[Music] so[Music] all right so last time when we gathered you guys had done some very brief business indigo had begun doing some research in the library which ended up in a weird vegetable meditation with stool and absorbing eldest body and stool grew some arms and two little eye hole like sockets um never gonna die nope he will live forever never lara uh managed to go down into the hole and soar saw poor sarath's broken body and uh in doing a little bit of research on the egg that ashni had come from you found that it could be potentially plied with but you've kind of made it into a makeshift buckler for now giving you a plus one to ac which is great and then uh safel just kind of did safel hating on everyone hey i was i disagree i was very cooperative and very communicative last episode oh yes i i talked with laura i trusted her to pass on the information in a proper way and then it wasn't and immediately regretted that trust that's true this is true um i think i think last session was was okay for savelle i i think he he made some big steps he's growing as an individual oh okay let's not get crazy but yeah let's not go overboard uh you guys decided you want to uh take a little hour-long short rest which you guys kind of convene in the library there was some talk of stool uh laura was posted up to take watch and during that time something absolutely monstrous had come up somewhere in the distance and slammed into the castle you guys heard this roaring almost chittering laughs in the lapping waves of something somewhere that shook the castle and you all panic uh andrew as indigo believed that safel was going to try and kill him brennan fell believe that everyone was trying to come and take his [ __ ] and then kill him and then laura you started hearing voices in your head calls from the past new voices multiple different sounds not belonging to your own during this time you laura freaking out in the corner safel starts shooting off cam trips and indigo you are thrown over furniture trying to protect yourself in stool and that's where we find ourselves now correct me if i'm wrong i'm pretty sure i wrote this down here safel your little bout of madness here eventually you see all the figures chasing after you trying to claw at your belongings fade away to which when you kind of realize that like oh this isn't happening you do see however indigo is creating a blockade of sorts to to keep away from you and you look around and you see all the the scorch marks of your your various cantrips that you were blasting off that was real you see him panicking and telling you to to back off warning you and then you see lara or hear her rather from across the shelves panicking and and screaming about these various things that she seems to be hearing something what do you do um can i can i make any sort of check to sort of i mean he he snaps out of this and it it's just it's so chaotic around him and he doesn't understand like there's a hole in his mind of those few minutes and just everything is so much more chaotic than it was to him like a second ago can and can i make any sort of check to try to i guess understand what is going on like what happened like what is happening to us right now um i will let you choose the check which skill you want to try to use to deduce that actually okay you just tell me which one you want to use okay um guessing there are layers here because if i'm looking at if i'm looking at indigo and lara my instinct might be to go inside to see like what's going on with them but yeah i i guess the question is am i capable of understanding that something bigger is happening than just us panicking like that there would be an outside effect going on well uh then let's just make it a straight up intelligence check how about that let's see if you can figure out whether or not on a simple level what's what's happened what could have caused this sure what die do i like my sephel die has never led me hasn't let me astray so far so let's see if i can keep the luck up and luck is gone even even with a incredibly high intelligence score for our level that is an eight you don't know you don't know you you have no idea what could have possibly caused this scenario to occur and as you are trying to deduce this um lara finally the voices in your head start to fade away and i'm seeing everything as well now you can hear the others because if you look on our roll 20 map you are closest to the western door the very entrance into the library now there is some dust and debris that has come down from the ceiling due to whatever had collided with the castle um but you cannot see the others through the bookshelves currently you can hear indigo uh yelling and you can hear uh the the telepathic noise of of stool trying to get indigo to calm down um you do not hear cephel though and you do not hear uh athera but ashni is is by you and they seem to be uh a bit agitated as well yeah um lara assuming that she's like slowly coming back like she's she's getting her wits about her sounds like she's yeah um then i think she would go toward what she could hear and do something about which is indigo um so i would like to use um i think i'm just going to cast light uh and try to like bring more um visibility to what's going on around me whether to help or not i don't know um but then lara is going to um indicate for ashi to follow her and try to head in the direction of indigo's voice okay yeah you you turn a couple corners after shedding this light and you you see a blockade has been made with a indigo and stool from behind indigo stool who who is it who's shooting at us it's the fell he's come for us he's finally come for us oh god oh god indigo i promise there's nothing happening