[Music] welcome to the madness team where we're joining combat already in progress and now on with the show uh all right safal you're up all right uh safel is going to uh so he he heard the the crunch but wasn't aware of what happened yet he is sort of going to dash back to the door uh see that the basilisk has been uh its skull has been obliterated um and he's going to he's going to take a quick look back over his shoulder at that bubbling cauldron how it started to like foam and and bubble more violently specifically as as she appeared uh and he is going to say i know you got mad at me the first time but i just can't help a little vandalism and he's going to step up and he's actually going to like shoulder check the cauldron and try to knock it over okay uh make a strength check okay because i'm so good at those all right what time am i going with you rolled well first you did you've been treating me well i have a problem cocked uh natural 18 4 and 18. okay you smash into it very very hard and it does not move oh [ __ ] like captain america trying to pick up thor's hammer you feel it shift ever so slightly but you realize the true heft the abnormal weight and as you are now against the lip of it and you can see into this liquid you see what look like the as the bubbles start to come up you see what look like the faces of other horrifying disgusting looking figures and they're just like it looks like crones kind of when they the bubble pops and the face disappears but they just keep appearing inside and it looks like they can see you uh okay yeah is that the end of your turn there that was definitely an action track yeah that was definitely an action so yeah that is that is my turn uh if i didn't say already i have definitely dropped the mage hands that was kind of a pointless okay i didn't get it the way i wanted so yeah you have the hand is gone o k uh oh boy it is back to maven del of our green hag here[Music] she is that is exactly what i thought it would probably be shoot what does that take okay uh you guys lara you've just taken the swing indigo you've just taken this bite and she once again just starts[Laughter] i feel someone is trying to stop my cauldron and she disappears from your view laura in indigo i am sick of this ugly hag disappearing uh okay and that is the end of their turn uh we are now at stool who uh spends half their movement getting up and then they're like ah where do you guys think the other ones everybody like everybody else is do you think they're in trouble yes they're outside okay and stool is going to run outside uh as soon as i can get to the objects and tokens they're going to move 5 10 15 20 25 30. and they see laura and they're just like oh lara there you are where's go what the [ __ ] i see this[Music] just screeching in his little mental voice that you can all hear because outside just like it looks like his little stub arms are against his shroom cap and there's just no noise he's just kind of like shaking his head back and forth but you can all hear the screech uh from his pores uh and that's his turn because he's freaked the [ __ ] out there are definitely like someone needs to go into the detrimental long-term effects of being around a micronoids uh or mike in its spores for this amount of time hmm curious anyways uh indigo is that a thing curious thought uh anyways that's definitely a thing this is very worrisome because when we go back and edit old episodes we definitely pick up on the things that will peppered throughout yeah no he 100 gave us the npc that's going to kill us later he literally told us he was going to throw a demogorgon at us he did no he's straight up did that's fair upsetting wow you guys are maybe catching on to the late plans but you don't know what's happening now you're gonna die i mean we all heard i mean like we didn't but like we as people all [ __ ] heard lara's new patron refer to himself as the prince of the abyss right like we're not missing that's a dark prince demigorgon lore wise is the demon prince technically no no i figured he was the the holy the holy knight of the abyss yes i heard it i [ __ ] heard it he's clearly lawful good uh indigo you are up let's keep going all right um uh frustrated again that she has disappeared on me i'm gonna take another uh deep breath in and see if i can sniff her out okay make that make that scent chick what that is 11. um so a lot of the smell that her same scent seems to be very prevalent um all about you because you are at the house however you do catch a scent trail that makes you believe that she has gone inside somewhere yeah zoinks so with my large size here dm do you think i do i feel like i would fit through the door absolutely not no cool cool uh then i'll take this opportunity to uh i'm just gonna move a little bit over closer to stool um and let's help laura i think she went inside um no it's me indigo ah the monster ate indigo oh shut up oh this is disconcerting uh yeah i i meet cattle there uh i'll already an attack action in case she gets up on me um oh no i i percepted i detected i will just stand here wolfish okay all right uh lara you are up uh laura sees indigo thirsting for the door um i would like to move actually i'm gonna stand i'm gonna move 10 feet so i'm standing in front of the doorway i would like to attempt to eldritch blast a hole big enough for in the ghost form oh okay uh sure