[Music] so[Music] uh all right so last time when we met you guys spent a number of hours in the smithy kind of figuring out what you could salvage and put together to either make some new materials or turn into something usable uh you guys fiddled with some of the crystals there's now a crystal uh infused kind of shield that you are holding and wielding lara savelle you now have a staff that has a crystal kind of entwined on the top very much like gandalf um and then you guys ventured across the hall in which zafel did a long bit of reading and investigating throughout this kind of study uh while indigo and lara and the others took took their rest in here found some very nice spell scrolls uh and a little bit of information about some odd materials of an old wizard um and then you guys managed before leaving this room to find a secret passageway which led you surprisingly over into the kitchens on the eastern side of the castle and while you guys were in this kitchen and ready to make your way out indigo you overheard something saying that it was hungry safel immediately suspicious of the uh chests over in the top left corner of the room or i should kind of say the northeast part of the room uh you casted what was it celestial burst i think it was i i can't hear you i wasn't looking out there was there a nod there sorry i muted myself oh yeah are you on a podcast yes it was it was so i was letting you have your intro i was being respectful i'm listening that's uh surprising thank you and now i'm going to be disrespectful and correct you once again that the chess are in the northwest north oh jesus wow yep uh tonight guys i i did cast celestial burst okay yep i'm everything i said east is uh technically west great start to the night it's all subjective yeah i'll just stick to my left and right screw the audience i'm just kidding we love you um top left works top left of the map you went and popped open the chest you found a leather pouch and a uh a small jar and a bunch of other smaller kind of blankets and other materials underneath and when you took away the bag and you kind of were reaching back down in the jar kind of split in a seam and a kind of yellow jaw uh appeared opening up with a long purple tongue[Music] and that's where we find ourselves what do you guys do wow look at this wow hello god there's a little guy living right here in this box indigo step away from the jar we have enough things that talk that are meant to be inanimate uh indigo it will um pick up the jar and turn around and be like what do you mean you just see this jar with his long tongues oh gods um if you want to draw it i think that's fine but i think i would leave it in the chest oh but look at he's hungry i'm sure we can find something hard to eat see aren't you a hungry little guy is this like can i do any kind of check to try to figure out what this thing is yeah absolutely uh you can do nature or arcane uh let's go our car arcane arcana east west listen i cut out here guys i wasn't i wasn't correcting you this time i think both just i'm just gonna allow you to be stupid um i appreciate that it's a it's a 20 24 on the arcane uh this is definitely a mimic of some type you would assume uh either a very small form of one perhaps a child but you honestly don't know how they reproduce no one seems to really know sure um but it's not like it's not its own thing it is a mimic that just happens to be like a jar exactly it took the shape of a jar at some point in its life and it's here it is i mean you find it odd that it's not trying to eat or attack you yeah i guess that's kind of what i'm curious about is like if this is just a run-of-the-mill mimic the other thing hostile that strikes you as extremely odd is you've never friggin heard of one talking ever yeah yeah that's something so the fact that it did not try to eat indigo and has not and that it's talking should be like what the [ __ ] this is a common creature with uncommon mannerisms i'm not comfortable with this thing we should leave it we have work to do agreed what i i i hear you look how little you i'll just i'll carry him i'll keep him safe you won't have to worry at all what do you plan on feeding him i don't know i don't know what he eats he he doesn't seem to want to eat me so maybe we'll find something along the way he can snuck on i mean there's another chest right here who knows are you planning to give him the rations that we have been[Music] surviving off of splitting lara said she wouldn't give me any i saw the look in her eyes lara nods to to that point it's actually uh worth the check is there actually is there any food items in this kitchen uh you can look around sure make a an investigation check nothing like i will just tell you right now nothing appears to be edible that you see around uh yeah you can you can look for some yeah i like well i think while he's having this whole conversation like he's just walking the perimeter of the room but like always keeping turned towards always wanting to go in the in the jar like he's walking backwards and sideways like going around the room but he's like keeping eye contact sure i'll help phil he's an odd fellow but he has a lot of cool magics and he's pretty fun dirty 20 on the investigation uh laura were you were you assisting or were you doing your own separate check um i think that i i suppose that maybe she was looking at a different part of the room you want me to roll two sure if you're if you're gonna do that then i would say roll separately okay cool uh 16. okay uh you guys don't find anything edible however you do find under in a couple of the uh cabinets you find a couple bottles of liquor actually i will say that there are three um kind of like quart sized old glass bottles that when you pull out the old cork uh smells like alcohol um no food in here indigo if you'd like to feed your friend which i'm not saying you should i think it's a bad idea he's clearly going to bring down any advantages we may have had towards stealth based on the fact it can't keep its mouth shut uh but you can certainly look for other food all right i'll we'll go looking hey um uh and i'm gonna go over because i think there were there were two chests in the northwest corner is that right yep um i would like to check the second one uh for any sort of traps or or problematic pieces okay make that per uh perception check or investigation either or perception please uh that's a 14. yeah you don't think it's trapped it doesn't appear to be locked either perfect i'll try to open it then okay you open it up and you look inside and that you see that you see that there's actually some uh i believe it's called it's either like cook's utensils or something to that effect uh let me just double check here yeah it cooks utensils you find uh