[Music] so[Music] uh so last time you guys decided to do a little bit of shopping after and finishing up your conversation with gratocar on the uh the great ghosts the missing egg this uh perhaps literal or metaphorical rift or whole somewhere um and you've collected your badges you made your way out you were considering selling some things trying to find potentially a good vendor where you could get quite a bit of cash for your horseshoes of the suffer you found some weapons and armor you found a very particular armor that was potentially going to sell some studded leather to laura um however he demanded for such a low price that his name be embroidered upon him uh not a low price to you currently it is not a low price uh but hey but he's a shrewd true gray dwarf um you uh it was indigo who took the green drake skin and has left it with this the same gray dwarf to try and have some kind of garment made from it uh but it will take them a couple of days to have it made and as you guys continued around the blade bazar keeping your eyes out for the supposed contact of the great ghosts a darrow named drokey uh you guys or safel stumbled across a odd uh merchant who had a a large collection of arms out in front of him uh very nicely decorated and very finely crafted compared to a lot of uh other merchants within the play bazaar and they were very intrigued by the crystals of the staff and eventually a bargain was struck in which uh this this gray dwarf dane iron head would be taking the the moon crystals and would be making some kind of weapon for uh sefal and having seen the the rest of the party and the ill-armored aquilara he kind of mentioned that he had this weird liquid armor from a faraway place that she could uh perhaps purchase off of him and with some crystals and some other things thrown in and a very generous arthur vein uh throwing down 250 gold you now have this weird jug of bronze like liquid sloshing around in your pack as you guys have spotted the elusive drokie and are now giving chase and so first up we have indigo all right uh in indigo's sees that safel's been made and it's just gonna start kind of sliding through the crowd uh after drookie um so i wanna move my full movement but i don't want to dash i want to use my action to attempt to stay hidden at least for this turn okay so you're gonna you're gonna move and you're gonna try to be stealthy here okay uh you have advantage in doing so so go ahead and roll me a stealth jacket advantage all right that will cancel out my disadvantage for my clanky armor nice all right and that is a keen 18. okay all right uh moving along is arthur vane who kind of turns to uh he sees indigo take off into the crowd no longer sees lara but stool and cephel are still beside him and he kind of turns to you cephal in your pillow covered head uh and goes is um is this the one that we we need for sure yes follow the weird hat um are they evil i don't i don't particularly know i don't think we were told all right i won't i won't hurt them then uh don't mame just catch fair enough uh and he sprints off after drokie and he let's take another look at his movement here he has 30 feet worth of movement so he's going to double move and he is uh for such a large figure everybody just starts kind of clearing out of his way as he's barreling through after drokie and he gets within 20 feet he's not dashing but now drokey has made uh been made aware that there is another large figure chasing after him um okay next in the order is yousafel okay so you said i am 80 feet away correct yes okay yeah please tell me all what your how much you did move so like indigo how much exactly in feet did you move uh 30 feet just 30. okay[Music] got it thank you go ahead okay i am going to uh i am going to dash okay um and move so i will move 60 feet towards strokie trying to uh trying to get within a good distance of him okay yep so you are 20 feet away now all right laura is my turn the invisible laura um so i see both cephal indigo and um our new pal arthur sprinting right you don't really see indigo he has seemingly slipped into the crowd arthur vane though is barreling through and safel i imagine is probably running up the same path behind arthur or is he kind of slipping into the crowd as well uh no he's sort of using arthur as a means to plow through the crowd okay fair enough yeah he's he's large enough for that to be done so that's that's what you're spotting okay so my what i want to do is kind of get um i'm gonna move my full 30 feet and then can i i want to watch the drokie if he thinks he's being followed like is there a way that i can kind of get a sense like maybe an insight check or whatever of like where i think he's gonna turn so that i can like cut through an alley or something like to try and get ahead of him ooh like i want to try and like not go full adam but try to guess where he's gonna turn okay so that i can sprint down a side alley got it got it got it got it got it got it um yeah roll an insight check i'm not good at insights i'm i'm gonna do an opposed um deception check here okay let me bring up his i have a negative one to inside whoa all right here we go oh and i'm disadvantaged because i'm exhausted this can only go well right only go well well it's not gonna be great i got a four he got a seven uh so you're he is so like between his weird bouncing tentacle hat and his like like captain jack sparrow weaving his arms around doing all sorts of crazy[ __ ] you have no idea what this this cat's gonna do you you don't even know if he really knows what he's gonna do okay well that's my action um okay uh all right then well next in the order is stool uh stool here with his with his 25 feet of movement he is going to double move uh and he's going to get within 50 feet of drokie and we are now at roki's turn uh drokey here you all of you that have an eye on him see him like tap his heels together and then he just blitz off into the crowd uh and he is going to try and make a stealth check here with advantage because it is heavily obscured with all the other people um okay once his stealth goes here yeah okay good to know uh and as of right now you cannot see him and you do not know how far away he has gotten uh okay that is his turn we are back at the top of the order with indigo indigo you have you had moved 30 feet and you had kind of slipped into the crowd so you don't believe drokie has eyes on you now but now he has taken off go ahead and make a perception check to see if you can spot them absolutely the 15 15 you do not see them uh that being the case i'm just gonna keep pushing through the crowd uh oh excuse me sorry excuse me uh and and start making my way um further ahead but still attempting to kind of cloak myself in the crowd okay which um i'm gonna do this real quick so you can't see drokey's token on the map which direction on our roll20 map here are you going in i am gonna keep um towards the water uh look at the docks to my left and kind of pushing ahead figuring that you know i i'll be able to i'll see him if he like breaks containment on us okay i'll put you about here because now if you've just moved your regular uh regular amount you would