[Music] so[Music] all right so last time you guys uh chased after a a small darrow um drokey and attempts to kind of apprehend them figure out where they were going what details they had on your mission given to you by the great wormsmith um however in the chase you quickly lost sight of them uh but very smartly though indigo casted uh what was it locate object or person object and you you managed to get a bead on drokie and uh clearly they were making a pretty fast getaway so you guys continued on at your own fast pace after them and it uh ended up leading you to the west clef district kind of the slummy darrow section where unfortunately they have all been cramped uh into uh because of the gray dwarfs and as you made your way through getting all sorts of kind of remarks about your presence and kind of being on the edge of a surge of violence from these darrow you eventually found yourselves in front of a small kind of little uh makeshift structure which you pushed the curtain aside and you found yourselves at an entrance to a large cave and as you made your way through you found that it was filled with the presence of ferez this magical underdark um kind of power that seems to throw in various sections and it supplied uh this kind of spiral pattern that whirled through the tunnel space and as you talk it kind of gives this watery sound it's very kind of hard to hear um and as you continued on you noticed that there were lots of tracks in the ground as you were kind of trying to to keep an eye on where drunky was going until the spell faded and as you did you came upon an intersection where you could go left or right and you guys kind of started to make a scouting mission with lara who went to the right and then coming upon another split decided to continue going right and ended up in this large cavern filled with this spiraling kind of star shape that led to a center point in which a small figure that you recognized as bupido was mutilating bodies covered in blood and even though lara was invisible somehow he recognized her presence turned it does not mode well lara seeing the sight move backwards into the the farther tunnels to meet you all however she was so struck by what she had seen she has become mute um and it could be affecting her for a long time we'll see uh and trying to kind of get you guys to come down the way or not uh lara was trying to use a rope to signal where she was and then eventually popped out and through the use of lip reading and hand motions you guys figured out that vepido was down the way and eventually kind of all made your way around the turn uh in which we have found ourselves in this combat and where we left off bupido formerly invisible had popped out of the shadows stabbing lara in the gut with his dagger and dealing 18 points of damage and we are now going to continue on in this order with the skeletons who have all been turned except for one thank you indigo uh anytime so these two to the far south not in combat with anybody are going to make their full movement in a random direction as far away from you guys as they can um the one immediately to the left of indigo is going to run south past both indigo and lara um so you guys will both get attacks of opportunity should you want them yes yes okay oh thank you let's do it go first oh indigo's not no because indigo undead works lara dammit he did he did tell lara not to last time so i won't i won't okay all right so this one is going to move five to fifteen twenty twenty five thirty get to there the one next to the stunned arthur uh is going to move five to fifty yeah so the the one next to both indigo and not indigo safel and stool is going to run and they're going to run north because they're trying to get away from indigo uh safel you were holding your action to attack them do you want to uh no okay no i was only holding a can trip so i'll let it drop okay so they start running north and that uh everything everybody except for this one skeleton here who's going to strike out with their short sword at lara that's natural 2 so that is a miss and that is that skeletons turn next up we have stool stool is kind of up just saw laura take a big hit and bupido up here[Music] they are okay are they within 30 feet flat oh that might be close no i don't want turn order i want my ruler they are just within 30 feet okay stool is going to shoot out these like this long stream of uh dark spores that go forward towards bupido and they're going to try casting blindness deafness and they're going to try and blind bupido and bupido needs to make a constitution saving throw dc12 let's see what's their con here okay okay natural 15 so he passes he is not blind uh i need to mark that uh okay and then stool not wanting to leave anybody behind is going to run up five ten to get behind uh beside indigo and lara uh and that is their turn indigo you are up all right um laura how how bad you looking right now uh i think laura looks more afraid um just based on what what she had saw and why she's mute and everything um she is bleeding cool we would love to prevent that uh i think that's what i'm gonna do this turn i'm gonna reach out for actually no i'm not gonna do it i am gonna um indigo will step up to stand um next to laura