[Music] so[Music] um so you guys you've had quite a bit thrown at you within your first day and a quarter of being within grackle stug you have just finished your uh meeting with fema shout or fember chad whatever you want to[ __ ] call him um because he's a he's a fat chad no i'm just kidding everybody don't listen to that um we love chads we love chad's worldwide[Music] dad bought best flawed yeah um you've just wrapped up this meeting in which they had said that basically they feel like the keepers of the flame are keeping something from them and that there's something else kind of going on and they need some free agents specifically working for them to kind of figure out what the [ __ ] is going on and they said you know if the keepers of the flame ask anything of you to comply with them do the thing but anything you come back with any findings whatever you report directly to him first before bringing or telling anything to the keepers of the flame um and as you guys were leaving you were uh approached by a a grey dwarf uh garto car who is one of the keepers of the flame and he handed you at the request of them shout uh uh five individual badges gold badges in the shape of a dragon head uh which would kind of declare you as agents of the wormsmith giving you a bit more access to various parts of gracklestug and they had informed you that they are missing a red dragon egg and they believe it's to have been stolen by the gray ghosts and the grey ghosts have done something that has caused a huge schism uh within the the underdark and i believe i had remembered describing it to you as like some kind of massive hole had been torn open essentially and that's where we had ended uh you guys have the hulking body figure of arthur vane for those of you in this party that have forgotten um this odd dark-skinned red-haired uh man uh and yeah so you guys have just been dropped this this huge interesting knowledge that a red dragon egg has been stolen and they're asking for your help here um if we were to believe that this egg had been stolen by the grey ghosts and well it has been thank you if we were to retrieve it for you yes where would we begin to look into this um claim where would we find this well that i believe part of the great mystery is we don't know where they're hiding however however we have identified a uh who we believe is a small agent of the great ghosts they're uh an interesting little daryl that has been seen hanging out around the west clift and uh out in the near the bazaars is uh we believe his name is drawkey he's got an old little hat uh looks like two tentacle-shaped things hanging out on it um but if you find him follow him because we believe that he uses messages back and forth to uh to the great ghosts and any of their other proceedings before they commit some of their heinous crimes and he might also be bringing them more bits and pieces for any type of um sinister rituals that they do so if if they have created this massive hole is that is that a physical hole or is this like a i've i have no idea is it a philosophical hole what like could we visit this hole or is this i don't know i don't know i don't know we've just we've only felt it through the ripple of our uh of our consciences and uh so you don't actually know that there is a hole it's a metaphorical hall it might be literal it might be metaphorical i don't know i feel like the severity of of this uh endeavor kind of depends on what kind of hole it like if you have a hole in your psyche i i'm sorry for your loss but that that's a little less drastic than a physical hole you understand the trepidation exactly it adjusts our priority list if the hole is not real if there's a hole in my head it's only getting wider by the minute because of this conversation see it seems like a personal problem all right well you know what find the great [ __ ] ghosts would ya please find us our goddamn egg and everything will be fine you'll get your riches and you'll need the [ __ ] out is that what you want um yes okay great go find drokie that'd be lovely and report back when you have something thank you all right well have a great day you too he like flips the bird walking away i remember him being much more stoic and religious type the last time we spoke to him such a quick change of attitude that's exactly right that does strike you as odd that's the second time you've seen [ __ ] like this um we have that effect on people i guess i mean i didn't understand what it doesn't matter um so we need to find the grey ghost um dro key this agent should we look for them in the blade bazaar he said the the western sorry it was the western what in the in the bazaar the west cleft left um you remember when you were uh actually you know what since you don't know what that is you can go looking for information about that because you really don't know what that means sure what the blade bizarre no no no the blade knows and you know that you don't know what the west cleft uh is there there is a bizarre in the west cleft yeah different different bazaars no two different things blade bizarre west clef how totally separate oh god damn it end me now all right all right it's okay all right so we're gonna go do some surveillance excellent i love it i love it um sounds good to me is this what you get up to quite often this is arthur i love talking to you guys because this is just absolutely fascinating um depends on the day it's not often that you find yourself in the presence of an adult red dragon and if well if an adult dragon ask you for something it would be quite rude to say no not to mention potentially lethal no this is this is true but just to anybody else this would be in extreme extreme circumstances and you've all handled this quite nonchalantly every day for about the last four weeks has been an extreme circumstance