[Music] all right so i'm gonna start off with a couple apologies i [ __ ] up on two very important things our last episode yep oh dear yep i can admit it i can admit it hold the tweets hold the tweets it's okay you don't really have twitter so only you tweet rate him specifically through twitter yeah uh only only on there um one i owe an apology to you brendan because of my call on seeing the growl it was within your vision you should have had it i should have made you roll if it was outside of your vision i didn't do that that's on me secondly still killed the [ __ ] you still killed the [ __ ] uh secondly i should have had andrew rolling new constitution checks every round that he was underwater to break free of the poison i should have been doing that thankfully he didn't die and i would have probably had us like go all the [ __ ] way back and then like we're redoing this because i'm not killing you on my mistake um just because that's that's some [ __ ] um all right but anyways you guys faced off with this growl which was causing quite a bit of terror with you guys being in the water in that paralytic agent that it carries in its uh tentacles coming after you guys um you broke out some interesting creative techniques i loved it um you managed to kill it with some what was it scorching ray there yep and um you guys were able to plug the boat pretty good it doesn't seem to be taking on more water you were able to destroy water thanks to indigo and managed to get it back up to the surface and as you guys had climbed in and kind of calmed down for a moment a small canoe has pulled up besides you with a odd pale eyed purplish gray skinned white-haired uh figure with a kind of like raggedy leather armor and what looks like a straw hat has pulled up alongside of you and introduced themselves as andy and uh seems curious about your situation what do you guys want to do before we speak to the underhick have you been thinking this time in between to get that no no that that was unfortunately quite improved oh man i i don't know which is more disappointing that that comes into my head or that i didn't plan it um no but but before we speak to this individual is everybody okay it's like it stool like how's stool doing i think we got we got in to go up a stool school's fine stool's up everybody everybody that's unfortunate okay there it is this guy this guy this hey hey i had i had a i made a decision to try to come save you man i had a heartfelt moment that's true and i tried trying to be nice trying to be nice yeah i think everyone is at least like i mean ashley and laura are fine everybody's breathing yeah yeah okay okay proceed so and we're all in the boat you're you're all back in the boat yes what tell me about the status of the plug in the boat do we think this is gonna last uh you you would think so yes okay okay as long as long as you don't hit anything you think it will hold decently well you are by some certain calculations you think you are not far from the uh sloopadoop um area oh i forgot that's what it's called yep yeah i can't take anything down here seriously[ __ ] crackle stuck sloop-a-doop slap-a-doop stool well who wants to talk to the underhick um he's just literally staring at you guys he's got like his arms folded over the edge and he's just like smiling just a mouth open these weird almost like pupillous eyes just staring at you i get this yeah it's his forte hello uh mr andy sir uh or ma'am i'm not gonna make that decision for you uh i just had a clue whatever you're feeling oh okay i don't know how to take that but i appreciate your candor in this moment that we're sharing together um yeah what's up[Music] what you got you said you had things do you have nothing i i got things i oh i got i got some things would you be interested in um disclosing the nature of those things what is the read of this guy like is he making insights like he just [ __ ] came out of nowhere this is i i trust nothing i trust nothing and i joined in this role i also would like absolutely check on this dude my rolls are so bad uh he's inside his 11. okay 11 for cephel as well okay slightly better at 13 for indigo jesus okay um you're looking over this dude's whole deal he's in uh even though roll 20 lies he's in a much smaller boat than you guys it's like you ever seen a river kayak where it's like it just fits you and the tips are like very small it's essentially that and on the end of it is like this weird catch pole that has like a little lantern with some glowing bugs in it and he's just got like the one little paddle and he's tucked in there and you see behind him is like a small backpack that has a weird very large like iron padlock on it um and he's like he's you're not sure if he's insane or if he's just like so above you in intellect that like you don't know you can't get a read on him because he's either insane or he's the most intelligent man he's like transcended essentially this is there's like a brain scenario yeah there's like nothing to get from this man he's just yeah no safel as a purely intellectual creature is honestly intimidated by the inability to read the mental capacity of this creature yeah okay i don't know what to do with this one where are y'all headed so he sits there staring at you you don't get a read on him um uh mr andy sir um are there any um goods that you like to exchange ins and for other goods i could what was that[Music] this is a waste of time i have a tooth do you want to trade for it i i i pull out my wrong tooth[Music] oh i i've got a few teeth thank you though as infrequently as it happens i must agree with life this is not going to come of anything we need to move where are y'all moving to i don't