GRAND OPPORTUNITY USA®: The New Voice for AmericaWhat is the purpose of government in America? Is it transferring more power, wealth and control from you to our elected leaders and economic elites? Or, is it KEEPING POWER WITH WE THE PEOPLE and securing Unity, Liberty and Opportunity for All?At Grand Opportunity USA, or “GOUSA”, we believe the purpose of government is the SECOND, KEEPING POWER WITH WE THE PEOPLE. Our team represents a diverse group of people who are deeply concerned about the clear and growing threats to our liberties and the future of our Republic, from the recent far-Left shift of our federal government, the push to undermine election integrity, politically pack our courts, defund our police and open our borders to diminishing our Constitutional liberties, exploding our national debt, teaching racist and divisive “Critical Race Theory”, and worse.GOUSA was formed in 2018 by John Paul Moran, author, speaker, entrepreneur and 2020 Republican Candidate for US Congress in the Massachusetts 6th District.Our message is simple: Either our elected representatives in America are working FOR us and securing opportunity for a better life for ourselves, our families and communities – Or, they are corruptly working AGAINST us, eliminating opportunity and serving themselves, their pockets, corporate lobbyists, business oligarchs and special interests instead. We need to identify who is who.And, this isn’t a partisan issue: in a recent poll, 3 out of 4 citizens – from both the Left and Right – believe that their government and legislators are corrupt and unaccountable to the public, and that they do not face serious consequences for their actions. No political party today truly has our backs. We must champion those legislators who are working for us, and work to expose and replace those working against us – GOUSA now has the optimal rating system to accomplish this.The fact is that despite the media’s divisive narrative, Americans are far more united than we are divided on the most critical issues facing our nation. We believe in bringing power back to “We the People” and dramatically reforming American politics by:Exposing fraud & corruption while holding our elected officials 100% accountable, through our first of its kind Political Credit RatingTM system, the GOUSA Opportunity Score™.Motivating, educating and mobilizing citizens to advance political & civic literacy and GOUSA’s Five Points of Opportunity through educational outreach tours, videos and events.Engaging and recruiting our next generation of leaders to take office at every level of government.Grand Opportunity USA is planning a series of outreach activities including: politician ratings via our Opportunity Score® Political Credit Rating system; creating educational events, videos and digital media via GOUSA OpportUnity Tours; and our regular weekly livestream programs. Please consider volunteering and donating to GOUSA today – The New Voice for America.This week's GOUSA Opportunity Report: We read the names of the military members that passed away in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to acknowledge them. We did.We had Barbara from Harlem on this show. Barbara denounces critical race theory. She explains that the Democrats playbook of divide and conquer must be defeated at the ballot box.All this and more on this week's Opportunity Report.https://go-usa.us