that's incredible par for the course yes if you'd like to hear more perhaps you should talk to indigo he likes to talk i sure do turns you also has a lot of sketches i'd be quite interested in all of them arthur turns around i'm like halfway through sketching him like oh is that me that's that's quite good i like it could you like still please yeah oh yes of course and he like sits in a pose uh i get it i get as good side oh yes yes thank you thank you so my question is it sounds like we have a lead here and perhaps we should just chase it unless you think that we should gather more information before we head out to find the west cleft cleft i mean it it seems like the lead is in the west cleft we just need to figure out where exactly that is um other than that we still need to worry about supposedly bupido is here oh i think he's taken care of i wouldn't worry about it oh yes your your um friend at the bar fog um and we've been cited by the drow supposedly so yes that's true that's a good point because they well we need to think about the drow but also the guards in this city are invisible so whatever we do if we're to be yeah if we're to keep ourselves hidden um we need to be very cautious even if we think we're alone we are probably not yeah do do we know if they're always invisible or was it just those couple occurrences when they were following us specifically like have we seen guards out and about or was it um from what you've learned uh in that journal that you found in the the hags hut um the i'm pretty sure the uh writer of that journal the author had described the the grey dwarves as having an extremely large military force and a draconic set of laws um and surprisingly except for the ones that you've seen at the gates in different locations and the handful that did appear in front of you you've really not seen too many okay which makes you wonder you know we should assume we are always being watched unless the military force has disappeared for some reason which i mean pick your reason i'm sure there's there's plenty of things that would distract them well let's just assume and perhaps perhaps we head back to the blade bazaar to find information on where to find the west cleft sounds like a plan to me well were there i wouldn't mind i wouldn't mind finding um perhaps armor for indigo and i shopping yes you you must be well equipped for for such a journey as this one i say this is actually interesting i suppose this is the first time we've actually gotten a chance to practice economics do have oh we have a series of uh collected golden and trophies that we found we haven't really found a place to sell them up until now guys i had a great i have a great idea great idea no no we we go to the blade bazaar right we do our shopping and while we're shopping stakeout just keep it right i like it looking for the drawer oh that that sounds like a great idea you're so smart indigo you're like way smarter than everybody else here like safel doesn't even compare to your massive intellect i will eat you you wouldn't i don't have a brain okay and that's just another normal thing we say to each other arthur there's nothing more to read into it now come on let's go to the market he's just like he kind of chuckles oh inside jokes uh that's that's good all friends should have them this is the dad that came into his kid's basement while the teens are playing like uh yes the call of duties i love it back in my day we went out in the woods and played cops and robbers and military we actually shot each other i have scars from the bbs and the bullets anyways um okay you guys start making your way back across uh the the greater hold here and you uh end up crossing back over the the great furrow and as you do you look back over to your right and you see down below you see all the housings uh in caves that different blogger are coming or dragger whatever the free gray dwarves are coming out of um and you see that past the the kind of gates that mark off the bottom of this this furrow you notice that there are like these great large scaffolding slums that seem to stretch off to the to the east so it would be to your right on the map if the up is north um and you see numerous uh small figures kind of moving about it and stuff like that and you identify them as darrow it seems that's where they are kind of outside the city but in these gargantuan scaffolding buildings uh all scattered about uh but you eventually pass through the the gates that you came through before and you find yourselves back out by the bullets lair and into the blade bazaar where would you guys like to begin do you want to split up do your individual things keep together what are you thinking we should probably stay together agreed i don't i mean i fee i think uh thumbershod said with the the badges we would have at least some sort of oh what was it protection i know it would stop us from like getting stopped by the flame keepers but i think he also offered some sort of protection if we were working under him as well if you guys are wearing and wielding the badges if you are held up by city guards essentially you have a means of um what is what's the word i'm looking for uh essentially getting them to be like okay i guess you can conduct your business here you know think of it think of it as like a deputy badge it's like i'm here under official business for an extremely important official here in the city please don't buy my way we have a golden ticket into the factory yes you have you have five golden tickets from willy wonka himself yes so we should stay together uh even if we have you know some form of protective seal uh you know we should we should try to not get into any individual troubles okay you're biting the bullet you're getting some scale mail okay that's 50 gold go ahead and mark that i shall uh i