[Music] so[Music] you are now standing on this horrible looking uh and the map had only so many colors that i could access you're standing on like a black and gray pebbly beach after the previous day you had finally escaped sloopadoop and demogorgon lara rising from essentially death with a new patron supporting her and telling her to prove herself she had to find an island within the middle of the dark lake to prove herself and potentially earn some wings um safel in indigo finally with the help of uh newly revived lara able to kind of sort themselves out and make their way to the shore and the docks unfortunately grimm was lost but was playfully picked up by andy and and brought along until andy waved you all away before dropping his body on the dock and running back into the chaos as demogorgon continued to destroy sloopadoop[Music] um and as you guys had all kind of started to rest in the boat drifting within the lake you woke up with your mouths include incredibly dry and that kind of post-fever illness that you or illness feeling that you wake up with and you assume that you must have been asleep for quite a long time as all of a sudden you were kind of floating uh underneath this rickety wooden bridge into a small cove of this island um where a hovel uh or or hut i should say sits a kind a kind of a top it's middle center and all along its length it's kind of like a fish hook shape with a small outcropping that this bridge connected to with some lots of pillars there are uh stone statues of all sorts of different creatures and humanoids and monsters all about and the skeleton um is quite large uh it would be gargantuan in shape and reminds you all shades of the here that you had found um but you cannot see all of the structure you saw that there was a small outbuilding to the northeast of you um you saw there was chopped wood kind of covered well and there are candle lights uh burning in these small windows to this to this hut and the thing the first thing you guys notice besides what you see around you is you hear music and it sounds like a a organ of types but not the deep like resonant uh uh church type think much smaller almost piano sized uh you know they're the tones are a lot lighter versus you know heavy reverberations in your chest and along with that you hear kind of like this eerie high-pitched kind of like wine and uh do any of you have um the performance skill just out of curiosity i don't think you guys do nope no well because it's charisma like i'm good at but i'm not proficient okay i will say you guys can roll um performance or history to kind of identify this other sound that you hear well i got [ __ ] history[Music] 23 on history okay a seven on performance dirty 20 on performance nice first roll on these dice baby hell yeah uh i'm just confirming that i'm actually getting this this right here uh yeah i think that's it or no i think this is it yeah um[Music] you recognize this as a far south easterly instrument that is rarely heard from where all of you hail from it's called an uh and i'm probably gonna butcher the name here it's called an erhu uh and to us in the real world this is a like chinese violin that has uh i believe two strings and it makes this kind of like eerie you hear it a lot in like horror movies and stuff like that um and you hear that kind of like intertwining with the the organs like song and while the organ is kind of like this melancholy dark song this ur hughes music is kind of weaving through it and bringing kind of a lighter lighter tone while still somewhat being melancholy[Music] and so you stand on this beach with a lot of weird [ __ ] what do you guys want to do i first um well this is more of a i don't know if i if we can see this from here but to the east here there's this what looks like a little um i don't know if that's an inset or like a plateau uh but there's this this rocky area with what looks like a table or is that a statue what is that in the center of uh do you mind pinging for me is this to the southeast or uh no just like straight east ah gotcha gotcha got you yeah that is like a large rocky plateau that kind of stands uh there and you see that there's some type of uh larger statue uh atop it okay yeah um well um do you want to take a look around or do i go knock on the door what you guys thinking we should tread carefully look around see what's here we don't know what we've stumbled on i have to agree i i'm gonna look in the well well let's go together or stay in groups we we definitely need to find food water more defenses if we can we should definitely stay together laura if you're afraid me and still can hold your hands absolutely i'll hold your hand if you want me to then you see like his little mushroom arm extended up towards you and it like barely reaches around from this cap and so he just like leans back his body because he doesn't have much of a neck and he's just like i gotcha[Music] no thank you you can hold each other's hands okay we'll walk forward and we do and we do oh that's so freaking cute safel's just like i'm gonna i'm gonna murder them both yeah no he he he'd be straight up suggesting like he would have started sarcastically suggested splitting up if he didn't think that they would probably get themselves killed i think the well is a good place to check yeah and i know we just woke up so i will put on a cheeky mage armor just see that up front it ain't cheeky if you think you're gonna need it buffs buffs are great for a reason okay uh go ahead and make sure you guys are moving your pawns on this map just so i can