and now you find yourself here at the most recent episode of the madness table and you must asked yourself did I read a review on iTunes or other podcatchers have I join the Discord if not why why do I feel nothing it's because you didn't join the Discord when you look back on your life at the end of your days you'll be thinking about man I wish I joined the Discord sooner it's an it's an automatic fail on your sanity check if you don't that's right it truly is and if you don't if you fail sanity check as you know will comes to your house and point at the rule book while describing how you are now worse yeah he doesn't use anything from the rulebook he just beats you with it I just I show up and for you roll a d10 for how many minutes I then beat you with the player's handbook yeah Nega one proficiency bonus ra your hand R the magical who's at the door uh that's don't let him in don't let him in you're legally obligated to open the door then it's true this is how it be that that's one of those six word horror stories open the door will is there for This Crew absolutely it is fact I just show off outside of Sam's apartment door just hell Sam no it has begun well you know with that exciting time you let's get back into the action let's throw it back over to our very own king of all nightmares William John thank you thank you I don't think we need a recap we'll just reset the scene Hester now missing a left arm stands meteorite hammer in his right acid blood dripping from the shoulder sael not too far back from him orbs of his staff now circling him and then up in the the Vanguard here we have Sila and Artemis parallel of each other facing the throne both a little singed a little burned but weapons ready and then we see the pudding King looming over the back of his throne dorbo Digger Maddox in one of his large hands and he has poised the question will you save one life or will you condemn hundreds you hero what does it matter to you and so he looks very poignantly as much as you can tell with his now 20 or so eyes that scatter around his body what will it be I imagine you star color do not care for a single life as they are all but bonds to you you Triton what could you possibly have for this one life will you risk all for him hope that you may end me before the numerous oozes in my command consume the town's people rat you do not care for him he is amongst those that slaughtered your people and though you might be disgusted at what you are can you move past someone who may have extended you kindness for all that this one is worth and he's looking back at dorbo now you the one touched by another Lord he is nothing to you but will you try to save him what do you say too your family and yourself will blame for the consequences that have brought us here today my family murdered but your king all so that you may have a place here in the[Music] Deep you loaded over me for too long C all from me cast me into the Shadows treat me like filth and look now where the F SS both you and he like starts whipping his hand back and forth you can see dorbo in this slime like cocoon his face just being whipped about as he flails his body and then you just see him like smash dbo against the throne and he's not dead but you can see he's like hurt and you can hear like a snap a loud snap somewhere and D's like him the masses decide that's the pudding King's turn SEL you're up you're not wrong I don't care about this man I don't care about being a hero either you misunderstand the ooes are not the problem saving the masses is not the problem you are there will always be more people to save but getting rid of you is a good start he's going to launch two more meteors at him okay does anybody else I'm curious though as he's about to throw these Stars say anything free reign here to say I I feel like Artemis like when he was F like when the pudding he was first like hefting dbo and like one with the mes he was like about to like step up and try to say something heroic and then the pudding King said what was in his heart was that he doesn't care for one and he he he falters there because as much as he wants to say something different um yeah the pdy king kind of uh kind of called that shot pretty perfect okay Sila anything past your lips I think Sila's distracted that um he said seel was touched by another[Music] Lord and uh we've been calling all these creatures like demon princess and Demon Lords and she doesn't trust seel and now suddenly seel wants to kill the pudding King even if it might mean the destruction of this town I think she's uh and by I think I mean I um uh well Sam as like player to player MH can I challenge you on that yeah cuz our goal was never blinging Stone what like blinging Stone was a mean to a means to an end to the overall goal of getting rid of the demon princes that that's what we came here to do was a mass force and a mass help so the the trust thing is valid I I can't fight you there but sael is actually sticking to goal I guess it I sticking to the goal of amassing power in order to fight the demon Lords that you're now bound to that you don't know the particulars of sure right which is valid what but Sila but Silla what's feel you're a player I love it Sila um H I'm struggling um if she says nothing she says nothing I just I'm just curious I I don't think it's it's not enough time for her to like make any kind of decision and like whatever because he says all of this and then sel's not wrong like the pudding King has to go it's just like is incredibly decisive for someone who she doesn't trust and so I think she says nothing um because it's it's like there's too much happening and too much rage but sure okay but very she's suspicious on how decisive yeah so are you saying that Sila is once again suspicious of spel making a major decision mhmh Hester what's going through Hester's mind Hester is um actually sort of immobilized because[Music] he