[Music] so[Music] so last time you guys had what i would call our help biggest adventure and hell of an episode all in one uh you found yourselves with a an odd darrow fellow that you learned was andy you uh flaked on him pretty hard even though you you have had no read on him on what kind of a gentleman he was and then you proceeded to sloopadoop uh as we will continue to call it because these names are ridiculous uh you guys were kind of harried slash captured by the koatoa there and brought forward to the city uh in which a arch priest of the um sea mother uh by the name of ploop as we'll keep it to that uh pleaded slash forced you to help him uh strike down their daughter bloop and with the help of their son gloog and their good friend uh clip you learned a lot of our odd things there was some unexpected worship to the ce mother from laura um which the koatowa loved and um as you guys were kind of told a little bit more about the potential rewards and how you know if you didn't help they'd force you to help in in the sense that you would actually be sacrifices um you all willingly go with poopoo pleen and you guys arrive at the gruesome altar where bloop his daughter awaits he tells her you are he's switching over to the faith of the deep father uh he's brought you all as sacrifices she is pleased they sacrifice a dwagger uh and begin this ritual in which they are chanting to the deep father and in the midst of this out in the waves of the deep dark lake uh these horrid-looking manta rays and this flapping can be heard in the water and you guys see as this massive creature erupts from the waves with long tentacled arms two gibbering baboon heads in its colossal size as the deep father has arrived otherwise known for all our listeners the demogorgon prince of demons it's a pretty big deal um we are in it y'all you see this deep father is a coming oh lord keep coming[Laughter] fighting is breaking out amongst you all safel you have um altered gravity over a couple of kawatoa to the west near lara lara you had kind of moved up in the scuffle to where ploop and bloop are duking it out pretty hardcore um klib has tossed down the bag of all of your weapons right where cephale is over on to the eastern side of the map amongst these buildings uh andy and grimm are next to them uh there are next to sephel they're kind of forming a line with all as well as stool and indigo sits in the back and ashni is off in the water hope he don't die by the demon um okay so we were already kind of going down an initiative order and because of the hecticness of this i'm going to keep it that way um do you guys need a moment here to discuss what your overall group plan is or are you just going to act it out and as we go an initiative here i would like a little bit of planning i feel sure go for it i feel like we kind of were already but like okay so steps you all need to get your [ __ ] are we are we running off to the side are we risking the water because i don't know like i have no idea how fast this thing goes and if we put ourselves in a boat if we're just like if we're making ourselves a target yeah i don't think we swim that well yeah i think we have to if we're gonna use the water we need to get to a boat um and perhaps one that is i don't know off to the side so it's not directly in the uh path of the uh prince of demons yeah cause we have to worry about the manta rays and we have to worry about probably waves right so we are we are doing water though we we're sailing i'm not opposed to land but we just don't like we know that the water will eventually take us further on to the next nation we just don't know about land yeah i think the land eventually ends in a dead end somewhere we just don't know how far along that is sure yeah i think we make it why don't we try for for water and then if something goes wrong then we just default to land right yeah let's do it yeah i i would say let's get in the water and until we're we're at a safe distance maybe we keep like at least a semi-close proximity to the shoreline so that if anything goes wrong boat goes down we can make a quick dash back to land instead of being caught in the middle of the lake yeah okay all right all right sounds like there's there's a plan there's a plan there's something okay um just a heads up so uh presume that you see these like raft like things hanging off of these docks these are your boats these are your boat options okay so there are only a handful of them uh unless you were to try and make it all the way back to the far uh west um where your boat was kind of brought in otherwise there are closer ones but you do remain closer to uh the the deep prince so there are there are those square rafts there's also um there's also like weirdly shaped sort of uh those are giant mushrooms those are all those are these are the phosphorescent mushrooms oh okay all right um those are high posts or something no those are those very large uh fungus that you have seen only a handful of times that uh both grim and stool have kind of mentioned same with when you were with your um cultured friend they are uh zergwood which like they mimic the property of like hard woods in soft woods yeah that's that's what we've we plugged the canoe with right exactly yes uh it's essentially a giant mushroom but it seems to have kind of