sure go go for it okay i'm i'm loving i'm just imagining like the door is like five feet i just need to like break him a big enough hole that he can kind of shove his body through there sure [ __ ] it yeah just roll damage for me don't even bother you can definitely hit it okay okay um then that is what it says i is that's what it is that's uh nine force damage okay uh you definitely break through a portion of the wall and if indigo were to go kind of like prone and crawl forward they might be able to get in um but they're not going to be able to just walk in uh but you have come you've made a semi opening for them that's all you get uh and she's gonna sprint forward into the house okay so you're gonna move 20 more feet yeah you're gonna get right up towards the the front door if i can only get he can move through me though right uh yeah i will say that they can they can move about you yeah okay okay then yeah that's what i'll do all right uh well my basilisk is gone which is sad uh because i really wanted to petrify one of you um but we are now at the top new top of the order with laboda uh who also knowing what stool arsefell had said to stool is going to head uh 10 15 20. and then sees all of you like heading towards the door and she gets really confused and she's like what him what am i missing what what she's inside oh no and she moves back to here and that is all of her movement as she kind of like stands there prepped for i am whatever potential attack i'm [ __ ] terrified you all have been a door she ran through the main chamber none of y'all know where this woman is and i am alone in her bedroom well stefael it's your turn so what do you want to do mr scaredy cat hey [ __ ] off first of all this is a healthy amount of scared this is a proper response to the situation it is because this is bad this is real bad uh safel so that didn't work uh he's not going if that didn't work he's not going to get it to because i would have to liter i would probably have to roll a natural 20 to even have a shot of it and i don't even this thing is probably [ __ ] magically altered to just be in place um you felt it move so that would leave you to believe that it's not magically altered to stand there but it is a hefty song sure i i rolled a natural 18 i have no modifier i would have to roll it well okay actually [ __ ] it i'm going now they're both actions you and your pathetic action economy wizard yeah that's that's the deal with wizard with wizards should have stayed sourced uh sorcerer is next don't worry you won't you won't stop my magic yet um so i'm going to use my action for a turn that i probably will not survive to see the next i am going to have the weight of the cauldron i'm going to use my adjust density feature and i'm going to make yeah i'm going to half the weight of the cauldron okay all right uh sure yeah it's you alter its weight so it now weighs half of its previous heft yep uh and i if shoving it is also an action then that is all that i can do this turn yes okay that concentration lasts up to a minute and it is like concentrating on a spell you let's see here oh man this could get nasty i hate that don't say that i love hearing that this woman is literally standing over my shoulder invisible with like a crooked dagger just yeah she just like starts licking your ear oh god i don't know why do i like this oh no no no he doesn't have ears anymore guys he's a hate player you you don't know that my player is heavier they super don't have the ears my dude they they have like no they don't hold it it's a hole that ain't an ear that's an ear that's like that's like saying stool doesn't have eyes it's like he does they're just not people eyes i'm rolling dice i'm rolling dice uh that's how much psychic damage i take for that bad take does an 18 does an 18 hit you sephill what happens will you hear this he will not touch my cauldron and this horrid clawed hand appears and descends down and rakes across the back of your head uh hits you with an 18 and you are gonna take 2d8 slashing damage roll low please uh oh that is 14 points of slashing damage i have 14 hit points left i am super unconscious savelle is unconscious and dying the highest hp of the entire crew except for maybe indigo now in this current moment okay he's down to be fair i i for the majority of this have been under half hp because of whatever [ __ ] spell she she threw at me no you have to be getting him i get it i get it right you you you you've been down but you do have the highest hp it was just a statement in fact yeah uh okay yes that that cauldron is totally full weight again yep uh and she appears here you do all all of you do not know that because you cannot see her um but she has appeared and safel is now unconscious and dying uh all right stools turn stool is just still screaming but then it stops and it's like what do we do uh follow inside she's inside stool okay i'm going inside i don't know where but i'm going inside uh and they move 15 feet in uh see if they can make a perception check here bound to be good nope that's a two stool has no idea and just like runs towards the organ and just starts like punching it and it's just like [ __ ] you you stupid witch um or hack i should say if there's any chance of it helping my case i totally told lobota there was a chest with some magical [ __ ] in there that i was gonna try to open and then there