[Music] well uh it was an emotional roller coaster last week um and i'm sure this one will just continue on you know getting us all the way up to the top before we roll down and inevitably crash as the party tpk's i mean wins they're gonna win and they're going to escape [ __ ] we'll[Music] starting off so optimistic i know i know i'm i'm nothing but optimism i ooze it every day uh so last time you guys were valiantly trying to get away from a koatowa monitor um safel running around trying to find a better exit through a number of the different hobbles indigo kicking screaming punching people left and right and as demogorgon proceeded into sloopadoop destroying buildings debris flying everywhere some of it colliding with some of you um and the monitor finally falling i believe it was by andy's hand um stool grimm and lara all went down and as it currently stands cephel and indigo are uh in a hovel a little bit to the west where sephel is i believe on top of indigo on top of him yeah uh altered my doubled my weight um to like pin him down that's right we're having fun you're having fun um and andy proceeded to try and drag lara stool and grim as fast as he could which was not by much with his small frame uh though surprisingly wiry strength um and laura saw a shadowy figure that she had encountered once before uh when they had fallen close to death's door and however within this this figure offered a chance to escape death and with greater power and for a chance to get her wings back and we ended on this beautiful image of them clasping arms and a lightning strike coming down towards them beautiful image beautiful image anybody that wants to draw that or commission that that would be amazing thank you um and so we find ourselves in back in that space with lara and this figure and as this blinding light from this this lightning strike dissipates you find yourself standing and your injuries are gone and this once very shrouded humanoid figure you watch as kind of like these smoky tendrils drift away from them and from what you can perceive of this figure they appear to be nine feet tall they have this almost satiny midnight black skin that goes all the way up and from it you can see two bright eyes and from the crown of their head you see small horns that do indeed make a type of ground circles around their head you cannot really make out much else of this figure other than their towering build their strong musculature and the what you believe to be their actual skin and as they draw their arm away from you they say i'm so glad you've taken this bargain i've seen something in you that i've not normally taken in my followers i think you're destined for something greater aquilara something your previous patron dared not glean into much and so i hope as we get to know each other you see the true benefits that reside in working with myself wings are what you desire i can see it i can feel it within my bones this is what you really wish for that meaning behind them that you once held i can give them to you it's without worry or trouble to give you such a small bit however you find yourself in a pressing place i do wish to see a test from you escape from demogorgon will find yourself imbued with my powers rescue your friends or leave them i have no preference if you manage to escape this and you can see all around you almost an ethereal-like image of slip-a-doop and in slow motion like the pan pandemonium of the koatoa running around and uh demogorgon in the back smashing a building if you manage to escape make your way towards the center of the dark lake i feel something there something calls to me while i do have a majority of my powers i believe there's something there that might help me in securing my place here do this and you'll have your wings i do not lie these promises are absolutely sincere uh she looks at him just listening and then she waits a beat it is done i can feel that you've healed me and i will be getting my wings back god don't i like this simmering anger that lies within you oh lara this is going to be fun and the names grants by the way but you can call me my lord dog prince either of those will do she will do a um salute he uh kind of twirls his arm and goes into a very nice ornate bow before you and then he straightens back up and snaps their fingers and you find yourself now standing amongst your fallen comrades you see stool you see grim you see andy kind of looking at you not really surprised but just kind of like okay welcome back glad to see you're standing is he still standing there like dragging stool and yeah but he's like he's pulled his hands back and he's just like got him on his hips like huh imagine that like picture like steve urkel kind of just like yeah wow um and uh before you do anything we're gonna go ahead and jump in the order because that's what we gotta do oh and we're up to stool for uh everybody at home we have two successes for stool we have one failure let's see that is a 19 and i joked that he was gonna do this uh all right so that is three six successes we see kind of you see lara you see kind of a shake from stool and you believe i mean if you want to it's just andy watching you could just shank him i mean do you uh but yes stool has three successes he is unconscious but not dying uh all right next in the order we have oh no we've got a poor poor little ashni sam would you do you want to describe what happens as they can see you now oh or do you want me to describe this just do it well rip my heart out just do it we see ashney round the corner running uh towards lara