[Music] so[Music] this is andrew i voice indigo on the mana stable before we get to the madness today i want to shout out touch of feywild that you want to do what podcast and podcast overlord thank you for your support it means the world to us and now on with the madness so the last time we met you guys had lost your dear friend eldeth you had done some big research and found out quite a bit about how this castle may have come to be here in its history uh you lost almost all of your companions except for the noble stool the ever-present savior of your entire group you have decided to kind of split up before potentially trying to rest for who knows what time of day lara you are descending into the hole back where ashni was found sephel you are working on moving the stones in indigo you were diving into more of the books in the library what do you guys want to do uh well lara she's um she's on this rope i think and staring up it's a fell looking down at her as she's slowly kind of um like she doesn't want to look away because she's like a little paranoid i would say um and also just being tactical like don't turn your back on a potential enemy uh and she's gonna crawl down that rope and um wants to investigate the body that she can see mangled at the bottom sure uh make a medicine check that is ooh negative one um that's a 12 minus one is 11. okay uh you see quite a bit of damage has been done to sarith and you determined that that's mostly been done due to the fall um but you do see that his neck was slashed um and so you would think due to the blood on their clothes and from the depth of the cut that you believe that's how they died okay all right um can i search sarith sure absolutely yeah uh i'm not gonna make you roll for it because you can spend the time to be as thorough as you want um and you find that they don't have anything except for a couple of small edible bits of fungus that you guys had found uh back with your cultured friend brilliant okay um just being a confident survivalist you will grab those um and then i'm i'm gonna then check out um the uh egg that ashni came out of and see if that is viable in any sort of form to make a weapon or a shield or something okay uh yeah you go back over to the nest and you see the rest of the shards of that egg there um go ahead and roll me a nature check okay uh eight okay it's easy enough it's incredibly durable stuff um do you have proficiency or any kind of smith tools with you um no um i do not okay so you're not entirely sure what you could really if you could forge it into anything um you don't really have the the tool set with you to do anything however there's a large enough piece that you figure that if you were to take some rope and like lash it onto your arm you could make a small buckler and maybe give yourself a plus one to ac but nothing else and you're not sure how long it would last in such a in such a form as well okay uh yeah she'll take the time to do that and also ponder sarath's corpse a few feet away sure you're you're harvesting the bits while looking over yeah sorry it's just like oh [ __ ] i can't believe you've done this[Laughter] um the head bones no longer connected to the neck bone lots of bones are broken from their other bones falls are not our friends um all right are you uh how long do you want to spend down in the uh the cavern there with the old bodies yeah um i imagine that she she climbed down pretty quickly made her check um she would literally just do this as quickly as possible um uh make the buckler slap it on her back and then walk over to the hole and yank on the rope to indicate she's ready to come back up um are you is she expecting cephel to uh pull her back up uh i i think i was standing by the rope so that it didn't didn't come loose uh so safel was doing it as sort of a trying to do it as a gesture of like camaraderie and please don't assume that i'm a murderer um when he doesn't pull it she's like sort of a [ __ ] and then she just starts climbing yeah muttering about the the emaciated form of her illiterate friend up top yeah um let's jump over to indigo so you are back in the library and you are there with stool uh who's kind of been your actual stool as you pile your books on top of his head uh what are you if anything are you looking for in particular well i think i indigo is pretty satisfied with like the history that they've uncovered and like kind of like pieced together uh between him and cephale here previously so i think right now um indigo is looking to see if there's any maps of like or architectural plans around not like terribly hopeful but you know no stone unturned okay uh go ahead and make either a perception or an investigation check then i'll take a perception okay uh and uh a respectable 11. okay uh how much time do you spend looking for this uh indigo's not reading into it like oh they sent me over here to get me out of the way they're like cephel said to go over there and look for more information so he's gonna work until someone goes and like gets him um unless stool like gets antsy or anything all right so you're gonna spend some time all right that uh in my mind lowers the dc here you do find a not a map but you do find a kind of description of the lower layout of the castle in one of the books it seems like somebody was kind of writing about the history again of uh of the kingdom that this was once a part of and they described them traversing through the lower floors of this castle so you learn that the hallway that proceeds to the north beyond the library where you are currently in actually leads to uh two very close rooms one of which appears to be some kind of large study and another that leads to a blacksmith shop actually kind of the uh the kingdoms armorer and in blacksmith um and then that proceeded farther north uh a couple of lower level um uh what's the word i'm looking for uh like servants quarters uh a series of small rooms on the first floor so that they can