[Music] coming up on his final round of being stopped it's spookito's turn he's like oh so I'm I'm so sorry I ah guys you can you can stop now these are these are friends I don't know why I was just losing myself uh and the skeletons lower their weapons as well uh and so that is lupitos and the skeleton's turn it is stool's turn uh uh who stares in awe and they are going to oh can they do this this turn okay as their action they're going to cast goodberry so 10 berries appear in their hands uh and I believe it's an action to administer to somebody else so they are going to hold the good berries uh to shove into indigo's mouth next turn uh Indigo make a death saving throw please turkey 15. okay that is another success Lara death saving throw please net 20. hey that is two successes oh my God three no no we're not 20 gets you up to one hit point I thought it only counted as no two successes then you are up sorry a natural one is two fails but a natural 20 gets you up to one hit point okay all right uh all right so Lara is struggling to her feet uh safel it is your turn again I am maintaining the [ __ ] spell okay uh I'm good Berry is instantaneous okay so the he's not letting up on the Thorns around bupido stool this is just kind of retroactive so we all know uh Arthur this is it he comes back next round uh bupido still just kind of standing there and he's just like so um welcome uh it does look very nice um by the way do me a favor stay right there do not move um you got it my friend did unfortunately cast a spell to [ __ ] up the area I wouldn't want you to be harmed by it so so please stay where you are until I can until I can resolve the uh the effect he's he's messed up my Shrine it will be fixed I I promise hold still I'm sorry he doesn't understand the Quorum he's not as cultured as we are oh[Laughter] who comes into somebody else's house and just like redoes your floors I mean who stabs their house guests pupito really I do apologize for that profusely I am so sorry if I had anything to heal them I would but I I I don't it's usually the killing happens here there's no bringing back on this it's skilly skelly's yeah I think um I I don't know the specifics of the thorn what's the spell that growth Spike growth I don't know the specifics but I on my turn is uh as well as maintaining I would tell him uh I would tell stool to drop the spell okay uh when it comes back to them here in a second they will drop the spell for you because I don't it doesn't until the spell ends or you or companions do anything harmful to it so yeah if he were to if he gets harmed he goes hostile yeah yeah so okay so I will tell I will tell him to stay still and stool to drop the spell okay so moving on skeletons stay where they are uh stool shoves all 10 good berries and you get 10 HP back indigo[ __ ] what oh High School oh hey I'm glad you're I'm glad you're alive Hey listen and the skeletons what's the Fels apparently got it oh hey Laura[Music] all right Indigo it is your turn well uh so we're just we're just hanging out having a good time is that just just some cool [ __ ] guys yet bupido has apologized for his infractions yes yes I I really really do we are coming to an understanding I'm just eyeing like buying Indigo eyes darting between like him and Lara Lara's like still on the ground but she like raises her head and she's like what's going on what what are you saying indigo's Gonna Stand Up Up hey uh buddy uh do you mind if I top off here do you mind cool but your top off go for it Google yeah I'm gonna go I'm double the second level here wounds into myself oh my God yeah I'll take it I'll take it uh if Will Never rolls poorly again it will be okay all right that's 15 points back to me nice and uh where I was the start of the episode uh uh wait were you already hurt at the beginning yeah I got I got shot last uh combat yeah um oh wow this is um if I uh Scoot a little bit uh and I just tripped to the skeletons they they like nod and flatter at you uh I'm gonna walk over to Laura and I'm gonna help her stand up if she is willing okay Laura it's your turn uh yeah Laura looks very confused uh she stands up what she's got her um great sword in two hands and she's like taking a step forward we are discussing the situation that we have found ourselves in look we are hurt lupito is clearly hurt this is not an ideal situation for either party an understanding would be better to come to than blows at this point don't you agree Lara are you saying that we should take a tactical retreat necessary we are among companions um I'm gonna move just one square forward um I'm gonna cast uh I'm gonna um[Laughter][Music] I would like to hit me hex on bupido um hold on hold on Google is it is it harmful it is not harmful[Music] spelled you couldn't have cast if we're saying it's harmful because it will be harmful then that's different it's not damaging it's just yeah just give me a second it has a potential for harm um but I mean what doesn't though healing yourself above one hit point Lara I will I will say yes you can hex and it won't break it is this is this gonna make me feel better yeah I mean I don't it feels like I have this negative energy washing all over me but I I said don't make me feel better he just he went from like I know Marlboro Red addict yeah it's it's because of the hex yeah that's what the hex is it's just 50 years worth of a pack of camels a day exactly and I'm gonna give him