[Music] go welcome back everybody oh you know i actually i'm gonna start this off differently i had a weird thought earlier today because of uh recent social media posts about the podcast and that's marked me to think about an instance uh where if you guys have probably listened to have been listening to certain podcasts for like years and stuff like that and have you ever like this has happened to me a couple more times than i realized uh never looked up what the the people look like and then you just like conjure a mental image of what they do in fact look like and then yeah like when you when you finally do you're just like huh that's not what i yeah yeah not what i pictured at all by this no it was a 100 100 yeah okay because i was thinking about that i'm like that that could be happening for us people could look us up and be like yeah okay so that's the dm hmm weird face is this guy that does all these voices don't look him up yeah he sounded kind of cute but he's a little derpy not going to lie he's a little derpy he looks like he doesn't shower uh kind of like a homeless guy i don't know weird they all look like they don't shower millennials am i right i i i get it you hear indigo's deep bass basso tone voice and you think that guy's probably like six eight total hunk and i hate to be the one tell you this it's totally true you're the one guy andrew who somebody listens for like two years without bothering to look up our social media finally looks at it and goes uh yeah i had it pretty close that makes sense but he would be a guy who thought of indigo yeah oh goodness well i just i had that thought and i had to share it and i'm glad i did because i'm i'm glad to know i'm not the only one uh with this particular problem i don't call it i'm not going to call it a problem whatever it is anyways last time we met uh you all had kind of finished up your time in the kitchens uh semi agreeing to take this tiny jar mimic that indigo had found with you um but before you had checked into the large hall the banquet hall um into which you saw a number of more dead bodies uh however the coast seemed clear so you guys proceeded forward um and had discovered that the mimic eats bones or seems to enjoy those types of things uh you guys had continued venturing north coming out into a longer hall filled with old kind of rotting uh dried trophies of various hunts and creatures um you were presented with more of these red crystals kind of jutting up through the ground and more bodies and as you reached towards the end of the hall that you saw a much larger skeleton there which you didn't really investigate uh and a set of doors to the uh west which you believe due to your um kind of booklet that you had read through about the castle that that was a barracks and the staircase your little travel booklet the brochure um thank you for coming to the haunted castle um really let the place go in the last few years they really did the trust mon money has been running out slowly and surely this was uh yeah they can barely keep the lights on as you can tell one star one star yeah i hate to tell the management uh she said now so it's fine yeah she's dead so maybe that's why she was like let me go i can't keep up with it fear was actually the housekeeper yeah later you'll meet management and they'll be like oh thank god she was useless anyway sorry i totally threw you off no it's good it was great um the staircases or what led to the staircases have collapsed um you cannot necessarily tell how recently due to the the overall state of this castle and the larger set of doors leading to the east which you knew led to the odd gardens that the king and queen through your readings had put together as you guys emerged you saw that this space was immediately filled with three large trees sped out spread out kind of closer to the castle wall in the back and a number of garden beds filled with strange stones and growing from them were some very large sets of crystals in a few uh spaces you see the red crystals the rest however glow with this blue greenish uh kind of energy that kind of pulsates a little bit and i did forget to mention something very important which i will say in a minute once i finish this recap as you guys had ventured out into this garden immediately you were ambushed by a large group of goblins led by a couple of bosses and two orcs um and pretty much that's where we find ourselves as you guys have been surrounded quickly making work of them and as you've been having this fight oddly enough uh indigo has been the only one to truly notice that a handful of the goblins have been brought down by these large crossbow bolts that seem to be erupting from the darkness um and lastly athera taking a couple powerful blows not wanting to give up protecting you all uh now lies cradled in indigo's arms and as you prepared to heal her she asked you not to and we are going to pick right back up at the top of the order as indigo had just gone and the very important thing slash not important thing but the odd thing i forgot to mention before safel when you had cast the what was it the gravity spell i think it was uh magnify gravity magnify gravity well let's make you do a perception check it's not gonna be a difficult one but let's see if you notice sure the rest of you can do this as well if you want to it's not a unfortunate i think indigo is otherwise uh attention is focused elsewhere that's fair[Applause] sorry about that uh i don't notice uh[ __ ] because one oh what's your total one okay ah i rolled a three for a two o k never mind that