he's he's stopped doing it we can get out he's he's still is very he's very clever we have to protect ourselves now otherwise he will blow us up with his arcane chicanery still seems to turn towards you through the cracks and some like chairs and desks lauren she goes he seriously lost it i don't know what to do well who's who's obviously something has been firing who fired oh it that was definitely sephill safel lost his [ __ ] and just started like whipping his wand out at everybody see i've never seen such wand whippage in my life well then clearly there is a problem going on indigo uh here let me help uh she's gonna start like trying to help build this barricade against spell oh good good yes excellent away watching yeah you do look to the right and you do just see cephel standing there i'm also foul i'm also more offended by stool calling my staff a wand little wand size doesn't matter sephel it does that's all i have it matters to wizard the staff size of us power is measured by the size of the staff and nothing else obviously obviously safal put the wand or the staff down she's a staff i apologize put it down it it is down has he dropped it no he hasn't dropped it it is it is a staff and what he uses as a walking stick so it is resting like on the ground like he's holding it it's sitting on the ground he's not doing anything with it i think indigo would feel better if you weren't touching it right indigo you see like the like the the like black curly mop of indigo's hair like creep over like the top of his barricade his like eyes were just like wide and wild yeah he put it down i'm far more concerned about why indigo is worried over what would make him feel better in this moment well why were you throwing all those spells at me then huh huh i don't know something see see laura you heard it right there he did don't understand what's going on there's magics that i'm not aware of and that's frustrating enough so settle so i can figure it out i think we're all settled i think we're nobody's firing any spells the room is clearing indigo can you center yourself oh i'm as senators i need to be i'm right where i am i am right in the middle of this well-constructed barricade uh lara will step out uh seeing that safal is of a sound mind seemingly yeah it's debatable um i can i um i mean can i like splash some water on indigo i don't know you can do whatever the hell you want to go for it i think she would still like yeah like is it paranoia and like you know you can use easy eyes uh make a medicine check all right that sounds proactive let's do it ted uh you think he's he legitimately believes that's false trying to kill him but you you don't know medically what what could cause that the problem here is that safel has killed someone or i'm sorry you didn't kill them you disposed of the body it wasn't that you killed indigo i'm sorry it's not it's not what happened indigo was i'm getting confused who did stefan kill no one as far as i know this is not helping the paranoia level in indigo corner whatsoever saying he's saying absolutely nothing he's like he's too deep in thought to give a [ __ ] about the like about what you are assuming but he's not denying anything either which doesn't help um stool why don't you sit with indigo keep a watch on sfell i think i i want to investigate this you all hear the sound before this all happened what what oh stool did not hear it no stool there was um like a wave a huge wave wait do you have do you have ears like i mean i well i guess i don't know i don't i don't know that they work like yours but i can hear stuff yeah but don't you like kind of like don't your spores kind of communicate for you or yeah those sink through your ears into your brain and that's how i communicate with you but i can hear other stuff that's fascinating uh indigo like assuming that i'm in right enough mind to do this will i will sit down and like start like oh that's interesting to start taking notes oh yeah you can you can totally do that you just you totally believe cephel is trying to kill you still currently he takes notes furiously when ions fell i think indigo is calm now yeah i'm calm i'm calm and i'm cautious i'm curious if what is happening may have something to do with the strange magics that have already been present in this area the magics that bupido had mentioned before he absconded magics that we experienced around the crystals there is influence of the arcane in this place it may be twisting us as well the longer we remain here well how rested is everyone because i think we can't move forward without we want to move quickly but we also need to be cautious i i didn't find the last little bit to be very restful but um i think we should still check out the um the armory up ahead i think that would be a good step though i i don't really feel much like resting i think we should kind of get busy as you guys begin to discuss us indigo your suspicion and uh fixation that sephal is trying to kill you all of a sudden just fades oh that's weird how you doing sephel you having a pretty good day i don't understand is that what you're saying this that's weird that the change in interaction we've been speaking you know how i'm doing i'm uncomfortable this place is weird well i know that those are all things that are true sephel but how do they make you feel you're talking quite strangely we should move on how was a theira uh you don't see her actually you haven't you haven't gone looking for her but you also don't see her yeah i think uh lara would upon remembering ethera um uh kind of yell out ethera and then start looking around um the room okay um you kind of hear her small voice come from kind of the southern end of the room from behind some