[Music] uh so last time quite a bit happened you guys managed to kind of traverse the grounds outside this hovel trying to avoid the invisible basilisk uh and eventually as you got close to the house both indigo and safel heard what sounded like someone's footsteps running through the grass you were both able to deduce that it was some kind of mimicry of of uh someone running just kind of trying to spook you and you both kind of quickly ran into the house as you uh realized when sephill bursted into the log pile that the basilisk was almost exactly upon you uh so you guys ran inside moved the statue to which uh the the woman you whose name you learned eventually maven delve um was not too pleased about and with a little bit of conversation her calling you pawns and unchosen unclear of which and and the like uh there were some back and forth until safel decided he's gonna smash a window and he had crossed up to the north of the house by the the small organ smashed him window which lobota and stool were behind and then got hit with some type of spell which dealt 25 points of psychic damage and left him terrified um to which maven delve was then able to convince stool that while she would not harm him and nobody else would harm her she would very much like to show her altar and so the two of you traversed across the aisle while uh lobota and stool made their way into the house lara kind of sprinting off down towards the water to kind of keep an eye on both indigo and miss delve uh crossing the water and climbing the cliff if they got there the three others had investigated a little bit of the house uh sephill breaking away from the spells hold on them and detecting some magic in a small section of the house to the south that they have not yet explored and lobota discovered a horrifying kitchen filled with bones and the smell of decaying meat uh and as you guys had come upon that you heard the growling of the basilisk outside and then farther to the southwest of the aisle lara on the cliff managed to put a hex on miss delve and indigo and maven communed or attempted to commune with torrel uh in an effort to to help her from her horrible disfigurement and when toryl would not give this miss delve any type of help uh she said all right well it's my turn essentially to which she she called out to the various planes enacting a ritual and threw indigo into the cauldron and through it somehow indigo was torn in through a rift into another dimension or plane however you want to call it and was then horribly twisted from this odd large shrouded figure uh with the mimic and his the the pages ripped from his binder and kind of becoming this amorphous figure before reappearing bursting from the cauldron and reforming back into themselves um and we're gonna start off immediately with initiative but as that happens maven delve immediately like cries out at the reforming and to go how how have you been chosen do you know how long i've tried to contact die and here we go at the top of the order because we pre-rolled here i'm gonna bring up some audio here uh i don't want that particular audio though um we actually have the basilisk at the top of the order oh boy and they are going to move but where will we know hmm[Music] they are invisible let's not forget okay uh that is the end of the basilisk glares turn next in the order we have lobota uh who was still kind of staring into this room turns back towards you safel and goes i don't know what to make this should we check the southern room uh seville sort of snaps himself from this like thousand-yard stair as well yes we have to move indigo could still be in danger uh okay and she then since it is still her turn that was all free action is then going to move five she's gonna move to the door and open it and as she steps into the room you see the basilisk up here and bite at her ah let me go ahead and show that yeah buddy she danger close danger will robbins uh in misses actually uh if this this basilisk appears biting out at lobota and loboto with like the supernatural like reflexes just manages to whip herself away just enough to avoid it and that's what she can see of the room i will not explain details until one of you is in there okay uh next up we have cephel okay uh i am going to so the basilisk appeared it's not in the southern room it's it's in the main house it's in the main room 10 feet away from you or 15 technically okay i am going to hopefully uh i'm going to avert my gaze and just look like i'm gonna look down at the no i'm not gonna look down at the floor hang on it's down there i'm checking something on it's petrifying glade gaze and you guys tell me because i think it's pretty cut and dry here it says if a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the basilisk and the two of them can see each other the basilisk can force the creature to make a dc-12 constitution saving throw if the basilic isn't incapacitated so i think that means you start off with i do just make that concept that's what i'm thinking that's how it reads to me no that sounds right i think because typically in a combat scenario i think you have to say that you're averting your gaze um but you couldn't see it before sure yeah no it it appeared and then i could see it so i i agree i would probably have to make the save and then any like turn after this i would have to say that i'm gonna i'm gonna hurt my gaze from it um but no that does make sense it did appear so constitution saving throw yep low dc i've already announced it okay uh let's see this isn't a disease uh and it's not it's not concentration so this is just a straight check our street okay all right natural 15 for a uh 18. okay then yeah you you managed to look away and avoid it okay um i am going to just pass by it uh it appeared i was i tore my gaze away from it and i'm just going to like look up kind of at the top of the door frame not looking down at it and i'm going to catch up behind lobota