[Music] last time you guys had officially arrived upon this this aisle that has been created out of the uh lost remnants of a black great worm start walking around this island you noticed a couple of things which was there was a larger hut sitting towards the back what looked up here uh appear to be like a cliffside you see that there are lots of statues of various types of animals humanoids monsters and one in particular caught your eye close to the shore which you soon deduced was a type of devil the other interesting thing is you guys all deduced that these statues all appeared to be frozen in motion and weren't sitting upon pedestals but kind of had spots made for them um and you noticed that there was some very nice music being played one a type of organ and one of a musical instrument you identified as in erhu[Music] and you kind of followed the trail of the string music up to the northwest of this aisle to a small shack in which you found a iron uh door and behind it was this large older woman with a prosthetic arm that you learned her name was lady angriloboda in sephel's attempt to free her in which you did a trap was set off in which the cell door exploded hurting all of you and with the good grace of indigo and their god toro you guys have healed up pretty much all the way right there i think there's maybe only a couple hit points missing from from you all um if that so beautiful job and insapel's picking of picking on indigo lady lobota just kind of stood up for indigo you know praising his his fine work and those of his of his kind of the clerical nature and you were told by lobota of this beautiful woman with brown uh hair and wearing a fine kind of gown and a ornate silver mask that covered their face and a type of lizard pet that seemed to be able to petrified those that it looked upon uh and you guys deduce that it is a basilisk and after kind of healing yourselves up this mysterious uh woman has had appeared outside of the hut and told her pet to go searching for the guests and as it kind of went towards the shore to the south from the house uh it passed by the devil statue and has disappeared and the figure has walked back inside and we now find ourselves back in the present where sephela is hiding behind the great worm skull lara laboda indigo and stool hiding behind the former prison cell what do you want to do[Music] i i think i'll take this occasion say quick prayer uh tyrell please guide our steps and watch over us here uh and i'm gonna cast bless at first level to safel laura and so sorry i can't do laura because i can't see her because she's invisible that's right damn it[Laughter] uh so then i'll do it to um myself cephale and stool much obliged remind me bless is uh saving throws uh saving throws and attacks md4 attack rolls thank you very much and then looking at labora who looks hella jacked but also kind of like she's been sitting in a hut for like a long time uh i'm gonna hand her my my mace which i i rarely use but it seems like she could put good use with uh she she takes it in her hand she she kind of nods at you uh and thanks and it seems almost somewhat small in her her large hand but yeah you you think she can do some damage with it i'll get dude i mean just until we find something oh wait sorry we're being quiet okay um lara is going to um come up behind indigo and love lady laboda in school um she's visible so she's gonna lean in and just um all right don't freak out it's laura what the [ __ ] stool oh he can't get out anyway um what if stool was just like i always know where you are because my spores are in your brain that's oh my god[Laughter] we kill the mushroom now yeah there's just to see you start smashing no this is a real concern to think about but that's later yeah we we really we don't know anything about this guy we haven't spent a whole lot of time thinking about how [ __ ] trippy stool's whole existence is yeah your entire trip down here has been trippy what the [ __ ] are you talking about yeah that doesn't make him any better you're a mind player bro[ __ ] off all right all right take two uh lara is going to come up behind indigo stool and lady lobota and just lean and say it's lara don't panic indigo what did i say well i mean you said it very startlingly though oh sorry all right i think that we should head over to the main building because i don't know it seems like that woman is in charge of this creature what do you think i i'm happy to keep watch here as i'm invisible and i can let safal know the plan but what do you think uh i mean i i guess it's worth worth trying i mean she blocked um the lady loved her away so she's not like super great we just need to be really careful because she has like a creature working for her she probably has some kind of i don't know sometimes power of her own right[Music] that's true but i well perhaps you can get eyes on the situation and i'll keep watch here okay i can do that well you you tell stefan yeah i can we can move a little bit closer i don't wait too far away you know just in case things get um dangerous i'll be fine and she's gonna head out to go find somebody she's always like that oh you're still there oh all right uh okay so you scamper on over to the south uh to the great worm's skull and you find cephel savelle don't panic it's lara[Music] smart can you go invisible i know you're a wizard you're a wizard spell in case you didn't know you're a wizard scary the magics you learn things have you learned this it is not an ability i myself have learned i can try and teach you sometime i would it doesn't work that way i would need to find the the regardless it's not important it's not important at the moment we'll circle back all right anyways um i spoke with indigo lady lobota and stool they're gonna head to the building and see if they can get eyes on the woman who retreated back into that her that area i'm gonna keep watch here as hopefully i have some ability to stay hidden and it won't be able to find me what do you want to help indigo what do you think your skills are apt for here i could see myself useful in either case i'm it's smart to understand both opponents it's possible that the woman is if she can control such a beast and can lock away a fighter she must have abilities we know nothing of her yet i'm concerned you are invisible and that is smart but i'm concerned of you staying here because if you are found and left alone no one will be here to help you i i appreciate it the island is i'm not worried it's not a concern for you it's a concern for our survivability if we left oh no i