bookshelves uh just like i'm over here i'm okay uh yeah i will walk over there okay you you find her she's sitting upon some uh fallen books she's got her her knees cradled up to her chest she's kind of hugging herself and uh she goes hi i'm i'm okay i'm okay i i sorry i i don't know what came over me all of a sudden i just i couldn't see and then there was screaming and she kind of shivers and she grows quiet does this happen often in this place you've been here a long time i've i've never ever experienced something like this before i've never heard whatever that was hmm we need to we need to move are you are you all right to keep going i'm okay i'm i'm all right and you can see she unfolds herself and she seems kind of sad but she she's you see her uh fly a little bit up into the air kind of floating there she goes i'm yeah we sh we should move that's okay all right i found her uh and we'll regroup okay oh excellent actually no brother matthias always said that the best cure is activity so maybe we could do some pull-ups or push-ups or go into the armory that would probably also be a workout i think that's a good idea okay as i declined as i would be to rest i did not was not able to recover the ability i need to be comfortable carrying forward i agree we need to move but we must be cautious uh do you want me to kind of like sneak ahead a little bit and check out what's going on up there i'm pretty quiet when i want to be better yes all right cool um well if you don't mind laura let me get a little bit of head start i'll check the rooms ahead and i'll report back sounds good uh and then i will attempt to do that i will kind of make my way northward uh and kind of scout the area okay um let's do some little reveals all right uh go ahead and make me a perception check absolutely uh that is a 14. okay and then how far out is your dark vision or classic 60 feet yes yep 60 feet dark vision okay so you actually managed to see all the way to the end of this hallway and it's quite interesting you see in this long corridor that it is decorated uh down the middle with this fine bluish tile that you've already seen along the floors you see a small smattering in clumps of that same crystal that you saw in the main foyer uh or foyer however the [ __ ] you want to say it um you do not see any kind of uh enemies lurking in the shadows though uh you know classically dark vision only lets you see in shades of like gray black and all that kind of stuff um so it's still kind of dark to you but you do make out that there is a doorway a double a small set of double doors on the left probably be about 5 10 15 20 25 30 feet ahead on the left and then you see that there is a far far doorway uh kind of smaller about 50-ish feet away on the right-hand side and from your notework notes you would uh you would deduce that the left-hand doors go to the study while the doors to the right go to the armory all right so the the study door is a little bit closer there right yes okay i'm gonna i'm gonna as silently as possible move towards those left-hand doors to the study first okay yeah and it's not too hot you can get there uh and as you make your way up there that you see that the uh doors are not locked they just seem to be slightly ajar can i hear or see anything on the other side make a perception check all right that's a dirty 20. nice uh okay yeah you actually don't hear anything coming from the other side excellent and then i'll i'll go ahead and slowly open one of the doors and step inside then okay yeah you step inside and give me a second to reveal here you see a rather large and lavish study the floors here are decorated in a black tile similar to what you saw out before with a moon like design uh interspersed up across it almost giving the floor what looks like a night sky type depiction you see that there are a couple old dusty racks of what must have been for weapons and arms however they now lay barren you see to the north that there is what remains of a very rusty organ uh and on either side flanking it to its left and right that there are some dusty old bookshelves that seem to uh be missing quite a bit of their of their um units i guess you should say like a lot of the books are missing some of the shelves have fallen onto the floor some are just missing large sections you see that there are a couple of open broken desks uh to the west into the south uh you see that there is one large kind of grand chair towards the middle in front of a a desk covered with various drawings open letters different things like that and beneath it is a large reptil reptilian uh skin kind of like a rug and uh as well on the western wall you see that there is a fireplace with a couple of chairs sitting in front and a couple more bookshelves to the southwest and the southern wall and that is all you see excellent um not seeing any immediate dangers i will step out i'm gonna flash a thumbs up to uh laura and safel down the hallway um and then i'm gonna creep up towards that uh door on the right hand side okay uh you're just creeping up do you are you going in are you checking it out what are you doing uh i i want to check again like listen at the door maybe if it's open like like peek in if i can okay um well make me another perception check uh back down through that's a 12. okay well the first thing you notice is as you come to what you are surprised is the end of this hall you see that a large amount of rubble to the north of you has fallen you see that there are stone pieces of tile pillars that have all collapsed and you see actually some bits of crystals kind of peeking out from different spots in there that kind of leads up into a uh what must be like the ruined floor upper floor of this