he's gonna reach out uh and like faint towards bupido use a bonus action to use help um which i can do for laura and as my fey gift i can also grant her some temporary hit points so that is four template points for laura hopeful they'll take the sting off and then while i'm up there because i am desperately afraid um decision decisions yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna sacred flame the skeleton in front of me i want to clear him out okay that's a deck saved by me right yes please that's a natural four so no all right let's hope these dice keep rolling for me this way right if only yeah well this one rolled for you pretty well that's a one one point of radiant damage okay so two points that gambit almost worked we uh we did establish last time that skeletons are not vulnerable to rape unless it specifies that they are um what was the bonus action hell did i miss that uh that's uh a fey hob goblin trait um that i can do twice per long rest well now we're in a nice little death cluster here so that's all i got yeah yeah this looks this looks perfect uh well lara it is your turn what would you like to do well so if i'm understanding correctly the health action was to give me advantage yes you have an advantage on your next attack okay um i would like to it does not have a verbal component um green flame blade um i've got the great sword two-handed i'm gonna use a cast green flame blade and i'm going to attempt to hit uh burpito okay do so please hit me um advantage yes um and i have okay 21 will do it there you go okay and then it's ugh 11 points of slashing okay uh and then on the hit the green flyer is going to leap to the skeleton and they're going to take fire damage equal to my spell casting ability modifier which is four so they take four fire ah okay all right i forgot what green flame blade did there but that is nice good good work uh okay so you you bring this great sword down upon bupido it slashes across their chest and stomach and then that flame leaps to the skeleton burning them a bit with this uh this flame and we are back at the top of the order with safel all right safel hit me control wizard with all your friends yeah it would be great if not everybody was in the same spot but these are the cards we've been dealt uh so safel is let me double check some things so many[ __ ] concentration spells okay sephel is going to uh not move towards the group he's going to move uh south south west into this little crook uh so he can get a view of of everybody in there but he's distanced himself slightly and he is okay uh he's gonna cast blur on himself okay so choice for the duration uh as long as i can concentrate all attacks against me have disadvantage you're a cunning one sir and that is my turn okay well uh next up is arthur who is unfortunately still stunned but you can see if you were to look back at them their eyes are just bloodshot because they're trying everything to to move and they're kind of quivering um in their skull and we are back to bupido okay let's double check here i think these are all actions yes yes okay uh as a bonus action they're going to disengage and they're gonna move all the way up to yeah they're gonna move here uh who do i want to get on this who do i want to get on this um he needs to even the odds a little bit since his skelly boys are gone um i would like yeah i'm gonna try this safel i would like you to make a wisdom saving throw at advantage for me at advantage okay all right i'll play your games uh what kind of balls cannonballs kind of balls give me another one give me no let's go with let's go with those balls uh 17. [ __ ] makia spells uh they had kind of reached out towards you and were like um seville join me kill the others you watched me begin this much uh as they had tried to cast charm person upon you [ __ ] that guy uh okay and that is their turn next up are the skeletons and this skeleton is once again going to swing with their short sword at lara uh that is a 18 to hit uh yeah that hits okay that is seven points of slashing damage as it just rakes across your thigh with its short sword uh and it is going to remain there next up is stool stool stool stool stool stool um they are going to they are going to cast infestation upon bupido let's just double check here that is that is another con save and if they fail this they are poisoned they succeed uh so bupido is not poisoned and stool is then going to he's going to stay where he is between bujito and lara at this moment uh and that is their turn indigo you are up all right um i see the skeleton in front of me but i look over and see bupido who's kind of menacing cephale uh and i don't like that one bit so i'm gonna rake my hand across my holy symbol and i'm gonna watch a guiding bolt at bupido okay all right that's a 14 that's a miss dang that would have been that would have been hefty blow right there dexter[ __ ] yes yes indeed indeed he is is that in your entire turn uh yes i don't have a bonus action for this moment okay oh wait wait wait wait wait i do have a thing i have a thing okay he says reading his character sheet um i am gonna use um that 14 i and it misses i'm going to use my fortune of the many a hobble goblin ability i'm gonna boost that for the two i will