like this harder material like uh shape to it so it can be molded and anything that you see wood down here in the underdark you can generally presume that that is what it comes from or how it it that's the the source material i should say gotcha my feeling is that we need to sneak amongst the buildings and get to the far west you think so i think if we go straight forward there's just tons of people there's tons of let me let me i agree with you but let me play devil's advocate a little bit if we can get sort of and and this is this is just sort of a uh last ditch try to grab some [ __ ] effort but if we like go in there's this middle channel that goes in between sort of a lot of the houses like if we get back to where the altar to the sea mother was we can like go through this channel i can pop a detect magic and we can try to see if any of the houses we run by happen to have a stash of items in them i like that so then it's two birds with one stone we're kind of staying stealthy um between the buildings and staying hidden but you have a chance of finding some good [ __ ] yeah i like that worth a shot okay all right seems like a plan has been formulated all right well i'm gonna throw another wrinkle in here guys oh [ __ ][Laughter] we're going to do some madness saves oh well honestly i was waiting for those if there was ever a time let me just let me just pull up my very handy dandy madness table guide while you guys roll i'm pretty sure i've been having you guys world wisdom checks it turns out it's charisma checks oh safel go ahead tell me yeah yeah it's a seven fail uh indigo uh better than phil i got an eight fail [ __ ] off laura 15. succeed yes the one time she manages to hold it together uh this is the moment stool succeeded oh fails yeah roll for oshie andy's [ __ ] gold he's just looking at it like i don't understand yeah what the [ __ ] does he have to lose the man's gone there's nothing there you can't break what's been broken i appreciate you rewarding me being my typical sarcastic [ __ ] self but really what can you take no it's very true he had advantage because andy's got a lot going on oh [ __ ] actually got a 16. all right ashley's okay good good for ash name all right uh all right how many points uh what levels are you guys at both indigo and safel for your sanity score uh that that loss knocked me down to 12. okay uh likewise 13 down to 12. okay all right i need oh boy oh no are we getting down uh to minor insanity levels you're you're getting close um all right indigo roll me a d100 please i know this is probably nitty-gritty for everybody but this is fun nah this is the game man 59. 59 all right enroll me a d10 four okay i love that[Laughter] that seems fine you gain a lack of trust for every new creature you find you are no longer inclined to adopt every you have creature the madness table um you feel this rage build up inside of you and you like everywhere you look you just see disgusting monsters that are destroying everything you love like you see them smashing wildlife to to bits and and plants and uh fungi and like it just boils inside of you so for the next four minutes you must use your actions to attack the nearest creature to you for four minutes four oh no that's a long [ __ ] time will yeah bro that's a short term madness we ain't even in long term or indefinite bro this is the worst [ __ ] time for this hey hey safel roll me at d100 hey will go [ __ ] yourself oh this is so bad yeah i'm glad you had your plan think on the plan we have quite a few people saved why did you let's talk about it for five minutes you got stool andy and laura saving your ass okay i i rolled a 46 46 yeah oh great oh no grim's out for the count we're gonna get to him i don't know uh all right roll me a d10 bud i already hate this okay all right not as bad as andrew it's a three okay so for you you guys just all of a sudden see safel just the character begins babbling and is incapable of normal speech or spell casting[ __ ] for the next three minutes okay nope nope i gotta spin on this he got so [ __ ] up in this whole combat trying to pronounce the names of the people around him yes that broke his mind so he's literally sitting absolute blueberry glue glue yeah you thought koatoa now you're you're trying to speak to him oh god all right let's see let's see grimmy boy oh no oh that's a wrap that's a 83 this is wonderful we're gonna die uh all right my d10 what if my alignment is more inclined to leave them behind then you leave them behind well i'm not gonna you do you laura uh all right so for the next three minutes you just see grimm like drop his big crossbow uh or like he was starting to pick it up and then you see he's reaching for the dirt and he just starts shoveling the nasty ground into his mouth i think he's like so good i love him so much um the and his short-term madness for the next three minutes is the character experiences an overpowering urge to eat something strange such as dirt slime or awful yep so so the those three are now out laura this is the worst [ __ ] time for this lara you see your two closest companions in one of your recent ones just start losing their mind however you see stool and you see the audero andy both kind of stand in there stool is starting to freak out and sees indigo kind of like pumping themselves up and they're