and try to squeeze you and get right in next to it all right cool uh can i so she it looks like she kind of stopped in the doorway can i squeeze past her to get into the room or is she blocking the whole way in um no i'll say you'll be able to squeeze by it'll just cause cost you an extra five feet of movement okay let me make sure just because it'd be like slow going you're like kind of pushing the buyer in a frenzy to get in yes did they get rid of the oh no they changed like the the icon for the measuring tool so i was there oh you should have plenty uh yeah no i'm just trying to figure out how much i have left when i get in the room so i'm going to squeeze by i have 10 because you have 30 right yep yeah so i'm going to get in the room and i'm going to like squeeze down uh one little bit south of her so i'm up against the western wall but i can see a good portion of the room okay uh and what you can see is that this is a very large bedroom this immediate thing about 10 feet in front of you is actually a cauldron um it's got these ornate legs and these kind of large handles that look like bat wings that come off of it and inside is this nasty looking red liquid kind of swirling in it slowly you see this massive i guess we could call it a king-sized bed you see on the northern wall so to kind of like your left if you're facing the bed which would be on the eastern wall you see a bookcase to the northeast you see what looks like a large chest to the immediate south you see another bookcase and then you are kind of on the remains of what looks like a broken desk and immediately next year is like a large bureau now i remember at the um or towards the end of the last session i had popped up uh detect magic and that's how i could sense that there were some things coming from this room i believe there was an evocation uh magic and then was it i can't remember what the second one was was it enchantment i believe so yes and those uh you can sense are coming from the chest the chest okay all right good to know uh as i get into the room get a view of things and sense that i will turn to lobota uh and let her know um the magic i sensed that chest there be careful it may be trapped like your cell was great i'm a little more worried about the basilisk behind me ah you're strong you'll be fine[Music] okay marty and dory nope i am not going to do anything okay oh that's a lie sorry i'm going to jesus i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry so this one spot uh on the outside of the door am i gonna hurt people no i'm gonna cast it back here so if i can see i'd probably only be able to see the corner of it but like my my vision into the room that i just left into the main room uh i would like to cast magnify gravity yeah i want to cast magnify gravity it is a 10 foot rate it like it's a 10 foot radius uh sphere okay i'm just going to stool there while i try to [ __ ] navigate this 10 foot radius for you i'm not saying that's where he is okay yeah you are if he's back there you would both get the basilisk and him but you would you'd be able to get the basilisk okay uh i don't want to be this kind of wizard but stool is also an npc and i'm trying to [ __ ] help so i'm sorry stool i'm gonna cast magnify gravity where that couch is you hate school no yeah but i'm not i don't like doing like oh okay yeah one of them can die yeah okay i don't like doing party damage but i need to [ __ ] do something to aid here so yeah magnify gravity uh stowed the basilisk and unfortunately stool i need to make a constitution saving throw please all right basilisk first uh that is a thirteen that is a fail okay so basis fails stool hearty boy that's cocked uh oh that's a natural one for stool oh no he hella fails uh so they both take uh not terrible damage because i'm only casting it at first level they take uh 10 points of make sure i'm saying this right 10 points of force damage and their speed is halved until the end of their next turn cool cool cool cool all right uh yeah but like stool just all of a sudden gets like a little crunched in he's like oh why does the air hurt um and the basilisk likes gets a little more hunched on all of its legs[Music] ah growling and hissing uh okay cool well now it's my turn this is when[ __ ] is gonna die tonight let's get up all these spells i got guys i've got spells spells [ __ ] guys well it's bragging again yeah i don't i don't know who on here you're expecting to be excited for you um yeah [ __ ] this guy i'm tired of listening she looks in horror at you indigo and she actually disappears you watch her as she like waves her hand and she disappears once again[Music] let's check something here let's just do a little chicken okay all right and she has disadvantaged my perception and insight if that's helpful yeah no she ain't doing neither of those things but thank you thank you for the reminder she she see just fine at the moment uh okay and that is their turn uh next up is stool yeah who's crinkling in pain uh but what are you gonna do what am i gonna have to do he could try to do this i feel like this is what he would try to do you're the [ __ ] dm man i'm just making him i know i know like it's weird going back and forth from like someone who's super helpful between and then two creatures that want to destroy you uh he's going to this is actually a very good test in neutrality yeah no he's going to attempt to use his pacifying spores uh which is an innate mike and id ability so uh if i haven't told you guys this before as an action you can inject spores at one creature you can see within 15 feet of you the target must succeed on a constitutional saving throw or be stunned for one minute the target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns ending the effect on it itself on a success the dc for this saving throws eight plus your proficiency plus your con um yeah you know in the dungeon master guide you can actually play a mic in it as a playable