[Music] so uh before we get into this you know where i try to kill you that's for you here on the madness yeah we call it thursday will we call it thursday thursday um you guys have any dnd related uh resolutions for this year it doesn't necessarily have to be for this it could be your other games that is a great question and i'm one that i am entirely ready to answer i will live boldly in 2022 and if i live i mean live or die[Laughter] maybe i shouldn't be yelling that maybe i mean live or die are kind of your your two options there's really absolutely you've kind of explained with the the scale that's just the whole realm of possibility i mean i mean there's undeath so i suppose death is is the middle of that scale yeah and we'll we're already cheating on it at all times so i mean you know why not please play off the edge you know run right up there see what's on my side my resolution i i have two actually um one is well no they're both ridiculous for me uh so the first one is i am going to not buy more than two sets of dice this year big lie it's making me given to you listen i i'm gonna try real hard i i believe i can do it i'm gonna do it the other resolution and this one surprisingly might be the more likely of the two quote me on it now time stamp this [ __ ] episode 17 a minute and 58 seconds in sephel will survive this entire year whoa that's ballsy that i'm making the claim i love it coming in hot i'm putting my money where my magic is i will stay alive this year i will still be playing get will's laughing right now yeah he's[Laughter] sounds wrong but okay[Music] listen they're they're both they're both reaches but uh but i'm just gonna go ahead and make a note here it's a new year it's a new year and i i'm i'm starting with high expectations new year no new character i like it okay you got a whole year to do it will yup i got a year i'm gonna make it glorious yeah every every uh or i'm just gonna fight now does extra damage to spell casters or or i'm just gonna make you like get bit by a bug and you just die and it's just like totally mummy rot i i have lasting trauma surrounding mummy rot what a shame damn it's like two separate campaigns i had two totally different characters get mummy rot wow um not fun well i've got two resolutions first first though i should say this episode isn't going to release until the end of may so this is gonna[Laughter] this is january 6th guys this is the first week of the new year we're really ahead of the game oh wow just putting that out there but um my first resolution uh i'd like to um write some stuff for dms guild because i don't ever have the time to do it but it's a lot of fun and secondly i mean i really want to learn to love um melee classes in d d so my next character maybe a fighter but you know not necessarily here but in other campaigns because lara is going to be a while but we are you and i sam are walking the same i know we're walking different directions on the same road it's like i i love melee characters and i i always do them oh safel is like my second second main caster class last time i played a fighter i hated it it was a one shot and all i just i just wanted to just like off this character it was still what else what's up class out of curiosity or was there a subclass uh there wasn't a subclass because it was like a second level one shot oh well that's why yeah you got the most vanilla like fighters are made by their subclass i'm like i hit it fine i'm done now yeah should've got should have gone barbarians so you'd at least have two attacks at second level i think it's second level when you get reckless attack right so it's technical it's just advantage yeah that doesn't give you two attacks but it feels like it not andrew said it listen i've failed too many reckless attacks yeah barbarian will rise again yeah maybe i'm going to bring back my wild surge barbarian at some point best of both worlds what about you will what are your resolutions you know i didn't think i'd have to answer this one before now it's kill so fast[Laughter] no i i am i've been thinking about this one for a while i fall into this uh classic conundrum of i get this story the background story of what's happening in my head so like detailed out that it's really hard sometimes to just like allow change to happen or if like players just come up with like a super cool idea just like running with it so i'm deciding to or i'm trying to my resolution is to do a lot more yes and um just like you know what yes okay cool let's [ __ ] run with it let's have some fun unless it's totally stupid but sometimes it's crazy as hell to your credit man it's it's one of the hardest things as a dm to get to and it's and it's hysterical because uh like you have a theatrical background as do i like we we spent years training in yes and and it's still so hard when you pour so much of your time and energy into into writing a story yeah like it's your baby it is i totally get that it is and and this like with it being a lot of this being pre-written and still a lot of room for stuff to happen and you guys not knowing a lot um i'm really trying to stay back on the back burner of over preparing and over note-taking so like that's my other one and in that links into the yes and of you know um like i've read through this book this uh adventure path like twice now and uh there are things i forget and i'm like that's the thing i'm like i'm trying not to get bugged with it like if i forget it i forget it um and and just go in with the flow more in in the fun stuff that you guys come up with so yeah well the good news is that we're having fun and people are enjoying listening to it from the feedback we've gotten so yeah that's amazing no one's going to know that how would they describe someone's boots yeah how would they know right now hey maybe you made a choice that the forest doesn't affect this area maybe you didn't forget to have us roll you just decided it's not here it's not here it's not here yeah the world man the world william next uh williamness is next to godliness all right and a hag appears and disintegrate on all of you um all right let's again let's get into it i will i will start off uh apologizing to