the first thought that goes through his mind is actually very similar to what seel says and that scares him that for a second he would think about sacrificing all of bigden stone right now to putting an end to the pudding King he's almost he's consumed by the anger that he's been fighting with so far of all that the pudding King has done to blon Stone uh there's a level where he thinks the pudding King is bullshitting and saying what he needs to say to not die exactly yeah um sure and I mean sort sort of the a similar logic pathing where it's like yeah we could run and we could go try to save all of bigon stone again we don't know how well we're going to succeed but if the pudding King gets away now he comes back and he does this again at full power again and we don't have a whole city to help us so it's there is a part there is a hopeful part of Hester that is a this guy's buff bluffing or B blinging Stone has come back once but if we don't end this now it won't have anything to come back to okay I think I think Sila does say one thing um as seel is prepared to sling his meteors he said his peace I think she just looks at Star callar Hester and then finally seel in turn I have seen one city fall I would not see another and she just looks to sael like she's going to let you make this call but and then safel says his peace and begins to cast these meteors and I will say because of this role-play moment the pudding King with the hand over dorbo goes fine the city will die then and he throws dorbo body up into the air and you see all the numerous mouths upon his body just all of a sudden move up and create this massive M that opens up far too wide at least 10 ft across and then dorbo falls into it and and you can see the body sink into him and just start to disappear into his form and you see the pudding King[Music] tasty you're all next sael launch your attack okay so this is uh the this is a bonus action to relaunch if we're still taking this as as turn uh so uh two deck saves for the pudding King uh first one's an eight so it's a fail second one is a natural 15 for 15 uh both fail okay so Five Points of fire damage on the first okay and seven on the second five and seven okay they hit the Sul yellow smoke that puff of gas just dissipating off of him uh but it quickly extinguishes okay and then he's going to move his full movement forward and he is going to he's going to look to[Music] Sila he's going to say if you want to see no more City's fall then finish him and he's going to use his last spell slide lot to cast enlarge on oh[ __ ] oh the last spell slot oh damn so we are we are okay we got to clear this up for the listeners you are now no more spell slots just can trips in the staff correct caller has one how many does Hester have not that his spells do dick uh he's got a second level and two firsts well you can cast dick [ __ ] oh God guys listen if you're not going to give him an inso for that I will 100% take it you guys tonight The Comebacks and the onliners are just yeah Andrew take a point of inspiration hot damn listen man I got it cuz I can't cast arm okay wow all right jesz Crow uh wow that was was that the entirety of seel's turn yeah that was his turn all right we are at the top of round five with emis star call her listen I know that she's uh big but um I'm like really fast though um get in there but I only have one the SM left let me let me clarify he is 10 ft up in the air okay so like just on the back of the throne just so you're aware okay but 10 ft above the back of the Throne or 10 ft above the surface 10 ft above the surface he is like partly coales around the backing of the throne so from like ground to him it's 10 ft cool um then I am going to run through the acid like an idiot okay so you're going to take a little bit of damage you take one point of acid damage minimum it burns um oh it burns ouch um and then like on from on top of the throne um stalk cars you end here but I'll give you a chance to Bow uh and I'm going to use my bonus action to let out a mighty Roar no nice please make a wisdom saving throw to see if you're afraid saving throw natural 17 for a total of a 20 and yet again no one has yet to be affected by the dodging Ru one of these days listen listen I'm not I'm not trying to start fights all I'm saying is nobody baded an eye when the pudding King said that star CER would enslave his friends listen you roar you roar at him and his mouth once against coales and he just Roars right back at you does he have a tongue no no damn fair enough I'm going to make an attack all right um that would be a 26 with my proficiency bonus is no lower it's a 25 though but still I'm salty about the proficiency bonus it is a hit I am going to keep my last um Smite you know just in case keep it in my pocket for later all right might need that that that 20 comes around mhm uh so that's nine points of radiant damage okay uh and I'll swing again uh that is an 18 to hit that is a hit all right uh bugger another nine points of radiant damage okay um but emis can take some sols knowing that at the very least he stands upon the throne well you hit him twice and so this acid form is just like flicking back onto you so for the first hit you take four points of acid in the second one you take another four points of acid damage that actually does hurt quite a bit it was it was two Max rolls on the D4 there fa uh yeah um arus stands upon the throne Dawn's Edge held high above him um yeah oh and you're standing there Toe to Toe I I used my bonus action to use daunting Roar which did not make him run away so I am stuck here all right uh going to have to do it legendary action pseudopod attack so he's going to take one swing at you this is probably not going to hit a 16 does not hit okay so he slashes down at you with this pod uh you duck nimbly out of the way Hester it's your turn for all the good it'll do let's see what we can make happen