information shall die with me cool i'm stuck behind a crystal and got jumped by orcs i wasn't really paying attention to what my spell was doing other than killing goblins i'll leave it at that yep you are heavily distracted uh okay well let me get that music back and going here it's so distraugh uh distracting earlier okay so back at the top of the order is we have the northern set of goblins still alive near ashni and lara who had been stepping out of her dark aura um or stormy or i should be saying uh and let us see here this one up in the farthest north and crystal beds is going to move 5 10 15 feet to the west and it's going to fire their short bow at uh indigo oh oh let's use my blue die for this one uh 11 a 15 a 15 does hit okay and you take five points of piercing damage all right the one directly to the south of it still in lara's aura is going to step away incurring an attack of opportunity from ashni who wait i think they had did ashney take one last time oh i should have made a no um you know what i'll tell you for the sake of simplicity i'm just going to let them have it so go ahead and make an attack of opportunity against that goblin okay i apologize no no it's all good i kind of threw that on you okay uh yeah when they step back oshini will attempt to bite okay uh that is a 18 to hit that isn't it oh i totally forgot a goblin ability frigg hands off the chest piece uh four piercing four points of piercing damage so oshko bites into this goblin and he squeals[Music] um all right so as he steps away he's going to pull out his short bow and he's going to fire it at blue dye has been nice i haven't used it a whole lot that's a natural 18. it's definitely going to hit the poor boy oh i will okay i want to use my reaction to um impose um lara gets to use her reaction to uh give resistance for that okay so you're doing the resistance against this damage yeah okay cool uh well i rolled a five so it's going to be seven points of piercing damage uh and i believe that makes it go to three okay all right good use how's the uh i bet the ocean well actually has taken a few hits right um actually no uh yeah yeah i'm sorry gosh you think we haven't done this in a couple weeks um yeah oshini is down to 11 out of 21. okay well this goblin next to ashni is actually going to swing at him uh my metal die that's a 17 plus four so 21 green one oh jesus max damage six on the die so that is eight points of slashing damage yikes all right well that is goblin group number one the person next in the order is athera who lies dying in indigo's arms um yeah she's just still kind of she mumbles once or twice more to you in the go and then you feel hers dark to go limp in your arms but you think she if you didn't want to follow what she asked for you might have a couple of spare moments to do something about it uh okay next in the order is laura yeah lara has her shadow blade out um the cursed weapon the cursed weapon uh and seeing that ashley's uh taking some hits she's going to stride over to the goblin that attacked ashni and give that a good ol attack okay oh but i will um for my action use blooming[Music] all right it's only an 11 to hit that is a miss oh damn it yeah so this this energy you build up i imagine because it's booming blade mixed with the shadow blade that i i picture the lightning like crackling farther into the shadow blade and it's just like the thunderous force is building in it or something as you swing over this goblin uh yeah and he he manages to duck away uh from this blow okay well i will use my um bonus action to command ashley to attack that goblin he's like ha ha you missed oh [ __ ] oh and ashley like reaches up to snap his ass all right that is a 17 to hit that is a hit ah she's doing better than height uh it's another two piercing two points of piercing damage so yeah you miss but as the goblin is perched low actually gets up and fights his ears oh yeah all right and i'll have my turn okay uh all of you make a perception check please i'm not meant to be perceptive so my first one was a natural one and i just rolled the natural 20. okay wow there you go there you go that's 20 total 20 total okay uh what was that again indigo uh it's a 13 for indigo 13 okay lara my earlier two um now i have a three but i am getting better okay um indigo you hear that familiar whistling of a of a bolt flying from the darkness and you know whoever this mysterious assailant is they are still firing uh lara you see as ashini bites up into this goblin uh all of a sudden it just like falls down like like and you think it's ashni for a section second that must have killed this goblin until it falls and you see this large thick crossbow bolt sticking from its back yusefel hear this same twang and whistle and you hear it coming to the northeast of you and you like look over and you just are staring into the crystals but all of a sudden it's like you can see straight through it and you see from over at this wall what looks like a figure in the dark with this large crossbow put over the wall and just like cranking back this um it's string or uh wire whatever you want to call it i forget exactly what the part is called on the crossbow but you just hear and you hear the latch and another bolt slide into place um so you definitely know that there's someone by this wall that is firing at these goblins uh okay next up is stool oh stool you magnificent man uh or fungi i should say he is going to he's like if he had tears he would be crying he's like i'm so sorry i'm gonna kill the goblins and he just charges 30 feet and he gets up