better describe things as you move about sure thing yeah[Music] so indigo and stool actually i will stay behind i'm gonna like on the way to the well i'd like to look at the statue between us and the well before while everyone else is kind of peeking in yeah uh it's it's you find it interesting lara that your friends have just kind of walked by this rather large statue to go look at the well because this this figure is quite frightening um could you go ahead and roll me a arcana check i would love to um these dice are so dark i have to pick them up and then like squint um it's a uh 17. okay you you're not exactly sure what type of fiend that this is but you know that this is in fact a horrifying looking uh fiend that has crawled either from the pits of hell or the abyss it has these these large leathery looking wings it has these two horns that kind of split off the side of its head and swoop backwards it's got these two beady eyes and a large maw filled with teeth it has a uh long almost like tightness tail that slings behind it and in one hand it holds a large mace and uh in its other hand or arm there it is it has a bracer upon it and otherwise it's got these long claws and it looks almost draconic but more human-esque uh you think that this is some kind of demon or devil look looking at these statues does it um how detailed do they look like do they look like they were poorly carved okay you like think michelangelo type detail like if you you could think that these things were alive if it wasn't for the fact that they were made of stone okay can i oh i i said i was heading for the well i'll i'll do the well first but i i have thoughts okay uh yeah the three of you arrive at the well and you see that um it's just it probably stands two feet off the ground and it has kind of this uh rotted zerk wood cover on top of it with this uh like little hoop handle um and you guys look like it looks like you could pull it aside and there is a uh older looking bucket that sits beside it as well uh cool um indigo uh we'll give stool's hand a squeeze uh and then grab a um like a spear half from his pack and like just like eek the uh the edge of the cover up and peek down under okay make a perception check that's a 25. okay you see that there is you can just see it in the dark there's like very still only slightly moving water probably about 25 feet down and that is all you see i'll gently put the um case down and uh give safil a thumbs up all right perhaps a good source of water if we want to gather uh yeah i mean i think before we get too um harvesty we eventually have to say hello to whoever lives here because generally people don't love it if you take their stuff without asking i will come to that[Music] um[Music] i want to yeah i want to come back to the statue here because i think that like the detail of it is interesting um can i do like a[Music] what what is the base of it look like is it on a a pedestal of some kind or does it like is it just the figure made of stone it uh make an investigation check actually yeah like i'm i'm kind of creeped out with the the level of detail that's here and i'm wondering if this is something that is actually like is it natural stone or is there something creepy going on here i got you um as lara is looking at it and you said it has like horns around it um she's gonna reach up and kind of like examine those is this like giving her roths vibes uh no no no no these are think uh like a bull's horns or uh typical cows horns where it just kind of like comes up like this where it would go beyond like the sides of their heads and poke upwards instead of that uh the tips are pointed back and there's only two of them the rest of its body except for like the pectorals and like down down its abdomen and like the inside of its arms look uh like human skin almost they look soft uh but muscular and then everywhere that would be like uh our hair would grow is like tightness it looks like thick plates almost but not uh like natural kind of armor in a way um what'd you get there safel i got a uh 21 on investigation i did use one of my knowledges to get to know to get to that level so um you follow the the form down through down its legs into the ground and you see that between its legs and its tail that is kind of like slither slithered along behind it it seems to be supported as is there is no base and the other thing you notice as you like look around at some of these other statues you see a statue of what looks like an armored knight you see a statue that was that armored knight is closer to the hut you see down by the beach there looks like what looks like a uh like a mountain lion of sorts and then over here you see what looks like a bannerman riding upon a a small horse uh and the knight and the bannermen on the horse uh are kind of standing on pedestals of like cobbled together stone and but otherwise it doesn't look like they're attached none of these statues that you see seem like they have a base and like that that bannerman when it kind of looks like it it was created as is and then those piles of stones got put under to like still like support the structure itself exactly yeah yeah and they are not put together in any kind of fashion they seem to be in all sorts of different poses uh it's it's odd for sure indigo you're an artist perhaps you could learn something from whoever lives here they're an extremely talented artist look at this wow i know it's incredible the level detail is quite nice um i can do an interview well i don't think we have time for that no this is too detailed to