disadvantage on strength straight from the hex okay sure cool great thanks thanks wish I could put hexed on the conditions but I can't just gotta make a note hex oh wow no strength got it [ __ ] this guy[ __ ] this guy and his chicken strips all right Laura is that your turn is it um um safel are we staying wait another six seconds Perhaps it is sappelle's turn now yeah Elementary uh yeah I am I am still going to maintain the I don't have to hold it it's not a concentration it's not I don't know why you kept saying that cut because I'm[ __ ] nervous will[Music] oh wow okay uh yeah so I'm I'm just going to uh walk to I don't I don't [ __ ] are we still we're still in like round by round [ __ ] right now yeah we are okay this is tense all right I am going to walk up to uh Lara and Indigo just gonna like walk right by this skeleton pardon me sir uh it nods and cackles at you guarding me as an ally for the next hour we can drop it at any point but if you don't want to end up on the floor again I suggest we take a few moments to let Indigo do what he might be able to do and let Arthur stop standing still we have time to play with now let's take advantage of it all right is at the end of your turn there that is the end of my turn okay it's Arthur's turn they are no longer stunned let me just Mark that off on the sheet here and you all hear like a grunt as they feel like their limbs and they kind of like sag forward for a second and they like peer up staring daggers towards boopedo and you can just see this this look of pain and anger across their face and they like pound their chest and then with like an explosion of speed just start sprinting across the cave and they move 60 feet and they managed to make it all the way till there and they are just like Teeth gritted both hands with them all in hand are like yeah and that is the end of their current term he is got murder in his eyes uh and it is bupido's turn as he stares down this large man he's just like ah hey I know it's not a pretty sights that he said some things I said something I stabbed our friends uh and that is the end of bupito and the skeleton's turn as they just kind of stand there watching uh Arthur start charging it is stool's turn stool is like um any casts good Berry again he's like does anybody need to eat and he just holds out his hand and that's 10 hit points to anybody that takes it from him uh and that is their turn Indigo you are up uh I surprised like Laura's talking to cephale I'm just gonna reach over put like a hand on her like arm uh and cast to cure wounds smart smart uh that's further seven points of healing for you uh and uh indigo is gonna start to I'm gonna start running East uh seeing Arthur Dash past us I'm gonna get a little distance between me my friends so we're not all clutched okay all right uh Lara you are up safel is he going to break out of that if I attacked one of the skeletons um no no actually wonderful she's going to step forward and attack the skeleton in front of cephal okay Swing Away all right don't bother rolling damage it had one hit point left [ __ ] it is gone and then bupito turns and he's like oh Hey listen I do need them to lie back down so I can continue my Shrine building um uh when when she kills the skeleton the um the aura or whatever from the being like flies into her sword um ah yes uh and then she uh she kind of looks at lupito um I don't think you're gonna have much of a shrine if they keep falling uh and she's gonna turn to the other skeleton but that's why why would you why would you say that uh it's a felid is your turn Okay uh safel is a highly intelligent being he was he was able to orchestrate this situation enough to get his companions up and slightly healed he is smarter than to try to step between a bloodthirsty Darrow and a giant [ __ ] man with murder in his eyes so he is going to uh to acknowledge The Wonder of what they have been given and okay and he is going to uh turn back he's going to rip the pillowcase off of his head so that so that lupito can see him well he's like wait a minute well this this has been a lovely reunion lupito meet Arthur Arthur bupido and I'm going to cast magnify gravity on vupito okay so he has to make a concept again great that's a natural five so he fails okay great so he takes eight points of force damage and his speed is halved okay he's not looking great at all this is you've set up Arthur for t-ball[Music] uh Arthur not even looking at your new revealed true Visage yeah he'll he'll come to terms with it later just it's like the ground cracks under their feet as they charge forward and like in an instant there besides bupido and it's just like I can see it in just like slow motion he's wound up like [ __ ] base uh a batter up to to swing and friggin he is going to use his uh yeah he's gonna go all out he's going to use his feet uh which is great weapon master so he's going to uh take minus five with a potential plus 10 to damage uh and he is definitely if he makes contact going to pump some Divine Smite into that [ __ ] so let's swing in a hit let's see if he can uh oh he had Zephyr strike on that's what he did before so that's gonna also roll over one point or 1d8 Force damage on the hit that is a 12 on there plus six that is a definite hit on bupido uh okay hang on a sec this is a lot of dice is that plus six with the minus oh yes no very good point uh uh yeah let me go back to bupido that is a miss so you just