

Speaker 2:

Or even like you just got off the call with the bank last week, we were getting charged fees that we shouldn't have been getting charged and we got 1200 bucks back.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. W was, we were getting charged$170 a year for our credit card that which should have been free because of the bank account we had. And it just, I don't know, one day Ding. And Cause I was listening to it in this book and he mentioned it and I went back and checked and we were getting charged these fees for the last seven years and they credited it all back cause they could, you know, track everything. So they credit us back$1,200 on our credit card. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So it's like just not being lazy around this stuff and actually digging into where are you spending money without even thinking about it. Um, Remy, it talks a lot about subscriptions. For example, how many subscriptions do you have to magazines and memberships and all this shit that's just automatically coming out of your account every single month and you're not even paying attention to it.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. And they're not serving you, they're likely, you know, distracting you from what you actually want to be doing or they're numbing you from things that you should be dealing with within your life.

Speaker 2:

Right. Totally agree. So just becoming more conscious around where are you spending money, where could you be saving money and reallocating to the things that you truly value. And then defining freedom for yourself and making a plan to actually achieve it. Or just breaking it down and seeing what's realistic and how can I achieve that same feeling.

Speaker 3:

No, exactly. I think awareness is so important. Need to simply need to stop ignoring these things like we did for so long. Stop ignoring it. Bring awareness to it as the first step, but define what is valuable to you. And this was a concept I read about, Gosh, 15 years ago in a the four hour work week by Tim Ferris and he talks about creating the things that you want in life and realizing how achievable it actually is when you start to go, okay, if you want a really nice car, awesome. But then maybe you don't need a super expensive house, right? So instead of, you know, you can save money on where you're living and put that into your vehicle or if you really want to travel, you know, we just paid our car off and I have no desire to buy a new vehicle. No. And do you know what that three or$400 a month we were spending is now going towards other things that we can spend our money on. Yeah. So it's simply just a reallocation of what you're doing, moving it from here to there and, but you have to break down what you want to do. If you want to go to Mexico for a month or for three months, break down with the actual cost of it is, yeah, where are you living now? What are your fixed expenses? Do you want to go there? How much is it actually going to cost you? And then you can see, you know, if you have to make changes, are there changes you can make that won't affect, you know, your happiness, your quality of life. You know, maybe you make coffee at home versus going and getting a Starbucks every single day and you'll realize that that$5 Starbucks over the course of a year is a lot of money that you could probably put that same amount of money into one to two nice trips every single year instead of getting that Starbucks. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. It's not about being cheap. It's about understanding what is going to make your life better and not allowing the opinions of others to affect how you choose to spend your money or save your money.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. We'll go out for dinner and Laura will get, you know, a salad and chicken because she, you know, would like to have dessert or a couple of glasses of wine and that's just simply her allocating her calories to the things that were, she wants to do it. If we're at an event, she won't have the shitty piece of bought birthday cake because it's just not worth it. Right. That's the same as you know, people wanting to go do something or spend money on something that you don't value, you just don't care. So don't spend the money on it. And that's totally fine. It's empowering because it allows you to spend it where you want to spend it without guilt. Exactly. And that's the most important thing. Yeah. So when it comes to creating, if you're searching for freedom and you want to create freedom, map out that looks like, yeah. What changes can you make today that will allow you some frame of it. Yeah. And what do you need to change in order to achieve it? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And where like mapping out every expense that you have and being ruthless with cutting out the ones that just don't empower you, don't serve you or maybe even take away from the quality of life you're chasing without you even realizing it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. It's, it's such a powerful practice that, you know, obviously allowed us to spend, you know, three months in Scottsdale, Arizona. Now we're going to go spend three months in Mexico. And the beauty of it is we're actually spending less money. Yeah. So the fact of us, our income is actually down, which you would think we would be simply holding back and not doing things. But no, we're actually able to do so much more. Yeah,

Speaker 2:

and I think like a big part of that is when you're living a life that you're not 100% happy in, you end up spending more money on things to try and fill that void, right. You, you buy things to make yourself happy, you do more things like more experiences in your local city like movies and dinners out and stuff to try and make yourself feel the way that maybe just travel would. So if you give yourself the option to explore it, I think you'd be really surprised to see what you come up with.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. And it's, you know, once you have your fundamentals down, and we're not going to turn this into a finance budgeting episode, but that's for another time. And if you have questions, just ask, but don't feel guilty about spending money where you want to spend money. Yeah. If that's travel, awesome. If that is meals out, awesome. If that is a car, awesome. We'll just use, just maybe just make sure that your basis are covered and then don't feel guilty about spending what you allocated towards something on it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And if you want a step by step process for this honestly remits book, I will teach you to be rich is wicked. It's so good. And it's really opened our eyes to a few areas where we plan to improve as well and continue to work towards even more financial freedom, um, in the future. So definitely pick that up or we're listening to it on audio book and it's really cool that way too.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. And then if you have any other questions, please hit us up or head on over to momentum to join our community. And you can ask us any questions you have about, you know, the things we've done, the changes we've made, or you know, how you can get one step closer to creating the freedom that you're searching for in your life.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. We'd love to see you in there. Yeah.