race yeah most people didn't know that yeah uh okay so my dc for this is 13. let's see what this basis can do let me get it stats back y'all are gonna be shocked when i play mike next uh for my next character after all this [ __ ] on stool yeah uh that was a natural 19 so the the basilis succeeds um but let's see if stool has any bonus actions right now no he doesn't but he is because he's a brave boy going to move up on the basilisk uh attempting to avert or he is averting sorry i should have announced that before but he didn't need to see to use his spores he just kind of does it in a cloud um so how does that he does but he doesn't have like eyeballs to you guys it just looks like sockets okay yeah it's it's complicated he's not fully grown eyeballs yet but he like sees in a way um okay stool is done laura you are up uh i would like to delay my turn until indiegogo's i want to go after indigo okay well sure uh next up is indigo then all right um so the scary lady has gone and disappeared on us i don't know lars behind me at least not yet nope i'm gonna go ahead and cast a second level healing word on myself okay all right that's that's nice that gets me back up to fool and then i'm gonna look around and i can't see her but if only i could i could smell her or i could hear her and then i'm gonna use my mimicry feature that i just got indigo smile is going to get wider and wider until it's unnaturally long and then like that tessellating back from that these purple strands are going to like wheel their way back as he gets like this amorphous shape and then it comes down with boom boom boom four paws hit the ground and i'm going to take my warg form all right so you see this like this woofish creature like this big like hunch category large creature with this long like purplish hair back and this long like mimic like grin and fun fact kids work to talk you can run but you can't hide i'm sorry where the[ __ ] do you get to be able to turn into a warg well if you want special powers you go through the interdimensional portals you just gave circle of the moon druids an inferiority complex you know that right and they'll stick sit down stay down and you said he's large yep what the [ __ ] surprise [ __ ] yeah where's my cauldron i'm putting crosstones uh all right i i've blown my action and bonus action um so i'm just gonna use my movement to like pace across this little like area in front of me just like prowling back and forth i will i will allow you because you um i will allow you a free perception check using your keen senses i think in this moment because of like what has just occurred to you and the the mimicry and the mimic that has now become a part of you essentially i think you are driven by this animalistic nature and you're like i'm here for my prey now kind of a thing absolutely all right i'm sniffing around i'm gonna use my keen hearing and smell which is an advantage on my perception check uh which didn't do me a ton of good uh that's a 13. you you get like a whiff of her from where she was but you you can't for the moment exactly discern where she has gone uh all right laura laura you're up lara is holding onto the edge of this clip and she sees indigo prowling back and forth across this aisle she's going to climb up fully so that she's standing on top of the aisle but she's going to crouch and she's actually going to move ten feet forward to hide behind the back of this altar um and then uh so she's basically like keeping her head on a swivel keeping an eye out for a crazy lady who went invisible and then with her action she's going to um hold out her hand and try to call upon the power of brats and summon hopefully some power in in in the form of what i think you want yeah okay all right okay this is gonna be great we have a quick flashback to laura as she has just been lifted by where i've now officially learned the true pronunciation of his name of grazit yes oops yeah i know it's i i messed you up this is what happens and our i'm sure our listening audience was just like oh god he's so illiterate ugh yeah d spelling is [ __ ] grass is so much better the grass it is like cheez-it oh man now you put that in my [ __ ] head and it's not gonna go away ah gross gross all right anyways now with that he's no longer this dark mysterious figure he's orange like a cheez-it he's a bisco product yeah no wonder he's evil anyway um we see lara being picked up off of this like watery surface and the yawning pit behind her from what she stared into and uh grotz as we'll go back to now uh starts to appear more corporeal we see those those horns and we see these dark obsidian eyes and this deep purple skin with these kind of like um almost black purple mixture of like tribal tattoos on certain parts of his skin that are visible we see a six-fingered hand and these long legs that at the knee bend backwards and then descend into kind of more of an animal-like um like limb until it ends at what looks like an elongated human foot also with six toes and as they pick you up they release their huge hand from around yours and they start to walk away and in the distance as you see them they almost seem to like walk up into the air you see what looks like a great dice and this large dark throne up here kind of uh coming forth from the midst of this area and as they go and turn and begin to sit you see what look like these shadowy figures all about you and leading up to this throne just kind of writhing and shifting and you can see like their faces like picture um you guys remember the the disney hercules when they're crossing the river sticks and you can just see like the souls like[Music] splashing out it's similar to that uh that kind of feeling um and as they sit you see this large large great sword appear underneath one of their arms and it comes down into a long wavy blade that ends with a fish hook type uh type tip that bends backwards and you can see this kind of black ooze shifting down