like um indigo are you okay and we're gonna jump right back into the initiative order um oh no indigo europe you have to attack the nearest person or creature to you[Music] oh god how dare you defend toro's majesty eating her earth how dare you i punched grim in the face okay roll to attack uh that's a natural one okay uh it's unbranded grimm was just like standing up there shoveling and chewing some dirt and he just like ducks back down to get another handful when you swing over them oh man okay uh lara you are up great oh my god indigo what are you doing[ __ ] anime i need to go what you haven't even seen me in my final four listen if he's screaming for the whole four minutes he will be the strongest of all of us by the end of this he's going to level 9000. that's like six episodes in dragon ball tonight yeah yeah um stool there's something wrong with the indigo you you might need to drag him um we need to go okay where are we going west through the building i know what that means she points okay um i want to go i'm going to move my full 30 feet over to here i know i might take an attack opportunity here uh so remember every square is 10 feet yeah so that was 30. which i think is all that i have yeah yeah okay all right uh yes you are going to take uh one attack of opportunity from a koa toa oh it's a koto whip so this is a little bit beefier uh but i don't believe a 12 hits you it does not okay so you managed to make it scot-free you have now moved back over to the east you are standing in front of andy grimm and safel what are you doing um is am i able to reach the bag of weapons from here absolutely yes okay um i'm going to use my action to grab the bag of weapons um is part of my action can i pull mine and then also have the bag out for everyone else to grab from yeah if you want to grab up the bag and with that action you have pulled out one of your weapons absolutely you can do that okay yeah so i've got um the weapon that i pulled out is my club unfortunately um because i realize i'm not proficient with much else um so uh and then i've just i i'll end my turn there i've taken my full movement and my action to use that okay uh next up is stool who's going to try and grapple you indigo so uh let's make strength checks opposing strength checks oh that is not good stool in the gobies what you got there indigo i think you're muted my friend that's a nine over here holy crap he just beat you by one oh my god and i rolled really bad for stool so stool just like manages to get you he like grabs your fist as you went and punched over uh grim and he like gets you into this tiny little headlock and he's basically dragging you on the ground and he's like lara which way again uh that way she points um west for uh okay but she's gonna point through the buildings too so he kind of goes okay so he's gonna have to go south then and he only has half movement because he is going to drag indigo so he's going to get here and indigo you are with them i hope we all realize that indigo's gonna start beating the [ __ ] out of stool as best he can now oh no you're a monster louise grapple uh doesn't mean you can't attack i think there's just disadvantage right yeah not even not responsible even disadvantaged oh that's not away from grim can i take an attack of opportunity against him you know what thanks for reminding me yes you can uh all right that is a mighty 12. that is a miss once again graham just keeps chomping on the dirt at least[Music] it's also not how opportunity works but it's funny watching him swing yeah yeah well yeah it's whatever we're playing calvin ball a little bit uh it's it's grim's turn and he's just gonna stay right there eating the slimy dirt uh next up we have the koatoa so we just see bloop and ploop start beating the [ __ ] out of each other while everybody else all the other koatoa except for a handful start losing their [ __ ] minds uh because of who has just popped up out of the water and is starting to approach the city so we see uh this cro koatos start running towards the water and some of the monitors slash whips moving away as well uh some of your friendly companions just start taking off in various directions you see clip just like[Music] start running um so i'm gonna move all these guys rather quickly oh they have a half speed so they are now there but loop and ploop are just like with their stabs in these odd bursts of magic just continuously hitting each other um trying to essentially kill each other while his son gloog is fit with madness and is also running off okay okay we are back up at the top of the order with cipher uh okay uh he is going to oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute think about that more because i totally forgot to do andy who was after the koat tower it's so easy to forget about the man that's mindless yeah uh aren't we all andy he's just like well this is uh this is a real pickle um y'all need a help he's looking at you laura who's right in front of him um um he didn't have any weapons right not that you know of okay um you need to you need to convince grimm to stop eating dirt and to follow stool and she's pointing in the direction that's still in it go away i'm assuming it's the rat that keeps picking up the dirt and shoving it in his mouth yes andy it's the only person eating dirt right next