our listeners the form that drops from the ceiling landing in your boat as you guys have pried it loose of the uh i believe it's the stalagmite i believe it's the stalagmite that grows up from the yeah still lagging tight is tight to the ceiling mites i love you for saying it i will never [ __ ] remember it yeah i know i i have to remind myself every time every time it comes out um you have removed the boat from the stalagmite however this creature falls from the ceiling and as you all kind of uh adjust to it the water as like the waves come back a little bit from it it rises up out of the boat and you see uh eight tentacles lazily hanging from this large um let me look let me look at the actual yeah it's medium this medium-sized creature it has a large brain with these tentacles from it with these small kind of like barbs at the end and a large beak coming from the front and center of this brain and it's just cries out and i already had you guys roll for initiative so we're gonna go right into it yeah this creature uh oh goodness let me move you guys on the map here that'd be helpful wouldn't it very good william good good job great dm this this is this is a podcast man you're out in yourself we could try to help all right all right all right all right yes so okay this is this uh creature it's on the front of the boat stool is currently at the back he's kind of like moved away he's like oh what is it uh you are all currently in the water at various distances uh averaging about 10 feet away you are in this tunnel so anything that you cannot see beyond on roll 20 here that's kind of in the fog of war consider those the uh cavern walls around you so the rest of this space is free open water but there is no dry surfaces other than the boat for you to try to get your footing on you do not currently know the depth of this water uh but you you are swimming and you cannot touch uh in currently trying uh anybody got any questions description-wise before we go ahead and launch into this it's an audio podcast i need you guys to get in on yeah[Music] dead air for 30 seconds yeah um it's so it it's just it is a brain with a b are the tentacles like dangling down like are they yeah it's dangling is it from the bottom of the uh wow that is very loud sorry roll 20 audio uh it is dangling from the bottom of the brain very much in like think like octopus like okay yeah and so it does it doesn't have alternative legs it's like it's using it started literally on the motor in the air it's hovering in the air of the boat um with these tentacles just like lazily hanging down underneath it but as it's looking at you all and squawking you can see like the tentacles flipping about and getting more agitated all right let's see here all right first up in the order we have lara you are 10 feet away from the boat ashni has been swimming alongside you guys and you see this awful creature what do you want to do yeah um well i'm going to start with um bonus action shadow blade and then with my free hand so i've got my shadow blade out i want to hit it with an eldritch blast okay i'll try to uh go ahead feels like it's been a while it's been a while um that is a hit uh that's a 10 10 damage holy jesum okay uh you hit it and it's great uh squawks and flails its tentacles about its beak snapping as it turns towards you uh yeah go ahead uh the the last thing i want to do because so lara's like i'm treading water here i just want to move a little bit further to be in between it and ashney um and then i'll light my turn okay do you have a swim speed no okay just like a regular so you have half movement i'm i'm going to say this and i'm gonna i'm gonna pose it to you guys i'm gonna see if it's fair if you if two of your hands are being used like have you guys treaded water with just your legs before um yeah it's it sucks nards right yes okay it's real rough so i'm going to say if you like if both of your hands are going to be preoccupied you're going to say spells you're going to swing or whatever while you're in the water and like whatnot i'm going to have you guys roll a check to see if like you don't start sinking below the water does that sound fair no that makes sense yeah okay it's not necessarily gonna be hard but it's just like do you sink below the waves for a moment and start like choking on water like you're saying is saying a spell or something like that or you know what no that that seems logical to me okay so uh lara go ahead and make me uh let's let's make it athletics i believe that falls in with swimming uh 13. okay you're fine yeah all right that's it for me okay all right you move in front of ashni a little bit northwards uh all right next up is grim who uh jumped into the water and he does have his crossbow with him and he's just like and he tries to like swing up this huge heavy crossbow and he tries firing it i'm going to say uh i'm going to say it's a disadvantage to be honest with you because this like he's swinging around this huge crossbow to try and fire up uh well it ain't going to matter because i was a 13 and an 18 on the die and with his bonuses so that is a hit that is going to be a d10 damage uh and he does does six points of damage to this creature uh and he is going to let's make him do athletics 19 okay he is fine and he's going to swim a little bit to the east here uh okay next up is indigo you see this uh wounded brained beat tentacle creature swarming around in the boat has a quarrel in him and a singed mark from a recent fast blast on its body oh no stool by the power of twirl um and for going uh proper you know paddling form uh indigo puts two hands up to do a bonus action sanctuary on stool um okay if our if our bad boy here wants to uh attack or in any way uh damage a stool gotta make a wisdom saving throw to do so okay rolls our eyes i just put that little aura around stool to try and remind me about sanctuary but cool spell all right are you going to move at all i i am not uh i think i like where i am um i use my bonus accent i do want to use my action to cast a secret flame uh okay at this nasty boy here all right and that is a deck save on my part right yes sir okay uh wow a natural four okay yeah he ain't gonna save