the blade continuously and grotz looks at you and says laura dear please tell me something of yourself where do you come from i come from a small town one not well known by others a small family i don't i don't come from much if i'm being open please i welcome it i i grew up poor and found myself enlisting into a military brigade that is that is my my where i've learned all that i know where my strength comes from and where where i've learned to lead others no just to um justifies that or no wait better sate my curiosity you must have someone of a celestial nature in your family perhaps a parent or grandparent for you to have such fine wings and lineage no i think she looks kind of um reluctant uh when he says that i do oh yes absolutely do you mind showing them to me she's like uncomfortable um and then she uh she kind of like again i think she looks at where the her bottle would have been on her braid and then she just kind of like shrugs it off like mentally and then she will close her eyes and call forth her wings and so your your dark skeletal wings up here and you see them ah beautiful no you do not see the beauty and these powerful wings of yours it's rather unfortunate and they they rise from the seat and they walk back down the steps the large great sword stands still erected by the throne and as they walk down they tower over you at least four to five feet taller than yourself and as they walk around uh you kind of inspecting you but not with a critical eye more of um a a kind smile spreads across their face they say lara laravarama hmm do you see that and they wave their hand to the throne i do i sit upon this throne of debauchery and sin and it's piled so high by such base deeds that those who seek for its peaks find themselves laying within the depths of their stygian hearts i'm at the center of all i am every name cried in the night every carnal embrace jealous thought and he turns back to you i see your wicked desires and your darkest impulses that which you bury deep within yourself is laid bared before me none can hide from my gaze for i am born of all and they lean down and kind of point at you and they say i reside in your souls i am an eternal piece of everything some call me the dark prince of the abyss i am far more your revered angel's guides to the very ranks that you were once a part of your wings carried you forth to descend upon the damned as they did on us and the devils why do you think i'm locked away in the abyss for so long why do you think they fear me the weak fear the powerful that is clear it has always been clear yes they do they feel me within them gods tremble from their lofty planes as i touch them at their cores there's no escape and i have watched you for some time with great interest your deeds are known in my palace i think you and i we could accomplish a great deal together you've been wronged by those who feel themselves above you punished for crimes you've had no control over so have i i was crippled and tossed from the light of day for being a force of nature that none would care to look at shunned as a monster when that which makes me is a part of the foundation of creation that could be beautiful if left to breathe and be spoken of yourself a victim of circumstance far outside the reach of your control i know they left you to die that was no duty filled with honor an insurmountable obstacle they threw to one whom they felt expendable i was punished for what they said but they couldn't see yes you were groomed and placed perfectly for the fall they would have killed you lara and smiled over your corpse i felt it within them i have something for you something very akin to my own and they hold out their hands to you and they nod for you to extend yours over their hand uh yeah she does immediately mine is of a wave of sorrow and yours shall be and i'll let you introduce it lara's sword is named grief's beginning and as she holds it i think she feels this like immediate power and probably like um dark desire coursing through her um and perhaps uh it just feels like power to her whereas everything that she was probably the power that she had at the hands of which she was beneath cayenne felt different it felt um like work this this power that you feel you can sense a very large almost looming force behind it all absolutely where can you you felt it come and go and you really had to almost work to draw upon this it might actually surprise lara with how much this power suffuses within her so easily and almost naturally but your long sword appears very much in the same shape of their grass it's uh great sword and it appears in your hand and we find you standing behind the pedestal and you hear their voice once again whisper to you take this place lara the goal stands right before you secure it and we're back to your turn um yeah she she's gonna continue to hunch behind this altar um and keep an eye out for if she can see anything moving but that is going to be the end of my turn with my movement in action okay all right then we are back at the top of the order with the basilisk is this the episode where stool dies find out by continuing i'll make it happen yes you would yes you would um all right well they are going to bite at stool let's use this very nice blue metal dye that i have um may do it let's see stool has an ac of 15 so the basilisk actually misses stool with a bite and that is the end of their turn they're going to stay right there on top of them um and next up is leboda um she is she has the mace in hand she is going to uh she's going to actually step up and she's not going to be looking at the bass list so she's gonna be at disadvantage here with this swing um but she's going to swing out uh that's a [ __ ] die but the worst one is pretty bad wow i managed to roll one less so that was a four and a three if you can believe it um but that's plus yeah no she misses she definitely misses with a 10 total um and she keeps her eyes