be uh about there or so where drokey was a little bit over that uh or no actually you would be at 60 feet are you double moving at all yeah i'm going to move here you're going to double move i cannot say yeah okay so indigo continues along the waterfront you're now around the area where you you last kind of spotted drokie on in the hopes of also kind of catching up to where they might have gone to uh next in the order is arthur let's see if arthur can spot where drokey has gone uh they cannot so arthur is just kind of gonna barrel on he was about here last time he's gonna continue on straight kind of meeting up in this corner there and next up is safel so i hadn't moved my token last time so if i had moved 60 feet whereabouts you would have been about there i went ahead and moved yeah you guys should be able to move your tokens right we're just going to do approximations right now yep uh so where was the last place that we saw drokie or can i can i try to see him yeah absolutely make a perception check uh okay with disadvantage because of the crowd okay ah there's the garbage four you do not see them however where you are standing is basically right where they had been[Music] okay but they continued i wouldn't have known where they what direction they continued to go in no unless you have something that you can do either a a check you want to do or a spell that you want to cast to try and ascertain in which direction you do not see them so you don't actually know where they went i do not um so what i will do is i will actually move eastward between these two buildings and i actually want to get an eye on uh indigo if i can yeah i'll say you're both kind of like coming around this corner of this large building uh with forges bellowing out the sides and stuff like that yeah you managed to make eye contact with indigo i would say okay uh how how far away can or how close can i get to him with without dashing um i'd say that you guys are within 30 feet of each other okay uh i'm going to call out to indigo um i'm going to say trust your natural instincts don't watch the crowd look for tracks okay and that is my turn alright uh laura you are up um when lara lost sight of drokey she sprinted toward um one of these buildings um and i would like to climb to get a vantage point to see over the crowd okay uh yeah go ahead and make me an athletics check my athletics is better but silly classic oh i rolled 211 so that's a 16. okay yeah you managed to scale up and you are definitely not at the top of this particular building but you're about 20 feet up so you have a good eye over the crowd okay so um 60 feet of movement do i have it uh like is there do i can i take a minute to look or do i need to wait till my next turn to keep moving up the building um let's say let's see uh i just gotta double check your movement speed unless you have a climb speed is halved when you are climbing something right right so i would if i if i move and dash i could move 30 feet of a building okay well then then i will say if you want to you can get on top of this building and still have about 15 feet worth of movement and you could make a perception check all right then i yeah i'll do that so i'm gonna go the whole way up um standing with a at a certain vantage point to be able to hopefully see like multiple directions and then take a little peek okay i will say you're not rolling at disadvantage because you are above the crowd okay cool um doesn't matter will that's a two damn guys oh no uh you yeah you are like just so uh amped up from like freaking running up this building uh and when you're up there you're actually getting like a lot of smoke and smog in your face as it's starting to get thicker and thicker the higher up you go uh so you're just kind of coughing on it but you you do see the others down below uh through your watering eyes this is just shades of the basilisk fight it really is it's like oh my god we're so bad at seeing things uh all right next up is stool oh stool poor poor old boy uh yeah he's got nothing there that can really help and he sees indigo so he's just like running up behind him to go like where'd he go oh i don't know he's pretty good at this game oh man i thought i was good at hide and seek um okay well it's drokey's turn again and he's doing something doing things uh okay and we are back at the top of the order with indigo um indigo like looks over at sephill and like like squints his eyes like[Music] oh work smarter not harder uh and he is i'm gonna go ahead and cast a spell here if i could um because i i'm gonna cast locate object and i'm looking for that stupid hat oh okay okay nice can you read me the text of the spell yes luke optic second level spell describe or name an object that is familiar to you you sense the direction to the object's location as long as the object is within 1000 feet of you if the object is in motion you know the direction of its movement okay all right i mean i'm gonna say it's not a familiar object with you to you but it's such a unique object uh that you do get a you do get a ping on it and if you guys are looking at the roll 20 map uh indigo you feel that it is almost 350 feet away from you jesus christ and it's going to the south about here on the roll 20 map if you can see it i can uh keep pinging here in a second okay yeah so it is a long ways away and it is moving very fast um so it's up to you guys if you want to stay in chase mode or if you want to drop out and just try to follow it now that you have this ping on it we'll say like narratively you can keep running after it but i i don't think there's anything you guys could do to necessarily catch up 350 feet nope nah he too fast yeah i'll i'll kind of gather i was gonna kind of gather arthur and um safel and stool okay i still know where laura is um hey guys um he is he is way that way let's let's just like we gotta we gotta move we gotta keep moving but um keep your keep your tokens handy because um i think we have to go back towards the you know the gray work part of town you say keep your tokens handy yeah your worms move tokens um can i say that lara just saw everyone group up again and came down yeah absolutely you can do that you are still invisible unless you drop it yeah no she like leans in and she's like what's going on oh my god who said that why do you have to are we continuing every time lara are you okay i don't understand yeah yeah no it's right i am i have a magical means of kind of tracking him so let's let's kind of keep it keep it going follow me follow me and i'm gonna start beating my way south yeah i'll keep up as we're as we're going can i do a quick look around the crowd to see if we've drawn any unwelcome attention um[Music] i want to make sure that nobody that we don't want following us is following us sure you guys can make perception checks or investigation checks either one good thing perception four i am going uh there's going to be a a very brief uh by dm's request uh flash of this uh very brief quick memory of uh safel or he believes it is it is a a memory of his own darting through uh dark caverns trying not to be spotted and and looking around to make sure he's not being