uh hey remember last turn when I cast Hunter Mark and then didn't add Hunter Mark damage I sure do too late oh I know the Rangers curs oh God I'm over it I'm [ __ ] over it uh so Hester is going to use all of his movement uh just still moving on up uh and he's going to make those two sweet sweet meteorite Hammer attacks okay come on do okay on God my freaking gcp die is doing work um 19 to hit on the first attack that's a hit okay okay that is a whole two points of bludgeoning Four Points of cold and one point for the hunters Mark nice uh he's like oh God the Hunter's Market Burns I can't believe you've done done this I can't believe you done this second attack that is a natural 20 oh it's not it's not going to go great roll them D Force so oh but the Hunter's Mark okay so hold on okay so there is uh five points of blood ah [ __ ] where do I hold on math is not working with my bra right now no the curse of the math so so nine nine points of bludgeoning okay uh seven points of cold okay eight points for Hunter's Mark all right all right he's Hur and then bonus action you activated my [ __ ] trap card spiritual weapon no he's going to move the spiritual weapon up you no uh yeah so he's going to uh use his spiritual weapon please sir not another Hammer I cannot take it that's just the attack yes it is if you can believe it that's another natural 20 [ __ ] off I can send it to you no it's I believe you okay all right so this is so eight plus your d8 8 plus the d8 plus my spell casting so 11 crit give me my crit uh 17 points of force damage okay damn who two massive blows and you can see H see his form like reeling back and forth still up huh still up okay uh all right that is your turn correct wait she what what you got movement no before I forget in the turn passes I think Hunter's Mark applies to that last hit what H yes D6 but it was a crit no no what on the all right on the Hunter's Mark all right I applied it to the first one so that's another nine points of damage for the hunter Mark okay uh what does Hunter's Mark do for damage is just more of the regular of like whatever you're doing with the thing that's hitting yeah it just says you deal an extra D6 of damage to the Target whenever you hit it with a W so I imagine it's like whatever the physical or whatever the damage type is in that case all right okay okay now I'm done all right good Jesus now I'm done well now it's the lair turn and he is going to drop some green slam on a CER make a exterity saving throw I will gladly do so and fail four yes you are going to take six points points of acid damage as this slime just falls down upon you uh you can see it all up there once again moving trying to coales over all of you before dropping down uh all right Sila you're up uh do my nothing changes except for I get another 1 D4 I don't get like extended reach or anything uh I don't so check that the target size doubles in all Dimensions its weight is Multiplied uh the target has advantage on strength saves and strength checks yeah you deal an extra D4 so yeah no extra reach in there yeah so I can get I'm going to go my full 30 ft I am going to have to go go into the Slime okay so as you enter the Slime you take one point of acid damage not rolling great uh and then I'm going to use my short sword again cuz I can't quite reach in melee and I'm going to throw it and attempt to pierce the pudding King okay 11 it's a mess I will bonus action recall the short sword and throw once more okay uh 16 that is just a hit oh good that would have been embarrassing let's two giant whiffs yeah okay this is going to be 13 13 points of damage ouch uh yeah I don't have a bonus action to recall my sword so that's my two attacks okay he is like reeling back and he sinks two of his hands down uh and I'm going to start off because it's technically the end of your turn and use a legendary action and he looks at you once again make it ex an intelligent saving throw[Music] wa 10 I would like you to roll that again use my inspiration good uses good uses everybody be be the one of us that makes that worthwhile somebody has to pass on an inso it won't be today it won't be it's not today friends it's not today the gift that keeps on giving damn it oh my God if this has taught us anything be a hoarder and a power gamer don't help anybody you do not help your friends look at you you dirty Thief not only have you stolen riches from others you've used your power in influence to gain status you are just as bad as dbo and then he looks at you two Sila and Artemis neither of you shall see your dreams come to fruition die a painful miserable death and then he like bubbles back in on himself self and then that giant ma forms again and he ejects slime over the two of you I need you both this is probably going to be a okay for the two of you but I need you to make the Constitution saving throws right now please please don't yeah I'm too far away for Hester oh Hester you see this come up within 5T of you just this wave of horrific black bile um before it splashes down towards your feet Sila what' you get 12 fail emis 23 you're going to take half damage okay and this is the one with the thing or not this is the one with the thing this is a this is a totally different ability okay just checking that this is is where you potentially lose arms no no no no no this is bad this is just otherwise bad oh cuz the arm wasn't the the arm was chill the arm was like real chill so what happens in this one you first take 19 points of necrotic damage oh [ __ ] as this acid immediately start sinking into you now silly you're wearing magic armor correct I am I need you to roll me a flat D20 oh oh no oh no oh no oh no I got the number you don't want you got a one I got an that one oh no this is I'll be honest we're g to find out what happens with Andrew here before I explain anything else here because this is kind of like my Hail Mary trump card right now