El Paso Local Area Business Talk

El Paso Traffic Ticket Firm - West "Fighting the injustices of the traffic ticket courts of El Paso, Texas"

August 14, 2023 Sharif Season 2 Episode 5
El Paso Traffic Ticket Firm - West "Fighting the injustices of the traffic ticket courts of El Paso, Texas"
El Paso Local Area Business Talk
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El Paso Local Area Business Talk
El Paso Traffic Ticket Firm - West "Fighting the injustices of the traffic ticket courts of El Paso, Texas"
Aug 14, 2023 Season 2 Episode 5

This Podcast is an engaging and informative podcast that delves into the captivating world of a traffic ticket lawyer in El Paso, Texas, who is determined to fight for justice on the open road. Hosted by legal enthusiasts and seasoned podcasters, this show takes listeners on a journey through the intricate maze of the court system as our lawyer protagonist does his best to get traffic tickets dismissed and arrest warrants removed, one case at a time.  

Come take this journey and learn the ins and outs about traffic law in El Paso, Texas. This episode offers a deep dive into the unique stories and challenges faced by drivers who find themselves in the crosshairs of the legal system due to traffic violations. Through insightful interviews with our traffic ticket attorney, their clients, legal experts, and even local law enforcement, listeners gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal processes, strategies, and tactics that go into fighting traffic violations in El Paso.

Learn how you can fight your traffic violations and warrants for your arrest in this informative episode.   This short but informative episode is a must for every driver in El Paso County. Equip yourself with knowledge about the way a traffic ticket can be fought and the consequences of ignoring your violation. 

El Paso Traffic Ticket Firm - West
Address:  7362 Remcon Cir, El Paso, TX 79912
Phone: (915) 200-1133
Website:  https://elpasotrafficticketfirm.com/

Show Notes Transcript

This Podcast is an engaging and informative podcast that delves into the captivating world of a traffic ticket lawyer in El Paso, Texas, who is determined to fight for justice on the open road. Hosted by legal enthusiasts and seasoned podcasters, this show takes listeners on a journey through the intricate maze of the court system as our lawyer protagonist does his best to get traffic tickets dismissed and arrest warrants removed, one case at a time.  

Come take this journey and learn the ins and outs about traffic law in El Paso, Texas. This episode offers a deep dive into the unique stories and challenges faced by drivers who find themselves in the crosshairs of the legal system due to traffic violations. Through insightful interviews with our traffic ticket attorney, their clients, legal experts, and even local law enforcement, listeners gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal processes, strategies, and tactics that go into fighting traffic violations in El Paso.

Learn how you can fight your traffic violations and warrants for your arrest in this informative episode.   This short but informative episode is a must for every driver in El Paso County. Equip yourself with knowledge about the way a traffic ticket can be fought and the consequences of ignoring your violation. 

El Paso Traffic Ticket Firm - West
Address:  7362 Remcon Cir, El Paso, TX 79912
Phone: (915) 200-1133
Website:  https://elpasotrafficticketfirm.com/

Speaker 1:

Hello, we're here with another podcast of El Paso Local Area Business Talk. I'm Sharif and I'm here with Jack. Jack. How are you today?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing well. How are you?

Speaker 1:

Doing? Pretty good. Thank you for asking. Uh , before we get started, I always like to give you an opportunity to , uh, let the audience know what your business is , business is, pertinent information, contact info, et cetera , et cetera . So , uh, what are we talking about here today?

Speaker 2:

So our business is El Paso traffic ticket from West. Our contact is 9 1 5 211 33. We are located off of uh , Mesa Street , uh, at 73 22 Mcon Circle, El Paso, Texas 7 9 9 1 2 . And our e our , I'm sorry. Our website is El Paso traffic ticket firm.com.

Speaker 1:

Great. Yeah, right there on Mesa. So you guys are pretty much looking for a ticket lawyer on the west side of El Paso. You guys are just right there, right?

Speaker 2:

Right. Conveniently located off of Mesa Street.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's great to know. Um, I imagine you guys have the website. Are people able to hire a ticket attorney online?

