hey you made it you did it you listen to all three parts of episode 100 and you deserve a pat in the back and guess what here it is no that it's not clap s that's the back I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry try there you go ah beautiful uh thank you so much for tuning in we're off to episode 101 and Beyond um please check us out on Discord uh drop us a line tell you tell us what you like tell brenon what you don't like uh about the podcast we are here for and as always the question line is open for everything you want to know make Brendan legally responsible for his answers it's the only way to get an honest thing out of him it's true chronic liar without further Ado I can no longer hold back Will's unsated blood lust so I'll toss it over to Mr Johnson I hate all of you thank you thank you uh I just have to switch up the audio here before we get into it do I want the I think I do I want the bent and broken Track by our good old friend Kevin McLoud yeah we'll start off with that oh no so last time you guys continued to press on through the city and as you did so you came across a odd cous space uh filled with a ruined statue of an old deep gnome God the piles of Bones of both animals and gnomish people alike and while you had reached here through the distraction of syi diger matics and the rest of those willing and able enough to fight to allow you to get to this space you came across a smaller deep gnome figure talking to two oozes and as you chose to confront them this figure began running away but before asking for their children to attack you in which a short uh but decisive victory over these two OES occurred and star caller would not give up the chase for this deep gnome eventually following them through this crack in the in the rubble that once led into this chamber that as you entered you found filled with pools of this green slime and at the far back of the room uh of this ovall likee chamber was a throne built of stone and Bone and slime and all above you were all these figures eventually the rest of the party gets get in you all hammer down on the pudding King who uh screams at you talking little bits in pieces about um how they've been wronged to which you did not care and until you finally crushed them and their body collapsed and dissolved in the acid and I believe it was Hester that pulled what remained of them out and you watch them continue to disintegrate you then took the time using both magic and uh your shoes to climb up the walls and free the numerous individuals that had been slimed to the cavern ceiling and higher vaulting walls and with the help of friend you were able to heal up a little bit Help the People heal and encourage them with the help of friend to head back to the maze where everybody else was hopefully awaiting and as you all kind of uh gathered about here we heard this as this large form of a half humanoid figure with a bottom of numerous pseudopod like tendrils appeared and it is the pudding King and they now are laun punching themselves towards you we have already rolled initiative so let's begin the pudding King is currently like lodged themselves over the top of the um the throne so they've got like one hand up at the top one down and they are like you can see the bits and pieces of what looked like were kind of like bones but you can see what looks like organs just floating in inside his eyes are kind of moving about his face his mouth becomes more monstrous with each passing moment and I'm going to need everybody to roll a wisdom saving throw that will affect their Madness sanity score o so the way you said that sounded like we're we're not rolling our sanity modifier you're not this is specifically wisdom based uh but it will affect your sanity in general if you fail what's uh what's everybody got so 11 that's a fail oh Sila I had a feeling all right look I have a plus two star caller okay Hester and seel safel got a 22 Hester got a 12 okay 12 just makes it oh thank God so Sila I believe last time you failed you end up gaining an indefinite form of Madness correct I did okay so we're no so we're now back down to shortterm Madness I need you to roll a D100 please okay 95 95 that's up there that's one of the higher numbers Sam is going to fraking hate this but first I need you to roll a d10 to determine how long this will affect you and oh God wait wait wait wait wait wait I did want to talk to you all about this who has points of inspiration here uh Hester has one Hester has one y Sam you've you you had one a while ago you spent it yeah I don't remember on what but I spent it okay I wanted to start Institute this if you have a point of inspiration I want you to be able to use that as an advantage for saving throws attacks whatever you cash it in but you can also hand it to a friend okay and I'm going to try to be like more generous with inspiration okay look this d10 roll is in minutes okay let me set the stakes a little bit higher for Sam here to try and confir get if she can get this uh this inspiration a 91 to 100 in which you rolled a 95 the character Falls unconscious oh no that seems fine this 1 d10 is for minutes so it could be one minute it could be 10 minutes okay bu[ __ ] question though cuz you know I have to sure you you wanted to implement this thing we're just now finding out about it yes could I retroactively hand my inspiration point to Sila for the sanity check because of that yes I will allow that roll [ __ ] higher than 11 thanks Brandon all righty um I had already rolled that d10 okay we we'll see we'll see what happens here with this if you save first otherwise we might be going right back to it come on come on come on oh that's not a good look not a good look oh did did you waste my inspiration Sila yes was it I got a two which I add to so you rolled worse I rolled worse yeah she's rolled worse okay that's fine well Sam what' you get on that d10 two so two minutes that's blurry as[ __ ] don't don't don't pull that dice that you can barely read there's no world in which a d10 is good in combat even a one is 10 Rounds yeah so it's kind of [ __ ] out of way I mean two is better than 10 so the pudding King this is not over for you my they like face grows more and more monstrous you can see little mouths starting to like form and break off from the other one and eyes are starting to appear all over their body and Sila you just like look up and what do you like is there a moment or a memory or something that goes through your head before you just go out or does Sila just like what about this scares her this this feels like a creature emerging from the deep which is like Sila's entire history uh I think I think Deon was similarly gross and uh I think think I think it's a full-on flashback she sees the coral City she sees it being hit by these like instead of like strands of sticky pudding it's like tentacles