entirely believe we should divulge that information to you graham you don't know this person do you no i've never seen this this fella in my life i'd much rather just keep moving i think there is a consensus among us with indigo being the obvious outlier we're not adopting this so we should move he just he just stares at you you guys are the ones that decide if you're just gonna go or not grim keep paddling yeah she's she's gonna lean over and like push the kayak and be like i don't know why you're with us why you're next to us but you need to go well i can only go forward backward and i gotta go forward and he's still just like two arms like the paddle is across his lap but he's just got like both hands little hands in there and just like pushing himself through the water because this is a horror movie this is only a horror movie he's like i'm headed to see my fishy friends where y'all y'all headed that way too is that sloopadoop yeah i always forget what it's called[Music] that is our destination oh okay well now we have a new travel companion and it's not my fault ah traveling companions i can't remem and he just goes silent and he just like looks like he's deep in thought but just keeps paddling and grim pipes off he's like this is [ __ ] weird no i don't like daryl quite like this um i kind of like him let's just paddle faster grim what's wrong with him well i don't know it all there or a little bit kind of like points at his head a little bit strange but this one seems a little bit more loony though to be honest with you everything seems to be a bit crazier lately than i thought[Music] i don't know why but everybody seems to be on age sort of so to speak um yeah i don't i don't know why and i don't know what the [ __ ] up with this guy um is grim rowing yes okay um grim if you can't row faster i'm going to take over we need to we need to go away from this person i'll do my past and he starts uh rowan i'll make um some athletics checks here[Music] oh no i rolled two dice one was for andy one was for grim the first one i rolled was for grim it was a five the second one i rolled which was for andy was a natural 16. so you got like grim is huffing and puffing and he's definitely like pushing you guys pretty fast but andy's just like[Music] he's somehow going faster using his he's just like somehow staying up at you well there so there are two options here we can either outpace him or we can slow down and just let him go away that is also an option um fine why don't we just stop here for a minute let's let's take rest in stock make sure the boat is patched make sure everyone is okay let this interaction fade from our memories so so grim like as silently as possible just like slowly starts rowing slower and he's just like act and just annie's just[Music] crawling his way through the water still not using his paddle and you just watch as he fades off into the darkness ahead of you you guys are in silence i think cephel waits like a solid like two or three minutes just staring down at the kayak it's it you can't see it it's gone it's definitely gone no like staring down at the bottom like right there just like head down so no one was okay with that correct i feel i don't know what i don't know what to feel i have been told many things about what i supposedly am and i feel violated[Music][Laughter] by what just happened here you all here are you okay[Music] lara disappears into her bottle[ __ ] that's cheating and then just very far just very far away i hope they didn't get lost and then it's just quiet sitting in a still boat indigo uh yeah are you all right i am yep something just occurred to me to phil are you sitting on my mimic[Laughter] i like lift my leg am i is there a mimic under me remember yes and yes i am uh the mimic is attached to your leg it's not actively chewing apologies like grab it no truck drop it let it go like he like pulls a little bit do you have something to feed it uh yeah i think i have some um i know judgment i i think i have some like goblin bits that i took out of his mouth last time when we were leaving the um the courtyard let's give a little treat it is adorably naive that you think that is something i would judge anyone for you uh you pull out these goblin rancid goblin bits and immediately the mimic just like suction cup drops off of isabel's leg oh god and just like immediately starts eating the the bits of it okay um so do we want to actually take a breather i think we're pretty close to sloopadoop now um i could perhaps give it like an hour or so hopefully that the indie fella will have moved on and if we can make keep making progress i think that would be best yeah i like the idea as well all right great um okay so[Music] you guys can mark off a short rest okay now i will use my arcane recovery okay uh and keep me honest because i can do up to um up to two levels uh each along rest so i'm gonna i'm gonna get back a second level spell slot okay so i have one one of my three cool cool now i'm gonna roll some recovery dice yeah do it don't do it um during that time grim is just kind of like slightly ever so slightly fighting the current and that is this river uh that you guys are kind of settled on here and as the hour kind of comes to or what you think might be a submis a significant amount of time he kind of like pushes away from the the edge that you had gotten near of this tunnel and continues on and um a little while later you guys start to see um a little bit more light and it's not light as we know it the the shades in which you all see actually appear a little bit brighter and you realize that you are coming out from this tunnel into a cavern that must be a couple miles tall and out in