was an explosion yeah and they're not gonna go near explosion no just in case that helped okay like oh yeah there's there's a [ __ ] ton of smoke in the room and it's making it harder to see thank you just kidding you're you're an [ __ ] all right indigo you are up all right um our size large indigo is going to attempt to squeeze past laura and squeeze through the hole or that she has made in the wall for me uh okay yeah you're it's just gonna cost you 10 feet of movement to squeeze in there perfect all right so that's 15 that'll be 25 and i don't see him here i'm going to move to the center here and can i do a good old-fashioned sniff check yet again yes you can uh it's just gonna be a straight up roll because this entire place smells of her all right i'll let you i'll let you reroll all right that's a dirty 20. okay you think she's coming from the room to the south all right um warg indigo kind of like does like the pointer dog stance to like the southern hallway here um but i only have 10 more feet of or five more feet of movement and i don't want to block the doorway from anyone else so i'm just gonna hold okay right here you're clifford the big red dog pointing the way in for everybody else okay okay can i see the down cephale from here you can you can you see their their unconscious form laying upon the ground uh lara you are up yeah lara is uh running in after clifford so she she sprints in through the doorway she gets 10 feet inside she sees indigo pointing at that room right yep oh and she's going in so she's going to sprint past lady lobota and get into the doorway and the hag is right there on her right yes your your eyes meet with each other and she goes welcome back i'm getting tired of your games uh i will attempt to smash 19 to hit she ain't gonna pass she's gonna smash that is a hit i'll go smash well i'm gonna pass but also smash uh that is 11 slashing and four necrotic okay all right uh eleven slashing for an aquatic all right they are still up but she hisses once again says you rake across in this like horrible uh like gown they have rips open and more of that black but blood starts to spill out uh all right we are back at the top of the order with lobota who now cannot get into the room uh but let's see here let's take a look at some of these features features and traits they are oh they are actually going to step over here to try and get line of sight so they step to the west or i mean the east and they're going to look at the hag and try and use uh no they can't do that actually shoot okay well they move there and they are prepared for when there is enough space to get in there to attack that they or if the hat should move out they will attack um all right sephel death saving throw please all right uh because of my race i do have advantage on death saving through very close uh 11. okay yeah that is one success okay uh all right uh moving on we are at maven dell once again and she is she's set up pretty nicely so she is going to take a five foot step to the south and seeing both lobota and lara is gonna fire off a lightning bolt uh so make a dexterity saving throw for me laura let's see what lobota can do here uh it's a 19. that's a 19 okay that's a success for you lobota only got a 10 that was a very poor roll so we've got a whole bunch of dice to roll here that is uh surprisingly another 15 points of lightning damage to both the boat uh or no actually you take the 15 lobota takes the 31 points of damage damn yeah algae and uh you indigo see loboto get lit up square in the chest scorching across it's actually like you see the lightning course through the prosthetic arm and then she just starts to like sag against the wall she is incredibly incredibly bad shape um okay and that is you know what they are they're gonna stay right there uh okay we are back with stool who now sees everybody over there and it's like oh my god oh my god uh it's going to move 5 10 15 20 25 is going to get to there um forget i need his spells i need your spams hey will yeah for like for future turns obviously doesn't matter now can arachno still act on my turn oh [ __ ] no he's dead with me yeah you you don't know this but like you went out he went out or they went oh [ __ ] um all right he said oh no uh stool has no healing spells except for good berry so he just like grows this good berry and chucks it at lobota and is like eat it it'll help um[Laughter] uh indigo europe all right i'm seeing this colossal traffic jam um and i'm gonna take this opportunity to bonus action return to indigo form um okay let's make you let's make you mini i do the shrink you do it the string um now that was it as even even at medium size am i going to be able to squeeze through this doorway and then past laura or is that impossible uh where she currently is you cannot squeeze in you can see past her so if you have a ranged thing you can you can shoot through but uh miss delve will have a little bit of uh cover um but yes uh you cannot see safel currently you know they are pass me into the room no okay all right i can't see cephel right now no lara is in the way all right cool cool don't worry magic's really fun and i love spell wording i'm gonna go ahead and cast a second level aid which affects up to three creatures within range regardless whether if i can see them or not hey wait one more time i was distracted by something uh one more time