flying around and then she's like she's there and she's back uh and it fits in because her long-term Madness was this like flashback PTSD kind of thing that she was experiencing so it's appropriate then in her next episode of Madness it knocks her unconscious in fear love it so this memory occurs and you just Sila's out you all see her fall back and just crumple to the ground the pudding King awaits star caller you're up all right uh it's not how I wanted to spend my turn but um I guess we'll do it all right so I guess one I I assume I can see her go down right you absolutely do see her fall and I felt like that kind of wave of like Dread wash over me that I felt before um so I'm going to say star CER not a smart man does know more or less why she hit the ground sure um I have solved for this before so I'm going to try it again I'm going to step over to her uh and I'm going to use Dawn's Edge to cast lesser restoration on Sila okay uh remind us all about ler Ester lesser restoration absolutely uh I touch a creature and I can end one disease or condition affecting it now it does list the conditions as blinded deafened paralyzed or poisoned um but star's reasoning is here he has used it to snap people out of things before um specifically use it on Sila before to snap her out of when by the that's right woman I'm I'm going to say it's okay I think unconscious is low enough that you awake hell yeah cool um and then actually while I'm down there doing that can I just reach into her pocket and grab something that I put there about 10 episodes ago she has still not found yeah yeah you can Andrew what are you doing in my pockets uh what you doing in my pocket what did you already do wait does star caller do this before she awakes or when she's awoke you know what I'll do it beforehand befor I'll be aier just a little sthier so I guess like this isn't full view of um Hester Andel I just like reach into like one of um her like many like Pockets around her belt and you can see like I Palm something real quick uh and then I am going to beat feet and I'm going to move doesn't care but can Hester try to glean what that was um sure sure yeah roll perception check uh Andrew you you stated that he wasn't trying to hide it right yeah so yeah he's just making it more like a quick grab than anything else okay okay 17 on the perception for Hester um let's just go against your straight up deck score star caller what's your your then you a SE [ __ ] my guy I got a 20 a 20 Dex holy [ __ ] okay so sael does not spot it you might want to use your ins oh oh fine fine I'm so sorry that was so Weir we're we're back in Saucy everybody hell yeah all right so starer moves out to the east 35 ft after waking up Sila uh all right that is your turn my friends that's all I got all right Hester is up okay uh so Hester who is no big fan of seeing this guy not uh disintegrated not not a fan of the puddle version of the pudding King uh is going to do a couple of things since it is the first round of combat uh Hester is going to unleash all three attacks that he is owed with his long bow so we're going to take three shots uh I am going to do Sharpshooter okay [ __ ] on the Fell's character shap yeah two characters must be rough listen you elected for your position I did I did okay all right uh not Stellar for the first two that's an 11 and a 12 with the minus five both misses okay this is the one that matters this is the one for the extra demage okay uh how's a 17 treat you that just hits hell yeah brother okay so we got 2 d8 plus five + 10 or you could just say plus 15 I rolled two ones o yes yes so 17 points of damage uh in three shots so that's cool so hard hey that's okay you know it's really cool uh Hester is going to uh hold the hammer and for flavor sake it's going to like puff it it goes into his back pocket but it looks cool puffs away and behind the pudding King he casts spiritual [ __ ] weapon in the shape of that hammer y all right I like that where'd you learn to do that that's my move uh uh yeah it's the it's the Spell gem you gave me buddy I'm making use of it oh no that's a good idea okay uh okay so I believe I get to make an attack with said spiritual weapon it uh immediately acts on your bonus action cast just just asking yeah let I am making sure of that yeah spiritual weapon does activate as when cast yes sweet yeah when you cast the spell you can make a melee spell attack okay so I'm assuming that's using uh Hester's spell attack bonus okay uh 21 to hit there that is a hit okay and that is 1d8 plus spell casting this going to be juicy uh 11 points of damage from the spiritual weapon what type of uh it is what type of damage I'm assuming it's is it Force I believe so it's not specifying here we oh yep yep target takes Force damage equal to 1 d8 plus your spell casting so 11 points of force damage okay you see this spiritual version of the hammer up here your arrows the first two he like opens holes within his body and the arrows just pass through the uh third one catches him in the face and then you see it just disappear dissolving in his body the spiritual Hammer comes up you swing you hit and it's almost like his body dips in with the force and then like pushes back out a little bit okay uh and he just kind of like looks over his shoulder and what what could be a shoulder as he seems to be losing more and more of his human form uh and then stares back at you is that the end of your turn uh Hester is going to use all of his movement which for this turn I believe is 40 feet uh Jes thanks to the same thing that gives me uh yep dread ambusher my speed increases by 10 ft oh that's right so he's going to move all 40 feet back into the room uh just to gain some distance all right and that is the end of my turn 40 ft back back into the Northwest you're kind of in the middle of all these smaller pools on the map now don't don't say it like that uh no I'm going to I'm going to say it I got to describe it to our listeners or you can get on the Discord where I'll eventually share this map for everybody to see um and then you can see all their dead icons when I finish this fight so Pride before the fall yeah so next up is the lair and you see him like reach forth this awful gargantuan like not gargantuan but large hand and just rip it down and green slime is going to shower down on Hester make a dexterity saving throw oh no he's like I can reach you anywhere if only dexterity were my primary ability oh my God you activated my trap card yeah but the D the D20 don't give a [ __ ] TOS Pride before the fall that's a 12 that's a fail yeah it sure is so you're going to take you take six points of acid damage hold on I have an inspir oh bum six points of acid yep okay that was Max all right Sila you are prone on the ground you have this Vision this memory come up as the pudding King Rose you fell back you awake you see Artemis