to you hurry up well i'll rap man and he's gonna try and just he just like taps grim shoulders like hey there's some nice dirt that away and grim just like nods and just continues to like pick up dirt as he starts walking away and he's like do you want me to grab that crossbow he has oh yeah please um and she she'll have the bag like open for him okay uh so andy starts dragging the the crossbow and him and grimm will start following him when it's uh his turn okay safel you're up yup yup safel is uh going to movement is weird okay so i can effectively on the map i can move 15 feet um yeah so he is going to move south west towards that that channel through the huts uh to catch up with indigo and stool um and as he's getting closer he's going to to hold up his staff uh as to to cast detect magic and the only thing that comes out is just pure gibberish um he's like goes to goes to razer's sevens yeah and he just throws that not throws the staff on the ground but but lowers the staff and is instead going to use his his action to uh dash so he is going to make it another 30 feet okay all right you see that you are coming up on a large group of kawatoa that uh just see everybody else scattering about um okay all right that was your turn next up is the deep father he starts marching through the water you can hear them and these large tentacles splashing as he whips his arms bursting through the waves uh and he gets a lot [ __ ] closer uh indigo we are back at you and you are gonna be punching somebody you got a couple of friends around you now who you gonna be oh stefael's just so close to me right now uh wow stool is literally chuck holding you yeah but that gives me the leverage to kick the fell hard in the shoulder so okay that is a dexterous [ __ ] right that's an 11. yeah unfortunately uh indigo's to hit is uh very bad when he does not have proficiency or a finesse well safel's ac is also bad what did what do you roll i rolled an 11. honestly not far off but still a mess all right well hey that's that's good i'm coming for you squid boy i'm coming uh all right um you you can attempt to escape the grapple too i feel like considering indigo's state he would attempt to as well i think so and if i do am i able to move at all or is my action or my turn just an action uh you know what it just says that you're trying to attack the nearest creatures and i'm pretty sure oh man well it says you have to use your action okay yeah that's correct then yeah you wouldn't be able to attempt to get out this time uh okay so you are you are locked in uh okay okay all right guys i got this i'm totally good at this lara nothing about this is good you are you are up lara you know grimm is going to be following andy uh indigo is chokeholded cephel seems to know kind of what the plan is but cannot seem to form words and everybody's losing their minds you don't know who's a true foe or enemy and demogorgon is getting closer um so first thing she's going to do is telepathically speak to ashney who is within oh is within 90 feet um they have to be within i think 100 for the tail for that to work um and she's just going to have um uh she's just going to tell ashley to head west as quickly as possible um wait for them at the shore okay all right uh you feel a kind of a confirmation from them okay and um and then i'm going to move i've got 30 feet so i'll move 30 feet south to be next to indigo and andy following up behind us the cruise running around these buildings um and then i want to move i'm going to dash i'm going to go through and like past andy um and i want to get in front of um safal between him and these other fishful okay uh and as i look down at them because they're really small right they're they're actually uh medium-sized these ones yep they're still not as tall as you but they're decent size and i can't they're they're not like attacking at this moment or i can't tell uh they are definitely now looking at you and kind of noticing the chaos that has uh appeared but they are not attacking you currently okay she's gonna hold up her club uh and she's gonna look down at them and just say you stay the [ __ ] back and you you need to just stay out of the way do not touch us and then she's like she's like okay okay make an intimidation check and i will make uh i'll see if they can can resist seven yeah no they just kind of stare at you for a second and then they all go hiss at you and now they are clearly angered and are probably going to attack you now that's fine uh okay next up is stool who is going to uh attempt to keep the grapple here indigo yeah actually i don't think i need to do that i think that's pathfinder yeah as long as i can't contest it he doesn't have to maintain he just has it so you guys are gonna move uh crossing your stream i know i'm so sorry i'm so sorry um he's actually uh stool goes safal do we cut through a building or something um savelle is just going to to hold his staff and and point down the uh actually are there any buildings you are literally standing right next to a doorway to no and yeah yeah but if i look through that building is there like is there an exit on the other side it looks like it's just one side make a perception check all right some of them do look to have two dogs five yeah you don't see nothing in this this bubble i'm not rolling well