[Music] uh last last time last time you guys had the approaching demagogue or the demogorgon emerge from the dark lake and start approaching you all upon the shores of sloopadoob and as they started marching forward um everything became a panic koatowa started running about some still crying out demo and as you guys were trying to make your escape you found yourselves in conniptions of various sorts safel you couldn't even muster up words to conjure magic to your fingertips indigo you have just found yourself striking at everyone around you grimm started just shoveling dirt into their mouth and whatever else lays upon the ground of nastiness and uh while the rest of you uh andy lara and stool seem to be unaffected by the hecticness that surrounds everything you guys started making your way kind of around some of the buildings as the koat or scattering but a a section of them unaware of what was occurring came upon you and uh provoked by lara's failed intimidation check uh started attacking you and as you guys were kind of splitting off andy and lara really taking the fight to them uh demogorgon has now made it onto one of the docks where one of the previous sacrifices had been tossed and one of their large baboon head like heads has made eye contact with your area and you just feel yourself stunned and that was the end of demogorgon's turn and we are up with indigo who must strike if those around them can i kick groom in the face absolutely you can kick in the face yeah i i encourage you to please you know who says madness isn't a little bit of fun especially when you're bad at it that's a nine that grim just like goes down for a big mouthful and your foot swings wide and stool's just like indigo stop please don't he's eating dirt it's so tasty it's accurate but i feel like your reaction is a tad on the dramatic side see see still watch him do it it's disgusting okay um well moving on to uh lara who we now know is pretty well stunned and there i and i did double check this you cannot actually do anything to escape from this once it has affected you yeah let's see here um okay next up we have stool stool holding indigo is going to try and continue to move forward so that's 10. only getting a little bit in the go swinging wildly around them that monitor is going to uh try and swing oh my gosh i'm a bad dm i don't have my dice box open here we go nope that is a miss with a 12. so he manages to get away scot-free uh oh wait but he's got like two other attacks what am i doing that was his bite claus first one misses second also miss okay monitor is useless or no it's one one attack what am i doing i'm all over the place ashley is up um yeah ashley is going to dash in the direction that they had been going full 80 just i think they get to here continuing to keep close to the coastline and hidden under the piers uh and just swimming for a boat just just keep swimming uh all right next up we have grimm who is going to also continue to scurry along while shoveling food into their mouth uh too much else next we have the koatoa uh these ones all uh to the north of lara and to the uh east here are all as as well stunned andy uh who was not paying attention is not stunned but this monitor needs to go and they are going to run up and they're actually going to take some swipes at grim uh yep yup here we go that's a definite hit on grimm and he manages to do ah minimum damage all right grim takes four points of damage with a feast oh no that was the that was the bite this is a fist that is a mess next one also this okay all right that koa toa no going nowhere and andy andy andy andy andy not about andy yeah he sees he's kind of like frothing at the mouth crazy and he is going to kind of like scurry through these koatowa to hear seeing that they aren't moving and is going to rip the net off of you laura and like you can see them out of the like the corner of your paralyzed eye he's just and then he just goes calm all of a sudden he's just like i suggest you run them out of here uh she's like she i don't think i can move yeah i can you can't i can like barely speak so she's like the neck comes off of her and she's just like oh that's unfortunate and he like starts screaming at the koato around him uh all right and we are back at the top of the order with safel this is round five just so everybody knows oh i don't like that you're keeping track i have to keep track you guys are in minute modes not like the madness in that case necessarily counts round by round but no other things will we will die long before the madness seeps away yeah uh okay so i believe i had just gathered everything um from uh plume mm-hmm did i remember i remember the name yep you mark the date i remember the name it'll never happen again uh i'm going to uh get to the doorway and i'm going to look across and and see the next uh available little hovel and i'm i'm basically just gonna play leapfrog i'm gonna be like hopping from from hot to hut these people live so far away from each other yeah don't forget that these each one of these squares is uh 10 foot space oh i remember so it's like yeah that's like that's 50 feet away that is dumb that is not a city these are introverts uh so i am going to uh i think i can only get to this i'm gonna cut southwest on the map kind of across the path of um indigo and grim down to this this little hovel uh southwest of the one i'm at it will require me to dash uh i will use my full my full turn to get there okay and and i like i peek my head out i i look both ways and he just dashes across uh like sprints into that doorway and hides himself inside okay uh next up is demogorgon he's going to move 10 20. i love this if i told no one yeah he's just running he'd just be running would you understand if i tried no that is fair i kind of forgot that part so demogorgon just crunching this poor ramshackle dock underneath its large reptilian legs and claws its tentacle arms continuing to weave back and it just like takes one down and just and swipes away uh uh a couple of these koatoa to the southeast of him obliterating