followed as he has items and manuscripts like tucked under his his uh arm that he knows that he shouldn't have he shouldn't be caught with uh and so i'm going to use a knowledge for my past life to add a d6 to that check okay um as you as this kind of like memory comes over you you almost feel a connection to something something larger within your mind as this happens and as this quote unquote inspiration of a such comes to you that that same feeling drifts away very quickly it really recedes from your mind but go ahead okay uh with the addition of the d6 my investigation goes up to an 18 okay uh so lara was a four yes yeah 18 uh indigo 21 perception 21. okay uh arthur doesn't know what you guys are looking out for and so he's just kind of like watching you guys as you're all kind of trotting south and you're all kind of like looking around your shoulders and stuff he's like um is that something we should be aware of um but you guys are all kind of engrossed in in what you're doing stool just trying to keep up with his stubby little legs uh but you laura you are so focused ahead you're like god i cannot let my my prey essentially escape me um sebel and indigo you both notice that a couple of guards were very interested in what you are doing and are now just kind of curious as you are making your way south like as you're you're passing them by they're just kind of eyeing you um indigo you spot a drow who just seems to like immediately make eye contact with you and it doesn't even break just head swiveling watching you run and just still completely still just watching you go um but that's all you guys notice it doesn't seem like anybody's pursuing you or anything of the like[Music] all right super love it love to hear it love to hear it um uh are you guys keeping that to yourself uh no so well safel's uh going to mention um we should as long as you have this ability to track him i don't know how much haste is required but we should regain some uh normalcy a couple guards have noticed us don't want to create any issues that would impede our progress yeah hate me yep slow it down slow it down um i did also see one of our old friends um who saw us as well i haven't nope oh the the people that brought us together the drow the friends we made along the way yeah uh also we do have to keep we don't have to run we should keep hurrying i i there is a limit to this range okay as you guys are running and you guys are kind of like saying this to each other trying to make it more nonchalant like oh we're just going through a morning jog through grackle stuck like no worries um arthur is just kind of like so you were brought together by drow interesting i i'd be curious to hear more of this this story uh perhaps at another point in time yes it was a wonderful story full of death and love and intrigue we'll tell you later now follow the ping i i don't know where the ping is you have to you literally have to i have to follow you follow indigo okay thank you and you guys keep moving south uh while you are keeping a decent pace and you guys like flash your badges as you get through one of the gates that lead into uh the the greater hold of the deep king uh you find yourselves making your ways across the the large furrow and indigo you can feel the pain very slowly gaining a little bit more ground on you and you guys realize that you are headed west along the furrow after crossing until eventually you come to a small staircase like a picture kind of like the same steepness of oh god i can't remember the name of the path that frodo sam and gollum take when they're going up to like the spider's lair you know like picture that craggy staircase that's super steep and it just descends into the furrow and pass the gates into the uh you can see it now you can see it as the the slums that the darrow reside in here in this west part of uh the furrow and so you think now this must be the west cleft district that had been mentioned before uh and i will go ahead and reveal that on that and while you guys aren't restricted from the area as you step foot into it it's um do you guys i mean i'm making so many references here and whatnot but do you remember uh did all everybody see batman begins the christopher nolan one oh yeah okay you remember when batman is like going through i forget the exact part of town it is but it's basically like the ghetto and the slums there where it's scaffolding everywhere and people just kind of wandering the streets homeless that kind of a thing that is what you get here the the smell it's this gross mixture of mustiness and uh fecal matter and you see daryl with cloaks about them some of them are like hissing and snarling at you as you are stepping foot into the district you hear different yells from all over the place like you are not wanting here and like so on and so forth and um like every once in a while you even feel something being like thrown at you and like you hear the occasional tinks off of arthur's armor and uh you feel the ping continue to push on past the west cleft district kind of nearing the end of this large furrow uh are you guys doing anything in this area or are you just trying to get through it as fast as possible i mean is the primary demographic here darrow it's entirely daryl okay i want to continue but i would like to do a quick scan just for shits just to see if maybe bupido's around oh yeah yeah make a make a perception check oh you know lara's doing it sure go for it and maybe um her new friend is here bullying everyone uh perception yep enrolled a 17 17 what'd you get lauren one one oh god you are having such a bad night that sweet disadvantage i'm just very exhausted yeah what'd you get indigo looks around uh 23 20 oh my goodness all of you are keeping your eyes out for bupido yes just yeah just a quick scan as we're passing through sure uh you don't see anybody that necessarily stands out as bupido however you all feel extremely uneasy as you are passing through these narrow narrow streets like things are so cluttered together arthur is having to like almost walk sideways in some parts just trying to get past like these ram shackle huts and and scaffolding and these darrow uh kind of like are now showing up along the sides of the street and they're just staring you down and they have this intense fury hatred in disgust as they stare at you all and you can see like they have these um biden like spears and um you know little kitchen knives and all sorts of things as they are just watching you walk through some of them are like you feel like you see murder in their eyes for the simple fact of you're walking through here like how dare you um you hear lots of comments like dirty surfaces should stuff them into their coals in the ground leave them there be gone um but you do not see signs distinctly of bupido but there's lots of faces that happen to look close to it and so i imagine you guys getting a little jumpy as you're kind of going through like oh [ __ ] is that him oh no that's not that's not bad um but you continue on following this ping until eventually you find yourselves kind of moving through passing through a couple of small hut like stretcher structures