boost that equal to the number of allies around me oh [ __ ] so that's a plus four that makes it 18 i believe that's a hit yes yes clutch andrew nice freaking hobgoblin yeah amazing what reading your character sheet shall do remember kids stay in school uh 15 15 points of radiant nice job next the next swing against him has advantage god [ __ ] balls solid well solid lara it's your turn oh advantage against bupido um yeah i'm gonna do that i'm gonna run up um okay uh uh attack of opportunity from the skeleton yep that's a natural six plus five however does an 11 hit you no okay it's not great all right uh so i'm gonna laura comes charging up to bupito slashing down with her great sword that's a 25 to hit yeah that's a hit jesus you might not have to be worried uh and that is 12 slashing damage okay they uh they've got a couple cuts now and they're just i will not fall i will only rise stronger and i will take you all with me uh all right laura is that your entire turn i moved 5 10 15 20. um yeah that's it okay we're back at the top of the order with safel all right uh so i'm gonna pop back up another five feet to get uh arthur out of the way of my view of bupido and i am going to snap my fingers in a spark appears in front of the three of them and i will throw them out in his direction and cast scorching ray all right so three attacks ah the first is a 17. that's a hit okay the oh god yeah the second is a natural 17 for a 24. uh that one probably not that one is a 12. that does not hit so two hits two beams so that is four d6 fire damage okay nice 17 points of fire damage you guys are dishing out hot numbers tonight i think those were those were some good rolls all right uh is that your turn that is your turn okay yeah wizards man wizards well you did 17 points of damage is pretty good arthur is bupido's turn oh bupido[Music] this could be interesting i've never done this spell before but we're gonna try it uh they're going to bonus action disengage again and they're gonna move here and then using a 15-foot cone so 15's here so that should get arthur lara and stool they're going to cast color spray uh so give me a moment here while i roll 6d10 oh these are these are hefty boys yeah yep i don't think anybody has okay uh total is the amount of hit points of this creature this spell can affect creatures in a 50 starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit points each creature affected by the spell is blinded until the end of your next turn subtract each creature's hit points from the total lara how many hit points you have seven you're blinded so that leaves me there arthur is not going to be affected stool is blinded uh okay i gotta put that on them so that's gonna hurt um and then i don't think yeah i didn't get chiffel or indigo so that happens there and then they've done that they've done that they've done that and as a special they go invisible once again they can do that even though they've already used their bonus action it's a special feature oh [ __ ] them off this this particular use of it uh so they disappear after laura and stool have been blinded uh okay let's see we are now at skeleton's turn uh this one next to indigo is going to strike out at indigo hey let's talk about this uh that is a 15 to hit a 15 does not hit okay uh solid swing and a miss the skeletons how long does turn undead work for like a minute i believe so okay cool so these guys just keep booking it bye skelly boys hope you find your real bodies or flesh whatever anyways um cool then it is stool's turn stool being blind is just like i don't know i don't know what to do are you guys here do i have eyes i don't know somehow i can't tell where you are um still's just gonna sit there cause he doesn't know what to do uh indigo you are up all right uh i am done with having this guy in front of me i'm gonna hit uh or hopefully hit them with a good old-fashioned cantrip of sacred flame please okay just double checking with you is does it say if it's like a divination can trip or not uh it is evocation evocation okay great thank you uh that's a natural 15 so that's a 17 total to this dodge that saves and okay gonna get he avoids me the skeleton is good he knows what he doing uh lara you are up you are deaf and you are blind i'm mute and blind you're mute i'm sorry you're not deaf um okay so laura yeah she swung around when she saw bupido move um closer to the wall and then he did that color say thing and she lost her vision i would like to move in the direction of the wall which i would know where that is right uh yeah you you would say you have a split decision and it's only five feet of movement so you get there all right and then i know which way indigo was right so i'm gonna go[Music] i'm gonna move uh back along the wall until i touch indigo okay uh so that's 5 10 15 20 25 30 feet of movement um i think indigo or um laura's gonna swing out of the skeleton and just kind of hope she doesn't hit indigo and then maybe he knows the duck okay so you're attacking with this advantage and if you miss maybe maybe something will happen we'll see all right oh i definitely missed uh that is a eight oh my god okay all right just for shits and gigs indigo make a dexterity saving throw all right i can do this just