and sending their their bits out in towards the uh dark lake and you can hear their like gibbering horrible roars as you guys continue your uh escape attempt all right uh indigo you are up well i see a fishy friend within range here um so i'm gonna kick him hard in the knee okay go for it yeah watch that's a 19. oh that's a hit that's two points of bludging damage watch out okay all right and you said you were going for the knee oh yeah okay so you bludgeon it in its knee and uh it kind of like buckles for a second gnashing it's horrible sharp piranha-like teeth at you uh good good hit gotcha uh all right lara you are now no longer stunned but same with all the koatoa that currently surrounds you okay um i would like to what what are these um these koitoa buildings what are they made out of mud like that uh weird zerg wood like the tall tall mushrooms that you guys can see it's a mixture of that and like weird um almost like seaweed type material that looks to be kind of dried uh and just various bits of bric-a-brac and other things stones uh old pieces of dried coral it's very odd okay and are are these other fish they're still stunned who have to worry about attacks of opportunity they are no longer stunned it's as demogorgon's head turned and focused on other things like you can feel that like that fear that paralysis inside of you fade away and you see the other koat around you begin to move as well okay um i'm going to move tell me if i can do this i want to move um one square because we're on a 10 foot grid i'm a little confused if i move one square to the to my left am i going to take an attack of opportunity because i'm still in there like no you're still in their their range okay cool okay so then i'm gonna do that i'm gonna move ten feet and then i want to use my necrotic shroud so lara's wings fly out um her eyes go that like dark um storm blackness and they need to make uh christmas saving throws okay how big is the radius 10 feet 10 feet my hope was if i moved i wouldn't get crazy boy crazy boy uh okay let's see if this radius will work properly nope that's too big it's a little too big okay let's do it yeah uh so these two charisma saving throws that is a uh that's a four and that's a 13. okay my dc is 13. okay so ty goes to the runner right yeah okay so this guy succeeded this one failed okay um so the one who failed is frightened uh the other one is not and i'm going to i'm just gonna have to take that attack uh because i gotta i'm gonna move further to get behind between these two buildings is my intent which two buildings is that up to the north okay yeah kind of the direction everyone else went i don't think that i can quite get my goal here is to get out of line of sight from the demogorgon so i think if i get right here i will be but i don't think i will be if i go the other way uh you you are correct you are out of their line of sight now okay cool but also remember they stand 30 feet tall and some of these buildings are not quite that tall so right you you feel like yes duck cover sprint as fast as you [ __ ] can is the best option for sure uh okay and because they're stunned yeah i'm gonna say you get away no attacks of opportunities uh and that's the end of your turn all right yep okay next up is stool stool is actually going to let go of you indigo and is going to just start wailing away off this coat monitor uh or you know what actually he's gonna use some of his spores you watch as he just like as he lets go of you he uh kind of scrunches his body and then these spores come out and[Music] yep one creature and he's going to try and make a con saving throw and he succeeds dang it uh okay so he is not uh stunned for the moment okay and that was his action uh so he's just going to kind of plead with you he's like indigo keep going forward i know you're not yourself right now but keep going and that is their turn they're going to try and keep this koito blocked off uh and it is auschini's turn oh wow that was quick all right um yeah ashley gosh they're making good speed here um i'm gonna have ashley oh gosh they're just going to keep going um keep on following your toes but i'm not i want them to stop under this pier so they're not going to go the full full distance 70 feet okay yeah actually they'll move a little bit more into the water so it is the full 80. it's just a little bit away from the coast now okay all right next up is grimm who continues to shovel food into their mouth but looks kind of confused at what's happening between indigo and stool and it's going to stay right there in their confusion uh and next up is the koa toast so the monitor covertoe monitor is just going to keep wailing away on paul uh let's see yeah it's going to be stool because stool attacked him oh stool will you survive we do not know will your friends save you uh for the bite natural three unarmed strikes first one that is a what's the plus uh nope that's just a miss second strike is a hit and does five points of damage to stool and stool is like stools looking like a certain marvel superhero that got beat up a lot before their special thing happened and they like get back up and they're like i got this um the other koatoa uh can the one the one that got frightened by you has to flee yes um they can't come closer to me they don't have to go further away they just can't get closer well they are currently like looking between you and demogorgon and like their fish head just and then they like stop because they have eyes on both sides of their head and they're just like shaking so they stay in place and they don't do anything because they're terrified either way um the one next to andy is going to try and attack him with a spear that is a miss uh and the one to the southeast of him is going to swing at him with a spear that is a hit one handed max damage he takes eight oh andy andy like gets stabbed he's like oh that hurts really bad and he's clearly pissed off uh but the other koat that are still alive farther to the east are gonna just start continuing to flee uh along with all the others