kind of like a full gear set um so it's it's about eight pounds worth of gear in in it you find um you know like pots pans you find like a spatula some ladles different things like that um otherwise there's just some kind of like old empty jars as well that don't uh take any kind of mimic shape and that's it cool uh i'll i'll stow that cooking gear uh in my bag um well i haven't found anything ever eat yet but i have um excellent tools so we'll have a nice meal next time we get cooking um which i realize now we usually eat dried mushrooms but you know hey we never know when an opportunity is gonna strike um but hey uh if i if i remember right the kitchen should be right next to the banquet hall do you guys want to go through and check it out i think that's our next move i um can i do a quick like peek out the door here um to see if there's anything in the hallway like sure are you trying to yeah yeah go ahead and roll for stealth uh twelve foot two is fourteen okay you quietly crack the door open[Music] and you look out and you have dark vision right i'm pretty sure you yes you peek out into this large and very clearly grandiose what was probably a very grandiose room and uh go ahead and make a perception check uh four four uh yeah you don't notice anything or hear anything or smell anything out of the ordinary kind of the same uh pervading sense and sounds that you've heard in other parts of the castle but it is oh honey oh man a moment of silence for our fallen[Music] sorry about that i don't know why uh that kicked out on me first time why[Music] uh before hopping um you guys you guys can hear me right i guess i don't i don't see any of those little wavy things shut up see him on my like my little bar that's not like no i see your waves okay yours are coming through nice and clear that's happened to me before too sometimes it just doesn't show up okay excellent sorry um on scene okay um so as you're looking out there you hear smell and kind of sense the same general gist that you have felt in other parts of the castle um you see a couple skeletal forms laid about across the floor here so clearly whatever happened to all the other denizens of this castle something has clearly happened in here as well um but you don't hear or see anything out of the ordinary all right i will slowly shut the door and turn to my compatriots um i don't see anything in the room beyond but i think we should still continue to be stealthy there are skeletons on the ground and seeing as we have fought some undead here very recently i think we should still be incredibly cautious speaking of caution are we simply allowing indigo to take the jar i think we have to leave the jar here until we wait what if well if he eats skeletons huh i don't um if he could eat matter such as bone there's no reason he wouldn't have eaten anything in the chest i imagine he is hungry for actual food we could chop off your finger indigo and give it to him i i find that particular option would be a little bit distasteful then perhaps we leave the jar i i will leave the jar if it's okay if i come back and get it after we look in the room fine uh indigo puts the jar down uh directly next to the door okay i'll be back for you buddy i'll be back for you okay so you guys are going into the banquet hall yeah all right yeah i'll lead the way let me do some revele ravili as you guys enter into the room you see uh a very nicely decorated tile floor uh more in a kind of general pattern than any of the fanciful designs that you saw in like the study or the library or even the entrance hall however the main thing is you see one gigantic table that almost stretches from end to end and surrounding it are columns and wonderful fanciful statues depicting angelic-like creatures you do see a number of skeletal bodies either kind of slumped against the large banquet table or strewn about the floor you do see two batches of that odd crystal that you guys have harvested a little bit of and you see farther uh south uh into the southeast of it you see the double doors that the others have seemingly escaped through and to the north of the door that you've come through from the kitchen you see a sink like a smaller set of double doors that go up what do you guys do and go ahead and uh please remember to move your characters on roll 20. ah yes sneaking away from [ __ ] is there uh is there any indication that this is just for um for double checking sake that other people have been through uh maybe does anything look at this place or okay all right yeah what's the dust situation[Laughter] uh okay so that's a natural 15 for 15 okay let's what's anybody else got anybody else rolling uh sure it's up to you guys it can be just nine nine nine uh six sixteen over in the corner uh for you laura it looks like housekeeping just came through it's all the same i'm just like immaculate it's immaculate you're like damn i've never seen a cleaner penguin at all[ __ ] you could eat off the floor um while indigo and sephala are like this is nasty like so much bacteria oh cephalo's like the floor will eat you yeah is the flora maybe uh sephila and indigo you see that there indeed have been tracks that seem to come from the uh the southeast and have come up uh either around these kind of columns and they look like they head to the northern set of doors we should proceed cautiously north i think if we could do this quietly that's the best way you [ __ ] gives a quiet nod and a thumbs up and then bends down and picks up the jar so you peek back into the room okay yes so you when you peek back into the room to retrieve the jar mimic you see that it has slowly kind of scuttled using its tongue its sticky tongue appendage to actually crawl towards one of the skellingtons and as you peek in it just kind of like rolls over a bone half sticking out of its mouth and it's just and it stops crunching on one of the bones but it like you see one like little bubble start to appear towards the top of the jar and then all of a sudden a little orange eye opens and it blinks at you and then it slowly rolls back over and starts numbing on another bone and [ __ ] like like quietly but it quickly pulls out his like notebook and starts like furiously like sketching and writing notes theory confirmed excellent uh and you know after i do that i am gonna if he allows it if he consents i will pick him up again because i'm gonna throw this guy at a skeleton later okay uh he fights you a little bit until he gets a couple more bones into his mouth that he just cracking and snapping in his jaw but uh otherwise he doesn't fight you once his his mouth is full excellent full i should say i'll pick up a bone you know in case he gets peckish on the way okay sounds good uh yeah and so you you have this little jar mimic with you so like