also would like wow were in some semblance of civilization this is actually it's kind of just dawning on zefel this is sort of the first time he's had a genuine chance to be in a place where he might find actual materials for for spellcraft like actual ink and paper and potentially readings uh this is the first time since the surface that he's sort of been in a place where arcane knowledge might be could be so that's well then then i think we we need to find out if we can sell that and how much money we get for it because the only armor that is useful to lara is the plus one leathers plus one studded leather and if she can't get that then it's not really worth it is there a can we find a place that would have an improved stud leather armor yeah like if i look around is it even available because then it's like uh roll me a d100 uh 38 okay uh yeah you you do find somebody who has studded leather uh and it is a rare item so that's anywhere between 500 and 5000 gp that you could be spending on it so for for plus one plus one plus one studded yep okay yeah that is uh that's a little rough the only the only reason it's useful is so that i can free up an invocation slot and get something else because right now i'm using beige armor as one of my indications so if i get the armor to replace that i can get a different invocation but otherwise i'm just going to keep the indication because this plus one stud leather is just going to match what my major armor does for me right now well you guys are still kind of talking about that i'm going to look up something that i totally forgot i had marked in here um also brendan because of your your very good point of like this could be the place to have find these things this is also a place to have things made so if you want to do anything more uh satisfying with any of the crystals and the likes this is a very good place to to look into so i have a thing for that um i i i have that nice green drake hide um i would like to find a leather worker who can make a like a cloak or a cape out of it for me oh okay all right um roll me and d100 all right uh 34 34. okay uh yeah you are able to find somebody a a decent leather worker it's actually that you are on your journey here laura's like i need studded leather i need studded leather and you're like i found the guy who can do it um this guy could could make it for you it might take uh their like you're talking in and out what your kind of wants from it are um and so it would take them probably two days and it could be uh let's see here going back to values uh did i lose it[Music] because you're just hoping whatever is innately within the drake hide it will give you some kind of protection or something okay yeah that and i think it's gonna look sweet it's gonna look very sweet well what do you want it to look like describe that to him so i got like the scale mill on now so i wanted to like cinch into the scale mail and kind of billow out as like a long cape um coming down to like mid calf um with enough kind of like legroom around like kind of like furrow myself into it um okay all right like it i like it uh yeah you so since you're supplying the material i'm gonna say it's gonna knock it down a peg in terms of building materials so it's going to knock it down a little bit in their personal value there so it would cost you 75 gold to have this worked up in two days time but at the end of it you would have this cloak and whatever innate things might come from it uh lara's gonna approach the person selling the plus one started leather you sir how much for that if she points at it he like slowly turns his head up he was just like investigating the drake material he's just like[Music] how much value is it to you i need something to well it is valuable in the sense that it will get worn yeah and it might protect your life too it could so it's valid i'm willing to pay i'm willing to pay its value[Music] well i guess i'd be inclined to sell it to you for a thousand a thousand silver thousand gold don't play stupid you you just got fantastic business from my friend here you can't knock it down a little i got business no one had to classify it as fantastic business what is your name it was fantastic for me i'm glad it was and the name's claude all right claude well indigo here is gonna be wearing that cape everywhere he goes and we could tell everyone to go visit claude in the blade bazaar and grackle stug or we could tell them to go elsewhere well that's your business everybody knows i'm the best well i've never heard of you you're an outsider how are you supposed to if this is business sense here it's free marketing will tell everyone to come back here and i'm just asking you to knock down the price on that make a persuasion check or intimidation if you're if you're really trying to you know bat them down i could see both oh intimidation okay i i'm uncomfortable being a part of this hard sell[Laughter] do you want me to put spores in his brain no that's a 16. that's 16 okay better not he's like um well you'd have to tell everybody who saw you who made it for you where they could get something just as fine exactly i'd be willing to draw 300 gold but i'll have to put my name on it indigo no on the armor not on his cloak oh thank goodness you want you want to write claude on my armor yeah like a logo only there laura only fair well studded leather by claude maybe it's protective maybe it's claude is that plus one standard letter from claude is that an original claude you can't get those anywhere but in the underdog all right i'll have to come back with the money but you'll hold it yeah it'll take me some time to put in my name on it but he'll be done fine he goes over takes it off a rock goes back sets it down behind him[Music] great um all right well uh indigo safal i'm i'm done here for now yep me too