Shakespearean Sonnets Bot Style w/ The Biz/Dev Podcast | Ep. 125

Big Pixel Season 1 Episode 125

In this episode, the OG’s of the Biz/Dev podcast are dropping all sorts of AI knowledge. David and Gary share what's on the horizon for IoT as well as what our clients can look forward to seeing featured in their success- the secret? We’ll never tell…it’s AI…duh.



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Our Hosts

David Baxter - CEO of Big Pixel

Gary Voigt - Creative Director at Big Pixel

The Podcast

David Baxter has been designing, building, and advising startups and businesses for over ten years. His passion, knowledge, and brutal honesty have helped dozens of companies get their start.

In Biz/Dev, David and award-winning Creative Director Gary Voigt talk about current events and how they affect the world of startups, entrepreneurship, software development, and culture.

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Music by: BLXRR

David: [00:00:00] The future is not Chat GPT. The future is a very niche bot that is specific for what you need. 

David: Hi everyone. Welcome to the biz dev podcast, the podcast about developing your business. I'm David Baxter joined this week per usual, Gary Voigt and only Gary Voigt this week, no guest.

Which makes me sad because that means I have to talk to this dill hole for the next little bit.

Gary: You told me I was the guest. You said I was important this episode.

David: Absolutely not. That, no. I do the fact that you're not wearing a beanie today. Well done. Upgrade. At backwards, still. Yeah. One day, you're going to let these luscious Fabio locks just come out and watch out, it's going to be all this hair that

Gary: There's going to be background music. There's going to be like sparkles.

David: That's right. That's right.

It's going to be the great reveal of

Gary: slow mo.

David: Yeah. You get a fan the whole episode. You have a fan just blowing your hair back.

Gary: That'd be pretty cool. [00:01:00] I

David: That would be great. That would, I would just be jealous all the time. I wouldn't even be able to speak, but I had me and my bald head just be angry all

Gary: a little handheld fan and then the camera, I'll lean back and you'll see it up close. It's just

David: I was in the airport this weekend and I saw in two different airports. No, maybe three. In the lines, you're in the snake, you're walking back and forth in a big snake

Gary: in the security checkout. Or is this

David: security. And they had, they have the poles that make the snake to keep you, the people in line.

And like they had these big fans on them. They were not on ever, but they were fans like everywhere. And I didn't understand that. I was

Gary: Probably when

the line is completely full and it's warm. They'll just, yeah, circulate the air

David: crank them up, but they were like the actual dividers were these fans, which was interesting there. And apparently all the airports got the memo cause they all seem to have them. AI is something we are dabbling in trying to get, make it [00:02:00] bigger. Cause I want to see what it can do. It is fascinating. Like I will, so we're building a little research pot right now. It's a toy that a client has asked us to make for him for marketing. And. So I got to go knee deep in this stuff and here's, what's amazing to me.

Okay. So if you've never worked with one of these, you're not a nerd. Like I am, what you end up doing is, and I'm using chat, GPT, open AI. Cause they have the best as of right now, they have the best. Interfaces for nerds, right? Yeah. API as interfaces for nerds. That's what that means. And so most of the stuff you're seeing now when they're integrated, they're almost all using open AI because their tools are better.

So we're building this thing and the gist of the thing is you ask. It asks you some questions and when you give those answers, it generates a picture based on what you said. And if you can keep making it, make pictures and changing the picture based on more data that you give it. And at the end of the day, if you like it, you give your name and email and I shoot that off to the client [00:03:00] and they get the whole transcript, including the images.

That's the bot. 

Gary: Let's be more specific though.

David: Okay,

Gary: not just, it's not just generating any image off anything you say.

David: no, it's based on the questions. You have 

Gary: but we're, aren't you limiting it to a certain area


David: one, a vertical that the client is in. Yes. They're in. Yeah. So these are very specific. And what's interesting is when you give a prompt, so I'm using this thing called an assistant and that's a new thing. The only thing that's new about it is in between each time you talk to it, it remembers who it is.

Like normally, if you're ever playing with chat, GPT, you open it and it's just the default blank canvas. It doesn't have any instructions except to be polite. And when you want to, when you start another thread, it again, forgets who it is. These assistants basically remember who they are between each one.

So you give it this big introduction. So you are this person, you're an expert in this industry. You answer in this way, and you do these [00:04:00] things. You ask these questions and it's very cool. So now it's focused. That knows what it is. It's, this one is an expert on building an architecture. Let's just say it's a, it's an architect.