would never think no it's not a personal well no of course your appreciation means nothing to me my survival on the other hand no you are you are flesh in my army no i completely understand yes yes as you can tell lately we have a really great thing here we all really care for each other and it's like a little found family stool is just shaking his cap the entire time you would survive many battles i'm sure if you are confident that you can stay hidden but you must be aware if you take the initiative as you tend to do your disguise will be short-lived no you're right i think this i think this will work for now i'll position myself in such a way is that i have a good means of escape if i need it also keep in mind if the beast does not know where we are at right now there is less of a need for you to keep watch well i think i think because we're going to be moving closer to the building i want to be able to intercept if needed i'm i'm i think i'm going to post up over by the well so that i have a good vantage point over most of the island that seems fine just be careful and uh safel is actually going to reach into his things and he's going to pull out that um that spider embroidered handkerchief that he got in sloopadoop okay and he is going to offer it in the direction of lara's to guard your eyes if you need it uh she looks at the handkerchief takes it does it go invisible well uh i'm pretty sure by the the spell and visibility like most things you are holding go invisible so yes i will say it is all right yeah she'll she'll grab it then and um thank you i'll hold on to this good luck uh and she's gonna head out around the um the skeleton poking out the great worm skull uh and head over to the the well all right uh yeah you're just scooching by me excuse me pardon me uh make a stealth check please a shower first roll of the day that's it 10. wow delightfully average okay well i'm gonna add a very large bonus to that on in my own mind uh okay yeah you make it over to the well and you[Music] don't notice if anything took notice of you cool yeah i feel good about that it's the worst sentence yeah right that could possibly be uttered you have no idea invisible creature on invisible creature what will happen uh indigo what you you lobota and stool you guys are kind of still chilling out by the hut do you actually want to move on the the main building or no um i do want to get a little bit closer but i'm wary of being too out in the open so i think um all right guys um i don't want to get too far away from safel and laura but i don't want too far away from you either but um there's a little spot that i can see between the house and the wood pile i'm gonna go there but maybe the two of you should stay around the corner of the back side of the house and that way if anything happens i can get to you or you can get to me how's that sound that sounds good to me yes we can do this and she just like steps over picks up stool and steel's like oh my gosh such powerful arms and uh i'm gonna roll a stealth check for her oh out of the box ah would have been better with out of the box but uh okay she starts quietly in her sandaled feet sprinting no i don't want you as well to go they start sprinting across and they make it to the other side uh the back side of the building there all right seeing them go i'm gonna make my way to that spot behind the wood pile okay uh make a stealth check please absolutely not my best work that's a six jesus okay all right uh yeah you you make it over there and while you kind of kicked up some stuff and made a little bit of noise coming in behind the wood pile um you're not sure if anything noticed you uh however as you get up along the building you do hear something and it sounds like footsteps behind you like pushing down grass grass you know like kind of that like soft hiss as you hear the blades as they get pushed down like in tall grass you hear that oh no what do you do uh it's like directly like kind of north of me or yeah it feels like it's coming from directly behind you along the side of the building there yeah cool uh if i'm hearing that um and i look out and laura is invisible and cephel is still somewhere behind the great skull um i'm just gonna gonna kind of keep walking and wrap myself around the other side of like the corner um just kind of kind of keep it moving okay so you're gonna cut across the front door of this of this hovel as well yes okay yep after um after lara broke away from safel i will uh he probably he worked his way like up uh behind the skull he was going to try to like meet up with the group behind the hut and saw them cut right across so he's sort of at the edge here observing[Music] um the side okay sure sure do i do i see anything i'll say like i just got up there do i see anything i like i want to cross and meet up with them but it like does the way look clear make a perception check or investigation either one oh god uh investing i'll leave it in your hands investigation is way [ __ ] better uh 17 for investigation you don't think there's anything over there however you do hear what sounds like and you see like indigo rush around from behind this like wood pile and kind of like looking behind them uh for a quick second you do hear that kind of like even softer now that soft what sounds like someone walking through grass can both of you make wisdom checks for me wisdom checks sure yes just just straight wisdom yeah i'm just double uh uh technically an insight check okay that's a 15 for indigo okay i have too many [ __ ] dice in the same place no i like i keep rolling it and it's rolling on top of the others and like going all over the place okay uh so close to a natural 20. uh 16 16. okay you both realize that this is some kind of mimicry of someone there's not anything actually there it doesn't you realize it because you realize there's just not enough almost like weight or substance to the sound of the steps that you're like that's not real but it sounds really [ __ ] close like like close to the actual sound of a real not that you know something else is there okay if safel makes that identification he is going he's gonna move across i would say to behind the log pile where where indigo just was he's not going to go all the way behind the building because he still wants a good eye on things um so i'll move up behind that log pile okay make a stealth check for me please all righty uh while he's rolling that lara you you can see the others moving about you saw indigo get behind the wood pile and then cross in front of the building and now you see