[Music] so[Music] so last time you guys uh finished up your fight with these goblins clearing out the last of them your mysterious uh crossbow wielding friend taking out another while ashni and lara were kind of going ham together um and then uh we cannot forget how she chased one down and butchered it in the far hall uh while you guys are there she always gets her man i just always gets her man she's not to be messed with uh and you guys kind of quickly gathered yourselves after this fight so fell uh immediately inquiring into the dark to see whoever this mysterious stranger was to know replies and then lara returning from the hall obviously covered in blood and guts and viscera uh to just like bend over ethera in indigo's arms and just heals her beyond her wishes um she comes to and surprisingly with a bit of memories uh in which you guys kind of pressed her for what was going on as the howls of a kingly ghost started up from beyond and began trying to force its way through the walls to potentially get her um there was a bit of debate on whether or not she should continue on with you guys um had some beautiful moments uh in role play there and i think some surprisingly deep questions for such a fun and silly game 90 of the time um some cool uses of magic some odd crystals that seem rather reactive to some of safel's spells uh and a were rat that clambered up pronounced himself as grim and was like you can get on my boat for all your gold and valuables uh a little more talking and ethereal decided to stay in which lara gave her a torch stock which has the chance to explode and you guys ran off onto grimm's boat and you are now paddling away on these dark waters in this large cavern as you had heard a faint explosion with some green and reddish light and that's where we find ourselves however let's talk about some fun stuff you guys leveled up that's really the only important thing from that yeah i i could have cut like a whole minute out of that yeah no that that was useless information i'm sorry i'm so sorry uh who wants to talk about their level up first i mean i'll i'll do it just because i'm i'm i'm nice and quick um so fourth level wizard uh not super crazy i did take should specify i didn't multi-class i took my fourth level in wizard um took warcaster i didn't do the the asi i took warcaster because why wouldn't i um so i can take attacks of opportunity with spells which is huge especially after such a close quarters combat advantage on concentration checks which is going to be more and more important and then i got two new spells uh i finally took i haven't had it up until this point i finally decided to be an actual uh wizard and i took detect magic nice um so that i can actually maybe find some useless useful sorry things find all the useless things this is magic throw it out it's [ __ ] uh no i can find the useful things around us hopefully that will help him um find new arcana and new spells easier because he just was a little frustrated how inept he was at that um in in this place that that should to him should have had wonderful things so i took that and then i took uh another second level spell that i think i'm going to keep under wraps right now but it might it might come out soon enough fine fine so be it so weird uh indigo what you got boy absolutely uh so indigo uh processed to the fourth level of cleric dumb um fairly similar to um the wizard level you know i get an extra spell uh but as i am a uh a cleric i don't have to just pick a few i get to use a pick a new every long rest or so uh but i do have an extra spell slot and an additional um little use there uh and i also decided to take that good good warcaster feat because oh yeah it is a ton of fun you gotta keep this it's one of those that's strong it it's one of those nice ones that like people think it's cliche when you take it but why the hell would you not oh yes very much very much look forward to thornwhipping somebody as they attempt to leave my sphere of influence get over here oh you want to use a movement nice maybe not all of it no nice well i did not take the warcaster v i'll just say that right now thank you thank you yeah well you guys are gonna be [ __ ] grateful um so uh leveling up laura uh the feat that i chose is actually from tot uh sorry from fizband's treasury of dragons of the chromatic dragon oh interesting very nice my feeling here is that the flavor is that um ashley is giving me this gift as a dragon uh so that he is kind of playing in there uh and also it gives me some more damage so more damage yeah um and then i got to i got a new spell um so i chose suggestion um and then i also chose to swap a spell because i wasn't using it i swapped out which bolt uh and i swapped it with shatter um yes and then i got a new can trip uh so i chose lightning lure uh something a little different yeah uh and i also uh chose to swap an invocation uh so instead of i i had the agonizing blast um so instead i chose um armor of shadows so that i can cast major armor at will uh-huh very very smart choice uh considering your unarmored self some cool stuff cool stuff and i like the the flavorful feat choice um and i think i honestly think war caster was really good for the two of you guys i think it's one great metagame wise i think it's two considering the uh massive amount of combat you have seen you know in like essentially the last two days worth of time period that it would make sense that you like didn't really have time to train yourself physically or mentally but now you're just more reactive with what you can do um so i think it's all super fitting and great choices all around uh just makes my life harder to try and kill you oh yeah you're you