oh [ __ ] AR what you get uh you you you took half but I need you to roll a D20 as well because while you're not nearing wearing magical armor per se you are wearing a magical robe I'm wearing both a magical robe and magical armor my guy oh then roll both it doesn't affect magical weapons at all cuz we all got that [ __ ] that's true actually get your hands off my da ense Bron listen if he's going to go death throws first the robe what'd you get for the r seven fail uh your armor eight okay the Rarity of your robe what is it oh no um I'll pull it up right quick it is a very rare item okay very R it only takes one point of damage out of five that it could take before it is destroyed what level Rarity is your armor H uh also very rare it's plus two okay only takes one Sam no what level or what Rarity is your armor what's green uncommon it's uncommon yeah adamantine while great is not all that special it's destroyed what it immediately Fizzles and breaks off of your body well I just got that I know you did I know you did I know oh Dawn's Edge legendary weapon unaffected D caliber that you hold Sila legendary unaffected your short sword plus one plus two plus two blue make a flat D20 oh no I rolled another one it has five hit points it now only has three left but it's not outright destroyed but you can see pitting upon it um I don't believe there's any other oh I have alls of I'm just counting your wearables at the moment not like everything in your little bags uh that's a a SE a seven okay uh what Rarity is it[ __ ] uh those are uncommon destroyed adios Sam are you wearing any Footwear gloves I sure am I have um my cloak of the mount Bank what level I think that's rare or very rare that is rare okay uh roll a d10 or D20 five okay two points of damage out of five I'm I'm giving you these numbers because this effect or ability does have a recharge and if you do not kill him and he gets a recharge we could be going through this again I also have my title chains believe those are rare as well so D2 yeah' be the shorts rare 17 thank Christ all set not affected uh I also have um I think they're gone now are these gloves yeah I have gloves of missile snaring are they uncommon yeah they're gone I never even used them well then you won't miss them God[ __ ] all right so these items start Vanishing from off your body your magical armor begins getting pitted and as the pudding King reforms he's you ex has truly BL me none shall stand before us and then he's going to move disappear into the ground and he's going to reappear not too far away he appears at the edge of this large pool of the throne moving 45 ft to the Northwest and he he like turns and looks at you all I will want you in every aspect of your life I will seep into the dark corners of your mind The Faceless Lord will consume all that's the end of his turn sael you're[Music] up okay so action action make an intelligent saving throw oo how tastes of his own medicine 19 okay so he succeeds and it's a can trip so nothing[ __ ] happens uh so he is going to just launch the last two of the meteors so two more deck saves please all right haven't been historically great first one's a 16 uh that just fails and ooh second one to 19 okay that succeeds so he's going to take half there so first one he takes full damage uh well aside from other things uh nine points of fire on the first ooh nice good hit ooh that was a better hit uh although that's half so 11 points half to five for the second okay he is losing form very rapidly there's not quite so so many mouths not quite so many eyes and he's starting to look more human like more the tendrils are starting to form back into his body looking more like legs his arms becoming smaller more diminutive his head kind of regaining shape and is that the end of seel's turn it is okay he is going to use a legendary action and he's going to look at youel and I know this might not work but I wanted to make an intelligence saving throw this is a special ability it's not magic nothing else okay you're willing to take this Gambit I I am I am he wants it so so I have a plus nine to intelligence saves with Cel it's still possible you fail it is it is possible yeah what's the what's the DC can we know 16 okay so I need to roll a seven or better seven lower I'm crossing my fingers for story element I want you to fail for story element 13 a yes yes I love it for story because I thought you were saying you got a 13 all together you're saying you failed no I rolled a natural four jeez so you take a minus one to your proficiency bonus okay and for everybody who has this by the way this lasts until you take a short or long rest okay okay that Prof proficiency minus you feel that cold liquid like seepage into your brain and the pudding King in almost his more plasmoid nor Nish form as he's grown quite small here he reaches out into your mind and he like takes this is all flavored takes like a couple steps forward and he starts laughing this horrible choking flemy laugh and coughing goes you are a tool to them you are a b and he points back at Sila and Artemis and even at Hester he goes they don't care for you they don't care for your return it's your Lord orus will use you to The Bitter End they care for none but you could have you PA of Lord he kind of like stands there his arms dripping this fluid and he's looking up the sky into your Embrace star caller it's your turn yeah we're going to have to put a stop to this you know it's just no good uh I um yeah I'm going to take the fastest possible I'm going to beine towards him poping right through the acid off the throne um makeing our way through the the nasty C of of of Gunk here okay I got to keep with mechanics take two points of acid damage for running through the pool you thinkk you um and now I'm going to go ahead and take a nice big swing at this guy that's got to go a f to hit it's a miss all right I I'll try again no way is it a