front of you all you see is water and gigantic pillars that go like from the ceiling of this cavern all the way down into this lake um and far far in the distance you can see what looks like this odd green like very faded green bits of light and grimm uh kind of pipes off and goes welcome to a very significant portion of the dark lake our uh our fish friends over there and he's pointing towards that green kind of flickering light and he goes or over there take us a little bit but i don't see any signs of our um all darrow friends so i think we're good to go unless you have for the best unless you change your mind at all though we're definitely going to need supplies of some kind to make it all the way back the crackle stuck yeah laura would have popped out after that short rest um and she would just agree i think we need to stop here okay um all right so grim continues to row on and a little while later as you guys are getting closer you see that uh as as you get closer you see a number of almost what's the word um you guys know how like oil rigs are set up it's almost like a tall tower and then there's like a singular building on top you see an a very large odd collection of like wooden esque structures with netting linking them together and various sections on what looks like a large sand bar out here in the middle of this lake uh and on two sides of this long sandbar you see that there are these odd looking walls um and all about in this uh this area you see that there are these very large towering phosphorescent fungus and that is giving off the greenish light that you can see uh and as you approach you actually see that there are a collection of a large collection of docks off to one side and you can see a number of uh smaller figures moving about and you actually see some boats um leaving the docks and they seem to be headed in your direction anything you guys want to do i would like to ask grim what the uh the folk here like usually like to trade for oh well it um that's the thing about the uh the koala toa they can they'll take just about anything and when i stopped here previously they were mostly just interested in fish and entrails um seemed they had some kind of new religion from what i'd heard uh but i'm sure whatever you've got it it'll be enough though i do still expect payment um but otherwise we'll just have to test our luck some sometimes they're fine with just silver or gold if you have it um but we'll find out looks like there's a looks like there's a couple of them headed towards us uh and sure enough those there's three boats headed in your direction and they're growing closer and you see a number of these purple gray like piranha-like fish uh humanoid fish with spears and tridents and nets kind of like hanging from their hands and you can see a taller one at the head of this boat and all of a sudden you just hear like it go tapping its spear on the boat and all of them start picking up in unison and grimm's like okay i've never seen him do that this is new um hello and it just like the drum beat of them keeps going as they're getting closer i would like to communicate telepathically with ashni to instruct them to stay underwater hidden okay um well this is going on aushney crawls out of the boat very slowly and stealthily and dips into the water he stays close you can just see his head peeking towards the top of the waves is there any way to tell um this this percussive display does it sound like ceremonial does it sound challenging is it like a hailing like is there any sort of indication in the in the rhythm of it um it sounds i will just tell you because if you're your higher intelligence here it sounds like a mix of both it sounds like a formal presentation of power like we're here yep we see you don't try [ __ ] kind of a thing it's like they're trying to intimidate us from the get-go looks like it yeah um it sounds like they are trying to establish a pecking order of sorts hmm if we enter it should most likely be cautiously i do not believe we have much sway over these beings um okay as you guys kind of i imagine grim kind of just like stops rowing and eventually these three boats circle around you guys and you see these nasty awful smelling fish uh the the koatoa are now pointing their tridents and they have kind of like their nets poised like they're ready to attack and finally the taller one towards the front of that main boat um says[Music] um what why am i having half um we come in search of rations and water to trade twitter you may they have but we must consult that god we will bind you and we will take you to them before trading blooming um laura looks at him for a second and then she looks at safal and indigo i think he said he's gonna bind us yes that was about the only thing i caught as well something about a god presentation how many of them are there like obviously the the settlement at large is probably much larger but in these what do you say three boats surrounding us how many individuals are there's six per boat so there's 18. jesus yeah grimm's just like listen fellas i i think it's better if we just let them take us no i think as adverse as i am to finding myself in ties again i am not stupid compliance is the best course for the moment so these boats have slowly been coming closer and closer until finally like they're all like next to you guys and they kind of jump aboard and quickly start binding you guys do you do anything during this time are you just absolutely letting them bind you like they are taking weapons they're taking as much as they possibly can and binding you up um lara would like to when they are binding her hands at least try and do some sort of like um keep her