see um as Arthur just like comes out of its swings and there's so much force behind it that the ground just like I mean there's this long Furrow in the dirt uh next to bupido and lupito uh I'm gonna say because that is an offensive action to him breaks out of it and he's like I mean so so was magnify gravity if we're being honest that's that's very fair uh yes so lupito is back in Action boys and Arthur having seen his Miss is just towering over bokito just and it is turn he's like I will not be hard uh and he is going to take from a pouch this kind of material throw it on the air and disappear uh so they are now in GM Leia let's do some movements also at this point the um channeled Divinity has worn off of the skeleton thank you thank you for that thank you next up is the skeletons are hostile uh so oh gosh guys uh the one closest to safel is going to charge up on him yep and is going to swing with a short sword that's natural seven however it is plus five I don't think a 12 hits you though does not okay misses uh the one in front of Lara in stool Sam Pick evens are odds okay that's a four uh okay just gotta take in the good Berry Sam yeah that's a 17 to hit stool's just layer screaming like well he's prepped for when she goes down uh and that is seven points of slashing damage it needs to be the magic number on Sam tonight uh do you want odds or evens again even okay this skeleton to the Southwest is going to fire their short bow and it is going to be at stool it's natural 15. there's definitely a hit and they do eight points of damage to stool uh uh okay everybody is not looking not looking great guys uh all right these guys are no longer fleeing the skeleton is gonna move 30 and they are going to fire their short bow at safel uh that is a 15 hit uh Shield okay blocked uh then the one farther to the rear to the far south east is going to move back into melee range and is going to attack Arthur with a short sword that is a natural four so that is a miss uh okay and then some other skellies are gonna move[ __ ] me one reappears at the edge of the cavern and another one uh you can hear it kind of making its way back up the hall or down this tunnel you can hear it like the jangling of armor all right that is the skeleton's turn it is stool's turn who is just going to like reach up and slam the good berries into Lara's face so you get 10 more hit points he's just like Laura eat the food we'll talk about this later why did I like that[Laughter] uh and then stool is going to remain Indigo you are up I do not like the fact I can't see Papito I don't like it one bit no take them off the board all right uh yeah I'm gonna go ahead and cast a sacred flame at the skeleton right on top of safel all right all right uh that's a 14 does that succeed or fail uh 14 does say if that is the DC um speaking of Seville how how are you looking there sweetie man uh I am well you know I'm 50 50 but depending on who hits me that could go zero real quick so so you know depends fair enough fair enough you know I'm I'm just gonna do some repositioning work then I'm gonna work my way around cephale and the skeleton give a little bit of support as you go to move oh a dagger appears from the show [ __ ] as lupito re appears beside you let me go ahead and make him visible and they are going to lash out with a dagger how are you looking my man well I was okay not anymore uh this is my third Nat 20 of the night off now here's the big question here's the big question I know it wouldn't double it but can you get sneak attack on an opportunity attack return yeah yeah and and I'm pretty sure sneak attack doubles it does that will all dice double completely yeah it super does all dice double uh it's been a pleasure but that's why assassins are so [ __ ] good at what they do yeah all right all right I'm gonna have to write this down that is okay just the regular dagger doubled plus that Jesus Christ this Indigo as you start running just just tell me what's your hit point maximum 33. you take 43 points of damage 43 43 points of damage how many hit points did you have Indigo well see that's that's the math we're doing we have 25 fifth points okay you're okay you're fine it it has to it has to take out all your hit points and then cross your hit point maximum it would have to be what 50 50 something damage it could have gotten close he wouldn't have hit the 58 marks but it could have gotten very close if you had less Health if you hadn't probably if you hadn't cast that second level cure wounds on yourself you would have just died yeah okay oh no Indigo just collapses and since it happened back there he's down on the ground there holy balls all right Lara you're up oh no um oh my God uh so I hear Indigo drop um yeah you would have just heard a thunk I don't I don't think Indigo would have even had time to say anything no no just just um and lupito is dead silent doesn't cackle doesn't say anything just stands over the body of indigo oh man um Laura's going to charge at bupido can you get all the way there in one movement oh [ __ ] I can't it's 35. now you'd have to get do you have any range oh you're not mute anymore right no I'm not Mia you um I know but it's like What's um what's the most efficient thing here um killing him[Music] um yeah I think um I'm going to uh spin around and I will fire off an elder blast at Lupita um okay oh that's a mess that is an eight oh my God that's a miss oh gosh all right um