shielded but she has stepped up and take a taking a swing at the basilisk uh next in the order we have safel alrighty uh i am going to he's backed himself uh against the wall he took he's done a little bit to the basilisk but he's not risking uh front-facing combat with with the amount of hp that delve took out so he's actually going to stick to the room and focusing more on the chest than the basilisk i'm going to cast mage hand uh and a spectral uh oddly long fingered hand uh not unlike his own is going to appear in front of the chest uh and it's going to attempt to open it okay uh i will say you can clearly see that there is a lock upon it son of a [ __ ] okay sorry sorry well well he is going to uh summon the mage hand then and he is the the hand is going to do nothing could sit there still um it we could try to rip off the thing i don't that would that would have to be a pretty uh pretty shoddy lock do i have any bonus action no of course i don't why why would wizard have a bonus action spell um i don't know no that would be too much okay so yeah the only thing that i can do is um yeah i'm just gonna cast mage hand it's gonna be floating in front uh but not doing anything yet okay and i think that is that is my turn all right uh we are back to miss maven delve your invisible foe what shall she do she is going to how much does she got okay this is what she's gonna do okay uh all right and that is the end of their turn uh we are back with the stoolmeister[Music] who is oh stooly boy stooly my sweet sweet child um they are going to use infestation which is a cantrip uh they are going to release a cloud of parasitic spores and they are going to target the basilisk and they must make a constitution saving pro which will be so much fun for this guy here that is a natural seven plus that that is a failure so they're gonna take 1d6 poison damage uh and they're gonna have to move randomly in a five foot direction uh all right they're gonna take three points of poison damage and let's see who wants to roll a d4 for me i do i do roll a d4 laura uh four okay they move to the west so they actually take a solid step back incurring uh a taxol opportunities from both stool and laboda so let's do lobota first uh that is a natural nine plus seven that's a definite hit so she's one d6 that's a two plus five so she does seven points of damage to zeb and then stool is going to try and swing out with their fist which is not the best but it'll do nope that is a miss that was a natural six uh okay that is old stool's turn and he's like hey safal i got it i poisoned it did you see it i'll acknowledge you when it's dead okay also the gravity hurts[Laughter] all right indigo you are up you massive warg man all right uh i'm gonna take another chance at sniffing around i'm gonna try to use that big old working nose all right yeah make a perception check at advantage uh oh that's all right uh that's a 14. okay uh you finally pick up their scent and you know that they have run across the bridge heading to the east and you feel like they are i will say with that that you know like they were here um that's about like across the bridge and a little bit closer to the the kind of shoreline here on the aisle the other aisle the main isle how many times can i say that fast anyways yes all right uh cool uh and then i'm gonna go ahead and just race right after them with all 50 feet of my movement okay uh as you get there because i will say you're right on top of the scent now you realize that they have taken off into the water and you have lost their their scent but you can see what looks like splashing about[Music] about 35 feet away from you coming towards like the center of the water all right yeah i'm going to give out a howl uh and next turn i'm going to start moving again okay all right uh that is indigo lara you are back up you see indigo in this monstrous war form running across the bridge giving chase you would presume yeah um seeing that they are heading what looks to be back toward the direction she came from she is gonna dive into the water again okay you're you're running back the way that you originally went yeah okay um so i yeah you let me know what i gotta do here just make an athletics check let's see how good of a dive you can make it in here and if you take any damage from the fall because it is a a 20 foot drop ah it's an eight okay uh i'm not going to be cruel here uh all right you take two points of bludgeoning damage as you hit the water you you just you like just weren't quite able to get your hands up in front of your face super quick but you didn't take a whole bunch fair enough it was probably the sword in your hand that kind of [ __ ] you up going down yeah um but she is definitely uh keeping a hold yeah oh yeah aqua lara has been through worse um i think she can only get to the shore um i guess i know i can i can sprint you can double move yeah you can do what you want uh so she is booking it um toward the cabin but she's only about 15 feet off shore and i'll have to end my turn there okay so you have moved to the north and kind of uh awaiting where you believe the splashes are going to be coming towards all right we are back at the top of the order with the basilisk uh let me just double check on my spell here of infestation just to make sure it doesn't uh cause any other problems for it anytime it tries to move oh shoot i should have i i do a classic thing of i don't always read all the stuff so the movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks if the direction world is blocked and the target doesn't move well anyways uh it's fine the minimum was done uh all right they are going to run back in uh kind of staying away from the shimmering field of gravity and are going to attack lobota oh quick question lobota stepped into the gravity so she would take damage wouldn't she uh no it is not a continuous thing it's just for that turn the only thing uh well hold on let me i