And if you start asking it questions about books and movies. You can tell it, don't veer off the subject, stay focused, keep it on task, right? So you're not saying I like the Avengers and we're going to talk about the Avengers for 20 minutes. That's not the point of these kinds of bots. So that's what you give it that personality.

It's all in that prompt. It's what they call that prompt engineering is something you might've heard of. What's really cool is you can then do on top of that is it has this thing called a code interpreter, which is mind blowing to me. Okay. So you, if you ask it a question and it feels that's the weird part.

It feels that the best way to answer that is to write code. It will do that on the fly. It will just write a little program to answer a question for you. [00:05:00] So yeah, it's wild. It's called code interpreter. And what you do is. You like the demo that I was playing with when I was getting started was I would like you to tell me the first 20 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, right?

It can't, it knows that, but it already knows that. But when you turn on this code interpreter, you will see it. When you're looking on the backend and the nerd land, you will see it generated a little Python script to run through Fibonacci and output those 20 numbers so that it's not. Grabbing it from internet 

Gary: and pasting it from, it's

David: It didn't read an internet article and do it. It's building code on the fly, running it and giving the output. Mind blowing. That's it. Now, these are simple programs, but then the other thing you can tell it to do is you can upload files to it and you can say, answer questions about these files. So I, and I uploaded just randomly just to play with it.

I uploaded an invoice. I didn't tell it was an invoice. I just uploaded a [00:06:00] file that happened to be an invoice. And I was like, what's the total. Sure enough, there goes, it was $2,000 or whatever it was. And you're like, that's crazy. And you can 20 documents and it will, you can merge them together by asking questions.

All of this is just chat GPT.

Gary: Yeah. One of the things that impresses me the most lately is the advancements in like the OCR and image translation. Like OCR being

David: it knows what it's 

Gary: registry. Like it's, it could look at a picture of text and can read it as text in the language it's written in, which is insane.

David: what's funny though, is it can't generate texts. So if you ever look at the images that make, And it's like I did one I made it

Gary: it can't generate

David: started 

Gary: as images, right?

David: for 

Gary: generate text, but it just can't spit out an image with accurate text and typography. And

David: It gets weird. Like I gave it a picture of me as I, at Christmas, I got several things. That was me. It was a [00:07:00] big pixel merch. Like I, one of my guys sent me the nicest dog bowl I've ever seen. It's a Yeti dog bowl. It weighs like four pounds. It's awesome. And it's made of like the vacuum seal steel.

It's crazy, but he put the logo on it. So I have a dog bowl and I have a coffee cup and I've all, and I'm wearing a sweatshirt and a t shirt and all this stuff, and I'm just big pixeled out.

Gary: Oh, wait, just for the listeners, David does actually have a dog. It's not for him.

David: You're such a douche anyway, okay so I take 

Gary: You gave the AI, all those pictures of the merch and stuff. Yeah.

David: it was just me wearing it all. And I said, generates an art of me. I make me into a picture. And it, we did this like 30 times. And the point of what I'm telling you is the logo that was clearly everywhere changed in every picture. Like sometimes it started misspelling like pixel was P E X E L like what?

[00:08:00] Sometimes it, it never actually recreated the logo ever, which is interesting because it was literally in front of it, but it didn't, couldn't do that. Sometimes it would just turn into BG. I don't even know where that comes from, but it was weird. Like the topography was the most interesting part that it kept just jacking it up.

Anyway, the last thing I learned that was really cool when you're dealing with these bots is I can write code me, the nerd, I can write code that when you've done, when you've done these things, I need, let's say, I want the weather, here's a good example. I want the weather. And so in order to make the weather work, I need to know where you are.

And so as soon as I know where you are and I know that you want the weather, It will call my code, but it decides when to call my code. I don't tell it, this is the right time. It'll just say when I have, when you know their location and they want the weather. So you can say, man, how hot is it right now in Zimbabwe?

It'll be like, Oh, that might be a question for this weather app. It will go into, Oh, right now in Zimbabwe, it's 104 degrees or [00:09:00] whatever, and it's crazy. It's just crazy. 

When you realize it could do these three things. Just imagine what you can use just those three things to do. It's a very wide net. And you're starting to see that that's what all these bots and stuff are.