and like indigo's like like just like tapping his new scale mail clinking around is decidedly less quiet yes because because indigo was a master of stealth before this sure you turn into a warg the last time we fought something and it works yeah right i see your point nope now i see it i see yep that's fair so are we ready for part two okay what's part two of your plans the stakeout well how are you going to stake out we need to find the west cleft before we stake anything out you sound like you're living in a tin can what i don't understand how you can stake something out sounding like that indigo there it is that's the thing yeah i'm on a stick out she was referring to your armor not your voice you imbecile man i thought i was going to do a fun voice i mean i thought it was quite good so don't encourage him all right fine yes let's stake out what do we do uh quick question before you before you do that is all your business absolutely done anything you wanted made i know brendan you were talking about finding like magical materials like you guys are absolutely done shopping you can do both i'll have you roll perception or investigation checks it's entirely up to you guys like as you're walking through the bazaar you can do shopping and you can be on the lookout but i just wanted to make sure that that's that's it i mean is there this seems like a very craft-oriented um like manufacturing city is there anywhere that looks like it would have arcane prep like that seems a little bit i guess outside of what a lot of this is like are are there are canons are there libraries like what is the studious scene oh and just make up a straight-up intelligence check for me or or arcana either one whatever one's got you you know it's probably gonna be the same bonus but well arcana i am proficient with so slightly higher there um still not fantastic uh just a 14. okay that's that's enough you you intuit here that from what you've been seeing if there's to be any large amount of potential magical things it's going to be in some form or shape of armor or weaponry for a lot of magics the way you use them you haven't seen anything that would tell you that they necessarily practice or that they if they do they're certainly not flaunting it a lot of it is in technological devices and and more mundane quote-unquote means of using them most of their spells are put inside objects exactly yeah artificers galore here you know okay uh in that case i will i will stick to my current path which is just studying the um or playing around with the blue crystal that i switched into my staff haven't really had a chance to play around with gravity magic since then but i will uh keep my focuses on that until i think we're in a better place but he is keeping his eye open like if anything around us strikes him as ooh maybe he would have his his eyes open for that okay well since you guys are doing this and you're keeping an eye out for drokie why don't you all roll either investigation or perception checks for me uh while you're making your way through the bazaar here and brendan because of your comment i can't not say bizarre with knowing how bizarre after thank you for that uh it's a uh 22 investigation first fell uh you as you guys are making way through the bizarre uh a lot of things tend to catch your eyes first thing is like as you are making your way indigo you make note that a lot of people who are here and are kind of hawking and bartering with each other are going through some really weird conversations and actions like you see one people it looks like a a woman in a man just kind of like haggling over some some small wares and everything seems peaceful and fine until almost very similarly to when you guys were talking to the guards and even uh the keeper of the flame there is a sudden shift and like this woman is just holding this item in her hand and then the the the um the merchant it just starts accusing her of stealing from him and like a guard pulls her away through the crowd and you can hear like her screams and whales you see that there are like um and she just starts getting dragged off by a guard that has come through this crowd and you hear her scr uh screams cries and protests as she is like dragged off down an alleyway and you and a number of other outsiders you know non-darrows or slash gray dwarves and even the drow like those guys don't bat an eye but all of you are kind of like turning and looking and abruptly there is silence like a few minutes later another guard appears and is talking to the same merchant and this merchant like you're kind of looking at him and he's he seems really confused like what the hell are you talking about no woman was here like i don't i accused someone of theft no i've got all my stuff right here what are you talking about and the guard like pulls out this stuff that you saw the woman had been holding before and he hands it back and the guy is like even more confused and you see uh like in another stall over a what looks like a woman throwing her husband out accusing him of cheating and being a new good layabout and all this other stuff and then two seconds later he's the one yelling at her accusing her of the same thing and she's crying and then another minute goes by and they're totally fine and you keep seeing these small instances of like these weird things just like popping up every now and again um and then safel you see someone who like it you see a gray dwarf reverse mullet and then they have kind of like these large uh mutton chops that form into a beard and they are they've got like this leather ape and an apron in front of them and lots of small little tools on the front of it and they're just kind of like fingering their beard and looking at you quizzically as you're kind of playing with the the gemstone um and go ahead and make an