castle and it blocks off any farther passageway to the north as for anything uh pertaining to the armory you do not hear anything guys uh then i'll i'll uh poke open that door to the armory and take a look inside as well uh as for the rest of you what are you guys doing you're just hanging out by the library uh i actually want to once he's cleared it i think sephill um he's not gonna like go super super crazy uh but he actually at least wants to peek into that study because he was he was very disappointed to find nothing of interest in the library and as soon as he heard that there was a study he got very excited again so i think after hearing that it's it's at least safe for the moment uh he would take the first opportunity to at least look in and sort of get his own his own look at it okay same but lara's going to the uh she's going to wait in front of the door for the armory to be all clear because she don't give a [ __ ] about a study okay oh she's weak all right indigo you swing open the door into the armory and you take a take your step inside as you open it there and we see a couple of things oh boy i feel a sense of dread and that's why yeah you should let me describe the room for you this room is a disaster to the north of you so on your left hand side you see what is the smashed remains of a large bed straw bed with a couple of desk and bureaus beside it you see some training dummies to the northeast that are filled with old broken arrows and some smattering of rusty weapons that lay broken on the ground you see a old uh now dormant forge and grinding wheel you see a a couple racks filled with some older rusty weapons as well you see a drawing table on the eastern wall kind of towards the south east and you see an even larger forge to the south next to it sits a rotted pile of wood as well as some more sharpening stones and a large set of bellows however this room does have a few denizens as you kind of walk in through the door like hello i'm taking all of your [ __ ] a few skeletal bodies start to rise and a more meaty one starts to as well and as you is that in the middle open that up a ghostly like figure comes out of a fallen body on the floor and just screams at you i need you all to roll for initiative i don't know yeah this seems fine they seem chill they seem chill yeah okay all right safel you were just pushing in the doors to this study peeking your head in when you hear this horrible scream from the room to the north where indigo went what do you do i told them to be cautious and he very regrettably like lovingly gives the books in there one last glance and then swings around and books it towards the other door uh so he's gonna run up the hallway to the door or not to the door but so he is in the doorway is indigo blocking my entire line of sight there or can i can i see into he is blocking line of sight there currently um so i can't see anything past him or i just don't have a clear shot at anything you just really don't have a clear shot well i'm going to use my adjust density feature and i'm going to double indigo's weight so yeah so so your speed your speed is reduced by 10 feet but you have advantage on any strength checks or strength saving throws i don't know if that's useful but it it is there um curious it is concentration so if it [ __ ] sucks i can drop it next round um and that is my action i don't think i have any bonus actions right now nope i don't have anything so yeah that is that is my turn i'm gonna run up see the situation i can't be helpful in this exact second so i'm gonna i'm gonna make uh indigo a little bit more sturdy and i'm going to figure out how to handle this situation with with the limited resources i have okay well next in the order we have this ghost-like apparition that screamingly rushes towards indigo and is going to reach out and try and touch you no bad command unfortunately i couldn't find my physical dice so that does a 16 touch you it does oh no oh that's not oh oh boy yep so this is what's lovingly called life drain you take it takes 13 points of necrotic damage and i need you to make a constitution saving throw jesus christ okay come on we can do this we can do this natural 20 yes united portal 21. nice okay so it touches you this horrible like your skin starts to turn black wherever it touches you and then all of a sudden just it disappears into the wall i don't like that at all yeah okay next up we have laura all right um laura has no idea what's happening so i'm gonna um laura will sprint forward to the doorway um it's gonna be um almost her entire movement to get inside the room but double to move through indigo's face right yes i think that's all her movement i would like aushney to follow and get on indigo's other side okay yep he can get there oops sorry i tried to move him at the same time so he wigged who's my true master uh so lara has basically shoved her way into the room with ashley on the other side of indigo creating this like wall of um teammates here against this uh flesh body that we're standing in front of um so entirely blocking the doorway from the fell mind you huh if i could have gotten in there listen listen i'm not complaining i am i do not mind not being involved in that or fight all right so lara has appeared here and she's going to command ashni um on my bonus action uh to attack this uh creature with a claw attack uh which is gonna be a plus uh to tend to hit uh that is a hit oh cool so ashley rips into this fleshy humanoid skeleton a zombie we'll we'll call it what it is this zombie uh for five piercing damage okay good job ashley you know and then round of applause for the ashton yes on my turn my action i would like to you know what i'm going to i'm going to use my