here uh i'm i'm doing a second level aid uh it says your spell bolsters your allies with touch and resolve choose up to three creatures within range uh so you have to have a line of sight on them it does not say which means i do not as long as they are within range hang on a sec and this is temporary hit points uh no it is five points of healing and increasing their hit point maximum ah okay all right so then cephel is back up yeah cephel you have five hp laura take an extra five and labola takes an extra five she's gonna need it she looks over to you and i go she says thank you i have not been this unwell in quite some time yeah the lighting bolt really sucks i would recommend staying back or just not in line it there's a whole bunch of things stool looks at you indigo and they're just like if they had a mouth it would be a gape and you just hear inside like oh my god it was you you were the huge monster well we take a little monstrosity not a month wait it's not still i'm always here for you no matter what i look like if they could be crying they would be uh all right is that your full turn i'm assuming yes yes yep action section the whole nine yards all right lara you are up you see safel uh sputters to life and the hag is before you okay um i need to get out of the way because savelle's gonna need to leave so um i'm going to take the disengage action and move back into the main room okay um and i'm actually gonna go away from everyone in some way i think she's gonna head back out to stand near the uh the front door to kind of get away from everyone um so she she's moving the full 30 to get back out in the main living room oh that looks bad not gonna go there okay uh all right that's it cool cool cool cool uh we are now back at the top of the order and it is lobota's turn and lobota even though she's looking real rough is going to peek around the corner she sees cephel stirring sees the hag lara runs by and they are going to rush in and are going to they're going to an attempt attempt a goading attack uh so you hit with a weapon attack you can spin one exteriority superiority dialing and the ten add the total to the damage roll the target must make a wisdom saving throw on a failure the target has disadvantage on all attack rolls against any other target uh until the end of their next turn so let's see what the regular roll is that is a natural seven and with her plus that is a 14 which is not going to hit so good thing i use the superiority die which is what size here is the superiority diet attached to the attack roll or just the damage yep nope it's uh[Music] oh to the damage roll so she you're correct good good catch i did just read that a lot so i think i thought you just added it to damage yep uh so that is a complete wiff and a miss and sephill as like you open your eyes you see the disappointment as uh across lobota's face as miss delve just kind of like bats the mace to the side from this weak strike um and she just kind of cackles uh oh man that's rough uh well safel you are up it's your turn you are prone on the ground this hag stands towering above you lobota weakly there you can see indigo in the room beyond okay ah all of this is going to be a disadvantage i am going to so i shoot open my eyes at uh after indigo's aid and i look up i see this woman towering over me lady lobota having clearly not succeeded in her last attempt at something and i'm just going to while on the ground i'm going to raise my hand and i'm going to cast scorching rey at her she is going to use her reaction and cast counterspell rude so you reach up this spell starts to happen and as you do she just like looks down at you and snaps her finger and as the spell releases it dies and she just looks down at you do not try those tricks here we said i'll eat you like you would eat me that's fine you totally saw me open my eyes and everything and i'm just gonna roll away from her you're actually gonna move yeah i am i'm on the floor i'm not even gonna stand up i'm literally gonna roll away okay all right well she did use her reaction so she cannot try to claw you uh so good move uh all right well the unfortunate part it's her turn and she is um she's gonna save that she's going to claw lobota so she swings out says i should have killed you before uh okay yeah that's that's a definite hit so she's going to take 2d8 damage and i'm going to roll it just in case she gets lucky here otherwise lobota is more than likely going unconscious yeah she gets raked across uh these horrible claws digging into her flesh and lobota then crumples to the ground and she is unconscious and dying uh okay and delve here is then going to let me just put up the dying tab and we can take that off of svel she is then going to move southward uh and move over here actually and kind of like move right up on top of safel once again she goes had his new escape from me um okay stools turn stool oh brave stool you beautiful boy is going to let's see is going to run in and get next to sephill and they're going to reach out and touch you and they are going to cast bark skin and you now have an ac of 16. thanks bud yeah but instead of it looking like bark it's almost like your skin turns into like a collection of different fungi that like sprouts about you in this kind of weird uh shimmering way um and that is their turn uh indigo you are up you're back in your hobgoblin form