and as they do it's almost like you know when you see your pet get all excited when you get home in like that recognition of their eyes like oh my god it's you you're here it's almost like there's we can see that in ashni's eyes but it then they just immediately like dim to black and they're just like and they just kind of turn around that recognition and laura lost and run back towards the water[ __ ] that guy yeah right no [ __ ] that guy i'm i'm done with this [ __ ] stool's alive aushney's gone this episode's gone to [ __ ] already yeah [ __ ] this podcast tune out now fun every every all their charm and everything they did that made them unique they just lost it in like less than 15 minutes i don't know what the[ __ ] their dm's lost his mind i know you're talking about stools okay you guys are way off base exactly thank you thank you andrew uh next up we have grimm grim has two failures one success let's see if your boat captain survives it's a 13 that is that is a success all right it's even it's even now and for two yep and we are now at andy you know andy's gonna be like well uh wow um you he like points to both grimm and still he's like you got anything you can do about that i don't know where the others ran off two if you can grab stool i'll get grim all right and he goes and scoops up grim because he doesn't know the mushroom if you could get the mushroom oh yeah no problem he keeps a hold of grim th this one she's like pointing at me yeah i got him i got him right here don't worry about it andy i will smite you just pick up the mushroom man i i did he's right here you gotta calm down now we're in a crisis don't worry about it i got your mushroom fella right here in my arms see i'm cradling my poor child stool will die this episode and we are back at the top of the order with safel and let's let's just double check this this is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten we're at the top of round 11 right now eleven so it's almost been two minutes yes it's almost been two oh cool so only seven more rounds of fell [ __ ] babbling and not being able to cast anything wonderful huh okay so i'm still on top of indigo yeah my weight is doubled yep you've done the ultimate pig pile the only other thing i can think because i'm still in that space of like i can keep doing this but if no one else interjects he's just going to keep hitting me until eventually i fall unconscious and then both of us are[ __ ] i don't have so uh what was his name the crib who what was the the monitor that like was there's lit there's lots the one that threw you the bag of stuff was clip clubhead run off yes so when he threw i i can't remember you have like the the full bag okay so i don't have like because i'm just thinking um okay actually i'm i'm in a [ __ ] house uh can i look around real quick is there anything in terms of like rope or netting uh around me because the only thing i can think to do past this point to save him and myself is to restrain him so he can't keep hitting me sure sure yeah no there's tons of rope and tons of netting you're not necessarily sure how strong it is but there's so much because that's part of the building material for this place sure so you could definitely grab a decent a decent length okay um so yeah while i am on top of him either if it's like if it's within reach or i'll use my staff if it's a little bit further away you can you can reach it these it's not a big deal it's like hanging down in different directions yeah yeah i'm going to uh i'm going to try to um tie up indigo just like his limbs so he does for sure essentially hog time uh can you make a survival check for me ah sure sure can not a good one but i can make one i want to make you swarm okay it's an 11. okay yep you uh you managed to hog tie indigo as they continuously try to punch you great these ropes won't hold me squid boy[Laughter] uh all right that was i quite literally have nothing to say love your action yep and wizards don't have bonus actions so yeah that was it i'm still on top of him but i am also so he is now um he's restrained yeah my my goal was to make him mechanically restrained is that yeah that that good cool that has been accomplished so [ __ ] you uh all right next up we have the demogorgon who continues to rampage and you now hear like the horrible pained cries echoing across sloopadoop as koatoa are just demolished smashed and uh thrown amongst the debris as they continue this large rampage and they start making their way lara you can see this between the buildings they start making their way kind of southwest towards the sea mothers shrine where it looks like they are about to start hammering into it with their long tentacle like arms that jabbering uh of the of the two mouths continues on what out of curiosity what languages does lara speak um she speaks celestial um and common okay all right uh what about you indigo whoa uh in the game speaks common elvish okay and you stifle uh he speaks common primordial and deep speech okay uh well none of you understand him uh as you realize that they are indeed talking in some type of language it seems like it's it's it's not necessarily random uh you know cries and echoes and roaring all right and that is their turn indigo you are up you're restrained my friend it's fine i don't need my hands to bite sephill in the kneecap and this i will do[Laughter] yeah yeah you know what do it i love this 15 yeah that hits two points of piercing nerd oh you [ __ ] beautiful beautiful yeah because my rules lawyer ass forgot the restraint doesn't do [ __ ] all to