The Jen Marples Show

The Time is NOW to Go For It! My 10 Steps to Get You Started

Jen Marples Episode 110

The time is now to go for the thing you want to do. We can’t keep letting our fear hold us back. I talk to so many of you, and I know you are ready to step toward your dreams and passions.

Maybe you’re waiting for that perfect moment when you have more time and space, but I’m here to tell you that the time to start is now!

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Here’s some real talk: I started this podcast when I was 51 years old and I’m 43 now. I just learned this show is in the top 3% podcast globally! WHAT?!? I say this to encourage you! If I can do it, you can do it too!  Whatever “it” is for you. Anything is possible. YOU’RE NOT TOO F***ING OLD! To Do Whatever the F You Want! 

All you have to do is take that FIRST STEP!

Here are 10 Steps/Bits of Advice You Can Use to Get Started on Your Thing Today:

  1. Believe in yourself to do the thing.
  2. There’s no better time than now. You aren’t too late. You are right on time.
  3. Get clear on what you want and you can be sure that the universe will deliver it.
  4. Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s as it’s a waste of time.
  5. Make time for yourself and say no to what doesn’t bring you joy.
  6. Put in the work! Hard work pays off!
  7. Trust your gut and instincts. What does a perfect week look like for you?
  8. Take your ego out of it and operate from joy.
  9. Don’t care what people think. It will set you free!
  10. Know that You’re Not Too F***ing Old!
  11. BONUS: Surround yourself with supportive women and/or work with a coach who believes in your vision, can support you, and hold you accountable to your fabulous goals and dreams.

Remember to say this everyday: WHY NOT ME?!?

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me on Instagram @jenmarples! And don’t forget to follow, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

Learn more about Jen Marples at 

Unedited AI Transcript Here


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