indigo's like cradling this jar like feeding it a bone like a bottle yeah he like walks out with like a tibia in one hand and a mimic in the other and then very quietly gives you a thumbs up while holding the bone lara just like shakes her head and rolls her eyes hopefully okay well uh if you guys are all being stealthy please roll me some stealth checks my eyes are like watching those skeletons like a hawk um my stealth is an eight as a result yes i see i can tell uh my my sephill die is having a bones day today uh 19. nice 21 over here holy [ __ ] uh all right uh athera got a 18 and stool got a 10. uh and then ashni there please oh yeah yeah cause uh you haven't really checked in with hoshini um ashley got a[Music] eight okay all right you guys are you know double teaming it up ashni seems to be a little distracted by the small crunching mimic uh eating bones but otherwise you guys get up through this other set of doors and you enter into another long stretch of hallway in this hall you see decorating along its walls different trophies of various uh beasts monstrosities and other such creatures you do see a couple patches of crystals that have burst up through the floor along with large sets of cobwebs all right so you guys are in this hallway you don't see any kind of immediate dangers it seems to be uh similar to the type of hallway when you guys were making your way over to the library in the smithy and study uh you know indigo that if you were to continue on this path that you would eventually come into a small set of barracks on this first floor and what would presumably be a staircase that leads up to the second floor and a another entrance that goes out to the uh castle gardens i guess looking good head this way i think this is where the knights quarters were there might be some cool stuff there there might be a a way up to the next floor or there might even be a way out into the courtyard so pro a seed and for those actually concerned with our safety be aware that that is an area where many corpses may lie and corpses haven't been doing a whole lot of lying in this building i mean they lied about being dead you think you're funny i'll just roll myself i need you all to roll a sanity check for me yeah yeah[Music] all right i'd like to i'd like to roll scorching ray against the dm yeah i would like to uh enter into evidence this moment that it took for me forever listen he basically he he wanted to die all right are you guys moving north through this corridor or not yes laura laura has ashley like perched on her shoulder as she like walks down i imagine that i'm just taking the lead um and keeping an eye out but also continuing to attempt to move stealthily okay uh we will roll over stealth checks unless you guys kind of want to say that you regrouped after you came through the door and are kind of setting out in a particular type of formation then you could roll new it's up to you i feel good i'm okay with rolling over all right well lara's taking the lead uh stool will step in front of you indigo and go like wait i'll go first in front of you i've got to protect you and then he sees cephel and he goes maybe i should go in front of savelle he does need protection stool he does good looking out good luck thanks uh in a theater just like she's just like uh i'll i guess i'll just stay kind of above you keep an eye out i don't know um okay so go ahead and move your pawns keep moving okay you gotta you gotta move for me to know where you're going don't be little don't be little [ __ ] we we told you[ __ ] as you guys move forward this hall starts to open up and you see that there are some skeletons of much larger creatures that seem to have come through here uh you see a large very large mass of crystals probably 10 foot by uh 10 feet high like it's about 10 feet wide 10 feet high um and you see that there is a small set of double doors off to the left which you would believe indigo leads to the barracks you see a very large set of double doors uh that seemed a little bit more weathered and beaten to the northeast and then you actually see rubble that appears to be blocking off what you would think must have led to the staircase looks like it's been pretty well demolished i think we should check out both doorways and see what lies beyond each unless you said the map did the map indicate where we might want to go next uh i i think that's a little more subjective it depends you know what we want to try to find and tonight's quarters might have some nice stuff in it but the courtyard might get us closer to getting out of here i guess it would be be easier if we knew what bupido and the rest of them that ran off were actually looking for like does anybody that left actually have a goal in this place or is it just[ __ ] around until they find an exit yeah i think it's just exiting yeah as far as we know i mean my my thought is going towards the gardens right because i would technically be a door outside and like unless it was a greenhouse type garden there is in theory in exit yeah and you said that was left or right that would be uh from the layout you believe it's to the right indigo so the north east yeah over over to the right is probably the gardens all right uh laura will head that direction yeah safal will follow right behind and attempt to get to the door to peek through okay uh indigo i now have it so that you can move your mimic with you thanks you're welcome okay so you guys are stacking up on the door uh are you just going through what's your what's your game plan here any kind of yeah i think she's um she's going to do the same things before where she's going to slowly open one door and just kind of peek through while keeping it as quiet as possible to see if there's any movement inside before fully opening it and moving through okay make a stealth check followed by a perception check uh 16 on stealth and 11 for perception okay okay um so you manage you you believe to quietly crack open the door and as you kind of peek out uh give me one second here while i try to get the freaking reveal thing to work for me uh you look out and you see a couple large stands of what look like ancient barren trees uh followed by a particular blue glow and that glow is coming from us a couple of sets of very large crystals that are growing from a kind of like stone raised uh garden bed kind of a thing if you're kind of following me there we go okay sorry it was like not it kept doing the hide um so you see i don't see it oh there it is oh there it is yeah so you see these large trees growing out of these old raised cobblestone beds you see this large crystal mound that is now carrying a light blue green color within them this energy you see some fungi kind of uh building up in various sections in different colors and