on this goblin the most southerly still alive goblin and is going to punch at it twice first one is a natural twenty wow i'm rolling really good tonight guys he just like runs over and does this little stool hop and just obliterates this goblin's face and it actually dies on the first punch hell yeah and he's just like florathera all right that is the oh so brave stools turn and uh that takes out the last of the goblins to the south so they're out of the order and next up is cephel okay uh so everything around me has died including um i'm going to finally now that i can move let's see how would it look like to go sort of around here yeah right there okay so he is going to actually i think he can only get there because stepping through her body is difficult to rain so he's going to uh settle around this um where this large crystal is over the body of the dead goblin he's going to run around the southern side of it uh out the opposite so we sort of between the two are these like are these pedestals are they just stone uh think they are like raised garden beds with like small stone walls that kind of enclose whatever was growing in here but you don't see any kind of beside like the odd fungi that seems to be kind of growing up these small walls all you see are like odd collections of stones and pores within these beds and the crystals all right so he is now between two beds and he is going to throw a celestial burst up at that first goblin right in front of lara okay another natural 20. holy jesus uh well don't bother rolling damage you're gonna kill it um go ahead and make another perception check as you do that okay um i did roll shitty so just for honor's sake does four points kill it okay yes it does yeah okay you still did it i need to put the die away there's a problem here no i i literally just rolled another natural 20. i'm not wow i like i'm picking it up i am rolling it it just keeps going back i hear the rolling and that's awesome okay so describe to me how celestial burst works for cephel okay so yeah it's it's a little bit interesting um because i imagine with the with the type of magics that he taps into it's less of like it's not a holy light per se uh it's it's more um think like think like a galaxy burst like like panned out version of the of the milky way like that sort of uh nebulous gaseous star-filled energy forms in his hand and he launches it outward and the light that explodes from it are those like star fractals just exploding out over the creature nice okay as you cast that spell you notice the uh kind of turquoise s crystals next to you they seem to glow a little bit brighter as you use that spell okay and that spell in particular that this is like the first time you've noticed it okay um interesting all right is that the end of your turn yes that is my turn and nothing but my turn okay indigo you are up all right i am going to step kinda a little bit to the north just to get a better angle um still cradling ethera with the one hand i'm gonna point out with the other and cast a sacred flame on the remaining goblin to the north okay and that is a dexterity saving throw on my voice yes uh let's pull up their deck save here see if i keep rolling hot natural 19 plus two 21. all right jesus christ dodge nimbly out of the way uh and i will just look over to my back and uh see what the mimic is doing with the remaining goblin oh he's he's chomping away on this this goblin and this goblin just like you eventually stop hearing the shrieks as his throat is ripped out and the mimic is just chowing in uh yeah and that goblin falls it had one hit point left excellent actually just oh leave it behind there's nothing no good this weird thing will do indigo did you say something oh no just just uh here's the part i have the perception of a god i heard that uh okay is that the end of your turn indigo uh yes that's all i'm gonna do okay then we are back at the top of the order with this one lone goblin sitting in a crystal raised garden bed who sees a skeletal storm witch with a horrifying blade of doom a small dragon-esque blizzard behind her a red-hot goblin carrying a dead fairy a mimic chewing out his friend's throat and a mind flare uh just kind of in the back who blew up his friend with celestial powers and a uh mushroom dude who's ripped a couple people's faces apart and he is i'm gonna make a uh a wisdom-saving throw here help him pose okay he's like i am so sorry and then he's going to try and run uh so he's going to try and double move here 30 35 40. and he's going to run into the castle in a way uh next up in the order that would be would have been a thera who is still dying in the arms of a red angel and laura you are up i forgot i had advantage on that role last time and i totally forgot um well it still died uh i'm gonna sprint after this goblin he's like go ahead no one escapes no i literally think like she's still pissed that like the goblins attacked ashni and then austin's like bleeding where she she um uh hasn't really taken anything and so she's like as soon as that goblin sprints pass she whips around and starts like oh you will be sorry jesus no okay uh it's a 22 to hit oh yeah that's a hit do you want me to roll in yeah i want you to roll damage this one hasn't been hit yet that is 10 psychic three slashing two thunder and three necrotic [ __ ] describe your kill oh my gosh i think that goblin turned around and was like i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry and she just whipped out that shadow blade and sliced him across the neck we're all just chilling in the