attacks it just means he can't move no it does that was that disadvantage oh no i i just happened to roll well for the first time so i don't think it should be a disadvantage i think i think the restraining condition does not does it inhibit your attacks because i'm just reading that it stops you from moving this rules break is brought to you by dm's guild that is i think that's the grappled condition is just movement restrained gives you disadvantage on attacks and other people advantage on uh ah yes yeah yep that is correct and you also yeah indigo has disadvantage on deck saving throws as well so that is correct uh all right and remember everybody this rules lawyer break is brought to you by indigo's paper emporium come here and buy all your books and that business is about as real as the cut we're not gonna make[Laughter] you know what it'll be it'll be one of our first pieces of merch is like a journal and or whatever of indigos and then because paper emporium yeah and then we'll it's just paper there's there's nothing there's nothing on the paper he's selling sheets of parchment i will send you a piece of paper and and safel has the next store and he just sells ink because he's he's got an octopus face uh anyways i want a box i want to bog last thing i want a box delivered to my front door with a picture of indigo's character art and it just says wb honeydew i pay money for that uh all right moving on laura you are up you are refreshed and invigorated with this new power so you're obviously killing stool right that's what i'm getting the question is is stool considered medium uh stool is considered small so can i um drag stool without having difficult terrain or is that going to slow you down oh no i would say that stool is lightweight enough that you could definitely pick them up and and run with them like normal okay then i'm going to pick up stool move 10 20 can i get next i want to get next to grim between grimm and the building yep yep you can definitely do that okay and then grim is like i can see that he's dying yeah yeah it's it looks like he's in his potential final moments i know he'd all be sad um yeah so i mean laura looks at grimm sees that he's dying is carrying stool and sees that stool is at least stable you don't you don't technically know that you you saw like a shutter you haven't done a medicine check right right um did you save the guy that you owe debt to or look are you i stool has done nothing for the past day he doesn't deserve to live i mean okay quickly they forget how quickly they forget yeah now think about grim too that [ __ ] still planning on stealing our [ __ ] as soon as we get here alive i mean i'm i can tell you me personally as your dm i'm not gonna be mad if you don't save grim it's it's still a 50 50 chance whether he will die or if he somehow survives you can abandon him it's your game you guys can do what you want absolutely lara's thought process right now is that she doesn't know what's wrong with indigo and fell and in the in the like she's got like her own little combat crew here some people are more useful than others indigo and savelle being more up higher she can only heal one person so she's gonna get eyes on them before she makes eddie decisions okay okay so i'm gonna sprint um she's gonna come up next to grim and then she's gonna sprint forward again and hopefully by this dash i can see into the building uh yeah i will say that you can you spot them in there sephel sitting on indigo as indigo is currently biting their knee uh screaming just like babbling it's like a terrible[ __ ] scene yeah yep if you ever if you've ever watched like high school boys wrestling that's what it looks like right now okay okay so i have i can move one more square i have 10 more feet less sexual andrews i want to put stool down away from indigo uh and then i'm gonna walk in okay did you you you you dashed you said as well right you think that's all i can do is well dashing requires an action to do that right right so i'm just going to move the whole six okay squares gotcha to get in and then free action i just want to speak um indigo indigo you gotta you gotta get a hold of yourself you're being this is insane i'm exactly where i want to be[Laughter] i've been waiting for this exact moment grim watch watch both of them two seconds later he oblivion npc whoo andy watch them watch my companions it's gotta stick with him because it's just too beautiful and he like turns around so grim's unconscious he's facing inside and he's just like he grabs grimm's mouth and he's just like okay oh my chin my turn is over yeah it came as a [ __ ] nightmare oh man well ashni's out of initiative as they have sprinted into the water and they are disappearing goodbye we never got to see your greatness um all right moving on we are back to uh we are at stool who can't do [ __ ] and we're now at grimm oh grim will you survive grim no that was enough[ __ ] nine that is three failures and grim unbeknownst to uh his newest compatriots and well whatever you would call them boatmates his mates he's dead and we are at andy who is still holding grimm's mouth and he's like oh don't worry i'm a big strong rat and it's like he just he doesn't realize that grim's dead and he just keeps playing with him oh um okay wow closing out that tab okay back to the top of the order and it is sephel um so first thing uh now that he is restrained i'm actually going to get off indigo and i'm going to step back um so i'm like not in his his melee reach anymore he can't like he can't move he can't [ __ ] bite me opportunity