be trusted but why why so many different creatures svel do you not support the arts yeah do you not support the arts cephale i don't support your magic's mushroom because an artist could only be good at their craft if they were using magic interesting well isn't isn't art just a form of magic in itself you know never true words have never been spoken still great awesome great tries not to gag on one of his pencils final question are they all are all of the statues like it kind of looks like it from from the map i just want to confirm are they all like looking in the general direction of the hut no no they are all facing in various directions in various poses okay but they all uh rolling over your your 21 investigation they all seem to be in some kind of pose that looks like they were either being attacked or they were attacking something it's all some type of like action pose yeah or like uh uh or like they're marching towards something no no safel is is pretty he's pretty confident about what he believes this is he may be wrong but he's i've i've gotten the knowledge that that he needs to solidify that belief okay well so uh do you want to go over to the big house and indigo points at like the hut where the the music's playing or do you want to take out the little hut and he points up to like a little shack uh on the other side like the dragon skull i would ah i want to see as much of this as i can before we find what's in that main hut[Music] i don't believe this is don't believe this was stone i don't believe these were made in the natural sense of speaking i believe these are beasts[Music] i don't know what's here the the lamest people will go to ignore the arts indigo and school start walking towards the little hut[Music] um oh you're going to the little hat on the left or on the west yeah okay i like the shed thing okay uh safel as like indigo like just jaunts away sephel will look at lar like make eye contact with lara be very careful where you look what you touch and if anything comes look away[Music] just be cautious there are tales of these kinds of beasts and i'm not there are many things that can do this if i am correct none of them are nice yeah i think laura looks at savelle and kind of like takes it very seriously and does a slow nod i think we should follow indigo and not split up yes yep that's that's smart okay so follow up as you linger behind you know what yeah that's a good six seconds six seconds will i said a sentence um as you're all walking past this gargantuan skull yeah we've seen it before [ __ ] your dragons roll a nature arcana check your choice yeah i would be curious about this though i mean it's massive it's it's you know how would you not look 25 okay 17. okay so the 17 and the 25 you well i mean laura you would know that this was a skull to a you've read enough who knows if you've come across one this belonged to a black dragon[ __ ] uh you indigo would identify from the size that this must have been an ancient black dragon safel you would think because of the actual freaking size of it that this was a great worm black dragon oh [ __ ] because the skull is at least like 35 40 feet long in itself it's massive and it seems to be half buried within the earth and as you like look back along the island and you can see that massive ribcage and smaller ends uh kind of curving around this island you think that this must be the site of where it perished or chose to die and you think back to histories that you had read as kind of like more memories come to you um that oftentimes when dragons pass uh nature kind of like abounds around them uh creating new places or like lush ecosystems or not depending you know on how things went but this is what you believe it was this was a great worm black dragon and you are currently standing upon the islands that its bones reside with it that's terrifyingly awesome and he will relay that information especially to indigo who i'm sure would be super interested in documenting yeah wow okay i know i said i don't look in the shed and i i'm going to look in the shed but after look in the shed i must draw this it's wonderful um as you you guys are passing this skull and kind of like admiring it excuse me um you notice one more thing as you approach a small building the uh that kind of string instrument music that kind of eerie but uh melancholy tone seems to be getting louder and you think it is coming from this small building and as you look at it it looks you see that there's actually a iron door that is probably about six and a half feet tall uh and like three feet wide it's quite large this is a stone building kind of cobbled together and mortared it's got a thatch roof um and you see that all around it there are all sorts of like small glowing fungus and you see what looks like uh a larger version of like fireflies and coming from the top of the the door the iron bar door you see kind of like light hazy smoke coming out from yeah i'm gonna have to go ahead and look in there please[Laughter] okay uh a year is good the the rest of you approaching as well or is it just stool and indigo being brave this episode[Laughter] so you you may taunt me dm sephel knows where he stands he is keeping a healthy distance i almost died okay give me a break yeah and now you're all the more powerful for it like i'm gonna stay close enough to see what's going on but i'm not like at the[ __ ] door okay uh yeah you can't necessarily see what is inside from where you guys currently stand a little bit to the the the southwest uh okay it's our southwest door[ __ ] where's