uh okay we are at andy's turn andy here is gonna rip this koatoa a new one he's going to swing recklessly with his dagger uh and he manages to connect there's my t4 and i need another one add that come here come here all right so three let's get some other bonus damage in there holy sh jesus uh andy like grabs the half of this koatos spear goes like feral for a second and manages to swing around and jams his dagger into this koto's eye and it just collapses underneath his hand uh okay we are back at the top of the order with safel all right uh the building hop continues so uh i believe the building that i'm currently in has two uh doorways am i correct this one on the back is also a an entrance slash exit anywhere you see that kind of like dark square or a whole looking space that is an entrance and an exit okay so interesting um so safel is going to do the one thing that he can do uh magically what magic wise and he is going to use adjust density on himself he is going to half his speed um or not half his speed he's going to have his weight which will add 10 feet to his base movement speed that doesn't require any verbal components uh nope it's not even not even really sure it's a spell it is just a it's just an ability that he has good stuff uh uh double checking on that just to be sure as an action you can magically alter the weight of one object or creature you can see within 30 feet of you that is i'm assuming i am a creature i can see it doesn't say that there are any components uh involved so yeah okay all right i think i can do it um so yeah he's going to have his weight which brings my speed up to 40 feet uh and then i am going to dash don't forget ten foot square yes yep and put squares i was gonna say are you are you trying to make it to the water still or are you just trying to make it as far as what you eat a little bit of column a little bit of column b is like get get the hell out of dodge um but don't get seen in the process so he's actually he's gonna run in the split of these two buildings uh so i can get 80 feet right yeah if i dash 80 feet so i can so the map will tell me 40. uh so yeah he is going to run out uh this little alleyway between the two buildings to the west of the one he's in he's gonna sort of like squeeze between there and huddle up against the wall of this larger building uh here okay i think yeah i think that's it okey dokey uh next up is our good old buddy demo no demo he continues to prowl ahead and he is now at the shrine that these uh kawatoa were trying to kind of summon him forth from and you watch as his tentacles just start wailing and destroying it in large chunks just decimating it bit by bit uh and that is their turn indigo you are up oh man i was gonna do it to the statue but that's it's more efficient your way um is is stool up or is he like is he at the ground yet oh he's he's still up and you still feel like you want to punch people you've got you've got a couple minutes left oh yeah oh yeah uh i'm gonna reach out to the monitor uh like grab both sides of their head and then i'm gonna do a good old-fashioned sacred flame um you know that deck save before can you do that think so attacking a creature near me[ __ ] it i'll allow it you know what yeah character must use his or her action each round to attack the nearest creature sure i think there's a guiding bolt on somebody last last session yeah yeah now that you say that that is that sounds right all right deck safe okay against stool now you're not in your right mind man you're insane he's not your friend right now but someone's poked you of a spear here and it wasn't stool and he's restrained you this whole time he is restricting your freedom yeah they punch that guy and he's not letting you let's let's do it at random here let's really do it at random here we'll do a d6 stool is one two monitors three four grim is uh five six all right one and two baby let's go six okay you hit grand rapids grim buddy he's just shoveling dirt and he fails oh so good so good that's eight points of radiant oh my goodness uh great grimate looking so good himself would you say he's looking grim sorry if you have any inspiration i want it gone i'm pretty sure it's oh i did and it's it's gone now okay good good good i don't remember what you gave it to me for but i understand last time pretty good um yeah all right lara you're up oh no oh you got more i just it says i'm no longer grappled yes am i allowed to move yes for this condition okay yeah it just says you have to use your action to attack the nearest creature but yes you can still move absolutely all right i'm going out for some fresh blood to the west there's kuato i haven't punched yet oh my god the possibilities oh all right all right well uh you did leave the koatowa monitors range so they are going to try to bite you uh that is a that's an unnatural 20. so that's a hit for sure yeah uh frank you take max points uh max damage eight points of piercing damage wow yeah they've been nasty they're nasty that shit's septic uh all right laura all right laura's rounding um one of these kawatoa buildings that everyone stool grim the monitor and indigo were just fighting between and she's gonna sprint forward i'm gonna get to where indigo was sprinting through stools space seeing indigo running north um she's gonna yell out um indigo to the west do you hear them where where it's the people denouncing toro they said that they're a awful god is it the wrong god name could i [ __ ] it out the streets will run red with their blood okay she's like pointing in the direction that she knows they need to go oh gosh all right all right well if that's the end of your turn well i i mean do it is that like a free action can i take an action can i reaction to yell at him yeah you can yell at him that's free um then i'm gonna hit this monitor okay all right i just have i'd like to booming blade then oh [ __ ] okay so i just have my club and my shield out so it's just going to be a pretty straightforward straight clubbing yeah it's only an eight to hit that's a mess uh but that's