shapes some of which are familiar to you but that is what you see currently um i'm actually kind of curious about those crystals because i think this is the uh correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure this is the first time in this space that we're seeing a uh crystal outcropping of a different coloration it is um so he's certainly curious about that and if if there's not any immediate threat visible in the courtyard like once we move out there i'd i'd like to check that out yeah laura's gonna um open the door and indicate for everyone to go on through okay um as you guys open up the the doors more scraping them back against the tile pushing bits of stone and small rock that have fallen from the ceiling you actually hear something that you haven't heard for a while sounds like the lapping of waves[Music] and as you open it up and you look out and you start to see a little bit farther into the room you realize that this open-air garden is part of a massive incredibly huge cavern and you now hear louder and louder the kind of slow lapping of water against rock oh but you guys are heading out into the courtyard go ahead and move yourselves yeah i think safel is like drawn to that those crystals like his curiosity is outweighing his caution and he's he's just gonna walk straight for them he's not he's not really looking around at this point okay i'd like to check those out if that's at all possible sure as you guys enter out into this space however you hear they walked right into it boys get them and you see a ton of goblins all of a sudden up here from behind all the different stonework and a couple of orcs as well and i will reveal the rest of the area oh it's doing that stupid thing again there we go did these goblins have bombs in them i hate that oh [ __ ] find out oh this is a gourd that that's a really cool looking map that's a nice map i'll take a little screenshot see we post this on social media yeah this is a fun place a fine place to die yeah so this has been fun i mean we can bury indigo and stool oh my god they keep coming that oh my god yes there are one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven goblins nine of them appear to be yep nine of them appear to be kind of uh undressed minimally armed while two of them appear to be in better pieces of armor and two large gray skinned works we gotta go ahead and roll for initiative gage yeah all right guys this is uh we're so prepared a tough one ah [ __ ] so first in the order we have this orc in the south west who is going to move 5 10 15 20 25 just charges up on sephel oh [ __ ] yep not good my friend and he's going to swing his great axe at you oh uh that is a not a great one that's a 12 to hit that misses wow okay so this orc runs up swings his great axe and you just have the wherewithal to duck underneath the blow[ __ ] barely dude ac oh let's change that all right next up is the goblin boss one of the goblin bosses it's one of these better armored ones who's going to step out 10 feet to the south kind of closer to this middle tree here and is actually going to throw a javelin at you are going to have partial cover because of the crystal he doesn't have a great line of sight on you partial cover is a plus are we talking half three quarters uh uh uh i'm going to say half half a guy i think i think that's a plus two to ac i believe it is as well uh half cover is a plus two three quarters is a plus five um well that uh that saved you because he only has a plus two attack and that was a 14. uh uh that that would oh no that would just miss my[Music] let me just read on a thing real quick it's because i went towards their shiny isn't it yeah exactly uh and then he's going to continue moving moving down here repositioning himself uh right next up is ethera is going to quickly fly over you indigo and straight towards this fork and she's going to stab out with her dagger girl get in there[ __ ] them up that is a natural one damn damage so you just like you see a theory fly up and then just like go behind the orcs head and you can't see what's going on but you don't hear any kind of like hell from pain or anything stefan so you're just kind of confused as to what happened uh but she has missed okay i actually just just looked again because i'm intelligent uh even if i had copied scrolls it wouldn't have been as useful as i thought we mistakingly have been saying blink it was a blur scroll oh that's what it was yeah would would still be helpful but it would be not as helpful yes all right the next in the order is the first set of goblins which are these ones up here this one is going to charge 5 10 15 20 25 feet up to you laura and he is going to swing out with his scimitar uh that is an eighteen plus four so twenty two yeah that's gonna hit right and that is oof almost max damage seven points of slashing damage gonna take a busy turn yeah you're gonna be busy day um let's see here next one that was behind him these are kind of to the north east in the middle of the garden this guy's gonna run up kind of to the north about 15 feet and is going to fire their short bow at ashney uh oh my god that's a natural 19 so that's gonna be a hit on the poor ashni boy uh wow max damage uh seven points of damage damn guys i haven't rolled this hot forever this is this is bad for you no no because what because i mean the spectre was a total wash you sucked with that that was so bad so bad shut up[Music] uh this other goblin is going to run up in in and is going to swing at you lara seeing you as the bigger threat as uh ashley has just taken a big arrow hit uh that is the natural 16 plus four for 20. another max damage that is eight points of damage holy [ __ ] okay uh this next one here is going to pop up and fire his short bow at ashni that's a natural three okay saving grace right there and then finally for this group of goblins this one here is going to fire their short bow at stool who's directly south of them you monster[ __ ] dye 13 that is going to hit well that was 13 on the die plus 4 17 yeah that's a hit uh only four points of damage the stool takes it and you just like you're it funk like it hit over like a tree drunk okay i will are you tracking stools hp and what i've i've got it for you think no worries all right that set of goblins is done next up in the order is orc number two who is who was kind of hiding against the wall as you guys have pushed open the doors and he's going to step forward on top of stool and is going to swing his great axe down on top of him uh i lost my org stats but that is an 11 on the die it's probably gonna hit because i think they have a massive dead uh yeah that's going to hit the poor stool boy and that is 1d 12 plus 3. we were just talking about how i'd never get to roll my d12 and look at that