the where's the door this like this east side just that's the door this is the door here okay i'll stand there then i have an angle okay sure sure you you ankle yourself um the token i have does not represent this figure accurately because inside indigo you see a woman you see a large woman you you couldn't say exactly how tall their height is but they are wearing this beautiful like flowing robe with floral patterns of what uh we would call like bonsai trees and stuff like that it's very artistic and you see that they are uh wearing these kind of like i think they're called hakamas uh it's like a type of uh japanese pants that like samurais used to wear um and you see that she has like this kind of long gray and black hair like there's streaks of gray within it and some of it's done up with like uh pins in it and they actually have a kind of small pipe and that is where the smoke is coming from as it curls up and away and they sit um kind of working the what oh my god i closed my tab the is it the uh thank you uh people are who with one hand they are holding it the left hand they're holding it and with the right you see that there is like a fantastical looking prosthetic arm that is working the bow back and forth across the strings and this figure you can tell from the these gowns uh this woman is built but not in the bodybuilder like you can see every friggin muscle uh and andrea i'm glad that you're the one looking into this do you remember we're gonna get anecdotal for a second the the greek woman that went to our gym the power lifter who would like to watch us absolutely yeah yeah who would just like watch a squat and she'd be like oh yeah nice set and then she'd go in and she deadlift like 500 pounds and she was probably like a solid 5 foot but wouldn't take anybody's [ __ ] she's built like that yeah uh power lifter so like big legs um there's it's not the grotesque like i have muscles for muscle set uh sake it is everything about her is built for strength and like it's intimidating but she holds herself gracefully as well and you just see her kind of playing and puffing on this pipe[Music] and there's there's like nothing else inside but a small bit of straw that she's kind of sitting upon as she as she plays this instrument hello there ma'am hello she looks up at you and you can see that she has a number of scars uh across her face and on some of her uh her left arm the right arm is the one that has prosthetic and she kind of nods at you and continues to look at you as they they play but it grows a little bit quieter well this is a lovely hut you have here um yeah have you been this huff for a long time[Music] uh she kind of quietly chuckles as i did and uh they say no i have not been here very long and it is not my heart[Music] well i i was really enjoying the nice music you were playing um do you do you know much about this kind of island we're on here also hello my name is indigo who are you hello indigo i am lady ingra lolopoda[Music] oh wow i never met like a lady before wow that's what many have called me you can just call me laboda and for this island i came here in search of something that was stolen from me and there is a not so hospitable woman who lives here oh no is that why you're in this uh shed right now playing music and smoking a pipe did you put you in timeout in a way yes i fa what's the word i want to use here uh i was able to avoid her usual tricks and have found myself here not that she hasn't given me these small delights as she kind of waves to the instrument and the pipe but i assume it is only a matter of time before i will join the others and i'm surprised that you're here without being welcomed by its host oh yeah we were gonna go say hello at the big house we just haven't gotten around to it yet uh should we do that soon you can i would suggest averting your eyes though oh well that's okay stool here is my friend stool he doesn't have any eyes so we have that going for us stool sticks up his little stubby arm hi you're very you got very nice clothes i don't wear clothes those are nice clothes these guys wear clothes though would you like to come out of the shed now or or is that where you'd like to stay i would very much like to come out as there is something of mine within that hut oh well do you want me to open the door if you have the key yes please i i would be uh i would i would loathe the uh missed opportunity if i didn't take the chance to escape one thing i don't have the key individual what's going on um oh hey here my friends are here um i'll be right back with you ladies so ah laura this is lady lavoda um she's trapped in the shed here but all you have to do is get the key from inside the house oh hey there's cephel yeah and all we have to do is get the key and then we can get her out and then she can get the thing that she lost though it's in there but also don't um avert your gaze i think is what she said so don't look at the person already covered that part how how is she how is she trapped in the [ __ ] you opened the door oh no i didn't open the door it just there's a yeah he didn't open the door it yeah you can see through the bars there's no wood it's just like think uh like prison cell doors you can look straight through it there's it's just i misunderstood i thought it was like a big i thought it was a big door and he pushed it open no um and you actually see lady lobota walk up to the door and she stands like within an inch of the door frame so she stands like six foot five uh and she fills up that frame the doorway frame uh with her with her robes