room and we just watch lara just [ __ ] book it out the door screams and then nothing you just literally heard her hunt and watched it her hunt it down justice may your god have mercy on your soul and she like whips her blade out brutality but it's effective all right we are officially out of initiative bleeding goblin work bodies surround you all these giant crystals uh bursting forth from the ground a mimic eating a goblin body and ashni uh wounded what do you guys want to do um i mean lara uh when she comes back into the room and like observes the carnage she would also look to see if that cross was still there uh okay so from where you are currently on the map you're gonna uh see where this crossbow i'm thinking okay from the okay then make a perception channel i'm getting one step better this is a four wow uh you don't see anybody or anything over there in the darkness is everyone all right uh do you see indigo like slumped on his knees again just like sobbing into like if you're cradled in his shield what was she taken out by the orc i think they all got a piece but i guess she's at peace a little sorry everybody's giggling you're all terrible people it's not funny all i could picture was just like wow she's a piece of pie now i guess no you said you said they all got a piece and like how much is a piece like a toe a foot like she's tiny it was a group effort[Laughter] um i would like to um i mean i'm i think lara's like confident in indigo but i'd like to make a medicine check yeah go for it well there's a good roll that's um 15. okay uh you think she's going to pass within the next next couple of seconds like you see her her small chest building up like that last big breath with indigo crying over her um and laura's like checking her in her injuries i want to attempt to use my healing hands okay asamar trait that laura has and that she rarely uses um it's all it is is that i touch a creature um once a per long rest to give them healing energy she didn't hear anything about not wanting to live so okay unless indica stops her indigo might i don't know i don't wanna like well we'll see indigo you notice uh laura reaching down to touch a thera and you can probably sense in a way that she's going to do something uh indigo is not going to intercede okay all right so you reach down and you touch ethera um now you have only a certain amount of like hit points you can give a creature right yeah it's um equal to my level so three hit points okay um you know i just need to pretty sure any time someone is making death saving throws you and you give them hit points there's technically backup to whatever you give them pretty sure that's how it works yeah i believe there's no negative health it's just okay you're at zero uh so you see her small chest rise up and this shaky breath comes out a little bit firmer and her eyes kind of shakely open up and she's like what indigo i i i told you not to it wasn't me but i'm super pleased to have you back you know i think we're we we have a lot of work still to do but i'm glad we have this time together i i didn't want this i i and she starts to like get more serious and she looks actually like really perturbed and she's like and you see like tears starting to well up in her eyes and she's like oh it's starting to come back oh this is my fault oh this is my fault this and she's like now crying she's weeping and uh all of you make another perception checks because this has all been going so well tonight so four first fell okay um but he is he is separated from the situation he is actually um he stepped away from the whole group over there and once the the fighting stopped he actually went to that northeast wall to uh to see if that figure was still there okay uh indigo what'd you get that's a dirty 20. dirty 20 lara 14 14. hey broke the streak i am like right next to herself uh the two of you hear what sounds like the deep echo of stone splitting and i don't know if you guys have ever heard that in real life um i've only recently had the experience of that but it's very sharp in its deep and in this particular space it echoes and you can see what looks like large cracks starting to appear along this southern castle wall and you just see it slowly spider webbing upwards all about um safel we're gonna jump to you since you're kind of away from the group here at the moment sure you have gone over towards this wall um where you spotted somebody shooting off uh from the the dark on the other side of this it's a like a five foot wall um definitely in uh deteriorating uh it was at one point very well fitted together this stone wall but now it's you know missing pieces here and there and whatnot and do you go right up and like look over or how are you uh checking out this no uh so safel is gonna approach the wall uh stay where he is about five feet uh back from it and he is going to just sort of um he's going to like call that coalesced uh magic back into his hand and he's just going to call over friend or foe come over to this side there are no more secrets in this room okay uh you don't hear any particular response and you don't see anything however the things you do notice is that just over this wall you see this dark lapping water against the small rocky shore on the other side of it and as you look over the wall back towards your friends and over these smaller crystals growing up you see that you are in fact in a massive watery cavern cavern and you see that there is a odd spotted dark type wood boat bobbing amongst the waves against the shore and you see as you would look to the east