but nobody's in them and as you push aside the last bit of cloth you find yourself standing in front of a cave opening and indigo you feel that the ping has slowed down you'd think it's a you can tell the exact distance away from you yes uh yes as long as it's within a thin thousand feet okay you think it's probably 500 feet away or so and how long does the spell last for uh uh only 10 minutes okay uh you feel it's about 500 feet away from you further down this tunnel and i will say at that the spell is now gone um but you know it is further down into this this cave what do you guys want to do we've come this far i think we continue we should at least see what's down there but lara do you feel okay to continue i'm fine do do you need to take a breather for a moment absolutely not let's go okay it's it's really not a bother i'm sure we can find him i can't imagine this this cave goes on very long do i look anything less than physically perfectly fine right now yes yes absolutely you look like you need to sit down that was a joke i'm invisible maybe just every once in a while they see the black phlegm just like appear out of nowhere it's like oh god something just like coughs blood onto the floor nearby you look like [ __ ] you can't see me it's that bad well all right uh since you guys are continuing in we're gonna move to a new map and this one's it's a vegan amp um as you guys start making your way into this this cave which quickly starts turning into a tunnel uh you notice a couple very interesting things about it you kind of enter into this weird glowing section and you see what looks like these odd spiral stripes suffusing through the bedrock all around you and this eerie kind of dancing shadows start dancing across jagged pillars that are lining the walls the air smells in tastes slightly metallic and the surround sound around you becomes strangely muted and the drooping of the water makes no echo as if you stood in open air all of you make me uh arcana checks[Music] oh my [ __ ] god oh so the good rules just keep on coming everybody no no it was terrible okay i got a 14. oh fell total of eight yikes also 14. also 14. uh well indigo and laura you recognize or feel that this must be the work of the ferez once again permeating the area here that has strangely warped whatever this this tunnel seems to be taking you lara leans over his foul and she's like i feel it don't you you know what that is i mean i told you i don't really feel hunger or tired so you don't well that's what you're insinuating right you're i mean you're exhausted you sound like garbage it's a foul really terrible it's the ferez you don't feel it indigo you feel it right oh yeah absolutely that's fresh 100 oh yeah that's definitely that's definitely the fres arthur's like i have no idea what what you're talking about i thought it felt weird i don't know i think you're just saying that it's clear you didn't know what was going on no i'm i'm rather embarrassed i don't know what to say at this moment i'm sort of infuriated that everyone got that but me i mean arthur doesn't count you you you now know what what's going on yeah well just let everybody just be aware um is arthur d do you know what the furrez is absolutely not i've i have not been in the underdog long i'm very curious what this is and uh as you guys are talking to each other it's you almost have to take a moment to listen to each other because it's like you're it's almost like you're talking under water slightly like there's a slight distortion to your words as you're speaking due to the ferez this is odd i think we should just move faster faster must go faster we'll see if the fresh permeates this entire area perhaps we can move beyond but it's hard to say also i think it might be repeating that um this might be like like a hideout so like there might be like traps and stuff so you keep keep keep your eyes out everybody uh that being said while we are i guess near the entrance-ish um i'm just gonna pop up oh actually that might be a terrible idea you know what i'm going what i was gonna say i'm gonna cast detect magic but i don't know how that would react with the fores around so i'm actually going to refrain okay all right all right fine cool because i feel like this is one of those situations where like you pull that stupid [ __ ] of i'm gonna detect magic and you're like yeah there's ferrez around i mean you detect all of it yeah in safal is smart enough to know that there is with the fresh there it will be tricky like you'd have to be relatively close to pick out something very distinct from it not that you couldn't do it but yeah you are so surrounded by it it'd be it'd be like trying to find drokie in the crowd again yeah yeah so i'm gonna i'm gonna hold okay[Music] as uh you guys have like made your way in here um what i'm not even gonna bother asking that question because i think it's indigo with the passive perception of 16 yes check okay you as you guys are kind of making your slow way in here you notice that there are actually quite a few small footprint tracks mixed in with a couple different medium-sized creatures tracks moving in and out of this this tunnel here um and it makes it very hard to distinguish which set is drokeys or could be other darrows so you think trying to kind of track them through means of footprints might be a bit difficult i think they've been this way but it it's hard to track if this passes away branches up ahead it'll it might be kind of difficult to tell which way he's gone hmm perhaps we just continue forward and see what we can find out at least right now the tunnel seems fairly straight yeah i mean i can use that locate object spell again um but it is one of my more useful potential spells unless we see a strong need you should preserve the magics that you have but it's good to know that's at our disposal yeah just in case we get you know stuck all right let's continue on then let's sneaking ahead uh you guys should have full movement of your pawns and i'm going to ask you to really really really really stay on that and uh as long as you guys are in this system here um so go ahead and begin moving yourselves forward and i will reveal the next area of interest here as you guys are coming forward you find yourselves coming to a kind of intersection you see that there is a split that goes to the north kind of to your left and there is a split that goes east to to your right uh you see that there are tracks going in both directions however it seems there is more traffic that happens to go eastward would we have an idea of i mean just the description this guy is supposedly leading us or running to a place where he meets with with the great ghosts right that's what you were you would presume yeah would we be able to intuit that that's probably not a well-trodden path i mean we don't we don't know a whole lot about the groups i i will say you you really don't know clearly this was a semi-hidden area uh you know that it seemed like the the gray dwarves really weren't coming into the west clef district so this could be an entirely unknown thing to them um so it could be the grey ghosts are not very secretive about where they are