and her figure and she kind of sticks her arms through the slots and knots her head at the rest of you lobota is it and why is it that you are in this strange cell i was uh dreadfully unprepared it's been many years since i've seen service and i thought my belongings were in kinder hands than what i found them in and because of the disagreement i had with the uh woman of the hut i found myself here until i find means of leaving which may find itself in the four of you i don't can i do a quick detect magic on this small building like on on the cell see if i get anything from that what was that again sam no i'm i'm just i'm just casting it yeah i'm not not ritual okay just a lot of magic go ahead and mark that then um you cast detect magic and you feel that there is something um definitely like the presence of evocation magic on the door centered around the lock okay so like okay i i will walk up to um i'll walk up to the door i won't touch it but i'll walk up and and stand face to face with the voda lady laboda you may call me siphil[Music] we have no reason to trust each other and most people don't with my visage but if what i believe is here and what you say is here is here i would rather not face it alone i might be able to remove you from the cell i do not believe there are the appropriate magics to keep me from doing so but you have to trust me and be willing uh how tall are you savelle uh he is about well if he could stand straight up he would be he would be six feet even but he he slouches a little bit so like five ten-ish okay uh she kind of she draws her arms back in and she crouches a little bit to look at you directly in the eyes you can see more of her her um kind of rugged face with these piercing green eyes and she sticks her left arm out in kind of a like clasp arms with me kind of a way and she goes shake on it and we'll see how the trust falls i'm gonna have to do an insight check on that one 100 go for it i'd be surprised if you didn't we just [ __ ] met somebody a strange cell on a strange island yeah seems fine once wants to make a deal by shaking hands uh that is a that is a dirty 20 on insight she seems um very sincere in that like she just wants to clap arms um but you think she's also trying to get a read on you and she can kind of see you eyeing her over and she goes where i'm from it was traditional for warriors to clasp arms before going into battle as an assurance of trust that we would have each other's backs and i never went anywhere without clasping arms with one of my men i am far from a warrior but i will appreciate your custom and he clasps her arm and she like locks onto your arm like super firm grip and she kind of pulls you close and she just stares at you with this incredibly stern look like she's trying to look into your soul and then she lets go and she pulls her arm back through and says have a way at it okay[Music] i [ __ ] i just need this to work once oh that's right your spell so because because she is willing as long as there is no magic that would stop it i would like to cast vortex warp on her and teleport her outside of the cell i will actually i will pull her right behind us let's say let's say the cell here between like us and this okay like triangulated between us the skull and the cart sure uh you watch her well how does how does this actually what does this look like do they just all of a sudden wink out or like does something happen describe this for me okay so it is a um uh i've been i've been thinking of the flavor of this spell for weeks guys i've never been able to get it to work i'm emotional i don't even know if it's going to no but he um so yeah no he has been he's been trying this spell and he hasn't been able to to kind of get it yet it's been it came to him and it was him playing with things and i think he he has put a lot of thought but he hasn't been able to get it and so in this where he has time to focus this isn't combat he he has the time to really key into this magic that he's still learning and he focuses on her and he thinks about the space she's in but also the space around her like the air that she is touching the the space that she takes up um and he sort of latches on to that as well and then once he thinks that that he has it this like this this nebulous like similar to the the themes of what his what his magic typically looks like this very nova like planar looking magic this like nebulous gas and star weave starts to swirl around her and once he's locked into that he starts thinking of the space that he wants to move her to that that space the similar air and starts like magically trying to weave those together and and willing them to to coalesce in the same space it happens you watch her reappear outside of the cell standing upon this kind of dark looking mossy ground and as she kind of like turns back to the rest of you uh laura you hear something sound like a steam whistle and you all look back at the door as it has glown bright red and then explodes and i need you all to make a dexterity saving throw oh no can i have half cover christophel staying in front of me you know what yeah yeah i like that laura laura you have corner cover because of stool ah[ __ ] stool man he does nothing for me oh yeah he's just a two quarter covered jerk all right it's a 21 on the deck say first of all okay you're gonna take half um 14. that's a fail uh it's 13 for indigo that's also a fail okay so we have two fails oh i gotta do stool i gotta do a stool natural six that's a fail so the only one who succeeds is safel who has the best track record