here that there is a massive amount of rubble and a set of destroyed doors and as you continue to look over you see where whatever must have come against the uh that's shading again thanks roll 20. uh you see that that essentially that entire half or section of the castle has been obliterated by something massive you see the old dusty bones that you had seen scattered about the castle in numerous ways amongst the piles and wreckage you could see what must have been a second or even a third floor just sticking out from the cavern walls where this castle had been placed have been demolished and are just collapsed down and some of the debris has spewed off into the waters and the rest lies collapsed on the ground there um but again you don't hear any response uh jumping back over to athera indigo lara stool the two of you have just heard this cracking and as you had looked back you'd see these cracks starting to form in the stone wall and you hear that same voice that you guys heard when you first came into this castle and the skeletons attacked you just[Music] just a scream and athera hearing it too grips tightly onto your your kind of raggedy clothing there indigo she's like you have to go you have to go you'll know and it will come you have to leave i don't know how but you have to get out ethere you're calling you're coming with us yeah i'm i'm gonna uh grab her and like stand up uh and you know like look at the like the spider rapidly spider webbing wall and the disembodied voice like yeah i think she's right we should go we should go we should all go we shall go right now stool come on i can't i can't go with you if i if i go with you he'll just keep coming he'll just keep coming and i don't i don't even know if i can leave just because of the spell and i agreed to i don't know that i can uh i imagine we're like running to the edge here um what did you agree with yeah uh she kind of hazily flies out of your arms indigo uh as you guys are probably moving towards the edge and cephalo you can see them moving towards you uh go ahead and move your pawns please as well um you see them running over and your attention is now drawn to the fact that there is spider webbing appearing um along the far southern wall and uh you hear them talking to athera indigo you're gonna go back for that mimic i see hell yeah okay we'll resolve that in a moment here uh she pulls out of your arms and she she says i i was queen of this castle and we were involved in a terrible terrible war more and more people kept coming for my husband and what we had we were freed kingdom of slaves and we had something wonderful and i grew desperate and a woman a wise woman had been visiting us for years offering aid and helping us heal those in the kingdom that were sick and as what felt like the walls were coming down up upon us and you hear more of that spider spidering cracking of stones and that rise of them coming deep from within several you can hear it now she goes and nather is looking towards the wall she says we i i made a pact without my husband's knowing with this woman she claimed that she could save us that she could help us protect us all and we just had to gather all of all of our people within the castle and we could be made safe wards could be put up and i did it my husband didn't want to do that he said we didn't need anything so such drastic measures we could fight our way out and and i told him it was that we just we needed to protect some of the people here and more of that spider webbing and she says ah i had no idea what she was truly was she she somehow moved this whole castle here to the underdark and the ritual she did drew upon all of our subjects all of our friends all of our people and she's like looking around and referring to the skeletons she's like i have for hundreds of years been walking amongst my dead friends without even knowing she cursed my husband to feel their pain for years and years and years never allowed to forget while i would always live in ignorance of what i would done hoping that one day i might venture in and his his form might try to kill me and that anger has been building ever since and now since you brought me back i think the spell has ended and he will break free and you need to go if the spell has ended you don't think that you can leave you have to stay are you certain i don't know that i should even move on why is someone like me who's done such a horrible act deserve to move on from this oh lara is like looking at ethera with this level of understanding that is like i um yeah just like this like furious intent and she like looks at her um ethera we saved you because because there's still more there's so much more in that you can do and you can't give up you you can't you might want to you might think that there's nothing left and that you've done horrible things that there couldn't possibly be more for you and i'm telling you that there is i'm telling you that you should try and that you should come with us just try does anybody else chime in here uh indigo would definitely like look back as he's like attempting to um pull mimic off of a goblin uh time it's time to go it's time to go make it make an animal handling check at disadvantage because it is still consuming this goblin forbs that's that's fair uh yeah that's a 18. okay uh yeah you managed to pull it off uh while it is got a mouthful of bone and sinew and muscle uh and you have it in your hands now okay you you keep working on that uh if here it's not it's not what you've done it's it's what you are going to do next is what you