hands like really stiff and far apart enough that once they're done there's a little bit of slack okay um but roll a slight of hand check and i will try to uh oppose with a perception see if they can spot you that's a 12. roll the 13. oh so they like one of them actually comes over with uh their spear and like slaps you in the side of the head with it and it jostles you for a moment and the one that was binding your hands quickly gets it tighter and like really makes sure that you are it's taunt uh and you see that they're like wrapping you up with like a seaweed-esque rope it's slimy but surprisingly tough and like you you they do it in just such a way that you couldn't use the natural sliminess to like get out of it um but they fully bind you up and that larger one goes back for the and they have tied a rope behind one of their um one of theirs and they start rowing you guys back towards um the their small city quick question were they like were they grabbing our belongings like they they were taking our things while they were binding us anything that looked like a weapon yes okay so just weapons not like yes your spell book your lamp all that kind of stuff are still there but they just like they took your weapons that's like okay okay um where did the staff fall in that yeah i'm sorry oh the mimic they didn't touch it it stayed in jar form it hasn't moved since it finished eating it's it's meal actually i i happily surrender my uh my daggers and i i hold on to my jar okay did they consider my staff a weapon or was that yeah okay big stick fair enough as they did they see ashley are they doing anything about that because uh lara would communicate with ashni to follow behind at no more than a hundred feet and stealth stealthily follow you you feel a register from them and it doesn't seem like they've been found cool uh however as they are growing back you do see like a couple of the kawatoas slip off the side of the boat and are like swimming just beneath the waters around you guys um but as you come closer to sloopadoop um[Music] which is the way i pronounce this by the way this is how i pronounce this town uh it might not be entirely right let me get you guys over to the new map we got some new map there's uh that's just your computer andrew[Laughter] you should do something about that you put that wish here we go oh wow oh wow okay yes slew blood what yeah i just say sloopadoop it's like slew i'll spell it yeah l-o-o-b-l-u-d-o-p with i don't even remember what those are called you know underneath the the o's so i just call it sloopadoo maybe slow below could be blue i don't know i like slow the dope better welcome to the koat yes listening is fine yeah and you still haven't seen all of it um so it's very ramshackle everything here is pieced and pushed together the lights as i said are the phosphorescent fungus you see bridges and platforms haphazardly strung about this this city connecting various levels of structures uh and criss-crossing over open spaces um and the thing you you also notice is that you've been mostly addressed in a mixture of common and under common and grim has kind of like filled in what they can um you've been pretty lucky with all the people that you've met so far but otherwise the koa toa almost communicate in just like lip smacks and like weird kind of a language uh that i'm certain none of you understand and it sounds extremely nonsensical um is there like a there's a specific kuato language it's not like based in as as is the book it this is what it tells me that how they communicate here cool yeah um so you guys have been pulled up onto a small dock here on the edge of the village and you are still bound but a number of these warrior looking koatoa move away while a small group sticks near you guys and uh did i forget to[Music] oh no where is my thing anyways um a couple moments later a couple more of these warrior looking koatoa appear with one that appears to be wearing what looks like a form of um some kind of robe but it's like a mixture of fish hooks and uh scales and leathery hide and as they approach um this figure it appears they cast a spell and you can actually hear them very easily and they say i am blue blue blue plein art priest of the sea mother of blip answers my prayers by delivering you help us and you will be rewarded for your service i am in great need of turning one of my children what in turning and he like points to the guards that are near him and they kind of like circle around you and start pushing you closer to ploop ploop ploop clean uh who starts walking away and they start going we have all lived in harmonies servicing the sea mother for some time however recently one of my children has turned to the deep father lamo gugugun and i'm in great need of outsiders to help me turn her back to the ways of the sea mother as she has brought you to us wow um we are flattered sir how do we do that my daughter[Laughter] this is straight out of the book i ain't making this [ __ ] i mean but uh ploop loop pleen says i gotta keep it together my daughter blop blip dog pardon i definitely pronounced it different the second time like you did you definitely did not pronounce that the same twice blop blip pod that's how it is blop blip blop pod oh man tell yourself you're saying that five times yeah um a few weeks ago they started seeing powerful visions of lemur goo goo gone the deep father proclaiming him the new god for her people she has backed up these claims with great increase in magical power and many of my people have flocked to her she is going to conduct a sacrifice for we are split in two fighting amongst ourselves the followers of the deep father are increasing more offerings