in this cave system or they are very secretive it's it's hard to distinguish okay i think i think what might be best is because i'm invisible i could head down this tunnel where the many tracks have gone um perhaps be very quick to see what's up ahead and then report back oh that's a great idea as long as you're carrying why do you sound so surprised i don't understand withhold any further comments um yeah so i will i will walk slowly so as to keep stealth i know i'm invisible but like i'm not gonna dash i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna move my full movement and just kind of head down this tunnel i'm gonna go like 200 feet okay uh you do not even have to go that far uh okay you as you get into this space you see that there is a another fork one that continues to the northeast a little bit and then one that seems to cut directly towards the south and as you look south you see that there there's a smaller narrower what looks like uh entrance into what could be a larger area um but you see that there is more light coming from there and you almost hear what sounds like a voice but you can't all right distinguish exactly what it is or who i want to get closer to that voice okay you as you kind of peek into this room go ahead and make a perception check for me okay what you see shocks you and terrifies you oh no as you venture to the edge of the cavern the stench of rotting meat rises oh geez the floor is carpeted with humanoid remains in various stages of decomposition arranged in a spiral pattern around the cave's center an off-key humming comes from a hunched figure working busily at something on the floor um there you are and as this figure rises you realize it's bupido oh jesus oh and as he turns and faces you he is covered drenched in blood and gore he goes ah[Music] there you are i didn't expect you to find me here with my shrine nearly finished and he spreads his arms wide and you see towards the back of this cave is this horrifying pillar of bodies stacked and speared together forming this horrid humanoid figure oh my god and power my faithful are finally honoring me uh you yes yes i sense that you are ready to receive my truth into your heart and he reaches down to his belt and he pulls forth a bloody dagger and you see about him six figures dead figures start to rise[Applause] roll for initiative alright so lara even though you are invisible you your presence at the very least has been detected by bupido who has risen amongst this spiraling um design of corpses that surround him and six skeletal like figures have arisen about him uh and first in the order is safel what are you doing you don't know this is happening right now laura has gone she's been maybe gone a minute okay uh safel is probably starting to get worried like he he had reservations about laura scouting up ahead anyway just because of her sickness um oh not not like a mental sickness like she's [ __ ] insane um no so he is worried but he hasn't he doesn't hear anything does he can i make like you haven't i will i can already say you haven't heard anything yet right yeah and with your your passive perception you have not noticed the particular odors drifting from that chamber yet yep yeah so i think he's just gonna wait i think i think this turn he's just gonna wait all right uh next up is arthur who is gonna do the same thing and then finally we have bupido oh boopydo who starts chuckling i will find you and he dips his hand into a small pouch at his belt and he tosses something up into the air and you see like this dark powder kind of go about them and then they disappear but you still see lara these six figures kind of shambling there and it is their turn and as they cannot particularly see you they just start kind of shambling about the room so one comes all the way up here another one drifts there one kind of drifts to they're all kind of slowly moving north uh westward but you do not have eyes on bupido anymore um and we are now at stool's turn and stool stool is happy to just be here he's hanging out with his buds this feels terrible so that is their turn indigo you are up man it's a boring tunnel[Laughter] that's that's my turn it's really not great around here okay and laura before you do anything oh no i need you to make a sanity check for me okay because the the sights in front of you are horrifying uh disadvantage uh what's your score oh yeah i have a 16 but i'm exhausted your sanity is at 16 still yeah you got i started at 16 i lost one in the prison escape and i regained one on the island wow yeah laura has the best sanity out of all of us surprisingly surprisingly yeah uh no i disadvantaged though because this is this is a check here uh i got an eight okay that is a failure so you have failed once so this is oh boy this is long-term madness territory for you right now i need you to roll me a d-100 please long-term madness for her first fail no no no she's already failed oh jesus 95. yeah i don't i don't know if that's good or terrible i don't think there are a lot of good options on that dog no no probably not on our own in this table with what you see here in front of you and i imagine the images it calls back to mind and the ferez that permeates around you and this is i love the dice here this is amazing uh rng you like go to let lucia cry for your friends presumably and you find that you cannot talk oh my god and you have lost the ability to speak for a certain amount of time which i would have rolled and i will write down as a reminder which sucks for podcast but uh yeah cool bye laura all right um so i don't know how long it'll be okay you'll let me know no you have no idea i mean you can still talk to us about lara's like in-mind decisions and stuff like that there's no way you like you couldn't not like try to sign to a friend or something you know you can still describe it verbal spells are a thing so that's not great yes will was was the reactions that the majority of us on the beach in sloopadoo had was that long term or was that short-term insanity that was short-term and that was minutes yeah long term really bad yeah so lara isn't speaking at least the entirety of this combat yes all of my spells are verbal oh my god very very least she might not be speaking for a couple of episodes wow so laura what would you like to do on your turn um yeah lara goes to like speak and sees it and you know feels like she's like choking on the fear of it um but realizing that she is invisible and needs to do something to alert her friends um she's going to um do i want to do what's smart or what is do do what you feel slash lara wouldn't would do here she can't even tell us who's down there no kenny is invisible and she cannot tell us this is why i [ __ ] love the rng right here literally just[ __ ] yeah you can't can't can't do anything [ __ ] i can't do that because i can't this is death this this is gonna be a character death some one one point further would have been way worse one point less could have been pretty bad too oh oh they're all bad will on the standing table the long term insanity table doesn't have good options you're saying that there was a good thing that could happen so last