run past Hester's firing off arrows and this monstrous form is still looming what do you do o uh I will spend half my movement to stand okay and remind me CU it's been a couple weeks if we touch that green that's bad yes it will hurt you okay secondary question when we were getting all those people down from the ceiling um Sila would have gone back and got her shield and her shortsword right uh I'll give it to you sure because I I dropped them to pull caliber in the other room yeah okay sick um you're going to you're going to need all the help I'll give it to you all right then I stand it's 15 ft of movement I'm going to bonus action rage all right uh do my pockets feel lighter just asking roll perception actually no what's your passive perception not good uh 12 yeah no you don't notice it that's fair that's fair all right I'm going to um her she's got her shield on one arm and her shortsword and the other attached to the title chain and she's going to throw it ranged at this pudding King okay Nat 20 what [ __ ] and now we be rolling all right all right all right Nat 20 on it go talk to us about this this damage you're doubling right now yeah this is um I think Sil is ashamed of the uh of the fact that she just fell and uh the short sword is only 1d6 plus 6 so it's only going to be 2d6 plus 6 well but including the the rule that we have you're just adding the max yeah so it's a D6 plus 12 yeah no I think it's just it's just max damage so 18 well you so you roll the normal die and then you add the max of the dice that you would roll roll to six 18 holy[ __ ] all right Sam for me an extern yeah right s's Sila's like unconscious on the ground she feels this like warm light hit through her and she opens her eyes and realizes that she passed out in fear which is the one thing that she did in the coral City when she was confronted with Deon and there were people there that she could have saved and she didn't and I think she stands in this like frustrated with herself and it brings out this rage and then she just whips that sword back and it flies through the air uh 18 points appearing uh quick question is that sword magical it is okay good just checking Cas awkward pause of oh [ __ ] bonus action sword returns to her hand and she throws it again well it was bonus action of Rage wasn't it yes it was oh you're right so how does let me read this oh I'm sorry plus two damage for Raging okay total 20 total unless rage damage doesn't double does it no no no it do not uh okay with my second attack I don't think I can do anything unless close oh you don't have the you don't have the speed to close no I don't think I want to anyway I could um so the chain is currently attached to my to my the ring on my finger or around your wrist yeah around my wrist could I like snag a hand axe out of my belt and throw it if you drop the shield yeah well that's not happening all right I was it was a no but it's fine it was a a good turn uh I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna stay where I'm at and my turn we're good okay all right then uh so silly you're 25 ft away uh spel is 10 ft away of you away from you to the West you star CER is 30 ft away to the northeast of the pudding King and Hester is a whole 65 ft away damn right good movement good movement so decently everybody is uh is spread out however um oh I don't think I can because it's technically his turn so I'm not going to do that however he oh this is going to be good yeah you see him just like he's looking at Hester in his like now totally distorted face like his mouth is up where one of his eye should be his eyes are down in like his throat and his shoulder like form and you can see more of these mouth mouths opening and he's like there is no way in here to C hide from me and he disappears into the acid around the throne and then reappears in the acid pool 10 ft away from Hester just oh gross reanimating uh up through the Slime and he is going to throw out one of these horrible pseudopod like tendrils at you okay that is that is a three on the die for a 13 doesn't hit okay second pseudopod uh that's a 14 uh that just hits whoa because of all the acid damage because so I had all of the acid damage my AC with my armor was actually lower than my unarmored AC by the time we got done so he doed his armor uh you are going to take 10 points of acid damage okay uh and you're not wearing any armor you said no I'm not so take an extra point of acid damage as that starts to linger upon your body and starts melting into your flesh fantastic this is so much better yep uh should have brought a rain jacket my guy yeah yep so that was a bonus action uh with that first one I'm sorry I've got so many things here um it's okay well some of us read our character sheets that's good that's good you know that's fine for the last time no it's just it's just what awful horrible things do I want to do to you but I think I'm just going to hit you uh yeah okay so that second one hits and I'm going to you can see his tendril is going to try and like wrap around you as he comes in for this third [ __ ] that's a 27 to hit so now I need I need you to make a strength strength saving throw okay um that that's the only option I got that's the only option you have because he has already latched onto you and you can feel he's like trying to pull your arm arm into himself cool cool this is uh this is exactly what you want okay so that's a six you are grappled okay and you can feel yourself beginning to burn as he is slowly pulling your arm into his tendril uh but nothing else happens in this moment uh all right that is the end of his turn sael you are up you saw the pudding King dematerialize and then reappear in the back and has launched on or latched on to Hester uh so okay so safel who was immediately panicked seeing Lara go down that situation has been uh not Lura Sila sorry not not the only one having flashbacks In This Moment uh talking about Brendan not SEL um uh I don't know big circular boss room giant Throne of of things friends going down this isn't derivative at all hey hey last time it was an alter shut up sorry sorry it's okay this time I'll destroy it um good good good good no so safel sees that that situation is handled turns to see the pudding King now grappling Hester um and is going to run up he's actually going to get a lot closer than sael is uh typically comfortable doing and seel's got uh 40t of movement is that how much you just moved no that was 30 oh no 30 sorry I was looking a little bit further then no uh all good and safel is going to cast a oh boy I don't like the sound of the third the third being popped out there yeah he's going to cast a third level Rhymes binding ice oh God so that is a uh so for those uh who need a refresher that is a 30 foot cone which he is going to strategically uh not catch he's going to like I can't make a cone right now