that is 12 points of damage that's what that's why i laughed when you rushed to me with the first orc before the sessions like i never use a d12 yeah so this great axe from this orc comes down and smashes right into stool's head and he pulls it back out and there's now this horrible cut and gash in stool's head and you just hear in your minds just mr indigo um okay i'm calling for you buddy i'm coming for you laura you are now up all right um she had a 16 and she just got up um i'm going to use my bonus action to command ashney to attack the goblin in front of them okay uh which is gonna be a let's see um gonna be a bite all right bite away ah schneid uh it's a seven to hit that is not a hit this this goblin lifts up its foot managing to get away from ashley's bite at its ankle okay he's probably really kind of distracted by the giant arrow in his shoulder yeah i'd like ash knee to move um it's gonna be attack of opportunity i think you know what uh no ah she's not gonna move i don't wanna risk that okay and then on my action um i'm going to use my uh movement to get i'm not going to leave the well i guess i would technically leave the space of the um goblin on the right because i want to move once sorry so um lara's standing in front of two different goblins and i'm gonna move kitty corner which is gonna give it attack of opportunity for one of them but i'm staying in the the space of the one yeah okay uh yeah they're gonna swing out with their scimitar and that's a natural two so they miss okay good that was a risk big risk and a nice job um all right and then she is going to use her asmr feature necrotic shroud her basically as she stands there her eyes turn this like inky blackness and then these flightless wings sprout out from her back um these like skeletal disgusting clearly not actual wings and the instant that happens all creatures within 10 feet must succeed on a charisma saving throw or become frightened of me until the end of my next turn okay let's put up a little aura just so we can keep track of that and let's give it a purple color just so we know where that shroud is you know i was thinking about this the other day actually when you're when your shroud comes out and because of your patron which we haven't really known too much about but i almost picture like dark lightning flickering between the skeletons oh hell yeah okay so all these creatures need to make a wisdom saving throw you said uh charisma charisma oh great well let's do the orc to the south who's just in it that is a that's a six uh dc13 so that does not okay uh before you tell me what happens let's get through the three goblins that need to go so goblin to the farthest north that's a oh shoot i doubt this is a pass but i just want to make sure because we don't want fans getting that oh yeah he's got a minus one so that's a nine so that one fails the one next to you on your right that's a natural two he fails the one beside him facing down ashni that's a natural one so all of them fail what happens okay well i also have to roll for ashni because i chose not to um i don't know can ashley have advantage or something like i feel like no no no no no uh well we got a 15. they got a 15. so it's all okay oh yes the creature you met yesterday has no has no reaction to the she-witch we have a supernatural bond no um yeah so uh her wings come out and they're like deathly and disgusting necrotic and then that lightning arcs between them and she looks at each of these creatures in turn and she just says don't touch us uh and it's like this like thundering voice as she says it and they have disadvantage on all attack roles and ability checks while they are in my line of sight and they cannot move closer to me wow nice really good use of that uh please take a point of inspiration because that was awesome hell yeah thank you thank you that's uh huge yeah that's that's massive took out quite a quite a few of the combatants there uh question will did did we put up uh did we put up an aura of the affected creatures i'm not seeing anything on that i see it yeah uh hopefully i mean we'll see i'll edit in maybe it's uh let's see oh there we go let's see if that does it do you guys see now there it is okay hit the c preferences okay uh yeah so all those guys have failed they cannot get nearer to you and they cannot attack you is that what it is again well they can well so they can't move closer to me so i assume that that means they can't attack me yeah you'd have to move closer to me to do that okay um but they have a disadvantage and on ability checks and attack roles while they can see me okay so so essentially they're they're frightened and uh a little [ __ ] up okay two that are in melee could still attack you they can't like use movement to get any closer to you but if they're already at you they like an attack doesn't yeah um or if they had ranged attacks they could attack you but if they're at disadvantage that's right that's all disadvantage yeah well they they're i'm gonna play it like they're frightened so it'll be if they do they you know the disadvantage here you know kind of works out uh wow okay phenomenal turn there lara uh okay next in the order something happens make a actually what's all of your passive perceptions for me real quick i know i've asked this i think for a couple of you it's rather low nine ten okay sixteen okay uh god damn you indigo see from somewhere two large bolts just appear in this goblin to the north just like two and it's bad just and you see it drop dead instantly uh and that is what you see there it is a dead goblin with two bolts sticking out of its back you just happen to catch it with uh all the confusion kind of going on uh all right next up the stoolmeister he's gonna punch he's gonna punch this orc that sunk his great axe into him all right make sure i got yeah there we go he is going to swing upwards come on stool show me what you're working with uh yep the first swing is a hit second swing is a miss so first hit here hey oh no wrong die uh all right he does six points of damage with his fist as it connects into this orcs leg uh um okay uh now is the other set of goblins jesus yeah yeah the initiating goblins on point tonight uh so this one the farthest to the east from you guys is going to pop up and it's going to fire an arrow from its short bow athera uh 14 plus his pluses and yup that's a hit six points of damage uh and you guys like you finally do here like up here from behind the orcs head just uh kind of clutching her side um and this goblin the far south nearest the tree closest to the large clump of you guys is going to run up near safel and is going to swing with its scimitar at you[ __ ] uh but don't worry because that's a 10. amazing so that is a miss this one here is going to step up and