quickly attend to a variety of needs um brought forward and then that led to a very large uh outdoor garden where they kept a the king and queen kept a large variety of flora and various things that they had found due to their right kingdom and then the other bits that you learn is that if you the doorway that all of your friends had been vanishing through so if you went back into the main entryway the foyer as we'll call it where the large door sephel and laura and uh ashni and athira sit if you had gone through the other set of doors you would enter into an extremely large the elegant banquet hall were very uh where quite a few parties balls and other such were were held with the main meals this person describes the rich tiling and floors uh the grand uh banquet table that spanned the majority of the room and how laughs cheers cries could all be heard throughout um and then they talk about how the servants would always bust through to from a small set of doors to the right of the banquet hall bringing forth rich meats fruits vegetables roasted vegetables and whatnot always in a continuous stream that king gallus and his queen were never left their guests to want for any kind of food you learn in this description that farther north beyond the banquet hall through another set of doors this presided uh this went down a larger hallway that eventually left uh or went into a set of staircases that went up to the upper floors as well as a small barrack room for some of the king and queen's uh knights and uh kind of higher ranking sergeants in their small army and then you learn that also connects uh to the very large garden as well the other bit that you learn that the large set of double doors that sephel and lara are nearby leads through to the throne room which was a vast room lavishly decorated with two large marble thrones in which the king and queen would receive all guests unless it was for a party this is where they attended all official business this is where uh those coming for aid or war was declared this is where the main happenings were conducted and that is what you learn of the layout oh wow still there's all sorts of great stuff in here wow there's a study and a shop and there's a lot of great stuff we could get uh i guess we should go see if everyone else is busy but you know they did tell us look around so i guess we could keep looking around or i mean they'll come guess when it's important so i'm sure it's fine yeah i'm sure it's fine listen can i go see eldeth uh what i just i i wanna i feel bad that she died i got to know her really well while we were in the prison and i i don't know i just feel like i should be by her when she i i don't know what you did but i feel like it's kind of like our our grove used to do when when one of us would would pass we would just kind of be there and we would feel their essence go oh that's very sweet still yeah well we do that together and we can wait for the rest everyone to you know come get us and they'll be very nice you want to commune with me and her as she passes beyond yeah you know i would love to know more about you at the spiritual practices of the grove okay and uh stool runs back over the books that you stacked upon his little toadstool head fall off as he hobbles runs over to eldest uh now decomposing body and you see as they kind of like settle in next to eldif that he seems to um exhume or not exhume um expel a number of spores from off of his body and you kind of feel yourself kind of becoming more peaceful and calm and you feel this desire to kind of like sit down you've you know it's it's like you just took a hit of a magical uh blunt or something you're just all of a sudden really mellow and you see stool actually kind of like rhythmically swaying side to side and you don't hear them speak but you hear what sounds like almost like humming or a musical tune almost shared between your minds and can you make a wisdom saving throw for me well of course and that is a 12 unless this is again being charmed in which case i have advantage uh no not really a charm um so you as this is happening you manage to keep most of your wits together but you actually feel like your[Music] your mind kind of melds with stools and you actually feel what almost feels like the presence of another and it almost feels like you're reaching out to eldest spirit in a way you're not 100 sure but you almost feel like you're it connecting in some kind of way and your mind just travels and it starts to see you see these colors in your mind and you hear this peaceful music kind of going and but you're also able to see what's happening in front of you and you see that the roots and fungi that had started to grow over elder's body from the ceremony that you had performed are actually starting to grow and connect with stool as well and some of them actually reach out towards you and kind of like quickly and slowly kind of like go over your legs and then they kind of just stop and you just feel connect a connection between the three of you and it's honestly kind of probably rattling to indigo to feel this almost third very faint presence and you feel it slowly fade more and more but eventually you kind of lose track of time as this continues on whoa uh all right let's jump back over to safel and laura so safel lara had descended into the hole you told her this big secret you had kept and for the moment we'll say that lara has not come back up but you are upstairs alone with ashni in athera who has kind of gone off on her own and she seems to kind of be like sitting and rocking nearby one of the pillars uh doing her own thing what are you doing um i think that safel is sort of in a i don't know i don't know that he much has a purpose right at this moment he's he's in a very uncomfortable middle ground of of this whole situation with sarith uh that lara is now in like in investigating um that he was hoping to just sort of sweep under to con you know continue their path forward