[Music] um all right well last time um when we all gathered you all uh awoke or some of you sorry Sam uh so fell in Indigo you awoke in the bullets layer after hazy memories of being carried off by someone and as you guys awoke you kind of talked about what you had just gone through and how you have somehow made it back here um only to be um kind of not Disturbed but what's the word I'm looking for entreated by a a gray dwarf by the name of Sue who came in with some some meats and cheeses and breads for you and uh basically said like hey I was in the uh the the tunnels as well came across you guys on my way out uh rough Biz brought you back here glad you're alive and was like Oh Hey listen uh me and my friend have noticed some weird crazy [ __ ] is happening and we would love your help if you're up for it but it does mean we got to go back into the tunnels um and after a little bit of discussion you guys were uh ready to kind of accept the offer to meet the friend in which you did and we were introduced to Sam's uh new character a dark Lake Triton by cilia and uh uh and their giant riding lizard uh what is their name Again Sam dartanian I loved how you pulled that out of nowhere by the way uh because you had no idea I was even giving you one um and after a little bit of conversation Sue was like okay great you know what you guys uh if you're cool with it are gonna help me get this red dragon egg because I want it essentially uh and while you're still kind of iffy and maybe not sure if she's truly on the level you've decided to go along with things for now um and they kind of picked up this odd backpack through you a potion we're like let's meet up by the next shift Bell back at the bullets Lair and uh hopefully by then with a little bit extra rest we'll head back to the tunnels you guys decide to go about uh some of your personal business uh Indigo you got your new green Drake cloak which I totally blanked on giving it to you damn it um but you have resistance to acid and poison and fell uh you all made your way across town to fame uh fine Dane uh Iron Head who was going to make you this crystalline weapon uh that after you kind of um broke into his house uh ever so nicely uh you found him in the second floor the second story of his building kind of a blubbering mess talking about seeing something and a a staff adorned with these crystals cut in a kind of star-like pattern and as he picked it up these swirling moats kind of detached from the center and started moving about it and within your eyes you just see stars and we're brought back to the present in this moment and it's just a really a glimpse but you have just seen galaxies and worlds in the universe and the glimpse of an eye and just this weird connection to it before you are shunted back and you are holding the staff with this Mercurial almost moving like metal uh at its base with this star pattern on top of it and uh Indigo and Cilia you didn't necessarily notice him disappear but it was like when someone kind of gets that far off look in their eye and then they're kind of like oh sorry drifted off uh you just see it for a split second but yeah what do you guys want to do is an item of immense potential and curiosity Dane is like he's [ __ ] gone he's insane right he's just like babbling in the corner um as far as you know he's just you he could be insane you guys haven't done anything I believe medically to kind of determine what's going on but he's like yeah Indigo can can you do anything for him uh Indigo who is a crab I use their Pinterest twice and then hops off and uh untramp swarms oh yeah no man beta crab is great but yeah um I'll check on him mute I I assume you're gonna touch the the very dangerous magic thing why I'm holding it like double fisting it already oh that's my perspective is weird when you're crap slow down you work with that I'm gonna see what happened to the last guy who did that uh and I'll go over to Dane I'll help um Indigo I'll like um walk forward Indigo you are a Healer then as well oh yep yep nice stuck in trade I don't like go down like take his pulse and start uh you know trying to see if there's anything physically wrong with him and then maybe do some um uh a psychological test as well if I can okay yeah roll a medicine check if you're helping him he can do this with advantage or your will or uh capable of doing it on your own if you'd like I'll give advantage okay all right that's a 23. thank you for the advantage 23. um you think he is suffering from some type of like psychotic break in a way um and you've seen this look in your companions of like they've seen something that is so mind-boggling or horrific that they are just kind of it's almost like shock they're in shock that's the best way to put it uh and the way they're kind of rambling on it almost it sounds like they're experiencing um some type of hallucination and they you know as they're saying like I saw it I saw it oh[Music] oh soaring through the Stars I saw it oh they moved they moved so quickly and gone in Shadow they moved I saw it and it's like his eyes turned towards you and it's almost like he's looking straight at you but he still has this far away look and he's just like grabs onto you he's like I saw them I saw them and then he actually goes unconscious due to age 60 years in two sessions pretty much yeah imagine oh my God uh I'll yeah I'm gonna put him in the recovery position I make him as comfortable as I can uh before I do anything else I'm just gonna look back at the fell I are you sure you want to touch that I believe I have caught a glimpse of what he may have seen I would simply believe perhaps his mind was not open open to comprehending it I will not underestimate the power of this object well you can't say we lie for confidence um well uh and I I'm not sure if it'll help but just you know maybe at least put indigo's mind at ease I'm gonna cast a lesser restoration on Dane okay to see if that has any Curative effect let me just double check okay you cast lesser less duration upon Dane and you see um even while unconscious there was still this like tension within their body and almost kind of like this occasional twitch and shiver you see that fade away and about another minute or two passes before they started kind of start to grow and they're like oh oh my head oh oh and he slowly starts to push himself up oh what happened I thought it was awful yeah you uh you feeling right there big fella oh and he's kind of like surprised I'm how did the lot if you get in here uh we broke it to your home why would you break into my home because it's been like three days man it has been longer and no one has seen you what and they kind of like scramble up looking about what you and they like they see you holding the staff so fell and they start to get like that far away look in their eyes before they kind of like shake off and they're like that's that's not possible I don't no that's how long did it take you to make this how long do you think that you were creating it well I I couldn't believe that something so so beautiful and you see um actually make Insight checks all of you uh 14 14. good 21. 