attack oh [ __ ] yourself huh take it get it over with i hope he gets it yeah me too it's a nine no damn ingo snaps in your general direction um he's going to uh did laura like get inside the building or is she just close enough to like see what's going on like have we registered she is here you have registered that she's there she's standing in the doorway five feet away from you okay uh safel is going to try to speak to her which at this point is like trying to communicate to her so he's basically just going to be just like he is going to uh gesture to indigo actually step back and like pull on the ropes around his wrist like trying to to get him up but of course the phil isn't strong enough to get him so he's basically just looking at laura like pleading like like this this is stupid help me like move him i um i think a good way to think about it in this current situation until you guys get to like long-term madness slash like indefinite madness um is like think of it as more of like these are moments of shock you have seen something truly either horrifying or mind-boggling that like this is perfect for you to fell it's like you you can't form works words because it you're it's like your tongue tied you're so frantic that you're just like you know you just you don't know what to you don't know what to say because no no that's good this is horrifying what's happening right now you've never come across this before i i was actually thinking too like a part of this um that like that works really well with what was in my head like he's babbling he's trying to like trying to get [ __ ] out and it's not coming out and i'm like if it's not just pure gibberish like if if it's more of just he's tripping over himself like language is coming out but it's not it's not coherent it's like it's nothing i almost imagine him like tripping into the deep speech that he doesn't even remember he has like the like just this babbling like parts of it are coming out as like hissing grab like gravelly uh probably like starting to get into his like his voice is tripping up his own head and it's starting to actually give him a headache yeah no that's uh i like that a lot i i like that image of you like he's just unconsciously going through the different languages i will say you do feel something okay as you're trying to convey this message to laura you almost feel the presence of grimm's life fade it's like you just had a cold chill pass over you and it's like you know you know someone that you've been in contact with has just passed and you feel another sensation inside of you which is like intrigue slash you're like almost like an intrusive thought of opportunity and that's it and then it's and then it's gone yeah yeah okay yeah so he he's like he's beckoning the lara to help and he gets that feel like he pauses for half a second and like instinctually his head turns and his body like almost moves and it it's like it's gone instantly and he's just back to trying to get him to go up okay but like the tentacles twitched for a second yeah all right um we're back to demogorgon who is now laying into the sea mother shrine you guys can hear the crack of stone and coral and the ripping of and snapping of ropes as he's uh digging into it or they i should say um and we are now at you indigo is there anyone in combat range or is bell or laura close enough to nip i was i would say i stepped back you did say that you stepped back i would say that they're both clear of you so you can't hit anybody at this current moment i mean i mean like i had stepped back inward to like try to get him up like when i would i like i would probably be okay i stepped back initially but when i was calling to lara or like trying to back into laura i did i did say that i walked back to him to like oh gesture sure all right now i'll take another trump all right hey that's a six you escape again you yeah cool i i'm i'm really thankful cause like you could take me out like if a couple of these rolls had hit you you could eventually you're whittling me down restraining was a good idea yeah for sure um so this is what i'm going to do now i'm going to drop us out of initiative here you guys are far enough away for the moment that you are not currently engaged with anybody and you are the majority of you except for andy the unconscious form of stool and the dead body of grimm are all like hidden in a way in this half so i'm going to say we can drop initiative here what do you guys want to do um safal what what are we supposed to do here[Laughter] all right [ __ ] i um are you actually making the attack no okay all right i'm gonna i'm gonna step out of i'm gonna step out of the way of indigo just like chomping at my [ __ ] feet i'm gonna step backwards he's gonna like take the staff like try to like wrap it in like stick it out but wrap it in the the ropes like under uh the wrist ropes and like just drag it like he just we we need to[ __ ] move we can't we can't stay in this building we need to keep going we need to get you a boat um uh yeah laura um before we go i'm going to i want to um kind of he's restrained right but i want to i want to grab indigo by the head like i've got one hand under his chin and then one on the back of his head and you're going to snap no one lives all right she's this is a really dark turn okay i'm going to turn his head so that he can see stool on the ground outside of the doorway and i'm going to make him look at stool and then i'm going to just stay in his ear you need to snap the [ __ ] out of it indigo and i want to cast lester restoration so