Cause originally, and I, one thing I was disappointed in. So you probably have seen on the news, the chat GPT marketplace, right? Where people can make their own GPTs. Have you seen that, heard that

Gary: Yeah, a little bit. I don't know a lot about it though.

David: they want they want to be the next Apple, right? Everyone wants the walled garden because that's just a money printer, right? If you can figure out how to

Gary: Oh, an app store

David: or Android app 

Gary: Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

David: they want an app store for GPTs. It's not monetized yet, but you can see where it's going. The problem is you can make one of these things, but the only people who can use it are other people who are paying for the premium version of chat GPT,

Gary: Yeah. They still have to pay

for the open AI [00:10:00] chat GPT pro

David: I get why they do that, but it totally defeats the purpose of why I would ever want to build one. 

Gary: but didn't 

David: on my website or make it.

Gary: they sidestepped that with co pilot, right?

David: They gave them 10 billion to sidestep it. Sure. Yeah. They

It's just chat GPT.

Gary: but you can't write you can't write a GPT API or a program that uses copilot as the base.

David: Not that I've ever seen. I don't think, and that's probably, and I don't know this, of course, this probably in their contract somewhere. I don't know. That you can use this. This is your toy to play with. Cause you gave us 10 billion, but you can't build a developer thing. I say that right now you can go to Azure and there's Azure AI and that's all chat GPT.

Gary: but there's probably a premium price for that as well,

David: Of course there is the pricing on AI stuff is ridiculous. Like I used to use a short wave [00:11:00] as my email client. Which is a great piece of software. It's great. If you like, if you wanted something a little different for your email client. But they have an AI bot, which will summarize emails and it will help you write emails, all that stuff. So shortwave is 9 a month per person. If you want that AI thing, it's like another 20

Gary: Yeah. It's been getting 

David: pricey.

Gary: a little gougy with everybody offering the premium with the AI services and yeah, the subscription goes from, like you said, 10 bucks a month up to 25. It's wait a

David: Microsoft is 30. If you want AI in, in word is 30 bucks a month.

Gary: That's insane.

David: I think it's 95 to get access to Office. You want Office with AI, it's 45. Dude,

Gary: Even little things like Grammarly now has an AI, premium subscription where

you already have, 

David: that. It's this whole premise, right? It's to read your junk.

Gary: Yeah, but [00:12:00] I guess it now can rewrite it for you and offer new, which is what it already did anyway.

David: That is the late I am so tired 

Gary: you just got to put those little star icons and put assistant, and then you can upcharge another 10 bucks a month for whatever it's in.

David: But they all It's like the developers And I don't mean this like derogatory. It's gonna sound that way. But they're being lazy. This thing can do so much more than write emails for you, write something for you, like a we use ClickUp. ClickUp has, it'll help you write your tickets. I don't, dude, get past the I don't need it to write me Shakespearean sonnets.

I don't, it can do so much more. Then write for me, I can write just fine where I, the company I've been most impressed, and we've talked about this outside of the podcast the company I've been most impressed with when, what they're doing with their AI is the browser company, which makes arc. 

Gary: Yeah,

they're really, 

David: this AI thing [00:13:00] very differently.

Gary: and they're making it like, it's useful in a way that you would just expect it to be useful without thinking that it's AI doing it, but it's just super helpful. Especially the

David: the

Gary: browser.

David: browse for me. Yeah. So if you've never heard of arc, which of course, no one, no Has I talk about it all the time. I almost ever meet him. And so if you can get their mobile browser on iOS, I don't think they're on Android. I could be

Gary: No, it's just

David: they're very pro Apple. So if you have an iPhone, you can download, it's called arc search.

And what it does is you type in what is the, what is a good car for teenagers? That was something we just recently had to go through. And instead of saying search and Google comes back with a few links, 

Gary: well listicles and ads and sponsored

David: Yeah. All that junk. You can say browse for me. And what it'll do is it'll go to six sites that it chooses, which is its own magic, regardless of put that aside for a second.

It goes to six sites, reads those six sites for you real quick, summarizes them, writes a [00:14:00] you a custom webpage with pictures from those sites and then links to everything it read. All within seconds, which is mind

Gary: then after that, it's do you want more results? And then you just click. Yeah. And then it does it again and gives you a few more. So

David: is so cool. And it's interesting. I, the, he talks about the founder. I can't, I don't know his name. He talks about using the same things I described earlier, that open AI does the functions and all of that, in your own code, that's how that whole thing is built. He's explained that he's people are so stuck in these little prompts and stuff.