have such a hard time with that i do yeah i do i'm just gonna have to introduce like some kind of god or something to destroy you uh well all right you guys are in this larger row boat a super buff wear rat by the name of grimm is rowing and you guys have just gotten through a combat lost your friend have a mimic eating some bones and a very badly beaten uh little bit here so what are you guys thinking grim's there just pulling these oars in the water just kind of staring at you guys he's kind of gone quiet for a minute so do you want my gold now or or later we're not giving him any gold well laura i said i'd give him all my gold he stops rowing and just kind of like rests them in the boat why is it you're not giving me your gold here i am being such a nice host to you i'm letting you ride aboard my boat we could have rode this boat we could have taken this boat from you counted a blessing that we're letting you row the boat all right he puts the oars fully into the boat and he goes go ahead find your way out of here i'd like to see you try you're clearly not from around here fine and then laura's gonna stand up and take a seat and start rolling so he just kind of like folds his leg and he turns to the the other two of you and he goes well the last is getting us lost what about you gents squiggly face i haven't seen one of your kind in a long time how long is the journey going to be well that depends on how long it takes her to come to our senses and get me back to yours you know i admit that i don't know where we're going oh you also really it would also behoove you to get to the destination so we could all work together here there will be no giving of all the gold i don't know this is kind of nice he leans back his arms go behind or his hands go behind his head and he's just like i haven't i've been rolling for days i think i think it breaks in order oh my lots are hurting a little bit i think you i think you should i think you should keep going for a wee bit just make sure you take that tunnel over there to the left um can i get a like is he is he [ __ ] with us like an inside check oh god come on laura it's a three uh you have no idea if he's being serious or not and then he just kind of like shakes his head he's like no but seriously if you want to leave this particular cavern with whatever's back there take the left one uh yeah she will rotor the left good loss well you didn't answer my question sir uh do you want my gold now or would you like it later i'll take it when we reach gracklestog okay good but don't go throwing it overboard because that's just a waste for you and for me i might have to kill you for that or or put you in slavery sir i i just told you i was gonna give you all of my gold why would i throw it over that doesn't make any sense good i'm glad to see our smart boy he is irritatingly sincere he will give you the gold good now what about you i'll give you all the gold i have in my pockets and she smiles at him we'll resume the conversation when we arrive safely wherever we're heading oh i can't guarantee no anybody's safety here about this uh this boat then i cannot guarantee my valuables will remain in my pockets not right that's fine kind of gives you a shitty eating grin how about how about this twitch tentacle adam i'll give you all of my gold and and i'll bring out like the poker and the spatula from the cook utensils that i got for they're probably old and rusty it's like and i'll make you a great dinner for laura's part encephales probably hmm that sounds lovely what are you cooking up um you know it's a tbd uh you know really it's a local locally foraged meal so it's really what's in season you know um very well then i can't wait to taste what the chef comes up with what was your name again it's grim fitting thank you i thought so as well anyways but uh you haven't really answered me what in the world are you doing down here we're super lost you know we're on a grand journey of discovery and friendship no really no pretty sure[Laughter] we are lost but not on a grand whatever indigo said it certainly feels that way we were imprisoned by the drow oh now i see that makes a little bit more sense so you're on the run then how'd you get free we fell no that's not very exciting i prefer the term drifted yes the feather was very useful savelle i didn't need a feather i had my staff it's going to be a longer boat ride if you insist on patronizing me the entire way you know her and i might get along a lot better now i'm starting to get the sense of who she is well then you're on the run you have no idea where you are and now you're here with the infamous grim aboard his boat you mean the boat we just commandeered now hang on a minute how do you know this wasn't my boat to begin with oh so it's about you commandeered exactly interesting yes i take what i need to use to get the job done and then i well sometimes i part ways with it what um is your job exactly monster hunting though sometimes i like to splash in a little bit of treasure seeking it's a it's not a fabulous trade but sometimes it works out well sometimes i do it for myself sometimes i do it for others and have you found much treasure[Music] maybe treasure is boring i want to hear about the monsters you fought what's the coolest thing[Music] probably a deep dragon that one was certainly interesting i was looking for a sapphire but i came across that fungally beast fascinating you ever run into one of those before no no what what's it like they're big black dark creatures they've got fungus growing from their neck big bald pale eyes oh the swally wow yes it was incredible fight went crazy there for a little bit i think it was about five days i i