today i'm really really not yeah so you you don't see a second exit yeah so i think he's he's uh gonna shake his head and um just point his staff like through the line of buildings i don't know what that means but okay and he like starts moving down and and listening to this gibberish is interesting because safel like the weird gargling isn't coming from a tongue it's like the tentacles getting like wrapped in each like he's trying to speak and they're just like tripping over each other it's a disgusting display for a humiliating result he's very frustrated with this oh yeah it's uh it's something uh ashley it's uh their turn now they are going to swim as quick as they can yeah the swim speed is 40 so oh no yeah i gotta remember okay so they are currently underneath a dock trying to make their way to the west uh okay next up is grim who's going to follow behind andy just scooping up dirt sorry ashley does get an action not an attack action can they dash for the full 80. sure okay so if you want that yeah he can uh yeah he gets gets there all right um yeah he moves 80 feet to the west he is now starting to get underneath a second dock grim has moved to the south following up on andy eaton dirt next up is the koatoa you just hear these horrible babbling screams from many of them however this group that you guys have now run upon are a bit pissed especially because of lara's stance and you guys having some weapons uh and being outsiders not knowing who you are they're going to attack they just don't appreciate a domineering woman no they don't they don't get it even though she showed severe reverence to the sea mother these ones didn't see it so covered in my own future formative beings primitive primitive primitive so this one here on the edge closest to indigo is going to attempt to bite them bring it on uh that is a 10. uh does not hit okay all right uh next up is the one just to the south of them they are also they are going to try and spear you two-handed here uh wow that is an 11. moose okay uh the one to the north next to the other two that attacked or is going to attack lara they're gonna do a two-handed spear uh wow i'm rolling like crap tonight that's i'm not even gonna bother that was like an eight um the one to the right of them to the east is going to also attack lara that's a nat 20. that'll hit yeah oh boy okay multiple die oh low rolls okay so you are only going to take five points of piercing damage from a two-handed spear on a nat 20. it's horrible for me uh okay um the one two the south of those two is going to move about get up here and they're going to stab at stool spear uh that is a definite hit oh that that was an 18 total and wow only four points damage but still gets skewered for a second uh this one is going to how much does that reach oh no no they can do that this one here is going to throw their spear at lara that's a natural 14 so that's a 17 total and you are going to take only three points of piercing damage as this spear comes through and uh hits you collides with you and they're going to fall back a little bit trying to get another spear this one here is going to throw a spear at safel uh that is a 13. uh that just hits okay uh you take five points of piercing damage as this spear or slams into you and they are going to move a little bit out trying to get some space for themselves and then this one's going to step over and is going to throw at grim that's a hit jesus max damage seven points of damage to grim uh and and grim however just keeps on eating dirt as this smaller spear is sticking out of them and now dragging along the ground uh okay the koatoa monitor to the far south uh about 10 20 30 40 feet away from you guys no koato monitor what are you going to do oh damn they fast they fast[ __ ] boy how fast [ __ ] boy watch how fast i am um they going to move up on stool and they are going to make a bite and two unarmed attacks so let's do the bite that is a 21 to hit that is three points of piercing damage and then for the two unarmed strikes first one natural two so miss second hit 15 plus wow wow wow that's another 21 total okay that is a seven more points stools getting stools getting fudged up but he's still holding on i'm gonna get you out here i'm gonna uh all right while the rest of the koatoa in the area just continue to run off screaming uh and it's andy's turn and he's like oh no the gas we don't need that this is fine and then you just see him like and he's like i'm gonna beat your ass and then he runs over just like randy savage just tries to run up and grab this koatoa and he pulls out like a dagger and he's just like uh and starts trying to stab him uh andy's a little unhinged uh that's a hit we need to get out of this place uh wow damn max damage he does seven points of damage as he stabs into this koato and he's just like riding on its back just shanking it he's like i've got it i've got it um okay all right we are back at the top of the order with safel why uh[ __ ] i i mean yeah i'm just gonna keep charging in the the direction that i i told stool to move which is going to get me up to so i'm going to get into this this little channel that i've pointed out and i can i believe i can get up to like this second building you're dashing right yes i i am using my action to dash thank you okay you will be passing a