so hit me alright that's uh three points of radiant damage for you okay uh yeah you you hit this creaker just making a bunch of incessant noise it seems confused with all these attacks on it uh all right anything else you'd like to do with your turn that you can do uh that is all for me because i'm gonna stay put make an athletics check for me please all right let's see what we got that is an even 10. okay you just make it uh all right stool is up and i'm gonna have stool do a wisdom saving throw because he's never seen something like this before he's a hearty boy he's fine he's like should i beat its ass[Laughter] that's not his usual voice you want to catch these hands stay safe stool okay sorry i was trying this new thing being like super brave uh okay stool stays put keep bailing the boat oh yeah and he starts bailing the boat uh all right next up is this creature who is going to ah let's see here one two three four only four people attacked him but it does have the closest all right i'm gonna roll a die here he's going to go after poor lovable stool that monster so it is going to swing out with one of its tentacles that stool i still feverishly swings oh disadvantage yes uh wisdom save to see if you can listen save okay that's a natural 20. oh yeah he can do it then okay get rid of them all now man jesus that's uh that's a 16 so that's going to hit stool and that's complex home damage uh oh [ __ ] oh there's a lot more to this i remembered okay he's going to suffer 12 points worth of damage yeah not great and he is going to let's still see here but wait cars die oh there's always more you watch stool as it gets hit with this slightly barbed tentacle uh sinking he just like freezes and slumps into the boat oh into the boat into the boat but he like you hear the splash of water and he's just like he does wait move he like he just he froze up and fell he froze up and fell uh okay and then it's going to smooth out to that's [ __ ] dangerous indigo it's going to float over towards you this tentacle is flying about and it's going to bite at you with its beak that is a 22 to hit that's a hit that's a hit right there that is eight points of piercing damage right all right and that is the end of its turn let me actually let me just double check it hmm that's interesting okay yep that is uh that is its turn safel you are up i hated every portion of that um okay i am not testing my luck with swimming for me uh so safel is actually going to uh swim well it will cost him so there's one space between me and the boat i know you said uh an average of 10 feet away if i were to move would i need to move five or 10 feet to be able to like if i wanted to put my arm over the rim of the boat not get in it but use it as a support it would cost it would be 10 feet like 10 feet for the square it would cost you a total of 20 feet worth of movement though because you do not have a swim speed and you're climbing up into this boat uh i'm not climbing i'm like i'm staying in the water i am just using it as a like rotation yes okay cool so uh just 10 feet okay so i will i'll stay there but i know that i use 10 feet of my movement just to know that so i'm on the the back edge of the boat where stool fell um arm over uh can i can i look at stool really quick does it look like is this unconscious fell does it look like um there's some sort of uh paralytic effect going on make a medicine check oh jesus okay um yeah that's gonna go super well okay all right uh 11 uh you notice that they are not moving at all so it would lead you to believe that they are paralyzed in some way oh [ __ ] okay which is very serious considering you guys yeah or water water yum that was that was my thought okay all right i i have so many things going on and i will say i will say that medicine check was worth essentially a bonus action so you still have an action okay that is i'll take that um i was gonna save this but i i genuinely no no i'm gonna okay sorry so many things okay i am going to cast a thing i'm gonna cast mine sliver at it okay uh not going to do what i normally do sorry no not um not mine sliver i'm going to cast a celestial bolt instead[ __ ] hell uh 11 to hit yeah that's a miss yeah i figured oh [ __ ] yeah so he got he like struggles over the boat he's not the strongest uh of swimmers looks over um at at stool uh notices that that there is a paralysis going on in an attempt to help indigo just just whips one hand like but the boat is rocking and he can't focus he can't get a good shot okay[ __ ] uh okay we are back up at the top of the order with lara lara's uh treading water next to ashni uh staring at this creature over indigo um she's going to hold out her shadow blade um and invoke cayenne and uh i'm gonna use my feet give her the chromatic dragon i'm sorry she's gonna kind of invoke oshie in this moment um and bonus action she's gonna add lightning damage to her sword okay and then she's very interesting considering you're in the water i'm loving it okay maybe i didn't think that far through but i'm loving it go with it fly with it i just imagine you swimming with your sword up in the air yeah she's yeah it's fine uh and then she's gonna throw the sword uh when after it hits it dissipates um or if it hits which whatever happens okay and i have advantages we're in dimmer darkness right uh you you are in darkness so yes cause that is not that's six plus five is eleven and that's a nine plus five fourteen uh just a hit okay um gosh why can't i never remember this all right so that's psychic damage one three is for psychic plus her two thunder which i forgot last time and three lightning so nine points of damage total okay all right um all right you hit it and you see the lightning like caress around its brain and it kind of squawks a little bit but it doesn't seem to be as harmed as you think yes interesting okay you're learning things uh all right and anything else you want to do with your turn are you gonna move you're gonna just sit and tread yeah i'm gonna stay where i'm at okay all right uh make that athletics check please uh 24. okay you're fine you're fine screams turn grim my boy let's just see if you can do if you can tread yeah you fine he's fine