inside chat okay uh that is a 16. okay uh it seems this particular dwarf it seems to have some kind of recognition or at least extreme interest in the the gemstone that you are playing with uh and you see that they stand in front of a small stall full of different types of blades and weapons and such like that and you guys actually make eye contact and he just kind of like gives you a small wave towards him and he goes and like walks back around behind his his table okay i uh i'm going to go check out this shopkeep really quick um is going to approach cautiously okay uh as you do you see that they have all sorts of very fine very beautifully decorated weapons and armaments which uh strikes you kind of rolling over your your insight check here as very interesting because out of all the other places that you've been here all the other wares a lot of things are very spartan they are sharp and beautiful and simplistic and they function that seems to be like the telltale sign of gray dwarf ingenuity and craft but these have intricate designs and you can see like there's damascus patterns and all sorts of things you see gemstones encrusting a lot of different hills and um this this particular dwarf finally kind of like sees you approach and they like lean over their table extending a big hand towards you and they go uh the name's dane ironhid and i'm quite fascinated as to where you got that any points at the the blue crystal um i'm familiar with the custom i ha savelle reaches out his gloved hand wonderful to meet you he shakes it very it like his big paw basically just wraps around your hand he said dane iron iron iron head stain iron head um i procured this gem in a strange ruin found while traversing uh days ago a while ago um inquiring of the nature of it i have a few theories but i'm still testing do you know more about it do you mind if i hold that piece that you have in your hand i promise i won't take anything you can take one of my fine wares to hold on to um so yeah the the one i was playing with was the one that i had actually affixed to the the top of the staff um so i will remove it from the the twisted uh head and very like he only trusts him as so far as like this guy's not going to get away if he tries anything so he just holds it out to two fingers he sees your trepidation and he pulls from his uh from like a leather thong hanging on the side of his belt a very fine looking uh hammer and he like extends it out to you and he goes here hold it hold it up just so you feel a little bit better i wouldn't i wouldn't leave without this very well uh and so he takes his gem and he like takes out a monocle like a jeweler's monocle when he's looking at it he's like oh that's fascinating yes and you see it actually like starts to kind of he like tosses it up a little bit and it slowly descends back down into his hand and he's like oh oh that's do you mind if i do a little bit of magic over it it's not going to disappear please bye bye thank you thank you and uh you recognize that he's doing identify okay and so he's like he himself is starting to grasp the properties of it and he finally goes the things i can make out of this you wouldn't happen to have a little bit more of this with you i um i do actually i i managed to collect um two samples from my my original find what uh what would you make with it well as you can see i i mostly make armaments weapons um that's a bit of my speciality and i have plans for the[Music] the gems myself but you seem to be a practitioner of this type of craft and i imagine you could make something uh wonderful so i will keep the the small chunk that i have in my staff and i will uh attempt to work that down for my purposes you are welcome to take the the second larger chunk that i have uh if you think you can work it into something he's like if you're willing to leave it with me i could make you something quite quite spectacular it might take me uh just a little bit of time um but i could have it ready for you within a couple of days but you've certainly piqued my interest so by by all means and i will um so i'm going to return the the smaller chunk that i had in my staff into the staff uh yeah but the rest of the the large blue chunk that i broke that from uh which was pretty respectable right yeah that i will i'll give him that that whole chunk okay he uh he takes it and he like puts it into a chest behind his his table and he goes when i get back home tonight i'll begin work on it um give me give me four days if you can before you you come to collect but i will have it for you and it will be glorious um out of curiosity are those your friends over there behind you the um the very strong and intimidating looking woman and the uh the hobgoblin the gigantic man and um that well i don't mean to be something rude but that uh that young woman seems to be having a harder time than the rest of you in terms of you know protection she was inquiring about a um a special set of of stud leather armor with another crafter cloud clawed i believe his name was oh yeah no um and he starts like waving at you laura he's like you come here come here uh yeah laurel uh stride on over yes he i'm i'm dean ironhead and uh i've been working with your friend here i didn't actually catch your name by the way uh sephill apologies he he he's like you're you're seems to be lacking their uh laura and your and your protection and well cloudy claude whatever he calls himself isn't isn't that particularly the best but i might have something for you that's slightly experimental um that i happen to to get off of a particular shipment a while back could i interest you in an experiment there there would be a little bit of gold because i've been told it works very well it's from far away but um if it works if you came back and told me i might be able to make more of it i'm