Where Roses Grow: Rooted Reflections
Where Roses Grow- A podcast spotlighting the roses in Muckleshoot Land, known as Auburn, Washington. The roses seen in this project, are those who in the past or presently engage with anti-racism work and community organizing in Auburn. This platform combines contemporary forms of storytelling while honoring the traditional ways of teaching by expressing lived experiences and allowing for a collective narrative to be conveyed.
Where Roses Grow is hosted by Erandy Flores-Bucio, a Purhepecha in the diaspora who grew up in South King County, she is currently a student at the University of Washington and a member of the collective Ireta Purhepecha.
Where Roses Grow: Rooted Reflections
Mis Jardineros
Donde Crecen las Rosas- un podcast que destaca las rosas en Muckleshoot Land, conocida como Auburn, Washington. Las rosas que se escuchan en este proyecto son aquellas que en el pasado o en el presente se han comprometido con el trabajo antirracismo y trabajo comunitario en Auburn. Esta plataforma combina formas contemporáneas de narración de historias y al tiempo que honra las formas tradicionales de enseñanza al expresar experiencias vividas, permitiendo que se transmita una narrativa colectiva.
Where Roses Grow- A podcast spotlighting the roses in Muckleshoot Land, known as Auburn, Washington. The roses heard in this project are those who in the past or present have engaged with anti-racism work and community organizing in Auburn. This platform combines contemporary forms of storytelling while honoring the traditional ways of teaching by expressing lived experiences and allowing for a collective narrative to be conveyed.
El episodio dos, Mis Jardineros, es una conversación con los organizadores comunitarios Nadia Bucio Rincón y Marco Antonio Flores Quin. Nadia es una madre, querida cocinera comunitaria y una Purhépecha reconectándose, nacida en Nueva Italia, Michoacán. Marco Antonio es padre, defensor sociocultural y Purhépecha de Quinceo, Michoacán. Muchos los han conocido en el trabajo colectivo que realizan con Ireta Purhepecha y las diversas acciones comunitarias por la justicia social realizadas tanto en conjunto como por separado. La presentadora, Erandy Flores-Bucio, los trae a esta plataforma, como su mayor inspiración, jardineros y a sus padres queridos .
Episode two, Mis Jardineros, is a conversation with community organizers Nadia Bucio Rincon and Marco Antonio Flores Quin. Nadia is a mother, beloved community cook, and reconnecting Purhepecha born in Nueva Italia, Michoacan. Marco Antonio is a father, socio-cultural advocate, and Purhepecha from Quinceo, Michoacan. Many have gotten to know them in the collective work they do with Ireta Purhepecha and the various community actions for social justice done both together and separately. Host, Erandy Flores-Bucio, brings them onto this platform, as her biggest inspiration, gardeners, and her loving parents.