did we have light up i i j i thought we know like no you had you were relying on the bioluminescence of like different fungi that you came across in the tunnels otherwise i'm pretty sure like 90 percent of you guys have dark vision but i mean listeners can whatever comment later he said there was light before just kidding don't talk [ __ ] about the audience will wow you're really just picking fights today i'm gonna kill safel [ __ ] the listeners will did not have a good holiday i hate everyone i'm not yeah sanding they're ruining my [ __ ] campaign those ass make them suck i'm sorry i'm pretty sure it's wizards they're ruining my uh all right grim is fine grim what are you going to do he he treads enough water he like rips back the uh the cord of the crossbow i got i can't remember what it's actually called i think it's different from the bow um and he is going to try and fire again at this horrible brain creature and he hits all right he's going to do oh man he's only gonna do six more points of damage he's not rolling super great uh okay okay all right uh indigo you are up this creature hovers above you i do not like that i do not like that one bit um let's see here since it's kind of hovering above the water um is it within like that close distance where uh ranged attacks and spells have disadvantage yes yeah it's within like five feet of view okay um then i'm gonna go ahead and do a little swimming swim here i'm gonna go one two uh three squares which i think is my full 30 since it's that distance which it ain't going to get an attack of opportunity on you that that is okay that's part of the calculus okay it's going to swing out with its barbed tentacle i don't like that at all but there here we are you [ __ ] shouldn't yep yep that is a 18 to hit that's super duper hits okay let's resolve damage you take four points of piercing damage casual casual okay and i need you to make a constitution saving throw all right let's do it all right that is a 13. you are paralyzed i am going to use a goblin feature fortune of the many okay and i will add a bonus to my role equal to the number of allies i see within 30 feet all right you are not paralyzed holy [ __ ] yeah i was really worried how often do you get to use that uh currently two times per long rest oh wow okay all right i'm doubling for the win uh let me just read through the rest of this giant block for its tentacle attack give me a moment okay you are also grappled all right so tentacle wraps around you yeah i do not get to leave it yeah yeah sorry you stay okay while grappling the target the the blink has advantage on attack rolls against it and can't use this attack against other targets um yeah okay okay okay yeah what's what you gonna do boy you grappled you can't try to escape you know we're just gonna take a shot here uh i'm gonna take that disadvantage for a first level guiding bolt okay yeah that's gonna be an eight that is in me as a big ole miss just like a big like flash of light just go like straight up into the cavern it's beak chopping in front of your face as you try to attack upwards at it next up is stool stools going to try to make a safe oh yeah is is sanctuary not concentration oh it's super is i'm gonna have to make some saves here uh and you would have disadvantage because you had been attacked before in the attack it hit so go ahead and make that actually is this concentration i don't see it saying comments if it doesn't say it then it's not okay i guess it's not it i thought it was but okay no worries it's fine glad glad we're checking each other uh okay stool is going to attempt to save he fails uh so stool remains face down in the water in the boat uh that is slowly starting to rise as it was not fully plugged next up is the creature[Music] and now i have advantage on you indigo so let's do its beak attack first uh that is a 19 so let's go for you here yup yup yup you are going to take seven points of piercing damage and now it's going to swing with its tentacle it's one of its other ones that is a 13 and an 18 that's with no modifiers those are just straight rolls so i definitely have you yep you take five points of piercing damage and i need you to make me another con save all right here we go yeah that's a seven guys that's a fail you're gonna expend your other [ __ ] no i don't have enough allies to boost that to success territory yeah so you feel like this venom starts seeping into you and you immediately lock up and this creature lets go of you as it feels it's poison starting to sink in and you start falling beneath the waves and uh yo we'll be resolving that real soon i'm sure uh and then it is going to move over it's going to move over to lara so it moved uh about 10 feet floating still above the waves and a little bit upwards so it's about 10 feet up in the air above you lara uh and because that's a max it can go these caverns are only about like this tunnel that you're in is it's like a max ceiling of 10 feet above the water uh and you still do not know the depths of this water okay safel you are up uh i want to try some [ __ ] it's probably going to be some [ __ ] how at this point um did indigo like sink multiple feet or is he like just is he under and just below the surface at this moment you cannot tell the water is way too dark so you do not know his current depth and his stool drowning like we don't even know that you don't you don't i thought we know nothing uh stool's in the boat no he's face down in the water that's in the boat oh so he's like actually driving well i mean we haven't really checked yeah can a micronoid drowned these are the questions we're gonna find out i don't know if you're unconscious you can't hold your breath so i think that goes immediately from drowning to suffocating which is only a couple rounds right why are you trying like listen i want stool to die too but why are you here's the thing i've been trying to google it from what i understand you[Music] essentially are you just like start immediately rolling death saves that's what i thought because you can't hold your breath yeah especially when you're paralyzed so yes your indigo is immediately rolling death saves when we return to him on his