is going to swing at a thera natural 15 that is a hit and does six points of damage to her she's not looking good uh and then finally this goblin here nearest to indigo and stool that was also kind of stacked behind the door is going to step inwards and swing at you indigo that is a natural five so that is a miss okay uh[Music] next up is the other goblin boss who is going to step downwards to here and is going to fire over towards indigo actually he's going to throw his javelin what am i saying uh 16 to hit does that hit that does hit okay you take four points of damage as this javelin comes over and uh hits you but it doesn't pierce into you all right it is your turn now saphel okay um so oh god so much just happened in the last few seconds yeah i mean he all of these things ran toward him this this great axe missed by like the hair that he no longer has um goblins everywhere he's pincered right now which is a terrible position he kind of he kind of put himself in the middle of everything so he is actually very much in like his eyes are just darting in every direction trying to take in as much as he can which he should have done before um imagining tentacles like fluttering about and moving more because like the concern yeah he's very he's very flustered at the moment very like everything in his face is moving and twisting like trying to assess um and the best he can come up with is just because because he can't move it's like getting out of this situation would provoke multiple times and he's not willing to press his luck so i am going to cast magnify gravity at second level oh [ __ ] uh so that is a 10 uh 10 foot radius sphere i'm going to center it here i i'm pinging it am i pinging it nope i do not have it no nope so i'm gonna ping it right there okay uh so at ten feet i should uh i should say i'm gonna send it to like the southeast of me south of this big crystal cluster i should be able to just capture up to the orc the two with me and these two goblin bosses should all fall within that 10 foot radius i just put in a new pawn just so i can put an aura around it so we can accurately see where this okay so that's the 10 foot radius right there yep so everything in that radius needs to make a constitution saving throw you know because goblins are so constitution i don't [ __ ] know anyways uh the two nearest to you cephale near this cluster kind of stacked up behind the orc in your ethera as well that is a six and a seven respectively for them so i'm assuming they fail they both fail the two goblin boss is down below uh that is hang okay so they're straight up rolls too that is a six and a ten so i'm assuming everybody failed both uh those fail did we roll for the orc uh technically the orc isn't really in it the orc would so it's like it's that weird yeah it's that weird diagonal rule where it's like he's two diagonal squares which some would argue is technically outside of the radius so i'll i'll leave that one up to you i'm going to flip a [ __ ] coin all right i'll take it heads or tails uh get me tails tails never fills it right it landed cracked how the [ __ ] does a coin land crack there's two sides right between my book and my keyboard uh but good for you it's tails so i will have oh [ __ ] never fails that is another natural six so he fails so they all fail okay all fail i already rolled the damage uh so they all take 13 points of what is it uh force damage so 13 points of force damage to all of them and their speeds are halved for the next round okay uh well the two goblins instantly did describe how they die uh well so he's like in panic mode and he just like reaches out sees that spot he's kind of looking like between this orc breathing in his face and the crystal cluster that he's like up against his cover and he sees this space in the middle of where all of them are and he reaches out and and sort of the air becomes denser and he grasps it and just pushes it down and these goblins almost compress into the dirt and stone like their bodies just give out you you like as they're compressing you see them look towards the bosses they're like hey we don't feel so and they just get crushed uh the orc took a significant amount of damage and but he still manages to like push himself up once it kind of growls in your face while the two goblin bosses in the back are also trying to stave this off kind of clinging to the rocky raised bed of the tree beside them all right damn what did you guys yeah i'm probably always way to go i mean with this many enemies you have to yeah go big well as a wizard uh bonus actions are laughable um so that is in fact yes that is that is it okay indigo you are up my dude excellent uh i'll give just like a quick like nod of ascent to the the dark spot where i think the bolts came from um and then i went like i know everyone's taking a little bit of hits here and there is anyone looking bad right now out of the enemies or your friends here uh sorry friends how the allies looking i would say i look at about a 7 out of 22. just to put it on a number a numerical scale if you had to make a like just an abstract fraction if you had to pull that out of the air what would that be yeah yeah 722 yeah uh surprisingly cephel is untouched yeah he's looking at um 9 out of 16. not to break the you know the whole yeah no no i mean she's definitely bloody both of them are but you can also see that she's looking like okay because she's got her the wings are out and it's looking kind of intense over there yeah she probably looks scary as [ __ ] right now yeah i wouldn't actually necessarily i don't know i think you're fine with a hero theory looks hurt uh stool has a giant clef in his head and your mimic body is just uh would you allow me to just drop the mimic but like kind of like toss it and like to like just like if we like toss it at the goblin the goblin like catches it sure yeah you know what i'll just give that to you you're just tossing it to the goblin that's next to you yep yeah okay uh well the mimic's just like hungry and its mouth opens up and it [ __ ] latches on to the goblin and he just starts uh and it does six points of damage biting into this goblin's neck and the goblins just like uh yeah and that goblin does not look good well good luck with that uh and i'm just gonna step over uh i wanna actually stand right between stool and uh sephill okay uh i'm gonna say that goblin cannot make an attack of opportunity because it's preoccupied fighting a mimic off of its neck i don't understand why whoever said you don't understand mercy yeah it's me i've said it uh and then i'm gonna um clap my hands together pull it across my uh holy symbols a silver circle around my neck um clap my hands together in prayer tutorial please make us strong enough to survive um this encounter that