koato are you okay with an attack of opportunity uh yeah okay yeah i guess so because it's not the only thing he's passing oh [ __ ] that's right oops right here baby uh all right first up the ko toa this is with a spear that's a natural 16 you see you giggle okay that's a hit uh man uh oh nine points of piercing damage i rolled max yeah that hurt okay now now before [ __ ] indigo kills me let me let me play let me play devil's advocate rules lawyer here okay the the so the specification of this madness is that he has to use his action to attack the nearest creature to him does it specify that he just becomes all out hostile to everyone around him like it it doesn't say anything about reactions it doesn't say every creature around him is hostile it just specifies actions it says he has to use his action it does it does say that however i'm[Music] i think i'm gonna leave it up to andrew here do you think in the fit of this madness that indigo is entirely like is he just like is his body more just moving on its own and he's like i don't know what's happening i can't control myself or is he like lost in the sauce and he has to kill everybody yes is it like madness or is it malicious intent it's this is i'm gonna tell you lean more into the madness because this is bad yes i mean i'll i'll take it either way i just i just want to play devil's advocate yeah you know and um just a question for you brandon um does it 10 hit that's fair that's fair at 2 brute uh no no it does not uh alright so you you get skewed with a spear and indigo misses and indigo can go [ __ ] himself the uh the the telltale games thing pops up just sephill will remember this yeah nice but it says it in gibberish is shaking his fists uh all right so you you have dashed away dashed away uh savelle make a perception check for me by the way oh god if i have to oh gold oh god i can't i can't find a die that actually rolls well i need to you should change that almost natural 20. uh so hold on i've been playing it like i don't okay i don't have a modifier uh yes 14 okay you realize as you start making your way down this kind of like alley between these hovels that the one that you are now currently standing next to seems rather rather nice uh you see a number of uh iconography depicting what you believe or what you saw there are other images for the deep father for and this one seems to be a little bit more put together and you see bits of like entrails and other things that you saw upon the shrines draped across this building leading you to believe that this could be uh one of the arch priests homes um food for thought okay yeah i've i have already used my action but i will remember that for next turn next up is our good old friend demo what you gonna do demo you're gonna oh he's coming downtown right so he's gonna move[Music] because uh they got they got swim speed and the movement spade so they're pretty fast and as demogorgon gets closer you see the gibbering baboon hands uh our heads babbling and shittering together and their tentacles come up their arms and they start smashing down on these stalks just destroying everything in their path um obliterating obliterating everything you see uh manta rays and eels getting whipped up from the dark lake you see um the dwagger body of the recently sacrificed water getting thrown up into the air um it's pretty bad business and he getting close uh all right indigo you're up can i still cast spells uh just says you have to use your action to to to each round to attack the nearest creature so i would say yeah you could cool all right we'll keep it spicy uh this like the big kind of quito boy here um yeah who's gnashing at us uh i would like to uh with disadvantage take that second level guiding bolt to his face jesus all right to do it it's a dirty 20. oh yeah that's it yes use your anger[Laughter] well indigo was already a little bit on the edge about all this like deep mother business and now it's just like you know maybe just a little violence just some just some uh light religious genocide just 16 points of radiant damage oh nice hit uh yeah you light them the f up but you can tell that this monitor is seemingly pretty okay after that blast and is still very much ready to kill you i'm coming back for more i'm coming back for more you can't stop me i'll kill you uh okay yeah as you're like lashing out of them mad over the sea mother business the shrine just looms over all of you uh all right uh laura you are up your your clever ruse to intimidate this koatoa failed the first go now you're being stabby stabbed i hate when i'm stabby stabbed for the area of effect spells these kawatoa are 10 feet apart yes okay um i would like to um[ __ ] is this true i'm gonna move this is tricky yeah go ahead yeah i guess if i move i'm gonna take all right i'm uh she's gonna turn as they like continue to hit her um and she's gonna say um i told you not to touch us and she's gonna point down at the ground um and cast shatter um ooh interesting to hit three of them okay so they have to make a constitution saving throw dc13 wow uh all three of them fail okay so they're going to take 3d8 oh thunder oh yeah nice and it's just this this front line of three to the south of you correct um yeah okay throw them back to my right hard days yeah they're gonna take 14 thunder oh my gosh uh