turn yep sanctuary yeah that's that's gone thank god for stool he's still alive maybe hey you know if that thing tries to attack stools maybe dead body wisdom saving through come at me um i believe i need to see indigo uh i assume this would be considered murky water or or no light there is no light okay you do not see indigo at all you cannot spot him he is going to plunge below the water swimming in the direction of indigo uh okay so you start swimming that way uh so i can swim so you're gonna essentially be right on top of indigo where he was uh okay we are back at the top of the order with lara all right uh so lara i can see safal moving toward indigo right no he's below the water i went up he's below the water oh no okay um lara uh seeing the grill in front of her is going to um look over at ashley and this growl is 10 feet above yes 10 feet above you yes 10 feet above me um she's going to i want to use my bonus action to command ashney to attack i would like jesus i'm not going to be able to reach it what if i launch him you're going to throw him i'm going to throw ashney okay so you're getting okay so basically on my action i'm saying i'm giving the help action this is gonna be an athletics check which okay yeah that's fine okay okay all right um and yeah so the idea is austin climbs over to lara she grips them and then she just uh launches them up ten feet okay i picture your ash knee just like forming as straight over like a spear point with their body as possible and just like mouth of gabe yes okay make this athletics check i'm all about this this is crazy and i want to say too i think the intent here is to grapple okay cool okay we'll see we'll see if he can make the hit as well that's a dirty 20. okay yeah you launch ashney out of the water at this growl now go ahead and make a uh you can either make an attack or you can try to make a grapple with this which i think is just a strength check okay let me uh plus two to strength attack is a plus four so i think um if i do a bite would they fall back afterwards i i'm gonna say if he manages the bite successfully yeah ashni is light enough that he can stay on but he will be like dangling by his mouth essentially all right that's a 15 to hit okay that is a hit where were you aiming for on this uh this creature the brain okay going for the brain so ashni gets spear thrown uh up at this creature and he just sinks into the pinkish gray brain material um roll that damage five piercing okay all right it uh it definitely don't like that cool all right uh make another athletics check to keep treading water uh eight you dip blow the waves okay so you're technically under water so it will take you like 10 feet worth of movement to come back up to the surface okay then i'll do that i'll do 10 feet of movement to come back up to the surface and then i do want to get closer to the boat this is like this is like end of your turn that you're sinking below so like if you wanna if you wanna move before go for it i thought you weren't moving so um my intent was to get closer to the boat but that's it okay all right then we are are you going to cling to the boat like safel was doing um yeah if i can if okay i'm in the square next to it then we will scratch that uh athletics check there and it is on them uh all right lara has gone grim is back up um and he is going to uh try and sling the crossbow and try to dive down beneath the waves to go after indigo as well he starts swimming downwards let's see if he can see disadvantage uh what's his perception again sure it's pretty good it is uh okay and uh let's see all right he is down there we do not know where or if he has made contact with indigo but indigo you are deep beneath the water now or in the in the water now so go ahead and make me a death saving throw all all right you you get one good save uh okay stool let's see if he can make it back that's a natural one nope he continues to be paralyzed oh that's really not good gotta make a quick note does it say dead does the note say dead don't worry about it uh next up is is the creature who is going to uh try and swing a tentacle because that's all i can reach it with on auschnite see and since it's grapples it's gonna be a disadvantage here uh wow that's really lucky because one of my dies was a natural 20. uh the other one was a 10 however does a 14 hit that's a 14. it no okay all right so ashani is safe from that uh however it is going to dive down from the air and try to bite you lara with its beach okay okay that's a natural three that's assumed uh yeah he's just uh this creature is very thrown off by the weight and the pain that ashni is currently inflicting upon its brain uh okay safel you are up you are uh beneath the waves now you still cannot spot indigo but you do see um some kind of form swimming downwards near you uh and that would be uh would have been grim moving over so what do you want to do so so i can see grim and you can see some kind of shape moving and it's because they're moving that you can wrap them out a lot oh sorry right no water is moving around indigo and he might be for yeah i have no idea how quickly things descend in water when they're not going against it so that's what five pound rock seems to go pretty deep yeah i know the logic that's why i said it i know i'm just busting your balls he's gonna kill me and he's not even gonna be nice in the he'll kill us uh interim in school first it's all right god [ __ ] damn it um he's a monster i really didn't i hate using my actions at the beginning because we need to do this [ __ ] fast uh i'm just gonna uh [ __ ] it i'm gonna cast dancing light in the water um okay is that a verbal spell[ __ ] yes[Music] so no i'm not no you're not[ __ ] this is fun i like i even if i was in your shoes though i think this would be fun because i feel like we've never dealt with anything underwater combat in any of our games at least i think you're right i think you might be like oh man this is tough but also crazy fun well it's like they're i'm not built for this this is the worst[ __ ] i thought it was bad when i was in the water now i'm under it and it's worse everything is worse um okay so oh[ __ ] hold on sorry i just had a