well that's my action I am gonna get closer I'm not gonna get a whole way but I'm gonna take a tag of option to get out halfway there okay uh that is a 12 to hit that's a mess okay great you you managed to make it halfway there safel you are up yup yup sure am uh oh [ __ ] okay I need to get I need to get out of range of this[ __ ] [ __ ] okay I'm going to step I'm gonna step out of its range okay you're not distinctly disengaging are you just moving nope I don't have disengage okay you know what disengage really no I mean I'm pretty sure you can say it and do it yeah I could as an action and then I I couldn't do anything else with my turn and then the skeleton would just get right back at blocking so okay well he rolled a natural 15. that's fine uh well okay so hold on what is the total uh that was a 15 plus five a twenty okay yeah I take that okay uh you take five points of damage great so I take that damage uh and then I'm going to uh [ __ ] me running don't say that all your characters running I'd say that the knots of hell yeah there's there's plenty of bones in this room that's all I'm saying uh that's and that skeleton just got you from behind and I've got tentacles to spare guys uh and c72 okay I am up until 150 53 nope nope that's that's staying the audience knows what we then you should know by this point what's coming out of my mouth okay I'm gonna do that thing that I almost did I'm gonna crack the branch off of my staff and I'm gonna I'm gonna shoot it in the direction of bupito and I'm going to cast which Bolt okay so that is oh which die do I like uh uh which will which die okay I'll shut up all right uh uh Andrew pick a number one through four uh three okay Sunset Eternal diet is and sealed your fate natural 20. all right okay definitely a hit all right oh [ __ ] okay so this is one D12 doubled yep it's only fair 20 points of damage still up[ __ ] but you now have this tether of energy blasting into him yeah holy smokes uh and actually I am going so once it connects uh and like that electric tendril exists between us uh shocking him continuously I am actually going to move up so I move 10 feet here uh I'm going yeah I'm gonna stay right here so 10 feet between two of us okay uh Arthur's turn Arthur Arthur Arthur you are smart man he likes these people uh he's got a chance the attack of opportunity from the skeleton skeleton unfortunately hits and they're going to do if they're gonna do seven points of damage uh he kind of eats that but he does need to make a con save because he is concentrating on Zephyr strike um while he is the walls never Strike is active he does not provoke opportunity attacks thank you I totally forgot about that yes good man you for most lawyers in your game or at least people who know spells better than I do I have almost Marshall entirely uh okay so then he is going to Sprint up the cave he has 60 feet of movement with Zephyr strike and he gets right up on lupito jam up and once again he's gonna take minus five and he's gonna do Divine Smite hopefully he hits foreign what's his Plus what's his Plus what's this plus I think it's plus seven so he gets that he just hits yes just hits so the mall uh that is oh but he has great weapon fighting so I will make him re-roll that's 11 so that's 21 points of damage there and he's gonna pump the Divine Smite anyways just because and that adds on an another 11 points of damage 32 total yep and so he as he sprinted up like before he just brings it up and over and just says perish and smashes it in and just greater into the ground demolishes bupido yes and lupito is dead[ __ ] that Arrow however the skeletons are still up [ __ ] oh boy and since bubito's dead we're moving right on to the skeletons let me count what round we're in right now just because it was fun such a long this is like this is round 15. this is a long fight yes uh all right it is a skeleton's turn the skeleton that uh attacked cephal before is gonna run up on him and attack him again yep that is a natural 19 so it's a definite pocket yep that hits uh Max damage eight points of damage okay uh from the southern tunnel is gonna move five ten twenty twenty five thirty uh one two Lara three Force fell five six Arthur one that's me so short bow at Laura I'm so excited natural two misses this one farther to the South it's gonna move up excuse me I got a sneeze oh same same numbers he's firing the short bow five so Arthur uh natural 19. holy smokes he does seven points of damage to Arthur okay everybody is hurting this one to the kind of towards the center where Lupita once was uh I'm Gonna Roll a D4 one is stool two is Lara three is FL for is Arthur that is four that is Arthur that is a Nat 20. I'm rolling that 20 is [ __ ] right Jesus uh wow okay that is 12 points of damage to Arthur uh just getting lit up are these skeletons B1 kind of uh to the west of the skeleton that just went uh is going to move uh and he's going to fire at Lara that's a natural three so that's a miss the one next to stool is going to swing at stool it's an 18. oh my God uh someone put me out of my misery that's six points of damage to school we're [ __ ] trying man and me uh and then the one also near stool is gonna run up on stool and swing at him that's the natural 15. it's a hit and Max damage that is eight points of damage and stool is down oh [ __ ] well if we lose anyone it's fine if it's him how dare you how wow dare you say these to me you saved your life today all right stool has to make a death saving throw that's a [ __ ] dive that was between a 1 and a 19. 