safel kind of running up uh what are you doing as you're noticing this but very quickly brendan what'd you get there uh safel trips over the logs and topples half the pile mm-hmm it was a natural one oh it's a three total if that counts that changes anything my gosh wow yeah the danger's gone past my friend don't even worry about it but like i see i imagine he like he comes up behind it and he's like crouched against it and tries to like peek out to get an eye on on indigo and just puts just too much pressure on a couple of the logs and like topples them over each other yeah you indigo uh stool lobota lara like everybody whips their heads around just like staring daggers at you sorry uh and you all hear a voice coming from inside the hut no no no no no don't be shy just come inside say hello i have nice warm tea and treats that's all you hear i feel like indigo is just making like eye contact with as he's like draped over the wood file like yep cephel is going to he's just gonna he already [ __ ] outed himself there's no hiding here he's gonna cross the rest of the way and get up next to indigo uh there's a stature is this statue filling the entire space could i squeeze in to that spot or it it'd be a very tight squeeze but in like unless you were climbing on the statue it'd be be a little little much okay i will i'll like press up against the side of the building on the other side of the statue then so there's like it's indigo in the corner and that of like a frozen petrified corp spot in between us sure sure uh indigo and sephel what's your passive wisdom larry you go ahead and give me that as well pretty sure it's just a ten you're technically your past perception i should say it's a ten nine ten nine sixteen sixteen yeah that's right [ __ ] clerics yep wisdom um okay wow uh well luckily for all three of you you feel like something is staring at both indigo and safel like you feel like something is definitely watching you from very close by however you cannot see it and lara you notice that like from both indigo and siphel's kind of stance you hear a this kind of hissing coming from nearby them from nearby them mm-hmm i'm gonna take one more look over at safel i'm gonna give him like a nod and i'm gonna step over to the door uh to the house and i'm gonna try the knob it turns and do you put any weight behind it to like open it up i push it on open okay oh boy i'm if he's if he goes through the door i'm going to be right behind him indigo you open the door and inside you see a pretty decent little home in here some of the most uh interesting features that catch your eye in this room is that on the western wall i'm standing against the wall uh between two windows there is a large statue depicting a human male that is very very large probably three four hundred pounds um and they are kind of just like standing straight back and uh with their arms kind of outstretched uh palms facing upwards and to the immediate right of you is a a very thin statue of a creature with these uh bent back legs kind of like a like a dogs or like a frog's kind of legs and it's sitting in a squat with these long arms and these long clawed fingers and this skeletal kind of feature with like what looks like taunt's skin you can tell through the the stonework here it comes up into what looks like a skeletal face with long hair uh stone hair kind of draping backwards over its back and two very large horns that come out from the temples and bow upwards and come out to points on the far north wall you see a very nice organ uh in place with dozens and dozens of lit and unlit candles set atop it and uh to the right of that organ uh kind of moving to the northeast of this of this room you see that there is a uh uh i believe it's called the shays the kind of like a um uh a weird shaped couch everybody can look it up i don't know how exactly to describe it other than it's got like one rest arm and then it kind of slopes down it's what people stereotypical therapy coach there you go thank you that's a very good descriptor um whatever it is yes i will say yes sam yes that is it uh there appears to be in its of a like dark gray kind of black color it appears to be very old some of it seems to be kind of like ripped up a little bit you see that there is a couch you see that there is a very large bare skin rug there is a very ornate looking uh chair with a footstool which is here you see that there is a great big hearth here that is barely lit and a side table here there is another statue in the far northeast corner depicting a woman in a fine gown uh and that's all you can truly make out until unless you step in there further but you see that there are small kind of uh lanterns hanging along the walls illuminating this large room uh yeah uh indigo is gonna go ahead and step inside um safel is right on his heels wow okay a lovely a lovely house you have here whoever you are wherever you are thank you oh well uh just for sounded like we described it but i want to be as accurate as possible the door opened inward correct yes okay i don't know where it where it it's it's important don't worry about it oh okay yeah it it opened inward um and as you guys step foot in there you actually stop hearing and feeling that presence staring at you you laura however feel like something is now approaching your area uh and indigo and sephel you like look towards the north wall by that organ and you can see lobota and like holding up stools so his two kind of like eye holes are peeking in and they're like looking at you like what the [ __ ] oh they're gonna they're gonna love the next thing so yeah safel is going to close the door okay he's going to uh it's not a spell actually so just the ability he's going to use his adjust density and he is going to half the weight of this statue on the right side of the door okay he's going to look to indigo and say uh he's going to say help me move this and he's going to get on the side and try to start moving the statue in front of the door ooh interesting i like that uh cool me as me as a dm very pleased cool cool work uh me yeah me as a player yeah the the owner of this home is not currently pleased they you hear the voice kind of reach out there is no need to the door all guests are welcome here and how may your friends outside join us uh just a little bit of redecorating uh indigo is gonna definitely help with that and um oh there's a lot of nice windows here i would prefer that you don't move my statues or break through my windows or you will no longer be very welcomed guests yes that's very sorry about that we'll