it's gonna be low it's gonna be low don't worry well so what's my roll that's a 10. okay you just pass you just pass as the as you duck just enough as these great swords stings off of the stone where your head once was uh watch it sorry i can't hear you i'm mute yeah i can't hear you what who's there uh all right safal you are up oh [ __ ] me okay um i am going to so i can't see bupito anymore but i know the general area he was in um i'm going to cast now that lara has moved out of the way i'm going to cast magnify gravity uh which is a 10 foot radius uh area of effect i'm going to cast it right here uh which will get me i can measure this out[ __ ] 20 so this sort of circular area where he was where like up to the wall um and if he's anywhere in that area okay he's going to take us uh well he would have to make a constitution saving okay[Music] what's your dc uh it is 15. okay what go ahead and roll damage theoretically if he was sure sure so if uh if he was in there uh if he was in that area his speed is halved and he takes uh 15 points of force damage okay if he succeeded on that save he takes would be seven points uh and nothing happens to his speed okay all right thank you thank you full zones okay well uh arthur is still stunned good lord but we are in round because i know i put you guys kind of an initiative beforehand we are in round we are like basically at the top of round eight right now uh so and i think he got stunned round two so he's still got a little bit of time that he is stunned for uh all right we are at bupido's turn and how devilish do i want to be i'm gonna be the bupido [ __ ] um uh gosh i don't like it i don't like being this guy but i'm gonna i gotta uh lupito reappears and uh one second well i [ __ ] get roll 20 to work here they up here almost beside lara and indigo back to the south they had moved once again while invisible uh being unaffected by the control or magnified gravity and they are going to cast chill touch upon lara i'm going to make a range spell attack on a hit you are going to take 2d8 necrotic damage and you cannot regain hit points if this hits you on your next turn until then the hand clings to the target if you hit an undead blah blah blah but you aren't undead so let's see here let's go oh that's it[ __ ] that's a natural 16 plus seven on his skull attack uh yeah okay so two d8 worth of damage uh wow okay interesting uh that's five points of necrotic damage you're you're clinging there ain't ya but you cannot regain hit points until the start of uh i think it's bupido's next turn technically yes the casters andrew evens are odds evens okay lara is odds that is a one so it's going to swing with its short sword at lara and i rolled it not because i'm trying to be cheap but because the skeleton is basically mindless that's a natural 19. hey that's not a crit yeah no that's true that's just not a great yeah laura conscious isn't dead [ __ ] sake uh you take eight points of slashing damage uh lara goes down she's blind and mute and she falls and she can't be healed until bupido's turn right with that hand clinging to her back [ __ ] hell okay uh laura be down i'm just gonna put the skull and crossbones on there for now not permanently uh okay we are then what sorry i'm i'm not i'm not blind anymore because that was only until bubido's turn so i'm no longer mine yes you are correct uh thank you for reminding me of that that is the important that is the important part of that interaction thank goodness thank goodness stool can somehow see with his non-eyes yeah right all right the rest of the skeletons have gone indigo oh no stool is a stool stool stool uh stool comes out of it and it's like what's happening oh my god lara now can i still see you i don't know what's happening um and they are oh that's a bummer that's not very far short legs yeah short short legs uh they are going to try and chill touch bupido though so let's see duh that's a natural yeet on my die so that's a natural 20. 2d8 that's a five and a six so 11 points of necrotic damage to vepido and a skeletal hand is now clinging to them and they cannot heal the next turn that is important that is very important uh okay great bupido you like see him as he's like running away just just kind of like trip up and he's like ow what the[ __ ] uh okay that is stool's turn stool's just like yeah i'm coming and then he just starts running after him uh now it is indigo's turn all right uh once again i will try a sacred flame upon the skeleton okay is that a disadv advantage for him no it's because it's not right yeah i was gonna say because it's ranged but that doesn't matter so that's 11. i'm assuming bill all right and this all right and you know everything perfectly balanced eight points of radiant damage and the skeleton explodes[ __ ] that guy yeah all right i'm gonna walk kind of through the rubble of bones as i start to stalk towards bupido you get back here mister no[ __ ] you uh okay great uh all right laura you all gotta make me a death saving throw uh 14. okay that is a success all right uh safel you are up all right uh okay what do we think guys we we want me to be out of second level spell slots already how i i'll i'll ask this is there when bupido reappeared does he look [ __ ] up like