upon his altar which is a stain upon sloopadoo keep it together this is a solid plot coming from the onomatopoeia gang yep i need you to come as sacrifices i shall pretend i gotta flip back to her name blop i was close my daughter blop lip pod will be conducting one today i need you to pose as sacrifices so that we may fool her and we can destroy the shrine together this might end her magical powers in the schism amongst my people does that sound legit or is he just tricking us into being okay with being human sacrifices make an insight jack okay cause that that sounds like some real sketch [ __ ] man like i know we just met but trust me 14. i am going to use my inspiration nope that was only slightly better um 16. okay uh indigo are you rolling at all uh no cuz i think indigo is like just like deeply like concerned like destroy a shrine i mean it's not a shrine to my god is that is that okay is that bad i don't know huh okay uh you two lara and safal are like is this guy on the [ __ ] level and you're looking at him and he like turns around because he's been walking like leading your group with the warriors around him through the large part of this uh this city and uh i'll reveal a little bit more of the map and move you guys on um get rid of my inspiration while we're on i'm thinking of it yes um and he like turns towards the lot of you and you see that like you think this guy is 100 [ __ ] percent on the level like he is dead serious no mistake this is legitimately what they want to do um oh [ __ ] we moved yep you're towards the center of the city now sorry i feel like i need to understand more of the political structures here before making a choice you say you are divided yes religiously yes we know nothing of these entities the seam mother and deep deep queen king father father the sea mother and the deep father yes how do you expect outsiders that for all intensive purposes you have just bonded to make up a short to make a decision[Music] change the ways of your people or other people based on religions we know nothing of this is wildly illogical and uncomfortable they just kind of stare at you arch priest poo poo peen there is no there is no course for us to agree to this while we are bound how do you expect us to trust you if you do this you will be greatly rewarded with our massive horde of treasure no that's right god wants me to destroy this statue yes very good exactly are there um items and knowledge of magic in this treasure absolutely i feel like you could be bullshitting me but i'm not taking that chance absolutely not i speak the truth well he said he speaks the truth i have one final question that will probably sell our decision in this matter yes if we refuse will you kill us no i will force you to be sacrifices anyways and destroy the shine with my people i just thought i tried to be nice first that that would indirectly be killing us so you've answered my question we're in wonderful you are doing the city a great service but first let us have tea as it is not quite time yet come to my home and he starts leading you guys leading to leading you towards a uh like a hovel and as you're coming through this square you see uh a very interesting site as what is this large square here uh a nine foot tall statue stands here its body is roughly carved from some kind of wood in the shape of a humanoid female its head and forearms formed from the severed head and claws of a giant albino crayfish these parts are lashed on with strands of gut and emit an overpowering stench of rotting shellfish shells brightly colored stones mushrooms and rotting fish are piled at the statue's feet and strung in garlands around its neck four stern koatoa slowly circle the statue alert and on guard while a few others mill about gazing up at the statue and bowing repeatedly repeatedly while chanting um he you watch as ploop as we will call him uh is leading you the lot of you around gives a number of bows and you see the guards do very short kind of curt ones and he goes this is the sea mother we praise her for keeping us well fed and our creator and then you watch as a number of these kawatoa at the base of the statue just start throwing up and as they do just like bits of detritus and like trash and all sorts of[ __ ] just comes out and just like piles at the bottom of this statue and they keep bowing and then they walk away he goes excuse me as i give her true reverence and you watch ploop go up and do the same thing just regurgitates all at the foot of the statue gets up and then goes come we have more tea um our arch priest um if i would like to give reverence would you unbind me so i may do so must you have your hands free to offer the sea mother um i i need my hand to um force the um i don't have the same uh body that you do ah yes we can help you and it gives a nod and one of the koa toe comes up and just like [ __ ] socks you in the stomach damn it make a con saving throw you actually are not are you actually trying to throw up or no no she's trying to get them on finder oh that's a nat one oh no okay you hurl it's bad and you are coughing and sputtering there's a little bit of blood and and is just like oh you truly revere her i think we have a new follower friends the sea mother will be pleased lara's like ben over[Music] i blame you for this grim we wouldn't have been stopped at this[ __ ] hell hole if you wouldn't have made this happen i'm so sorry i had no idea that it was truly this bad[Laughter] this is way worse than last time laura we've been what hanging out for a couple weeks now um you have not once prayed to my pantheon these guys ask you to vomit a statue this wasn't for it was blasphemous don't worry about it indigo