be we'll clean up as soon as we are done are we are we moving the statue is it something like is it a are we it's part of the map but yes sure you move the statue it takes a good bit of effort but i will say that yes you move it in front of the door as soon as it is in front of the door i drop concentration on the adjust density and return it to its regular weight cool all right yeah it you hear it grown the wood floor groan as the statue settles back uh into into place and i'll look to indigo one more time and say if you have anything left to prepare do it now we just sealed ourselves in the belly of the beast well now i i why that was very neat so fell but this lady hasn't done anything wrong to us we're just a little concerned ma'am again i still can't see you um that's fine we have just heard some very disquieting things from lady leboda and i would love for you to come out and maybe let's know your side of the story mute who are certainly puzzles to me one of you more so than the other unclaimed i would say well i'm not sure what you mean by that you are a pawn that much is clear to me and like since you guys can't see her you have no it's just like me without the camera on right now you have no idea which one of you she's addressing right so [ __ ] weird[Laughter] i can smell them upon you very interesting why have you been chosen by such a curious this shall take much pondering and the other one i feel many forces about you just a little push a little nudge in whose arms may you fall amongst i really wish your other friend would join us in here i would very much like to meet the vassal of such an astonishing figure apologies we don't have time for the palm reading[Music] now if you would be so kind as to drop this charade and show yourself we've had enough invisibility you come into my home you move my very distinguished guest and statue you do not politely introduce yourself and you expect me to show myself to such hostile people i think not i do have one counterpoint we entered with invitation this is fair that's all i i did invite you very very true you have an interesting mind i wish i could see more of it i'm going to cast detect magic okay you detect magic how what's the radius on that again uh it is 30 feet 30 feet radius ah okay you detect magic outside probably about 20 feet away from you you do not detect any other sources of magic currently outside and the i'm gonna guess that it's probably illusion but what is the um make sure i can yeah that's exactly right you detect illusion uh you can see a faint or around any visible okay and you learn in school of magic if any because correct me if i'm wrong here detect magic allows you to pick up the presence of spells right uh so i sense the presence of magic within 30 feet if you sense magic in this way you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic obviously it's not visible so i don't see an aura but i do detect the magic uh yeah okay and then i will say yes you you detect that there is illusory magic about 20 feet away from you outside okay interesting but nothing inside nothing inside from where you currently are yeah interesting um well if you'd like i'd be happy to introduce myself ma'am um please i'm uh indigo honeydew of the wandering abbey uh lately i've been studying um underdog flora and fauna but though i have some some cultural um you know writings as well but not nearly as pronounced um i would love to make your acquaintance i have met some of your kind before in fact i think one of them still resides here but it was many years ago oh [ __ ] would you like to see them i i would very much like to see them um where are where are they well you would have to move the statue as we do have to walk outside towards the southern side of my aisle um i i am certainly interested but i would you mind tell me your name before we take a walk together it's maven delve you may call me madam though is is maven your first name or title yes fair enough um have you been turning people to stone here only those that weren't very kind house guests see glare has quite an awful stare oh is that the name of your little friend yes you're very perceptive oh thank you indigo you then feel that voice next to you in your ear i have something i'd very much like to show you um and uh what would that be madam you must go outside did you see my altar upon the southern side of the aisle when she says that indigo like looks directly into the spot where the sound is coming from what kind of altar is it it is an altar of many things that can show you true sights beyond your wildest dreams indigo honeydew i think there is much that can link us together oh um well that's very nice perhaps perhaps we could have a very nice conversation if you would um maybe just tell glare not to look at us and maybe we could sit down um we have some rations we could share with you i had some cook's utensils i've been dying to try out i mean maybe we have a nice little luncheon together he will detect magic stays up for 10 minutes if i if i choose has anything else pinged uh yes you you know in a way okay you[Music] uh what is it what would it be under you sense the the presence of enchantment magic coming from right beside indigo enchantment magic interesting okay i'm pretty sure that's the correct school of magic um yeah and he he's the only one hearing this part of the the voice correct or is it still sort of just you can you can hear his voice you cannot hear the other one okay so okay all right you have been made this weird offer to go to see this this statue on the south side laura you do not sense the presence of whatever or wherever the creature the basilisk that you assume was kind of hanging out outside is what are you doing laura well i originally heard it between me and stefan indigo when they were outside the door right and now i don't know where it's at and i don't care nope okay i want to keep my head on a swivel um i want to like keep looking major majority of the time where i last heard it and i want a ready an eldritch blast uh and i'm just gonna keep reading in eldritch blast and i'm gonna fire the eldritch blast when i see it okay sure so you're kind of keeping an eye on the the the doorway entrance area and should it appear you will fire away okay uh jumping back inside then indigo and safel uh what's going on safel is safel is getting frustrated and also just trying to get a gauge and as little just a sliver of control or benefit in this situation um he's going to slowly start walking across the room and talking while he does so you have a wonderful