action to actually move i think i want to move i'll see your good double move all right i'm gonna dash um so i am now not blocking the doorway and i'm on the other side i will say this lara before you move right here and right here are racks of weapons so you'd have to kind of go the long way unless you want to make an acrobatics or athletics check to like jump over it uh yeah let's let's do a little um a little little paco what i'm better at here um athletics please okay roll me athletics uh 21. okay yeah you you handily leap over it ah that's it okay uh indigo the savior of the hour it is your turn yeah in the ear staggers back after that uh necrotic drain oh this worked once before uh and he's gonna hold his holy symbol high and he's gonna try to turn undead okie dokie so wisdom saves all around all right let's see let's do the first one this is for the zombie oh not 20 the zombie is fine dang this uh are the two skelly boys hey let's see here i don't think they have any okay so one of them uh got a 13 and one of them got a five uh those are both fails okay so both of them are turned and then let's check in with our incorporeal friends let me double check there can they uh do they do that you need line of sight on these guys is it just a broad area of effect what is this i need to be able to see see or hear ah so the spectre technically doesn't have to no no if i can't if i can't perceive it it cannot be affected all right so then that role for the spectre does not matter okay uh indigo is there anything else you'd like to do on your turn here you have turned two the two skeletons successfully the zombie and the spectre have saved oh so now i will say um okay um don't worry about the skeletons right now uh worry about this guy and i'll point the zombie and i'll worry about that guy i'll point to the wall where the other guy just appeared to i don't know where he's going to go what are you what are you saying you're like indigo is like he's playing with like a shriveled finger trust me there's something over there and it's not fun he's still a victim of the madness we need to get him out of the room you know i would really love to leave this room sephill um and i'm gonna cast a bonus action healing word on myself to see if i can do that okay oh that's a good heel uh that is an eight that's a max heal oh which is good nice because i had two hit points left what the hell yeah because we we never got to rest yeah yeah there was two sixes in that that three six roll for that that was three yeah well you know what no i'm gonna hold i'm gonna hold my ground there's i don't think anything unless i'll turn back so phil do you want to get in here or would you rather not i'll keep my distance but i do need to see and you think is if i move then he can just like walk over and kill you but we'll figure it out uh i will take a cross step staying in their range i will take one step to the right just south of the zombie okay yeah so sophel has his line of sight but hopefully i could stop them from making a run at him okay all right all right all right all right all right well now it's stool's glorious champion of life you know what's his feed like 10 uh no his speed has been boosted now that he has like some real legs to him now that he's an actual character not a deadweight npc all of a sudden listen just to stubby see the power we have over your world will if you hate something if you hate something deep enough if you hate something in my world just like brendan did to me during my bachelor party i will bring it back tenfold and be there worse there is nothing more powerful than spite yes there is i don't care what they say about love or friendship or or whatever spite is the strongest power there is so just from down the hall saphel you just yeah and this stubby stool just his arm his little new arms just pumping as he just starts sprinting down the hall and just manages to get into the room through the doorway looks oversees indigo and he looks at the zombie and he's like did you cha-cha and then you just see him wind up his little tiny fist as he goes to try and punch him twice important important thing here how tall is stool now oh stool is like a solid three okay that's fine that's fine because he stepped right in the doorway so i was going to get even more salty that this[ __ ] just blocked my sight again but he's he's fine so stool strikes out twice managing to uh actually what's his plus to hit there again okay so he hits twice even with a ten and a four uh his his he's got a plus five to his fist she was first uh all right this is great oh but the damage dice so on his first punch he does four points of damage just like clocking the zombie in the knee just you hear some bones snapping and on the second hit he does six points of damage for what did i say that was i was five now six so 11 points of damage and this zombie is now like on its knees kind of looking confused at stool i'm saved i've got you indigo uh all right and that it's his turn well next up are the skeletons the skilly boys who are turned so obviously they're gonna try and run as far as they can uh this one that was to the north of lara is moving past you so you get it a tack opportunity against it i had a mini stroke there oh jesus no don't you dare no lie no no no but i must and she will kill it kill it dead uh so that is uh so she's got her great club right uh so that is a 21 to hit yeah that's it nice oh and that's gonna be you fool uh that is four bludgeoning plus two thunder okay so you managed to blast off uh a couple of its bones one of its it's it's part of its rib cage blows away as you do six points of damage and uh i'm no longer obligated to run as it is no longer so it just all of a