we may continue to serve and love you and i'm gonna cast second level aid onto stool onto so aid gives you increases your hit points and your hit point maximum by five oh wow nice arshney lara and stool up five and you can heal that five back up um that's insane it's a great spell i'm gonna look down uh at the the orc that's next to safel and ifyra uh and with my bonus action i'm gonna kinda like book at him um using my bonus action uh help action for ethera and oh part of my hobgoblin feature uh she gets the help and she also gets eight temporary hit points oh [ __ ] what the hell look at them [ __ ] indigo boy coming in where where did you find level three cheat codes[Laughter] yeah where do i buy the game shark for that yeah it's called unearth arcana you all have access come on that's a that's some like right bumper left bumper xyb [ __ ] like what yeah jesus found some san andreas cheat codes okay yeah good times wow indigo wrapping up the first round nice solidly uh you know what we're gonna go a little long a little long on this recording tonight because we're we're in the thick of it and you guys are approaching it right now okay so we are back up at the top of the order with this orc here next to you cephal yeah and even though you've done that it has the twittering ethera now kind of like flying about its head and it's going to swing at her it's great axe natural 15 yeah that's a hit okay uh yikes let's see i forget what the plus is to damage on this guy but it's not good uh enough yeah it might be okay well he does 14 points of damage to her shoot and she's back to looking real bad uh okay and that is that goblin all right that works turn next in the order uh wow guys guys goblin boss number one this guy down here so uh just remind me here cephel is it is this this gravity still affecting them or is it like a burst uh nope it is it lasts a full round so i believe uh i'm when it comes back to you it will fade yes until the start of your next turn um is there a movement or anything yes their their speed is halfed uh actually sorry the the start of your next turn is a is a secondary part of it their speed is half until the end of their next turn so it's half now but once they once they take their turn it is done okay oh jeezum all right uh raised on a cracker um okay well they're going to use their bonus action to use the use nimble escape and allow them to do the disengage for a little bit of extra movement they're going to move 5 10 15 to get to here and then they are going to lose a little bit of movement climbing over 5 10 15 to get to here and they are going to swing twice with their scimitar at ethera oh no uh one of them connects oh no and does six points of damage and you can see as this cut goes through that ethera like starts to kind of flutter to the floor blood kind of like coming off one of her wings looks like it's been cut through a bit uh and she is looking really really bad uh okay next up is it's actually athira who is going to uh she still has the help from you there indigo right you'll be up so uh what was the uh like was there an attack bonus that she gets i forget what you said uh it's an uh advantage on her next uh attack okay she is seeing that the kind of biggest threat to you guys is the orc she's gonna like turn to you and go and she's like i'm not gonna waste it i gotta get out just leave and she's going to swing natural 16 plus four so that's a 20 that's gonna hit that or it is going to do max damage and it is in there so there is some sneak attack yeah okay with the way that orc was she manages to just like flutter up just enough and just stab the orc in the neck with a small dagger and that orc[Music] starts to fall and athera is let's see oh thera thera firo can you do anything here to get away because as much as she don't wanna dash yikes i don't think she has that no okay so she is going to stay put she's not going to try and get away and chances goblin boss swinging at her oh boy oh all right next up is the first set of goblins all the ones basically around you lara this first one here that's next to you uh even though it's frightened because it is frightened it's going to try and swing at you at disadvantage i remembered uh that was a nine and a one so it misses on its scimitar attack uh this one behind him over ashni is going to swing at it again uh that was a 19 and a six so it misses um and this one is actually going to try and move away so ashley gets an attack of opportunity all right that's a claw attack is a nine to hit that's a miss okay um going back up to the goblin to kind of to the north e west if i almost [ __ ] it up again northwest of you laura they are going to try and get away actually i think they're going to just completely disengage five to 15 20 25 feet back and away from you just kind of fleeing like and then this one to the far back is actually since it's not in the ore it's going to fire it's a short bow at you normal attack that's a seven but uh 11 doesn't hit you right it does not okay so that is a miss all right that is all those goblins there uh and we are now at this orc who's standing over stool uh also next to indigo and the mimic that is eating the goblin uh they are going to swing at stool that's natural four so if it's a myth damn it yes uh okay stool the invincible continues on next up lara you are up you've got one goblin next to you an orc to the south and the others are kind of moving away what's up um yeah i'm going to um bonus action shadow blade i'm going to conjure that out what does that blade look like i'm just curious because this whole dark skeletal theme you've got going on right now if it like fix it i think it's probably very similar where her shadow blade is like um got some of that lightning on it a little bit like instead of being like shadowy it's kind of like arcing lightning and dark fog um almost like a like a helio nimbus cloud formed into a sword very nice hell yeah hell yeah that's exactly what it would be uh and then with my attack action um i will um you're gonna take that aol okay a disadvantage that's a miss that's a four okay and then my um so i can bonus action cast a spell and then with my attack action um i can use a cantrip right booming blade yes okay so i'm going to do that uh and i'm a booming blade uh trying to hitch this is gonna be so much damage if you hit come on oh and i get advantage because we're in dimmer darkness[ __ ] yeah spell i hate this spell brendan introduced it to me and i've hated it ever since but it's dim light or darkness or is it just darkness because i i if it's dim light or darkness i was always using it wrong because i always kept like you always did it didn't light or darkness wow yeah this counts wow well i only got a 15 to hit that's enough to hit it i'll hell yeah