Sensitive Success

111. What is your expertise?

February 08, 2024 Frida Kabo Season 2 Episode 111
111. What is your expertise?
Sensitive Success
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Sensitive Success
111. What is your expertise?
Feb 08, 2024 Season 2 Episode 111
Frida Kabo

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Do you know your expertise?

This session dives into the art of becoming a relevant expert in your field while remaining authentically yourself.

Uncover why it's vital not to wait until everything is figured out and how discovering your niche and authenticity paves the way to success in becoming a relevant expert.

Connect with me on Instagram @fridakabo and share your thoughts on this episode!


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Do you know your expertise?

This session dives into the art of becoming a relevant expert in your field while remaining authentically yourself.

Uncover why it's vital not to wait until everything is figured out and how discovering your niche and authenticity paves the way to success in becoming a relevant expert.

Connect with me on Instagram @fridakabo and share your thoughts on this episode!


Be that relevant expert to those people, but also see who am I? Don't try to be someone else. Don't try to be someone we're not. Just find strategies and find things that works for you.'cause when we are being that relevant expert, we can take away that imposter syndrome. We can take away that feeling of not enoughness and we can don't promise things that you can't hold. Welcome to the Sensitive Success Podcast, where we explore the unique challenges and opportunities. That comes with being a sensitive changemaker in today's world. I'm your host, Frida Kabo, and I have spent the last decade recreating my life. I moved from Sweden to New Zealand and now live in the beautiful bush with my husband and two kids, homeschooling and creating a life and business that works for me with the help of my sensitivity. And support others to do the same. I'm excited to share conversations with experts, thought leaders, and fellow sensitive people who also see the world through the lens of sensitivity. Thank you so much for being here, because it means that you're creating sensitive success too. which is precisely what the world needs. Let's get started. Hello, it's Rilakkuma here. And today I want to talk about a phrase that I've heard, be a relevant expert. And I think it's brilliant. And I think it's so helpful. So I wanted to share it with you as well. You probably heard it already, but I wanted to talk around this and just give you my perspective on it and see. Explore it a bit and see what comes up. So one thing that I see that can hold people back is that they feel like they need to read more. They need to learn more. They need to be more. They need to change. They need to heal. They need to like all of these different things they need to do first before they can help others. When we are looking, when we're tuning into that relevant expert, we see that, well, you've come a bit on the road already. You learned some things already. You know, a lot of things probably, and you can help people right now. So not by saying, Oh, I can solve all your problems. I can help you with this, this fast. But really tune into, okay, be, if I were the relevant expert, who would I be? So that's why I'm working with highly sensitive business owners and changemakers, because I know a lot about that. I am a highly sensitive in business and I have my education. I have done courses and I've learned a lot around that and I know that I can help people with it. So that is really relevant to me. If I were to become and say that, yeah, I'm the world's best, uh, best guitar player and I will help you with that. Uh, that would not be really relevant because yeah, I can play the guitar a little bit, but no, I can't do that on that level. So we wouldn't say that, but to say that, yeah, I can help highly sensitive people because I can. Because I know how that feels. I know. the struggles in business. And I know that we need support and I know how I would want support. And I know that when I create that for others, it really helps them too. Yeah. There's always more to learn. And at the same time we can help people. So not everyone is going to want to have the top coach and not everyone is going to feel comfortable with that. And not everyone is going to feel like. Yeah, I'm gonna have the best and I'm gonna have a number one But we feel more comfortable with having someone who's maybe more on the same level just a few steps ahead and have figured something Out that we feel like we want to to figure out as well and get some support with that So really be a relevant expert. What would you be? What relevant expert would you be? Yeah, one thing I see, especially with coaches and when we learn a new tool, like, yeah, I'm gonna help everyone with everything I know. Like, I can coach anyone. I mean, I can coach anyone. But the more I learn, the more I know that I don't know. And I don't know if you've seen that care, but the more we learn, the more we know, like learn about the subject, the more we understand that we don't know all about it because there's so much more to learn. And I feel like that's the same with tools that we learn and same with ourselves like, yeah, we can help everyone, but we can. be even more powerful in specific situations. And that, I feel like that's what niching down means. So yeah, there's a lot of talk about niching down and we've been talking about it here as well. But really finding Finding our own, like, niche and finding, be that relevant expert to those people, but also see who am I. Don't try to be someone else. Don't try to be someone we're not. Just find strategies and find things that works for you. Because when we are being that relevant expert, we can take away that imposter syndrome, we can take away that feeling of not enoughness and we can, don't promise things that you can't hold. If you don't feel comfortable in saying like, I can take you to this number and this amount of money, I will help you earn that. Don't say that. Don't have to say that. And you don't have to make those promises. You can just be upfront and real and say, Yeah, I have this wonderful tool. And it's really supportive. And it's really helping people. And here are some examples of what it has done for my clients or other what it has done, like, will it be that Relevant expert, because when we tune into that, we don't have to make things up. We don't have to feel like we need to catch up to someone else because we've chosen our area and we, we know what we stand for. We are ourselves. So that is what I think of when I hear relevant expert. I would love to hear what you think of when you explore that subject. So let me know if you're on YouTube, let me know in the comments. And if you're not on YouTube, go over there and let me know in the comments or. Send me a message on Instagram at Frida Kabo. I'm over there as well. I would love to hear from you. I would love to hear what you think about this subject. And I would love to hear what you are a relevant expert in. Because yeah, there's so many things. We're like, we're human, we're complex. We, we have so many aspects of ourselves that we can take into our business. And we have so many aspects that we don't have to take into our business. So yeah, it's so interesting. And just. Don't wait until you have it all figured out. I've been saying this over and over again, I'm gonna say it again. Don't wait until you have it all figured out. It's while you're taking those steps, while you're starting to help people, and especially with knitting down, like you have to explore that quite a lot, I think. You can't just, Sit and figure it out. If it's not something that comes, comes to you, and sometimes usually it comes to you and then you say, nah, I couldn't do that. And then after, after you've gone through the rounds, it's like, yeah, I'm coming back to, to what I started with. And now I'm ready to acknowledge and accept that. So it's really interesting, but we have to learn and, and explore and, and. allow ourselves to play with it and see, okay, when I take action, I learn something new. I get some more information. I get wiser on how I can help people, but also what language to use, so they understand what I'm doing. And there's so many things to this, but yeah, yeah, let me know. What are you a relevant expert in? I'm looking forward to hear from you. I hope this conversation was helpful and have a beautiful day. Thank you for listening to Sensitive Success. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share it with someone who could benefit from this message. And come over and connect with me on Instagram at Frida Kabo. And remember, sensitivity is neither good or bad. It's what we make of it. Embrace your sensitivity and use it to create sensitive success your way.