like it's like a combination of magic that doesn't technically is not technically used for this but also like trying to reach into his mind i like this i really like this and i'm yeah so just just tell us what lesser restoration does but i'm fully on board with this so lesser restoration is it cures one disease or one condition and it states the condition can be blind and deafened paralyzed or poisoned okay i'm i'm going to say in this particular case it will work uh i will double check this but in this moment i'm gonna let it i'm gonna let it ride and say that you as you cast a spell indigo you feel kind of that that anger that rage kind of coursing through you slowly fade as you stare at the form unconscious form of stool hey will would you say that it was the the power of love no [ __ ] now[Laughter] from lara for stool[Laughter][Music] even indigo has like a subconscious deep-seated hatred for for stool he just won't allow himself to feel it you guys are monsters i was going to tell you that you're a monster for doing that but also thank you[Laughter] oh well um hi laura you seem very intense right now we need to move yeah um uh he like takes like a little glance around yeah that's abs yep okay yep nope that that that's a good i i am tied up right now but if you could rectify that um you know just ready to go you're not gonna bite anybody i i do not currently feel inclined to do so uh and i'll break the bonds okay uh and then i'll i will go pick up stool and heal stool oh well you know i could oh no you're already doing it that oh okay nope nope you're in charge yep we yeah i i know you can do better but i also think that you can probably do more than i can if like we need bigger e that's very nice hey so phil i'm i'm sorry about all the biting and punching um i i hear that i hear that i'm sorry that's how i made you feel and i take responsibility for that hey dm has it been [ __ ] 60 seconds since we dropped the initiative order uh i'll give it to you yeah yeah i was gonna i was you you weren't you're an [ __ ] and i respect it you you were questioning uh yeah like that last [ __ ] snarl comes out and he like coughs and hacks a little bit and his tentacles like pearl and untangle themselves ah we need to move now is that what you were saying this whole time yes well i think that's pretty obvious cephale attack of course we need to move there's a lot of tension here right now and i just want to say that um you know there is a lot of attention here i have had enough of your mouth in the last three minutes out the door okie dokie he is pissed um when lara goes to heal stool if indigo stops her i would allow it but otherwise she will pick him up and keep running i i feel like you you are you are in charge right now indigo is just doing what you say yeah then uh she'll she will be running with stool and she will give him four hit points through healing hands okay uh let me throw that in there for him four hit points wow amazing soul is just like those little spores come out he's like oh laura it's so good to see you we're even mushroom boy oh [ __ ] even i saved your life twice you saved my life twice next time i'll save someone who's more useful than being anything other than a meal got it [ __ ] my dad always said i'd be good on a salad and uh he goes quiet and still kind of remains limp as you are running along with his form he lets the family trauma flow through him yeah no she feels guilt in that moment of like oh no yeah look what you've done words hurt can you send me the uh the play or the uh source book passage about mike annoyed cannibalism[Laughter] yeah absolutely there's some [ __ ] up tendencies going on yeah uh all right hey uh hey uh um indigo do you wanna do you wanna make your rules lawyer announcement break welcomes to rules lawyer corner this time is brought to you by sephel's feathers get a mother hot smell oh [ __ ] shake uh just so you guys do know uh lesser restoration is a valid form of ridding uh short-term or long-term madness oh[ __ ] but depending on the source you might need to use other spells but in this particular case i'm going to let the lesser restoration fly um hell yeah so yes just so you guys know uh all right so lara is making off with stool and indigo is unbound to fell you can now speak andy is still playing with the dead form of grimm down give a [ __ ] about andy let's go let him have the body yeah okay all right so indigo and spell are you chasing after lara yep right right yeah okay uh so you guys where are you headed to are you headed towards the docks are you headed towards the the western walls what are you what's the game plan i think we were going i think the plan was get to the docks get to one of the boats and and go okay all right uh well the closest one the closest raft that you can see as you guys are kind of coming around this hovel to the north is this particular small one here you do know that you came through this way before and you could potentially make it to your actual boat it's it's more a matter of you know what kind of craft do you want to be on and how long do you presume that you will be afloat in the dark lake well right what like are the rafts like are they kind of just like fishing deals like they would take it a little bit off and like come back quick yeah their travel think your classic like um think castaway style raff of like it's a bunch of log-like materials bound together with a a couple of like poles that would push them along um so our boat is probably the better bet you would think it's probably faster and uh a bit sturdier yes okay