thing i'll say about it short term deals in minutes long term deals with hours yup so all right sam what you doing what you got i want to move 30 feet toward the direction i came from so i'm gonna head back down the tunnel to where i veered off and took the right of that why and then i'm looking back at the group i want to take out i have 50 feet of rope okay i want to take it out hold on to one end and throw the rest of it in their direction i don't think i can hit them but like i'm trying to like maybe i need to wait another round well i'll dash i'll dash and do that or no i can't that's an action you can measure out the distance however when if you throw this rope because if you're still holding on to it it should remain invisible as well so yeah so i have to hit them with it okay i don't think equipment does if it's not like i thought it was anything you were holding is it yeah i thought we yeah we ruled it before that it was whatever i was holding yeah i think we should probably no that that sounds right if you're i didn't know if you were like throwing it and leaving it like detached from your person but if she threw it and left it yes it would become visible if she's holding on to one end of it i will save her now it's still invisible all right well then i'm gonna throw it and drop it okay uh the rest of you all of a sudden see this 50-foot stretch of road just up here and like clump to the ground uh i immediately draw my staff it it is back at the top of the order with yusefel who's there laura did you see something i guess i could clap or something uh yeah you could i would say that would probably drop you definitely drop you out of invisibility though yeah i won't do anything okay uh i'm just going to i'm going to cautiously move up and inspect the rope that just got thrown on the floor there's a name tag at the end property of aguilara can you even get to the end without double moving to see that no no uh no i will um this is the rope of ecuador if lost please please return yeah just written continuously down the coil of it uh nope so i am going to it is a nope rope it is a no probe ah god yeah no i uh i am inspecting the rope and he speaks and that is that is it okay that is it uh it's arthur's turn also kind of spooked by the emergence of this rope is gonna move they're gonna get up behind to fell and uh he's like um do you believe this is aquadon was doing i can only assume but i don't know what other creatures are in this cave she's not speaking well that's the end of his turn uh it's bupido's turn now this is bubito goes ahead and does something and the skelly boys go ahead and do a little something we should go ahead and hide these areas because you guys are not looking into them now currently i mean lara can technically still see in there can't she uh how far is her dark vision again 60 feet yeah 60. ah christ you you get the yeah you can see a skeleton yep in a little bit of a second one but not by much that's it uh next up is stools turn stool just kind of following everybody along like wow a magically appearing rope that's incredible and that that's his turn indigo you are up uh you know i am also intrigued by the strange danger noodle um danger noodle i'll move yeah 30 feet forward um and can i make a perception check see if i can detect anything uh sure go for it yeah just kind of listening into the darkness here uh at the 22. okay you now smell that horrible decaying flesh smell oh well that doesn't smell good at all you guys know that someone's only died down here i don't smell anything yet what direction is it coming from uh indigo points towards the southeast uh and concludes his turn okay uh laura it is back to you all right lara now um having gotten them a little closer i want to uh go forward to i'm going to be 15 feet toward indigo hearing him say that about the dead bodies i heard it right it was 50 feet away um i want to um uh grab him by the shoulders and like shake him hoping that he knows that it's me no uh yeah yeah indigo you are shaken by an invisible person oh hey i found laura i think laura is probably like breathing like very you know like like yeah i think you can hear you breathing like[Music] yeah yeah and then i want to grab indigo's palm and start to write with my finger be you p and like keep spelling bupido okay over and over again i will say because you grabbed on to them and kind of like shook them that this is an action and it breaks the invisibility so like lara appears in front of everybody and she is she's writing this on your hand indigo um and i will say that indigo you can have a free insight check to try and determine what it is she's writing upon your you know all right that's a 12 it takes you a couple of a couple of seconds to pick up on it and she she repeats it a couple times and then it snaps into your mind she's spelling bupido oh oh oh and then as soon as he starts to say that i want to put my hand over his mouth and then i put my finger up to my lips and i'm like indicating to him to stay quiet i stay quiet but but like then she'll be like but you can tell sevela but like be quiet i'm just gesturing i mean i just i just heard indigo audibly say bupido right yeah super dude oh yeah all right okay uh so that is lara's turn so fell it is yours now uh yeah i mean hearing that that that's all cephel needs so he is going to uh indigo pointed down south east and lara said bupido he is going to lauren and say it but yeah you got you know you're right well in uh sorry indigo said bupido um so safel is actually going to uh would staff drawn dash down the tunnel i was debating an opportunity to stop you but i don't think i should i don't think i ran by you either i mean like i did but i didn't i wasn't in your range um savelle do you want to mark out how far your dark vision is for me by the way uh i believe his dark vision is i think it's just 60 feet okay so you look down into this area and you see that there are a couple from what you can see from this particular vantage point you see that there are a couple what look like shambling skeletons walking in this this cave and as you see what lays within i need you to make a sanity check okay how many times have you failed i think you've failed twice in total i think yeah two so far okay i mean do i see the full scene or am i just seeing skeletons you can you can see the bodies like this entire cavern isn't like this giant inside is just this giant spiral leading around a circle so you just see like tons and tons of bodies in there making this okay so sanity check let's go insane i don't think i've passed one i think i i think i have been offered a sanity check twice and i have failed both times yeah so you're looking at long term too if you fail this oh i don't know the dc's uh 14 you're okay you do not lose yourself in the in the grip of what you see beyond yeah that is a huge boon right now i think he feels like almost the compulsion of vomit looking at it and he's he's just able to steal himself i mean he did eat somebody's brain a couple days ago yeah yeah ah here's just more brains yeah you know stuff's getting pretty weird it's uh it's getting harder and harder to skeeve him out he