and now he's more just in this uncomfortable period of waiting allowing lara to take from the situation what she needs to and see how much he can salvage the situation after um and sort of just i i guess it's a weird to have him in such a passive state at the moment but he really is just sort of seeing and analyzing where[Music] like what the reaction is gonna be and he doesn't really know where to take it until until he knows that gotcha okay well then kind of moving forward a little bit uh lara you climb your way out of the hole the shell buckler now on your back and you see safel's just kind of chilling i was able to see as you described sarath is indeed dead the bottom of this hole and his neck was slashed yes bupido made sure he was quite dead before he made his exit you can see there was no ill intent simply an avoidance of a complication hmm and where autopsy interviews fell that i am honestly unsure of they seem to have exited with the rest but i am uncertain of their location and since we are in a moment of honesty i don't necessarily care to know at this moment it seems trivial well we need to keep our backs we need to watch our backs bupido is in this hell hole as we are we can't leave out the door and neither can he no we will certainly find him later whether we want to or not i would say in the future it would be best to be honest i know you were worried but this could have went very badly sort of he sort of takes a minute to like process what that would mean my actions were not those of dishonesty rather delayed exposition as i analyze the best route to take an immediate immediately passing on that information or allowing you all to awake with a body in the middle of the chamber also could have ended very poorly hmm i understand i i can see why you did what you did do we tell anyone else or is this where do you stand now you seem a character of acceptable judgment do you believe this information will be beneficial to spreading to the others or do you think that it will sway them in a direction that will be harder to contain[Music] adversely do you think that if this does come to light later it will be a larger complication then if we do not reveal it now in any strategy information is key i think we have to share this i think bupido being out there and a threat to all of us is something everyone should be aware of i would hate for indigo to go hug him while knowing that he's slit somebody else's throat and you indigo would absolutely do such a thing[Music] i cannot disagree with your logic perhaps you could break it to him in a more tactful way than i am capable of i can do so and then we can figure out what our next move is do you know which direction bupido went uh i super don't remember if you told us i yeah i think i think he went actually towards the hallway i don't think he went the the doorway that everyone else did did he no he did he went through the left okay so doorway in the entry hall that you guys are in um he did abscond the same direction as the others supposedly headed my thought is that we should tell indigo and come up with a plan here because although i would love to go northward through these rocks and into that main room there i almost think that bupido is a more pressing matter at this time and perhaps if we were to track him and come up behind him we could catch him unawares sephel kind of looks at her armoring in the infantile mini dragon she just hatched and and in his brain just hears indigo's shrill voice you truly believe we possess the capability of sneaking up upon an assassin i do not disagree that bupido is a issue that will have to be handled do not know if i deem him a priority these crystals this area where we are in general seems important to be understood i'm i'm fine if you if we should understand these crystals and you you went into going all and worked together and figured that out i do not think that bupido would backtrack through the path that he's already taken and i think we are less likely to run into him going the same way he did but i think that this is a something we can discuss with indigo let's see what he has discovered we will discuss more yeah and i'll like grab ashni and um indicate for ethera to follow us into the library i guess okay she uh she seems kind of startled and then you know you think it's probably just because it's been so long since other sentient people have been here that uh she flutters up and she begins to follow you guys as you head to the back to the library and as you come through the door you see a very odd sight that of which you see stool and indigo and the uh body of eldeth which is now it almost looks like her body has mummified in a way and then as you guys kind of emerge and you stare at this you see her body kind of just slowly dissipate and then kind of fall through the clock cracks of this floor and you see the kind of branches that were on indigo's legs and those that kind of extended to stool and from stool all kind of retract and fall back into the cracks but more importantly you notice that stool has seemingly grown a bit um he now has these kind of small pudgy arms kind of sticking out from his side he's where he he was once like two feet tall he now stands about three feet tall um and you can kind of now actually see too dark under underneath this cap too dark almost like holes would appear to take like odd shape of what you think would be eyes um and they kind of turn to you and indigo you actually kind of wake up from this song meditative trance that you are in to see eldest body really gone and your friends coming through the doorway oh hi guys stool did you eat eldeth no you kind of burst into safel's hands what were you doing to the bodies guys it's totally it's hardly cool we're just doing a ritual it's very spiritual um this is a ritual of stools people uh that he was kind enough to let me observe uh stool has like run around behind indigo and is clutching onto their leg even though they're