but he's going to sort of blow it out in this Westerly direction to not cat aester in it okay um so I need a constitution save from the pudding King oh no this giant ooze monster how bad is my con I that's a 20 okay all right so that does save you're still going to H uh you're still going to take half damage okay how much is this half damage uh so for the third level variant that is 4 d8 ice damage nice so okay first two rolls were a seven and an eight nice Okay God I can do math you can do it half to 12 okay you hit him with this spell this ice builds up over his back and Beyond over the other side of the cavern and you just see it immediately this ice start to like sink in and disintegrate as even though this powerful hit blew over him seems to not really have affected the acid all that much uh all right tell me what else you got going on with this turn uh so for back to back to the plight of the wizard he really doesn't have a whole lot going for him in the uh bonus action department so he's actually going to stay in that position really yeah he's going to he's going to stay right there right in front wow uh okay the Wizards in melee this is surprising whoever's strong on the board go [ __ ] yourself um what's what's triggering about how do you know that dumb wizard refers to your character yeah that's kind of presumptuous because he's the only one worthy of writing about on the board wow I wow that's presumptuous and by that I mean he'll outlive all of you Bo history does support that fact um well the pudding King is going to use a legendary action he's going to use two of them and he like his massive face is starting to lean down overbearing on Hester and I need you to make an intelligent saving throw for Hester mhm okay this is not a spell of any kind nope okay I hate that little SM will can't hey you can't blame a man for trying uh so how's a 12 suit you that's a fail Hester's gonna die as he like yes starts leaning in over you and you can feel your arm being drawn into his like large pseudopod that's like pulsating back towards him he's leaning forward he's like we are not so different I see your mind thanks to my Lord jux you hate the wear rat within you don't you the murders you did of the innocent you are like me an outcast and you are going to take as he has reached into your mind he has assimilated knowledge he has taken an aspect of who you are searched through your memories you take a minus one to your proficiency bonusly [ __ ] what you're going to need that my guy how how do you even how do you even change that you that's remember yeah yeah DBI was not built for this boss fight no no okay cool and as as he's like finished saying that he's like you could become one with myself and jux join me and that is the end of his legendary action turn Christ uh sael has gone we are back up at the beginning of the order with starer y'all y'all who gives a [ __ ] about this little town why are you here end it right now just cut you know what you know what you know what you can have it you know what P King you right yeah you're right you know listen listen listen you know hey maybe greo did shoot first heretic oh no that was perfect Sam wow [ __ ] I I'm gonna give you a point of inspiration for that joke yes [ __ ] yes I feel like we collectively haven't laughed that hard on the podcast in a while that was very very good it's almost like the last 30 episodes have been nothing but trauma yeah well that is our specialy here at the madness table Jes uh now for my character who is too dumb to experience trauma uh he is going to Sprint uh and then bones action Dash to a total of 55 ft kind of G himself in the middle of the room um now that he can see that this thing can literally pop up seemingly anywhere it wants to be um he's going to find a central Hub which I did the math he was 755 ft away from the py King he only has 70t of movement so um we're going to stay right there uh and we're going to rip off another star off the r of stars and do with a magic Missile all right all right so let's see that's going to be five nine 12 15 18 25 points of damage okay so describe to me how this is it just like one Stars you throw it off it splits into multiple stars because it's magic Missile talk to me about how this works aesthetically absolutely as um as as how dare you call him dead Kitty uh as aremis the very alive cat man cat man um is going to run across this field of my own actions going to come like stop and he's going to like like in one kind of flu motion with his off hand like flip a star off the robe uh and as it goes it like starts to like disconnect it like trailing almost like a comet has a tail um it stretches out and then it hits like seven different like um land to the pudding King uh and that is 25 points of force damage nice you launch these Stars they come flying in in a number of them hit and then he like whips his misformed head uh in your direction and you see his body like open up these holes and a couple of the Stars pass through um and he's like I have learned your tricks uh all right anything else you got on your turn boy no that's all I got all right uh so star callers in the middle of the room Hester you're up you are currently grappled by the pudding King and if I remember correctly grapple does not hinder my attacks is that correct a grappled creature speed becomes zero it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed uh the condition ends if the grappler is incapacitated you blah blah blah blah blah yeah no it doesn't impede but obviously you only have one arm so fire a bow somehow sure well yeah so so because mechanically it's not hindering my attacks what I'm imagining is it's like elbow up like it's sort of like wrapping around but he still has his digits basically sure so he's going to sort of shake clear of his mind um you're right I'm not proud of my past and the man I've been I [ __ ] up but we had two ways to go we either we either dig our heads in the sand and we give up or we do better and you chose wrong and I'm not there yet and he's going to take his attacks okay uh Sharpshooter as well because I hate myself uh are you I'm assuming you're using the hammer and you're throwing it or are you trying to like hit him where he's connected to your arm no he's shooting the bow okay all right okay not okay that is one miss so uh 15 and then an 18 so one hits one hit okay and is this bow magical uh it is okay great so that is 17 points of piercing damage nice yeah you cut through you can see it just like travel up that long tendril and into his body that is holding on to you nicely done uh and then he's going to use his bonus action to move the spiritual weapon 20 feet uh inching ever closer all right so moves over the throne and starts flying in the direction of the Ping King uh that concludes your turn it does okay next up is the lair so emis started sprinting