fair [ __ ][Laughter] uh we're gonna have to have double the explicit content warning on this no no no no good things here i don't have a single spell that doesn't contain a verbal component okay cool that's fine um okay can i do another perception check to try to see him again i'm like i'll still actively sw let's say i'll go so because of my uh extra 10 feet of movement my movement speed would be 40 half it's 20. so let's say i'll go 10 feet down and i'll make another perception check okay at disadvantage because of the dark water okay all right that was really good and that [ __ ] wasn't okay that's a three i rolled an 18 and a three you do not uh you do not find them as you start to swim downwards okay i'm not like no brushing like haven't haven't hit anything nothing but you didn't necessarily say that you were aiming for anything so no i wasn't i just no i didn't know if i like passed by him okay i'm i'm gonna cut my losses i'm gonna swing i'm gonna use the other 10 feet of my movement to uh begin swimming back up okay you're not gonna surface but no you no but i'm gonna start start the trek back up okay all right oh boy we're back at the top of the order with lara all right i've got um 30 feet of movement is that enough for me to get up and into the boat and to get to stool uh laura hauls her body over into the boat um and then i would like to use my action well can i observe stool without using my action i'm gonna make this boat a little bit bigger because this is a bad representation sorry this five foot boat that we all sat in five foot boat that you somehow all made it in uh you were gonna do your action to what um um am i able to um uh he's face down right face down in the water that is still rising in the boat i will warn you you will take an attack of opportunity from this growl if you move all the way um that's fine okay all right well let's resolve that first because that might prevent you from getting to the stool meister it's gonna be a disadvantage because oh would be fine too i [ __ ] you not i rolled two 18s on the die oh my god on both of them uh okay so that's gonna be a hit you're gonna take six points of piercing damage jesus crow guys uh and i need you to make a constitution saving okay depending on what this role is well let me just roll it depending on what this role is i might quit the game that's a 15. comes back up the water and everyone's down yeah okay um so i want to is it something that i'm able to do with my action to like i don't know how much movement that was but i basically want to flip stool over exam and do like a quick glance um to see if they're still breathing uh you can definitely flip them over it's going to be a medicine check to see if they're still breathing you know this will not actively heal them but yes you can do that all right well then i'm just going to flip into healing hands okay uh oh i don't know why i'm rolling out i don't have to roll for that no feeling things just happened i'm so easy it just happens um so that is for health and stool is flipped okay uh you flip them over and you give them four points of healing back however you notice that they are still not moving but they're not drowning as far as you know you just see the three holes where his two eyes and mouth is are just kind of there yeah i know what i should have done it wasn't that um all right[ __ ] happens yeah um i would like to do bonus action command oshini to ashni um uh keep she's gonna she's gonna chew on it yeah she's over her shoulder she's gonna be like ashy do not let go um and ashley's gonna do a claw attack so biting and then they're gonna grip their claws into the brain as well okay i'm gonna say this is at advantage because he has it grappled okay and the claws are 14 to hit that is it okay that is for piercing four points a pearson it's still up it's it's not looking great this like bluish ooze is seeping out from its various wounds across its brain-like body all right is that the the last of your turn yeah all right we're we're into turn four guys this is cool uh grim let's see if he can do this all right he's fine swimming he's going to try and search he successfully does so okay all right something's happening indigo i need you to make another death saving throw for me please happy too that is another 16. all right another save god that face you made made me really nervous i thought it was gonna be like it's a joyous and that's a word yeah exactly uh all right stool stool stool stool you see stool all of a sudden it's just like hi laura i love you i was worried about you and then all of a sudden just like a fountain of water just like straight out of its hole that and it's almost like it's he's dehydrating he was a little swollen before from all the water he absorbed oh that's disgusting let's go it's like a pruned finger sorry uh all right next up is the creature uh okay they are going to swing once again at ashni another straight good rolls uh however does a 16 hit him no a 16 doesn't hit ashney ah she says he's 17. ah damn what son the dm made it i did i did he's a slippery little bugger the wizard has more hp than me and the companion has a better ac yeah but he's like seven health yeah he's got very few help i'm getting plate armor as soon as we get out of this mess so you can drive faster i was gonna say you're you should be glad you don't have it right now oh i'm very glad i don't have it right now just i'm gonna buy the armor and i'm never gonna go near water again good call good call and then let's see yeah this is what i'm gonna do you see it start flying off in this direction with ashni still attached to it uh all right and it's going to try and do another attack on roshini let's just double check here okay because it has two attacks and i forgot to do the second one no that's not gonna hit that's not gonna i forgot it's at disadvantage damn it okay uh safel you are up i'm going to so with 20 feet of movement will that be enough to get me to the surface i don't know g like geometrically how how okay i'm going to break the surface uh frustrated at how[ __ ] useless he is as soon as he is wet do like a quick once-over okay lara's in the boat can't see grim do i see the uh