The Unfiltered Coach Podcast

EP 101: Closing The Success Gap – What They’re Not Telling You About Money & Motivation

October 09, 2019 Landon Poburan Season 1 Episode 101

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Is money actually motivating you? Or is it making you feel disempowered with where you’re at inside your business?

We’ve seen an increase in “financial” success stories on social media. Business coaches and mentors showing the rapid success their clients are having. However, this may actually be having a disempowering effect on you rather then the desired motivational effect. When there is too large of a gap between our internal beliefs, and the result we’re seeing it creates a disempowering effect. Making us ask questions like, what am I doing wrong? Today, we get to the root of this and show you what to do.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the unfiltered coach podcast. Today we have a topic that kind of spurred from a trend we've been noticing and we're kind of really curious about it. We want to dig into, you know, the question of is money actually motivating you or is it really starting to make you feel disempowered with where you're at in your business? Yeah, I love this topic because we see a lot of like high achievers posting pictures of their beautiful mentions and their Lamborghini's and talking about their freedom life and I took a step back this week and try to view that from the perspective of my clients and I started to feel like, wow, that feels impossible in the beginning, right? Like that doesn't feel achievable even though almost every single one of these people have overcome major failures, have overcome major adversities and have made it to this place in their life. The gap between where you are when you start and where they are now is so big that it's so hard to imagine yourself in their shoes. Yeah, I agree. And I think it comes down to human nature that the actions and the decisions that we make are either going to bring us, you know, towards pleasure or away from pain. But when there's too big of a gap between what we believe possible, we're not going to see that desire as something we can actually achieve. So what we're going to do is we're going to see that gap as pain and we might be drawn away from it. So if you are just starting out in your coaching business and you have no clients and you see somebody post a picture about one of their clients that in the first four weeks they're now making, you know, they sold 10 clients or there all of a sudden they're making$10,000 a month or they just sold 20 K worth of packages. Yeah. If that is outside of your belief system of what you think you can achieve right now, how does that make you feel? Right? It's going to make you feel one of two ways. If it's outside of what you think is the realm of possibility for what you can do, it's going to have you withdrawn and disempowered. Probably feeling a little shitty that why not me? Why can't I do that? I don't think I can do it with me. I suck. Yeah, exactly. But if it's within your realm of beliefs, it's probably going to drive you and motivate you. But I feel like a lot of times, more often than not, people that are just getting going, it's very disempowering. Yeah. I mean like when I, if I think back to a time where I was nowhere near where I thought I was, I could be where I am right now. Um, and I saw someone living, even the life we're living now, I would have said, fuck you bitch. How did you do that? Like, that's not fair. I worked just as hard as you. How are you doing this? And then I would retreat into my little shell and go, what's wrong with me? Can't I figure my

Speaker 2:

shit out? Right. And I, I agree. I think that's the most common reaction that no one's actually talking about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And then when you ask, Oh, well what did you do? Usually it's,

Speaker 2:

I just showed up as my[inaudible].

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. You know, just be your most authentic self on social media and you're like, shut the fuck up. You know? Yeah. I'm showing up as my hot mess self and no one is giving me tens of thousands of dollars.

Speaker 2:

It's so true here. Most authentic self, the money will flow to you. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it does. It's true.

Speaker 1:

Meditated on it every morning and visualize that check and it's cool. Like fuck off. That's not happening.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean we're making fun of these strategies. We say this too though. Cause it's, it is important and it is a part of the puzzle, but it's definitely not the whole picture. Right. So yes, you have to stay in an empowered state. Yes. You have to show up authentically. Yes, you should visualize your future and what you want for yourself. But that in itself, that alone is not hating. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I think it's, we need to start to understand the whole picture. And somebody that I recently started to follow and have been kind of digging into his work. I see him now and he works with entrepreneurs making eight figures. But when I listened to his story, he started to talk about how in early on in his career he was making far more money than he was a little bit later on in his career. He went through a period of time where he created a bunch of success and he actually went over$1 million into debt. He made a bunch of changes and so like left one of his close one of his businesses and just to start to make these changes within himself and now he is creating massive success. Yeah. But when we don't see that gap and we aren't able to relate to their struggles, we don't feel that we can create the same success that they have. You know, when we start to talk about what we're doing now, we're about to leave in a couple of weeks to go down to Mexico for three months. Interesting enough, we're actually making less money than we were three or four months ago. We're living more of a free lifestyle than we were at that point. However, you don't see all of the things that we've gone through to get to this point. We don't see the three or four years that we were working as personal trainers where we spent over half a million dollars to build out a facility where we took on$100,000 worth of debt to close that facility. The tears, the crying, the frustration, you know, the struggle paying bills, you know, the work we put into rebuild our business only to tear it down and then reconstruct it again. You don't, when you don't see that, it really makes it hard for people to see that perspective. We have seen very, very big highs and very, very big lows before actually got to where we are now. Yeah,

Speaker 2:

100% and I think you bring up a really good point. I love talking about the struggles and the blips in the road and the hurdles we've overcome because it's a really, it's really real and I love where we're at now because we're not so far removed from a lot of coaches just starting out that it's impossible for people to see themselves in our shoes by Lambo yet we're not Lambeau status yet. But what I also see online is like these really high achievers also elevating their struggle and it almost makes your struggles seem inferior to theirs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Where they, where they use it in almost a disempowering way to you where it shows, I've got a Lamborghini, I went through some shit. Why aren't you putting in the work? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like we'll fuck you. I'm in the middle of it. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's like remove the, you need to remove your ego.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah. And I think they truly are trying to approach it from a place of trying to motivate and trying to be inspirational and to show people what's possible for them. But I really do feel like a lot of them are totally missing the boat where it's not motivating and it makes people doubt that they're ever going to be able to get to that place. Or it paints the picture for a lot of new coaches as to what the standard is. Like you can overcome struggle and you can have a Lamborghini too. You can overcome struggle and you can, you know, have a mansion in the Hills and whatever, like it doesn't, whatever. But it's just, uh, it's really hard for people to understand that they're trying to show you that you can create the future you want, but when we visually see what they're doing, we think that that's what we need to do to, right, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Or even when you see there's a gap between the success that they've created, but there may also be a gap between the struggles that they've had where you see, well, there they went through way more than I went through. I couldn't do that. Right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally. Like, Oh my God, they overcame$1 million worth of debt. I'm only$10,000 in debt. Like, and I'm really struggling and I can't figure it out. What's wrong with me? Right? So I think it's just the lesson is meet yourself where you're at and follow people who truly motivate you, who are living the life you actually want to live. Do some self reflection and figure out, do I actually want that Lamborghini? Do I actually want that mansion? Do I actually give a shit about having this massive wardrobe or do I just want to feel less stress in my life? Do I want to be able to go on a couple trips a year and be able to work from home and spend time with my family? Like what do you actually want? And start, stop measuring your success up against theirs and thinking that you have this massive gap to jump to get to where they're at. Right. I think just understanding that their story is their story and they have shit too, that they're not showing you and you know, struggle doesn't go away at the top. It only gets bigger and you know, be okay with where you're at and understand that just because you're getting all of these inputs online doesn't mean that that's what you have to create for yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think we need to monitor our inputs. If there's a message that you see on a consistent basis that leaves you feeling disempowered or leaves you feeling, you know, wondering what is wrong with you, why can't you achieve that? What are you doing wrong? You need to simply remove that. You don't need that energy sucking the life out of you on a daily or weekly basis. So monitor your inputs, monitor who you are, you know, admiring, monitor who you're modeling because you don't want to model, you know, poor success or poor behaviors and habits from somebody and you just need to understand that, you know, when it comes to realizing what you can achieve, it really does start with your internal belief of where you're going. So if that's something that you need to work on, cause you don't believe you can achieve that, that's a whole other topic. And that's actually a topic we dig into a ton within our company.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100% and I think tangibly start focusing on one step ahead of where you're at now. Not 30 40 or 50 steps ahead of where you're at now. Cause I think that's really what can happen when we start to consume what all the great things that people are doing online and I know are shitting on people right now. But like there's a lot of great high achievers who are doing a lot of wonderful things, who have amazing community is, it's just your external judgment of their success or their failures that is hindering you. And I think that causes a lot of frantic, unfocused behavior to try and grapple, really create what they did in a short period of time without understanding where you're actually at and what your next step is.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. It's not that we're trying to say there's anything wrong with these people. They're doing their thing, they're running their business, they created their success and I have massive respect for anybody who has, when it comes down to is our own internal comparison. Yeah. That's what it comes down to. And if what they're doing isn't productive to our internal wellbeing, we need to, we need to remove that as something that's, you know, being distract or destructive to us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I think too, like it's not even that where you're comparing ourselves to these people. I think when they get so far away from what we think is even possible for us right now, like I'm not comparing myself to a billionaire. Like I don't have comparison syndrome there because I don't even think that's possible for me right now. Right. It's more so like I feel demotivated if I think that I should be there right next year or,

Speaker 1:

but I think that that's still his comparison as at its root. Okay.

Speaker 2:

You're probably right. Maybe

Speaker 1:

you're right. Yeah. I think we're splitting hairs,

Speaker 3:

mental wellbeing here,

Speaker 2:

maybe at the, at the root of it, if you're not feeling energized by what you're consuming, stop consuming it. Truly. That's the simple takeaway. And understand that you gotta meet yourself where you're at and if you are not meeting yourself where you're at and you're judging yourself where you're at or you're feeling bad about where you're at, that's a you problem and you need to step away from social media and do some internal work so that you can start feeling really good about what it is you're creating, where you're at, the struggles you're going through and the successes you're seeing as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think it's also empowering to talk with other people that are at your stage to realize that there are other people that are probably struggling when you can actually have an open and honest conversation with them and then realize that where you're at is more the norm than you know, the one off.

Speaker 2:

Totally. I think that's one of my favorite parts about our community is people are so vulnerable in there with sharing their struggles and sharing their barriers and being open about what they're going through, that it makes everyone feel safe to share theirs as well and to relate.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. Absolutely. So, you know, just to kind of wrap things up, if you would like to, to jump on into our community, head on over to momentum, you know, requested to join. We'll see it in there. And, uh, thank you so much for tuning in and we'll talk to you soon. Bye for now.

Speaker 4:
