[Music] so[Music] last time you guys got through a interesting and yet no matter how hard i try quick fight with a handful of ghouls and a skeleton chasing after a small fairy who has the this blondish almost silvery hair um far more silver than blonde these kind of pink translucent wings uh very pale skin and kind of pinker eyes she has this long needle like uh probably be the size of a a needle to you guys that's in her small hand she's about um maybe a foot tall uh so she is very tiny and you as as the bodies finally collapsed to the ground she had flown up asked you how you got in and if you guys had tried to get back out and saying that she'd been trapped here for 200 years so she stands or she floats before you and she kind of comes closer and she goes please please i must try the door if you came through perhaps i can finally get out a companion that we had come in with had attempted the door i believe he found it to be locked by quite strong means i are you sure are you positive we can go back and show you i'd be happy to escort you and perhaps while we head there we could give turvey here some medical attention oh uh oh sorry i forgot about yeah um i'll turn around and i'll pa i'll cast a lesser restoration on uh trivia okay so the paralysis fades from turby and as they like kind of come out from it they're shaking a little bit and they kind of nod at you and and topsy kind of scoops up turvy into her arms and she's like thank you thank you thank you so much it's the least i could do it i know just you two take take these and i'm gonna hand them each a dagger um oh how nice of you just how very don't you we're very you're very brave tervy but please never do that again uh and then i'm gonna step into the room uh and i'm gonna begin to give last rites to eldest okay so you step into the room you see the horribly torn apart body of of eldeth and hello my dog sorry we can edit this out because of our clicky clacky nails on the floor um so you step across and through past this this fairy and you look over the horribly chewed and torn apart body of eldeth you start kind of giving her some last rites you can see also where the the roots from your spell had kind of torn through her ripping her her body up even more and as you do so this fairy actually just flies out past you all in through the past doorway uh heading towards the main door you just hear him under him i have to get out i have to get out i have to get out um what are the rest of you doing safel would have almost immediately um after seeing that this is a library made his way into the room and and scanning to see what the contents of this room are if it seems to be you know memoirs if it's just regular you know storybooks or historical uh accounts or anything of maybe magical means he's just like very intently looking through the spines of books to see what's in there sure uh sam what's what's laura up to um lara's going to escort the ferry to the door okay so you you start heading your way out that way um let's describe this library to you sephill as you get in there first off it's a very large room it's about it's about 45 feet wide and you're not quite sure how deep but you see that there are numerous uh dusty shelves you see that there are some crystals about the room growing in various locations you see that quite a few of the old tomes and books have actually been pulled from the the shelves and kind of tossed haphazardly across the floor and places you see more skeletal bodies that have not risen up to to attack you um and a lot of it you see is old like folk tales and histories and uh botanical books and uh lots of kind of general knowledge that seemed to all be dated back about 200 plus years ago definitely nothing of recent notes that you can think of you also see in a couple of the bare patches of the wall that there are some very large and nice paintings that have these odd features about them um anything in particular that you're looking for or want to kind of look at deeper yes uh i think he's going to find obviously they're all dated from the around the same era but if there are any tomes that look even older like they were old when this place was in its proper time um anything that might have any kind of magical means like i almost imagine the most childish cephel has ever really acted like getting on the floor like pulling books that that had fallen off of shelves and like looking at them flipping through tossing them aside like looking through pages seeing if anything is is mildly arcane now i imagine that for indigo this has to be kind of weird that safel having witnessed eldeth fall in this fight while you're giving last rites is just kind of running around giddy in this library pulling books out what's indigo's thoughts on all that i think he definitely checks it he notes it i mean he cephel was very clear about how he felt about the other members of the group and how much he cared if they lived or died so i i can't tell that he would be like fully surprised uh but he definitely does clock that the fell is is really like not only said he doesn't care and like that tough guy way but like actually doesn't seem to care yeah yeah and he's got tentacles i i should say the the reaction isn't so much giddiness it's like intent desperation to find anything of interest gotcha it's totally giddiness nerd i mean it depends what he finds uh what do you do as last rights over eldith body because i'm just curious considering your domain and stuff like that what does he do for her yeah uh so for anyways it's kind of like a returning the body to the earth kind of tutorial um so he's going to remove any like metal elements like off her person uh this was like the sword so she doesn't is not laying in state uh with a weapon of violence but then he's just gonna kind of like his his prayers and supplications um kind of begin like and accelerate the decaying process um so it it like actively begins to like return to a more kind of neutral state so as i'm doing that um is there does she have any tokens on her body like any personal i don't know where in prison but does she have anything personal um not that you would recognize to be anything specifically um personal but go ahead and make me an investigation check well we'll let that let the dice help decide no the dice said no that's a six yeah you don't you don't you don't find anything that you know there could have been something but between both the spell and these ghouls tearing apart her body it could have been lost or eaten you don't know yeah i guess it wasn't like well elder thank you so much for helping to protect us and i'm sorry that we have to leave this part of you behind but if we get to blinded stone and and we find your your family i have my sketches of you and we'll at least be able to you know give them a little finality where did you say isn't she from bligdenstone nope dang well some people are gonna be real[ __ ] confused and blinded stone then i'm showing around a picture who the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] are you talking about oh that'll be funny i hope you keep the dwarves have been dead for 200 years don't exist uh all right let's go let's jump over to laura so laura you see that this this fairy is hell bent and just like zooming ahead of you she seems to know exactly where she's going and as you're kind of you see this this little fairy get up and she starts like trying to pull on the door handles and you see they're not even budging and she tries to like slip between the cracks but every time she does she just gets like shoved out by some kind of force and you sh you see she's starting to like break down no no no no how are you and she turns around how were you able to get in but there's no way out there's i tried we tried to tell you this we were we were in the under dark and this building appeared in front of us and we entered not knowing what it was but we're trying to get out same as you just we thought that this was our escape to come inside she uh she flies up to you and she her like her tiny hands grab your cheeks and she's just right up in your face and she's like you feel real are you real are you another one of the wandering shades of these halls i don't i you've been here for 200 years i can promise you that i'm real and she'll like put her hands over the little fairy's hands um so they're just kind of like sitting on her cheek um we're all real and we can help you from here but we need we need some information from you you've been here for 200 years have you been alone this whole time and what what are these shades i don't i think i think i think it's been i'm i'm i'm pretty sure it's been 200 years see i feel i feel like these halls are familiar even before this time but i i can't remember why i feel like for some reason it's close to my heart why i know this place but i can't i can't i haven't been able to figure out why and i see the shadows move i've seen them move i've seen lights i've heard cries in the darkness from somewhere else but i can't i've only ever been able to be in in the library and in this chamber and then in the large dining hall but i can't get any farther one halls closed off and there was another room but i i saw no point in entering it i can't i don't know why i don't why am i here what have i done yeah shh it's it's okay just stay with us we'll find a way out together and you won't be alone and then laura will like start to walk back toward the group but like not turn around like seeing if she's gonna follow she um[Music] you see her little form as you start to walk away kind of like sink down to the floor and she stands there and she just kind of weeps and as you kind of get back to the door that leads to the to the west or i mean to the east um that goes into the hallway into the library as you reach that far door you see she's starting to take slow footsteps towards your direction and you can just ever so slightly hear her faint sniffles as she begins to follow you okay um i will i'd like to command um ashni and i'm just gonna say um ashni stay with her and i'm like pointing and trying to illustrate like stay together um to indicate that like ashi should stay with the fairy at all times make an animal handling role for me did not think through my stats ahead of time when i uh decided on this stuff um it's a 17. okay yeah uh surprisingly ashni stays behind and seems to have a pretty good idea and you just see it kind of eyeballing this this fairy and whose name you guys still have not asked um and just kind of watches her and you see she kind of like grows wary because ashley is much bigger than her uh and she kind of starts to kind of quicken her pace after you and austin is just kind of plotting plotting across the floor kind of like a commode have you guys ever seen a komodo dragon walk yes just like the little like almost like flipper walking yeah kind of like it's long claws and it's body wiggles kind of like with us almost like it's slithering a little bit as it does it it walk uh oshini blocks like that so this very predator reptilian kind of walk to it did you just say same no i said sick sick oh i thought you said same i was like i'm trying to picture that yeah me too yeah all day every day um well has anyone ever told you you walk like a monitor lizard dude yeah dude um when we all get back together like i'm imagining that as everyone groups up laura will um try and do an introduction uh and she'll just say um i'm lara this is cephal indigo topsy turvy stool um and ashni who will protect you what is your name i think it's ethera i i i'm not sure everything's a little hazy yeah um cephel indigo she's she's not really having any memories although she keeps mentioning a shade multiple shades which i think we've already seen so sapele is actually still sifting through books um go ahead and make me an investigation check while you while you're doing that okay we'll take care of that real quick we're gonna make me beg yeah beg for it [ __ ] please please i just need the knowledge oh fantastic uh that is a 14 total so you don't find anything that looks like magical tomes but go ahead and roll me a uh history check indigo do you kind of start looking at the books in the walls with the paintings after you've done this right with eldeth's body um indigo we'll look around after the rights are complete especially looking around at like the like the room itself and like the paintings and portraits and then i moved to the books after that okay um why don't you go ahead and roll me a history check as well and now that you have kind of things that kind of help place the time period and stuff go ahead and do it with advantage uh that is a 12 cheapers sofal what'd you get i i don't suppose i would have had advantage on that check as well would i no because of your memory lost no cool as you were don't worry about it[Laughter] one of those um indigo as you kind of have a maxed intelligence dumb as [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah um indigo as you're walking about the room you you kind of come to this northern wall here and you see that there's a couple paintings the first you see what depicts a large valley sitting between or in this valley nestled amongst these very tall mountains with snowy peaks and mists you see in it a large lake and what looks like a very large ornate looking castle that stands upon a promontory island in this lake and a small kind of town built within it and so this makes you think this must be the place somehow this castle was teleported into the underdog are we we have no idea where we are so i don't even know if this is a valid question well if i mean if indigo is is relaying this or if this is just oh yeah uh indigo is like happy for a distraction from his grief so he's like wow wow this is the king of might and mountain incredible why have you guys heard the story and he does like the whole nine yards okay would i would there be any way to know if we were even generally in the same geographic location that this castle used to be like if it had just fallen through the ground straight down somehow or if this is nowhere even remotely close you would have no idea of knowing you are so unfamiliar with the the underdark that you you couldn't tell unless you had some way of burrowing straight up and then somehow figuring out your location on the surface you wouldn't know that's fair indigo i don't suppose that book mentions anything about a fairy named ethera well i haven't opened any books i'm just looking at the pictures here i'm so fellas reading the books though but no there's no there's a king and then there's this uh kind of like a blob that seems to be purposely defaced or maybe just hard to see uh and then there's this nice picture of a castle i see that your interest has wandered laura that's fine yeah sure yeah i um i was looking through these tomes for selfish reasons but i did find some botanical logs if you think those will be useful to you and i will i'll pick up a couple of the uh the botanical books that i had found while looking for for arcane uh literature oh thank you yeah i'd love to see that uh while a lot of the pages uh are not greatly intact you come across one section that's very intriguing to you it talks about a type of crystal that they found while mining one that was capable of taking in magical energy and pushing it back out and they called it an echo crystal they discovered that whatever magical energies uh that they would kind of cast upon the crystal would stay within it for a moment before being blasted back outwards now depending on the spell and the or the enchantment that people tried to use on it it could have various effects but the main purpose that they found or or element of this crystal is that it would contain and release any energies that were brought into it and they had discovered that they could in fact melt it down and reshape it into various forms whether it be arms uh armor all that kind of stuff awesome yeah i think indigo will kind of like sit right down and start copying that over uh into their own book okay and i'm assuming you relay this as well yeah i again you find it very hard to shut and you go up he's like and wow so these crystals well those are probably the same crystals they're out there they're called echo crystals they can melt them down they can store energy and then they put out and just yeah indigo that's great i i don't really care about rocks all right are you sure this is pretty cool and is it relevant do you think it's relevant i mean it's hard to tell it's relevant now it could become relevant at any moment does any of this help us leave oh um no well well then it's irrelevant i mean well all right so the crystal might be more of a study principle but i don't the stuff about um the king thor i mean this this is the kingdom that we are now walking around in um maybe there's clues here to why they're down here or maybe this could uh you know give us a new framework to understand what we find athera i know that you can't remember anything or perhaps you don't want to which is okay um but we we've been hearing a voice and this voice has said things like let them sleep when in reference to those those shades that you've seen and it's we i think we've just been hearing it crying out and sadness is any of this does this mean anything to you i've i've heard it as well i i don't know where it comes from i think somewhere towards the center of the castle but i something about it in deep inside i feel like i i can't or shouldn't get closer to it uh go ahead and make me an inside check all of you uh a humble nine from indigo i'm not an eight from before okay all my good rolls went away at the beginning god yeah yeah [ __ ] wasted yeah uh she that's what she tells you you you also spoke of a room that you dared not enter is that because you don't want to go further to the center yes it's the doors blocked by the rubble i i think it gets closer to the voice and i i don't dare get closer i think we need to get closer ethereal you don't have to come with us but i think that that's what we need to do if the story in these murals is an indication and if indigo's memories to be trusted like a steel trap we need to understand why and how entities are trapped within these walls and then maybe we can find ourselves a way out i'm sure you've noticed it as well but my magic is a bit strange here i have not had it directly affected however every time i have access to my abilities i have felt a strange pull as if the area becomes curious of the arcane[Music] oh you mean like the effects described for the echo crystal i'm sure i wouldn't know any more about that though he pointedly closes his book i'm i don't know if i'm annoyed at your facetiousness or proud we'll address that later indigo does that book tell you what we need to do to make it stop no then it's irrelevant and lara's gonna turn around um dm uh well while safel is very amused and fully content with lara's uh assessment of indigo's knowledge do we get based off of all of the descriptions that indigo gave to us do we get the feeling that it ha the echo crystals are are what's causing the disturbances in our magic or possibly something else that's that's more of an effect of the area because the the crystals seem like you would have to directly yeah put magic into them for them to affect anything unless we don't understand it properly so considering the pretty detailed description on the echo crystal you think that whatever this prevailing magical force is is not connected to it in fact you do know what it is it it was told to you um by bupido it's something that they call the fres oh that's right it's this odd magical leftover essence from the elves who thousands and thousands of years ago did incredible magics and somehow the underdark has just absorbed it and it still lingers in places and they uh he told you that they use it actually to build their settlements in because it protects them from some of the more dangerous natural predators of the underdark now that's a curious combination of things because based off the combination of knowledges we now have and if i remember correctly sephel was the only one that was told directly about the ferez because i think bupido brought this up after immediately murdering sorry am i wrong about that time i'm pretty sure it was beforehand okay all right yeah it was when you guys so we would all have that from uh from her truck down and discovering i'm just thinking with that combination of knowledge does that mean that the ferez was already in this area and the castle just happened to fall into an area with it so the magic has nothing to do with this castle in particular it's it's just sort of a unfortunate coincidence of chaotic arcana so to kind of like[Music] help you so you're not scratching your heads too much here from what would bupido told you the forest is just kind of this overarching lingering magic that does some weird things but not necessarily preventing people from entering not entering it seemed to only affect more natural kind of wildlife in the underdark they kind of tend to steer away from it um what's happening here like the doors and the skeletons and and those kind of things in these ghouls they seem to potentially be from some other kind of magic because the echo crystal doesn't bring anybody back from the notes that indigo has read you don't know enough about the frez to necessarily say that it couldn't do this but something happened to bring this castle here so it could be something else entirely that's causing some of these other things to occur that's that's such a weird mess of compounding magical effects because the ferez is [ __ ] with our magic there's something in the castle stopping us from leaving it and then there's something even bigger that brought the castle here to begin with um can we huddle up for a second um indigo and um safal um just uh one moment um and i'd like to try and get like a little private huddle in the corner with you both okay we can pull over to those murals that um where indigo was was already kind of showing us we can just be like alone by the pictures i i wanted i i feel as though the mysterious queen lines up rather mysteriously with ethera um and she certainly doesn't want to go toward the center of the castle however if we're to assume that the being in charge of this place is perhaps that king maybe force is required there are many assumptions in that statement i do not disagree with any of them directly however which is concerning athera seems to believe she is connected to this place which is odd but a location that is not meant to be here is hard enough to figure out a displaced castle out of time is more difficult i agree we should move towards the center however we should be cautious there are things here that don't want us to be even this far yeah and we don't we don't know necessarily that the force center is is evil or or violent it it may just simply need to be put to rest yeah i agree with both of those statements let's keep moving and if athera wants to come she can but well we are still here together i am no i am not a fool i understand that my demeanor and my reactions to the death of a companion are disturbing to some my goal is exit and that may be selfish but i am willing to include those that are useful in that goal i will do my best to keep you alive i do not want that doubted however i am nervous about our other cargo topsy turvy stool what do you mean the fairy i mean i'm sure the fairy hasn't proven herself yet but i mean stool saved their lives what two three times i mean if anything he's tier one um i'm nervous in terms of you need to be protected though so like that i just need a little extra care i'm nervous that they'll leave us like lupito did yeah wasn't that so weird that sorop would go with bupido yeah and he took place he took my staff it was really kind of offensive we helped them their goals are irrelevant we knew bupido was sketchy i wouldn't sephill wouldn't say sketchy yes we're gonna reel back there wow we knew bupido was untrustworthy he was a nefarious character and i am honestly not surprised at his departure however sarth is puzzling as well let's keep an eye on them and let's try and convince etherea to come with us to the center of the castle if she won't that's fine but we can attempt sure on the bright side i mean they can't run away now none of us can leave indigo you know creatures have you ever locked two rats in a cage without food for multiple days my goodness no that's a terrible act of animal cruelty i am more afraid to see what happens that they can't leave rather than that they could tread carefully with these characters oh that means bupido and sarf are priced to like in one of these small adjoining rooms we'll probably run into this sometimes i hope so i want you to get yeah all right well that that does relax me thank you phil let us keep moving all right i'll go talk to this hero um as you go back to ethera she's just kind of looking into the hallway and she kind of turns to you and she goes um your your your friends um the the gnomes is that is that's what they were yes yeah topsy and turvy um i i told them not to but they took off towards the main chamber the one with the door did they say why they said they were just going to double check and make sure the door was actually closed hey remember last session when we asked if everybody was like cool with staying and topsy tur topsy and turvy were super sketchy about it this isn't this isn't surprising at all i will um uh indigo safal topsy and truvi uh went back toward the main chamber i'm gonna see and uh she's like running and talking oh i suppose that answers that question rather quickly and he will start to sort of slither his way out of the room oh i still do this anything to you uh no they just said that they were gonna go check on the door i figured i'd you know stay here make sure you guys were okay thank you stool i don't know what we do without you here we should catch up with the rest though okay i'm still hurting from those thorns good job by the way oh yeah sorry about that are they in here at all so you run in and you do not see them however you do see this far wall and with this door these large set of doors it is a jar so they went out the western door the western side now so there's this western side of the main chamber that that is a jar then there's a northern door and that's where all the rubble has fallen that's like blocked off okay so we us and and that northern the like rebel covered door is where we heard a lot of the voices coming from and that's what you believe you don't know for sure okay and and you have a thera's uh statement to kind of back that up okay why would they leave without us i mean[Music] if we analyze this logically i'm honestly i don't know why we would assume any of these people would stay with us we've known each other for a handful of days and have no bond other than survival if they believe their chances are better without us they would have every reason to leave well that worries me because they're not very good at fighting i i think they should really be with us no we literally just gave them weapons i honestly don't think they'll make it past that room well they're dead weight anyway we should continue around the side of this northern door the way we were going i don't think it's if they wanted to go off on their own we should let them so so our options are this door to the west that topsy and turvy went through the the rubble covered door or whatever the hall the hallway out um that we were just in like the hallway between the library and the main chamber it continues north yes from what you could tell yes do we continue the way we were already going or do we give chase or does anybody think they have the physical prowess to get us past that rubble well i'm pretty strong sophomore i'm pretty sure i can get those rocks moved in a matter of several hours to help you in a very small a bit of work to get through that yeah um so i don't know if this would actually help um but i assume it would be some sort of strength check to move through the rubble if i use my ability to adjust density which is my just not a spell slot just my regular gravitage feature i can increase your weight i can double your weight which will cut your movement speed but you have advantage on strength checks for how long does that last um as an action uh the target's weight is halved or doubled for up to one minute or until my concentration ends okay so for a minute and that's not a one-time use per day uh no it actually it doesn't give a limited uh usage okay it just says it requires a it just requires my actions so i would assume if we're doing it passively um you know this isn't combat based or anything i would assume every time the minute ends i could just re-up it yeah okay i mean if that's if that's what you want to do on indigo or if you want to try and do it on the very large stone blocks sure um oh well that okay that's an interesting um that's an interesting idea because what i could also do is i could half the weight of the rocks so i could either double your weight and give you advantage on strength checks or lara if if she has a better strength but i assume she's a charisma build as well but whoever has the better strength i can either give you advantage on those checks if you want to try it or i can lessen the weight of the rocks which might make it easier to move them anyway if if this is a direction we want to go we have other options i think this seems like the most straightforward option if we're heading to the center we should head north fair enough yeah i agree do we want to maybe rest first i mean i know we only woke up a bit ago maybe explore a little bit then rest and then just through the rock pile it does seem like the option that's most likely to bring us face to face with the center of this place and you all can rush i would rather be rested for that i feel fine um if if we are uh well safal will answer um i am also hesitant to run into the belly of the beast as curious as i am and with some of my magical ability tapped at the very least perhaps we are a bit too hasty to leave a resource of vast knowledge placed right in front of us so hastily perhaps knowing what has gone on around us we take a short time do some more research gather more knowledge as much as i respect your and indigo's search for knowledge my concerns are survival purely we've already been attacked twice since being in this this location and i'm eager to leave it as soon as possible you make the assumption that knowledge will not directly affect your means of survival yes i humbly disagree i do not mean we take an entire day simply a short amount of time to make sure we have not left something detrimentally important hey if you both are feeling tired and like you would like a nap that's all right i'll all continue to work and i'll start moving these boulders okay great and go indigo will lie down i if if we are taking a short rest i cannot both do research and give you the ability to move the rocks or or at least aid you because i need to be concentrating the entire time and every minute re-upping that ability um so my thought is we do literally do like a quick sweep send spend an hour enough time for a short rest in the library making sure we have all the resources we need you know we didn't miss any key information a layout of the castle perhaps or anything that might now that we have a a background knowledge you know where we are who might be here some more specifics we do a more uh precise delve see if we can find anything else and then after the short rest is up move the rocks and go deeper okay um you've reminded me actually um a deep delve into where we've been is probably a good idea because uh we should be we should be thinking about creating maybe some armor or other weapons and um ashni came out of an egg that was made of this particular material that i think would be very useful to get our hands on you[Laughter] you've been waiting you've been plotting for two weeks about how to make me squirm you sick[ __ ] hey look if you want to stick around and no no no that's um i think so[ __ ] i'm just gonna pull something during the short rest and now you're you're pushing the envelope um so indigo did you[ __ ] indigo i believe i have exhausted my ability to efficiently look through the resources at hand but you have been able to find a vast amount of useful knowledge in that library in the short time you were there would you mind doing a quick look while i prepare myself and talk over our plan with lara and maybe look into these crystals a little deeper oh wow yeah i mean sure and ago um he he would blush but he's already uh burgundy um do you want to do some research with me uh yeah though i don't know if i could really read we'll find out come on we'll find okay all right uh safel will approach lara when he feels that they are out of out of earshot i think that we were just coming up here to like examine the rubble and look like we're kind of talking game plan um okay and safel is going to while they're talking like he's just going to be like arms crossed looking very like analytical of the area and he is going to try to speak softly and discreetly i did not want to cause chaos among the weaker willed of the group but our our attitudes and our goals are enough aligned i feel you can handle this knowledge in the middle in the middle of the night during most of our rests a strange occurrence happened within my own mind but that is besides the point but i was jolted to semi-consciousness however immobility and witnessed as bupido slaughtered sarth he had a weapon a dagger he cut sarah's throat and killed him and ran off deeper into the castle i displaced soros body to try to buy some time so that no one would wake up and cause disarray and threaten us further you watched bupido kill sarith and did nothing i was unable to move i just said that it was a state of paralysis and my mind and my body were not in the same place i'm unsure of the circumstance and not proud of it it was not comfortable and unfavorable and so and she looks back over at the hole on the ground you will find saurath down there can i roll an insight check on because laura's saying a lot of things right now because she had a conversation with eldeth if you recall when we were walking to this doorway in which elder specifically told her to watch out for safel so she's kind of thinking like uh and now eldeth is dead sorry's dead bupido's yeah missing uh yeah go ahead and make an inside check and i got a negative one go ahead and i mean you're not lying yeah no it's it's not a contest i mean he's being in this case he's being incredibly forthright so it's just whether or not she believes him yeah go ahead what's your what's your total for your insight i got a 14. you feel like he's telling you the truth if you are at all skeptical i will remain up here while you go examine sarah's body you will see that his neck was slit with a dagger a weapon that i do not work with i am not a physical combatant you understand why i'm hesitant i we've i do good i'm i will be examining to make sure everything makes sense but first i'm going to tell indigo that that's where i'm at very well uh so i'll i'll head on in and do that first and go i'm popping down the hole uh i i don't know if i could hear you i'm in the library oh well i would have walked over and yelled it uh why i'm to get the uh the shell from um ashney's uh egg see if i could do anything oh absolutely yeah you know if you need any help let me know do you want me to come over there right now no okay and like you like see like it's indigo has like a book on stool's head and he's like reading to him and they're just you know they're having a great time there's a book in front of stool and he's like i imagine like puffing out like little spores and it's like nope no still nothing i need someone to actually draw that that's so cute oh but you're doing a great job though my heart lara doesn't give a [ __ ] but sam thinks it's adorable um yeah so i will um kind of head on back to the hole in the ground and um i know we used rope previously i have rope um and so i would just kind of throw all that together and head on down if you if you are nervous about the ability to get down i'm hesitant to use another spell but i do technically have feather fall if that makes it easier i think i'm okay i think i can um i mean i've got a uh plus two to acrobatics and a plus five to athletics okay um just in case i think safel will stand near the hole um why does it make her feel great but yeah i know i know not like not right next to the rope not like i killed mufasa no uh he's aware of his situation he knows he just dropped a very heavy knowledge bomb and he is aware of how untrustworthy he he's aware of the prejudice so he's not trying to make that more difficult it's simply he is going to watch her for the first 60 feet so that if she falls within that time he can hit her with a feather fall uh yeah you start to head on down into the darkness of the cave to the skeletal but here and as you approach the bottom you see the horribly broken and mutilated form of sarith and that's where we'll leave it this week[Music][Music] do[Music][Music] hey everybody this is sam conklin i voice lara in the madness table we are so delighted to have you here thank you so much for listening to our dinky little podcast we pour our hearts into this so to have you here it's just it's it's the world if you haven't already we have a twitter instagram and facebook at the madness table you can also shoot us an email at themadnesstable gmail.com we would love to hear from you love to hear how you're enjoying the show any questions you have for the characters we might even shut you out in some future post show notes so please do so if if you're loving the podcast we would just adore you if you shared it with a friend and that's it so we'll see you in two weeks for our next episode when[Music][Music] do so[Music][Music] you