creature flying away uh make a perception check at disadvantage because it is dark even with dark vision i can't see that yeah it's it's disadvantage with dark vision you can really see but yeah it's the actual it's the actual ruling of it that's some dark [ __ ] everybody kind of glosses over it but i'm gonna try and stick to the rules on that one okay um that's a nine you feel like you see something in the distance but you're not exactly sure what it is okay so it's gonna be like if you attack at it it's gonna be a d100 roll to see if you hit it it'll be a 50 50 chance uh what about something that doesn't require an attack role is it an area of effect uh it is not that it would be still a 50 50 chance to see if you got it okay uh i'm going to cast vortex warp uh tell these guys because i'm the only one that certainly knows what this does yep so uh so vortex warp is a second level conjuration spell um it's from strix haven uh so so i double checked that i was allowed uh our dm is merciful so you magically twist space around another creature you can see within range the range is 90 feet the target must succeed on a constitution saving throw which they may choose to fail if they want to or the target is teleported to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range the chosen space must be on a surface or in a liquid that can support the target without the target having to squeeze which is a little bit of a weird case where it floats i don't i don't like any surface supports it technically so so that might be a little bit squishy for this creature but yeah so i i want to vortex warp the creature back let's see it's khan that is a 16 total it's a 15 it's 15 minutes okay it had it rolled to 15 and it has a plus one okay uh so that just made it there all right anything else you want to do ah nope that is that is my whole turn all right lara you are up um all right turn five uh lara stands in the boat looks over at stool um stool i the creature seems to have left but if it comes back you know to dodge right yeah great that's my boy um savelle did you see indigo down there i couldn't find him um i would like to cast light on my um i'm gonna cast it on my bottle that she keeps on her okay um uh and then i'm going to dive into the water okay uh what's the radius of that 20 feet uh it is bright light for 20 feet radius in dim light for an additional 20 feet uh go ahead and make a perception check okay net 20. you see that grimm has indigo in hand and they are like 10 feet below the surface of the water uh but they are coming up from like right underneath where safel is okay um i'm going to uh basically keep next to them if they surface then you know like wherever that is okay um with my bonus action i would like to communicate telepathically with ashley because they're within 100 feet of me and command them to let go okay you send like sense that they understand and they comply and you guys can hear a faint splash all right that's it okay uh all right next up is grim who does break the surface with indigo um he's like get him into the boat uh and he is going to swim over towards the edge i gotta move sephel for a second excuse me excuse me uh so i can put indigo's layer token back on the uh token layer and yeah he kind of moves towards the edge of the boat uh trying to get indigo up and that is his turn indigo you are no longer drowning i need you to make a saving throw for the poison that courses through you keeping you paralyzed so it's a constitutional saving through yeah that's a nine little waterlogged over here yeah you're still paralyzed uh okay stool is going to rush over however he's gonna be like oh my god please don't die and he's going to like heave you up into the boat let's keep with the dice oh yeah he's got you he rips you up in and grim is like taken aback like what's so strong like in it uh and he is just like hovering over your body next up is the creature who is going to lay out two attacks on auschnit no longer at disadvantage the beak is a that is an 18 so i just hit okay prepare for damage that is six points of piercing damage tentacle that is damn that's a 15 that is a miss and they are going to start moving back you now clearly see them as they come in within like the radius of this light and they are closing in towards you guys again uh all right safel you are up you can[ __ ] see this guy oh amazing so happy a ton of light now yeah yeah uh that's that's great um can't [ __ ] do anything with it now oh shoot okay um i'm going to yeah we're just going to go back to basics here i'm going to uh soppingly drag myself back to the to the edge of the boat i don't know if i can get in there are a lot of people there um oh yeah you can you guys were all able to get into it you just got to make um a small athletics check to see if you can pull yourself in uh to that like is it even smart to get in the boat like no one has been plugging this has the boat just been progressively taking on water yeah it's like yeah i've submerged right okay so so no one is actually in the boat we're in the water that happens to have a boat in it stool and indigo are in like the only dry part of the boats yeah so i'm not even gonna bother i'm just gonna use it as a as a weight like a like i'm going to a cling to the side of it don't let me go jack uh i will say i am still i'm still uh half my weight i'm still concentrating on that i can do it up to a minute okay um so however much that helps but if if it's going under it's going under uh so i'm going to use that and i'm just going to i'm going to cast scorching ray okay uh you have been failing me there we [ __ ] go 24. yeah that's a hit that's all you know it's it's three rays though so let me let me just roll for all three i think this is the first time i've rolled scorching ray where all three rays are targeting the same thing i think so uh okay that is a 16 for the second that is a hit and a 23 for the third there we go all three hit nice now we're talking i can picture this perfectly like sephill is wet and he hates getting wet and he's pissed off and he's just like uh not great for what the damage is but i'll take it uh 17 points of damage so yeah he's he's [ __ ] pissed