for not getting hit as this cell door explodes and bits of hot shrapnel so for those of you that failed oh no oh god that's a lot of damage i think that's actually kind of cool though because like he was the one person that saw that there was some like evocation magic attached to the door even if he didn't know the means yeah so it kind of makes sense like as soon as it started glowing he's like oh[ __ ] yeah and you're staying right behind him oh no yeah safel makes this he like turns around because he can like feel the energy for a second he's like what and then dives out of the way uh while the rest of you get lit up by the shrapnel safel you do get hit and you take 13 points of fire damage while the rest of you take 25 points of fire damage oh my god and this just fine loud resonant echoes out jesus thank you father may i have another and like you guys are all looking at each other and like there's no smoke and as you look back the door reforms very quickly from all the shrapnel like rips itself out of your body and reforms in front of the hut oh my god everybody out of the way of the door just in case it does that again and uh lady loboto who is just out of range like runs over and like actually picks up stool and grabs like lara as well and like tries to pull you guys kind of away from the door and she's like my gods i've i had no idea i'm are you all right and she's like ripping pieces of her clothing off and like trying to bandage you you guys up as uh as she like squats over you oh yeah laura looks really bad i'm sure i rolled one minimum die and then two maximum that was 3d 12. wow okay okay powerful magic that was coming over there all right everyone we're gonna play a fun game called give indigo 10 minutes can you guys all give indigo 10 okay good and indigo just drops down and starts like praying like oh turo your grace comes before you he like spreads out his hands and like i imagine like the little grass like tendrils start to like weave their way around his fingers just 10 minutes guys i'll be right with you we have ten minutes um because there was nothing in the picture indigo you sit down what are you what are you casting here this is a ritual i'm assuming uh i am starting a uh prayer of healing 10 minutes casting time cool cool you sit down and you reach into your magics and you start chanting is it chanting like how how did you do your magics especially in this ritual form i'm very curious about all this because you guys are three different types of casters and i love it uh i like indigo it's a little bit like a chant but he also like directly addresses his deity like very like one-on-one so it's not less like oh more like all right so today's been a hard day so far a door exploded and if you wouldn't believe it um so it's like it's it's both like a supplication and also like a diary entry and then also summer camp yeah like gratitude lace didn't it uh okay you start reaching out to toro and that's that's it right that's it's total yep okay for some reason with gods in in in dnd it doesn't always stick even though i'm like a mythology uh so you you reach out to twirl and you immediately feel the connection and you feel their uh it's almost like you start hearing the woods reverberating in your ears in this peaceful sense of calm comes over you very quickly but oddly for the first time in reaching out for your magics while you can feel the prayer of healing working and you will so you can roll those dice at any point in time you feel another strong presence almost like on the periphery of this this connection and it feels deep and both wild and tame like there's like this you feel like this energy is kind of brimming and it's boundless but it's it's organized almost and you feel this this presence tighten and almost focus to like this pressure inside of your your head and like you pick yourself up or your head up as you finish this and you you look through the bones of or through the skull of the black dragon and you just feel like it's to the south and it's not far and it's like a beckoning almost this this gentle but persistent energy just beckoning to you all right uh at the at the summation of um the spell you got oh uh that's very good um that was much better that's 19 points so thank you very much you're welcome um okay well good news twirl is great also i there's something there's something else here i don't i don't know exactly how to explain it but there's something around there's i can feel the power here yes very creepy stone beasts we've been over this no no not not the pure artistic power of whatever being is here no something something i will destroy you something strange kind of like gives you a smack on your shoulder so fell like shut up let him speak i don't know you but i feel like just ch yeah yeah that's the will talking and she no she she kind of like bows her head at uh indigo and like she's like now knowing you are a man of healing i have much respect for you and like you guys are close to her you can see like her arms are covered in scars and her face is decorated with them and like her whole right arm you can see as she like pulled away uh much of her robe and was like pulling away bits to kind of like stop your bleeding that her arm her right arm is missing from like mid bicep down and it is like a full almost metal and like like white metal or almost like porcelain style prosthetic and it's like fully functioning it's almost like her her arm isn't even missing but uh you can tell that she must have been some kind of fighter you see blade marks and all sorts of