looks around at the the other koatoa and goes i hope you can all match our new friend yeah and her devotion to this great sea mother but please all of you we must attend later my daughter blobs it's your daughter what i'm giving you the short version of their names that come out of the book which is for his daughter goes we will all attend blop ceremony and sacrifice to lemma google the deep father but now t and he leads you to this hovel and inside you are greeted with another koatoa who stands up and you can understand them and they go father why have you brought why have you brought these filthy outsiders here and it goes glue glogg it is fine they are our guests and they are in league with us to get rid of your sister and glue glue gog looks at you all and goes okay looks at you very suspiciously and you also see bound and sitting at a table within the center of this awful smelling hovel is a small figure it's andy oh my god he's like oh hey y'all happy you made it if there is any situation that brings me solace to find him again it is that he will die with us we're all in this together now would you sacrifice him first i have no power over who will be puts up er like his fins he's like trying to do quotes in a way but he's just like moving his hands i have no power over the first sacrifice but do not worry for i have a plan soon as she begins the ritual you will all break free before you are killed and you shall kill them i that's the plan that's genius is it not that's that's not a plan it is it's not it's a plan that i thought of this yeah it is a few steps yeah what what he said oh you're great heroes you should just be able to break free yes oh my god i hate everything about you can't if you are planning on it being a ruse what is stopping you from loosening the binds um this is smart yes um we will do this but only this before how are you a leader i carry the wisdom of the sea mother then she has none i will let that slide this once but slight her again even though the great reverence your friend has given her will not save you yeah so felt be more like laura and bow before the sea mother you have looked upon my visage what i am unfamiliar with and is new to me who is to say i have not been blessed by your mother you did not revere her and the mother does not take sides with you okay i am the arch priest i know these things uh arch arch you said to kill them are we gonna kill your daughter or are we supposed to not kill your daughter i would prefer if you didn't[Laughter] but if something were to happen and she does die and and pluve is just like no she must not fall except by my hand you you want us to crash your daughter's sacrifice stop the sacrifice without killing her so that you may murder your daughter if it comes to that yes i try not to get involved in family matters i'll just be over the teacher okay the strategic prowess is overwhelming i know this is the true gift of the sea mother you should turn to her though she will not accept you listen i don't know what you want at this point[Laughter] i'm trying if you are separated into two different groups as you say how will know who is not on your side those that don't try to kill you great no they will be wearing pendants like this and he shows you a pendant and it just looks like a small woman's visage and he goes this is the symbol of the sea mother aren't you observant don't you know her you clearly pay reference to her i was not uh graced with a pin yet oh somebody get her a pin like you need a yearly subscription to get the pen a pendant yes that's it and then glue comes over and just like slap something onto your like upper chest and it's like a legitimate like just straight pin and it's just like thanks no now you can reveal her always can we can we just move on with this this is yes yes no no no when when is this ritual to take place is this today is this yes within the hour oh [ __ ] we don't have much time but tea and he like has a glue go over and brings over which just looks like a small cauldron and he just starts pouring out this horrible looking like sewage looking water and it smells god-awful and they place cups in front of you all and goes i hope you enjoy andy immediately downs it just like pounds that [ __ ] back and he's just like oh yeah that was that was good are our hands still bound yes but you can pick up the cup just like i'll take a polite sip okay i see mother be praised he like sips the cup oh you make a con saving throw great laura's not touching it okay laura doesn't touch it come on laura praise the sea mother show your holy reference i'm currently fasting and supplication uh grim and stool managed to keep it down but stool just kind of like throws him on it on it himself and he just kind of stands there and he's like i don't i can't drink like that is this a disease or a poison out of curiosity uh it's it's a disease okay all right i got a six okay well i didn't roll better uh i got a 15. okay you're both fine however you do puke from it and he goes ah you have turned to her even further signs this was destined perhaps they need pendants yes[Music] you both take a point all three of you take a point of damage from your new pins um this is your fault and and ploop goes when we go to the altar i will claim that i have now turned to the deep father and i will claim my daughter bloop as the wisest priest here in our village wait i see this i thought you were bloop bloop he points at himself he goes luke points to his son bloop and points like far away oh and that's klib and he points to the big koato that's standing in the back then he just kind of like waves the fish hand hello clip same[Laughter] cheers it'd be like that another