na 20 oh my God love seeing that skull baby I want a screen cap of that nightmare of a face absolutely it's going to haunt my dreams good good um all right so so on the dice that is 7 14 17 and I think the so 17 + 32 is 49 points of radiant damage describe your kill whoa let's go uh emus just jumps off the throne runs right through the acid and aiming towards this creature who has been uh just drilling into our minds and pulling out secrets that might be better off left buried um and armis is going to take one big swing um which he misses but then he falls through and kind of like tucks Dawn Edge behind him and splits um our jux empowered friend here uh and then twists her blade around inside so the light shines out from within he just like is shattered outwards let's go as you cleave through and before he shatters he like Falls forward and you can see he looks far more like his original Self but still in this ooz likee shape now his eyes are yellow and monstrous and he's still got like this sharp fanged mouth he goes I might be gone but you will never forget me you lay broken and just go[Music] On and Here you all stand covered in acid burnt items destroyed but the foe faed what happened now with this group in this moment it's the Spider-Man meme[Laughter] that guns folded on each other is that really what Sila thinks she's just like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] these guys like what the hell Sila is like who is star caller and she's like I trust seel even less than when I talked to him eight hours ago or however like an hour I don't even know the we can still we can still save the City we can still move Hester like his arm is just so weak he drops the hammer on the ground next to him with what I got nothing if if that didn't do it I star color I got nothing I need I need to trust syny that she did her part we have to know we have to it can't have been for nothing not this time isn't this what you [ __ ] wanted the demon Prince is dead Revel in it and [ __ ] off off like you wanted to we'll help you when we can you still don't understand this is just an avatar a shattered piece of a greater hole we have not yet begun to fight and if you think you have given enough you are sadly mistaken how many people people are going to give everything for you sounds like you don't give a [ __ ] about that answer what if I give more what if blman Stone gave more when would you be happy I will be happy when the fight is won that's a tyrant answer and you know[Music] it stalk car like turns doing like flicks back the robe of stars um and you see along his belt are seven broken swords um one of which youve seen him like wheel as a dagger a[Music] tyrant I am a liberator I am here to save this world without me you'd be torn apart by these people these monsters these demons you need me you always have you just didn't know what Freedom could feel like I think as he says that Sila is going to step in between them uh in a defensive position in front of Hester facing starer and she will draw caliburn we do not have time or energy to fight amongst each other I agree with star caller that we should head in to check on where the ooes were forming the pudding King mentioned a mass Gathering we must head there now and then she will wait for Star caller to go first uh he takes a step back uh and as he turns you see this like a smile start uh to crease his face uh and just to himself and a voice so low you can't hear it even now they know they need me what's going through cel's head right now does seel say anything what's he what's does he say does he think anything cuz we've heard from the others in I love it I love it I love his role play sael for a very very rare instance is spiraling in his emotional thoughts the the pudding King picked at the one thing there were there were a number of them that he could have reached to but he picked to the one thing that seel can't logic his way out of because it is it's entirely based in logic he like he has feared the entire time of the reactions of his friends and the thoughts of his friends and the mistrust of everybody that he's traveled with since being down here he he knows that it would take one wrong step that he didn't even have control of and it's already started for him to be removed and replaced with someone more useful because it's what he would have done and the pudding King picked at that and he can't he's just stuck in that spiral he's not even paying attention to the others he thought coming back he thought he found his resolve he thought he had sort of toppled this barrier with sarak before coming back and he's spiraling again as starer starts to walk away from this short encounter with Hester and Sila stepping in and Cel now reeling within his own thoughts you all hear a shifting in of like Stone and Rubble to the north and finally you hear like the collapsing of rock and coming from that now collapsed blockade of stone you see a very familiar ghost that of burl Warden Jagger and you see that he is accompanied by three smaller Elementals that we would know as galb dur and he is just in awe at seeing you all here but as he floats closer he goes my dear friends you you've done it you have you have killed the enemy that assails us while we have not been rid of all the oozes and some other lives have been lost they lose form and control and seem more akin to what we are accustomed to Mindless forms thank you and oh clearly and he waves like a ghostly hand in H's Direction it has cost you much I am sorry I would have lost both[Music] I I do not possess um the means to heal you in my form but others within the maze could assist you I I am merely here to help escort you back those of you that might be injured or incapable of walking yourselves but uh while we received many of those we thought passed in the early stages of the battle with your friend I have been asked to inquire upon one individual