choose to do next you can spend centuries the next centuries making up for everything but you won't have the chance to do that if you give up now she looks uh actually one of you can make a persuasion check you can do it separately or you can give one of you an advantage on this oh wow laura has advantage on this role you mean that the chawcaster has advantage on her persuasion the chagas[Laughter] i'm gonna take the advantage can i double down with my inspiration if you want to yeah if you really want her to stick around i think that this makes a lot of sense for lara that she would absolutely be pouring her heart out right now trying to get her to come with us that is a 16 okay a 16 jesus uh and an eight so 16. okay as you are pleading out here sephel what are you doing by the way are you pretty silent during this exchange uh for the most part yeah he uh cephel is is keeping his general he doesn't know whether or not he should be rushing them along or finding another uh another plan or if we're just going to succumb to succumb to emotion uh emotional theatrics here he is like he's looking over the wall he sees this this wooden boat and he goes um he's like starting to move in that direction and then something stops him and he's a stubborn wizard [ __ ] and he's actually um he is going to look at the the wall that is like currently just spider webbing and cracking and i imagine like starting to crumble listen to everything that might be behind that wall and he is going to um he's going to yell to them we can continue the conversations later there's a boat on the other side of the wall we need to move this place will not hold up take a theater with us if you will but move and he is going to actually sprint to the larger crystal cluster that he originally moved to and he is going to try to take some of this okay interesting all was a righty man what are you what are you going to do to try and harvest this crystal uh he is going to so he's going to run up with this like gnarled twisted staff of his and he is just going to like uh try to find like a crack or you know structurally loose portion of this large crystal and he's just going to try to jam it in and like wrestle out a piece um if that okay it doesn't work he has contingencies but that's what he's gonna do he's just gonna like jab his staff into it and see if he can knock even like a piece loose okay um well there are plenty of points that you can attempt to do this um what is important here is how much you are trying to take with you now i i should point out here that the the wall that seems to be cracking uh if it should fall you don't believe that you are any of you are in immediate danger of any of the debris that comes down unless it like blasts forward in terms of like an explosion but if it were just to fall you don't believe you'd be in any kind of immediate danger um so sephill you don't necessarily think you're crazy pressed for time in terms of like my life's in danger but whatever's behind it in the screams doesn't sound great well yeah i i think the fear isn't that the wall is going to come down and crush us it's listening to the little bits of a theorist story and i think the fear is what is behind that wall like if it's actually as terrible as she seems to believe it might be and how angry it sounds and all of the rumbling and screaming that's been going through this castle the fear isn't the wall it's what happens when the wall is gone yeah okay so how much of this crystal are you trying to take the largest spine and it grows uh kind of like for the for those at home that are listening it grows like quartz does uh so similar uh to the red ones that you have seen however this one doesn't look like it holds energy it seems whatever it is actually compositionally made of is of a different type of substance okay uh i don't i don't think he has like a quantity in mind i think it's literally just get any of it um because he does want to move so i think he's just gonna try to knock a piece off um i imagine like if if i'm not being picky but if i had to like imagine what he's going for just like small crystals like he got of the the red variety something that he can like experiment with and hold and okay test magically he's not looking for a giant chunk of crystal sure sure this is what i'm gonna do because you're you're trying to do this quickly i'm going to roll a d4 and then i will have you make a strength check um and whatever the number i roll here will represent how much you get if you succeed on the check okay uh go ahead and make me a strength check you run up you jam your staff in there you're going for it all right roll nicely on me here okay okay i'm going to use i'm going to use one of my knowledges make an ability to check these stools like screaming at you so follow these stools just like what are you doing cfl i'm gonna use my my feature to add a d6 on to that you [ __ ] suck uh that's a nine total okay uh the section that you jam your staff into and you're trying to get at doesn't seem to to want to break but stool has roll run over to you and is like savelle what are you doing we should probably be going make yourself useful and break the crystal okay you didn't have to yell punch it mushroom it's a traumatic time for everybody emotions are high i can feel it all in your minds oh uh okay are you going to assist in him are you just having him do it uh no well i'm going to have him like so what i i'm going to do is once i realize like my jabbing isn't going to do it i imagine like there's just a little bit of a split where it didn't