it okay all right uh next up is stool who's going to continue to try and pummel this monitor and he's like get back laura i got this uh first strike that is a hit great uh he does four straight points of damage and all right second swing that is a seven so that's a miss all right uh and they're going to just continue to stay in their grounds uh ashley is up oh man yeah austin is just gonna be swimming in circles here i know um yeah i think ashni's going to stay where they're at because i don't know exactly where we're going but i can speak telepathically telepathically telepathically with them okay uh so yeah they're just gonna stay okay all right ashley stays uh next up is grim who is going to swing around one fist out to uh punch at this monitor the other with a uh fistful of armed dirt uh no that's a six he he messes he got dirt in his own eyes as he swaying uh here's a schweing and he is also going to stay there uh all right koatoa time the monitor monitor the monitor the monitor god they're just they're gonna go after grim here bite it's a hit let's see if we can get the unarmed attacks unarmed as a hit three hits okay so all three have connected we need to do some damage here versus the bite he takes five points of damage with that and he's looking pretty rough unarmed he's gonna take four and the final one jesus he's gonna take eight grim is like down on his knee looking real bad uh as he continues to try to like weakly pick up dirt he's like stop myself coughs up some blood and he just like shoves dirt in there covering it up uh okay jesus the uh andy continues to demolish and then starts sprinting after you guys uh and he makes it up to the group there all right safal you're up okay um yeah i think he's getting far away he doesn't know where his companions are he's just been kind of hopping yeah you can't see them anymore you can only hear the destruction of the demogorgon and the screams and the yells yeah well you know we started the campaign this way i feel like we've just come full circle does anyone have a feather yeah um feather please jesus where's your spider use your spider oh wait he can't take it bring that up now well people are upset enough i'm sorry okay we've been through so much he would have he should have died anyway i would have fallen on him in a second yeah toad's dead uh god there are so many things just waiting for you to come back through someday and he'll kill you himself he's got like a small web throne and a cigarette just held and i forgot about me savelle how could you forget about me yeah oh my goodness yeah i mean ah [ __ ] i don't i don't want to abandon them because i like he's he's [ __ ] useless wow cephel really doesn't want to abandon him he listen he is survival brain he might be a dick but he's not dumb he's not going to survive down here on his own he can barely survive down here with them okay so he's going um was this a hold on i need to zoom because this map is is this a window that i'm next to is it a door it doesn't look it's definitely not a door i would call it a window okay uh how big would that window be and is it closed like like what like what are two windows like are they are they covered up or are they just like a frame and a hole in their building that seemed like an odd friggin hole where some other debris did not cover it up so you can get through it might be a little sketchy you don't know what's on the other side yeah he's gonna do that yeah no i'm going to um[Music] this is definitely a [ __ ] but this whole place is so welcome aboard uh yeah no he's gonna he's gonna jump through the window and he's actually going to okay can you make an athletics check for me first ah yes yeah yeah yeah you ain't just slipping by that let's see if you get caught in his window oh god that's gonna go so [ __ ] terribly that's cart convenient well now i don't want to tell you because you're not going to believe me now come on come on tell me it's a nat 20. if you'll accept it i will i will you squeeze your fat arse through and uh yeah you're in the horribly nasty dead fish filled hovel uh he is going to come to this front doorway at the north and he's going to still be hidden within but he's going to be like up against the wall like freaking hitman style just like looking for his companions for his enemies trying to keep tabs on on what is happening other than just running away okay can you make a perception check for me sure can nobody not a good one but i can make one uh yeah i wasn't i wasn't incorrect um do i have anything that came with this suck a little bit less i am going to use i don't know how this applies but i'm going to use my second knowledge uh which is my last for the day and add a d6 to that total which is a six which brings my measly ass 9 up to a 15. okay as you kind of like peak out over in into the area so like kind of the north uh in front of you you actually catch a glimpse of demogorgon from over this hovel as they are continuing to destroy this statue you're launching debris all over the place and as you're like your eyes quickly gaze at it you feel deep inside of you this odd sense of disgust and anger build up inside of you and that's all you see otherwise it seems clear um okay moving to old demos turn who is going to scatter debris flinging it everywhere uh[Music] i'm gonna have everybody except for safel roll a d100 and tell me what they get so let's start with indigo uh that's an 80. okay you see a large chunk of stone and like flesh come sailing over this building and impact near you but you managed to like plant yourself back against this wall for a sane moment uh as this debris comes down uh laura two piece of debris is going to come down on you you manage to like look up in time as this large piece of statue comes it like crashing over the building and tumbling down on top of you and you're going to take seven points of bludgeoning damage uh let's see stool and green let's do grim first graham is okay they managed to dodge stool stool is also okay all right uh andy andy andy andy i didn't roll for you and he's great