reckon i wondered about in its cavern before i came to and then i hacked off its skull dragged it back to grackle stug and then sold it for a little bit of gold incredible what's your names by the way i'm indigo honeydew that sounds ridiculous laura that's a normal name i go wise savelle now that's also odd considering what you are i'm surprised it's not some like google it's an interesting subject you you mentioned you had seen one of my kind light that i have how long and where i don't keep track of that kind of thing if a couple years ago where couldn't really say was a part of the underdark i didn't really uh venture through much just kind of stumbled upon each other as we have here that's how a lot of people do it unless you're you know part of a trading caravan going through one of the more easily traveled uh passages or tunnels whatever you are are the drow in grickle stug no no no no no[ __ ] them they do not come in there i switched to russian there for a second uh they don't uh they i can't get out of it now i need something with a burr in it uh wilbur no no they don't uh they stay out of there they know it's for their own good sometimes we trade with them well the the dwager do but i don't i'd say that's good news for us is seen as you're on the run i don't think they'll be getting not uh catching up to you anytime soon hmm is it is it very far to get from grackle stuck to the surface now seeing this i've never been to the service i couldn't really answer your life there's no direct way as far as i know from gracklestog to the surface but i imagine there's somebody there that'll uh be able to help you you know there's a particular place actually that a lot of you might be able to get along in quite well it's called gold gorilborne's lair it's the only place that their visitors are actually accepted within crackle stug which is another thing we'll have to be discussing if you're going to be there you're going to have to leave rather low you especially he points to use as well you're going to need to come up with some sort of disguise because i don't know if you know this or not but the dwagger they're the way they are because of your kind run into similar attitudes from similar types i don't think you'll find a single one of us species down here that hasn't been touched by them disguise will not be difficult oh glad to hear it you the hub goblin you're not going to stand up too much uh and then you laura yeah but just just be warned you will be watched and if you don't keep a low profile you will be attacked and probably put into slavery or sold attack that's not happening indigo don't worry what is gorille's lair it's a uh pretty much it's a pub get the bite to eat something to drink stay the night merchants visitors uh mercenaries the whole lot they tend to stay there but if you're not a vlogger you're not really accepting much out of the city sure you can move about but you better watch yourself someone's always watching you and you might be taken snatched never seen again huh yeah it's a truly horrifying place there boy wow but you you live there in a way i usually get my next contract and move about wow and you're a tour guide no no no no see i'm getting paid for this gig it's the gold you owe me when we get there well you're a very good tour guide thank you is this is this the dark lake it is i'm surprised you know that where'd you learn that there well we you know we met a few folks when we were in uh the prison and one of them uh his name was shushar and he was uh of the kuato folk and uh he told us to never come here well it wasn't wrong i'm surprised though that the koatopa told you that i'm surprised they didn't try to rip your throat out with his wee little teeth no this is the dark lake and it is a rather uh wretched place to be nobody well besides the dwagger and the koatova there's not many others that reverse it see there's dangers lurking in every part of it deep troll green hugs eels and month rays they'll come out of the water and snatch you right up indigo goes like looks over the side of the boat breathless anticipation and he like kind of does that spook shove and he's like oh careful you might get snatched oh oh well i can't be careful that's right that's why it pays to have an experienced man like myself a true monster slayer here oh i'm glad i ran into you um grim how long were you at the wall did you see anyone else leave maybe a adero old bearded you know now that you mention it i think i saw well i might have passed some kind of wandering debris going down one of the tunnels i thought there was a body upon it but to be honest with you i wasn't really looking see i'd heard tales of a weird castle that had appeared here in the underdark some hundreds of years ago and i decided to investigate did you do much investigating or did you stay on the outside oh no by the time i arrived you a lot of you were in deep [ __ ] and out of the kindness of your own heart you chose not to investigate further absolutely seeing as there was a mad looking ghost a couple of other undead creatures and a lot of you looking so poor and dejected i just reached into my deep big caring heart and figured i'd help these poor people so giving hello thank you i am i really am nicest nicest creature you'll ever meet humble as well yeah it's the black male that really did it for me of course how else was i going to entice you um when we get to grackle stug i think we should um pay a visit to our friend bupito he's from there isn't he are you asking him uh i think i'm just asking um indigo and cephel if they remember what bupido had said you know i think i think he did know the area around grackles though i don't know if he was from