That they don't realize this function concept, which is what I was describing earlier, is out there that can do, that can have one program, call another program. And then you can daisy chain these things and get all sorts of nutty, which is what they're doing with arc. They just have you can hover over this on their regular browser too.

You can hover over a link and instead of clicking on it to go to it, it'll just summarize it for you real quick. So you never have to [00:15:00] leave. The page just, I love that. And their philosophy on AI is just very cool. And I, we need a lot more people thinking that way.

Gary: now I do know The company is the browser company and the CEO, his name is Josh. I don't know his last name right at the moment. Yeah.

David: That's what Google's for. I just, I love AI for, I still, I'm still nervous about the Terminator. I have to be honest, but I am one of those people. I think this stuff needs to be

Gary: When you start seeing articles, or titles of articles about how they're looking into how to use AI for military operations or military strategy or this and that you're like, Oh, okay. That's getting a little bit a

David: That's happening. You absolutely know. DARPA 

Gary: been happening before we even were able to see AI publicly.

David: Oh, for sure. DARPA absolutely has been knee deep in this for a decade. And the money is just right there. Open AI, I [00:16:00] am sure secretly is talking to the department of defense. I don't see how that does not happen. But, and China's doing the same thing and Europe's doing the same thing. But it's just, it's a scary, we're right on the precipice of a lot of changing stuff.

This thing's getting smarter and smarter. And the one thing it cannot do, and the one thing I don't know if it ever will be able to do, is replace the what. What do I want to do today? It's very good at how, it's very good at making what you do better, but it's limited. It's read the entire internet, right?

So a good way of explaining it, it's read the entire internet. It knows everything that humans have done, but it has no ability to do something that has not been done before. And that's, Where it's limitations lie and getting past that is really hard. And there's a whole different problem, but that's where we come in.

That's what humans are for. We were creative. The [00:17:00] minutia, the boring grunt work is going to go away and we will be creative entities because that's all that's left. The problem is there's a lot of people who just do grunt work 

Gary: yeah, 

David: lose their job.

Gary: that's

David: The Verge says, I think I've said it before.

The Verge says that it is a fire hose of C plus content. And so if you make C plus content, you're about to lose your job. 

If you were an A plus person, now you have a tool, a power tool.

You've been doing A plus content with your hammer and nail, and someone just gives you a nail gun. How much better is your content? It's going to, you're going to be amazing. You're going to superpowers. That is what I'm excited about, but all those C plus people are about to lose their job.

And that's just, and you're, maybe you're already seeing that. Tech is going nuts right now with layoffs, nuts up. And that's scary and unfortunate

Gary: Yeah. The tech layoff thing though, there's multiple reasons. It's not just AI, but a lot of. Companies that said, Oh no, we're not going to use AI to replace anybody. [00:18:00] Immediately started using AI to replace people. So

David: It's more than that. There's two things you got like the Rivian laying people off. Rivian is laying people off because they are legitimately hurting as a business. Okay. That's fine. But then you've got Microsoft laying off people and Sony just recently announced a huge layoff. Those guys are swimming in cash.

So that

Gary: Microsoft one was a lot of people that were being replaced by AI. A lot of people in administrative assistant and like a copy generation for sales and marketing type stuff.

David: but they also laid off like 1600 developers, 

Gary: yeah the other thing for that an article that I read in the verge as well was during the pandemic, the companies that had all this extra cash just started poaching and purchasing developers just to prepare themselves, like just as backups.

So a lot of developers were getting 150 to 160, 000 a year to [00:19:00] do. Not much at all, just because they were like on deck for, okay, if this is the way the world is going to be, then we have enough people now to take over more and more of what we're going to do in the digital space after, things went back to somewhat normal now they're still paying all these salaries for people that they're not utilizing, they don't have any project for them and they're like, okay, so now we've got to lay off.

So then once. I think Meta was the first to do it. They started laying off some of the extras. Then everybody fell in line and did it as well, which made everybody think Oh no, tech industry is dying. Silicon Valley is laying off everybody. What's going on? But it was just a lot of over.


David: They overstaffed like Facebook, doubled in size. And then they laid off like

Gary: why they were the first ones to do it. Yeah.

David: But they still kept the net was like still 85 percent of those people they kept. It's just weird.