all right um indigo is gonna slowly and resolutely walk 20 feet south past the fallen lobota past the cauldron he's going to turn to his left hold up a hand uh and i'm going to hit him hit her with a good old-fashioned guiding bolt they are once again going to expend their reaction and do counter spell damn so once again you reach out you do this she snaps her fingers and that spell is gone indigo however you notice because of your high passive perception that as she does this there is like a low flash that comes from the bubbling liquid within the cauldron and that is all i will say very well indigo like slowly lowers his hand and like ah crap[Laughter] all right uh laura i don't know why you're all in the room together it seems like a bad idea why did you go in you should come out uh i think that i want to get a little get a little spicy um spicy again double spice tonight double spice i'm gonna move 10 feet into the room um with my action can i pick up the body of this basilisk uh it is a medium creature so yes okay um and then i want to move into the room for my full movement you you only have half movement when you are carrying something that is yeah so you'd have 15 feet worth of movement okay i like if i think i know where you're going i'm loving this idea so then i can only get okay then i'll i can get to the doorway okay so lara stands holding the dead body of a basilisk in the doorway to the bedroom okay are you like how are you holding it are you holding it in front of you it is a um like like when hunters carry their like dead birds over their shoulder like she has it by the tail and it's like behind her back okay okay gotcha uh okay uh is that your dress that's it that's my actually that's my action movement i'm quickly looking something up just in case okay okay cool uh wow jeezum crow guys yankees um well lobota needs to make a death saving throw would someone like to roll it or shall i i mean i'll roll it okay roll me in d20 all right okay do you want me to say it out loud yeah for her i want to know i want the audience okay it's a 13. okay so that is one success good two good to know uh all right we're back with safel you're on the ground stools beside you you now have this magical armor and delve stands atop you essentially okay who indigo in the initiative order is after me mm-hmm okay so the turn has reset since he tried to cast guiding bolt yes yeah or yeah i think so right yeah yeah uh it it hasn't been maven dell's turn yet though so her reaction is still spent yes oh that's true okay uh yeah then i'm gonna do what i did last time and i'm gonna cast scorching ray okay all right uh disadvantage is all at disadvantage yep all at disadvantage but it is three separate uh rays no it's it's under your best chances so it's a good choice so i have three shots at this that was my last my last second level spell slot ooh boy so let's see how this goes ray one that's a [ __ ] natural 20 and a not natural 20. uh so that is a 17 for ray 1 that just hits oh[Music] okay uh that first ray is four points of fire damage okay ray two uh it doesn't hit it's a 14. no hint right three another natural [ __ ] 20 and a six doesn't hit two natural 20s and they were both on the [ __ ] sunset eternal die i'm sorry man nope so just just the one right that's fine it's fine i did a little bit of damage this fight before i slip off in the sweet sweet darkness oh boy all right oh that hurts i'm looking at my stuff here i'm looking at this stuff here what am i going to do we are back to maven delve here oh we got an unconscious and dying lady lobota we have cephel right on death's door again we have a stool that is not in great shape and indigo that seems pretty all right and alara that is a little beat up they are going to they throw out their hand and they're going to cast a ray of sickness at lara so i need to make a ranged spell attack that is a natural 19. i need you to make a constitution saving throw while i roll damage okay uh 10. that is a fail you take five points of poison damage and you are now poisoned until the end of your next turn uh can you be poisoned if you're unconscious i'm asking for a friend oh no oh no you can't uh you come on you are unconscious and dying little little known fact the room for a reason people don't believe that you can be but you can simultaneously be poisoned and unconscious so so let's oh man this is such a crazy image fell literally scooting across the floor stool now beginning to quiver indigo the only one truly standing tall in this moment and she reaches her hand out blasts with this sickly green energy at laura and she falls and she goes look about you young hobgoblin my sister said i will feast upon all of your bones give up now and i might just make you into a statue oh that is their turn i'm gonna pass on that okay uh it is stool's turn oh god stool oh stooly boy uh okay stool is going to use uh a first level spell slot and is going to use earth tremor centered behind uh in this kind of corner and is going to attempt to knock her prone and do a little bit of damage so she needs to make a dexterity saving throw miss delve let's get that dex back up that is a natural nine plus that that is a fail so she is going to take she takes six points of damage and she is knocked prone as the ground beneath her feet become soft and squishy this is huge uh okay all right um indigo you are up