there or not but it certainly came up maybe maybe the twins were from grackle's dog too maybe i mean it begs the question if they got out first of all how like did like did they find the way out that we did and how are they traveling like did they have another means across the dark lake it sounds like they went down a different tunnel[Music] well you know if we find them that's great well it's everybody i don't particularly want to see pepito again oh vapido's the only one i want to see i would be interested in finding him again as well why he's very mean nostalgia well sounds like a lot of you had a few others traveling with you and they just disappeared on you they were acquaintances of convenience they left when their usefulness had expired oh so you killed them no but it wouldn't have been long alright mama for my own heart i personally am very glad that we still have one trusty travel companion my best friend the world stool ashley i'm happy i i have you two in the go oh ashley's like currently chewing on stool's leg he doesn't seem to like it doesn't even faze him ashley no no ashley it's okay they're teething mr grim do you have any bones for me to feed this mimic you have a mimic yeah and i'll i'll show him uh our little jar friend oh that's a rather tiny one though how did you manage to wrangle it uh i i just um you know now that i'm thinking about it i just have picked him up and he didn't bite my hand off so we've been best friends ever since or you know second best friends you know how it is doesn't say a lot but he's very useful yeah it's a it's more frightening the fact that it can talk more than you guys being friends because i'm sure it'll turn on you eventually oh i don't think so but i suppose it's not necessarily entirely out of the ordinary there's a mind flayer a hobgoblin and a human with a myconade a lizard and a baby mimic and myself welcome oh you you you lot are the menagerie i'm my kind's rather common down here if we were to you know your way around here then you travel about you monster hunt you treasure hunt indeed could you perhaps point us in the direction of either who would tell us how to get to the surface or know the way yourself to a point that i definitely don't know on my own i've never had a need to go to the surface not really accepted up there if you know what i mean people with curses are not really about it however like i said you'll have to check out the lair to see if there's anybody there that might know uh otherwise your best to try and question around the city though you'll definitely draw attention to yourselves so the layers your best bet to find the information like that everyone else will probably try to keep you down there so they can enslave you and use you kill you or sell you not always in that order you've mentioned enslavement quite a lot is that a large trade in grackle stug well i mean there's only so many able bodies down here so they'll kind of put whoever they can to the forges but here you're asking me about using people mr illified over here you eat brains and create thralls not information[Music] i have felt connected to though many have told me the same he looks so easily particularly hungry skeptical[Music] hmm sure great thing uh las if you don't mind we're gonna be taking that slight bend to the right we're not following the left anymore as we he draws your attention back uh to the waters you guys are in a set of tunnels that this water just seems to be flowing through very similar to the way it was before you had found the castle um and oh go ahead uh no sorry i was just gonna ask him do we have a few hours left in this journey oh loss unless we run into anything on savory we will either have to stop in sloopadoop to uh get a little bit of provisions or if we happen to find a miraculous new tunnel that leads a little bit further down the way it'll be probably about a week maybe two to make our way to cracklestock we're talking many nautical miles well it's quite a large lake then oh indeed it is see we're probably what i would consider to the northern side of it north eastern side of the dark lake and we need to traverse our way all the way down to the southwest hmm but that's that's a very abstract way of saying it uh because it goes from both cavern large lake rivers all kind of interconnects but the slope of our nearest nearest areas that we could stop for provisions unless you guys want to try some fishing i have a query based on[Music] what information you just gave you mentioned cardinal directions and also no measures of time how would you as someone who's never seen the surface no those meanings of measurement well time you sleep when you can sleep but the wagga don't really ever rest so it's just kind of when you can uh so sleep when you want to sleep time is what it is you're awake and you when you're awake as for direction well we've had enough people from the surface come up but we've always had our own way of doing it such as some of the liking in the fungus and he like points to the cavern walls he's like this particular kind likes to cling to the eastern side of a wall don't know why couldn't tell you not really into the botany this side tends to grow with more of a speckled type of fungi that means it's the waste and then he goes if the water's kind of lean upwards if you can tell that sort of thing is to the north and if it seems to be going a little bit farther down that's so south i know it's very tricky to wrap your poor surface mines around but if you're in here long enough in you don't they you'll probably get the gist of it i've memorized all of it sure you have like twitch a little bit and just look like that yeah the whole time it's