does he look like what he's taking inside job from this check dice out of the way uh 14. uh he's definitely been injured uh you are not entirely sure like now he's kind of limping but he has this weird spectral hand now clinging to his his leg um there was so much blood upon him already it's kind of hard to tell which is new or old uh but he definitely looks hurt so i'm gonna use my last second level spell slot and i need bupido to make a wisdom saving throw okay all right for an insane man who knows who knows just roll up shitty what type of magic is this by the way uh it's not divination okay great thank you no one uses divination in combat will sorry uh that is a natural 15 plus two for 17. yeah he saved on the 15. my dc is 15. all right so that didn't happen that's cool i was trying to cast hold a person oh some some bits of the witch the haggy witch coming out he would have been paralyzed for up to a minute that's cool uh and actually a point of order which i guess is important for the uh sociopathic dm's among us when i tried to cast hold person uh blur faded because they are both concentration spells ah thank you thank you for letting me know uh okay arthur is still stunned but he's getting close because we are in round nine uh he is he's stunned technically for a minute by the way and we are now back at uh uh right i've been pretty good about going back to all of their abilities and stuff to uh be able to come back at you guys i feel decently well um they are yeah this is what he's gonna do he now he's gonna move about 15 more feet and now he's kind of in the center of his spiral and he just starts chanting oh god and as he does uh let's see here four more skeletons to stand up uh let me get those on to the board andrew you got another turn undead he's looking i don't think so no i don't think that's how it works either oh gosh okay uh and then there are yeah then they're gonna move the rest of their movement to here uh maniacally cackling still all the way just you will not leave uh and that is their turn these skeletons are going to join in on the old skeleton initiative so they're going to go this one's going to run up on indigo i'm going to swing with a short sword it's a natural one so he misses it's a miss this one's going to run up on you as well i'm going to swing with the short sword but uh that is a 16 to hit uh 16 does not hit that new armor uh this one's going to move up to here and is going to fire with their short bow at you indigo okay that's another natural one uh moving on to the fourth one to the far south they are going to move and kind of get a better uh eye line and they're going to they're going to once again shoot at indigo just seeing this holy force charging forward uh that is another miss that was a nine dang skellingtons uh what was with me that is the skeleton stern it is stool's turn stool stool stool stool stool um[Music] they are going to okay they are going to what are they gonna do they are going to okay they are going to cast spike growth on the location of bupido so in a 20 foot radius there it will be rough terrain and norse i believe that is about a 20-foot radius that looks about right it's kind of centered right there uh they are going so anytime hard spikes and thorns the area becomes difficult to rain for the direct uh duration when a creature moves into or within the area it takes 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels the transformation of the ground is camouflaged to look natural and uh any creature that can't see the area at the time the smell is classed must make a wisdom uh check against the dc uh this is a concentration spell uh so remind me if he goes to cast anything else that that has to go um okay well only if another concentration spell is cast oh right yeah instantaneous don't matter okay cool that is uh no stool is going to move up next to indigo and is going to hang out there uh indigo it is your turn all right uh i'm gonna turn back to laura uh hopefully notice that that skeletal hand that potato cast upon her is not there anymore and i'm gonna drop a healing word her way okay and that is a fine uh seven points of healing for you very nice very nice uh and i'm gonna go ahead and use my action to cast another secret flame at the skeleton that's right uh on my right hand side okay that's the natural six so that's a fail all right uh and that is two points of radiant damage two points okay uh the skeleton gets a burst of that holy flame upon it uh are you moving at all i'm gonna stand my ground oh i don't want those opportunity attacks all right laura you have been healed you are still mute uh but you are alive and you are prone um yeah i will use i think lara she kind of like gasps awake um sees the ceiling of the cavern you know what no i'm not gonna say you're mute you went down i'm gonna say you are back up and you have found like that that touch with death wipes it you are no longer affected by that okay speak now so it's a very loud like and then she's still sick[Laughter] you were sick you were blind you couldn't talk what could make it worse and then you were dead and then you were dead yeah you mean the unconsciousness didn't heal her of her her smog no because that's that's i feel like that's not