abode and i appreciate your invitation but while you tote about courtesy and politeness of your guests what kind of hosts hides themselves six their pets on their guests keeps their guests against their will there is no entertainment or hospitality to be seen in this place if you wish to impose values set an example otherwise and he crosses at this point he's gotten to the window next to loboto and stool otherwise you look out the window no he doesn't look out the window um he says otherwise we will follow your example and he takes his staff and he's going to smash the window okay all right you you smash the window uh and you hear the the woman's voice once again go now that was very unkind pet sick upon you i do not think so i merely made him invisible so that you would not harm him i had no intentions of letting him harm you now mrs laboda tried to steal from me and i will not have my things taken and i imprisoned the thief till i found a better way of dealing with them now you have come into my home under my invitation you have moved my furniture smashed my window and i have felt threatened so i will not show myself but i think you will find yourself in very much pain and i need you to make a wisdom-saving throw there safel okay with the d4 because i am still blessed correct sure sure how long does that bless last for there andrew uh like that is a minute oh [ __ ] oh then that's gone baby that's gone in a minute you said wisdom saving throw wisdom saving throw oh boy let me check something real quick uh i'm i'm going to guess this isn't a disease or a poison no yeah[Laughter] yep i am i am looking and nothing is to my benefit so that is an 11. that's a fail uh let me just finish us up here taking off all the bless and going to this god-awful spell uh[Music] oh my god what does safel fear what is their worst nightmare[Music][ __ ] self-incrimination man um yeah what is safel's worst fear well while you're figuring that out yeah roll some stuff i think i mean it's kind of like that that uh first madness situation i think i think just being in a situation where he is completely vulnerable and with no control[Laughter] well don't have to worry about that you take 25 points of psychic damage oh my god [ __ ] are you still up yeah i'm still up you are also frightened yeah as you feel like you try to like draw upon your magics and like you're looking down your in your hands in like horror as like your fingers won't move like your your tentacles in your lips or cannot move to form the magics and you just feel the stabbing pain in your in your head um you you have taken a horribly nasty spell uh and you are now frightened okay yeah he like he wished yeah go for it um so frightened you have disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws while the source of the fear is within your sight so while you can't see her you're okay or i mean obviously role play wise you still freeze them she she does appear don't worry i'll show you yeah i just have to go back to the gm leia you see this figure up here from behind this door that lead that leads into another room and you see that their arm was outstretched the silver mask the nice yellow kind of golden dress the long flowing brown hair and they start walking towards you indigo as cephel what are you doing in this frightened state i think i mean with that worst fear in mind and the magic's not working in this searing pain like i think he stumbled back against this corner like back away from the window like stumbled backwards against the wall and is like cowering like up against the wall looking at his hands his feet like long fingers are vibrating like nothing is working and he is terrified has no control over his mind it's like yeah complete shock and fear indigo you know see this woman start approaching you her she kind of like folds her fingers together in front of her and she's slowly walking towards you indigo i'm very sorry to have done such a thing to your friend but he did smash my window and did insult me if it is all right with you i would still very much like to show you my altar i think you could learn a great deal from it indigo's gonna look her dead in the eyes if you've promised not to hurt any of my friends again i'd love to see your altar i will make this problem in the go and then you can hear her voice now lara and both stool and lobota but if any harm should befall me promise is broken fair fair very well and she comes up to you and she walks up to where the statue is in front of the door and just kind of waves her hand and it scoots across and moves back into its place and then she motions her hand once again and the door flies open sephel crouched in the corner and she steps out and lara you see this figure up here and indigo do you follow uh i'm i i will i'm gonna turn back and as i do um i'm just gonna like look at safel and be like hang in there and i'm gonna give him a quick um healing word to like mitigate his massive damage loss sure but i want to give you a little bit of help on the way out uh you can make another wisdom saving throw there brendan okay and you get five points back oh gee thanks hey it put me back to double digits no seven yeah you're still in this panic you cannot you feel like you can't like you're like i feel the magic i can draw upon it for sure but i can't get my mouth and my fingers to do the verbal and somatic components i can't pull the materials i can't draw forth them um and but indigo you can see sephill so much worse moving their fingers and their tentacles are moving and like it's just like you have no idea they seem to be lost in their own world um lara you watch as indigo and this woman appear from this hut and they start walking and she starts leading you towards the beach indigo kind of like coming to uh the crest here and as you're both walking and laura are you what are you doing as they are making more and more distance away from you i'm just curious because i don't want to take anything away from you because you're you've still been on this well watching yeah so indigo comes out with this woman and lara she like sees it she like hesitates uh because it doesn't look indigo is in danger um but safel isn't there uh so she's like looking at indigo and then she's looking back at the house and she's kind of looking at both um i would like to sprint into the building to see where cephala is okay yeah you find him inside cowering in the corner like going on about how they can't move their fingers and stuff like that um yeah she will march right up to sephel uh lobota and stool climb in through