like indigo's like taking notes in his book about like the lycan and whatnot uh he's gonna cop a quick sketch of grim as well cool he's still like leisurely laying back and he's like watching you take notes and he's like see this is a good lot he's studious the rest of you lot could learn something except for you laura keep rolling you're doing a great job proud to you if we have a few hours and to sleep a dupe sloopadoo unless again you want to try another way you land lovers no i was just thinking that i would take a rest indigo would you hold this and she's gonna um give you her genie bottle oh sure what what and then she will zip into it what in the [ __ ] you disappear into your genie bottle uh uh does she do that often that is the first time oh my i think i did it once before but i don't know if cephel was there i don't remember i don't think so i think you kind of done it in quiet if i remember right sewell's just like in the back of the boat just like losing his mind he's like she turned into smoke and she disappeared what the hell oh my god god she's dead stop rocking the [ __ ] boat she's not that she just she's in a bottle she she is she's curly inside this bottle i don't know how that's possible it's not impossible through the realms of magic i've never seen it was interesting safel is going to pick up the like take the lamp from indigo and he chucks it into the water just so inside the bottle lara can hear everything so she's just listening uh can i well i don't know do i want to yeah can i just like he's gonna look at it and try to like gain an understanding of it like what kind of magic is this like what make an arcade check all right i'm gonna roll my search my new[Music] uh 15 15 it's certainly uh yes it's amazeballs um it's got a little bit of everything except for evocation in it uh most of what you're kind of divining uh visa i'm just gonna assume that you use detect magic in the same sense um well if if i didn't get like if i can't figure out from the arcana check what it is uh we have we have the time in the boat i was gonna do uh identify as a ritual which would just be minutes um you've definitely heard stories of uh certain items being used as respites for different uh reasons sometimes wizards have used items as a means of like teleporting themselves to a interdimensional sanctuary uh there's a classical tale of genies being attached to a bottle um so it could be any one of those kind of things okay but if i so if i'm casting identify on it does it tell me that it's like a genie bottle or does it just say this is a magical essentially it just says that it's a magical type of conduit in a way interesting now uh lara are you doing anything in particular in your bottle while you rest or no um i think that uh one lara was getting sick of being told what to do so she was like [ __ ] this boat and she went into the bottle um but so she's sitting in there surrounded by um literally what is described as uh cushions and low tables at a comfortable temperature and uh and she's just like she's gonna relax and take a rest um but i also think that she's attempting to commune like with kn if at all sure um weirdly you feel that same pervading sense of magic's been warped and while you feel enough of your connection because the bottle is still working you don't feel their presence uh connected to it directly in this moment and it doesn't seem like it's almost like the telephone pole is down and you cannot make this call connect essentially um which is again weird and startling for you because it's been a while and usually you're kind of like hey what's up and they're like yo dude here i am she also uses cayenne as like a bit of a guidance kind of thing so she's really off the rails here yeah so yeah so she'll just rest okay uh grim takes back to the oars and continues rowing and he goes well seeing as the lot of you don't know where we're going i'll just continue to roll for a bit but i will be naming the trade for someone oh i can trade off whenever good luck well get a little bit of shot eye make sure you cook something up there chef and uh a swap out with someone who's the next you chef who's actually going to be next and what do you guys want to do you have time to rest you know i think indigo would definitely kick back for a while um and then i i would like to have him try two fish i'm not entirely sure that looks like for i have nothing that could be uh considered uh fishing equipment yes uh well with what you have describe to me how you would go about fishing i'd love to hear this all right so i think i got like in the in the uh cooking tools i have one of those like you know like one of those things that's great like you know stabbing like wieners and like roast them over the fire one of those i don't know what that's called like a long fork like yeah yeah okay so i'm like over the edge of the of the little boat there and now like every once in a while i'm like blast like a sacred flame beneath the waves huh and like if like it's so good either like roast something or like if i could just scare something towards me i was like give it a quick stab with the the fork and try to get it into the boat okay sure sure um well hmm how am i gonna resolve this was that not what you were expecting will sounds like sleight of hand okay all right uh roll me a d4 right i three okay for the next three hours oh my god you continue this process yeah grim just kind of watches laughing chuckling him to himself every once in a while stool beside you is absolutely soaked with water for that keeps splashing over the sacred flames let's see is curled by the genie lamp uh or we should just probably be calling it the lamp as you guys don't