across the room after he'd thrown the stars and green slime drops from the ceiling towards you make a dexterity saving throw okie dokie all right uh oh that is good uh that is a a 26 okay you save from that he is also going to use a another legendary action and he is going to swing a pseudopod at sael okay uh oh gosh I thought that was a natural 20 but it's not uh that is a 18 to hit spel uh I am going to do I even have yes okay I'm going to cast Shield okay and you successfully Sav um all right that is the end of that so Sila you are up all right Sila is going to move her full 30 ft to get up between these two acid pools um with seel and the dead Kitty Star callar behind her okay and I I'm going to bonus action recall the sword with the title chain and then I will throw it once more at this uh pudding King okay 19 to hit 19 is a hit okay that's going to be um I would like to use my uh one of my Maneuvers ooh ooh spasy which is so many options can okay so Hester cannot move he is currently grappled and he did not break the grapple so no okay yeah yeah sorry sorry okay uh then this is going to be my[Music] um[ __ ] I'm not great with rage my man that damn it below yeah um I I'm not going to do that I'm just going to roll damage this is okay only five piercing five piercing okay uh great yeah you SL you stab into him um what next uh yeah I'm going to drop my shield and throw hand axe okay Shield is officially dropped you heard it here folks I must do it throw that hand axe throw it do it it's not a magical hand axe but oh it's a 21 to hit that's a hit uh that's 10 uh okay yeah you see it like hit him and immediately just disintegrate in his body okay okay uh I will end my turn all right that is the end of Sila's turn and it is now Z putting Kings here's the bad part of this ability there's a bad part there's a worse part I should clarify to the fact that he has grappled you and you have not escaped his grasp oh no he as he's like overbearing you his face his horrible misshapen face just turns back towards you now I will try to claim a part of you forever and he is going to automatically deal damage as you are still attached to him as he is going to try and consume your arm cool that's dope so I that a dice so this is like arm hit points Hester how many arm HP do you have yeah like if you had to divide your HP into the different limbs where would you say so here's here's what's about to happen at least two I will read you the stat block here okay at the beginning of the pudding King's next turn if the target is still grappled the king May forfeit all of his attack attacks to deal an automatic 64 + 8 acid damage oh no and if the target is dealt more than one quarter of their hit points whatever limb he is attached to is consumed uhhuh yo okay it's 22 points of damage yeah there that's an arm buddy so you just see Hester's arm just get wrapped and then just bones flesh all of it is gone you are however no longer grappled great oh my God you got that going for you and so he like pulls back and he goes we shall ever be bound together and Hester has lost an arm which one uh you pick left or right people want to know people want to know people need to know listen you know what Lefty and I had some good memories[Applause] uh hey hey that only means what you think it means because you're dirty that's not the secrets that you told me I told you I lied it's no secret everybody knows yeah he's uh he's losing the left okay so your left arm is just gone however you're not even like profusely bleeding as like your flesh as it's just been like self cauterized almost like the acid that lingers has just like closed off the wound but the pain yeah no he's unbearable on his knees so you know he's 2 feet tall instead of three just SC like screaming into the cavern um so as Hester Falls knees and he is screaming the pudding King to turns towards you all and goes I will have every part of you all before the end and uh o just because I can just to make things more difficult he is going to disappear deep into that acid pool and reappear all the way across to the other side in assimilating from behind Sila so now Sila and the pudding King are 10 feet away he moved 35 feet appearing in another acid pool uh all right seel you're up all right you know seel was taking this uh you know pretty seriously um but amputations kind of where I draw the[Laughter] line we are are we're going to break out uh big boy fourth level guns okay so this did not go well for me last time and I don't actually know how well you rolled so this is really a gamble um okay I need you to make another Constitution saving throw okay I'm going to switch up my die here that is an eight does not succeed I didn't think it would so what you doing to me bud uh how are you are you familiar with it's a common spell uh do you how how do you like blight I thought that's what you were going to say all right uh yeah SO sael watches Hester hit the ground arm gone putting King Ducks under comes back behind Sila Looking ready to attack and he's not ready to see what that looks like so he like I imagine it almost comes from like it whips from his hand but I almost imagine it's like coming from the tentacle like the dead sinu like fleshy Undead sinu just coalesces and he flicks it out and it gains ungodly amounts of speed and clashes with the pudding King uh we're going to roll 8 d8 points of necrotic damage wow do it here on Roll 20 rolls low rolls oh yeah come on Roll 20 side with me come on all right we're getting 32 points of necrotic damage all right wow o that's good and that's you H the level this blight and you can see a solid chunk of his fleshy plasmoid like form just disappear uh and he like he like collapses partway onto his side like I picture it's part of his torso that's gone and it slowly starts to kind of like Stitch back together there but he's hurt he was hurt by that and he's he is going to uh is that the end of your turn by the way sael is going he's going to semi impose himself he's going to get right up next to Sila almost in front wow this is so interesting how spelis keeps getting up into melee range here uh okay he has uh some new priorities since leaving the grou well since that is the end of your turn I'm going to immediately as a legendary action cast acid Splash at sael okay uh and because Sila is within 5T you are also going to be affected by this so I need you both to make dexterity saving throws unbelievable can't believe you've done this I'm yeah well I'm gonna uh 15 ver 15 fail 16 success ah um all right so you take five points of acid damage there sael okay and I pictur this is how because this is this is a great image you cast blight and you are just like proudly walking forward like how fu[ __ ] Dare You And he as he like doubles over and you walk up within 10 feet it's like he spits up this acid almost like this dark sludgy