don't believe anyone's stepping in um no the the duration of the spell is only one round so okay great she would uh she would be fine all right um well the basilisk is going to try and bite her let's see here that is a natural one so nope she's good uh wow my gosh hey rolling like crap okay uh next up is lobota who is immediately going to try and retaliate by swinging the mace at disadvantage uh wow that was a natural 20 in a natural 16. so she's definitely going to hit here yep yes in your favor uh max damage 11 points of damage so she swings down you can see this like a little bit of anger kind of building in her what like her usual composure uh and you hear this cracks a fell as a couple of the spines that grow along the back of the basilisk actually shatter as the mace comes down to top it um yeah okay um that is their turn they are not backing down from this fight next up safel all right savelle is still analyzing the situation his spells are not working in his favor and he feels he needs to get into that chest uh he's going to look make sure that uh no one is paying too close attention he's going to open the collar of his jacket and he's going to speak into it and say the world was not ready for you until this point just like old times and he's going to pull the spider from the prison[Music] out of a protective fold in his coat that has somehow protected it against all natural disaster and a demogorgon uh safel yes curiously enough when you pull this spider out where it was kind of this large black and purplish kind of hairy spider you see that it is now of a bleached white color oh god it transformed with me and no it still appears just like a spider but yeah you notice that it doesn't move with the same kind of liveliness that it once did before and you notice that it's like exoskeleton has seemed to kind of like more calcified and it appears to be skeletal in nature what the [ __ ] okay and as you like you pull it out though like the eight little eyes that were there actually start to glow with kind of like this greenish color what do you want it to do all right then again but better and i will throw it towards the lock i want to throw the spider and have it land on the chest or at least somewhere in the vicinity if you chuck it there's another spider that has survived so much [ __ ] and it's just like it's now you're so awesome it just shatters against the wall how the [ __ ] old man well let's see on the roll ooh okay not bad uh i don't trust you though well you got to tell me the total so so it's a 14 plus zero but i'm going to use my last village okay uh i'm going to use my knowledge from a past life somehow my past person was was far more uh athletic than i was so i'm going to add a d6 to it okay okay all right that's a four so 14 plus four with no modifier so it's an 18 total uh this spider like curls up into a ball like they like spiders do when they're killed or whatever so it's all nice and tight and you throw it like a baseball and it just like folds its legs back so it looks like a torpedo sailing through the air across this room and it's just like slow motion just and then just lands perfectly on the log uh okay what do you want to do at the log so i believe i tried to do this with the prison cell when i first got it and it went terribly i wanted to try to climb into like push its legs into the lock and try to push open the lock okay uh all right sure sure uh go ahead and roll me a sleight of hand check then using their dex modifier okay as it starts to stick its weird uh skeletal legs inside the lock trying to push the the pins about push whale arachnos natural 19 21 oh no always name your spiders before you use them you like feel through this weird connection this sense of satisfaction both in the spider and yourself as you hear this audible click and the lock no[ __ ] falls away but as it like climbs off the lock and stays on the chest you just hear[Music] as a fireball detonates right there incinerating three quarters of the room and you just like just slow motion the spiders just in bits flying everywhere and i just picture like your tentacles are flapping backwards over your face just from the force of the blast um never name your pets before you use them the good thing is you don't detect the evocation magic anymore um good news but but um go ahead and make a perception check just for fun okay with my with my no modifier[ __ ] not great uh eight okay no worries because i rolled a d100 to see what would happen with this[ __ ] spider you want to know what i rolled what a 69. hey that's the sounds nice this is the sex number and so in the spirit of this funny funny role you see these tiny scorched pieces of spiders starting to come back together on the floor and it reanimates uh and it stays there for the moment and cephel just looks at it and and this urge from another cringy ass world just makes him say nice uh all right well it's definitely done with your turn yeah i'm satisfied it is maven dell's turn oh oh miss delve we have so much going on here for you what do you want to do to these poor lowly creatures that have attacked your island but you've also thoroughly bamboozled um they need that to happen so they you uh both uh andrew and sam go ahead and make uh free perception checks for me just so we can have some fun with the narrative of the story so everybody at home gets to know that's an eight that's a three okay um you see the bubbles in the middle of this this cove area disappear and you now have no longer any kind of clue as to where this hag maybe uh and that is the end of their turn okay we are back with stool so stool here they are going to[Music] first spell that comes up good barry he throws a good berry at the basilisk it's okay we're friends um they are they are going to use chill touch and they are going to reach out with this uh kind of what look like appears like a fungal hand and touch this basilisk let's see i gotta make a range spell