The Unfiltered Coach Podcast

EP 100: Parallels Between Growing Your Business And Your Clients’ Obstacles

October 02, 2019 Landon Poburan Season 1 Episode 100

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EP100 has arrived!! Today we share a live training from The Momentum Lab.

We dig into the amazing parallels between the struggles you face in growing your business and the obstacles your clients are facing on their weight loss journey. This takes us down a path on the truth about the basics and how you can stop making unneeded mistakes, today!

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Welcome back to another episode of the unfiltered coach podcast. Today we're bringing a live training that we did for the momentum lab community. It was so good that we wanted to share it. We talked about the parallels between the struggles of growing your business and the obstacles your clients are facing, so we dive into the truth about the basics and how to stop making mistakes in your business today. So please enjoy and if you would like to jump into the momentum lab community head on over to momentum lab

Speaker 3:

Hello, happy Wednesday. We had one of our Labradors post up a video this week. I'm explaining how she's been drawing parallels from working with her in person and training clients and her struggles inside of building her business and a lot of what we coach inside of the lab. So we thought it'd be fun to jump into this topic because I thought it was genius how she explained it. I've, I've drawn parallels inside of my coaching versus mentoring business, but this was unique. I really liked it. I know you liked it too. You had commented on it, Teresa. If you're listening, this is you girl. So thank you for that. I love that you're posting videos inside of the group every week. I think more people should do this because it's really great for us to get in your head and understand what's going on throughout your thought process. Hey, Khloe. Um, so what Theresa was saying was how she had this client and this client really wanted to work on all of the accessory movements inside of their training, right? And Teresa is really big on the compound movements. You're deadlifting, you're squatting, you're bench pressing, everything that is building the big muscle groups basically giving you the biggest bang for your back, right? So she was like, Holy shit. No wonder so many people spin their wheels growing their business because everybody wants to do the fun, fancy things like lateral raises in the gym when they really need to just focus on nailing the basics, especially when time is an issue, right? A lot of you time as a barrier, you don't have a ton of time, but you get bored with the basics and you expect there to be these big fancy things that you can do to make a quick buck when really it would be like subbing out your dead lifts for lateral raises in the gym. Right. It's different and it's fun and it's exciting for a short period of time, but it's not really going to move your business forward.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it was, it's important to note that for a client that she was working with, she was only seeing twice a week, so the time was limited. So in her mind, she wants to get the biggest bang for her buck and get her the best progress with the time that her client has a lot at the training. Whereas if her client comes in and is just doing isolation movements, she's not going to burn a lot of calories. She's not going to burn a lot of, or build a lot of muscle and only two times a week. So you need to really try and get, you know, the most juice the most out of that training session and the parallel also can be drawn into when you're viewing what somebody else's doing in their business. When we see, and it's very common in the magazines and for training programs that you see, when you see people that have been training for five 10 15 years, what they're doing at that point in their training isn't what got them to that point in their physique or in their fitness. They built a base and they executed the basics relentlessly for years on end and now they're putting the fine tuning and the little adjustments on what they're doing within their physique. You see this a lot within, but they still do the basic. Exactly. There's still, there's still a cornerstone and our business is the same. It's so easy to compare what somebody else is doing in their business when we're not at that stage yet. They built that foundation in their business to allow them the ability to do these other things, these other fun things, these other isolation movements within their business. But they didn't start there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And I think it's important to say also like, just like people develop differently phys physi physiologically, physically, Oh my God, physically develop differently. Like one person puts on muscle a lot faster than somebody else. For example. The same thing is true for our businesses, right? So just because you aren't growing as fast as somebody else doesn't mean the basics don't work for you. It that's not true. It's just going to take a little bit longer for you to get to the place where somebody else gets to naturally a little bit faster. And is it fair? Hell no. I've been trying to get jacked for like nine years now. Right? It's not fair. But that's the reality. So I think as soon as you can come to terms with understanding that whatever pace you're growing is the pace that you're meant to grow at. What's the lesson inside of that and how well am I actually executing the foundational basics to my business consistently so that I'm building a physique or a business on top of a sturdy foundation? Because what happens is when something doesn't work right away, we get bored, we get frustrated, we feel like there's something better out there and we lose sight of what is really going to get us to that end result. Longterm, we just start to jump around searching frantically for anything that's going to give us a shoulder cap, right when, when really just continuing to do the solid foundational movements consistently and ruthlessly we'll get you there with time. It's just about um, installing some patients.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. You know, it can be taken into, you know, nutrition as well where you know, you see your clients that are program hopping, they're going from Quito to paleo to this, to that. They're jumping for that next quick fix within their weight loss journey. The same is within business from, you know, trying, we know one strategy to the next strategy to the next course to the next certification to, you know, I'm going to try ads now because this didn't work. All of these little things, but it's the bigger picture of what needs to be done. And I tell people all the time, what would you tell your client if they were doing this? Yeah. Because it's not too different. Just in all of these parallels. If your client is hyper focused on the scale going down every single week, but if you know that they have the habits and behaviors in place to elicit that response, you know it's going to come. They just have to be patient and continue to execute our businesses the same way. We can't be focused on the scale. We can't be focused on that outcome. We need to be focused on, you know, making sure we're managing our caloric balance. You know, getting all of these habits and behaviors in place each day knowing that it is going to come as long as we are willing to put that work in.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Yeah. And if you're a part of the lab plus we walk through these habits with you, we hold your hand. But I think maybe let's go through a few of the foundational habits that we're talking about for everybody who's not a part of the lab plus. Does that sound good? So number one would be managing your schedule, making sure you have business development time blocked off, making sure that you are consistently adhering to your time blocking and you're not getting distracted and having clear start times and shutdown times as boundaries in your day so that you have time to recharge and you're not just on your phone mindlessly for 15 hours a day. Right. I think that's one of the pillars of our coaching that takes some time to hammer out. That's why you've seen people posting their schedules inside of the Facebook group because we want to help you modify that. When you're in it. It feels sometimes impossible to find that extra half an hour to an hour a day in the beginning to really dedicate to doing the things that will move your business forward. You know, just doing, you know, the mundane answering your client emails, you know, posting up on social media. That's not necessarily enough to actually start building momentum. Right. Do you have anything else that,