day at the office huh anyways we live in a society uh all right as he's kind of like going over this plan they offer you more tea you do not have to drink it now that you have uh nope yep given given uh given what you can for it uh the time comes and you hear what sounds like a bell or a gong going off somewhere not too far away and bloop finally stands and goes ah it is time and he as he stands up he goes um he like points around i have some treasures here but if we succeed loopy plot my daughter has many treasures within her hovel you are welcome to them should we succeed if not no treasure it is more likely for us to succeed if our weapons are hidden somewhere nearby yes clip he will have them in a bag and they will be nearby he will accidentally drop them where some odd passer buyers or freed sacrifices could get them speaking of freed sacrifices would you mind loosening our binds not until we get closer and don't try to run away because if you do i'll force you into it i have more than enough warriors if we succeed we wouldn't think of it we succeed we will preach the uh the testament of consent good see mother likes this[Laughter][Music] so he gathers the lot of you up and you are being led back into the uh main shrine here um and so they uh they start leading you guys farther down back towards the docks and you can hear um small bits of chanting and uh this gong going off and as you enter into this space here you see that there is another kind of oddly constructed shrine with a number of koatoa gathered around it and one in very spectacular kind of robes standing near the front of it um who seems to be talking to all these other figures here um kind of preaching in a way let me get them to pop up here there we go roll 20 is not cooperating with me again it's also going to be terrifying to track this combat because if each square is 10 feet the tokens do not match no i imagine the kuito are not each 10 feet wide no it just just movement wise that's what it's going to count as no i gotcha um so yeah it's uh it's so this is a big mess yes um the the ones that have like the sharp teeth mouthed tokens those are the stronger looking warrior ones the ones that look kind of just more like regular piranha or what look like townsfolk and the ones that if you can tell from their images like this one these ones are the priests like looking ones okay so just to be clear this one uh this one right above grimm is that that is ploop and then the one next to them diagonal is and then the one this uh what are called kawatoa monitors or the warriors this one right here is galoog and then where is klib klib is right here this is this is insanity yeah so bloop and ploop are to the north uh to the north west is gloog and to just the west or i mean the east uh is clibb uh so yes it's a lot here and i have a little bit to read you um the as you guys come forward into the space you see that the idol to lemma google the deep father consists of a large hide cut roughly in the shape of a manta ray and stretched out on cords between two supporting poles a dead splayed-out manta ray is pinned to the center of the hide two dead octopuses are draped across the top their tentacles pinned and artfully arrayed their heads tied together and painted with red and blue pigments the idol reeks of decay in the broadstone altar below the idol is stained dark with blood and as you are all brought forward um bloop steps forward and says the time has come for us to acknowledge your divine vision and welcome it blooper that's not their name um blue blip blop plod i have brought these as offering he gestures to all of you and uh standing within the circle of the guards and goes will you not accept them and the younger uh priestess looks and goes wise father i accept your offering in the name of the deep father may their blood nourish and strengthen him and a like burbling cheer goes up from the surrounding koatoa and their fists are raised in the in the air there you see that um that there are a couple other sacrifices in around this uh this altar here oh i forgot i just see i forgot to move ashi sorry austin is kind of off in the water somewhere there we go um yes you see that there is actually a uh another dwagger who is next to the statue uh there is and they are kind of struggling from it and uh bloop uh goes up to them and says for the deep father we sacrifice the fire forging and smoke bearing the wolf and she like takes the sickle and just like rips it across their throat and their blood splatters across the idol and they just like collapse and uh the co a couple koatos just descend upon this uh this dwagger and you can hear like ripping and sculpting and bones breaking and then finally you see their body being like like parts of them being dumped upon the altar their blood is put into this basin that drips from the manta's mouth to make it look like it has just eaten these entrails and it pours into a large bowl yeah it's it's messed up and um you see that you all actually are close to standing what looks like a a large 20-foot depression with uh a grate at the center and you can see numerous old blood stains and some still looking pretty fresh um but then they drag this body of the swagger to the the waterfront and just like toss it into the waves of the dark lake um and finally as that has been done bloop turns to the rest of you and goes my followers cry to the deep father for he shall be pleased and they're just they start chanting it's getting louder and she is starting to come closer to the lot of you and bloop turns and looks at you all and just nods their head what do you guys do did he loosen our binds before yes yes clip came through and like cut small