uh okay and they are going to continue to push forward and the kantoa koatoa continued to scatter about some running towards towards the water as demogorgon continues their advance into the city smacking away some of them while others continue to flee uh indigo you are up oh yeah all right i can see this punk right here i'm looking dead north i see a kuatoa i pulled up a little holy fire and i'm going to blast him with a guiding bolt oh jeezum okay wow no that's not why is a 12. that's actually a hit well nice knowing you dude yeah you're about to nuke him with the a small sun bolt essentially jesus that's 20 points of radio damage jesus after i vaporize that guy i'll turn back to um lara there's more where that came from let's start running west okay all right he starts running west uh laura you you're coincidentally up um you and your two badly wounded companions still being uh hair uh harried by these this this monitor yeah she looks over at graham who's like on his last leg she's like consider this my debt paid i owe you nothing uh and she's gonna booming blade and try to hit the monitor again i thought you were gonna say i booming blame blade hair you wanted my valuables take my sword for a second he probably thinks she's going to and then she turns and hits the monitor i love that image yeah his eyes just go like oh [ __ ] uh okay yes swinging 19 to hit that is a definite hit good deal hey guys what's it like to hit things yeah right you wanted to play the magic boy it's pretty great all right so this is going to be three bludgeoning four necrotic two thunder so okay what's all together nine all together okay yeah uh they they're they're still looking decently sturdy they now look bloody okay uh only now jesus yeah and i'm gonna have to stay where i'm at we're in we're in round seven guys i don't think i've ever been in a combat this long you usually nuke them so fast gosh gee let's switch up tactics let's just start hitting it go all out uh all right stool is up stool is gonna continue to try and punch this monitor and he's like why are you running ah jesus duel that's a three and that's a five so he misses both times stool stools how good are you he's huffing nuts right now um ashni's out that's not a saying is now yeah so if ashley were to swim they're kind of hard to see because they're dark like this pier is if they move 10 20 30. yeah would they be able to no they're going to they're going to move 10 more ups i think they're still under the pier so this creature this koa toa that's near austin here to the southwest is another monitor considering how much this monitor is beating the f out of you guys i would that's just like that's what ashney sees oh it's a monitor it's a buff fish yeah okay anything that looks more crazy is a monitor compared to the other coat it looks like it looks like the monitors have like a red circle i mean some some of the other ones do i guess as well they they have a like gaping open maw that looks kind of like a a great white while the koa toa look more of like a regular fish okay then ashi's gonna swim um out to the middle of the pier and and there okay all right uh next up is grim grimm is going to try once again to try and get this monitor even though he's on death story that's three my god what good are you yep he's he's got blood running into his eyes dirt smeared all over his face as he continues to try and shovel it in there uh oh boy this monitor god dang stool and grim really really on their last legs here uh can see that he's gonna go after grim he's gonna go with the bite at grim see if he can hit him that is a definite hit jesus uh and as he bites into grim like right between the shoulder and the neck sinks into it grimm's just and as the koto rips off of him uh grim falls to the ground uh okay and then he's going to swing at stool to attempt to bring stool down with his fists first one is a hit second one's also a hit okay first one fudge that is seven points of damage second amount of damage stool like clutches with his small arms at his chest and like this large gasp of spores comes out of them uh and they collapse to the ground as well oh you finally did it you finally killed him you happy no i'm trying my best i wasn't there to see it will yeah uh yeah stool stool is unconscious so is grim uh the other kawatoa continue to run and it is andy's turn who's going to swing recklessly at this monitor and he's like i don't even know him but i feel like they're they're good people uh[ __ ] annie man andy is more like clear minded here than you that the insane darrow is more sane now than he's ever been um all right so he connected the dagger does one followed up by sneak attacks that gives him eight points of damage on the monitor and the monitors not looking so great uh all right back at the top of the order with safel and i think i have the hiccups now no oh no so bad for podcasting i placed a curse upon you yeah i've got my own madness now oh my god this is [ __ ] terrible how long do we run um no he is going to um i can't even remember he saw yeah no he knows he knows indigo is lashing out uh he was the the target of indigo's lashings a couple of times yes yes yeah he is uh he's looking about um sort of trying to get a good feel all of his like companions are over to the east side so he's gonna sidle over to this this east door sort of look out uh can he see if he's like at this wall can he see indigo yes yeah you can see indigo peeking around that corner all right he's just sort of frustrated and and looking around trying to figure out like what the best course of action sees something going on with with lara and the others over there sees indigo running yeah what is what does indigo look like right now no the the only thing that that safel can think to do is like make himself a target so he's gonna start like raising his staff and waving it and like taunt essentially taunting indigo to try to lure him into the building you look out you see just like a totally like sweaty like beleaguered indigo which is like their hands or like like knuckles aren't bleeding and he just like looks up he's like finally and uh[Laughter] and i'm going to once i see that once i see the bloodshot in his eyes i'm gonna duck back inside the door and i'm going to uh ready in action which is essentially if he runs through the door after me i'm going to double hand club him in the head with my staff okay you heard it here folks i don't have much strategy i'm grasping at [ __ ] anything the pvp has begun and he continues further in and he starts destroying this large uh hovel slash home over there to the east kind of making their way uh away from the lot of you um as more debris comes down let's go ahead and make some d100 rolls indigo oh no oh boy uh 91 you are all right laura go ahead and give it to me 41. you are all right the debris uh managed to sail over you andy is also all right with a 90. uh the koatoa i should have done that last time too koto actually fails okay all right that was that was slim pickings uh and he takes two points damage uh yeah just like a stick hits him uh okay and indigo you are up you just saw the taunting sephill oh you know what i'm gonna do uh i'm gonna go after him okay all right i'm running to the west i get up to the door it's just up against the up against the wall dash inside thwack okay let's swing i don't think you have any strength right none oh no no what's the total uh thanks to uh thanks to proficiency it's a seven do you want to use your inspiration now you took it away do i still have a joke that was interesting okay i mean uh honestly yes yeah okay no i will do that i will do that oh oh so much better 21. yeah i think now i'll hit it[Laughter] thanks god all right uh i did specify him to handing it so it's a d8 as opposed to a d6 okay plus nothing so uh three points of bludgeoning damage i thwack your head ow okay well uh indigo's not unconscious and he did run in there do you punch cephale now unfortunately i had to dash to get there okay all right that's right he raises like a single fist and like starts to slowly shake it[Laughter] i'll give you a free attack just go ahead and do it [ __ ] off i'm in a giving mood all right laura robots we keep punching each other in the head and seeing who goes down first go to sleep the madness stop go to sleep uh okay laura you're up i mean i gotta i got a booming blade this boy boom and blade that boy that is a dirty 20 to hit yeah all right 11 damage 11 damage he's still up but uh he's looking pretty darn weak what are you good for you can just hear andy like from behind him just like go on i've got uh what are you doing uh honestly do you abandoned your friends those that tried to protect you okay no that saved you so many times and then brim who got you away from that awful castle don't let him guilty hear me out no hear me out she wants to leave i don't think she can take the attack of opportunity to leave it's it's not that she doesn't want to leave everyone behind it's that she might go down so okay still purely selfish but it just looks like you're doing it yeah there wasn't a single thing about friendship there or anything just like i might die right right so she's taking a very defensive stance after hitting okay squirrel all right well uh stool let's make a death saving throw [ __ ] that's a fail oh my god i didn't think stool is going to be failing anytime soon but how is indigo going to feel how how many npcs have to die before your satiated will it's not my fault you guys could be doing [ __ ] what[Laughter] i want stool to live uh all right oshie's turn ashley yeah that that lizard that cool lizard what's he doing uh i mean they're waiting they're they're just gonna continue in the water okay all right ashley's waiting grim death saving throw for you buddy that's a natural 19 that is a success all right uh and then we are at the koatoa's turn okie dokie he's gonna try and bite at you lara that is a uh 18. oh god that'll hit okay you take uh to four points of piercing damage i'm down oh lara goes down this is gonna get interesting well uh for their final hit they're going to swing around and try to hit andy and they successfully do andy takes seven points of bludgeoning damage all right uh they are not looking so hot themselves um okay all right andy's turn and he's going to swing recklessly at the monitor that just took down three of the party uh and he hits so let's get all these all three of these die out four five that's nine it's 11 plus he does 14 points of damage and he finally kills this monitor uh he like shanks it repeatedly in the back with it just[Music] and draws his dagger out and he's just like oh well now that that took a little bit more than expected uh and we are back at the top of the order with safel who is facing off with indigo completely unaware of what is happening to his friends yeah um oh he did he doesn't know how to handle this it's bring it on old man[Laughter] this is like this is every last desperate try bird he's been trying to plan since the beginning and has never gone well for him he insanity has only happened to us once before yeah it's you and indigo specifically yeah and did we have a gauge on like how i mean i as a player know how long it took but did we know or was it like you're just insane and then suddenly you're not you have no you have no bearing for all i know he could be like this for two days yeah you have no idea you have no idea how long it affected you guys god damn it um because you were at that particular time when you guys were in the castle it was almost like you were in a full fugue state this you surprisingly have like much more bearing uh over your bodies and and your minds it's more you're just like ruled by compulsions like you are literally babbling because you can't form words at like what is just happened but you can still move and like somewhat think so it's it's an odd odd conundrum this is terrible this is so so bad um i don't wanna do i don't wanna do it i'm gonna to um i'm gonna try to grapple him okay let's uh let's have a strength contest this is gonna go terribly let's see you first is it okay