14. he succeeds on one all right uh indigo yep okay success good good on the death saving throws Lara you are up uh Lara's gonna run over to Indigo to place her hand on his four on his forehead and in Celestial um she will cast her Healing Hands nice giving or hit points and I think it's equal to your level yep all right Indigo indigo is alive is that your entire turn there Lara um I moved 15 feet I want to move 15 feet back and that's it my turn Okay so fell we're back up to you yeah I just watched pupito get pasted that felt amazing I bet it did around 16. yeah yeah yeah yeah it is uh so the witch Bolt is gone because the target is dead I don't have any more spell slots so yeah no which bolt was my last spell slot dang um Jinx going to turn towards uh this skeleton to the south of me I don't have to touch him but I will thematically I'm gonna say your master is gone return to the dirt and I'm going to cast mind sliver on it okay so it has to make an intelligent saving throw which I'm sure I'm sure it will do so well on uh well what's the hang on I gotta check this the intact uh I don't I think it's a negative but let me just double check because they rolled High intellect minus two okay 13 fail okay he would have just made it without the minus two foreign six points of psychic damage uh their their skull is a little blasted but they are still up yeah that's fine uh all right next is Arthur's turn and I need to mark off some spell slots because he's used some smite uh oh gosh he has one spell slot left uh he is going to run up on the Skeleton on yusufel and he's going to swing with his mole uh wow that's a that's a three and even with his big bonuses I didn't take the minus five that is a miss okay uh any bonus actions that Arthur has got um do paladins not also have turn Undead no they don't is that just a cleric thing yeah they have channeled divinities but it's different and they don't match they don't have the undead turn except okay that is their turn uh great bupido's dead we're back up to the skeletons oh my gosh okay this is fine everything's fine everything is awesome uh this one's going to continue to move up and is going to Lara one sefell to Arthur three Indigo four that's a two yes I mean uh that is a uh 15. uh Shield s nope I can't I can't that's right not just a reaction it is a spell slot so yeah that hits okay three points of damage hi goodbye I had exactly three hit points left oh gosh no so for the first time in this combat cephal takes a dirt nap foreign something very interesting blasts through your mind safel as you go down okay you you see this odd image and it is of the night sky absolutely filled with stars you can even see like the Shadow and lights of uh the Galaxy across the sky and you feel your feet on Solid Ground but like everywhere you look you just see stars even at your feet you just see stars but dead ahead of you you see a woman they are in a fine like Victorian uh gown that is kind of flares out towards uh around the waist and down and you just see her she's got her hair bound up into a bun but she is oddly almost all white she's almost kind of got this colorless form and she is reaching up towards the sky and it almost looks like she's about to pluck a star and then that image shifts and disappears and you feel something almost invading your mind and you get the image that kind of very quickly flashes with a sound and you see a massive brain that appears to be under this thick membrane and you hear the word and now we are going to continue on with skeletons so those I I did that one I did that one I did three skeletons yes or did I do two uh you did three yeah we'll go with three that's fine uh all right this one to the South is going to move true don't adjust the size he's going to move up on Arthur and he's going to swing with their short sword uh 12 plus five that is a Miss uh okay and then this one here is going to one two Lara three four indigo two it's gonna move up on Lara and is going to swing the short sword I'm gonna keep this really good roll and die right now uh never mind that's a two that is a Miss uh this one here seeing that the closest Target is Lara kind of off to the Westies or the two skeletons off to the West is going to move up on Lara also swinging their sword uh uh that is a natural one getting lucky Lara getting lucky uh let's go back to this guy and then this one standing over the body of stool is going to fire their short bow at you uh and that is a natural 15. oh that hits and you take you take six points of damage oh he gets a saving throw that's a three so no no he's not gonna make it they do my kid uh nine fire damage all right they're still up but they are weak they are weak looking uh all right that is a skeleton's turn stool stool oh my pen doesn't want to write anymore death saving throw for stool natural one has two failures oh guys we are on the verge of losing the podcast this is everything will never be the same again [ __ ] god it's been from the beginning why is it every combat an NPC has to die I mean you guys almost did a couple times uh all right Indigo you are up can you make it this is not looking great guys how are you doing on spell slots my man you've you've done a decent between back and forth with like cantrips and regular spells yeah I got the exactly three