like blood and he just might have de does not end here uh all right it is star caller's turn top of round three oh man oh jeez oh she will Aur I guess we're going to do the thing then I'll [ __ ] do it again uh I'm gonna charge Mr pudding um o Mr pudding PhD uh I'm going to run right up in there uh and I'm going to take two uh one-handed strikes with Dawn's Edge fully glow all right go uh first attack is a 17 to hit that is just a hit okay okay all right so uh I am going to go ahead and pump a second level Divine Smite into this all right get all my d8 I love how the dead Kitty name tag moves with him when he hey I got to I got to keep the map accurate 14 17 24 points of radiant damage okay I love that dumb wizard has just turned into a two yep it's the highest math you can count to uh and then I'm going to come again uh and that's uh 25 to hit oh that is a hit all right and this was going to be uh first level Divine spine and I should have asked before uh is Mr pudding H King um is his uh creature type either Undead or fiend do you need to use an ability to learn that uh it would it just it affects the Divine Smite damage I don't have to know it it just hits harder against those two types he now counts as a fiend oh [ __ ] let me go ahead and uh add four points to that last rooll please okay Four Points of radiant or is it just that is radi all at this point Dawn's Edge only does radiant damage so I can't fight an angel or if you remember last time when you were trying to cut into him he started laughing at you when Dawn's Edge was cutting into him and you can see this time like you are cutting and you can see the radiance burning into the like the jelly form but it's just like it sloths off that burnt flesh but he does seem slightly diminished from it but he just once again multiple mouths and multiple eyes in his form start to turn towards you L emus star does not get to where he is today by thinking too much about the details sure uh and that is a further 8 10 13 uh flat 20 points of radiant damage further nice you're heaving you're cleaving in there dude you're doing it uh and you know seel so brave saying exilla I uh emis feels inspired inspired to bonus action disengage and move 25 points 25 feet away ching ching I'm I'm the striker you're the tank I'm I'm back here you're doing a great job I hope um oh God gosh this is this is good I'm going to use a legendary action o Sila no make an intelligence saving throw the people die rolls this is why I got to stay with not 20's go you can feel like this other worldly Darkness starting to creep and like enshroud your brain like your mind your mental state and I imagine it's because you just went through a similar ordal just moments ago that you're like the anger and the rage that you feel is just like not [ __ ] today man steel trap steel trap there's nothing but just heavy metal pounding doom doom music is just playing right now um and he like like you can see his somewhat headlike form just reel back and goes I will know your secrets uh but you resist his assimilate knowledge uh all right that is my legendary action used Hester you're on your knees your left arm is gone what are you thinking what do you do you give up you throw yourself belly flop into the green slime thank you good good move[Music] no I mean he this is a very um it's a very tense moment for Hester he doesn't know what what kind of fight he has in him but he is here for biged stone and one arm or no he'll fight this thing with his teeth if he has to so he's going to Grit and force himself to stand up he is going to pull meteorite Hammer from his back with his one good arm uh and he's going to take he's going to take two throws with it that he can okay remember you do have the one minus one to your proficiency bonus yes well that's fine cuz he's not even moderately proficient with this Hammer okay good great great great uh that might be a lie no I think he is now because he took the fighter level so yep that's a thing yeah so F throws it he's not used to this like I mean there's a level of balance it that that comes with the second arm that accuracy he's not used to this so first one just whiffs natural 19 on the second uh for a 2 okay all right that's a hit yeah it's not going to be a whole lot it's going to be all right what do we got all right we got three points of bludgeoning and two points of cold okay so that first one swings wide comes back and you just hurl it back and you man manage to get him with this glancing blow before the hammer hurls back to you okay and is this there's like stuff strewn about the map is this actually a rock here that I'm yes it is okay he is going to he's going to throw it and once the hammer comes back he's going to like drag himself over back against that rock heaving with pain like the the sheer effort from just those couple of throws he's Reeling I love it I love the image lir action time from the Slime pool around him you see him like push all of his tendrils and his two arm likee masses down and then he like brings it all up he goes release and within a what did I put here within a 15 foot radius which I think is going to get Cel and Sila here look like aelon Sila I'm just putting it on real quick yes just the two of you this noxious gas from all like starts bubbling out of this slime I need you both to make Constitution saving throws would this be a disease or a poison it is a poison okay 25 pass well done well done that Doom music rages on uh dirty 20 dirty 20 also a pass and it's only for a brief moment that this gas like pulls out and sweeps over you before it disappears uh and it is now Doom girl herself s's turn all right right so Sila has turned as this pudding King like appeared behind her sael stands on her left and as she takes her final 5T of movement forward to get into full melee with the pudding King she bonus actions calls the sword to her hand as she's walking toward it and the blade sings past cel's face almost hitting him yeah yeah um love it and then I will um make an attack okay this is still the short sword still the short sword okay um 18 to hit absolutely okay potention isable that's going to be 11 points of slashing nice and then I would like to expend a superiority die um I want to attempt to go this creature into only attacking me oh yeah let's do it is a wisdom save for me it is it's a wisdom save all right I blame the adventure zone for me knowing that one so well yeah uh oh that's a 22 uh it doesn't tell me what the save is but there's no way it's more than a 22 okay uh is it do you have like a maneuver DC at all yeah uh I guess it's probably my I mean it's not a 22 it doesn't matter well when you when you find it just let me know but yeah I imagine it's similar to like the average spell DC range right now um yeah for sure okay then I will make my second attack okay uh 20 that's a hit 12 12 12 slashing 