i rolled an eight plus nothing i rolled a three plus two is five oh get the [ __ ] out so safel describe how you grab indigo how the hell does cephel over so overpower indigo i think it i think it's i don't even think it's an overpowering i think he's just smart enough to see he knows indigo isn't in his right mind and there's no calculation there but thankfully safel actually has some reserve of his of his intellect so he's actually going to use he's going to do that technique where he uses indigo against me sort of he thwacked him he got in a pose and he let indigo come at him and i imagine as indigo is like coming and swinging he's gonna like duck around he over one shoulder like places his staff wraps under grabs it and gets him in like a full nelson with his with his staff okay all right uh wow guys we're we're at the top of uh with nine round nine with this she's um um can i um sorry one please so so once i have him in there can i drop to the floor sure yeah okay so you're prone well uh yeah i guess ah it's so basically i want to have him like in that and i want to pull back and i'm basically i want to sit up against the wall of the hut with him like grappled against my body okay like you're gonna basically pinning him up against the wall with me okay trying to stay undercover all right uh indigo it's your turn gotta use your action to attack i bite him as hard as i can oh boy eighteen oh i see the blood in your eyes yeah buddy that hits yeah i mean it's a good old-fashioned two bludgeoning or i guess if piercing in this case but oh my god he like doesn't do anything but he like headbutts the back of his head okay all right well that's in the goes up lara we come back to you a familiar place so to speak you once again find yourself in that weird empty expanse and you find yourself laying on your back and as you look up you can't tell how far above you but it's almost like looking up from from on your back outside and you see the thunder clouds roaming up above you and as you can ever so faintly see the bits of lightning amongst the clouds you hear what sounds like splashing footsteps and you hear a somewhat familiar voice that goes so you're back in this place i see and you've not had any aid from what i can garner of your precious friends the offer still stands you can come with me and finally you see this shadowy figure that you cannot make out any facial features just standing above you looking down at you with a arm extended make a death saving for it oh my god i got so excited for a second it was k and i haven't met them yet it's been a while it's been a while that's me jesus as you like feel this like pulse just like as your heart begins to slow it almost seems like the clouds are starting to pull back and farther away from you in the sky and this figure continues to stand above you oh boy stools turn stully me stooly still having any dreams you don't you don't get that you don't know but still rolled in 18 so that's his first success uh that's my boy what is ashni doing as he loses his connection to you oh yeah ashley's booking it back to me are you kidding of course he is i don't know what's happening um ashi's gonna slither under the water and um snake head all the way to here all right 40 feet back onto land uh oh actually they can't they can't move at that speed underwater so wait hold on swim speed 10 20 30 out of the water i don't know how that works i they have the same movement speed on both right oh oh no okay yep yep yes i'm an idiot you're you're fine austin he's ashamed he's capable uh all right ashley moves back grim grim grim grim what dreams he may have in this group of dish that is that is a fail oh grim he's one and one all right uh the koatoa koatoa are basically out for the count running and screaming andy here is going to try and he's like standing over the lot of you just like ah hmm this is a rad predicament how do i get them all and he like starts he just like grabs onto all of your hands and is going to try and drag you guys away like where land has been in worse no oh my god and that is auntie's turn uh i'm gonna say he gets you guys like five feet because there's three of you jesus uh yeah okay round sif l um he is just going to he doesn't want to knock out indigo he knows it's it's like that dilemma if he knows indigo will eventually wear him down but he if he knocks out indigo that's it like there's no healing he doesn't know what's happened with lara he doesn't know about anyone else it's him and indigo in the hut and he he can't get in to go up if he if he knocks him unconscious uh so yeah he's just going to[Music] god he's going to try to so he has like his back against the um the hut wall he's sort of on the floor he's going to like try to flip and like try to pin indigo like with indigo's belly to the ground like pin him to the floor of the hut and just lay on top of him okay uh let's do a strength contest i will say because you have him in the grapple you have advantage on this okay oh man this is a more intense episode than i thought it was going to be okay oh no i knew i was going to die oh so with advantage i rolled an 18 okay yeah i rolled a six so okay so you flip them over and indigo is on their belly and you still have them grappled okay um that was my action i'm assuming yeah yeah yeah okay then i am okay i'm not gonna do anything else but i have a uh i have a plan okay all right all right well uh demogorgon is up and demogorgon continues their rampage upon these buildings just obliterating them as he goes or as they go i should really say uh indigo you are up all right um i'm gonna do the only thing i can do i'm gonna use the back of my head to headbutt sephill where his nose should be in that squishy squishy tentacle phase it really doesn't have the same effect with the whole the ill-fitted you know anatomy uh at the 15 though ah yeah that hits it's another two points of bloodshed okay i you know what i might be able to uh i might be able to take this for 20 more rounds we'll see yeah and now and now the party finally reaped the benefit of