sudden as it was like facing away from you laura you hit it wiping away some of its rib cages and just cause it turns back towards you uh for the record sam knew not to hit it uh laura just had to hey laura i applaud you we haven't done this two combats ago wait this is two combat to go this other skeleton farther to the south between the one of the drawing tables and the greater forge just starts running its way into the corner and gets tangled up in the bellows a little bit and it's just just you hear the clickity clacking clank of its armors it's just hitting the wall trying to run uh all right next up is this horribly effed up zombie that has just been bludgeoned by a mushroom man uh and this zombie is going to let's see here it's going to slam against indigo its original target bring it oh oh [ __ ] yeah so that's a 21 to hit that's super hits jesus this is this is wow oh damage you take seven points of bludgeoning damage isn't that like isn't that almost all of the healing you just did that is almost all of the healing i just did yeah are you sitting at three hit points now a healthy trace jesus well let's have a rest let's walk into the forge guys i mean you tried to rest uh all right athera is up next and she moves 5 10 15.[Music] okay so she manages to just get inside the room and she takes out this little like needle and she's going to try and stab down on the zombie she does have advantage here uh okay she does hit so she does get her sneak attack and so she's gonna get me bits yes[Music] oh sorry i don't have my physical ties okay so she does seven points with the short sword as it's classified here or actually no that's that was supposed to be a dagger so we'll just subtract at least two points off of that so that's four 10 12 points worth of damage total and this zombie uh starts to crumble however there's a beautiful thing with zombies it needs to make a dc-17 constitution saving throw or it doesn't die nope it fails so she stabs down through into its head and pulls her little needle out and the zombie is no more oh thank goodness all right sophel you are up cool i have no better idea of what i should do in this situation than i did before so what i will do is so i was able to see password i caught sight of the ghost before it because it had to go up to indigo to attack him right so i would have seen it at one point it kind of went to the side so you had seen it but you don't know where it is currently okay uh what i am going to do because the skeletons are running away i don't have good line of sight i don't have a good yeah okay so first thing i'm gonna do is uh acknowledge that my first call was a bad idea and i'm gonna drop i'm gonna stop i'm gonna let the the adjust density go so you have your full movement indigo but you don't have advantage on strength saves or strength checks which i don't feel like is gonna hurt you too bad um and then what i'm i'm going to hold i'm going to hold my action um in the case that i catch sight of the ghost and the action i'm so i i know holding is weird so i have to like i have to announce what the trigger is and what the action is going to be so if i if i gain sight on the ghost if the ghost pops back into my vision i am holding a spell okay uh do you want to quickly throw in our chat what that spell is and i will i i would do that in the our recording chat not our role 20 chat just so everybody knows what it is i trust you but just sorry no sure um and i will not look at that page okay so cephel is holding with a spell in case this ghostlike figure appears okay so we'll mark that well next up is the ghost like creature oh [ __ ] and uh i'm gonna quickly move here it does reappear however it reappears in a spot that's a failed cannot see and it is going to swing out at a good friend indigo and if this hits you this is not going to be good this could be life or death okay bad roll let's see what the to hit is okay does a 13 hit you a 13 will scrape off my shield does not hit you lucky lucky boy uh and then this creature will once again disappear into the wall all right laura you are up okay um i'm going to sh uh i'm gonna bonus action conjure my shadow blade is that a spell yes are you using any kind of material component uh i have my um my arcane foci okay so it doesn't consume anything there's nothing more than you know a couple small pieces that it would replace oh there are no material components okay then you're good just making sure that everybody's keeping track um and she will she's gonna move ten f she's she's gonna head um down further down in the room to be at least somewhat closer to where that s thing has been appearing okay the ghost like figure okay so you're gonna you're gonna leap back over another rack so do you want to make me another athletics check sure uh 13. okay yep you pass so you jump over you're still in range of the skeleton to the east that you had hit before uh okay so you're just positioning yourself there are you moving anymore um i'm going to uh yes i am what i would like to do is have i would like ash i'm going to command ashny because i can use my action um when i take the attack action i can forego an attack to allow my familiar to make an attack with its reaction so i'm not going to attack this term but i'm gonna have ashley come over and attack that zombie okay so ashni rushes over uh go ahead and roll to attack uh 12. uh that is a mess damn it um then okay so that is my attack my action my attack action my bonus action uh i will finish my turn directly south okay so you're gonna take the attack of opportunity yeah yeah okay so this skeleton is going to swing out with its short sword not a good roll that is a four so an eight i'm assuming does not hit you yeah that misses