Speaker 2:

So there's a lot of convenience to be able to hire us. You can do everything over the phone online or you can visit our location, whatever works best for you at the moment.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, awesome. Okay, so it is El Paso traffic ticket from West and uh , you guys basically handle , uh, traffic tickets here in the El Paso um , area.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So we handle El Paso municipal tickets. We handle all of Sheriff Marshall and constables. That is all eight precincts and we also handle surrounding areas. So it could be off of Anthony Socorro , horizon, San Elisario and Clint.

Speaker 1:

Okay, great. Well that's a , covers a big area. Um, okay, so I'm, I'm new to all this. Um, I'm sure my audience, unless they've already hired a , a traffic violation lawyer before, they're probably unfamiliar with the process as well. So , uh, go ahead and just, if you don't mind, just talk about the benefits of hiring a traffic ticket lawyer for a speeding ticket or other violations that somebody might get.

Speaker 2:

So many conveniences really. So let's go with the most basic is time. You don't really wanna ask for time off of work. Uh, work around the court schedule. Take time from your busy day to attend a hearing. Why hiring an attorney, you never attend the hearings. The attorney's the one that goes to the hearings for you and um, takes that time from his schedule to attend the hearing for you. That way you don't have to do that in convenience. Also by going through an attorney, we do try our very best to be able to dismiss the violation rather than just paying it , um, off or um, even going and getting a bad result at court.

Speaker 1:

Well that's great. So not even have to show up to court. Uh, you know, I guess the next question is, is it gonna be time is money but it's gonna save me money as well by hiring an attorney.

Speaker 2:

Yes, definitely. So our prices are very competitive. We do start anywhere from 20 up to a hundred dollars and the price fluctuates just depending on who gave you the ticket, what your ticket is for how many violations and the kind of driver's license that you have. But it does save you money because um, if let's say we dismiss your violation, so if you paid 20, if you paid 40, if you paid even a hundred dollars, that's it. There's nothing else that you need to pay. And um, it is a one-time fee. So we don't charge you per court date that we attend. We do try to attend three to four, but it is just a flat one-time fee.

Speaker 1:

That's a great service that you guys are offering. Um, you know, some someone's gonna get a ticket who issues tickets here in the city of El Paso.

Speaker 2:

So it could be an El Paso police, a marshal , a constable or um , police from San Horizon, Socorro or Anthony.

Speaker 1:

Okay. You know, a lot of times I'll just, I like to procrastinate. I'll get a ticket and I'll just stuff it into the, my glove box and forget about it. That happened to me one time before. Um, you know, if somebody gets a warrant for their traffic ticket, are you still able to help them if they We missed a court date.

Speaker 2:

Yes . So even if you missed a court date, even if you do have an active warrant, we can still assist you. And even if we can't, I mean it's always best just to ask. So sometimes you feel I missed it. It's been so long since I received it. I probably can't hire anymore. I mean just give us a call. We're always able to let you know whether we can or we can't. But even if there are warrants, we do still assist with that. Okay,

Speaker 1:

Great. So you could get warrants removed and still fight the traffic ticket.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So we'll remove the warrant first. That way you're not driving around with the fear of being , being pulled over and taken in and we then fight the ticket once we remove the warrant.

Speaker 1:

Wow , that sounds pretty convenient. Yeah, you mentioned the pricing. Um, I'm gonna hire you guys and you know , just like to get things on my to-do list out of the way. So , uh, how long does this usually take when I, from the moment I hire you to the moment everything's complete.

Speaker 2:

So we do attend three to four court dates. So the time can vary anywhere from three to 18 months. Um, the longer that it takes for us to fight the ticket, it's not so much that you would think we're procrastinating it, but it's just, it depends on the court. So the court has to have available court dates. We don't set our own schedule. Whenever they do have something available for the attorney, then that is when he attends for your ticket.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. You know, I'm looking at your website right now and it looks like you guys, I guess a traffic uh , violation is a class C misdemeanor, correct?

Speaker 2:

Yes. Correct.

Speaker 1:

And it looks like you guys do other class C misdemeanors. Can you talk about the other class C misdemeanors you guys do? I see like you could do like curfew for the park, open containers, what else do you guys do?