attack pretty old stool that's an actual 14 plus four less than 18 that's a hit all right uh 1d8 necrotic damage that's five points of necrotic damage uh the skin the scaly skin starts to blacken uh where it got hit uh and this basilisk is not looking great uh and that is the end of stools turn we are now at indigo all right all right um what's the work to do he go run he's going wrong real fast rose so fast yeah you can you double move you get a hundred feet don't you yeah so i'm gonna like indigo is gonna here like almost making it almost equal to laura who just like jumps across like a 10-foot gap um we're gonna have to nerf him at some point the patch notes they haven't been received yet they fear my power yeah in like the course of of 12 seconds this warg went from to sprinting across the bridge to reaching the waterfront and then basically doing a 180 degree spin around this cove uh in the matter of 12 seconds so that's pretty freaking intense yeah you want to know something pretty cool oh god i could have done that with laura on my back i'm a i'm a mount hey[Music] what the [ __ ] didn't you get what probably just the nature of the work so jesus christ category a large yeah i'm the best but uh that is in fact all i have for you i just run real fast because i okay all right lara you are up you are on the beach you see warg indigo come careening around and you do not have eyes on where the hag has gone all right uh laura's kind of um a little wary of this indigo is he looking at me i don't know is he need to go looking at lara indigo uh he's definitely glancing in her direction but he's like most like pawing at the waterfront like looking into the lake trying to find any like sign of the hag okay that's a good sign all right um uh lara is going to move um kind of between like she wants to get to the part of the shore that is uh right in front of the path leading up to the cabin um and she's going to she's got her great sword in one hand and then with her free hand she's going to eldritch blast in a straight line through the water okay um what's your before you do that though what's your passive perception for me again nine okay yeah never mind then uh you launch this eldritch blast uh which does it look different now with your new patron oh yeah before it was like um you know stormy lightning and crazy lightning yeah and now it's like it's just kind of like blackness okay like a a pillar a pillar of dark shadows like just like um bursts forth from her hand nice i like it uh okay yeah you blast across the lake and there's like these this small ripple across and waves of the water like whisking away as the bolt flies across and keeps going until it disappears from view okay um that's all i got that'll be the end of my turn for now all right uh back up at the top of the order the basilisk is going to they are what are they going to do here i got to make this interesting passage personal specialist what's your intelligence oh they don't have much so never mind[Music] they are going to bite at lobota uh that is a natural eight plus that oh actually that's exactly a hit so they are going to take lobota is going to take 2d6 damage that is that is eight points of damage oh eight points of piercing damage and then there's poison damage so let's get that all in these juicy things no it's okay you can forget that one wilfred she takes nine points of poison damage uh as this vassal sinks its teeth its dripping maw into her thigh and she kind of yells out with pain and they are as in immediate retaliation because it is their turn going to start smashing down upon the basilis head as it is still gripping onto her leg that's a natural 15 that is an absolute hit because she's a boss and that is for that is nine points of bludgeoning damage to it and this basilisk finally let's go and it is looking really rough um okay next up in the order is safel all right before you do anything okay you notice something or do i you do because it's kind of hard to friggin miss the cauldron in this now half scorched room with this kind of red liquid begins and you see like this kind of pinkish vapor starting to uh bubble up from within it uh and kind of swirling within the room um and that is all you notice okay uh i'm going to take note of that i will not dismiss that knowledge however uh i am going to run across the room quickly uh sort of like reaching down and scooping up arachnos in the process like as he's like putting himself like back together and like i imagine his legs that were like twisted or like snapping back into like straight position uh scoops him up off the ground and i'm going to uh fling open the chest that has now been unlocked and disarmed is a terrible word for what happened but i'm gonna say disarmed okay uh you fling it open and you see a small collection of things you immediately notice that there is a decent amount of silver gold and gems within the base of this chest okay you see that there is a vial containing a kind of uh i believe it's a bluish type liquid um and you see what looks kind of like a satchel of a dark leather-like material and you see uh a horseshoe and that is all you see uh which one of those was giving off enchantment magic um i have to double check on one of them but i can tell you right now the bag is definitely giving off the enchantment as well as the the file as well okay okay all right so yes i will uh i will use my action then to um i will pick up the items within unless the action is like i can grab one item um i will say you can grab uh the three main items that you see inside uh the all the gold gems and silver that will take a little bit of time yeah no that's fair he would he would probably uh stall that for a little bit of time anyway that's a little bit more time consuming and not as important so he will grab the standalone objects and he will how much movement did that take for me to get there that would have been i think it was 20 feet actually