Tim Tunes
I’m Tim Rose and I’ve been writing songs for over 50 years. Each episode I’ll feature two or three songs that I’ve written over the years on a particular theme or subject or I'll interview someone who has been a key influence on me and my songwriting and performing. In the podcast I’ll explain what I am doing in each song, where they came from and the circumstances under which they were recorded. In interviews I'll explain how we met, how the interviewee became involved in music and how they influenced my work.
Tim Tunes
4-7 Greg Chastain - 1 - The Interview
In this episode I’ll interview old friend and Voices of Hope founder and president Greg Chastain in preparation for writing a song together. Greg has not only been a musical influence, including Musical Theater, but he has also inspired me and many others to donate our time and skills in a very worthy pursuit.
When I was about 25 years old, I did this prosperity workshop thing. Mainly because I wasn’t very prosperous back then. I was lucky if I could afford toothpaste, much less rent. One of the exercises we did was to write down our life goals. One of my goals was to be a philanthropist, a ludicrous desire considering my financial state at the time. Working with Greg has helped me realize that goal.
I’m Tim Rose and this is the Tim Tunes podcast. In this episode and in following episodes we’ll interview Greg Chastain and then write a song together.
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And get lots of extra documentation and music associated with the show.
[Intro Theme – Motor]
In this episode I’ll interview old friend and Voices of Hope founder and president Greg Chastain. Greg has not only been a musical influence, including Musical Theater, but he has also inspired me and many others to donate our time and skills in a very worthy pursuit.
When I was about 25 years old, I did this prosperity workshop thing. Mainly because I wasn’t very prosperous back then. I was lucky if I could afford toothpaste, much less rent. One of the exercises we did was to write down our life goals. One of my goals was to be a philanthropist, a ludicrous desire considering my financial state at the time. Working with Greg has helped me realize that goal.
[Pod Lick]
Hi. I’m Tim Rose and this is the Tim Tunes pod cast. In this episode and in following episodes we’ll interview Greg Chastain and then write a song together.
[Pod Lick – Big D]
[VoH Section]
Recently, Greg and I met at Dan Tang’s new Elm Street Sound studio in Chelmsford, MA, for a discussion about Greg and Voices of Hope. Dan, who is a talented music director, engineered the session for us. Let’s listen in.
{Intro to Greg}
{VoH Origin Story}
{Description of what VoH Does}
{How to Donate to VoH}
[Podlick – End of Hogjaw]
Let’s take a brief pause and when we come back, we’ll start writing our song by interviewing Greg.
[Greg interview]
[Podlick – Til There was You]
[Free Form Songwriting Interview]
Now that we’ve interviewed Greg, let’s move on to putting the song together. I caution you that this is not a pretty process. I’ve edited out the long pauses where, I can only imagine, we were trying to think and the obscenities where we were not thinking.
Now that we’ve finished interviewing Greg. Let’s end the episode here so that it doesn’t go on for hours and hours. Hey, I’m not Dan Carlin. In the next episode we’ll dive right in to the actual songwriting part.
Also, if you feel so inclined, please make a donation to vohboston.org to support cancer research. And finally, if you’d like to support me you can stream my songs online at whatever music streaming service you use. If you’d offer a comment or review that goes a long way towards increasing my reach. If you’d like to donate directly you can find me on Patreon.com and become a subscriber or just send me a little something @rimtoes on venmo or paypal. That’s rimtoes R-I-M-T-O-E-S. It’s an anagram of Tim Rose, you see what I did there. That will certainly help keep the lights on.
Thanks for listening. I’ll be back in a few weeks with the rest of the story. Until then, keep on keeping on!
[Outro Pod Lick]
[After Outro Pod Lick ends, very softly]
Beep-boop beep beep. The end is nigh!