Brew's Cafe

Brew's Cafe- Episode 84 Ty Wenzel

KIeran Season 3 Episode 84

Get checked. And get checked again. And if you're not sure they checked correctly, have someone else check. Because the last thing you want to hear is that you have stage 4 cancer and they "missed it" on the mammogram, or whatever scan or screening they use. That's exactly what happened to Ty Wenzel. Ty was going about her highly interesting life as creator and editor, writer, chief cook and bottle washer at the wonderful new style magazine, "James Lane Post", when she got the awful news. So get checked. Fortunately, though it's become a big thing for her, Ty's story  doesn't begin or end with cancer. Writer, performer, editor, style maven and mother, Ty leads a busy life. She even has a book out, called "Behind Bars", which I swear I'll read before I have her on the show again. A former NYC bartender, Ty has many stories to tell, and I'm sure you'll enjoy hearing them as much as I did.