little notches so it was easier for you guys to break free um uh lara would step up um and climb up onto that statue base to as if she's like a very willing sacrifice and then um to get like above everybody okay you start walking forward and bloop actually catches your shoulder and goes no you kneel and die yeah and she like immediately starts bringing the sickle up to your face but then we see ploop like heroically dive at bloop and just tackles them to the ground i need you all to roll for initiative yeah yes so that was i'm sorry that was the brother attacking the sister or was that no that was the phone no that was the father yeah damn i rolled a natural 20. that is 23 total a reversal of fortunes oh my god i know is andy with us uh andy's there too i don't have a token for them but they are there he's just kind of chilling he's just like i don't know what's happening but this looks kind that dwarf spit a painting out of his neck all right indigo what you got uh 12 30 12 india okay this is gonna be interesting[Music] okay first up in the order we have cephel yes uh yeah so he's there there um he would like look at klib and uh they you know they really bonded in the tent and over that or the hovel over that t clip staff and he'll break free of the binds and like hold his hand out like he's waiting for clip to to throw the staff at him klib throws the entire bag at you oh god he's just like throws the bag okay can i can i get the stamp yes you can pull it you're able to pull the staff out okay i pull the staff okay and i am going all right we we need i need an indicator here that i don't mean to sound racist but they all look the same who's an enemy uh okay let's let's be honest here everyone's an enemy of you here cool so we're just murdering people pretty much either way you you feel a little bit of chances aren't great okay all right well well you know i would prioritize the ones that are against yeah i would like to keep uh blue no plube alive because i kind of want the treasure if we succeed okay this is what i'm gonna do i'm going to mark all your friends okay in greek okay okay this is what i'm gonna do he means good green means good and red means bad okay amazing yeah it's like we're five greens good green green good uh yeah i'm pretty sure that's them okay so okay okay edited oh yeah that's fine so this is do okay so very important question that that needs figured out uh in terms of the spacing of things so each square is 10 feet when it comes to movement but if i were to try to cast a a area of effect spell obviously it's going to look like these are like the the ones that look like they're clumped together are we treating them as if they're 10 feet apart instead of five or like how does that work okay yes okay uh so what i'm going to do is i'm going to um he's going to try to stick close uh i oh no i was on the wrong selection thing so he's going to like come in here uh he's going to move like up to the right in between all of the the big uh scaly fish boys that will protect him and he's going to cast magnify gravity uh at first level oh god that was not i didn't want to freaking beyond 20 roll that uh just cast the spell he's going to cast it in the middle uh so two to the grouping that is to the left of the statue there are three sort of in a triangular pattern he's going to cast in the middle of it it is a 10 foot radius um uh that's[Music] each square being 10 feet that's not gonna be well he'll he should be able to get these three because this is 10 foot radius which means it's going to extend out 10 feet from the central point fair enough so so i'm going to cast it you will get this this so that three right there they have to yeah go ahead and make a constitution save for all three of them all right i'm just gonna make a group save here because this is gonna be easier uh that is a six so they all take uh nine points of what type of damage is it come on uh i'm just gonna say it it doesn't matter because they have no resistances so okay uh so yeah nine points of force damage uh and their speed is halved until the end of their next turn okay nine points of damage i would imagine it's like four states it is yeah nine points of force yeah okay all right is that your turn yes yes it is okay uh going back to the order here okay you all start hearing something very odd as this commotion starts erupting now things have been odd since you guys have been down here but you don't know the underdark you've only seen horrible thing after horrible thing but then you start hearing like water splashing just like[Music] and those of you that can look out towards the waves you see what look like large flapping uh wings kind of like fluttering on top of the waters and these like horrible sawtooth mod uh almost like manta rays are flittering about and i swarm at the edge of this dock here directly to the north and then you all hear a noise and i hope you're on roll 20 to hear this uh we have heard this before this this large growling and stomping comes up and you see erupting from the waves above the burbling of the kolatoa a thick oily tentacle burst forth followed by another then two monstrous heads break the surface both resembling hideous angry baboon[ __ ] with wickedly curved tusks both heads are attached to a single torso the monster's red eyes burn with bloodlust and madness the creature rising from the dark lake must stand 30 feet tall or more with water cascading down its back and shoulders upon reaching its full height the great demon throws back both its heads and roars and that's that's not a [ __ ] fish will hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for 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