Speaker 2:

Open containers, curfews , um, any pet violations. We do receive a lot of pet violations so if your pet was not vaccinated, registered microchipped, not confined, any kind of violation like that we can still assist you with. And like I said, you know, give us a call even if you wonder, oh this is probably not something I can hire for, just give us a call. It's better just to know whether we can or we can't handle it for you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's pretty awesome. Okay, so we can drive to your office on the west side , uh, off Mesa Street. Are there any other ways I can hire you? Suppose I'm at work, I can't come in.

Speaker 2:

Yes, definitely. So we make it very convenient for you to hire. So you can always go to our location, but you can do everything over the phone and it , it's only about a five, 10 minute conversation. So we try to make it as efficient for you as possible, less time consuming 'cause you're probably at work and um, you know, can't can't be on that long. You can send us text messaging and we can help you out through all that. You can send us an email, we can assist you with any questions. Of course you can always hire online and even online if you have any concerns, questions, you can always do that as well.

Speaker 1:

Oh , that's great. That online feature sounds real good for somebody like me who's just always on the go. Doesn't have time. Um, so how long have you been doing this jack?

Speaker 2:

Six years.

Speaker 1:

Six years. And uh , the attorney that you work for, what's his name?

Speaker 2:

Michael Aronson and Robert Navarre.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. They're pretty good attorneys. What kind of experience levels do they have?

Speaker 2:

So Robert's been doing it for about 10 years and Michael for about 50 some years, something like that. Wow . 50 years

Speaker 1:

Experience. Wow , that's pretty good. So you guys have a pretty high success rate of getting traffic tickets dismissed,

Speaker 2:

Am I right? Yes, anywhere from 85 to 90% dismissal rate. Um, we will do everything possible to dismiss it. We can't always a hundred percent guarantee a dismissal, unfortunately no attorney can. Um, it is fought just like any other regular cases in court, but even if we can't dismiss it, we'll always find you the best alternative option to the ticket rather than just paying it off. So either we can get you a reduced fine or even a defensive driving with a court. Fine. And of course once you do the defensive driving and pay the court, fine, it's dismissed so it still stays off your record off of your license and your insurance.

Speaker 1:

Okay . I know a lot of people just wanna pay the ticket off, I'm guessing that's not a good idea, right?

Speaker 2:

No, so we definitely do not encourage you to pay off the ticket just because when you pay your violation you are admitting guilt to the violation, therefore it stays on your driving record, which affects your driver's license. And as soon as you do that, your insurance does find out so the premium will go up.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so ticket doesn't get dismissed, get defensive driving, I'd complete that, then the ticket will stay off my record still.

Speaker 2:

Correct? Yes . So it's dismissed. So it has no impact on your insurance premium or your driver's license.

Speaker 1:

Uh, what about truck drivers? What are those? I know they have a different type of , uh, license, right? What is that?

Speaker 2:

So that is a commercial driver's license, right ? And we do still assist you with that. So that is still something we can help you with. Um, unfortunately as a commercial driver you are not eligible for a defensive driving. However, we will find different alternative solutions for you, whether it be a reduced of the speed or a reduced vi um , amount for the violation.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Uh , well Jack, I just wanna thank you so much for coming into the , uh, podcast today for El Paso local Area Business talk. Can you go and tell my audience , uh, basically all your pertinent information again, maybe your office hours as well?

Speaker 2:

Right, so our website is el paso traffic ticket firm.com and our address is 73 22 Recon Circle, El Paso, Texas 7 9 9 1 2. You can always contact us at 9 1 5 211 33 and we are open Monday through Friday, eight to six and conveniently open on Saturdays nine to three . Any questions that you may have or if you want to even hire over the phone, we can definitely assist you with that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that sounds great. Well, Jack, again, thank you so much for coming in and um, if you guys have any questions or you wanna check them out, I'm gonna go ahead and put a link in the , um, in the podcast description area. So you'll , we'll put in that information. And , um, I can tell you I've used their services before and it's no joke. They really take care of business and keep you up to date and all that kind of stuff. And I just thought I'd do this podcast because I have been impressed with their services and just wanna spread the word. So thank you so much for coming in. I appreciate it. Thank you

Speaker 2:

For having me. Great,

Speaker 1:

Thank you. And this is El Paso local area Business Talk, talking with El Paso traffic ticket firm West. You all take care. <silence> .