7 uh Cilla you're you don't really necessarily pick up on anything uh but nigonsa fell you you realize as they're talking they're all anytime they look over towards to fell they are almost set like they'll look up for a second and then over their eyes and you realize that he's like either subconsciously I you believe subconscious like trying not to look at the staff like there's almost a compulsion not to look at it uh and they said well I you gave me such such beautiful materials and I haven't not really worked with it before I decided that this was I had to get started right away and so I came back and then I started um cutting and refining and uh and then I've well here is a very particular type of metal and I wanted to try something with it but I haven't uh encountered something that's had so much magic within it naturally and then it kind of just came together and then I mean he's and he's like I'm sorry um it just kind of hurts to look over there um yeah I don't honestly remember finishing it well it would appear that you very much did and um we're very thankful we were worried we hadn't we heard that you hadn't been around for a while and we we found you in a bit of a stupor um and we were able to uh Cilla this is my friend Sila and I I were able to minister to you and I get you back up on your feet here uh but we we can be going we don't need to hold you up um but wait we can take the staff I guess um but it pictures me just said I'm sorry I'm not at my best phone um okay no the way my stomach's hurting I suppose it has been a few days um no please the staff um just take it it's it's fine um I think I'll be all right I appreciate you if it really has been that long that you've um come and check on me dude you don't think you need anything else this I feel um it is a magnificent item I I haven't been able to exp inspect it in detail um but your craftsmanship did not disappoint I'm I'm very pleased that you're pleased with it and um I hope it serves you well but um please I I don't I would prefer to be alone now and perhaps to just get my feedback under me and perhaps do some organizing it looks like a he's looking about all the diagrams and stuff that he drew appears I would have lost myself just a little bit weird oh my what happens to the best of us uh well have a great day Mr Ironhead uh I would um I would also suggest that in the future you don't uh leave your front door key in the front door it it makes it significantly easier to break into your premises and considering the things that you make here that that is very dangerous to risk no that that's thank you I'm very surprised in myself that I I left it there um and he's just still staring at all the diagrams that you guys had seen before up on like the walls and the ceiling and he's like his eyes are growing wider and wider and he's like no that's that that's fine I'll make sure not to do that again all right I think it is um time that we Departed leave this man to his uh sketches thank you uh again very much Mr Iron Head he just kind of waves like yep that's um indigo sillia let's be off absolutely okay you guys make your way out of his workshop and you find yourselves back on the busy streets of grackle stug all right love that is it is time for us to meet up with Sue is there anything else that you two wanted to pick up I um I believe I am taken care of cilia do you do you require anything um Cilla and I'm I'm quite fine um I would say onward all right oh before I forget um uh and I'm gonna hand you the um the potion of Greater healing oh just you know in case thank you um I will uh I will Stow that in the bag of holding yes Indigo imperator of life to let a member of your party fall would be a great sin it is perhaps the most important role uh yeah that couldn't be more true Indigo just like wanders away it's like if you it's like if you translate a language at Google translate and then put it back to English yeah yeah and but that that has to like set that's such an off like off the cuff like whatever kind of a thing from uh from her but like how the [ __ ] does that actually rip through indigo's mind right now hopefully very bad two you're the core as intended it shakes him to the core of his being because he let all his friends like Indigo would never let an ally fall especially on the battlefield definitely not his best friend no the gods would turn away from such a creature and I did[Laughter] complex much oh here I do uh all right so you guys are still within the dark Lake District is there anything you want to check out any activities or anything you would like to do because you still have a while before you necessarily need to go find Sue but you can always go ahead and do that sooner uh not from me no I think I think we can just fast forward right sure sure all right um so you all over uh some time you head back to the global uh the bullets layer because I can't pronounce the freaking dwarf way of saying it thanks everybody for making me feel you know insufficient with my English um so you make your way back there and you probably you guys are probably still pretty wiped and indigo you still feel this kind of deep hunger uh with this strange attachments to to meat and not really touching much else um and so you guys are spending your time there you're perhaps chatting with Cilla and uh uh eventually you hear kind of like this jingling coming down and you see kind of trotton in is Sue who spots you all probably sitting down at one of the long Stone tables within the lair and plops down next to you and kind of like points to the counter slash bar top and eventually a drink is pro brought over to them and uh she turns you up and she goes so how did the lot of you get on with things thank you we had a very lovely shopping trip in which we ran into a friend um this friend was not well I would say but doing much better now right yes he um yeah I pretty much yeah it's a good summation picked up some uh some useful equipment that will hopefully Keep Us Alive in the uh re-entering of the caverns yeah do you like my cloak and indigo swirls in his little green Drake cloak oh that's absolutely lovely I love it so much would you oh I know who made that for you I can see their their signature flare up on it everyone knows a clod everybody knows a Claude oh uh and that is quite the interesting actually Savelle are you keeping the staff out on the open are you trying to hide it like what are you doing I mean it was described as almost as tall as him right like it was a you said it was a six foot staff now I think he is um I think he is using it in a similar way he did to his regular staff which he has now stowed um but I think he is using the the uh actual staff part of it almost uh as a walking cane or a walking stick um just at his side he's not you know ostentatiously presenting it he's not trying to draw attention to it but he also is not he is reluctant to put it away like he's not going to Stow it back of holding he doesn't understand this item enough yet too want okay to leave his grasp uh you've you noticed on the walk over there that as you weren't