the hag has now been knocked prone what are you doing oh i'm gonna roll a death save for lady lobota while you are figuring out what you're doing with your turn didn't expect her to be prone well i guess guys i don't have a whole lot for that in contingency[Laughter] i don't know if you've caught on not a lot of us are really equipped to handle the situation well just throw some [ __ ] at the wall man yeah yeah uh well careful to wait for buddy uh i'm gonna step i'm gonna step one step uh one step closer to the phone laura i'm gonna whisper laura please get up and that is a first level healing word okay uh which will bump you up to six hp nice that's my bonus action uh and then i saw her walk into the room carrying a basilisk and so thinking this must be a good idea i'm gonna reach down i'm gonna grab that basilisk and i'm gonna dunk it as hard as i can into the cauldron hell yeah okay all right this is not what i thought was gonna happen but i'm liking it all right you take this basilisk and you toss it into the cauldron and all this liquid you're gonna take a little bit of damage that are indigo that's all right you take five points of acid damage as this liquid just splashes out and it starts eating away and fizzing at the basilisk but you hear maven delve as you like kind of she's like trying to pick herself up through the sifting rubble of the floor she's like no no no no my sisters[Music] uh all right that's the end of your turn right um because it's definitely an action to grab that yeah surprisingly not super bad but something has definitely shifted her skin seems to be a little more sunken since you have done this she seems a little a little worse for wear okay okay um i'm gonna i'm gonna step closer to her all right okay uh all right laura laura you're up all right um i will use half my movement to stand and i will enter the room uh i'm going to kneel and give a sorry i don't know why that keeps flying uh i'm gonna give a quick healing hands to uh lady lavota okay so she gets four hit points all right and she she wakes up and she looks over at you and she's thank you laura so that is 20 feet of movement and uh in my action i think with my final movement i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna get further and nope uh i'm actually gonna step back out and get i'm gonna get total cover um behind this wall between me and like and uh the evil lady okay so you step back out into the living room and kind of shuffle yourself away oh okay okay uh let's see where we're back at oh man we're back at the top of the order which is lobota who's going to use half her movement to stand and then is going to proceed to limp 5 10 15 feet and get to here she's kind of like gripping her prosthetic arm which seems to be having troubles um which however is still holding on to the mace and it's kind of like backing you up indigo um all right that is that's their turn sephel you are up okay i'm going to try something really stupid i am out of spell slots i am nearly out of hp so is just about everybody else uh so she is she's still uh prone on the ground next to me yes so as she she is on the ground next to me safel is going to uh look to her and and see the situation that's that's been happening you truly believe in the power of your sisters as hostile as you've been i cannot say that i'm not at least a little curious and he's going to reach up a hand to the side of the cauldron he's going to use half his movement to pull himself up standing up from prone like leaning on the whatever pedestal the uh the cauldron is on i have found i'm a bit of a quick study i'm going to plunge my head into the cauldron oh jesus christ oh my god oh no i have no idea what this is going to do but [ __ ] it let's try it took damage to phil yeah i'm going to say this diet you can't stick your head in there because it is currently occupied by the head of the basilisk which like yeah that's that [ __ ] can get moved there's a lot of liquid okay you're gonna have to push it then okay you're gonna have to push it out which will be an action and then sure if you still want to shove your head in it i will say it's movement to shove your [ __ ] head in it yeah it's it's half dissolved how hard is it to move a half dissolved corpse out of the way yeah i'm gonna move it out and i'm gonna put my head in it okay yep great doubling down let's see what this [ __ ] does um well there's not as much liquid in it left but what you do that touches you you take five points of acid damage and it does nothing but burn you all right well he's unconscious with his head in the culture the bad part about this is if he continues to have his head in there what's left of the acid yes will continue to do damage to him and he will die every single turn every single turn which is an automatic fail that's cool indigo what's going on in there i don't know uh to which maven dell just starts howling with laughter she goes ew and she looks at you in a ghost you might have suffered my connection with my sisters but that fool has killed themselves and i still have enough strength in my bones to kill you and she's going to swing out with her claw uh that is a natural 12 plus let's see here[Music] was six that's an 18 does that hit that hit okay this ain't great this is 2d8 flashing damage uh wow you made out really well that's only eight points of slashing damage that was two teams