have you found your bow digam matics Aris looks over towards sael he perished he was a brave sacrifice in exchange for the rest of you I see Perhaps Perhaps that will bring some peace to S but uh perhaps let's think about its delivery when we meet with her gather what you need and you may rest upon the gader they will carry you back should you wish uh before we vacate the chamber will it um now that it seems that there's not a time foress is there anything of value here is there anything material um uh you can all make a quick perception or investigation check should you wish I mean I I'll take a look I'll take a look 13 13 16 16 Hester and seel uh 17 for sael Hester is not interested oh okay all right all right uh Sila you notice and you all kind of see this that much of the pools of like acid and slime all about the room while they were once like bubbling and kind of roiling and seemed alive are becoming very s and even seem to be kind of slowly dissipating and you see a lot of these Tren tendrils that kind of Link off of the throne to different parts of this cavernous space you see some of them beginning to kind of snap and slowly crumble in like a spiderweb and silly you spot on the bottom left of the throne a small chest with within it you find 170 silver pieces you find 70 gold pieces and you find um essentially what's like a tin type you know what I mean like a tin type photo um from way back in the day um you see like a version of that like an old magically etched picture of a very young deep GN boy with two older uh figures standing behind them and a slightly older than this male figure uh who looks similar to the pudding King uh you see a another figure um male female you're not entirely sure but you turn it over and you see on the back is engraved the stone shine family uh Sila Pockets the uh etching okay it's all you find in that small chest uh Hester finds another small chest within which Hester was not looking spel was oh Hester was wasn't I thought it was spel that wasn't interested no se sael got the 17 Hester was not interested he wants to see the state of this uh the people gotcha gotcha uh you find a number of gemstones littered about the throne in fact you find 12 of them them all of which are worth 50 gold piece each you also find a small Pearl and you would know this to be a pearl of power nice oremus where the pudding King fell in his secondary form you see laying Within in the now kind of slowly dissipating acid is what looks like a torn cloak dark black or blue like these purplish Hues but it as the acid the rest of the greenish acid pulls away it becomes more clear that this is this almost liquidly riid Rippling shroud of sorts what do you do um seeing you know surprised to see something that is resisting the corrosion of the acid um star collar will will reach down and and grab it and pull it out you pull it out and you see that it is a hooded tape or cloak that could be wrapped around you but it's got all these tears and holes and the bottoms of it are these long length of treaded shredded cloth that look like Tails almost and the entirety of the cloak while looking at it gives you this unsettling feeling as it seems to move very slowly like waves on water interesting even to your your touch it feels cold and while you pull your hands away they're not wet but it's just like it's almost got like that texture of like jello almost a mantle F fit for pudding King and that's all you find here now that you have these belongings do you do you linger here or do you return to the city what do you guys want to do Hester will lead the walk out or kind of regardless if people are coming or not he'll he'll accompany yeah aremis Will Follow he's he's Keen to see all that they have saved this day sure yeah uh s is bringing up the rear do you guys do any of you like ride upon the backs of the galeb door or do you all kind of walk out tending to your own wounds yeah I think Sila would walk out I think that yeah yeah both Hester andil or this would ride okay it feels and correct me if I'm wrong here that everybody as you're you're exiting being led by the ghost of Burl w war Jagger that the part's very quiet everybody seems to be very sunk in on themselves and I'm curious as you're making this Trek back to the city what what plagued you all your characters here in these moments the most like what what's occurred here what are what are they they thinking what's the thought process in this these now moments of quiet before you greet all the survivors you know cuz this was a tough battle I mean I you while you've been hurt physically in many ways the pudding King attacked you all emotionally and um revealed certain things so I'm curious what like the parties going through right now I feel like um Artemis writing upon his gilb um has something of the bearing of a um like a Roman legionaire returning to the city um he perhaps has never looked cockier um there's still that like that ghost of this like the like the like kind of like the um malicious schirk he had when when talking down to Hester um now that his what perhaps is one of his greatest secrets is revealed he doesn't have to hide that part of himself anymore and if nothing else he knows that each of the people who he travels with also cares with them some some glimmer of Darkness as well yeah Sila yeah Sila um um she is ashamed that everyone knows more about that which she would hide from about her past but it is taken a back burner to the things that she has learned about star colar and even that which she's learned more about sael Sila is thinking that she's back to square one she met Indigo and seel needing to find a group that was powerful enough to take on the forces which had killed her people and she thought she had found a a decent group and she lost Sue and then she lost Fel and now he's back but he's not him and she had star CER but star caller even what she wants aide IDE