having the wizard with the highest constitution yeah right yeah jesus christ okay we come back to that odd empty space with a figure standing over you lara do you say anything to this figure i mean she's seeing the same hooded figure with an arm outstretched not hooded they're like it looks like they're composed of shadows yeah yeah yeah like if you could you ever seen somebody in like one of those full um like like head to toe black spandex like suit kind of a thing like a [ __ ] suit no no no no dirty dirty boy yes you know like you know how peop there will be like green ones so people can be on like a green screen oh motion capture kind of suit but it's like it covers the face as well it's it's almost like that it's just like a pure humanoid shadow figure she's like lying on the ground and she's like you you how can you expect me to make this decision when i'm fallen because this is when your true colors come out tell me who you are and they kind of get down on their haunches looking at you and they kind of like nod their head in like a look over there kind of a thing and do you look yeah you turn your head to the left just craning it over and you see a massive yawning opening like you're on the edge of a waterfall that just disappears into nothingness and they go i crawled from that and you and i can ascend together all you have to do is take my hand and embrace me my wings she she's like asking him oh of course you'll have your wings oh i would like to reach out but i do want to make another desk yes yes make this saving yeah no you're gonna have as many chances as as this uh this fate goes[ __ ] two oh no another fail another pulse through your body and he he you see this figure i think your time's closing in about you and i'm sure as like laura is thinking of this you see the storm clouds far above you and as like you see this streak of lightning go over you see this large like shadow of a figure in the clouds like way way up above and you just it almost looks like they're trying to like claw their way through the clouds but they just can't all right stool mcstewellerson my boy stool uh he succeeded last time did i mark that uh yes okay there we go oh that's cocked eye that's a 15 it's another success for the stool that's my boy i wish i could put this on camera because i know you guys probably think in some weird world that i'm lying but i'm not no i ah all right i've seen you let more important people die for less straight wow that's not a dig that's just truth oh man yep it was not wrong anyways ashni's up he's dashing pull 80. uh he's going to get to right there and a lemon right there okay all right ash and he's done grim grim grim grim so much story with graham another [ __ ] died come on that's an eight oh boy we got two people on the edge of death and their friends don't even know wait andy andy andy andy is going to continue to try and drag you off[Laughter] he gets he gets 10 feet with a lot of you surprisingly and he's just like i don't know where the yellow rasty ollie is but i need help uh and it's their turn holy smokes round 11 safel you're up okay what's your passive perception by the way passive perception oh [ __ ] nothing 10 buddy okay yeah you do not hear andy nah wisdom for nothing uh he is once again going to use adjust density and on top of indigo he is going to double his own weight okay oh my god what what you yeah this this would be like the first experience you actually like first hand have with his weird ability is like for some reason suddenly the guy grappling you just starts the like the weight just starts crushing you into the ground a little bit like he's significantly heavier than his size this doesn't make any sense uh so should should the need arise uh my speed has been reduced by 20 feet but i have advantage on all strength checks and saving first okay cool all right all right all right uh that's the end of your turn yes sir okay demogorgon is now done with this large building to the east and is going to proceed on their way south picking up koatoa as they go and just ripping their bodies apart in their mouth chewing on the remains and continuing to smash through all of these buildings oh man indigo you are up uh i would like to kick the fell hard in the crotch absolutely swinging back i like it that's a seven it doesn't hit all right man yeah it's not that you didn't hit me it's that there's nothing there to hit lara here we are you have one potentially one chance to either keep you alive or die or do you take this figure's hand with promised power and safety i mean this is a 50 50 oh yeah no you could you could delay it another round but you got to get three successes or you got to get a nat 20. what if you roll in that one what if you get a 10 or below oh i mean at the end of it what what what is what is lara and her her being what is what feels right to her what would your what would laura's character be doing yeah what was what's her her vibe i think i think i think she's feeling herself dying she knows that it is like a thread chance of survival right now and she hasn't heard from kn in weeks at this point and clearly she needs more power so she's gonna take the hand oh she does this like gasp and she doesn't say anything and she just like grabs his forearm and like in a really strong grip we see laura reach up to this shadowy figure above and finally from amongst their shadows you see a smile break from the darkness and you clasp forearms and they say welcome back and there is a clash of lightning and the thunder blooms out and we see as like it's panned away you on this like cold still water the abyss to your left we see far above the cow the clouds break and what looks like this thunderbolt just coming down and with the flash of it what looks like a figure reaching out towards you as you seal this pact and that's what we're leaving it this week oh hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have one more second we would adore you if you could leave a rating and a review in whatever 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