hell yeah sad because this is gonna be like 10 d6 damage right now uh well it's 2d8 psychic jesus christ she's gonna be seven plus two so that's nine psychic plus the three don't even bother rolling describe your kill it's dead well she okay so i imagine she just kind of runs up and he's like looking at her really scared in the eyes and she actually just plunges it straight into his chest um yeah you're probably running looking like the the storm specter of death yeah so it plunges in and that thunder would have been along with it but then the necrotic from the wings also crinkles out through his skin as the veins uh spread along his body and then he falls now the booming blade correct me if i'm wrong does like a like a thunder explosion kind of a thing right uh the thunder is from my um genie just booming blade is just if they move then they take additional damage right right so you you plunge down this blade the necrotic energy running through its chest and i just imagine like the thunder this concussive force just like launches the body of the orc as it was starting to crumble to the ground off your blade and just pounds it into the ground as the necrotic energy steal across it ah so cool oh wow that was hardcore stools just like what the cleft says nice job we'll get you out of here stool oh no his intelligence go even lower i'm not bad i can do this all day jesus crow all right indigo you hear from the darkness another faint as something whistles through and plunges into this goblin back here you just little north above the two garden beds with large crystals coming out of them and it falls dead stool is the next one in the initiative order and he's going to step down and attack the goblin boss he's gonna take two swings one of them connects and he's going to okay max damage so you see him sucker punch this goblin boss and it just coughs up some blood and stool does so and it crumples underneath his fist and slumps over onto the ground hey got it guys um okay next in the order is the last of the goblins of the second crew this one far over here is going to step forward and it's going to fire an arrow at athera oh man natural 17. oh no oh no max damage and you see athera go down[ __ ] she falls you she's like looking down her tiny body the bolt or not the bolt but the arrow sticking out of her stomach i'm sorry and she crumples oh okay oh no another is she uh is she a small or a tiny creature is she dead or is she unconscious you you don't know not in the heat in the moment you don't know um but she has fallen for sure that is what you do [ __ ] next up is this other goblin boss who is caught in this uh gravity field who is going to uh the gravity field is actually gone oh okay no it doesn't oh no because because he hasn't gone yet so he's yeah i was gonna say yeah his speed is half but there's no like a lingering like the spell itself is gone the effect is still there i forgot we were still in this round yes second round all right so i'm gonna get rid of that little cosmos looking thing he's going to move here and is going to fire an arrow at you savelle okay seeing you use this magic oh that is a nine plus three and eleven which we know doesn't hit damn uh okay that was a super packed fight all of a sudden it's just gotten a lot a lot smaller uh all right so fell you are up okay uh so we have these two down here i think so everything has kind of gotten out of his face um there's still big i guess he's kind of deciding right now whether or not he wants to take on this big group of goblins here but they're gonna go down quick um and they're still one of the goblin bosses so i think what he is going to do let's do yeah boldly but a goodie uh let's so this orc actually this just just pile of corpses now in front of him he is going to uh the gravity dispersing from his hands or this this pull of reality he's going to twist his like fingers down towards the corpses like grab on to something and just flick his wrist upward and a bone is going to shoot outward uh i think because i have to specify because there might be different size creatures here let's say i will use the the body of the orc i was gonna say i use the body of a thira i shoot her entire skeleton no so so boneshard uh one of the bones of the orc at the southern goblin boss and i have to roll for that okay oh that's a 19 to hit uh that is a hit okay and ooh uh eight eight points of piercing uh four points of oh no sorry i did that wrong so 12 points of damage uh six piercings six necrotic describe your kill uh i mean yeah so he just reaches down he like uh feels the the bones within the orc and blings it outward and as this goblin boss is um is like getting ready to to throw another attack a just shard of big burly orc bone just goes in one side of his neck out the other and he just collapses nice good good spell all right and that is your turn that is my turn okay and in case i didn't i know i didn't specify but i i only casted uh bone chart at first level i didn't cast up okay uh all right well indigo you are up all right uh as i see afira kind of crumple and fall uh i'd like to reach out if i could catch her and immediately infuse her with a level one cure wounds as you go to do that she takes a hold of one of your fingers and she's just like please don't i've been here too long i just want to go i just want the quiet jesus[ __ ] man all right um that's [ __ ] if indigo is gonna like do like the single-tier pretty cry he is gonna cradle her in one arm and instead raising his left he will point at the remaining goblin to the southeast and will instead hit him with a level one guiding poles oh boy that's a is that this dexterity safer no that's a that's for me to roll right there okay right there right there it ain't great it's a 12 to hit let me just double check uh oh that's surprisingly amiss indigo is like shaking and like unsteady in this moment so you're you're cradling her and as you are she's gonna like her little head rests against her chest and she's like it's okay it's okay it's just been too long it's okay it's okay and that's where we'll pick up next time oh damn hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have one more second we would adore you if you could leave a rating and a review in whatever podca you're currently listening in the ratings and reviews are astronomical when it comes to growing the show because it's what gets us noticed for new listeners so if you have just a moment to do that please do and we also have a twitter facebook and instagram if you want to give us a follow it's at the madness table and if you've noticed we are now posting weekly episodes because of supporters like you so if we haven't said it enough thank you and we will see you in just seven short days for our next episode when so[Music] you