spell slots remaining and I'm gonna use one right now I'm impressed there's that many me too yeah we keep it spicy over here uh eye management yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna need sophel to get up I'm gonna hit you with a healing word okay you stool did you hear that everybody I know he's like number one companion I I want it said on record audio record[Laughter] Indigo chose to let stool die say it with me everyone it's Indigo Colette stool die thank you you're a monster I'm not the monster here you are take your eight points of healing thanks baby[Music] let's see uh are any of these skeletons over by Laura looking rough-ish oh no they look fine dang yeah they look they look pretty peachy well I hate to hear that um they're ready to get down on the Norman eat your dead bodice we hate to see it uh I'm gonna go ahead and hit a sacred flame on the one just south of Lara then okay next save please that is yeah he fails all right I like that I like that that's seven points of radiant okay and okay I am gonna move to stand besides Laura just on her left okay uh all right Lara it is your turn um all right oh man also past this chance yeah I am awake uh alive is a strong word Laura is staring at the skeletons in front of her Indigo shows up she sees to Falcon up she looks over at the mushroom on the ground rolls her eyes she's gonna take two opportunity attacks what print over to the mushroom okay I'm gonna try a medicine check to stabilize that's all I can do oh [ __ ] opportunity um well that's a natural spawning you dumb[ __ ] well I'm talking about will yeah I really did I figured you were okay uh oh my God no night Lara that's 12 points of damage okay second seconds carry 10. that's a 17.[Applause] seven seven points of damage oh this is such a Tippy Toe back and forth so you're down and you're next to Indigo indigo is gonna have a real dilemma now I'm so confused why they're still up with bupido dead like ah mobs are the worst [ __ ] thing it's like the master is dead and now we have to play around with all like or yo-yoing for the [ __ ] dregs it's interesting you would think I would I would imagine sifel is puzzling over that why are they still standing if the Masters up I'm sure that's going exactly through his mind these new images I I have thoughts but I don't know if any of them are I don't know okay all right well uh safel it's your turn we are at Round 17. okay all right um you mentioned a couple of times there is an altar in the it's not in the the roll 20 map but there is some form of altar in this room correct yes let me go ahead and put some kind of random token there to just kind of give you something to work with all right can I get a quick recap on the description of said alter yeah you know what I'll put uh bupido's dead icon where it is okay it's down here and it looks like kind of like um almost looks like a human with their arms upstretched like just like a tree trunk that comes up with some kind of morph amorphous head with like what could be potentially arms coming up but it's just made out of bodies pushed together okay and in front it you can see like there's a stone slab covered in blood and a couple of like red candles burning in front of it okay oh this is so gross I am harried by[ __ ] everybody and I have no spells this is exactly where you like a wizard to be um[ __ ] this is awful I hate all of this uh do I risk the opportunity attack no okay I'm going to I'm going to uh I don't think standing up provokes no because I'm not leaving his range now so I'm gonna stand up that's a that's a Pathfinder thing um I'm gonna stand up I'm gonna try again I'm gonna cast mine sliver again on this uh skeleton in front of me okay with them trying to put him the [ __ ] down uh intelligence save intelligence okay it's a five so uh okay so he fails ah balls three points of psychic damage still uh [ __ ] we should check something about skeletons I'm curious but continue please okay I are affected by psychic stuff okay cool um they have never done incredible damage although you do keep[ __ ] critic I'm very impressed with how many I've rolled tonight but we've also gotten 16 rounds and there's lots of dice I have decent amount of hit points I'm gonna try to break away from him whoa all right all right I am going to rush past him 30 feet uh breaking away from all of it and rushing towards the altar okay he rolled a 15 plus five so it's a 20 that hits uh you take eight points of damage[Applause] that's exactly how many hit points I have Jesus okay so you're back and you're you're down [ __ ] I'm so sorry well that was that was Max damage from him uh of course it was I think um this is this is so yeah I think quarter the dragon Queen is a nice module if you guys want to do this yes[Laughter] I uh I think I'm I think I'm overcasters guys I think um I think I'm all set I had my fun I had a nice sorcerer run uh played around with the wizard I think I'm done yeah I think it's barbarians and Battle Master fighters from here on out well uh you might have another chance here because Arthur is going to lay his hand upon you and give you 20 hit points holy all of his lay on hands that is his entire pool I look forward to wasting it thank you very much and as he like touches you he's like rise my friend we are not done eyes twitch a little bit as he hears rise but yeah uh okay and Arthur let's see here spells spell spells he's gonna put on he's gonna