necessarily connecting to it or drawing forth on your own Magics eventually all those kind of small crystals that were swirling about it slowly kind of form back over it forming a half moon almost half Sun shape um and it has kind of remained in this dormant dull uh crystalline form in the staff so it it seems to be quiet almost in in a way okay but uh Sue pipes up at the table and she's like well great um well I suppose perhaps the two of you need a little bit more rest or um what what do you and be needing before we begin our uh Adventure back into the tunnels if it is well sorry go ahead and go oh no I mean uh and you know a nice rest wouldn't go amiss but um also perhaps you could kind of tell us um exactly what you had in mind last time we kind of just kind of walked in there but you know if you have any ideas about how you want to approach things I'll be very interested to hear them sure sure um well I I suppose if uh before we all settle down to to rest get a good good bit of rest before we head back in there um I would love to find me a couple of uh fighter stalks before we head back in there um because I don't know if you know this about him so every once in a while one of them likes to go off with a big Flash and um well who knows what the gray ghosts are up to in there and uh some of the other folks that I saw running about inside I think it'd be nice to have something that might go boom just a little bit uh so I wouldn't mind Gathering some more supplies that we don't necessarily get here in the city so Phil do we still have any of those I think we used to have some of those um I believe uh Lara had been the one to collect those it was not something that was imparted to me to uh store I was only given the rations and the water okay uh so you know solves quietly in the corner not not to be insensitive but that does mean that our destination may already contain what we seek okay well uh well uh she's kind of like looking at you and go I I mean more hands is better but I'm not going to push anybody to come looking with me um it's just it was just an idea we don't we also don't have to do it um but the uh the the tunnels or the whirlstone tunnels as they're more commonly known around here um well amongst the gero the uh my people don't necessarily go in there much uh they're definitely laced with the phrase in there and so anybody that you know is using a bit of magics as you probably find out have to be a bit careful um and the few creatures that I Came Upon which weren't many there was some fun fungi uh in there that were quite strange well I should call them what they are the mica needs there is a weird group of them dancing with inside uh in one of the caverns and I didn't really feel like getting involved with him um but uh I did see there was this little fella that was running around that had quite an odd looking heart and he seemed to know his way about quite well and um that well we can certainly Venture in on our own and uh but uh if we wanted perhaps some expert advice maybe trying to catch this little thing um interesting point that was the individual who lead is a strong term we uh chased him into the cave first ah which which led to our eventual um comeuppance I see well would it make you feel any better if we caught the little bastard I certainly wouldn't be upset about it I also don't think he saw my Visage so well if he wouldn't be scared of me from recognition he he might because of what I am so never mind not not a pertinent um point well all right well he's no worries he certainly has not seen me or or I I was I was hiding so um it shouldn't be too big of a deal so what you're saying is Indigo should wear a pillowcase over his head considering he is the only one of our current party that would be recognized by ardero friends correct me if I'm wrong I don't think it was Indigo that was seen I think it was you so it was I tipped him off but we all chased him and sure but he got a way sure you did do that uh so I I will just I'm just counteracting Indigo probably wouldn't be recognized so far as you guys know cephal would be the only one maybe recognized depending on your Visage at the time I was wearing a pillow case at that time foreign upon him he might not recognize you he'd probably be scared shitless because it's a mind flare but you never know I don't think I have I been wearing it I thought I I thought I was going on I'm gonna tell you right now if you weren't you would be dead in the street yeah that makes sense so I guess that means I guess that makes sense I thought I thought we had like this was a whole conversation last session where I said very openly that I was just gonna like go commando and saw it see what happened I I will just say right now cephal would be smart enough to know considering the history of mindfulness in the dwagger uh he would not be doing that because like execution like Gangland style death in the street just yeah nothing left that's fair you can show Sue but that's right no that's right I I was disguised in the room you guys did throw the pillowcase back at me yeah um so she wants to gather some fun guy slash herbs that could be of use within the tunnels you do not have to do this you can take whatever precautions before she said that you could capture droki uh if you potentially wanted a better idea maybe of what the world soon tunnels layout is uh but no guarantees you know that there are apparently some fun guy Mike and I'd in there um but otherwise you don't have too much knowledge of what's going on in there other than the gray ghosts are in there and somehow Sue got her eyes on the red dragon egg I I think Indigo would be inclined to help Sue with the foraging okay um because we already tried to catch stroki and he was really fast yeah that that did not go well last time and also if Sue has already had eyes on the Eggman and Theory that means she at least has been in the general area that that we need to head so I me I think she would be able to lead us possibly she I imagine you guys kind of like discussing this more so with Sue and she explains that like she was in there for hours and either due to the fares and like she's pretty damn good at what she does like she has no problems going into a weird place like this on her own and so she assumes it's of res or something else is going on she she had a really hard time navigating her way through initially um she feels decently confident that she could probably try and retrace her footsteps um but considering she's only been in there once she's not a hundred percent she's like 75 sure she knows where she's going I would like to help Sue find these fire stalks I think they sound very useful okay uh all right then so you guys want to set out and do that before taking the knights rest you want to do in the morning what are you thinking do it yeah now now before okay you find 17 torch stocks and uh when I said fire stocks this is what I meant you remember these because these are one to two foot tall mushroom with a combustible cap a single torch stock Burns for 24 hours once lit there's a one in six chance that torch stock explodes