really do anything but there's like a chip in the crystal he's gonna wedge his staff there and like apply pressure as stool bashes on the actual piece all right uh let's see we can do separate checks or we can do one at a with advice uh uh how how how about you you have stool do this i will still do it at advantage tool wow as as good as i think i could do this i'll let stool have his moment wow you're this is the first instance of character growth right there yeah man some alignment changes might be happening still going to put them in a suit okay i i gave it an advantage and the first one was an eight the second one i rolled a natural 17 plus three for 20. so a larger piece of this uh crystal growth actually breaks off it is probably uh four feet in length and probably about eight or so inches uh in diameter so it's a it's a pretty big size um is it heavy like it's a that's the really friggin weird part as it falls right before it would have hit the ground kind of like towards you it actually like slowly falls and just kind of like rests on the ground i found the feather[Laughter] i will i will pick it up like surprised with how easily i i assume i can lift it it's very light surprisingly i'm going to look over at stool he's like take take the meanest thing i have said to you in the last 24 hours that single comment you can discount now let's move and he heads back towards the guys that's literally the nicest thing you've ever said to me and as he's moving back he's like i still mean all the others though okay as you guys are having this heart to heart with the theorists if elle and stool are in the back stealing crystals this is such a great image in my head i can just see them in the background you guys are like talking to her and you just see his roped form just okay jumping back to the group debating on whether or not a there is going with you she's like i lo i want i want i want to believe but i i'm not i don't think i should i don't think i should and i think you need to go you need just to find a way out better something better than this and perhaps you can do something good for me but but maybe this maybe this can be my good act staying here and allowing you to go and she kind of turns back towards that wall and you can see chunks of it are now starting to push outward and land in this garden-like area this ghastly voice you can start to hear clearer now you can see the wall just starting to buckle outwards what do you guys do um lara looks at indigo like what do you think that indigo looks at lara are we going or well like he saved her life i mean we can just like i mean the um they're holding a shield in one hand and a mimic in the other that's like eating a goblin hand like yeah he's just nominate like cow could i i mean laura if you think the right thing to do is stand here and face this with her then i will stand with you i mean i was gonna i think i think we have to respect her choice she knows more about this place than will ever know and whatever she feels is right i think is right at least for her and we can help her in every way we can but i'm very afraid of whatever's gonna come through that wall can i can i cast adjust density on the wall on the wall that is cracking yes i would like to i would like to try to make the wall even heavier than it currently is to buy us more time if they are okay you're going to try and get it to stay in place using that okay yes i don't i don't know if i can actually do that um yeah uh is it like an area of effect or is it a singular target so as an action so it's not a spell it's actually it's i should say it's my it's a feature so as an action i can magically alter the weight of an object or creature you can see within 30 feet of you the object or creature must be large or smaller so i don't i don't know if i would be able to target an entire wall yeah definitely not a whole wall but you could get like a large stone in the wall it's a tricky thing yeah you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna take the chance i'm committing he somehow thinks that this is useful so he's going to look at the fact that they are still that they're still conversing and that the wall is still crumbling and if there is one like centralized or one like load-bearing chunk of the wall maybe like towards the base where the the spider webbing has begun um he's going to focus on that one larger chunk and he's going to uh he's going to double the weight of it okay uh to find this type of particular stone go ahead and make me an investigation check okay roll nicely please okay uh sort of middle of the road uh 17 for that one okay you do see a larger stone kind of atop the the lower buckling stones that seem to want to come outwards now you think if there was one stone that you could try to affect that might have some sort of impact installing this that could be the one but the the chances are it could go either way it could go it could work in your favor or it could be against you you're but that like you do find the one uh so i will have you roll a percentile die okay if you want to do this sure and it will be a 50 50 chance and i will let you call if you want it to be low numbers it succeeds or high numbers it succeeds but you have to tell me before you roll yep let's do yeah because i think he's going to do this it's not going to buy a lot of time and he'll he'll tell them that if if he does so um i can only concentrate on it for up to a minute um but if if they need those few extra seconds to figure this out or maybe convince athira um he is at this moment feeling a