okay these these koa toa in front of you you throw this shatter spell down at the ground and when you do you feel like an extra surge and i i picture you like this shatter like everything about you is with disguise and your patron and everything like that i picture it just sounds like a thunderclap in a way yeah like in your mind when you cast a spell you just see the figure that you the your patron that you've connected to this strong figure you see this form what looks like a human just come together and it looks like they clap their massive hands and it's just like this wave comes through you as you cast a spell and out onto them and you wipe out these three koatoa in front of you so they are baby dead okay so there's still two next to stool in indigo but those three are gone yeah there's two regular looking koatoa by indigo and then there's the kind of stronger buffer one that is nearest to stool uh there are two to the south uh south south east that are kind of pulling out extra spears and andy is currently a top one shanking the [ __ ] out of it and grimm is behind you shoveling dirt into his mouth he's following us though right graham is he seems to be following you yeah okay all right with my movement i'm gonna move um south um for my full 30 feet moving three squares to put myself on the other side of the koatoa that are attacking indigo okay uh you did move by one in like into their space and out so you're going to take an attack of opportunity okay am i out of their space this one here oh interesting okay yeah yeah you came up into oh and then came over um so but don't worry because i'm pretty sure a 13 doesn't hit you right it does not okay all right so they they stab with their spear and they miss and you manage to get up there cool that's it okay uh now we are at stool's turn stool is going to like sling indigo around to the other side of uh of them trying to kind of like shield them and is going to try and just run away um unfortunately his movement ain't great because he is struggling with you so he's gonna take two attacks of opportunity here first one that's out of the box uh that one's a hit that one is a miss okay so the monitor hits thankfully it's an unarmed attack uh but he takes five more points of damage and stool as like his he takes this this large fist fin uh to the back of his like mushroom cap uh he's like i got you ready to go we're gonna make it we're gonna get out of here uh all right that is their turn ashni what do you want to do keep bailing away because he's he's almost in the area of effect of uh mr old demon prince yeah so i realized um i keep remembering um so ashi's swim speed is 40. so with a movement and a dash he can move eight squares and he's gonna keep doing that going west okay uh he can move over these docks or under these these docks so i'm gonna say you can go ahead and move him um okay while you are doing that we're gonna jump to grimm who continues to move uh and he's kind of like racing now like realizing the true danger uh it's like racing up after you guys uh still shoveling dirt into their mouth and we are now at the koatoa okay the one that andy is shanking is going to try and bite him uh and misses um the one to the south of andy who has pulled up another spear is going to throw one at him to try and help their their fishy friend it's a natural three so that's a mess wow great great rolls tonight for me the one that got the opportunity attack that's more to the west of the one who just threw is going to throw at lara uh that is a 19 to hit oh yeah that'll be it okay that is wow two points of damage minimum damage the one the koatowa to the north of you lara is going to stab you two-handed with their spear uh oh jesus 11 doesn't hit you right no just not okay so that is their turn this one here is going to swing around and it's going to try and throw their net upon you however it is a ranged weapon so this is going to be or actually no it's a dc check okay uh so go ahead and make a strength oh well i do have to roll it hang on okay okay uh i'm pretty sure 17 gets you yeah okay uh the target is restrained a a creature can use its action to make a dc-10 strength check to free itself or another creature in a net ending the effect on the excess blah blah blah blah okay you do take some bludgeoning damage so one second here appropriate die uh you take six points of bludgeoning damage as this net has been like lobbed onto you and you are now caught in it uh however you think you could maybe get out of this ramshackle ramshackle mat uh next up is the[Music] the monitor who's going to chase after and is going to strike at grim with a bite uh that is a miss now for two unarmed attacks i'm gonna roll both of these at once uh only one of them is a hit actually nope both of those because he has a plus six to hit he is a nasty boy uh first hit does four points of damage second one does seven points of damage uh grim is looking a little bloodied uh okay okay next up we got andy who is in this like feral rage and is going to keep shanking here he does and he okay and some more damage here gets this koato that he's like riding a top right in the eye and just the satisfying like gushing as he sinks it and pulls it free and then he kind of like snaps back and he's like oh i'm sorry i seem to have lost myself a little bit