do we do we remember where our our boat was or what dock it was the very end to the northwest i and i i will say like you guys can get to it as as long as you keep up a fast pace that you can outrun the carnage that demogorgon is currently oh yeah on this yeah no we're we're booking it okay so you guys manage to get all the way to the northwest you see more and more koatoa uh racing around some fighting each other the cries of demogorgon in the back and you guys find your boat and uh load yourselves up in it i'm assuming yes okay so you load yourselves up in it and then kind of like as you guys are pushing off you see andy appear with grim on the edge of the dock and he's just like bye guys what the [ __ ] as he's like controlling grimm's body and then he just kind of like lays grim down he's like i hope y'all find where you needing to go and then he just leaves grimm's body and walks away back into the carnage lara we need we need to make speed where's arshney get it aboard the boat we need to move i don't know where ashni is we should just go can i cephale do like a quick look like looking over the side like it's not oshini anywhere uh make a perception check okay um natural one [ __ ] no you have no idea and it's probably like you look real fast and then you're like oh [ __ ] it i don't care no don't see it i think lara takes a moment to kind of like try like instinctually to just like link with ashley and when she can't it's just kind of like we can't we just we don't have time okay and so you guys push heartbreaking into the dark lake and as you guys get farther and farther out you can do any of you look back at sloopadoop as you go or no oh [ __ ] yeah oh yeah yeah i think i'm right i'm rowing well i guess i could roll backwards sephela's like a mix of well cephel would offer to help if if you wanted it but if not he's like he's kind of stuck in that feeling if i remember correctly from last session like the one look that he had at the demogorgon was just a look of like this intense like this weird um mental reaction that that he wasn't expecting so i think he is genuinely looking back at everything going on kind of stuck in that sure sure yeah you are are looking back and while you can see demogorgon raging across and more and more of the um bioluminescent fungi and lanterns that they had set about the city wink out more and more and eventually you can't see the lights as the destruction continues and eventually all you can hear is just the faint echoes that feeling that you had felt before for a moment another kind of like one of those intrins intrusive thoughts it doesn't come over you again even when you could really see see him um but yeah it doesn't doesn't pass over you anymore okay and stool kind of like peeks up from underneath the board that i'm assuming like laura stuffed him underneath and he's like so so where are we going to the center of the dark lake um uh why i'm i'm also curious i thought grackle stug was the next stop i know we've lost our guide but deeper in where that thing came from i don't i don't know i died back there i don't think you none of you were there grimm was down stool was down and i was dying i don't i suppose i don't know if i actually died but i was i was granted life again by something and the agreement i made is that i have to go to the center of the dark lake there's something there so i saved your life and now you will help me okay there's a there's a lot of middle ground that needs to be covered we first of all you've definitely exceeded the 50 pound limit of carry-on luggage that's a lot of baggage even like tipping your shoe up ain't gonna help that one there's i am inclined to listen as you have been intelligent and strategic thus far but that is a lot to dump after that we haven't even unpacked what the [ __ ] just happened back there we don't know that beast we don't know that event our guide is dead there's a lot and the relationship that we have in this very short time i believe has prospered because of our mutual understanding of each other's disposition so i understand you are prone to doing this however i would request the respect of processing past information and explaining current yeah maybe um i think i need to process it first and now that you've said it we probably do need a guide is there somewhere does anyone know is there somewhere we can get another guide before grackle stug do we know anything uh no and also we were supposed to resupply so we don't actually have enough food or water to get the grackle stud at the moment oh man i wish you guys were more edumacated i could still eat the mushroom i could swear the mushroom oh you sweet sweet boy oh you mean me i'm i don't it would it would suck but i guess if it helps if any of you touch stool i will put this mimic so far up your butt you will die at painful painful death you see the mimic it's actually had its mouth like over stool's leg and it just shies back a little bit indigo that is the single most respectable thing i have heard out of your mouth since we've started traveling together i don't think so okay then i i think where we're at yeah i don't know i i think that if if miss laura says that she has something important to do at the center of the deep lake i say we go do it and then we can figure it out afterwards do we know how big the lake is you have no idea you were told by grimm that it was going to take you a total including what it took you to get to um sloopadoop about two weeks to make it to crackle stuck and if i understand that was just like traveling relatively close to the