12 points of slashing yes if memory serves I I feel like maneuver DC was like the total of the hit rooll no it it's it's eight plus proficiency bonus plus strength or decks oh it is a thing okay all right so that would be yeah 14 14 no I'm sorry 16 16 16 okay so that's about what I figured it would be Prett good actually for this level yeah no it's not bad uh okay that the end of Sila's turn with my free item interaction free item interaction huh yeah I have a free hand because I dropped my shield can I reach into my bag and pull something out sure I'm probably going to regret this okay mysterious object in hand now small small thing cool cool cool cool don't love that well you didn't need to do a goting attack because the pudding King is eyes all on you now and he is going to yeah let's go back here multiattack with the pseudo pods on Sila first one that is a 22 that hits okay that doesn't you take almost minimum damage you take eight points of acid damage uh and your magic uh your armor is magical right correct okay second attack uh 26 to hit so that's a hit oh yeah ooh that's better o nice that is 15 points of acid damage and now that that second pseudopod is hit he's going to try and automatically grapple you uh du it's an auto aut grapple no I still technically have to hit for this um yeah that is an 18 I does not hit okay so he like tries to like start traveling around your body but you manag to kind of pull away just enough um and that is that is the end of his action and then he is going to disappear into the acid once again and reappear uh check my yep 45t away to the Southwest now only 15 feet away from arus as he reappears he goes life for about you Beast uh and that is his turn sael you're up okay dramatic pause no I got to look through my 30,000 Val there's not there's not many left uh seel is going to uh activate his staff actually he's going to use two charges to cast M's minute meteors there it is I'll be honest I totally forgot about that broken staff that I gave you it's it's not the most broken thing you've ever created um that's true so yeah he's I mean this pudding G's pretty freaking broken right consuming an arm what's up with that permanently debilitating a DEX based character up with that what's up with that um okay so he slams the staff down he's going to cast minute meteors and I believe that's another thing that upon casting uh I can launch two of probably you create six meteors when you cast a spell and as a bonus action so yeah so he's going to uh knock the staff down it separates into into those segments uh that look much more uh where before they looked very like plain and Rocky um sort of the like flat glimmering that the staff head already had now they look uh Celestial in nature there's like flexs of of Stardust like laced in them sort of like a blue hue to them and he launches two of them uh at the pudding King so that is two spell attacks oh easy easy maybe okay 18 which hits Y and wait hold on make sure I'm doing this right before I get ahead of myself yeah gosh shut up I can't be scared for my mon no I apologize uh it's not attacks he has to make uh two deck saving throws this isn't going to be much better uh first one's a 15 fails okay second one there's my not 20 okay so he's going to take full fire damage which I'm sure he's [ __ ] resistant against on the first one uh so that's six points of fire damage on the first meteor okay uh and then uh Five Points half to two for the second meteor okay all right yeah you you hit him this Fireball erupts and you just see his form slowly meld back together and the fire is almost instantly put out you actually see there's like a puff of what looks like that poisonous gas just like burst off of him with the flame turning it yellow and sulfurous uh and then saell is going to sort of Center himself between these pools not trying to be close to like right up against any of them in particular um and give himself a good line of sight and that will be his turn top of round four starer you're up all right uh listen you want to play with the cat you get the claws I'm goingon to Star is going to rush to the South um Dawn's that shining in one hand shield heft in the other and he's going to run up and take a couple hacks at uh this guy right here I totally forgot to use one thing every time you guys hit him that's that's a problem keep going Andrew oh it's a it's just a natural 20 BL it's fine it's fine holy [ __ ] and you know what happen when the Paladin crits yep um things die yeah okay before you do that before you do that this was the thing I was supposed to be doing um every time you hit him with a melee attack you get a 1 D4 as of damage get out of here take three points of assd damage thank you OE now hit me with your massive critical Hit Me With Your all right so that's that two okay yes um so this becomes 8 d8 well are you rolling double or are you adding your max oh you're right how how silly of me you're not doing that on the Divine Smite right why not wait wait wait wait it's not an automatic on the Divine Smite it's just a weapon crit crits are on Roll damage yeah this all right all right oh God this is going to be horrible that that's why when the Paladin smites everybody listens yes get my calculator out for this one who's your king now you think a Paladin's broken and then he rolls an at 20 yes now I'm br broken um all right so that's[Music] 24 and this is the part where um arus intelligence and my real life intelligence are far too close um pause for will weeping in the corner that that is um 60 points of radiant damage what theu no way and it's all pure radiant All Pure radi All Pure Radiant what it's not that bad for me then as you see this massive you can even like hear Dawn's Edge screaming in your head just like together we strike and there's this beautiful like divinely beautiful explosion and you can see it looks like the pudding King has just been like severed in half lengthwise there's these small like sticky tendrils of webbing between the two larger halves and you can hear him just and as you bring Don's Edge back you just see him close back up in his form somewhat diminished but not that bad yeah I he took damage I will clarify he took a lot of damage but he's not dead not yet um you know we're just going to keep at it I'm going to come again um with another strike from johnon okay uh 25 okay I thought you were about I heard the TW and I was like not another not quite yet definitely hits and I I I am going to Smite again [ __ ] damn listen if it's only doing half damage baby I gotta keep doing it sure how many smell slots you got left after this one okay cool I was just curious but like run a little low the old Smite Factory um oh um that is however 32 more points of radiant damage Jesus Christ okay yeah so you cut him down the long ways he reforms and then you do it I imagine you do it the