like thick now like they definitely peek out from behind into those legs you're gonna have to explain how you're spelling that will he's thick that boy thick chunky oh wow you have hands now that's great yeah it's just two little like nubby arms there's not really fingers but you can feel like the tension pushing on you a little bit um and he doesn't appear to be as soft as he once was he still has kind of the the doughy look to him but um the hands feel more stiff or the arms feel more stiff as they like clutch your leg ah we were just communing with eldeth eh and and her spirit as she finally let go as as my people would do as as the as the grove together would do i'm i'm sorry i didn't realize that that i was i would grow at this time i'm i have arms now and he kind of backs away from indigo's legs and he like waves around his stubby little arms this is i didn't think this would happen for another two years oh wow man this is great what a wonderful day of discovery stool and we've been pretty busy but i don't know you guys send us over here to get some information and we have a lot of great stuff and now still has arms this day can't get any better there's nothing that could ruin this nothing[Laughter] i apologize for assuming that you would handle that better than i would definitely apologize if it doesn't like grabs both sides like the home alone like yeah yeah she's still ceasing to go doing that and he tries to mimic it but like you can't see a mouth it's just like[Laughter] yes so i don't know if this is part of your spirituality that you would need to do this to another but yes sarath is dead bupido killed sarath um it's a lot to take in oh savelle witnessed it safely you saw this happen that's horrible savelle what have you done to him and you see his like little arms stick up like he's gonna punch you the flame is still in my hand there's a joke to be had here about doing mushrooms in a cave but i'll leave that one i sephila's like taking a minute to immediately reassess his assumptions about lara[Music] yes a couple evenings ago when i was coming to terms with my transformation in the area we have found ourselves in and the magics within i found myself in a uncomfortable state of paralysis not not frozen but simply the intuition to move did not leave my mind it did not reach reach my extremities and bupido revealed himself as a murderer in that moment of weakness he like he sneers the word weakness he he hates hates that it came out first he seemed to enjoy the moment of taking czar's life i do not think he was aware that i saw it at first and when he noticed that i was cognizant he left with his threats and absconded out the western hall also i'm so sorry you had to witness that i'm sure that was very hard for you um wow this is oh as bad she's just like hands on like hands on hips and i like stools right behind him also those hands on hips absolutely the stool is just like looking back and forth just mimicking you definitely doesn't reach his hips all the way i imagine stools arms are like just long enough to be arms but just short enough to be inconvenient yes they're like t-rex arms like they're there yeah he can't even like he doesn't have enough bend in length in his arms to really get him on their hips so it just kind of like he flops him to his side yeah he's like he's saggy t-posing yeah no yes well you can come to terms with your it's very sad you can come turn us with your emotions in your spare time we need to talk about our next move jesus wow i thought was the harsh one i i was about to say i thought i was the [ __ ] and now i feel a lot less guilty um well this is business yes ma'am uh i can tell you one thing um if if if you went through the western door uh that door goes to the banquet hall um and the kitchen is beyond um i don't know why they would i mean i guess he'd probably know he was going but he hasn't come back so i guess it kind of keeps going and oh i guess it does go out to the garden um there's like a nice garden i think there's some really nice crystals that only grow at night there um but we're undergrounds i don't think it probably works anymore um but if we go north here we can go over uh up into like the armory and the study uh i don't know maybe there's more information there cephel or or maybe in the armory uh laura we can find some weapons or armor to use there also were some knights that used to live here um and they were also off the banquet hall so maybe they have some good items as well um oh and you know the creepy door with all the rubble and the creepy voicemail side of it that's the throne room that's that's definitely the throne room i think it's clear we go to the armory we go to the study well conveniently they're both in the same direction so look at that i like i'd like to believe in a cartoony way they said that at exactly the same yeah right they like looked at each other and they're like our path is clear we go to and then just diverge both look at each other and still just like[ __ ] both of you i'm gonna go eat no he just runs off and i set that fungal[ __ ] on fire last thing you do fail it'll be the last thing you do i don't need no revivify to kick your ass mushroom boy no he doesn't run off uh he's sticking with indigo all right so you guys want to do a little bit exploring past yes i think we should revisit quickly the conversation about a rest before we delve further into this area absolutely yes study and armory are both very good options we have nothing to go off of that would suggest that they are safe options at the moment um the castle whatever this place is has already been i mean just about every single room we've been in so far hasn't been inhabited by something that does not want us here so do we want to block off the library and take a long rest i think it might not be i i can get away with a short rest if we need to i would say a short risk because i think we only woke up like a few hours ago yeah oh that's right we