and here lose yourself over here okay and uh they are going to move right to there okay um andy's got a lot going on and he's andy andy's aunt yeah yeah uh we're back up at the top of the order with safel uh yeah yes phil is going to uh look back like quickly as he's moving he doesn't want to take like too much extra time uh but he is going to look back at lara and hope that that she is bitter enough and hates the situation enough to understand and he's uh and he's just gonna knock the side of the the hut with his staff as he turns into the door okay okay so he's going to run into this this hut mm-hmm um hoping that one of his companions uh if not the intended one saw what he was doing and understood to some degree okay uh let me just double check to make sure i know what you're seeing okay you as you enter into this hovel you look around and you see uh a few interesting things you see an odd kind of like large um almost like think of like a kiddie pool but a large wooden like a barrel shaped one yeah and then you see a table and some chairs you see more entrails and like small shrines and altars kind of about the place you see a bi like a bucket of chummy fish um you see an old plate where some of that has been like on and you see what looks like crude almost like silverware uh alongside it you do see however that there is a uh small chest uh near this kind of large kiddie pool esque tub uh that seems to be uh pretty nicely put together however you don't see any kind of lock obvious lock to it okay um i mean where in proximity of the build like can i get to it with the movement i have left and the movement's a little weird right now it's a little weird but i'm gonna say yes you can you can get to okay all right can i attempt to open this chest it is not locked so you do manage to open it okay uh inside you see quite a bit of treasure uh you see a couple of different very nicely uh put together like silk pouches each one with a uh what looks like a colored almost marker and as you like pick them up and i'm assuming you're pocketing them you notice that very quickly the largest one contains uh quite a bit of copper the second one contains a good chunk of silver and the third one contains a very decent amount of gold along with that you see an embroidered silk handkerchief that has a spider design on it that looks quite nice you see uh three azurite gems uh small ones you see a uh a very nice like dark steel and um uh dark bronze ish cup uh that seems to be worth a little bit of money um and what looks like a choker that has a spider-like pendant on it as well okay do i have the ability to uh take all of it in this moment i will say yeah if you use your action you can pick up all these things yeah no i'll i'll i'll use my full term for this he's just sort of and i wouldn't even say he's investigating it a whole lot like he's not you know he feels the the the pouches but i wouldn't say he's like digging too deep into it he really is just opening it this seemed to be the the items of worth uh that we would find in here and he's just shoving it into a pack and and yeah getting ready to turn down yeah very quickly you ran in you threw it up you're like that looks like a pouch you pick it up oh there's a jingle of gold you threw it in your pop pocket i gotcha uh okay uh oh boy demo is here demo demo here to party[Music] uh he is you hear now the large crunching of what sounds like huge feet are like footballs upon the docks what's left of them just the splintering all about and lara you can actually see that demogorgon has now started climbing up or not even like climbing just stepping upon the shattered remains of this dock moving forward they see this large grouping of you farther away as one of its fathering eyes or heads turns that way and just for a moment it's like eyes flash and okay define group like this like this group oh that's bad yeah oh that's real bad and i'm gonna need you along with all the others around you including our good friend andy to make a uh a wisdom-saving throw for the for the listening audience when you say you you are referring to lara i am i'm referring to lara all the koatoa around her which is not including the monitor that is with grim stool indigo and near safel this is just like andy the five coat of nearest uh them in lara this is the worst 17 to fail oh thought that was good enough oh no i mean if it was if it was anything else but the demogorgon it would have been great yeah this is this is a terrible situation all around there is nothing good about this he has just used his gaze and with his gaze he has three choices he has used his insanity gaze oh no and uh oh i'm such an idiot um i shouldn't have even had you make a saving throw it just happens oh well yeah yeah yeah i feel a little better yeah however you are under the effect of the confusion spell until the end of his next turn what the [ __ ] so i need you to roll me a d10 okay or the creature doesn't move or takes turns or takes actions this turn oh my god so it manages to lock eyes with you and you just freeze as all these horrible images i imagine passing through your mind this true horrible prince of the abyss is coming for you and that's where we'll leave off hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have 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