other way[Music] crosssection uh freaking laser beam through him and he once again just will have you no you will die uh and then you know where say scaredy cat on the map I'm going to disengage and go back over there okay thank you for letting me know I will move[Laughter] it o well he's definitely got to use a legendary action after that fair emis make an intelligence saving throw as he tries into your mind I was hoping you'd forget about that absolutely not yeah what's your intelligence all right so my intelligence is a seven which is a -2 but through the power of my Divine oath and the robe of stars I have a plus zero to this rooll friends huzzah huzzah so just crit and you're fine um I didn't it's a 15 though that's on the H upper half that's a fail though oh 16 was the DC is definitely 16 it is you feel this psychic Surge and he like grips and you can feel it it's nasty just like that like cold water getting into your sleeve on your arm and like dripping in you can feel the alien like liquid probe in your mind and wait Sam what are you saying what's what's Sam saying is this cool is I have to give the inspiration I have to okay all right all right roll again fail fail fail fail for what for what that one when I said I'm never giving you Andrew Elizabeth Walker when I said[Music] crit when I said crit is that not what you meant I meant the good one oh I get confused your [ __ ] seven intelligence score love that for me thank you um that was wonderful I'm here to help so this Inky t Ang continues to bore through your mind and you can hear his monstrous voice like in your head and outside this almost double Timber Echo I see you are desire a kingdom of your own you would dominate your friend fo all before you you would have them and his face turns to everybody here your slave how interesting and take a minus one to your proficiency bonus YP all right Hester you're currently behind a rock your arm gone you are 55 feet directly north of the pudding King what do you do I do two things a cast Hunter's Mark okay on the pudding King all right there's no saves right it just happens no just happens all right okay I get up move towards the pudding King and I do two throws all right it's not it's a bonus action to cast that spell right I'm just yeah Hunter's Mark is a bonus cool two throws with the mini right Hammer 22 22 hits okay so that is ass even more ass uh three points of bludgeoning okay and one point of cold okay second attack natural 19 for a 23 that is a hit uh two points of bludgeoning all right Four Points of cold uh it's a light Hammer this is not meant to be a main weapon it's okay once again this Comet Hammer just back and forth to you is this Hester trying to make a stand or what do you do now uh yeah he's just like you gave me the one arm this is this is literally uh for the Dragon Ball fans this is just Goan one up like one Manning cell one arm putting everything he has in ready to collapse uh just walking forward slowly like I imagine his his eyes keep like drooping and he keeps shooting up his head like he's trying not to faint from the pain that he is in he's tired he's hurt and he's just trying to finish this okay uh yeah I just had M&M's till I collapsed lyrics going through my head when you said that Soh uh all right legendary action acid Splash immediately like you hit him with the hammer and he throws this right back at you and he's like stay down FY rattle wh uh dexterity say saving throw please what's the range on that my dude it's good it's good is it okay yeah 35 ft away[ __ ] 25 you good don't even about it it just showers around you uh all right next up is the lair and the acid pool 5T away from Hester and 10 ft away from sael all of a sudden explodes in that poisonous gas wave I need the two of them to make Constitution saving throws please is this Sil and seel uh no this is Hester and seel sorry okay okay sorry sorry okay okay well that's easy they both rolled the same number um oh this is poison though yeah stel has Advantage stupid Undead oh he rolled a lot better there so 21 okay you're safe uh and 14 for Hester you are safe okay so this wave this big bubble bursts and this wave comes out passing over the two of you before dis ating Sila you're up all right she once again Sprints in the direction of this pudding King full 30 feet um I would like to use my action to light the stick of dynamite I pulled out of my bag no yes yes you gave us bombs fool okay you light the stick of dynamite and I throw it okay make a ranged attack throw okay okay okay okay I'm just uh o I'm just going to take the can I help her with Hester's disembodied arm absolutely not I want to catch it you see that the skeletal hand in there just yeah I'm going to make this a Precision attack with my last superiority die oh cashing them in let's go this is when I feel like it's a good boss fight when you guys are like you're throwing all the things at it and like you're doing work here guys uh what'd you get there Sam uh 16 that's just a hit yes I needed it it's only 3d6 but it is fire damage so you sink it Center Mass he's just like confu you can see the eyes and the M the mo just confused as it like hits and starts to sink in and then you just see this little and then and he just explodes outwards do damage uh 21 21 I add I add my superiority die to that because that's Precision attack 3d6 plus 1d8 okay what was my hit point total there jeez so he explodes and all you see is like the lower half with all the tendrils and they're like the flame all that yellow as sulfurous gas rolling upwards with smoke but you see his body small at first from the trunk just starting to grow again and toys I will have you pay and all those here implict in stone for your actions is that the end of your turn yes that's it so it is now the pudding King's turn and you can see he's weakened his form smaller not quite as many tendrils around his uh the bottom of his torso but you see him disappear and then reappear climbing back over the edge of the throne and he looks at all of you goes let's see what you Heroes will do and you see him reach down with his arms and you hear the sickening squelch and you see something clutched in his hand a small form that he draws up in this large pseudo pod and you see that it's dorbo dimatic sy's husband and he goes you missed my most prized possession part in his head turns towards the clutched figure part of the reason why I ventured here you Revenge the choice is yours him or all of blit and stone I have my Army waiting in the orb of the past future kings and queens will you save one as I could have been saved or the masses we'll see you next time oh boy howy there folks oh that's quite the episode uh if you want a rate a review you can do that on your podcatcher of choice but wow you might want to tell that William Guy to settle down settle down well see you next[Music] time