coastline right yeah um he had mentioned i'm pretty sure he had mentioned that there were all sorts of different waterways and like water elevators that had been uh used by the walker um in various sections he didn't say what shoreline you had to follow uh you can not currently see one but you would assume you've probably got i think yeah uh da like nine days if you knew the direction you were headed in to get to grackle stuck i mean did this entity give a timeline was it like you need to meet me at the center of the dark lake in three days or was it get there it was get there if you need to go somewhere my odds of survival are significantly increased by staying with you i only ask that we take time take stock get materials gain knowledge we don't even know what this entity is i i hesitate to trust i'm thankful for it not having us lose another companion but i hesitate to trust an entity we know nothing of immediately especially when it suggests that we travel to the very center of a body of water liquid goo we know nothing about that we've been told is incredibly dangerous that we have encountered such dangers on the mere coastline what resides at the center and what do you do about it when it sinks our boat i can't swim nine days i i think you're right i we need to resupply we need food and water above all else because this could be a longer trip than to get to grackle stud and if there's nowhere to go to get those supplies and we need to get creative which probably means exploring these waters there is another option that i'm just throwing into the ether if we wait eat stool oh sorry well i told you the consequences obviously obviously that is always on the table however we have it seems to me our two choices are we move on and we hope that we find a location with suitable resources in the near future which at that point becomes a race the other option that we could discuss is we wait out the carnage of sloopadoop and once the creature or monstrosity or whatever that is has moved on we return we scrap and pillage what is left if anything and perhaps that will give us a head start speaking of which um dm i had found a a number of things in um yeah can i get a quick refresher on what those are i i tried to scribble [ __ ] down but i don't think i got super accurate yes yes yes yes let me just make sure i have the right building because let's be honest there was much looting that could have been had i'm just kidding yeah i know i got i know i got a series of coins and i'll worry about counting that [ __ ] later but in terms of like yeah you got three[Music] various sized leather satchels filled with different types of coins you found an embroidered silk handkerchief with a spider design upon it you found three azurite gems smaller ones and you found a ornately made bronze cup and a silver choker with a spider design as well those were all the things you found okay um one of the huts that i ran through when that was all i could do um was the the daughters where the items that we were suggested payment with um was supposedly stored and i did i did take what i could um i'm not entirely sure what any of these items are but i can if if we want to spend a couple hours if i take some dedicated time i can i can identify them to the best of my ability perhaps perhaps some of these are are useful i did not check if any of them were magical per se although my ability to sense magic is what lured me to the building so i i would assume one or a couple of them might be but if nothing else perhaps they could fetch some coin or be worthy of trade for resources should we find somewhere else so there is that yeah so we just gotta paddle until we find someone to trade with or whatever i mean i understand the logic of going back over there but also that thing is over there um and i don't know if you remember all those times i bit you to fail but that that was because i i just look i didn't fight i just looked at it i do i do vaguely remember that and so do my ankles no you're right you're all right well how about this so fal we take some time we continue to move but we also perhaps look under water for anything that can prove useful all right back to fishing i like it fishing is an option foraging i um i i don't i'd like to believe i'm more subtle than i i lead on but um i would assume that both of you have noticed at this point i don't i don't need to uh be a further depletion of our resources i can do just fine with little to no sustenance if that is helpful i thought you were just good at rationing i i'd like to believe i'm that survivable but in truth i haven't felt i haven't felt a hunger in a while and actually the um consumption of my last meal turned my stomach a little bit so largely indigo like yes some of us don't need to eat some of us disappear into genie bottles we can all we all have [ __ ] i think when safal says that she like reaches up to where her vessel is kept at the end of her braid and it's not there anymore yeah and lara gets very sad yeah you guys are pretty weird me and still are normal though absolutely i will tip this boat over dude[Laughter] for my survival alone i would request not tipping the boat i i do want to thank you cephel because i think in the aftermath of what had just happened i was feeling impulsive and sometimes i need that to be told to think things through particularly after what has just happened i felt particularly powerful and not entirely myself what are you comfortable speaking on what happened to you i i think i need some time fair enough i think we all need time you can talk to me