AD: BigPixel builds world class custom software and amazing apps. Our team of pros puts passion [00:20:00] into every one of our projects. Our design infused development leans heavily on delivering a great experience for our clients and their clients. From startups to enterprises, we can help craft your ideas into real world products that help your business do better business. 

Gary: Most of the guests we've had on lately have all either used, been using, or are using AI as a selling point in their businesses.

I mentor a good bit. Now startups and stuff.

David: It's a passion of mine. I love doing it, helping people, the next generation of business leaders. I cannot tell you how many times they say that they're using AI in their program somewhere. And now that's a plus when you're mentoring, the beauty of mentoring is all you're there is to poke questions, poke holes, right?

That's my whole reason for being. So I'm like, okay, all right. Could be, where is AI in this? Tell me what an AI 

Gary: used chat, 

David: GBT making something. [00:21:00] Yep.

Gary: Yeah,

David: I'm at chat. GBT gives you recommendations or whatever's. And I'm like, no, you need to take that out of your slide because anybody who knows what they're talking about is going to rip you apart. If you, now I know that investors get excited about the word AI, just like they did crypto, just like they did NFT. I get it. It gets them excited, but dude, anyone who knows what they're talking about is going to tear you apart. That is so common to say we use AI. My joke is AI is Al in the back room. That is all it is.

It's not actual programming. It's not even the stuff I was talking about with the APIs with chat. GBT, it is simply using chat, GBT to make some content. And therefore we have AI in our system. So I'm guessing that's the startup version of what I was talking about before. There's also the existing company version, which is just less

Gary: It's like the hustle culture version now of college kid building a startup going to sell for a billion dollars and throw, three to five years, [00:22:00] as long as they

David: That,

Gary: they think it's a springboard and

David: old enough and you're certainly old enough to remember. You're welcome. You'll remember the, the days when you created a company and the whole goal was to get bought by Google, Meta, Microsoft, whatever, because that's what they did. You had a good idea.

They just bought you here's 5 million. Thank you very much. Have a nice day. That's gone now. That doesn't exist. Those guys are all gun shy because the FTC and stuff are anti monopoly. So they can't do that anymore. Like the, one of the whole reasons why I think the Vision Pro, the Apple's big helmet, the reason it's struggling to get ground is because all of the very promising early on VR apps were completely bought by Facebook.

They own all of them. Supernatural Beat Saber, all of those companies were bought. I [00:23:00] think Supernatural actually is still in the process of being bought, it's being challenged, but all the cool ideas like fitness on your face, great idea. It's the reason why the quest has done so well. Beat Saber changed.

It was the first practical application that grandma understood what VR helmet. They bought all of

Gary: physical movement instead of just playing with the, game controller on a couch. Yeah.

David: it's those ideas have been bought. So Apple doesn't have a killer app coming to their store. They can't say, and we have Beat Saber, which is a draw. There isn't any because they were all purchased. That era is now over. So Apple has to build things from scratch, which of course they can do, but it's just a very different world.

Gary: their trajectory is not. In the gaming first, 

David: No, but that's what sells VR helmets. I'm

Gary: it's not really infotainment. It's they're trying to create a new way of interacting with basically your computer. That's

David: That's not going to [00:24:00] sell 4, 000 helmets. 

Gary: No, but there has to be a beginning, so the entry point needs to be similar to what people are already used to and the VR slash AR. Headpiece

David: to play games on

Gary: you want to call it is the first thing that people are going to

David: I want to play games though.

Gary: Think about this, that human, the AI pin with the projector. How often do you hear anybody talking about that? You mean 

David: it's not out yet. That's part of it. They did just, I just saw a thing on a website that was

Gary: I thought they had like hundreds of

David: They launch in April. They have testers. Yeah, but they're probably all under NDA. It comes, it goes live in April. So probably maybe by the time this is out, they will be out. But again, they're going to sell six of those and call it a day.

There's no way that's going to be a huge hit. It's just. If I'm going to do that, I want glasses. I want to wear your big dorky glasses, like you've got with some cameras And to have AI in my ear that's a killer [00:25:00] app. Give that a

Gary: I want some small little ear piece. I can hook over my ear. That then gives me like minority report style, heads up displays and stuff. That'd be pretty

David: you're 10 years from that. I think in 10 years, we'll all be wearing glasses, even though we don't need them. And they're going to have all of that stuff in there. I firmly believe that from now till then, I have no idea 

Gary: what did you learn from building that, that bot as an experiment?