we chomping the hecks in the underdog yeah uh all right is that your entire turn uh i did say that i dashed so yes that would be my my whole deal okay arthur turns to you indigo as it is their turn and goes uh i'm guessing by the way that sifel has gone running off that this is someone we should be quite wary of yes he's he's very dangerous he he killed one of our companions before then i think it is my sacred duty and he pulls from his belt that huge maul slash axe and he starts running down the tunnel uh oh no towards the fell okay and they get a little bit in front of safel and with this weird light um i should say dark vision doesn't matter because there's this weird glowing light everywhere but anyways it's just your vision um and what you can see clearly and arthur sees the scene before him and he has to roll a sanity check as he just stops flabbergasted and he fails um he is horrified at what he sees here right bro sanity is the worst mechanic who ever exists he is stunned and he is stunned for okay okay wow i gotta make a note of this uh all right next up in the order is bupido and bupido bupido bupido what are you going to do this is quite interesting okay so bupido's done the skeletons are up next and those that see sephel and arthur are now going to start shambling their way towards you 30. they're close uh and they are both going to fire short bows you guys let me just get my monster stab back up here i stupidly exited out in face come here skelly boys okay so short bow first one is going at cephel that is a seven on the die plus that uh that is a 12 to hit i don't think that hits you uh it doesn't hit that is okay crazy [ __ ] bonus for a skeleton though um and then the second one is going to shoot at arthur natural 17 uh they're definitely going to hit and that is that is four plus uh two so six points of damage is done to arthur and he has like this arrow sinks into the high draped about him uh he's kind of like bobbing there still somewhat stunned at what's happening before him uh and next up in the order is stool and stool uh is gonna just start running he's moving he gets here and sees the skeletons and he just calls out skeletons uh and what is he going to do here oh stool uh yeah he is like what's the point in shushing indigo if stool's just gonna go in there and start screaming yeah i don't know why you didn't think of that uh well i mean you guys can only hear it in your minds when he yells so oh i forget yeah everybody forgets about old good stool because no one cares about him well you should have how dare you mouth he's he's forgettable you're gonna be dust soon indigo you're up you're not wrong don't you dare talk about my boy that way so i can i can start to see like the skeletons like shifting over here by cephale and that action um i'm gonna look laura like dead in the eyes um we should go get him right right um i think she's like terrified and she like looks at indigo and i'm i'm assuming that he can see that she is terrified yeah she just points at that room and she's like shaking her head like there's bad [ __ ] in that room uh indigo's just gonna like press his forehead against yours um then separate uh and i am just close enough to sacred flame that skeleton that's moving up towards cephel okay uh the closest one that's a dexterity saving throw for me right yes please please okay yeah because these skelly boys we know are quite good at those um wow that's a natural 18 plus two for a 20. yeah that does it skeleton be nimble he's just like [ __ ] your god he doesn't say anything he can't talk i don't know why i know this but i hate that skeleton i hate him uh and i'm just gonna like whisper laura i i have to try i can't i can't leave them uh and i'm gonna make my way 30 feet down the passage okay laura you are up um i'm gonna use my action to call forth my can i actually do a great sword this time uh does it say that you can change it every time yes it does okay then and with my improved packed weapon i can actually make it a ranged weapon but i have to have the ammo for it okay well if you want to make it a great sword this time make it a great start this time yeah it feels like a great sport kind of moment okay um yeah the almost exact replica grazit's weapon forms in your hands okay um she's going to take both hands and i want to move 30 feet west east wouldn't east be wouldn't that be east yes sorry anyways and so i'm gonna uh i'm gonna move my full movement not getting any closer to the room but just getting closer to the combat by moving fully east and that's it okay we are back at the top of the order with sephel safel you see these these two skeletons closing in on you you do not see any sign of bupido yet okay uh i am going to i'm assuming the skeleton that is closest to me was the one that fired on me yes okay uh i am going to launch a celestial burst at it in retaliation so uh so cephel sort of raises his staff and swirls it around in the air and as he does uh stardust like appears in the air and the end that gnarled end of his staff kind of collects it all in this uh glowing nebulous orbit and he throws it outward towards the skeleton four okay uh 24 to hit that is a hit dying so it hits him for not great uh three points of radiant damage okay this uh so that is doubled i believed uh cause it is undead yes so you do six points of actually i mean is that just across the board undead unless it says it's vulnerable to radiant damage it would just take normal then it just takes yeah because the spell doesn't say it does more damage to undead so unless unless the creature statlock says that it's vulnerable to radiant damage it's just straight damage all right then uh is that your entire turn my friend uh uh yeah yeah it is okay you hear a voice call out from somewhere it's like uh phil's phil's film i've been waiting for you good to see you found me[Music] show yourself monster all in good time uh and next up is arthur who is stunned so we're just gonna move right past him and it is now lupito's turn oh boopydo what are you gonna do this could be interesting they're going to do that and that is their turn next up are the skeletons the one closest to you safel is going to move up within five feet of you and is going to swing their short sword at you wow another another bad one um that is in 11 to hit that does not hit okay uh that is that one's turn the one that is in front of arthur is actually going to step up to the stunned arthur and he's going to uh i believe can attack with advantage against a stun creature yes uh yes yeah okay so he's going to swing at arthur it's not an autocrit though no uh and surprisingly the skeleton misses he like one of his bones kind of snaps and he like digs his sword into the dirt but next up are the other skeletons actually you know what they can probably do that can't they see why they couldn't yeah these are pretty smart skelly boys this one that has just appeared at the uh mouth of this this cave opening is going to fire upon safel[Music] uh that is a 20 to hit uh yep that'll do it and you take five points of piercing damage ouch and then uh one of the skeletons to the far back starts to come into uh sight here and they