i'll talk to you if you can give me one answer it is why is it every time this place plays its games with our minds do you attack me[Laughter] true though it is fairly specifically me that you know that's true i haven't really thought about that i have in my defense i also tried to punch lara and grimm may he rest in peace oh [ __ ] yeah oh now it hits you now it hits you listen at like at the end of this chapter or like at a certain point i want to roll like a you know what the oscars when they do that really [ __ ] sad five-minute pal scroll screen video of like all the the actors who have died in the last year we could do that today with all of the npcs that have died in this campaign so far you're really good yeah i think i think we travel we take stock we process we've been on the run just running for a very long time i don't think we've had a moment to stop in in quite a while perhaps it's time to process okay all right so you guys kind of hunker down in this boat kind of taking stock once again of everything that has happened to you within the last few hours the people you met the koatoa you lost and find yourselves adrift upon the dark lake um i have gone ahead and just added in all your xp that you have gained from from that event you have not leveled up but you guys can now see how much you have gained um as time continues to roll on and you guys kind of gather yourselves i imagine that all of you at some point either fall asleep or fall into a meditative trance as you are adrift on this boat because of everything that has happened to you if if it's not exhaustion it's just you're you're overwhelmed and as you all kind of come to you can all mark a long rest but you all awake even you safel have this weird feeling of like you know when you've been sick and you like wake up and you've been like breathing through your mouth and you have chapped lips and just like the fever it's and this might be too real for people um right now uh but like you're just you ache all over and it feels like you've been out for days you kind of get that feeling i'm talking about yeah you all awake with that feeling even you coming out of your trance safal and you uh indigo you when you awake i imagine you're kind of one of the first ones you look around the boat you see your mimic has gone absolutely quiet and you actually see stool uh kind of stirring as well but their form is a little more shriveled and as you kind of look out into the expanse of the darkness you see that where you could once maybe occasionally see a large enormous stalactite coming down out of the gloom you no longer see that and you check on your supplies and you see some of the rations that you had some of the food that you had caught like the fish and stuff like that have actually turned spoiled like you haven't touched them in days[Music] and you all like kind of shift as a shiver rolls down your spine and you see as you all turn in the same direction towards the front of the boat what looks like an aisle coming out of the gloom in front of you and the first feature you see of this uh particular place looks like kind of a large outcropping uh and i'm gonna move you guys to a new map let me reveal some areas here as you come through this area you can look to the bottom left of your your roll20 screen as you are coming upon this space i imagine you're all kind of lost because it's like what the this what is this it's this tall outcropping it's at its highest you would imagine it's probably 30 feet high and atop it you see this kind of large stone and what looks like a large altar also made of stone and you pass underneath with your boat under an old rickety plank bridge that kind of just[Music] sways a little bit above you guys as you go through and as you come through you're you're looking all around you as you come into this tiny little cove space[Music] you see all about you through the gloom large small[Music] and various sized statues of different creatures you see more uh jutting rocks and boulders kind of forming from this and as your boat finally touches against a small pebbly beach you see candlelight coming from a hut and betwixt all these different statues you see gigantic bones ribs a large large almost cave of ribs that seem to kind of move in and out of the land and the rock and as you look to the far west side of the island as it kind of slopes up and away from you towards this hut you see an enormous skull and i will go ahead and reveal more of this space[Music] oh [ __ ] you see a small covered well you see a pile of logs in a chopping block but you don't hear anything you see that there is an odd kind of outbuilding up to the northwest kind of high upon this perched aisle you see a front door that as you all step set foot upon the beach almost drawn out of your boat you see it almost unlatch and quietly[Music] open inwards and that's where we'll leave it this week hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have one more second we would adore you if you could leave a rating and a review and whatever podcatcher you're currently listening in the ratings and reviews are astronomical when it comes to growing the show because it's what gets us noticed for new listeners so if you have just a moment to do that please do and we also have a twitter facebook and instagram if you want to give us a follow it's at the madness table and if you've noticed we are now posting weekly episodes because of supporters like you so if we haven't said it enough thank you and we will see you in just seven short days for our next episode when[Music] you