technically know um and i i don't know but i imagine cephel is as far away from the splashing as possible as far as you can get in a in a row yes that that would be a correct assumption okay uh because he is he's gonna try to do some spell copying okay um andrew i'd like you to roll me a d10 please excellent no this will be great oh that's a one okay all right uh well during those three hours uh you do occasionally see a dark shadow both small some medium um every once in a while you see something larger you can't tell if it's a rock or not um but you do see some movement in there and you stab out and uh you eventually do catch what looks like essentially an angler fish yeah gross moth full of teeth very bony not a whole lot of meat on it um it seems the bulb that would usually dangle in front of it to attract prey had been singed off by one of your sacred flames until you stabbed it uh but you have some form of food potentially all right so uh i'll say you guys have uh enough rations from that to feed two of you for a day do you guys know the reference um dwarf dwarf goes fishing have you ever seen that no no i'm gonna send some clips later man it's so good this is literally what's happening all right cool um yeah so you you catch that stuff uh safel what are you doing so safel is going to take that time um sort of enjoying the uh the relative quiet and now space uh of one of our companions being in a a lamp uh and everyone else being preoccupied he's going to take out the spell of blur or the scroll of uh containing the blur spell and he's going to uh attempt to copy that into his little um i always portfolio yeah yeah kind of it's like his binder of his tracker keeper kind of yeah his like archive of spells this like just mess of of arcane writings um so for each level of the spell the process takes two hours now it says it costs 50 gold pieces for each level but that is representative of the material components you expend as your experiment so for blur which actually um i will tell you right now with the paper and the ink that you gathered from the library you depending on what paper you took you would have enough paper you do not have enough ink so you don't have nothing you got to either find ink or you have to come up with a way to create ink i had more ink you did in your inventory thought i had ink nope i had a quill i do not have ink uh okay so if you can tell me a creative way that you're somehow going to create ink to help uh inscribe down this spell i'm gonna say for now you can't do it and it can be you know whatever you just tell me how you think you're going to logically in this underground river come up with ink okay uh what is the consistency of the water is it all super clear is there like algae and muck like floating around like they're super hard to tell without there being light okay remember you can see in shades of gl gray and everybody sure while you'll come across a somewhat bioluminescent piece of fungi growing on their cavern wall uh but it's all very dark and a lot of the things are wet so it's also super reflective sure uh so i guess i will so the first thing i'm to do as a can trip i'm going to pop up dancing lights i'm just going to create some light around us um yeah so i have that light up and i'm going to look so reachable cave walls uh floating in the water or even in the boat i'm i want to look for like a if there's any like slime mud like something with a like watery but thicker consistency that i could potentially essentially i'm going to try to mix it into the inkwell that i currently have and see if i can uh replenish the stock a little bit if i mix it with already existing ink make a perception check okay could it um yup could i argue investigation you know what sure sure i will allow that you are a mess for god sometimes that's a good [ __ ] check um[Music] you know what i don't do i trust your dc's though no you know what i'm gonna um just full number yeah i'm just gonna leave it i got a 21. okay uh as you're looking about you don't see anything within necessarily grabbing distance that uh within those areas that you could use however as you see indigo has now finally pulled up this angler fish and is trying to prepare it and kind of like cut it apart uh it has this blackish blue blood from it and you think you could possibly add that to the ink mixture to continue scribing down the spell i will uh i will approach as he's carving it up and i'll just pardon me and i will hold the i'll hold the ink well under where his knife is and just let the blood flow into it for a minute or two okay are you doing some science there sophia sort of like substances uh how much is an inkwell worth or like a full thing of ink do you have that on your equipment i it's because we're almost here yup a a one well so it depends on the size a one ounce ink bottle is 20 gold pieces okay uh i say from that anglerfish you're able to get two of those so you have uh 40 gold worth of extra ink essentially interesting um so i'm also dumb i did have ink i had for some reason i had two inkwells already i was just looking in the wrong place okay so you have like 80 goals 80 yeah 80 gold worth okay how much do you need for this belt uh so it's it's 50 50 per level but that is the combined cost of the like that's assuming it is the ink and the paper and you know like all of the materials combined sure then i will say that you now have enough to scribe your spell beautiful uh you just have to you know obviously spend that amount of time doing that which can be tricky on a boat um okay now because out of the abyss has so much travel time between itself i am going to do kind of what i did before and we're gonna kind of go