okay all right so you managed to make it over to the wall where you last saw this ghostly figure appear correct and i'll end my turn okay indigo you are up oh wow hey laura thanks huh yes school thank you um excuse me uh and i'm gonna walk past our dead friend here uh over to the corner of the room on the north northern side so i kind of have the whole room in front of me okay i believe you now thanks actually i will stay one step over so i have a better view um and i am going to also ready a spell uh if the ghost were to come back okay uh all right then you are readying a spell next up is stool and stool is just like leroy jenkins and just sprints further across the room over to this other skeleton and is going to lash out with his fists it's just like i beat on bones uh and one of those is a hit with a 15 so geez max damage for the stool man he does 10 points of damage and he like you just see him slide underneath and like go for a crotch punch but he just like punches out this skeleton's pelvis and it crumbles to the ground and this skeleton is dead man that's the stool way uh all right well next up are the skeletons and the one in the corner it continues to run into the corner hurting itself while the other one lies dead athera is going to fly five to 15 30 over towards that skeleton and she's going to stab at it and that is a hit however she does not have sneak attack so she does okay she does seven points of damage to it and it is now no longer turned all right sephel we are back at the top of the order with you uh yeah we are and unfortunately um because the ghost did not present present itself uh in a manner that i could see it which he should have been smart enough to know considering he is the only outlier um my final second level spell slot for the day is expended as i was holding scorching ray um he is going to so he he has the magic ready to go and as the seconds go by and he hears the the uh incorporeal creature pop out on the other side and the combat continue he curses to himself for not thinking that through properly as the magic like sparks and dissipates and like burns his fingers as it falls away from his hands and he curses himself uh so i'm going to now that things have uh been trimmed down a little bit he's actually going to move into the room he's going to come through the doorway and he's going to swing up to the northern wall um like in between where this it looks like the like broken bed and the dresser are um and against my better judgment he is going to do the same thing uh this time he is going to hold a first level spell slot because that's all he has and i'll i'll just announce what's gonna happen um okay as soon as the next time the ghost pops out of the wall uh he's going to cast bone shard and hurl some of the skeletons remains at the ghost ghosty boy all right well it is the uh creature's turn and you guys do hear a shriek but you then see it outside the doorway oh [ __ ] off you see it you do see it though so you get to cast your spell because you see it it seems to be like flying out to the north out on the other side of the wall but you see it for a moment so go ahead and cast your spell okay i am going to yeah so it's it's kind of a um trying to paint the best visual picture possible because this is audio after all it's it's kind of so the the ghost is right outside the door the skeletal remains that i'm going to be using are like almost directly in front of the door just 10 feet past it but i'm sort of in a triangle pattern with both of them so he like reaches out to his left like latches the arcane tendrils to the bones of the skeleton and just whips them to the side and like flings these shards of of uh bone out the doorway to try to hit this ghostly form i need to[Music] what is the excuse me uh sorry trying to remember how spells work all right because this is a this is a different spell okay so on a successful yep so i have to make a range spell attack okay all right let's do it[ __ ] hell um i'm guessing an 11 doesn't hit it does not[ __ ] man uh did does indigo have a lot of sight to see yes you would actually all right i will um seeing like cephel i imagine like the bones like clattering against like the stonework around it uh and go raise the hand up like twirl his hand around like gaining like a penumbra of light around his fingers and then like point right through the doorway the longest roll i've ever done before it's just continuing to spin right on one of the points oh cool[ __ ] is happening it's just like a top that's natural six total 12.[ __ ] off that just hits [ __ ] you i'm sorry man 12 ac yeah oh my god so ready uncfl both got the just the the rolled a natural four i have such a good range spell attack i roll a natural four it hurts that's 12 points of radiant damage um and i i can't not like indigo will definitely like look at zafel and give him like a nod like that's how you do it right there uh all right that does a pretty big number to it you just see it but it's still alive all right and then it flies in the doorway going here and it is going to swing out at cephel as it starts screaming by oh [ __ ] yeah uh no joke if i get as good of a roll if as i have been getting this this could be a character killer[ __ ] i don't i'm not even looking at it oh yep that's a hit okay without even the plus on it sixteen that hits dude i'm a wizard do you even know that um uh actually hold on it's a it's a 20 to hit so keep that in mind it's a 20 total yeah it has a it has a plus four to hit yeah even shield would only get me up to 18. so all right all right i just i i'm wanting to tell you before you burn the spell slot and the heart no that's fair that's fair because that would that is literally my last