when lit bursting into a cloud of fiery spores and creatures within 10 feet of an exploding stock take one D6 fire damage so you found 17 of them and Sue is just ecstatic she's just like yes this is what we need and she starts like she takes a little clump of them and just starts like wrapping a bunch of like thin twine around it and like you uh uh go ahead and make me anybody that wants to either a straight up intelligence or a survival check[Applause] uh dirty 20. okay great natural one [ __ ] fell I uh I withhold uh Cilla you have seen Sue do this before and this is like a trademark of hers she's basically making fungi Dynamite[Music] and so she takes these 17 stocks and makes a bunch of small bundles and essentially there are there end up being four and she hands one to you one just to fell and one to Indigo and she's like try to be wise about this and I'll try to show you before we go on with this but there's a small chance and it's increased because there's a few more stocks here but um well it's a lot more fun when we get to use it so you each essentially have a stick of dynamite uh that will do uh 3d6 fire damage when latent thrown but you have like seconds to do it you cannot light it and hold it you have to light it and throw it hell yeah yeah absolutely um and because you got such a high roll I'm gonna let you roll one more D6 Andrew oh that's a four okay uh you find something that Sue is like oh be very careful with that that's known as the devil's mushroom or the Tim mask[Music] a tin tin mask is a two foot tall told stool with orange and red stripes across across its beige cap uprooting or destroying a tin mask cause it to expel a 15-foot radius cloud of poisonous spores creatures in the area must succeed on a dc-14 constitution saving throw or be poisoned while poison in this way the creatures under the effects of a confusion spell with the duration of one minute when the spell effect ends the poison condition also ends um and if you want if you want to harvest this I will say Sue will Aid you and you'll Roll Another survival check if you want to try and contain it safely for potential further use I mean I didn't come to the underdark to play it safe let's roll the dice all right roll survival with Advantage Silo will step back out of the 15-foot radius uh so Phil will also if if there is any hesitation I can also I have ways to remove it safely what's life without a little bit of danger hey all right and she just like pulls up her shirt over her nose and it's like let's do it I have way of doing it safely as well still and I crack my knuckles that's I like him oh my God oh no oh no I'll see him to go in a minute oh God it's been fun guys uh that's a 13. you managed to do it actually that that face I thought that was way worse well listen it's a two and a seven it was oh my god well you managed to do it you have one tin mask uh and essentially you have its large cap that depending on what you do with it could potentially poison uh some people or you can make it into a potential poison or oil or some kind of potion uh perhaps with the aid of Sioux it's really whatever you desire but that is the Tim mask t-i-m-m-a-s-k all right um and that is what you guys managed to kind of pilfer off with before Sue's kind of like all right so that's a bit uh I'm a bit soaked um because you have been kind of like walking along the the wateries watery edges there on the edge of the city and she goes let's go back um I could use with another pint and then perhaps some good long rests and uh we'll find ourselves back in the tunnels tomorrow agreed sounds good okay you guys make your way back to the bullet layer uh you find yourselves back in the the room that you had awoken in uh this morning and unless you guys want to do anything we can go ahead and log in a long rest uh safel would like to take an hour within that period of long rest and Focus intently and uninterrupted uh trying to ascertain the nature of this staff I would like to attune to it please sure sure well considering uh how long it takes everybody else to rest you have more than enough time to do that um and as you do as you you're taking this time to attune with the staff and kind of connect with its energies you once again find yourself drifting amongst stars in in darkness and occasionally you see what looks like a swirl of a galaxy and with a lot of knowledge that you've had things have kind of like come and go but this is something like you look at it and you're like I know exactly what that is that is that is a Galaxy I feel like I have gazed upon this thing many times before and you know it with such Surety um does that you're like there's something here about this does that information feel like mine or like yes like I knew prior to this staff what this was yes okay you feel like you have clapped eyes on these views once before with your own eyes interesting and it it oddly brings a a swift wave of both comfort and confusion especially considering everything that you've gone through in these in these missing but now seemingly returning memories um you're not sure what its significance is to you yeah but eventually as you've finally finished this Attunement with this staff you kind of pull back into the room once again and you see it you see those different crystals rotating around it once more anybody else doing anything some down time here before clocking a long rest not I you know okay um I feel like indigo's just doing some stress sketching um in his bedroom uh and just trying to prepare himself for what may come okay well go ahead if you guys need to I don't think you need to but you can click the long rest in case you've expended anything um I think um which you are sorry I think um just for flavor I think uh Cilla sleeps um in the bathtub okay sure runs the water feeling a little bit more comfortable climbs in I got you takes a break um all right well you all wake the next morning and uh everybody except for Sue and indigo I need you to need you to make me a constitution saving throw because of the smog instead of everybody but soon indigo uh yes no not Indigo yusufel oh okay yeah you remember there's the the disease that Lara was suffering from here in the city yep I got a 15. 