the window as well like you guys are now all kind of in a huddle around safel um what happened i i i don't i don't know he he was fine he smashed the window and then all of a sudden he just start collapsing into this fit um so now you can make another saving throw i have nothing i i do not understand magics like mechanics i know um if if this is a extenuating scenario where because of the state he's in uh it causes it to drop anyway i'm fine with that uh i did make a concentration check to keep up uh detect magic um and did succeed but if we just wanna like if his magic is not working if he is actually just like down i'm fine with just dropping that and losing the spell it's uh man i'm gonna say just because of the nature that this was psychic damage when you are under a mental state of like a fear i'm gonna say you don't have it up just because of that if it was if it was a different thing i'd say like absolutely yes but just because of the nature of this particular spell makes total sense yes uh wisdom-saving throw okay that is way better uh 19. okay you all of a sudden you're just like ugh i can move my fingers i can speak this this like it's almost like a cloud has been lifted from your eyes like safel's eyes just like at this point he was probably i imagine he was just crouched in the corner like trying to get uh control of his facilities again as soon as he has clarity he snaps to lara[Music] you are letting her get away with him where are they going she will steal him um and he's like he's still he's maybe he's not frightened anymore but he is scared of this woman did she say where they're going the altar the south side of the island she's already left uh as soon as he says alter she's gonna start booking it out the door okay you start sprinting out the door and as you pass through it you hear like right next to you next to me you just hear it but nothing happens uh then i'm gonna keep running okay i want to go i know where the altar is right we saw it when we wrote in yep if you look to the very southwest of your map uh i will i am pinging it currently it's across the rickety bridge that you had passed under and kind of sits on that small island crest okay so i see that they're going the long way around i want to head for the like um indigo and this madam are going like the long way around toward where there's a bridge leading to this sorry i'm trying to describe it with listeners i want to go the opposite way where i would have to cross a bit of water but that's the way i'm going to go because it's quicker okay um you do see that like this is all this area over here is like cliffs so you would have to climb about 20 feet to get up there yeah it stands a lot higher wherever this kind of gray edging is on the map that is like cliffside i'm a buff [ __ ] i'm in it let's do it okay cool all right uh you dive into the water and you start swimming across make me an athletics check uh while indigo and this woman are walking around we'll we'll join back into their conversation here in a moment can i say something to uh laboda as well yeah absolutely because running so as laura runs out and like sephela's picking himself up off the floor he's um he turns to lobota you said you believe this woman had something of yours in her possession now would be the time to find it we may need it all right i'll try to find it uh and she kind of like sprints off across the room going to the door here i'm uh i'm gonna help her look like i will if this gear is as uh special as she she thinks it is i may be maybe useful um so i am going to i'm gonna pop up detect magic again um sure and and follow her because we need her let me just quickly double check something you do detect me uh something magical coming to the south of you you think it's probably 15 to 20 feet away actually you detect a couple different types of magics one of them is 25 and then you detect two other presences the larger one that's 25 feet away you detect evocation and the two other are actually kind of masked so you know that there is magic but you can't discern exactly what type and that's to the south that is all to the south the way that lobota is going currently uh you do not sense magic however you do smell something horrible oh god it's probably the pen all right he's gonna stop her before she opens the door the door's actually already open oh that's why like you can smell it gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah and considering where you're standing you can see into it a little bit and you see that it is what looks like there's a long table in there and it looks like it's some type of kitchen and the smell it smells like death like decaying grotesque horrible meats and stuff like that what happened to hansel no i'm gonna i will pass to to lady loboto that i have sensed magic um to the south of us is there is there a doorway there i know roll 20 map like there is more i don't want to assume anything there was a door right here okay but i didn't get anything from that door like everything i caught was beyond that door it was beyond that door and you know that the building kind of jutted out a little bit in that particular direct direction so you would assume that there is some type of room um you you said you mentioned this to lobota that you detect something to the south there yes okay yeah you have multiple magics sure you mention this to her and she just stands looking paralyzed into the room oh god i'm gonna cut like she's looking to the kitchen she's looking into the kitchen yeah i'm gonna come up behind her like put a hand on her shoulders if she didn't hear me and you kind of like and see what's beyond yeah you peer in as well and the details are a little fuzzy in here but to on the table you see that there is a large very large cleaver you see that there is fine silverware and cookware and there is a plate with many discarded forms of bones and you can immediately identify it as humanoid bones and you see to the south of it is a very very large pile of more of these bones and you can see what look like teeth marks across the bone but this is very clearly not where a monster or beast would be eating it is set up as like a human's dining room she's with a singular and eating people and gnawing on the bones tell them it's people silent green is people sorry that's a really old reference i guess you will i got you thank you uh and we're gonna cut back to some other people[Music] let's come back to indigo and our good friend maven delve you guys have been making your way across this isle and you are almost there to