spell slot oh god okay so that's 14 points of necrotic damage are you still up oh yeah yeah we uh we actually found out off camera uh right before you joined us that disgustingly cephel has the most hit points in the party that's that is it's really sad to know that the old crippled wizard has the most hit points that either that either says he's a really good character or we as a party or are [ __ ] this is fine we'll find out i need to make me a constitution saving throw please yup oh boy i'm real good at those he said with sarcasm in his voice but you are the best of the party that's huge it's a low bar uh okay i'm to go with my golden die and see if that saves me i feel like there's a superstition here that like i'm about to die and i chose to portray safel's dice and this is what's gonna kill me but we'll we'll see once again invoking the power of the jinx okay oh this is a tweener um that is a 12. okay you pass you're all right okay i like i clenched i was clenching the whole time clinching the butt cheeks all right well lara you are up and this uh ghostly figure is now fully within the room you have a skeleton to the south this ghost is to the north verging on sephel who stands upon the remains of the broken bed what do you do uh yeah lara will rush forward um the 15 feet to stand next to this entity um and she's gonna goad it uh and just say um only cowards leave fights mid-battle even in death and then she's going to slash out with her shadow blade are you are you trying to go for something technical here and really try to goad it yeah i think she's trying to make sure that one it doesn't disappear or two it focuses on her okay uh and then three maybe it kind of like you know all right well it's i'll give you a choice here you can use your bonus action to attempt to do this because there is a actual goating attack in like the battle masters movement here so you can either use your bonus action to try and goad it and still get your regular attack or you can use your action to do it and still have your bonus action for something else uh yeah i'll go to it okay all right make it make an intimidation check uh 13. uh okay so let's see here i wish i had my physical dies[Music] okay it seems to turn towards you in just so you think you have its attention cool i would like to smack it smack it uh 21 to hit that is a hit damn man that's gonna be oh i dropped it do i re-roll it cause i dropped it yeah yes yeah don't you don't try to sneak that past me i bet i'm sitting on an at-20 down there uh so that's gonna be i'm rolling 2d8 psychic the first is an eight and the second is a five so that's 13 psychic plus where'd the psychic come from shadow shadow blade oh right thank you i[ __ ] spell man yeah i remember you whipping that out all the time you sick bastard yup uh so 13 psychic plus two thunder oh [ __ ] and you kill it you slice through with your shadow blade and you see this this specter because that's what it is this horrible ghost just and it tries to reach out towards you and feel like it's claws are just about to rake down your face and then evaporates it's like the end of ghostbusters um when the light hits and it like hell yeah it's pretty dope however you are still in this fight because there is still a skellyboy yes he's he's in the corner uh all right indigo you're up excellent um yeah i am just gonna um seeing that we just have the one skeleton in the corner there i'm gonna uh like give a nice snap to my fingers and cast a sacred flame uh something like a little dex save for me there oh yeah skeleton's got that dex though oh no that's an 11. nice all right he will take max damage eight points of radiant would explodes in holy flame and dies you now sit in this empty armory what do you do and it goes slowly just like sags to the floor it's like oh wow that was close oh man stefael like they're on the same wall sephel just like puts his back to the wall and slides down onto the room what remains of this bed he is utterly tapped i am i have no abilities and my spell slots are gone as you both collectively decide to slide to the floor letting out sighs as this horrible specter has now been vanquished the zombies and the skeletal bodies lay crumbled on the floor and you sit in this empty armory tapped beyond your your usual amounts that is where we will end tonight but do you guys want to hear something fun first yeah on the right on the record yeah i think so let's hear it the spectre with its life train had you failed your constitution saving throw the amount of damage you had taken from its hit would have reduced your hit point maximum by the same amount and indigo if it had hit you that second time that necrotic damage would have killed you killed you the target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to zero that's that's the that's the specifier there are plenty of creatures that necrotic just does it and there we are that's mad next week hey everybody this is sam conklin i voice laura in the madness table we are so delighted to have you here thank you so much for listening to our dinky little podcast we pour our hearts into this so to have you here it's just it's it's the world um if you haven't already we have a twitter instagram and facebook at the madness table you can also shoot us an email at themadnesstable gmail.com we would love to hear from you love to hear how you're enjoying the show any questions you have for the characters we might even shut you out in some future post show notes so please do so if you're loving the podcast we would just adore you if you shared it with a friend and that's it so we'll see you in two weeks for our next episode when[Music][Applause][Music] do[Music][Music] so[Music][Music] do[Music] you