through a day by day thing with some uh wonderful rng uh kind of stuff done by you guys to determine if [ __ ] happens during this time um because as you travel grim does tell you that there are quite a few dangers and it's not just creatures who knows what the [ __ ] is going to happen around here uh you you learn that the dwagger have for centuries been trying to map out the dark lake as a means of faster transport between any potential um trade groups that have made civilization here in the underdark uh and have created even at some points where there was waterfalls disconnecting areas created boat lifts in different sections kind of like elevators to transport different people the koatoa uh actually kind of are the greatest explorers of the lake however they're extremely fickle um most people refer to or you know think of them as nothing but sentient crazed fish uh and therefore you know they are sometimes they're great trade partners sometimes you don't see but anybody that goes out to speak with them and so it's kind of a thing of like yeah we're going to slupadoop to resupply but it's more of a thing of like hey we could do trade and if they say no it's we leave and figure it out kind of a thing um so he tells you that crackle stug is like two weeks away uh unless anything else comes up sloopadoop however is only three days away so for your first full day of work i would like let's see lara roll me a d20 please okay six six okay you go through a full day's worth of travel switching off who's rowing some of you uh i imagine in attempts to make the time go by faster uh work together and you believe you've worked for who knows a full day's worth you suspect worth of rowing with no problems uh day two indigo go ahead and roll me a d20 no rat um can i state that lara's just gonna have a consistent mage armor on yeah absolutely sure anything you guys want to do during this time like the first day since there was like nothing happened you know between your rowings anything you guys want to throw in there in terms of role play or something you want to work on just tell me please uh there is one thing i would like to ask cephel about hmm go for it hey um so phil i was wondering and i'm gonna pull out that green uh drake skin like drake hide ah i was wondering um i think i remember mentioning that you you have some leather working experience um if you have time here and there do you think you might be able to work this into some some armor for me i could i typically do leather work with hook bindings carrying vessels armaments are not my particular skill set but with the right tools i could attempt to begin unfortunately i don't have tools to work it in that way excuse me a lot if you don't mind me intruding a little bit into your conversation it's hard to miss when we're on such a small boat if you were to hold on to that there's quite a few smiths and grackle stug might be able to help you i have a little bit of skill in it myself but not enough to do something here they might be able to create something for you a little bit better than what we can do out here not that i'm doubting your friends but if you want better use of the material they'll have the tools or you could even purchase some there so fail oh well thank you mr grim but if i give you all my gold how will i be able to afford that that's very true you might have to do some work it also depends if we consider the skin of valuable wouldn't you simply take it for yourself when we arrive yeah i have plenty of hides i'm not going to need that one well they oh thank you for your advice mr griffith uh stefael if you know if we find some tools you know maybe you can have a hack at it but yeah we'll see how it goes i could try to help i need the tools first but i'm not denying the request well thank you very much to phil it's very kind of you grim leans over to use the fell and he goes though perhaps you could steal something off the koat or if they're in the mood for trading they usually have all bits and bobbles they're better than trying to buy from the dwagger the traveler will probably try to exchange your valuables or your life it's kind of one or the other for an outsider that is uh all right uh day two indigo let's see it all right[Applause] that's a 12 12 okay uh a full second day seems to go by with no problems all right during this day lara is going to um spend a lot of time with ashney trying to um do some animal handling like working on that bond between the two of them and like maybe working on some combat maneuvers okay sure yeah what uh is there a specific thing in in general or uh this specific thing in a general thing that you want to work on with them or is it just general getting close um yeah i think for now it's just getting close okay uh make an animal handling check four it's not that great uh you definitely seem to think that they understand what you're saying but they have really no interest in listening to your [ __ ] teenage face yeah pretty much just like okay mom whatever it wasn't me teething like yesterday i'll use a little bit of everything yeah they they're all over the place growing what are you getting they grow fast yeah sometimes you're five sometimes you're twenty sometimes at the same time you know what are you gonna do uh you do notice at one point though that they actually kind of like slither or slide off the boat and kind of puff themselves up in the water and do manage to kind of swim alongside you for a bit uh yeah i did give oshie a swimming speed yes i totally forgot so they are fully enjoying that uh and in some points uh indigo if you wanted to you could even try to have ashley help you catch fish boy would i ever uh so that's that