Speaker 2:

yeah, when it comes to client, the client attraction side, the number one thing that I, I tell people is you need to be having conversations. If you're not having conversations with new people every single week, your business is not growing. It's, it's as simple as that. So it can be done through so many different. That can be done through social media, it can be done in person, it can be done in a facility, it can be done at events that you go to. We can broaden the scope of what we view our business and lead generation from. It's not just creating conversations online. Some of the biggest things that we've done have been connections we've created at events we've gone to or groups we've been a part of. Yeah. You know, and we've already seen people starting to connect within the lab. We've seen people that uh, Jessica and Lexi connecting in Denver, you know, we have such a big community now. It's going to be exciting to see how that can benefit everybody that is here. Yeah. So it's, you know, creating conversation, creating connections, whether that is in person, online, in the DMS, onto the stories on Facebook. Just get creative. But we need to be creating conversations with new people every single week in order for our business to be growing.

Speaker 3:

And I think, you know, that's great. I love that you framed it as conversations instead of you have to be in the DMS because it's just, it's not true. There are so many people that build big successful online businesses that don't use DME and people as a strategy. The reason why I like that is because it's such a low hanging option for everyone, right? So if you don't have connections with gyms, if you don't have connections at events yet, if you aren't putting yourself in these other circles, the DM is right there for you. It's a great way to get used to creating connection, understand how to do it effectively, and to start to get out of your own way and put yourself out there. A lot of the reason why we, we push this so much isn't just to get clients through the DM. It's also to train you, to give you the confidence to get out there and start these connections or these conversations with more people that aren't just on social media, right? If you can't start a connection with someone on social media, are you gonna walk up to somebody at an event and start a conversation? Probably not. Right? So this is life skills that's going to eventually Excel your Xcelerate, your business in many other areas. It's just a really low hanging option when you're first getting started.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's by far the lowest hanging fruit and there are other ways that we can make it happen. It's just, you know, going into the DMS and contacting people is far easier than putting on an event and teaching to people or joining a group and flying out somewhere to create connections. It's the lowest cost and easiest thing to do. That's why we teach it as that foundational skill set. Because even once you've got to a place where you have that foundation of that financial success and stability you're looking for, you still need to kind of, and it's, it's taught in the labs plus as our evergreen outreach strategy, once we have been contacting people putting our foot forward, then moving forward, we still need to focus on connection and intimacy with the people that are in our circle. So people that are commenting on our stuff, people that are engaging on our stuff, people that send us messages, we have to continue to cultivate that. And that's that evergreen approach moving forward.