woke up in the main yeah yeah because i mean i guess like canonically surf only died like six or eight hours ago depending on when in the night that happened uh sarth was actually a couple days we we've taken i believe another rest since then because we slept bupido killed him i threw him down the hole we had a whole day i think um where we got into there was another skirmish um there was definitely a rest that was had between that point i don't know i think the next fight was the fight where eldaf died and that was only like yeah then we met the ferry and we haven't had a rest since we met um ethereal even in our i thought there was another rest somewhere in there all right maybe what maybe it was yesterday then um lara's feeling good so this is up to you guys um on what kind of a we want to do yeah no i i think i can get away with a short rest um for now if we are doing that will just so you're aware i'm going to burn um i'm going to burn my arcane recovery to gain a second level spell slot back okay um thank you for telling me so that is that is my only recovery until we take another long rest i'm i'm full hp um a little i'm slightly tapped on like not tap tapped on spell slots but i am down a couple so we just need to make sure that we are cautious about how far we progress yeah okay yeah i i'm okay on spell slots i've played my first levels a little short rest get some hp and then do a little just some light sploren you know some light exploring yeah all right so correct me if i'm wrong here because there's a lot short rest that's what you guys are doing okay um and you guys are boarding yourselves up in the library mm-hmm yeah laura will keep watch over the short rest yeah i know that's like everyone can but like she'll like literally keep watching okay so you're keeping an eye on the door after you guys have kind of barricaded it up okay as you guys are resting uh lara go ahead and make me a perception check 14 okay about 20 or so minutes into your watch as you guys are kind of resting up here i imagine laura you've actually probably got like you're you're back to the wall near the door as you're kind of like sitting on the ground or you're like your weapons across your knees keeping an ear out and you don't really hear too much from the others maybe some muttering from cephel as they're trying to bring back some of their power and you start to hear something[Music] kind of odd and it's odd in the fact that like out of everything you've heard here you really didn't expect to hear it and it sounds like the lapping of waves[Music] and this seems to be the sound the slapping of the waves starts to get louder and louder the roaring kind of crashing up somewhere near but you're not exactly sure how far away and then you all start to hear it as it becomes almost thunderous and you actually feel the ground start to shake just[Music] and then you all hear this incredibly large reverberating roar and like chittering just[Music] echo out across everywhere that you can hear and then all of a sudden you feel the castle shake it's just this colossal everything shaking around you stones are starting to fall from the ceiling dust is cascading around you as you hear these this huge cry and roar and i actually need you all to roll a sanity check oh [ __ ] all right okay i honestly forget how we did this straight roll plus your sanity modifier oh man well this is not great been a minute oh yep that is not good all right so indigo what you got uh that's a cool seven for old indy okay uh roll me a d100 please oh boy that is a 15. okay uh hold on to that hold on to that 15 15. sorry d100s are never good no slow and noteful death yeah they're never great um sorry if i had remembered that this was going to happen okay now roll me a d10 as well oh man it gets better and better that's great uh it's 10. i feel like that's not a good thing in this case okay all right laura laura lara lara what'd you get 10.[Laughter] roll me a d10 please five five okay now roll me a d100 forty-one forty one all right so fell what you got uh i rolled a nine so i'm gonna go ahead and roll that d10 yeah go ahead go ahead and roll that please this is the our sanity score game is not good y'all it's it's really not great i don't think any any of us have succeeded a sanity check nope 4 on the d10 4 on the d10 then roll me that 100 okay okay uh 83 83 as this large roar and bellow and like chittering almost laugh echoes throughout the castle as this large thing hits against it you all feel something sweep over you your heart starts to beat incredibly fast and you you feel this adrenaline start pushing without your body and all of a sudden your minds are not your own indigo as all this has happened as these cries and bellows start to fade again over the course of the next 10 minutes you're convinced that someone even your friends one of them might be trying to kill you lara you all of a sudden think that there is more than one person inside your head you just hear voices different sounding voices saying all sorts of nonsense and you sit there gripping your head and i imagine that it's extremely traumatizing we'll we'll get into it how your characters react to this what over the course of the next five minutes that's all you hear is innumerable amounts of voices screaming inside of your head safel you all of a sudden feel or see rather what looks like a large army of people coming to get you and strip you of your belongings take everything you've ever had and potentially kill you and so for the next four minutes you are convinced that that is exactly what is happening you have all lost a sanity point if you guys could take that away from your total for me all right this is my second so just for the listening audience let's hear your total sanity scores now let's start with indigo then we'll go lara then we'll go safel uh indigo no has a sanity score of 13. and what were you at originally uh 14. okay so this is this is your first check all right yeah