David: I, every single one of our clients could use it. I, and I did, that sounds stupid. I didn't realize that when I started this, it was potential, but now that I, once you peel it back and you can see what this thing can really do every single one of our clients. Could use this. And then I, and I say that because that means.

Every company could use AI in some meaningful. And I'm not talking about writing your emails. I'm talking about, just imagine any company you are. Let's say you are a, just trying to pick a random industry. [00:26:00] You make bricks, right? That's a horrible example, but it go with you make bricks. I can now make a bot that can insert all the information about every kind of brick on the planet.

What, temperatures that it works with, what styles and this, that, and the other, all the things you care about. If you're a brick guy. And the mortar that it works with and all that, I can load that into this bot. And at any point in time, if you have a question, you have the world's foremost expert on bricks at your beckon call, that's just a cheesy example.


The future is not Chat GPT. The future is a very niche bot that is specific for what you need. 

And that niche bot, there's going to be a billion of them. And it's really good at one. It's going to be really good at, rock music. Cause I need to ask questions about rock me. One's a bartender, but one is a, you get my point.

Gary: Yeah. It's like your personal Jarvis.

David: Correct. But it's very focused. Jarvis would have been a chat GPT, right? It [00:27:00] knew everything about everything, but it was hard to now in that case, that's the analogy dies there because Jarvis is fictional and perfect,

Gary: What I meant was

like a, almost like a personal assistant that has the expert level knowledge of a specific subject.

David: and I think that's where I've had this idea and. It's not going to go anywhere. So I'll just tell you, imagine you're a startup founder and 10, if going back, 10 years ago, it was 20 years ago. Now, being a startup founder was really hard because if you had a tech idea, a startup idea for that, you had to go hire, buy servers and physical stuff.

And that was really expensive and hard to do fast forward. We had the cloud. Now I can push a button. I have a server. Whoa, that lowered the barrier to entry way big. Now we're going to get now the cloud. And that. Now we're going into another one where I am my bottleneck now is I'm alone. I don't have a co founder.

I don't have a legal expert. I don't have the ability to do any of this stuff. I'm stuck in a, I have all [00:28:00] these questions and I don't know how to get answers because I have no money, right? I'm a brand new startup guy. Imagine you have a Slack like interface. Where every channel inside of it is an expert, human resources, legal, project management, whatever you need.

And it's right there and you can ask it in questions you want. Now I am no longer without resources. I have an expert in every field I could ever imagine. And that's just, there's a lot of holes to that idea, but you can get the idea that, wow, that's powerful. 

Gary: And it does, from what you were saying earlier, that does just clear all the red tape and the barriers out of the way for you to then be creative. Which is what it cannot be.

David: correct. And so now I've lowered the barrier of entry. Dramatically again is now I don't need a lawyer. Of course, if you eventually you do, but when I'm starting, I just have questions. What's an LLC, how do I do that right now? I Google all of that. And then I make a decision whether or not that guy's an idiot or not.

That's how we all Google. Now you've got this thing that knows it's read every law book. And the cool thing [00:29:00] about that, the app idea I have is it's. It's focused. I'm not going to chat GPT. I'm focused on the thing. Like I was mentioning before, this thing has a personality that is a legal expert and you have loaded in all the legal books, law books for your state, let's say.

And now it literally has read every book that's ever been written about law in the state of Texas or wherever you're from. And that is hugely powerful. And it lowers the barrier, you're going to see a renaissance. I believe right now in the internet, it's 1999, 2000 in the internet. That's where we are right now with AI. We're about to see an explosion of new startups and ideas and creativity that we haven't seen in a long time. Cause we, if you notice in the last 10 years or so, the same apps keep coming out. It's like talking to college students. They all want to build a marketplace or a bar app. Why? Because that's what they know. When you're talking about startup founders, now they're all building social media things. Why? Because it's what they know. Now we have something new to [00:30:00] know, and it's going to change the world. 

OUTRO: Hi, I'm Christy Pronto, Content Marketing Director here at BigPixel. Thank you for listening to this episode of the BizDev Podcast. We'd love to hear from you. Shoot us an email, hello at thebigpixel. net. The BizDev Podcast is produced and presented by BigPixel. See you next week. Until then, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Threads, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

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