little helpful and perhaps guilty of some things that have transpired in this castle and he's going to he's going to do what he can to buy to buy a little bit of time so i'm going to go ahead and roll that percentile die uh let's go let's go 51 to 100 success okay rolling be kind to me 63. okay so this stone and you see the crystals around you as you move and you as you amplify the gravity here just like start to glow a little bit more and this stone just starts pushing down and whatever is trying to push this wall seems to now have run into a bit of trouble so you have bought yourself uh potentially a minutes worth of time and he will look back and say i can only hold this for a moment we need to figure out what we're doing now um as you guys are debating you hear what sounds like some scrabbling and sifting coming from the wall that yusefel had been investigating before and you see a figure climb on top of it figure stands just shy of five feet tall that figures you see that they have what looks like uh a hilt peeking over their back they have a leather cowl fitted over their large kind of grayish pink ears that go down to a kind of light or a darker gray pointed face where that has a longer kind of beard with these uh beaded or a beard a beaded beard that kind of hangs off of it a little bit these large rippling arms that hold a heavy crossbow in one of them uh a kind of scars littered across their face in their body and you know well look at the lot of you and you see a long pinkish tail kind of swish back and forth and you realize that it is a where rat standing on this wall look at the lot of you seems you're in a bit of a pickle and looking for a way out i might just have that for you they call me grim and i've got a boat were you the one that shot the crossbow that i was we might be needing that boat you can join me for a price well i trust this man implicitly so[Laughter] i like that one that one's a smart lad he does not speak for us well it seems like you don't have much time left to decide tentacle head make a choice because i'm determined this rock whatever you have in gold are valuables deal um a theory is looking at you lauren she's like go here's a way out go it's okay we can't we can't we can't make you come with us but uh and she's gonna reach into her bag and pull out are you gonna stuff her into a jar no oh my god reach through her bag and pull out three torch socks okay i thought you were gonna pull out your genie lamp and just like shove her in it no i can't do that yet yet um she and she's gonna hand over three torch stalks and um she's gonna light her torch and hand her the torch um she's gonna say if this is your choice and i guess you should be able to decide when when you don't just light those when you're ready uh and then laura's gonna indicate for indigo to like head for the wall um okay she goes thank you i i appreciate this go safel run stool poor sweet stone you run to you[Laughter] i knew i liked her uh okay so this this whereas standing on the wall goes great get over the wall or get into the boat uh safel do you continue to try and hold the spell as you're running or are you letting it go now uh safel is gonna hold it and stay put until he's sure that everybody is actually like starting to move and then once they've gotten to the wall he's gonna let it go and join and he'll just like dash the distance over okay but he's gonna hold it until he can sure so this whereat hops off the wall and runs over to the larger boat and starts gathering up some oars uh laura indigo your mimic and ashni you guys are running towards it mm-hmm okay stewart i'll be there as well i would like to cast a quick a quick bless on a fira uh before i uh hit the bricks okay once they've uh once they've all moved over i will i will dash yeah i think i can just oh yeah that's nothing yeah he's gonna he'll let it go um and dash over the wall with them uh all right so you guys dash over the wall clambering into this boat shaking it and uh grim the wearables like easy now easy we don't want to be taping uh grab another and start to ruin we're getting out and uh he starts pushing off from the shore and you all a lot of you can see ethera kind of floating closer towards you peering out at you and then you finally hear the of the wall exploding and you can just make off as this greenish light envelops the area and you see into a slight room with this red green pulsating energy a number of skeletons spilling forth from this wall one heavily armored one and these shadows clinging to it and a large ghostly like figure that matches the painting of sir of king gallus thorne that you had seen in the library comes forward and[Music] i loved you why have you cussed us and all of these figures start moving towards her and she's still watching you all as you begin rowing away and as the figures get closer and closer you see a light flare up near her as you fade out on the waters followed by a few short moments later which sounds like a a small explosion and more rubble collapsing[Music] and i imagine i pictured a lot of you looking back on this scene and as grim the very buff where rat continues to row the swishing of the water and he's like well then so much for looting that place but i see i've found a few rather interesting guests[Music] you'll have to tell me about yourselves as we've got a long jeremy block to crackle stuck and that's where we'll leave off this episode[Music] to hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have one more second we would adore 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