yeah first uh first try first fail and what do you think indigo is doing as he believes that one of your friends someone is trying to kill you i think indigo takes like a long look at each of the people in the room his eyes rest for a long moment on stool then he looks just over his head the obvious culprit sephill safel is gonna come for me and i position myself between sweet stool and the murderous squid man and i i you know get ready to push a table in front and block whatever kind of arcane villainry is about to come my way you know y'all are there there's a theme here and i know that guy as a person i'm a white dude but i'm starting to think that there's definitely a racial thing happening in here and i'm not cool with it is it the tentacles it's probably the tentacles is it is it the pseudopods guys the pseudocodes he pulls off his tentacles is it the beak underneath is it that right right is it the stream we don't think about what's underneath uh elephants there's no there's no good answer to that question no we don't need to know um all right so indigo you're you're just preparing yourself against this imminent threat that you believe is coming from safal laura what are you doing as these innumerable amount of voices start screaming in your head yeah um lara she was sitting she was sitting with her weapon across her legs staring at the door and then all this started happening and when the voices like got louder and louder i'm imagining that she is like curled forward head against her knees like gripping her head and like keening back and forth as she like tries not to listen to all these voices and she's she's probably just saying like crazy stuff which anybody else was saying would probably sound crazy but um and she's just like the army the army said it would be okay the i did i did the best that i could i'm gonna do better okay and i'm gonna do better i'm just i'm gonna keep trying everything is just it's it's fine and she's just like screaming over and over and like once in a while she's just like um standing up and maybe like slamming a fist against the wall but she just keeps saying like unintelligible things oh this is cool i i like that i see some dips into the backstory happening all right safel you are convinced an army of people are coming for you and all of your belongings yeah so this so uh just just refresh me on the the description so it's not like an ominous like there is somebody coming for me it's like a visual like you almost see like he is seeing an army of people come at him yeah and you see your friends amongst them as well you are convinced that they are there to rob you blind and potentially kill you yeah yeah i think he he's like seeing all of these people and and i imagine it's a it's a terrible combination of things because he sees suddenly like bursting from all of the doors this army of people and there's uh bupido is in there who who's come back and the body of of sarith was still like the gashing wound in his throat like all of these people that have looked at him strangely and he has been judging and analyzing and and trying to[Music] determine their worth and have these weird relationships with they've suddenly just snapped and are done with him and are coming to take his things and and dispose of him um and he sees he sees indigo glaring at him like actually sees indigo glaring at him just looking at him with this this intent this terrible look like he's looking at a monster and lara has gone absolutely insane terrified this this the pinnacle of strength within the group is afraid of this onslaught of people and has resulted in is huddled in a corner like scared and not helping him uh and and i think he's he's clutching his book to him he doesn't have a lot of belongings so it's like his his staff that gnarled black staff and the book he's like clutching it to him and i think he actually like i think he starts throwing cantrips at these illusions like he's actually he's you know flinging his his staff with one hand like trying to knock them back and and throwing uh just a small cantrip blast like trying to to get them away from him um i feel like i see sephel you kind of backing your way into a corner of the library swinging your staff and casting spells wildly trying to take on this horde you indigo are trying to protect stool and yourself and you are throwing over old desks and couches trying to protect yourself from this hideously deformed in your mind view of safel who is now casting magical spells at you as you as you predicted was going to happen you knew this was coming at some point and i just see like the two of you are losing your [ __ ] while laura is just like over in the corner she's panicking she's freaking out hearing both voices that she's never heard before and voices from the past calling out with from her tears down her face i see stool panicking and just like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] guys and ashley is there as well trying to figure out what is going on with lara and we see high above everybody uh athira fluttering about also covering her ears screaming no no more no more no no no no and that's where we'll leave it this week oh my god so hey everybody this is sam conklin i voice lara in the madness table we are so delighted to have you here thank you so much for listening to our dinky little podcast we pour our hearts into this so to have you here it's just it's it's the world if you haven't already we have a twitter instagram and facebook at the madness table you can also shoot us an email at themadnesstable gmail.com we would love to hear from you love to hear how you're enjoying the show any questions you have for the characters we might even shut you out in some future post show notes so please do so if if you're loving the podcast we would just adore you if you shared it with a friend and that's it so we'll see you in two weeks for our next episode when[Applause][Music] so[Music][Music][Music][Music] do you