15 you're okay so like does a five pass or no no my friend you have the grackle lung uh so you did not sleep well as well as you thought you still get the long rest but you are now considered exhausted you have one level of exhaustion but you need it now do I know anything about how people overcome this in the city or like um we got used to it um I would say you've definitely heard of it but considering you haven't spent any extended periods of time within the city that you you haven't developed the natural resistance to it unless you have resistances to diseases yeah this I would say this is like your first foray into really uh coming up against it but your hearty Constitution has kept you healthy um okay what would you guys like to do Indigo are you feeling quite all right to continue our journey today yeah but oh seen this before that's quite unfortunate Indigo I'm I'm very sorry um I mean you are a person of the faith though couldn't you couldn't you do something to help yourself yeah unfortunately that would take a a you know like I if only I could on a scale of one to nine what kind of power do you think I I would need to restore myself really greatly and I just only feel like I do it lesserly you know oh don't sell yourself short you you do fine in a pinch knowing one's power is very important he's very humble he's he's good at what he does the locals in town as a remedy um most likely as none of us well we've all kind of gotten used to it um but perhaps we could find a fatherly figure and perhaps they could uh bless you with something to keep you safe from the sickness oh guys you should see about that blessing Indigo do not be rash this helmet could very well have contributed to Laura's failure do not make the same mistakes hit me where it hurts sure I would not like you I was gonna talk to someone like you to not be the next hit fine I'll go talk to the under priest the under priest damn that's a good name [ __ ] I wish I had something better[Music] let's go ahead and roll perceptions or investigation checks your choices uh Sue has a 26. fine 25. 15. okay uh you do eventually find this odd like uh this odd robed figure and picture like a Friar's outfit and he's just like sitting in an alley and like you guys turn down this alley and she was like oh I recognize this gentleman uh he should definitely be able to help you though which might come at a price and this small hunched over figure is like talking to this this gray dwarf couple and he like turns his hooded face towards you and uh the the couple like he turns back to him and there's something and they kind of run off and then he like puts his his hands into his robed sleeves and he just like turns and bows and he's like what can I help you leave um Joseph the under cleric oh yeah uh I was that's a fellow uh practitioner of the faith I was just wondering if you could help um cure this uh afflict affliction ah yes I see you have not been blessed by the Gods to save you that'll be five gold I well yeah I I would like to say person I've been blessed by what I would personally consider to be the most important of of the guts but um I will of course pay uh a with this fee yes and and who do you want to this is most important of God that you pray to uh well all right you're humbly serious uh a a servant of twirl the you know the Will Made manifest of the world itself no I would not have it no how dare you presume that they are not as high as that one that'll be 10 gold now well I mean[Music] 10 gold and you get to do a blessing in the name of Toro why are you doing this why would I want any blessing of Toro that that he that is of a god okay okay let me stop you right there is the world made known please you you'll have to understand that all the good things around you this fine cave ceiling and all that is beyond it is is just the manifested will of the mighty Toro we could all agree on that right I think not no well if you're if your great will of toru was so good then you would have then you would have been fine waking up this morning and you wouldn't be so sick but it seems your weakly blessed lungs can't keep up if only you had the Great lottica the god of self-reliance defense and survival could help you um okay but uh indigo's gonna lean in and like handshake him 15 gold I think we could both agree how great our gods are um let's just just uh take a take a flyer on this one buddy absolutely thank you for your contributions to the latica fans and he's like Poof Magic [ __ ] and uh[Laughter] for the listeners at home they were verbal and somatic components to that all boxes have been checked oh God oh my God I hope the Ender cleric becomes a classic oh uh he he does cure disease and you are no longer affected by grackle lung but that will only help you for a day pack he just like turns back with a steal the Gaze and he's like a lot of good bless you and walks away uh Eddie goes like rubbing his temples I can't believe that guy intentionally outranks meets his totally crazy are you I've never seen you that confrontational unless it was against me are are you okay I just I don't like taking blessings from other deities it's really the buzz kills of hell I did not see you pay him oh well Toro is very uh you know filled with guile and cleverness so I do not know it was a pro bono gig oh we have plenty of time to talk about it on the way I would like that do you perhaps have a a small informational pamphlet that would make this learning exercise easier uh Indigo just opens an entire page of his gigantic leather-bound book uh D1 better the whole way there he's just gonna be reading from it um along the way um Cilla will also teach Indigo about her God okay let's hear it Indigo will listen patiently well uh Sam Sam won't say much but just know that it happens okay it's one of those one of those oh you were expecting something well I I can tell I believe to come from the elemental plane of water oh okay you you probably get into the to the world uh World Zone tunnels and uh you're just like oh we should probably Focus up like oh we'll get back to this later I like to believe that indigo is like half tuning it out still thinking about Toro yeah right I don't want to care I don't care about your weird water gods and maybe think about it really like the water Waddles on twirl's Surface so really well your God pecking order your God is like a leaser of my God's Property if you think about it like like you you exist because my God lets you you know it's it's a kind of a vastly situation I'm sure you understand folk are so funny oh uh all right so you guys have made your way across the city unless there's anything else you want to do nah nah nah nah okay heading straight for it you guys make your way back to the worldstone tunnel hopefully you guys have arrived on the new map and loaded in please find your tokens uh uh yeah how do you guys want to pursue this is there a specific marching order uh what do you do you think you're gonna do here I would kind of like to investigate that Cavern we we fought in um okay I think Sue mentioned last time that like she was in there and there were no bodies or no recent bodies which definitely um definitely raised a flag no bodies no skeletons and knowing that and that the altar may still be in there is is a lot of Unfinished Business I would be honored to leave this lead this party into the darkness I'm right behind you Sila lead away we will follow uh so sue and Sila kind of in the lead uh go ahead and please move your tokens about uh Tim and go ahead when you guys are ready as you you start making your way into the large Cavern go ahead and make perception checks 16. 16 25. 