i'll take it okay uh and that is their turn um boom boom uh stools turn stool is going to run over and pull sephill from the [ __ ] cauldron and uh lays him upon the ground and is a good berry is an action so he's just gonna sit there and he's like trying to perform it's just like beating on us just like please wake up please make up so fail uh and that is their turn indigo europe you have a bad looking hag in front of you you have a now newly unconscious fell in a nearly unconscious lobota behind you and laura in the other room uh thank you stool i appreciate that um i'm gonna reach out a hand touch the fell and cast spare the dying uh he has steve stable but now he has zero hit points and cannot continue to hurt himself probably uh one of the best things and then i'm gonna use my bonus action to use one of my hobgoblin features i'm going to use my good old-fashioned bonus action help action my fey gift as a twere uh and so that gives advantage to lady lobota for the next strike she takes against this hag and myself gain six temporary hit points this is this is a great combo because i know exactly what she's gonna do next turn nice nicely done uh okay uh lara you are up uh lara is going to um move back to the doorway she's i imagine she's like um she's kind of like moving herself into the doorway and then she's going to fire off an eldritch blast at the hag okay from the doorway yep you can do that uh that is a 14 to hit though that is a miss yes unfortunately uh just swings a little wide uh she's gonna step uh back uh away from sight[Music] okay we are back at the top of the order with lobota who is going to cr come in and she is going to with like a battle cry get in next to the hag and is going to swing out with advantage with the mace boys would it be nice if she could get the creates i'm going to use the labradorite in the middle die that is a [ __ ] natural 20 on the labradorite holy [ __ ] uh this is great because she has the slasher feet as well uh so she gets uh da da she gets to reduce its feet and she gets too grievously wounded so now the target has disadvantage on all attack rolls so let's do some double damage here uh that is that is ten points bludgeoning damage in this hag is like the half of their face gets crushed in and then she is going to action surge in swing again do you think they have advantage on the second swing or is it only last for one is it a turn or is it an action yeah let me i think it's just the first action okay so then just let's see if this labradorite can do it again that is a natural 14 plus 7 that's a 21 she definitely hits and she does eight points of damage this hag its face now half decimated still barely make that uh oh no you are stabilized so no uh moving on i'm stable it is their turn miss delve's turn oh boy they are they do not have access to that stuff anymore dang it you did good kids you did good so they're going to swing out with a claw at indigo that is natural 18. plus six so that's yeah that's gonna hit yeah oh man 2d8 a two and a three that is nine points of slashing damage all right i can live with that okay indigo is still up she's weakly trying to claw out at you uh and it is stools turn and stool is going to pop a good berry into safel's mouth and he now has one hp and is awake uh all right stool the mighty healer the he's just doing his best to copy his good friend um indigo you are up uh lobota looks at you and goes striker down strike her down uh yeah uh i'm gonna wait she is maven dale still prone or she back up she is back up she did stand up all right uh yeah i am gonna go ahead uh i got my nice little well hmm no uh turo couldn't save you but i can end you and i'm gonna do a nice little sacred flame on our friend here okay uh that is a deck save by me right yeah let's see uh i [ __ ] you not that's a natural one all right well that's what we call fail yep it sure is uh well she takes a good old fashioned two points of radiant damage and she falls her body starts to crumble and she collapses her face landing right beside sephel's and there's this long pause as lara you hear the now quiet room indigo looking down upon the hag that you have killed lobota sighs you hear the mace fall to the ground and she to her knees stool plops onto their back but safel you feel something incredibly odd an odd urge within you and i need you to make a wisdom saving throw at disadvantage for me please oh[ __ ] oh oh always good you'd love to hear that from the dm wisdom save at disadvantage that is a 13. this urge overcomes you from deep inside a hunger that you have not felt before and you find your tentacles reaching out wrapping around maven dell's skull pulling the body indigo you watch in horror so does lobota and stool as the body inches forward and as the suckers of the tentacle pull it right into his maw you hear this sharp crack as their beak breaks in through the skull of what remains of maven dell and you hear the slurp of its brain being consumed and fell in your mind you feel a deep darkness come alive as arcane knowledge swarms through your head not like this and we will be learning a new spell next time we meet god oh god not like this[Music][Music] so[Music] hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have one more second we would adore you if you could leave a rating and a review and whatever 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