different stuff on her um so like a cleric to her yeah she's all about your [ __ ] she's probably been around hundreds of you guys and she's you would guess also by her age that she's like probably 50 maybe 60 years old so but yeah she like kind of cuffs you and is like give the man some respect um did you guys see this this like a stone altar as we came in on the boat oh yes honestly forgotten i think i think we should check that out later um though i suppose we do at some point also have to attend to our host um i'm down for whatever order you guys are interested in um lady lobota you said that you're missing items can you tell us what those items are i can i was once a warlord far to the south east and while i retired many years ago from that path graciously with my life and my family i had my armor and arms stolen from me not long ago and from what i could gather the trail led me deeper and deeper here and to the underdog and i think my armor resides here my weapons i i'm not entirely sure but i have a full set of traditional plate that was made especially for me my large noduchi which is like a japanese greatsword essentially sometimes called odachi's as well uh think like a katana but like the size of a claymore a very very heavy two-handed blade she talks about she says i had a fearsome mask in helm made for me and i believe those are somewhere else down here while they are not necessarily magical i have a bond with them i do not know if this woman residing here is the thief but i will track them down for all together they make for quite a fearsome opponent in itself well i believe we can be helpful to each other here we've just helped you out of your cell we require sustenance we were seeking food and water rations and to be honest we we didn't come here intentionally and it seems as though we were drawn here perhaps but if we could help each other out we have a boat which i think and she looks at safal and indigo and it gives you a toothy thumbs up absolutely do you consider myself indebted to you for the time being so yes i will aid you as much as i can for your uh freeing me of that uh horrible cell do you have you been in this building uh she gestures to the main only but for a moment there was quite the startling image i remember and she kind of closes her eyes i remember entering into a warm living room of sorts and a large-ish looking piano or organ against the and she's kind of like moving her hands about trying to describe things i remember there being an piano against the far back wall and a very beautiful woman young woman with long brown hair sitting in front of it with a brown gown as well it she didn't strike me as odd until she turned and she had a mask an iron mask about her head her face except for her hair[Music] and i could hear something moving from another room and i assumed from its heavy footfalls its many footfalls that it was a basilisk and that this is what had created and she points around to the numerous statues we see upon this eye i kept my eyes closed and kindly requested of the woman for a set of armor befitting a woman of my stature and as i kept my head bowed i could hear her approach and what i believe was the basilis basilisk emerge from another room i kept my head bowed and she pleaded with me to look up she said it was rude to not look at your host and greet them properly and while i informed her i would very much like to do so i would also like to remain moving hmm and she laughed and then i found myself within the cell and her voice outside of it saying that until i found myself in such a time where i would greet her properly i would remain there well that lines up with what you thought savelle similarly at least in terms of the statues although i had thought perhaps one or another beasts it seems there are two but this the the woman in the iron mask does that sound like anything like does roll uh a history check if you want to it's like the basilisk lines up uh you could do arcana to either either one if you had some kind of vehicle creature they're the exact same bonus uh i will you know what i will do arcana anyway i'll just say it's arcana uh it's only a 12. zero five nothing nothing comes to mind okay i i had assumed a couple of things and while while some were correct i'm still confused at the exact nature of of what is going on here this this woman is and why she lives with that beast but she wanted a proper greeting i don't i don't plan on greeting her politely anyone who imprisons someone for no reason doesn't sit well with me the intellect in me would like to remove ourselves from this situation but i feel indebted somehow even though i've done the favor your traditions are strange but i said i would honor them uh he's like he's looking back and he he was referencing lobota in that moment he's he's like he's fighting with himself um we should leave this is real quick what's your passive perception 16. you have noticed up until this moment that with everything that's happened in the last 15 20 minutes that you guys have been here and like the exploding of the door and the casting of the the prayer the organ that you have been hearing has been playing but as sephel is talking you hear that music dwindle away and stop uh i guess um i don't know but uh the uh the solo has um ended inside so and like when he hears that i think we should move out of the eyeline of that door if she's if this individual is coming out we should not be here uh laura's gonna usher everyone behind the little prison cell uh i am cephel was actually thinking hiding behind the skull