mentally different yeah no no pneumonia stays but long-term [ __ ] madness is cured it's a mental thing brush with death wouldn't cure that you'd seen a couple of dead bodies brendon are i'm on nobody's side i am chaos um all right i'm using half of my movement to stand up i'm going to move 15 feet in the direction of the skeletons my packed blade does not disappear when i go unconscious but i would like to um can am i able to with a um free action get out one of my daggers to throw like if i like rest the blade i for i forget what it is to actually draw and stow when you're in combat you get one free object interaction as part of your move action or your action thank you so there you are okay because i can't get any closer but i would like to throw a dagger at the skeleton to the right of indigo okay go for it do it i'll say that's the that's your movement and then your action here okay oh it's a nat 20. okay yeah dang i'm missing i'm missing my pyramid your pyramid tie is gone yeah because nobody uses d4s[ __ ] that [ __ ] healing words at d4 i i feel like you need to have a conversation with every cleric and rogue in existence i guess that's fair that is 10 damage 10 damage okay uh yeah yeah almost did it but they are still standing uh that's it okay back at the top of the order sifel going into round 10 uh yeah if short range spells are frustrating man so many of my spells are like 30 foot range which i could easily get to if i could like rush through the center of everybody uh but but that's not how movement works so i would i moved 30 feet there that's 40 feet yeah that uh kind of sucks so what i will do actually is i will move oh actually that's not as bad as i thought it was so i will move down uh exactly 30 feet straight i guess south uh by orientation of the map and we're gonna do this again right where bupido is i'm gonna cast magnify gravity damn you all right it's con save right uh it is okay use my two good hot die tonight[ __ ] off uh that's another 15. natural okay all right so nothing happens to his movement did someone just go nice with volcano saving who's sorry are you on sale look i'm on the side of chaos brenden he's still gonna take half damage so he takes four points of force damage okay he's a little little little squooshed yeah nothing nothing happens to his movement unfortunately but he does take the four points um cool and uh yep that's my turn all right arthur coming up on the last couple of rounds of his stuns uh now it is bupido's turn oh is he gonna f people up uh he is he actually points towards indigo and they are going to once again throw a or going to now actually attempt to throw a dagger at indigo they have advantage because of the enemies or allies in sight uh wow that's two okay uh plus what's their bonus here to hit on uh yeah yeah that's a definite hit uh okay so you're gonna take regular and sneak attack damage oh my god uh i'm maxed i'm axed on everything but the d4 oh what yeah so that's that's 18 points just from the sneak attack and that's another three points so 21 points of damage from this this dagger as it slips between the skeletons and like sinks right into your ribs oh[ __ ] sake uh and when they see that they see like you start to crumple a little bit they're like yes another one shall join my ranks uh and then they are going to oh man they don't have they move they're going to take damage because of stool dang it um he's cocky he's going to sit right there in this circle of thorns and just watch the mayhem happen uh that is the end their turn next up is the skeletons we're gonna do the two right up on indigo they're both going to swing at you with their short swords yeah i have a feeling they might uh another natural 16 plus five so that is oh my god max on the die that's eight points of slashing damage and it goes down oh no no no no dang i'm not whoa holy sh nikes uh okay indigo is unconscious and dying the skeleton to the south of indigo is now going to swing at stool with their short sword what is that on there that's a 13 plus the five that's a definite hit uh okay that's only four points of damage to stool and then we have the two in the back uh the one south directly south about 15 feet from uh safel is going to charge up on savalan swing with their short sword that's a natural 20. that is a other podcast name appearing yup yup that that does hit yeah okay christ might die are not kind tonight that is 13 points of slashing damage all right it's all right it's fun does it slice a tentacle off like that doesn't sound great my dude no no it's not i mean you know he's it it cuts his robe open a little bit there's like there's a nick there he's he's okay so he didn't get the pillow which is the only thing holding back your true identity from arthur no the pillow is uh the pillow is still intact oh my god the sky shall hold up miraculously untouched pillowcases like who the [ __ ] is the guy with the pillow head no don't don't bother killing him i don't know who that is the staff looks familiar but otherwise i don't know um all right the skeleton that is to the north of bupido kind of to the east of indigo and lara is going to fire their short bow at lara that is another natural 20. oh that's cool so we're dying that's not good arthur's