like he broke surface took stock wasted it wasted a uh this new magic that he's and it is like he just found this magic he felt it call he tried it and it failed him going underwater failed him coming back up he's just as useless he scurries back to the boat and he just angrily throws out his hands and casts scorching ray and the water on him and like i imagine in front of his f uh in front of his fingers as it's like arching upwards like steams as the flames come out yeah and there's these three streaks as they go throughout this uh now brightly lit cavern space or tunnel space i should say uh and describe how it kills this creature[ __ ] yeah no i uh i think exactly that like he's he's pissed he just he's done with this it's not even about it's not about combat anymore it's [ __ ] this so he he throws out the spell the water on him like coalesces as the spell begins like boiling all of it off him in steam that trails behind him there's a steam trail above the water as it like collides i imagine the three beams like twisting around each other he's never sent the three beams in the same direction and they're like harmoniously twisting and he just blows the brain off this thing and you do so and it's tentacles and viscera explode scattering about into the water and uh seconds later ashney's twisting form swims through it kind of snipping uh at a couple of the pieces you guys are out of combat a couple of key things your boat is now half submerged in the water and is still sinking you have a still paralyzed indigo uh what do you guys want to do i will i will approach indigo and cast lester restoration for my celestial legacy boom indigo you are back up my boy oh yeah oh wow that was deeply unpleasant oh we're like lead in the water you should get up now oh okay not much and go where our boats are basically gone it's fine it's fine um well as we've clearly discovered none of us are very good at swimming so can we patch it up with that wood you were talking about unless you can somehow pull it from the water no it's gone now well like the sheer amount of force it would take to try and get this back up now would be insane so well question that might save us okay it seems like there's two thoughts about to happen here so andrew go ahead i i need to space out my fighting with the dm i cast uh destroy water at first up to 10 gallons of water in an open container within range[ __ ] my idea okay it's not gonna be all the water but it is a very significant portion and it definitely rises up a bit more [ __ ] so maybe if we could start bailing um if necessary i can do that again but i mean just maybe sometimes stool is immediately trying to like patch up the boat as best as he can and let's see if we can make a significant enough survival check yeah that that is a that is a 12. he's he's it's somewhat patched there's still some water coming in i i don't know how helpful it is uh but cephel is just trying to like not lift it upwards but keep it afloat because yes we're moving the water from it but they're still a gaping hole so it's still going to take on more immediately so he's just going to try to like keep you're going to try and keep it up help i guess okay make an athletics check yep that's it's gonna go as well as everything else i've done today so[Music] okay uh 14. okay yeah you are you are trying to to keep it buoyant grim is helping on the other side um stool is still plugging away at it he's almost there um do you help them in the plugging of it indigo or are you just going to try and destroy more water what are you thinking uh i think in this moment there's still so much water coming in i'm going to try to destroy water again for another first level spell okay yeah you you do so and the water uh dissipates and the boat bounces up pretty significantly and it gives enough freedom for stool to just like fist a giant plug worth of wood in there and like tar as well and the boat has now been successfully plugged nice job and uh stalagmite the stalagmite you you guys have kind of pushed it off a little bit i should have marked it it was kind of like right about there in front of you um it wasn't sticking up much it was like with the displacement of the water the boat was just low enough for it too no that that was going to be my question i couldn't remember how far we had moved it off the stalagmite if at all so i was gonna watch i was questioning like if it was going down and it was just like slowly breaking more and more open because the stalagmite was gonna come back through it definitely wasn't helping but yeah you guys have managed to uh to plug it up and it is decently fixed at this point to uh to keep using and i imagine you all climb back into it yeah oh yeah okay uh grim immediately takes back over the oars and he's like i'll steer from here and um i need you guys to roll me another d couple d20s here uh because this is potentially great uh let's see safel can you go ahead and roll me a d20 i don't know if this is good or bad random tables scare me uh 19. okay see i don't like the laugh rolling high i take it back can i roll with disadvantage no no it's too late sam or uh or andrew decide which one of you would like to roll a d4 i will i will take this honor okay i'm still got friends two yes yes oh no oh i hate it oh no oh i hate it so bad i hate this so much oh just look at his face right now i don't want it i'm sorry daddy you guys all look up in panic as all of a sudden oh my god [ __ ] off cut sam stop recording this isn't canon as from the dark you look up and you see that there's a small boat that has just appeared alongside of you with a small purplish gray creature with these giant white gray bulbous eyes a little tuft of hair on the top of its head and it's got a little like and you can see it has like what looks like a horrible straw like hat behind its head it's just like what y'all doing um where what seems like you're having a little bit of trouble on the walls maybe oh andy can help you out how sir how long have you been here[Laughter] what does that even mean no oh no yay i can't believe you guys hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for 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