her to save[Music] people will he save[Music] people um and so I think she's uh there a while back when she first met sael in Indigo she would do this thing where she put her Palm on everyone's forehead when it was like a bonding thing she has not done that to starer m ever and I'm not saying I knew but there was you know and she certainly hasn't done it ever since sael was gone so I just feel like she's she's like catching herself on this like I cannot trust easily yeah all right what's going on with the gnome and the squid uh Hester Hester is not surprised necessarily at the party reveals nor has he had a whole lot of time for them to emotionally Shake him in any significant way um honestly more than anything after that like his takeaway is Oh I thought that these might be good people who genuinely wanted to do good but maybe this was a chapter that I'm done with maybe they were just a means to an end and I need like this is done sael is uh um sael is hurt that it's always sort of seemed he's known for a while that EV all of us had Darkness it was sort of the the thing it was like the the glue that binded them was we're all kind of monsters and he thought like he remembered Sila and him standing in front of the people of dimar condemning them for their judgment because of what they were regardless of what they were because they were genuinely trying to do good despite what they were and he he can't help but ask why every time the cards are on the table he is has not given that kindness from the people he is closest to not even asked what's going on or what happened and it and it's only enforcing that I'm a tool and if I'm a danger I shouldn't be here which is the whole reason that he ran was he was afraid that he was going to be too much of a danger for his friends to keep him around H so he's sort of scared for how the next couple of days go you're all within these thoughts as you Traverse back through the various caverns and tunnels of Bon Stone until you all find yourselves reaching the the gate of the Maze and as you are allowed in you are greeted by somber faced gnomish guards and um you can see farther in as the doors open where perhaps Artemis expects lavish Fanfare um only a number of people turn to you all and a couple people clap a good number of people turn and stand get up from where they sit you see far more of them are injured and battered now but they are silent and you see from amongst this crowd coming forward is senny and you see Nomi beside her and and you see a pretty injured chip grin but he's grinning all the same at you all uh behind on the other side and SNY looks over the group of you and you see her face fall a little bit and she quickly composes herself um and as you all walk forward more of the town's people now come forward and are like reaching out hands towards you in this in this silence and then you just start hearing these small murmurings of thank you oh thank you thank you and it's just all around outstretching of arms just trying to get a touch and it grows louder until people do end up cheering for you and you arrive in front of syny and the the other kind of deao leaders here and they come up and they begin shaking your hands and thanking you and even embracing some of you and hugs that would allow it before there is a wave from syny that kind of quiets everybody and goes because of our friends are heroes here we find our city while not safe but safer the true threat the true enemy now gone and while we have all fought and lost quite bravely there is still much work to be done however that can wait for tomorrow or the next day as We Gather here in rest and in joy and in celebration of of what we've accomplished what our heroes have accomplished we thank you all truly and tonight we will feast and we will joy and we will gather what we what we can have our supplies left to make this a lavish banquet if you will have it and she looks to the group of you Hester will pipe up I think um I think we've earned a little bit of happiness emis like lets out a Roar and um like holds up Dawn's Edge and ignites her um create kind of like an effect of like a a a star are shining even in these depths Sila does a um a nod and like a a small smile but her heart's not in it and everybody kind of cheers at that you know your your acceptance everybody's thrilled by star caller's Big Show there and syny then quietly addresses the the four of you and says um we have a rather large lodging space um should you well well it's the best we can do it's more of a communial space but we can allow you all some privacy within it if um you can there's there's um smaller spaces but it's more individual I don't know if you have anything you care to discuss or do before we Feast it will take us some time to gather what we can from the from the ruins of the city before this evening I require a rest alone but I will join the festivities later I um separately alone would also I'll take a rest ah star caller I'm have been helping any way I can and I do not require a rest or any alone time at the moment uh Hester would also speak to senny and volunteer to help in any sort of setup um he's sort of his goal is to make sure people enjoy the next day or couple of days or whatever he he basically is going to help until his body doesn't allow him sure what a scene I have in my head here as I see I I imagine and correct me if I'm wrong here in this depiction uh at all but this is just like out of the roleplay What I Hear here I picture Sila just like point me in the direction and you march off through the crowd to find a space and you lock yourself into a small room uh of sorts what is Sila do when she's alone in that space finally alone and it's quiet other than the murmurings that you can hear outside a little distance away yeah Sila when she's alone I think there's certainly the um repairing anything that needs it and you know it's very like keeping