gonna break out of this like massacre everybody and then look at all of our dead bodies yeah who knows or if this goes down in the next couple of turns he might also die uh that is seven points of damage i'm down that was the exact number she had okay so we have indigo and we have lara down holy balls uh okay not not to rub salt in the wound but i'm pretty sure i channeled divinity the same turn that arthur got uh and if they both last for a minute they'll both break at the same time which i think is in like a round and a half have they been fleeing every turn though uh i'm moving them now because they needed to and i'm gonna double move them because it is the turn again but yes they have been pretty much moving every time okay this is this is fine i got us guys this is no sweat put the team on your back bro come on no sweat carry the teams fell let's go uh we're gonna die something happens to that one okay anyways that's the skeleton's turn indigo make a death saving throw please okey dokey 18 okay i mean that is a success guys all you have to do is roll in at 20 and then you get up at one hit point and we'll be okay so you're saying there's a chance there is a chance there is a chance i didn't think this might potentially end up at a tpk but what the [ __ ] do you mean you asked us to create backup characters before you texted us this morning saying hey i need all of your finalized backup characters today i yes well i i thought maybe one might go but this is wow this is worse think of all the listeners whose hearts you're killing me i thought this would be too easy so i buffed the encounter not by much personally i didn't think so clearly he didn't need it lara lara go ahead and make a death saving throw please three you fail um[Laughter] that was perfect[Laughter] no uh one of my favorite moments already all right stop back at the top of the order round 11 safel oh my god okay whoo how oh [ __ ] me[ __ ] me running what do i have great my man no no it's really not um it's not looking good arachnos[Laughter] don't worry if i die he'll save us all so i'm going to provoke an attack of opportunity from this skeleton that is hiring me and i am going to move uh 20 feet okay does the 16 hit you uh it does okay you take four points of damage okay uh i'm gonna move my full 30 feet i will be just outside the thorn circle uh and i will i will look uh at bupido and i will reach out my hand and say clearly you have you showed your strength to me before you ran you have demonstrated it again now we can halt this combat you've proven what you needed to prove we can have civil discussion and i'm going to cast charm person on him okay which is a wisdom saving throw he doesn't technically have advantage on it because all of my allies that were attacking him are unconscious but you have attacked him but okay if it so attempt to draw you hit him with the you hit him with the force stuff yup if it fails saving through it is john uh it is charmed by you the charm creature regards you i'm trying to hold on does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it so you are actively in combat with him we are in combat with it but i am not fighting him at this moment[Music] and yeah do you hear that jewelry thinks yeah no i i'm i'm tugging at so many [ __ ] strings but i am i am dropping my combat i am not doing anything okay i'll give you something i will give you something make a persuasion check dude just give him advantage no hold on hold on i will i will make the check okay this needs to be tough yeah it needs to be a [ __ ] nat 20 i have a plus zero okay hold on have i have i used yup i've used both knowledges so this is just this is a straight roll with no modifier one [ __ ] off one space on the die off it's a 14 does not work yup yup that's fair okay so he rolls with advantage okay he could still fail he still could fail yeah because you are known for your shitty roles i rolled a two and a one he's [ __ ] charmed hey he's [ __ ] charmed oh my gosh it's so good to see you again you're one of our favorite listeners you made it to the post show notes thank you so much for your support yes new outro means new news we started a discord server yes we wanted to create a space for our listeners to meet fellow fans of the show it's a new community so hop on in say hi we'll be there you can find it by going to our twitter page um and it's linked up at the top there our link tree slash the madness table has all of our links to all of our stuff speaking of which if you haven't please follow us on twitter and instagram we try to you know post some memes and other exciting stuff especially on twitter so we would love the support there we're also going to be launching a bonus action segment soon where we talk about the behind the scenes for the different chapters of our story so please keep an eye out for those and if you want to submit any questions for a future bonus action segment please email us at themadnesstable gmail.com lastly please leave a review if you haven't all the reviews do is they help us grow it's a quick easy and free way to show your support um and you know we always appreciate that so again thank you so much for listening we hope you're happy and healthy we'll see you next week when so[Music] you