cast thunderous Smite as a knight uh and that is his last spell slots everybody make a camp uh you're long then now uh skeletons let's have it uh this one could you take the crossbone symbol off of me when I was here yes I will you poor poor thing thanks thanks buddy this one that has now moved up to the north of Arthur is going to swing at them it's a natural 19. uh that's five plus that's seven points of damage on Arthur uh the one to the south of Arthur is going to swing at him that's a natural four the one between cephal and Arthur uh odds are evens there safel ah let's let's keep with the team I'm gonna I'm gonna do evens oh okay yes that's a natural 15. I keep rolling like 15s 19s and 20s God damn uh three points damage all right yeah that's not so bad when you have 20 hit points uh okay the one to the far Southeast is going to continue moving in yeah and uh one two Indigo three four safel five six Arthur it's five so Arthur and that's a natural seven so he misses the one over stool nah he's not intelligent enough to do a coup de gras uh so he's going to move up on Indigo and is going to swing his short sword that's another natural 15. Jesus Royce uh that is six points of slashing damage I'm on the floor Holy balls okay uh uh this one here that the two just to the south of indigo are going to One's Gonna Move up on cephal swinging at him it's a natural seven plus Five Thirteen does not hit you right uh seven plus five isn't thirteen it's twelve twelve sorry thank you 13 would have hit me but 12 does not okay great thank you for correcting me on my math uh this one here odds are evens pink yeah evens four[Music] that's okay that's a six so no does not hit you that is it for the skeleton's turn oh it's stools this could be death for stool or another chance at life anybody got some nice words potentially you were the best of us and if I could go back I will sacrifice myself sacrifice myself to save you I think that's what Lara oh my God I got you both up that's a natural 19. that is a success okay all right one more one more round potentially Indigo at your save all right gross I'm glad we took the extra long time today guys 14. uh I rolled it um I got a nap one oh double fail I I have this image almost of like we're back in that subliminal space that Lara seems to keep going to and you're kind of waiting for grazit to come to you and your wings are there and as you feel like this horrible pain through your body you just see feathers starting to fall away from your wings as you kind of sit there in that black watery expanse sofel it's your turn boy um you are surrounded by skeletons your friends are down all except for Arthur what do you do this is [ __ ] awful we almost can't we can't keep doing this yo-yo thing you can always run run save yourself the fell is going one more time and he's gonna hope that two skeletons don't roll Max [ __ ] damage he's going to look at Arthur okay he's going to say the only chance we have if I am right break away destroy the altar maybe and he is going to break away from the skeletons okay he's going to rush backwards invoking two attacks of opportunity this is all the first one that is a natural one okay the second one is a natural two oh boy you lucky SOB okay where is indigo right now indigo is here okay do you have anything to bring it back up do you even have a potion I no we didn't buy any [ __ ] potions because why would we why why would we buy anything other than just insane magical items and expensive ass armor why would we why would we even look for potions no that's all of us it was just dumb so I'm in front of Lara right now so close to the exits fell on our brains civil or bronze I am going to use my action and I'm going to adjust density on indigo's body have the weight and I'm going to try to pull him straight backwards with me okay uh uh wow yeah okay yeah you start you start pulling but your movement is currently half still yeah because they are still Hefty yes uh wow okay uh what I'm gonna do is I'm Gonna Give You co- control of indigo's Icon so you can move them okay okay is that your entire turn my friends my entire turn Okay as Arthur now stands surrounded by four skeletons he is uh man he's just gonna swing he's gonna swing as hard as he possibly can so one to the South um boy oh boy oh boy that's a natural six uh but wait he gets plus six so that's a 12 does that hit no their AC is 13. all right uh wow uh and he's just now yelling at you he's like Seville run run uh as he is starting to be swarmed it is the skeleton's turn uh this one swings at Arthur ten plus five that is a miss the one to the South swings at him that is a 16 plus five that is a hit that is six points of damage oh my God I can just see this them just like skeletons piling atop Arthur his large form just kind of like slowly starting to disappear under him the one immediately to the west of Arthur that's a natural 17. that is four points of damage uh the one that was near Fell is gonna move in on Arthur swing at him uh that is also a hit she's nice Max damage that's eight points of damage Arthur is at two hit points from 52. uh okay these two to the South uh one two fell three four Arthur he starts charging at Arthur gets in there he's going to swing it's a natural six that's a miss same thing one two fell three four Arthur I didn't see that one he's going to fire his short bow that's used to fell it's a five doesn't hit now stool death