herself busy um and then she I believe she has um uh yeah she has in her bag of holding um items that were given to her by Sue and indigo and I think she pulls those out and she lays them on the bed and it is it is silence and it is like meditation around what happens next um because those two people were good and so she's she's like I want to be good and that's so that's that's uh yeah I love it Hester you are just trying to throw yourself into whatever immediate age you can and know me actually comes up to you and she's you know I I picture it's almost like the silent scene of her arguing with you of like we have to treat your arm like like you're not okay what are you doing trying to move boxes right now and probably back and forth yeah um do you think he eventually relents to to seek some Aid or does he just push off in to some corner where he can do some kind of work on his own I I mean I think it's basically like once he is sure that that everything is is set and he's helped all he can and I'm I mean he is exhausted he has so little left um and he's been sort of ignoring the pain I think he allows them to sort of do enough of a job to like uh yeah like yeah he he will eventually um acques to care sure so you eventually are kind of taken off by Nomi and the some are just like well we've got a bandage it some people are like well does anybody have a means of helping like regrow his arm or something and you see like there's various people of The stonehart Enclave like arguing with each other and some are just like I'm too damn tired to cast a spell I I don't have that means and and they're arguing over you and but Nomi is there and she's very Dil ently just like trying to clean and take care of you sael requested the private room as well so you he goes and finds a space what happens then if anything that you would care to tell us about so sael um seel does something he hasn't done in a while and he he sits and sort of takes his things out and sort of that like OCD meticulousness just like lazes things in front of him meditates on them thinks of his time away and how how different he actually is now from from the sael who fell from the bridge and I think think[Music] he he's just sort of thinking about how complicated things have gotten more and more over time like it was it was so simple when it was Indigo and Lara and let's just get the [ __ ] back to the surface and each new place and each new person has added complexity to it and he didn't care about people at that point it was a goal and then he started caring about people and now he's you know this whole emotional mess so I think he just sort of rattles through all of that and at the end of whatever train he goes through I think I imagine he's in sort of this like private chamber I can't imagine it's any form of luxury if there's like a wash basin somewhere on like a far side of the room I think he goes to it and he fills it and he heats the water just for shits and he just looks at it and thinks of how naive and friendly and comforting Sila was when they met and he just looks at the wash basin he says I did miss you and he just goes and rests and Artemis you were In This Crowd you put on on this Big Show and The the crowd the people are just eating it up they're loving it and they're like I imagine there's people like jumping and cheering around your feet as you're probably even standing on top the galb dur presenting Dawn's Edge what happens in these moments now for you uh I like arus will do some like stuff to help set up for the feast but most most of it is kind of like um rallying the people um to make sure in his mind it's very important that they see this and feel this to be a truly a victory um so he's he's putting on all the trappings of a victory you know they're um once once they get the A out he's making toast and trying to R people um so that they kind of like cuz they this this city barely survived this Onslaught and he knows that and all of them know that um but he he is attempting to make sure they they truly like feel this victory in their bones um and if he has a a a quiet moment um to himself um uh he'll pull out Dawn's Edge um and and speak to her um we did we did very good work today they was prepared for us but still our light Shone brightest that it did we struck the final blow we took a formidable servant of a Demon Lord and sent them to the abyss that is certainly not something to look upon lightly but uh companions seem rather hurt emus while I can understand this fervor this desire this drive within you uh our friends they are not tools as I might be and though I know you do not see me in perhaps quite that way it is what I am they have also given much and I I hope that while we celebrate and we tend to our wounds that we don't forget how we came here and why we still stand here I was once a tool of a great civilization and people[Music] and it was within their own hubris that evil crept in and destroyed them I would not have that happen to all of you those that found me in a dark Crypt only to see me shine once again I would I would have you all Shrine AR Miss nods at that and takes a deep breath kind of tempering his own Zeal as it were you're right I will speak to them but in their bones they must know that this is no ordinary fight that we fight it is not enough to be the blade that ends a life we must be the fear that keeps these demons curled in the abyss for an age to come I think they may have the metal for it but we all will need forging yet let us hope we can all survive that and that's where we'll end tonight well boy howdy that was a wild adventure here at the madness table you know what I want to talk about it and where would I to do that I would do it on our Discord absolutely that is right after I go down for a rate and review at the Pod catcher of your choice thank you for joining us on our little YouTube show we'll see you all next week bye bye