so he's actually he's actually gonna post up like behind this like behind the mouth horn okay sure well like just just checking because because my brain is picturing this one way but i don't want to kill myself assuming so like this part of the skull it's like there are plate parts of it like it's not it's not oh yeah you're you're definitely hitting the snout from there okay okay yeah yeah you're fine there's i just didn't know if i was like where like the eyes and the nose would be but otherwise yeah it's like uh like a cow's skull it comes down and has a solid face plate okay uh almost like a forehead for us he's he's kind of behind that right now though yeah uh while the rest of you have kind of gone up around this building and you[Music] you all hear a opening of a door kind of echo out a little bit and uh savelle do you peek out at the noise at all or no or do you want any of you no keeps there laura indigo you guys would have like the best line of sight to potentially to the front where the door was which was here judging by that oh i'm 100 peaking okay you're peaking go ahead and make a perception check yeah i got a peek too i gotta do it okay i'm gonna go peeks as well no i peaked poorly that's an eight okay so 14. okay uh indigo you try to peak but you you don't have uh quite enough like you don't see anything after the opening of the door you can't really see much like you're seeing 10 feet away from it uh lara you are able to peek through the horns and over the wood pile and you see what looks like a tall very thin figure step out and a very nice now kind of like yellow gown with this long flowing brown hair and you see uh amongst like the torchlight from the one that's that's outside the door uh as this figure's head begins to like turn towards your direction the glint and you see that there is a like ornately looking crafted mask like think like iron mask of the uh like from like the movie the old torture method kind of a thing it's like that uh but it has all sorts of different carvings and structures and while you don't necessarily see like eye holes or even a mouth hole it's just like a solid encasement of the face um and it kind of like somewhat looks in your direction and then kind of like looks back down towards the path and the water and you don't hear anything but you see it like hold back it's this long slender arm and kind of like wave forward and then you guys hear this like slithering kind of like dragging noise like something being dragged across wood and laura you see a like blue and purplish looking large figure starting to exit the hut and lobota quickly like pulls you backwards and like whoops you around face to face and it's like don't look at its eyes do you turn back around to peak again or no um i would like to cast invisibility on myself okay and then i will peak again okay you peek back out and you let me go ahead and get this[Music] to the front you see this creature come forward and let me get this i should say my invisibility is um i had to swap my feet with my new stuff i am shadow touched as my new feet nice uh yeah how does that look for you is it look like traditional invisibility does it like mask you in a different way what does invisibility look like some people it's like in some depictions it's like they just step back into the shadows and then they're no longer seen some people it's like they literally go wink or it's kind of like harry potter in like the movie effects where it's like kind of like this rippling shimmer kind of a thing so yeah i think i think she does a very like uh a ripple shimmer but it's like dark okay uh fitting because anybody that doesn't have dark vision like lady lapoda is just like staring right at you where you were um do you move it all or do you stay there as you peek back around i'm gonna i will stay there because i don't want to move and then have lobota not know where i'm at okay uh you see these two figures as you peek back around and this larger uh shape this lizard form with eight legs in these red spines that come off in the shorts now you can see and do you as its face is kind of like turning in your direction you see like this glow coming off of it do you continue to look at it or no i'm avoiding its head for sure but i'm trying to get a sense of like where they're going okay like i know not to look at its face but i do want to judge like what it is okay uh you definitely think based off of like what you and indigo talked about and from stories that you have heard and from you know lobota's depiction that this is definitely a basilisk and it is a full-grown adult one um and you see the woman kind of gesture out and and this this voice you can all hear it goes we have some very quiet guests gays i think it's time they come forward go along usher them please and this feminine form or woman turns back and walks back into the hut while the basilisk starts you can see its nostrils kind of flare as like you're trying to or like hear it snorting and sniffing and you can hear it start to or you watch as it turns kind of move towards the beaches and then pause and start moving behind this statue and safel you can hear it and as it comes like passes this statue and you can keep an eye on it lara through the holes in the skull as it passes this statue in where you think it should reappear on the other side you no longer see it oh no and that's where we'll leave tonight's episode oh [ __ ] hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have one more second we would adore 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