25 okay uh we'll do Sue here seven yeah she's not that much better okay you guys look in to the room which has probably got to be bringing up a lot of really really bitter emotions and uh probably flashes of what just happened not not that long ago in your minds at least but it has been a few days and as you enter in you still see mostly the large spiral of desiccated corpses that had been here before you do see to the South uh of this Cavern there's still that long furrow from when um Arthur had used their their Smite and their swing had carved basically through the ground when they had tried to attack bupido you see the large crater uh where he had finally smashed him and you still see like kind of a bloody gory mess in the bottom of it things that are missing you do not see Laura and you do not see Arthur the thing you do notice that is extremely surprising and shocking to you as that the large tree humanoid-like figure of an altar besides the stone that laid in front of it has mostly been destroyed and it looks like something went at it you see um similar markings to what Arthur had done in his his kind of like attacks before where there's these strange impacts of of force but you see bits in chunks and pieces and of bodies and this makeshift wooden structure that had been constructed underneath the bodies to kind of hold them up in this horrible design and that's what you guys see it's very strange these um the markings are like Arthur but what what he would produce where do you think they have gone oh no I guess I guess there's more down here than we accounted for I mean it is it is possible that Arthur could have survived I I admit[Music] he was being swarmed when I left I did not see a conclusion but I did see Laura fall Perhaps Perhaps Arthur uh survived and removed her body from the space put away would they have gone I can't imagine they would have continued inward yeah I think if Arthur was still alive he would have he would have come to find us uh will stool's body is not there also correct uh not that you seem to notice no okay or did I forget stool did I bomb their stress increases uh well stefel is thinking things over and he has a sort of memory of the um underground Fortress that we first experienced the ferocity of Papito in there is um there is another option that uh either seems unsavory or peaceful depending on your perception there are miconoids down here we have seen uh stool reprocess a corpse before I mean that was a holy ceremony of the Grove but tomato tomato either way though I'm just saying it's it is an option fair enough well we're here we might as well make sure this is well and truly gone uh indigo is going to step up to um The Altar and it's just gonna blast it with sacred Flames until it's really uh destroyed okay it takes a little bit of time but not as much as it would have if it was whole but eventually you dismantle with this this holy Flame uh this this Altar and you can see a little bit more of just the massive amounts of damage that was done to it with markings being upon the caverned wall behind where it was and uh safel what are you doing as as indigo's doing this um I think I mean he's just sort of taking in the space trying to think of you know what what happened here like I'm I'm sure there are plenty of flashbacks to him fleeing and there's there's emotion there but I think he's just trying to uh take in and process the space see if I guess I'd want to see if anything was Disturbed or if there's any signs of what might have happened uh post fleeing sure sure um I would say depending on how you want to look for these things you could do investigation or you could do something else what do you how do you think cephalo is going about this is he doing in some kind of magical way is he just to be trying to use his intellect and picture like find Clues I think I think this would be a purely intellect he sort of just eyeing taking in the space seeing I mean he must have a good memory so I'm sure he is just trying to see inconsistencies in the space or anything that looks um I was going to say out of place but this entire room is insane sure sure uh you are welcome to do investigation or survival then Indigo could you go ahead and give me an Insight check that is a 24. wow okay uh what's your do you have religion indigo uh I actually do not okay that's fine that's hysterical uh no well hey I mean he's a different type of guy no no don't [ __ ] on us but he just bought a back alley doctor over his God it's a fair I mean you can still roll it he's he's welcome to roll uh that if he wants to but I I think Insight is sufficient here you guys all kind of managed to put some pieces together here with your combined like looking about uh Cilla you notice that Sue Sue actually comes up to you and she's like up that way is uh where I saw the the odds Mike in it kind of roaming about and it's on the map here you're kind of to the Eastern end that actually starts to become a tunnel and that is where she's pointing like that's where the micanids that she saw were kind of up in and moving and you see that there appears to be some recent tracks Sue points out her own of like something came through here and as you kind of like follow those tracks back into the room and sophel you're kind of moving and looking at things about it looks like something came up to where stool lay um and grabbed them and pulled them away somewhere but eventually you lose sight of it and uh I would say because of your survival check that you judging by like the footprints left behind this was some other kind of organic creature potentially another micaid you're not sure um safel you noticed that the dead body of bupido is still there in that crater still left there uh what things he had on him that aren't totally destroyed are still there interesting and you horrifyingly noticed that there are there's a large Trail in like a particular spot where you notice that there's like bits and pieces of smashed bone and flesh like recent flesh and you believe this is where you last Saw Arthur standing and it looks like from the bits of clothing and flesh like he got torn up and might have laid there for a moment but then somehow got up and continued to move and you can kind of make out this odd trail that makes its way to the Altar and that's where you kind of meet up with Indigo in indigo you're not a hundred percent sure on exactly what this altar was necessarily dedicated to but lupito made it sound like it was for him he was he claimed to be some kind of God but you see a weird smattering of different things here elements that are kind of like tickling on the edge of your brain but you're not 100 sure but there was a deep horrible magic involved with this spot and some kind of dark and utterly Twisted spell was used here and you you feel between the two of you that something had happened to Arthur besides the attack of the skeletons and that the damage that you had come across before destroying it must have come from him but now he's just gone and lastly between all of your different checks the spot where Lara had fallen you don't find anything you don't see anything by all accounts her body should be still laying there but it's not and that is everything you kind of piece together within this room uh between your cumulative checks um you said if pupito's body is still there um I would like to investigate him um more like obviously the the player loot lust in me uh wants it but also just out of sheer curiosity