are going to fire from all the way in the back they're going to fire at indigo that's a natural 15 and that is a 20 to hit that's it you take you take eight points of piercing damage ow that is max damage right there um a farther one to the south is gonna move north as well and they're going to pull out their short bow and they're going to fire at indigo again different die because why not that's a natural eight uh i don't think a 13 would hit you right nope okay uh and then finally the last skeleton emerges and he's going to double move and he's going to get up here uh and that is the end of their turn next up is stool and stool is going to move 25 their full movement to get over by safel kind of running south easterly and they are what do they got for actions here they're going to uh try and unarm strike him this skeleton come on stool that's a seven plus okay all right not bad uh that's a hit and he does four points of damage to that skeleton so that skeleton's looking a little a little rough uh and that is the end of their turn indigo you are up all right uh indigo looks around themselves does some quick math he's gonna run up next to um the two skeletons near arthur vain kind of playing himself uh in a very inconvenient spot uh but then he is gonna grab he um grab his holy symbol hold it up and i'm gonna channel divinity turn undead on[ __ ] okay and now right remember and he looks back at laura if they start running away we don't attack them because that stops the thing she's like i can't speak and i can't hear shrug[Laughter] all right so they're all making what wisdom saving throws wisdom saving throws all around i got six d20s here uh okay holy smokes can you just tell me your dc right now 14. all of them but one fail[Music] it's this one here still relatively close to indigo that does not fail however everybody else does fail and i'm gonna put a little marker there um what should we do i'm just gonna put the like x out symbol like nope no fighting gotta run uh okay is that your entire turn my good sir uh yes only one last thing i'll do is just i'll get to wait point at the one that's not turned because i can tell like get that one the rest of them ignore them they're not here get that one did did andrew make a sanity check oh you have not my friends why do you stay there why would you do that you know what i'm i'm gonna say because of everything that was there until he got here he probably wouldn't have had a good enough view of the room uh so i will say now after this this moment has passed you can make a sanity check here is it a wisdom saving through a christmas saving throw it's no it's it has its own modifications how many times have you failed by the way uh i have failed just like so phil both two times i've tried okay so you're looking at long term madness here thirteen oh my god you hit the mark exactly holy[ __ ] yeah another one another one manages to save and actually i need to roll one for stool i forgot bomber have to kill him he saves andrew because of something very very important that you have done uh that is a divination specific kind of spell yes i know it's like an ability though uh talking about channel divinity yeah you know it's a it's an ability not a spell so it doesn't come from school okay well then i will say you are fine then i'll just have to remember that that is a thing that could happen okay uh laura it is your turn um i think laura i mean she saw two of her call her um her buddies getting hit with arrows and clearly um arthur is like frozen so i think she's a little more snapped out and she's gonna run like fully against the wall leading down into that southeast cavern and move 30 feet toward where indigo is standing um and then can i'm gonna move i think she stops next to indigo raises her sword as if she's gonna hit the the skeleton no no no no no no no no and then she's like oh nods uh and then i'm gonna dash past indigo um to be next to this other one that is not scared um but i dash so that's it okay all right and that is the end of your turn we are back at the top of the order going into the fifth round here safel uh i am going to all of the ones around me are turned but there's also one right up in my face um so i'm going to hold okay i'm going to hold an action yes if this skeleton leaves my range like if it turns to run and leaves i'm going to cast celestial burst at it again we had one rule cephel they have to die regardless how about we do it before bupido shows up it's a minute long effect they don't get another save well then let's pick them off one by one[Music] all right so laura laura sees well i guess it's not until they move right yeah so uh safel is holding until the nearest skeleton starts to move away from him arthur is still stunned next up is bupido and i'm going to go ahead and check something real quick uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yes uh i'm sorry i'm just making sure i have this all right laura does a 24 hit you no no it don't of course it does okay stupid questions yeah fire him you feel this intense sharp uh and burning sensation as bupido materializes in front of you and their dagger their bloody dagger sits to the hilt inside of your belly and he just starts maniacally laughing another one falls and now i have to roll a lot of sneak attack damage probably better meeting an indigo though who do you lose turn undead if you go down is that a concentration thing they don't get another save i feel like that's just a thing that happens it is not a concentration thing thankfully yeah that's nice i just do that i just do it must be nice to be chosen by god choose it by god anyways lara you take 18 points of piercing damage are you still standing oh yeah okay and they like twist this dagger in your belly and pull it slowly out and they go all of you will be dead before long added to increase my power and that's where we'll leave it this week oh my gosh it's so good to see you again you're one of our favorite listeners you made it to the post show notes thank you so much for your support um yes new outro means new news we started a discord server yes we wanted to create a space for our listeners to meet fellow fans of the show it's a new community so hop on in say hi we'll be there you can find it by going to our twitter page and it's linked up at the top there our link tree slash the madness table has all of our links to all of our stuff speaking of which if you haven't please follow us on twitter and instagram we try to you know post some memes and other exciting stuff especially on twitter so we would love the support there we're also going to be launching a bonus action segment soon where we talk about the behind the scenes for the different chapters of our story so please keep an eye out for those and if you want to submit any questions for a future bonus action segment please email us at themadnesstable gmail.com lastly please leave a review if you haven't all the reviews do is they help us grow it's a quick easy and free way to show your support um and you know we always appreciate that so again thank you so much for listening we hope you're happy and healthy we'll see you next week when[Music] you