when i was measuring for arachno so yeah he is going to no he's going to stay right there he's going to be right next to the chest okay and uh just double checking because i was quickly double checking something did you grab the three items yes i did okay great good to know uh all right so that is the end of sephel's turn we are back to maven delve oh maven things are looking a lot better for you now um you see that inside the glow of the cauldron starts to get brighter and you all hear this voice outside going sisters i call upon you give me your strength so i might strike down these wicked ones uh and she reappears here and she is going to yeah i think she's going to do this she's going to fire off a lightning bolt at indigo oh yeah a stroke of lightning forms uh within a hundred that's 100 feet long five feet wide and lights out blasts out from you in a direction you choose so you need to make a dexterity saving throw okey-dokey all the times i've wanted to use lightning bolts it's never fun being on the receiving end that is a dirty 20. okay you uh succeed so you're going to take half of 86 lightning damage that's a lot of damage yeah it's like it's it is the straight line variant of the aoe fireball okay let's get the total second not to mention she's probably up casting because we have no idea what level this this is okay you take 16 points of lightning damage and all across the ground leading up towards you is just now charred grass and moss uh and it kind of uh burns into cinders she goes you will not have my home you will not kill me i will have your powers i will gnaw upon your bones you are mine and that is their turn and we're back with stool did i do i hear any of that or did i know like oh yeah you can hear her yelling okay do okay that's all yep nope you hear no worries on the micronoid yep the the stoolmeister is going to do a another chill touch here uh so let's see oh and that's range so i need to do that at disadvantage i totally forgot about that well that's a 16 and a 17 so he makes it no problem friggin stool beast it's 1 d8 damage that is i'm just double checking here yeah it's just the 1d8 uh it takes 4 points of damage and this basilisk is on its last legs it is limping its jaws uh okay we are done with the stool and they're like okay i've almost got it indigo you are up all right a scorched purple stranded warg looks down at maven dell you don't claim no more from this brotherhood uh and i'm just gonna move right at her uh and go ahead make an attack okay all right uh that is a 14 plus 5 it's a 19 to hit that is a definite hit so that's seven points of piercing damage and i need her to make a strength saving throw oh [ __ ] okay oh oh you know what this ain't a bad save for me that is a 17. and that does say she's able to keep her footing and not be knocked prone that's such a scary ass image like does that intimidate lara this medium-sized green hag with this huge warg bearing down biting her and she just like grabs the jaw and just throws him off of her she's intimidated and also incredibly grateful that he is attacking her and not laura well it's lara's turn now what's she doing uh lara is going to um sprint forward with her sword in both hands um and run right up to the hag and come down with that blade okay let's see that is an 18 to hit that is a hit i'm sorry i don't usually use this dye what does it say uh that is a uh seven points of slashing damage okay all right she she takes that and she uh she was looking at the the marks of the teeth that have bitten into her and this kind of black blood starts oozing out and then you come over and you slash across her uh and she just i'll have you child all right is that the end of your turn yes okay we are back at the top of the order the my poor poor basilisk oh wait i'm sorry um yeah she takes 1d6 necrotic uh one point of necrotic damage thanks to the hex okay all right she's just like oh oh what was that it has to put a little prick there it's like it's like when you move too quick and you get that lightning bolt that runs down your neck like through your shoulder exactly exactly[ __ ] um all right basilisk here they are i'm gonna get creative here they are going to attempt to knock prone by shoving stool so it's gonna be a strength contest here uh does someone want to roll for the mighty stool yes yes i do roll me at d20 for uh their their strength here oh man i let's duel down guys oh [ __ ] well they they had a good plus three modifier however i rolled a natural 16 uh plus three so this basilisk hops a top stool pushing them down and then focuses their eyes right upon the sockets of stool uh and when it becomes stool's turn they're gonna have to make a save no ifs ands or bots um i'm just gonna put this in the show notes indigo kills stool no no that is a that is a very important uh piece of information we need to make sure that the listening audience knows how it happened indigo was a hundred percent responsible for the death for kind of murder like if we want to be oh yeah the murderer manslaughter mushroom slaughter mushroom slaughter definitely yeah anyways it is lobota's turn who is going to grab grip that mace like it is a golf club and is going to swing at that basilisk trying to get it off of stool yeah let's see here likes a nice basilis steak cocked died that is a nine plus seven so that is just a hit[Music] and she effectively crushes it in the side of its face and it like scooches across the floor and it is dead yes didn't kill school what up stool's just like oh my gosh thank you ms lobota i thought i was gonna die and weirdly i felt like it was someone else's fault if it happened and on his last breath the wind whispered[Laughter] in the wind cried indigo cool hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have one more second we would adore you if you could leave a rating and a review in whatever podcatcher you're currently 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