can be done uh all right are you guys ready to move on to day three good it fail make the road alrighty also by the way this changes every time numbers have different things every day cool that's the whole consistent thing just for the sake of saying it so we were honest um there were probably interruptions in there and you know conversation getting jostled around him stopping due to frustration or just brain burn out by by this day three can we assume that with the material spent uh i could finish adding blur to my my book if i focus on that pretty heavily yeah if you uh from the sounds of it other than light conversation you haven't really done anything else i i imagine you probably try to barter your way out of rowing a bit uh yes i will say that you have beautiful i will uh remove the scroll add it in cool uh d20 roll okay uh seven okay uh you guys have made your usual kind of switches on and off um but at one point wow let's see here keep with the rng while yusifel are rolling rowing uh i need you to make a perception check okay uh [ __ ] die okay uh 12 okay uh as you're rowing along you reach a kind of more wide passage when all of a sudden you hear this large crash in your boat jars and then just starts before it stops you have run aground on stalagmites that were just underneath the surface a bit and now there is a uh a piece of a a stalagmite now sticking out through the hull of the boat figures shrimp's just like [ __ ] now why weren't you paying attention i was looking i don't have the best eyes clearly were your tentacles all up in your face no i was an elderly man four days ago great sure um uh mr graham what should we do about the hole in the boat we'll we're going to have to use something to plug it but we're also gonna have to get in the water and try to lift it off the spike lara's in the water okay lara jumps into the water's like oh no no no no and you like you way back up and he's like trying not to cause too much rippling don't move about too much he might attract something we don't want you've literally never said this to us before well i didn't think you'd jump into the[ __ ] water ashni's been in the water for days it needs a little thing i didn't think it'd matter if he got you can eaten another pet whatever i thought you valued your own life a little bit more she like reaches toward him like she wants to toss him in the water and then she stops laura will kill him later you see like his big crossbow come up and he's like really can we please that the water is getting around my ankles can we please get back to fixing the boat yes you stool in the back you start to using your fungi thing can you soak up the water or something or can you just like start throwing that out with a bucket and still just like ah he's like bucket it is just use the bucket and stool starts bailing out water he goes you indigo you're with me get in the water oh oh all right then wait he's like stops he's like half over the boat and he's like can you swim oh happily alright into the water and he slowly dunks him down over the edge yeah i gently enter the water alongside him okay uh i need the three of you unless it fell you're getting in there are you i i have no help to offer uh i need you to uh with grim here to make a group strength check or technically an athletics check here oh sorry question yes is so this is obviously a check to like get it off this the yes the rocks that we've run aground is it is it a strength check because that is just an awkward thing to to take it off of is there a weight element in here there's both the weight of all of your all of your collective gear inside of it but also because it's now like this the stalagmite is probably about six to seven inches up through the hull it does need to be like picked up and off okay uh i will cast adjust like i will step out i will cast adjust density on it to make it get into the water yes okay yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna step out i'm gonna be i will suffer with them i just can't help them so i will i will step out and i will uh cast adjust density to half the weight of the boat so hopefully it's less cumbersome to to lift off okay can i even manage them yes you guys are going to have an advantage here however lara i want you to roll me a d20 please separate from the strength check this is a 15 okay indigo oh no roll me a d12 okie dokie that's a five okay go ahead and roll your strength checks at advantage please i would like to offer myself guidance oh okay um that's a 17 and the advantage was very useful because the first number wasn't at one oh my gosh so it was my first number wow that could have gone so poorly had spell not gotten out of the boat thanks to phil that's a 17 for indigo okay you caught my rules yeah bro with the three of you with savelle's help you all managed to very easily get the boat off the spike and uh grim directs stool to uh plug up the boat um he's like stool get some of the zerk wood that's in my bog and stuff it in there we'll manage to shore it up here in a minute um and as he's directing that and still goes over and does manage to plug the hole with some of his uh zerg wood you all hear uh as a long form drops from the ceiling and thuds into the boat pushing those of you that were supporting it from underneath into the water and as you all surface up you see this long worm-like form stick up and four claws extend in a beak a very familiar form a grail has fallen from the ceiling[Music] and we'll go at it next week[Music] hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have one more second we would adore you if you could leave a rating and a review in 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