the bridge and as you've been making your way she's kind of making this idle chitchat she goes what do you think of my aisle indigo it's quite something is it not well yeah i mean there's all the the giant dragon skeleton that's pretty neat and um all the i could do without the people statues but you know that is understandable i find them to be far better guests now than they were before i always try to be kind to anyone who stumbles upon these shores but i have found that not many people care for myself or glare my basilisk all manner of things seem to find themselves attracted to this place i think it is because of the worm of bones i've tried many times to hide its source of power nature seems to thrive here i'm sure it's what brought you here uh i mean honestly we just fell asleep in our little rowboat and just kind of ended up here um that was kind of just a happy accident hmm how curious that you would be drawn here in such an odd circumstance i have not had such a guest arrive in in such a way well you know um when you have toro guiding your steps you know sometimes good things just happen to you oh you worship toro yeah um do you for a time i once did but now i find myself drawing upon many gods and and powers beyond i've i found that one voice was not enough to learn i have dedicated many years to understanding various parts of our universe well i mean you can be devoted toward and still understand a lot of the universe but you know you know different strokes different folks i'm not here to hoist him upon anyone well i appreciate that and someone else of your order the the other visitor said something of of the same vein and uh i found them quite enlightening for a time but then they grew angry and attacked me and that is why i now wear this mask oh no that's did they hurt your face yes i bear a horrible deformity now i i'm sorry i this is not what we're here for and you have now crossed over this bridge and you now stand upon the the aisle and you see at this altar that there looks like um i really want you to picture in mind that on the back side think stargate like there's this big stone loop with all these different markings about it and there's kind of like this large central dice with some stairs that go up to it and there's actually an extremely large five foot tall and probably about five foot wide cauldron um and there are all sorts of older candles that are welted on the four different corners four different pedestal corners around this altar in all sorts of different kinds of runes but also you see a lot of other interesting features not necessarily depicted on the map of you see large growths of fungi in one corner you see on another that the grass has kind of like pulled away and on one corner that there is a large collection of crystals and uh lichen and like algae it appears to be kind of wet and then in a on the uh other corner there is this odd kind of like black stone kind of like black marble except for the white streaks it's of this deep purple um and she kind of leads you you up towards the altar and she goes this is where i call out to them for guidance i'm sure you could as well call call out to who any gods that would hear me that would heal me of the harm done and have they um answered your your calls they have not yet and it wears on me and she like walks up to um the altar and obviously our tokens here are a little bit bigger uh but she kind of steps up to the cauldron she gives a wave of her hand and these logs that were underneath it a light and she goes i would like to try and call upon torah perhaps who might look on me kindly with your help i have not tried reaching to them before oh wow i mean you think we can we can talk to toro through this this thing what what is this this is what i've used to scry and contact other planes and through you and i we can most certainly reach their ears[Music] oh silly you don't need something like this to talk to twirl let me show you how please yes uh i will offer her both of my hands um palms up okay we're gonna very quickly cut back to laura here who[Music] did you did you roll the athletics check i can't remember yeah what'd you get and that one oh [ __ ] you've been sitting on that for like 10 minutes i know what happened to that buff [ __ ] [ __ ] it's a 5 chance there's nothing i can do you like you just went so headlong into it that you like dive in and there was actually like um a large rock underneath the water that you slam straight into as you dive it's like when you hit the bottom of a pool before you were expecting to when you dive in uh you take three points of bludgeoning damage gonna roll that concentration check on my visibility oh yeah you do that's an 18. okay yeah you're fine um and but i will say like you recover and you manage to swim over to the southern cliffsides here are you going to attempt to climb up yes okay make another athletics check uh uh nine you you at this moment aren't finding any good particular purchase as like your mind is still reeling your eyes are a little bit blurry after you hit that rock in the water you can you can try again uh yeah i mean i'm i'm not giving up so i think it's a matter of how long it takes sure for sure 15. okay you it takes you a little bit to find purchase and you slowly start making your your way up and by the time you have like reached the very lip and you are peeking over you see this this woman in indigo joining in hands you could hear their voices getting closer and they are like standing uh in front of like this altar and sure sure yeah um when i see them joining hands and and i'm not i don't think that this would be something that she would know i want to hex her okay read me hex just and so the listening audience knows it well it's a bonus action range of 90 feet concentration uh so i would not be invisible anymore so the the hope is that i'm not peaked over yet but like i'm looking uh yeah you're looking and you're like you throw a hand out to hex with them okay yeah you place a curse on a creature that you can see within range until the spell ends you deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target whenever you hit it with an attack also choose one ability when you cast the spell the target has disadvantage on ability checks made with the chosen ability okay and then basically if there's a way to like uh transfer the hex to someone else but sure i'm sure um yeah you do this and i how do you picture i almost in my my head uh you guys know how much i love hearing about how you describe your magic how does it appear how do you know your