Speaker 3:

Creating connections. Yep. Yep. 100% I think my next really big pillar, cornerstone, do you want to take one? Thanks Facebook. Giving me suggestions for my live video. Um, is your mindset like this is so huge and it's why it's such a big part of how we coach a lot of you who just joined the lab plus we have not even got here yet. We're still working on setting your business up, right? This is a whole process. And understanding that you are your business is crucial because you can have the best strategies. You can have your systems that are flawlessly being executed. You can be showing up in the DM every day. You can be doing all of these things and you can still get lost inside of this whole journey if you are not working on developing you every day, right? So we go through inside of the coursework, a lot of, um, really systematic approaches to actually starting to adjust your mindset and create more of an abundance, a abundance mindset around not only your business, but how you receive money, how you feel about what it is that you're building, how you feel about it in relation to your other relationships in your life, like your family and your friends and whatnot. And this is all so important to just skyrocketing what you're building. Because ultimately once your business is set up and you have all those bricks in place, the only thing stopping you from being successful is literally you. Right? And you've heard this said so many times in so many different ways online, cause everybody's talking about it right now, but doing what you know is a lot harder than knowing what you should do, right? There's a reason why people still struggle with this is because we know we need to fix our screwed up mindset. We, we are. We work on our mindset daily, right? It's an ongoing process and it's an iterative process as you grow and evolve as a coach, as a leader, as a business owner, as a person, and it's just really important to understand that you need to meet yourself where you're at and you actually need to take an active role in understanding what about my mindset needs to be addressed? Where did these limiting beliefs come from? Why do I feel this way when I get stressed or overwhelmed and how can I learn to manage that so that it doesn't happen like that all the time? So that I think in front of it instead of allowing overwhelm to just kind of rule how I'm showing up in the energy I'm bringing into my business.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right. I think it comes down to our mindset is the catalyst for us to be able to take action. Yeah. When we are in an empowered state in a good Headspace, it allows us and like takes the handcuffs off and allows us to take rapid action. When we orient, when we're stressed, we're overwhelmed. You know, we have self doubt that we have this voice in our head telling me we can't do things, we don't take action, we don't show up. So if we can create that foundation within our mindset to just simply allow us the ability to take action, that's so powerful because you have to think about it. You know, if you train clients, when you think about how you train a client, it doesn't matter who they are when they come to you, you assess the basics. Yeah. Just because this person can do a snatch doesn't mean you immediately have them do snatches. You're probably going to assess their mobility to see if they can actually competently do it properly with the proper mobility, without hurting themselves, you know? And then properly, if they don't and they need things to work on, you have to build that foundation so that as they have that requisite skill, that requisite foundation, they can take that rapid action and build it moving forward. Our business is the same. Everybody that comes, we start with a business audit because we need to know where they're at with everything and know where they need to address before they can take action on certain things and if the foundation isn't set, we need to get it set because we don't want to build a business on a house of cards. Yeah,

Speaker 3:

it's, yeah, exactly. 1000% I couldn't have said that any better and I think truly it's just because there's so many parallels between growing your business and the journey that your clients are on. Pay attention to your relationship with your clients because I know I've said this many times in my coaching career, do as I say, not as I do. Right, and it's bad. That's bad. If you're saying that there's shit that you need to address because what's holding them back from making progress is exactly what's probably holding you back from making progress too. So if you're telling your client to get more sleep and drink more water and be more consistent with their macros or whatever your advice is, listen to that. If you're thinking, yeah, do as I say, not as I do, I'm not sleeping at all and I don't take care of my nutrition and I don't move my body and I'm not consistent with my social media and I feel overwhelmed with my client load. Like you have some shit that you need to fix. So just pay attention to the conversations you're having with yourself because that is going to tell you where you need to focus your energy so that you can overcome these barriers that are preventing you from moving forward. And I think a lot of the time in the beginning, especially, I know I'm guilty of this, I'm sure you are as well. These things like more water, getting more sleep, moving your body, you know, practicing meditation. Hey Curtis. Hey man. Um, you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll do that when, right. I'll do that when I'm making$10,000 a month, I'll do that when I have more time. I'll do that when, when you're missing the complete point of this, right? You have to do this stuff now so you can get to that one day so that you can see that when happen. Right. If you don't, you're never going to get there or you might get there fleetingly and then you're going to lose it because the foundation isn't in place. You guys, that's why this is something we harp on you about,

Speaker 2:

right? Yeah, absolutely. It's, you know, we need to step into the shoes of becoming what we foresee as our ideal client. If we cannot do what we want them to do, how can we expect them to do it if we're not willing to lead by example. Yeah. And it's, you know, to be, comes back to, you know, what would you tell your client if we cannot take our own advice, we have no business providing that advice to somebody else. And it just allows you to do some self reflection to see what should I be working on. Because what you will realize with time, and you can go back and listen to our podcast that came out within the last two weeks on modeling is your clients will either consciously or unconsciously model your behaviors. And what we see a lot of times is in coaches that come to us for assistance, things that they are worried about and complaining about within their coaching business, our behaviors that they have as well. So when they say all of my clients say they can't afford it, none of my clients want to actually commit to making a sale on the phone being adherent. They're not adhering to the plan. They're saying they can't afford coaching for themselves and they aren't willing to commit to anything either. Usually a lot of the times, a lot of the times, yeah. So a lot of the, you have to start to lead. If you want your clients to be decisive, you need to start being decisive. Just you need to start with the behaviors that you see in your clients and wanting your clients to start to live those within your own life.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes. 100% and like we're sitting on our high horse preaching this to you, but we are constantly reflecting on ourselves as well. I am always trying to be more present now around, okay, I got overwhelmed yesterday. Why did that happen? Like what was it about? What was going on around me that caused me to get to that place and how can I make adjustments to my day, to my mindset so that that doesn't happen again. And do you know what? I actually did get overwhelmed yesterday and do you know what I didn't do? I didn't meditate in the morning. I didn't do my normal morning routine. I just hopped right in because I was feeling good. I was like, you know what? I just have a lot to do. I'm just going to jump right into everything. And I skipped it and then I ended up getting totally overwhelmed, which been happening for a while. So reflect on yourself, be open to what you're telling yourself, like your body and your mind are powerful tools in growing your business. If something doesn't feel right, if you're feeling frantic and panicked, if things aren't going the way that you want, you have power over making changes. You just have to be willing to ask yourself the hard questions so that you can get the answers that you probably don't want but really do need to hear.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's very, very difficult to set our ego aside and actually reflect on what's going on. Yeah, it's not easy. Our ego really screws us in a lot of decisions that a lot of reactions to situations and it takes a lot of self awareness to be able to recognize when that's happening, but it's just like continued to work in progress. We are, by all means not perfect. We continue to work on these things and we continue to put things in place and then we slip up and then we're like, shit, I forgot to put that thing in place again. And then we, it's just this continued work in progress and that's why we can confidently sit here and say these things are so important because we have found them vital within our business, plus all of the people that we have assisted in growing and moving forward in their businesses as well. Yeah,

Speaker 3:

yeah. Cool. Hey, so if you guys are in the lab, we'll see you in a couple of hours on our coaching call. So we'll see you in there. If you're not, we love and appreciate you. We would love to see you in the lab so you have questions about that. Please just ask. But I'll be alive in here again tomorrow and Landon will be kicking it in here with free call Friday in a couple of days. So make sure you watch out for that. And in the meantime, if you have any questions about this or how this applies to you, drop us a comment, ask your questions. We reply to every single comment in the group, so we promise we'll get back to you and we can't wait to push you forward. Yeah.