of investigating what he was[Music] sure sure uh if you want to look more into the organic bodily parts of it you can do a medicine to kind of like achieve more if you just want to kind of loot the body uh I will say make an investigation check because he is kind of a puddle okay um yeah I I mean like not not the biological like what race but like what is sure but the um like I guess from his affects like he was clearly yeah practicing some sort of necromancy some some like dark [ __ ] so I'm definitely interested in that uh 21 for investigation okay uh you find four daggers upon him okay and they are all of like different makes inside Styles one is serrated one uh almost looks like it's forked a little bit uh another kind of looks like a run-of-the-mill kind of a thing and one looks more akin to like a scalpel-esque it's very very sharp um you find a little dark pouch that has this weird kind of small amount of dust material inside of it uh that you recognize that he had pulled out at one point uh and you find uh that there Still Remains something of a cloak um there as well and the the uh bag with the type of powder in it and the cloak are radiating a small amount of magic um and from what you can kind of pick a part of the other belongings here is like you can see he had some kind of like weird little Effigy slash Idol in his pocket that seemingly represents his own shape um you you find like small rings and Rockets and different belongings and as like you're picking through these you would assume are small trophies picked from his victims oh Jesus um and by like all accounts is like you're kind of putting things together you're like this guy was nothing but a psychopath and a serial killer who somehow developed a literal God complex and thought he was some kind of reincarnated or newborn God well I will um will leave the I'm Gonna Leave the trophies like back on the ground but I want to like throw them as far away from his body as possible like I do not watch even his puddle to to be near anything involving his victims and then I will uh and you and you do that yeah I will uh pocket the the small bag and the um sorry what the club cloak was magical as well uh I will pocket those to investigate them later uh to see what they might be unless um yeah unless unless we wanted to stop here and let me identify them but I can I don't mind waiting for that it's up to you guys I think that the mycanoids were this way if we would like to continue and perhaps find more information about where the body of your Fallen mushroom friend went off to I would like that information as well excellent idea lead the way and I will do that uh Sue right behind ucilla um Indigo and safel as you or actually the lot of you as you're starting to leave this chamber you all hear like a whisper and it's like please please wait upon a moment what do you guys do uh I'm gonna stop and twirl around did you say something indigo that wasn't me someone else is here you see up here kind of in the shimmering half-light a ghost come up oh geez and they are of small statue and they appear to look like a gnome and they go excuse me excuse me please please my name is pelek and I see that you are of good hearts and perhaps you could help me I trust you implicitly what can I do here normal yes he trusts everything well that's not really a great idea I was unfortunately murdered psycho that was known as pupido yeah we are familiar with his stabby ways looking at them I saw the two of you as your friends fell about you uh I would ask something of you if you have the time that's my my friend and treat us what can we do and they as they're as they're about to speak they gesture back towards all the bodies littered about they go I I'm unfortunately strewn and destroyed what's mostly left of me however the Twisted Magics that reside Within These tunnels have seen fit to keep one of my hands alive and it now water wanders these tunnels upon it rests my family's ring if you could if you could please find my hand take it to blinden Stone and put it to rest so that I may rest please do you have a that description of this ring something that that we could easily identify it by it is made of obsidian it is a stark black and beautifully reflective Stone in the form of a Signet I believe seal long faded I believe it will also be the only ring on a hand that is traveling throughout the cavern yes that's very true we've seen some weird things I assume nothing absolutely the spooky this whole situation right now is is why nothing surprises me I can make no light yeah I can make no commitments to our timetable based on this Quest that you've presented however I will keep it in mind should we find the ring on the hand that was a lot I don't understand all of it but thank you if if we've it seems like yeah no problem I'm sure we'll keep an eye out for a weird creepy crawl in hand don't worry palik we've got you thank you and he like ethereally Fades away so what direction did you come had you said you came from the north before when you found uh us the first time uh yeah well um there is a weird kind of small Thicket fungus to the north there and uh well you know to be honest there's there's two other rather odd um fungi that were growing there perhaps that's what the micanates are talking about but I went up to the Northeast and there was a pool of water that I had to swim through but uh after that I was able to make my way uh kind of cleanly for a little while at least I guess you go that way then I think so okay uh lead the way then you guys start making your way to the Northeast and very quickly you come upon uh this this pool of water the tunnel slopes down to the edge of a large pool that fills this Cavern ahead the opposite's shore is nearly 100 feet away but nothing can be seen beneath the surface of this black water uh so sue and Cilla are going to swim across uh go ahead and make athletic check there's Cilla oh actually you have a swim speed don't you yes I do so you're fine don't worry about it uh all right and Sue manages to do it so the two of you get across you've left um some of the Rope there however you're gonna need to make me a constitution saving for a while I also make one for Sue just makes it I got a nine you fail damn it and uh something will happen in a certain period of time oh that's cool that's fine but I'm on the other side but you are on the other side and you are holding onto the Rope you don't feel great but you're you're like oh I swallowed a little bit too much water on my way over like maybe I shouldn't have had that run through my gills okay cool boys so it's like come on guys let's get a move on Indigo um the Rope is yours I I should be able to make my way across oh all right I'll take a a rope if it's profit and and kind of use it help put myself across okay uh go ahead and make an Athletics check it's gonna be extremely low DC because you do have uh the Rope okay yeah you make it across no problem but I am going to need you to make me in DC uh our constitution saving throw alrighty let's see what I can do that is another 11. that is another fail oh my God and