target is cursed do you feel it do you see something assembly upon them like i always picture like some kind of rune like being etched into the skin cinematically but like they have no notice or like yeah how does it appear i think it's i think it's a dark shadow i think that there is like um darkness behind her like maybe like a a shadowy figure st like of herself behind her okay yeah i like that peter pan's shadow but you have control over it and it's debilitating them yeah okay cool i mean that's just what came to my head i want to see the friggin fan art of this particular moment of like this woman in indigo joining hands lara reaching over the cliff and this shadowy figure behind him uh okay indigo take it away oh and i chose wisdom and you show us wisdom okay thank you uh indigo takes her hands into his um twirl you've watched over me my whole life you led me to the wandering abbey and now i find myself here and i know you wanted me to see this place because you brought me here as i called you before i felt this i knew this altar was here and now i've made a new friend i ask you to heal them the way you've helped me heal others oh twirl heart of the world master of storm sky and earth below please take us into your hands in this moment that we can hear your voice and know your right path uh yeah you feel torah uh you feel that kind of connection but you feel like she has acknowledged your call for aid but you feel a sense of no and uh maven delve kind of sighs and she's like see i even toro will not help me[Music] i do have another though and she starts chanting um what languages do you speak indigo uh just common elvish and goblin okay you feel that she there's like different languages that she starts chanting in and like the cauldron besides you starts to bubble and kind of roil and swirl and all of a sudden it looks like there's a vortex vortex inside of it and then she like opens or like it looked like it would be like she opened her eyes but like her head kind of pulls back because you can't see any distinctive facial features and she's like[Music] and she pushes you into the cauldron no no in indigo you find yourself very much just falling just just in pitch blackness you felt like this hot searing liquid and then nothing and then i almost picture like we're looking down kind of like that slow-mo or you know you see someone falling in a movie like and then you're gone[Music] and then you reappear[Music] and you hear this horrible howling wind that's like ripping at your clothes and you find yourself as like you're blinking your eyes you see a stone floor beneath you and you see like the sandy wind hurling by you hurtling by you i should say and as you kind of like look up blinking the sand kind of picking at your eyes you see kind of through it what looks like some kind of very tall form with what looks like some kind of white shroud ripping about them and i want you to do two things for me there indigo i want you to roll me a d100 first totally casual and fun[Music] that is a 32 a 32 okay uh just checking my sheet here oh[ __ ] okay this is so much fun all right roll me a d20 yeah no this is this has the potential to be so cool or very bad[Music] with that delightful knowledge that is a 16. hey that's half of your first number this is going to be great i don't like that he's turning his video back on for this i want you to see my face um jumping very quickly back to laura you see this woman throw indigo into the cauldron and her voice changes may you look kindly upon me gods demons devils take this soul give me more give myself my sisters and you see this illusion drop and you see this long white hair this horrible pale green skin this long bent green nose and she like reaches into the cauldron and pulls out what looks like bones and viscera in her hands she's feast upon his soul[Music] and we're back at indigo and from what you can discern of this very large form walking towards you they appear to be of kind of a womanly guise[Music] but you just hear screams and torment all about you and it seems like the figure keeps shifting underneath this this shroud that is wrapped all about them and it looks skeletal in nature and then you see like their arms come outwards and you start feeling yourself being pulled off the ground and like everything on you and that you possessed is just like being stripped from you and then you start hearing that language that you heard from demogorgon it starts chanting something and you can't understand it but you see certain things starting to swirl about you most specifically you see your mimic[Music] it starts being like pulled apart into its true like horrible purple toothy eye forms looks like it's being twisted and bent and then you see it just come upon you and it's like on your face and consuming you and your whole body in it you just see it from the outside both the mimic and indigo becoming this one kind of amorphous form bending and moving like clawing outwards we see a horribly shaped hand and then the leg pushing out from another point his voice chanting and then we're back with laura and maven delve and we see uh safel lobota stool as they're looking upon this form and they hear a hiss from behind them[Music] and the scraping of many talons upon the floor and we hear this large explosion as the cauldron bursts and both miss delve is thrown backwards and we see that amorphous form[Music] clawing out from what remains of the cauldron and it's like bending back into what looks like this portable purple flesh and when a mouth comes to its fanged and gruesome the eyes that were once pure red a moment ago and multiple of them in the shape of the mimic solidify into one and just and lara you see indigo in the flesh standing there as they kind of rise up[Music] and that's where we'll leave it this time what the [ __ ] i'm sorry what i'm sorry what[ __ ] jesus no what did you do[Music] hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have one more second we would adore you if you could leave a rating and a review in whatever podcaster you're currently listening in the ratings and reviews are astronomical when it comes to growing the show because it's what gets us noticed for new listeners so if you have just a moment to do that please do and we also have a twitter facebook and instagram if you want to give us a follow it's at the madness table and if you've noticed we are now posting weekly episodes because of supporters like you so if we haven't said enough thank you and we will see you in just seven short days for our next episode when[Music] you