saving throw could be the last can I see it that is a four[Music] stool dies and even though he doesn't have eyes or eyelids that we necessarily see just this these empty kind of small holes I almost picture like there is this kind of quiver that went through their their form and just like their head slowly bends and just like the two holes are staring at cephale as the Fella's dragging Indigo uh as fast as he possibly can away from them uh wow Indigo death saving throw my man here we go 15. you are all right Laura Jesus oh no that's four is that that's your third fail yeah yeah water is dead and Lara guys[Music] safel it is your turn[Music] um[ __ ] me[Music] you see Arthur being swarmed by skeletons one is still nearby you hold the unconscious dying form of indigo stool is dead Lara is gone foreign[Music] so many times before in your [ __ ] campaigns it never gets easier[Music] double move as far as I can dragging double move which will allow me to get 30 feet dragging in to go out of the cave yeah oh man it's Arthur's turn and just in this teary teary voice he's like screaming after you it's a fell and he's like don't leave my body[Applause][Music] and with like a final cry as you're starting to drag your way out he goes full of promise I made my boy and he will swing out and he hits skeleton to the South and between the thunderous Smite and the mall that one is destroyed just this thunderous explosion of sound echoing throughout the cave uh and it is the skeleton's turn natural 19.[Music] it's five plus two that is seven points of damage and Arthur is down[Music] uh and the one to the South just runs up to join the others and cephale as these skeletons just converge upon the now fallen recent very recent friend and companion Arthur you just You Hear The Ripping of Flesh and his cries you hear a couple more explosions of sound and you uh continue on with Indigo Indigo how many successes and how many fails do you have I have two successes and no failures okay make a save foreign[Applause] that is a failure uh cephal is there anything that you can do that you can potentially stabilize him with uh the only thing that I could do is the typical method I could make a medicine check but it would take my action well uh you are pretty far away I will I'll drag him 15 feet I'll do I'll do the half move okay um and then I will I'll use my action to try to stabilize okay no bonus so this is about as uh one way or the other as a death save okay there's a three you you you don't know where to begin with the numerous wounds upon and they go Indigo make another save 11. okay you are stable you see kind of a shuttering back breath from Indigo to fell far do you go with indigo's unconscious form he just keeps moving he's just I I imagine he he was leaving the cave and he knew he couldn't leave them all and it's sort of the curse of his intellect what he made a tactical choice of the person that would be most survivable and who if they went back or if something were to happen Indigo would be the most useful I mean he is he is a Healer by Nature if there was any chance of anyone being okay it would be with Indigo coming back with him um so he just he took the body and he's dragging him and I imagine by the time they get here and the skeletons have disengaged he's like walking facing forward with like indigo's arm over his shoulders like dragging just hobbling he's in pain he is tired and he's just hearing the tearing and the cackling and whatever behind him he feels the breath from from Indigo and he breathes one sigh of relief and just hesitates for half a second and just says I'm sorry Lara and just keeps hobbling out of the cave until they are all the way out going all the way back to West all the way out do you do you halt in that little tent in West clef or do you even try to make your way past Westcliff towards the rest of the city I think no I think once he gets out of the cave he doesn't have anything he's a he's exhausted and I don't think he'd even be able to get Indigo up um so I think as soon as they get into West cleft he's not going into the into the district he knows how they're looked at by the Darrow he doesn't expect that they'd get help if anything they'd laugh as Indigo died uh he's going to to set up whatever situation they can away from the district and just hide them hide both of them as best as he can[Music] you see this cloth part where you had come from not too long ago and you just see the shadow of a humanoid figure with long strides move past you and we see this Shadow move through the long entrance of this this tunnel and eventually turn and enter into the large Cavern the skeletons now mindlessly move about the Fallen forms of stool Lara and Arthur laying amongst the numerous dead bodies the smashed form of bupido and we see the shadowy figure stride up to Lara's Fallen form and kneel down and[Music] as they start to materialize a little bit more we see that it is grazit and this kind of Dark Flame starts to surround the two of them as they hold Lara in their arms they say oh that was[Music] so much more for us and for you and we see pain across their face genuine pain and it surprises cross it as something so lost to them and something they wouldn't normally hold so dear is now gone and so short of time[Music] and we see the receding form of them and like a camera in a movie we just see stool and Arthur and that's where we will leave it this time[Music]