within a certain amount of time something might happen all right we're gonna have to go visit the under cleric again it's gonna be real awkward it fell what are you doing uh you burn in some spell slots to get across just a little bit of water no so uh the fun thing much like I do not have the amazing uh spell that is invisibility I actually don't have any means of teleporting myself Vortex warp can only be targeted uh on others so no I am going to uh what I am going to do is I'm going to adjust density myself okay to to make myself lighter and more uh buoyant okay uh and I'm just gonna swim okay well because of the density and the uh rope I'm just gonna say it's inconsequential to roll however you do need to make a constitution saving throw is this against a disease it is okay well I have Advantage then let's hope it works uh well one of those was good and okay let's go with the high uh 19. you're fine you pass get [ __ ] weird and weird tentacle dude uh so go ahead and move your pawns to the other side safel just swims straight across gets out like rings out his cloak I don't see what all the fuss was about that wasn't terrible the water certainly tastes weird yeah no I wonder you're ingesting it personally the waters are moving rather roughly uh right I I believe it was uh I continued to the Northeast but then things seemingly are a little bit fuzzy um but I I believe it's I believe it's that way yes all right well we will follow your intuition until it fails us right so you guys continue to the Northeast and not too long after you pass by or pass through the pool you pass by another large Thicket of fungus and you see that there's kind of like a weird tunnel that actually kind of seems to have run in through a fissure in the wall too that goes kind of to the north but eventually you keep going and you come once again onto a fork where it goes north and to the southeast all right well uh Sue which uh which way to the egg place I I'd honestly I can't remember right now I I feel like it's there like something on the tip of my tongue but I'm I don't know right now for some reason it might be the phrase messing with my mind what can we do in this case um could we are we capable of finding track should we um perhaps think of an object you can try any of those things if you want to you can make survival checks looking for tracks you can try to cast locate object or person or whatever it's up to you I uh in this case I would defer to the skills of Sue and indigo I am not not much of a survivalist I'm happy to look for tracks it honestly shouldn't be too hard around here assuming that not many people go through but she'll go ahead and do that I'll I'll help her oh okay well we'll all help yeah great great checks she's got a 25 total uh she says and she points out to you there's a small set of tracks that seem to be going to the South but another set that seems to be coming back from the north but I don't see my own so this must have been someone far more recently like within an hour or two ago can I um uh attempt to like hear anything like voices people sure you can make a a listening based perception check for you uh you get distracted by the intensity of that weird whistling chattering noise coming from the southeast and you recognize it as the noises you heard when you came upon that fungi Forest that kind of like seemingly impenetrable Thicket and that seems to be coming from the southeast the impenetrable Thicket is to the southeast I think we should not go in that direction yeah can't fold that logic you are wise beyond your assumed ears thank you not as many years as you fell touche your [ __ ] ancient bastards anyways being a squid doesn't help it doesn't say any of that [ __ ] rude okay so you guys want to continue North then or do you want to try the thicket uh North okay to hell with your mushrooms [ __ ] your mushrooms [ __ ] your mushrooms you come upon once again another intersection you come upon a three-way intersection nice what do you do oh my food tunnels survival 14. do it with Advantage Sue is helping you thank you good it's uh 14 again 214 so I got a 14. you see that there are some tracks that lead back towards the the northwest uh and you feel like you might see a hint of something going to the east but it doesn't appear like anything's really going to the north hmm the north seems to be an unused passage perhaps we go west or east huh West looks good to me that seems fine for tracking okay uh slightly curious what is up the UN walked Road however perhaps we come back to it later it's always more so you guys start making your way to the west and this tunnel just goes on and on and on and you guys are walking for probably a good hour to two hours and Laura you failed that Constitution saving though right I'm sorry who Cilla sorry sorry so sorry she's dead she can't fail anything right yeah she's too [ __ ] she she failed the con saves that matter yeah sorry to bring it in um Cilla he failed that concert yeah yeah I did okay as you come upon once again another intersection one going to the whis the west and the east you feel a sensation start to Bubble Up in your chest you start to you start to giggle oh no you you just can't help it you don't it's not necessarily that something's funny but you just you can't help but giggle hahaha and here we go you also begin to start kind of feeling this giggly sensation and I told you both I know I look weird stop joking about me behind my back um Sue Tor turns to you uh safel and she's like oh no oh no no no no no no this is not this is not good we don't need this right now and she like it's fine Indigo goes slightly insane all the time runs up and she's like feeling um both Indigo and cilla's uh foreheads and they are they have a fever and she goes shite this is cackle fever and that's where we'll end it today so good to see you again you're one of our favorite listeners you made it to the post show notes thank you so much for your support um yes new outro means new news we started a Discord server yes we wanted to create a space for our listeners to meet fellow fans of the show it's a new community so hop on in say hi we'll be there you can find it by going to our Twitter page um and it's linked up at the top there are linktree slash the madness table has all of our links to all of our stuff speaking of which if you haven't please follow us on Twitter and Instagram we try to you know post some memes and other exciting stuff especially on Twitter so we would love the support there we're also going to be launching a bonus action segment soon where we talk about the behind the scenes with the different chapters of our story so please keep an eye out for those and if you want to submit any questions for a future bonus action segment please email us at the madnessstable gmail.com lastly please leave a review if you haven't all the reviews do is they help us grow it's a quick easy and free way to show your support um and you know we always appreciate that so again thank you so much for listening we hope you're happy and healthy we'll see you next week when[Applause] thank you foreign[Music]