very interested please show me uh and he dips behind his table and he comes back with this like golden jug and he just like puts it on the table and he goes it's liquid armor excuse me it's not a joke it's it's liquid armor it comes from an island nation i i spent quite a fortune in getting in it you just you pour it on the skin and it forms like a second layer it won't impede your movements but it works just as hardy and it's one time use or is it how does it work well from what i've been told um it's uh it can't really be taken off of you until you want it to in which case it just kind of sloughs off you and then perhaps you'd be able to apply it again hmm and it's totally safe as far as i've known it yes how much well considering i don't know the exact extent of it um i suppose i could give it to you at least half off so call it a thousand um are those crystals still out that cephal traded to him uh he put away the big one that cephel gave him um because i was thinking um and you're not would you be interested in a trade i have a few things sure i'm always willing to trade all right uh so she's gonna dig into her bag and start pulling all her crap out um she's glitching she's gonna put down three quarts of liquor oh right and i've got uh three torch stalks and um uh six pieces of the red crystal okay he is like i don't know what the liquor is but i'm curious um so that can stay on the table the crystals these ones very interested in i'll take those and let's see i could knock it down to 500. what if we put your name on the bottle well i don't need the bottle you could you could just keep the jug it's what's inside look did you even look and he like holds the picture out to you and inside you see what looks like liquid bronze i i do have a um an elixir that would uh charm the local fauna flora no fauna fauna i i have a potion of animal friendship uh well i do have a naked cat that's been pissing me off in the neighborhood i suppose it'd be kind of nice to know if he could just [ __ ] off you could tell him and and well actually he he might warm up to you and make a persuasion check can i not oh natural 18 okay for an 18. okay he takes the potion i'll knock it down to 400. that is it okay it's an uncommon item they're not worth a ton all right 400 no you know what we i'll give it to you for 250.[Music] are you a little short i'm perfectly tall thank you gold gets thrown onto the table and you see arthur is there and goes she'll take it the dm is so [ __ ] sick of our shopping no arthur arthur has money and he he's kidded the [ __ ] out and he's just he's like you know what here have it that's very kind of you arthur i don't have the funds to pay you back at this time but i could save your life in the future and that's worth something absolutely uh that is worth very very much something and they take the dane takes the gold and arthas like i'm i'm sure the kindness will be repaid do not worry i don't usually have need for the gold uh and so i will put it in your bag here let's see but as i'm doing that indigo as these guys have all been talking you have kind of been keeping a a better eye out towards the streets and as you do some small movement catches your eye and you're you're like what the hell until you see this very particular dirty darrow they have a pale face under a floppy hat fitted with two tentacle like things that bob up and down in time with his brisk pace he keeps muttering a repetitive series of phrases to himself at different volumes and he fails to notice you as he eventually walks right by your feet oh druggies laid they'll be so angry you stupid stupid stupid plays blocks procrastination obstructions no time no rhyme not mine no time[Music] no so late this is the person you're looking for this is the acclaimed dro key oh my friends the game is a foot what do you mean it's it we're gonna are we done shopping yes all right indigo taps his nose and begins to shadow drokie oh i i know this game how many words everybody's already left it spells like wait what i'm so confused uh okay so you get you're gonna try to stealth after him sure am i'm going invisible yeah okay i'm just gonna pass the self part all right everybody roll a stealth check then i don't know how it works you're gonna roll but you get a serious bonus okay 10. oh wait i have disadvantages i'm sick i keep forgetting oh [ __ ] yeah that's right it's still a 10. okay uh 10 sephel what'd you get again also 10. okay[Music] indigo got a 14 at disadvantage what the[ __ ] stick out uh stool got a natural 18 and then disadvantage for arthur because he's the massive dude uh but not bad okay um[Music] you guys start kind of tailing this this figure him still muttering himself to himself no time no rhyme not time not mine so late oh and he starts like fiddling into his bag as you guys are kind of behind them no drop so there so there and he looks up and he makes eye contact with safel he's like bag strange bag good bag friend no friend and he just starts booking it oh i'm chasing i'm chasing follow the and the chase is on this week so hey you loyal listener you've made it this far to the post show notes and that means the absolute world to us thank you so much for being here if you have one more second we would adore you if you could leave a rating and a review in whatever podcatcher you're currently listening in the ratings and reviews are astronomical when it comes to growing the show because it's what gets us noticed for new listeners so if you have just a moment to do that please do and we also have a twitter facebook and instagram if you want to give us a follow it's at the madness table and if you've noticed we are now posting weekly episodes because of supporters like you so if we haven't said enough thank you and we will see you in just seven short days for our next episode when so[Music] you