Welcome To The Man table you're watching us on YouTube if you're hearing my soul trip voice and in just a moment we're going to hop into episode 103 thank you so much for everybody who's helped us get over the hump of 100 all the folks tuning in all you Maddy baddies out there we appreciate you we love you it's up for brandan um if you want to know why get on our Discord and ask him if you ask him on Discord he is legally required to answer I will have a detailed and cut to the [ __ ] bone answer for all of you and each will be personalized and sent via text yeah I know where you live I know your lives I will tear you apart back to you Andrew indeed uh speaking of Our Lives you could fund them through coffee that's right you can get Brendan one step closer to not relying on capitalist insurance plans come on down and Join the Revolution um besides that I don't know like rate review um and now that I thoroughly derailed Will's train I'm going to pass it over to him bro you didn't even know where to launch oh my God uh yeah I just rolled my own um sanity check and failed oh[ __ ] um so I I'm dealing with my short-term Madness of I don't know where to go with this now someone needs to give us a ratio of all of the failed versus succeeded sanity checks cuz I could probably count on a single hand of the successes they're mostly fails yeah um wow so here we are in this very sensitive space almost in in that the party is very fractured you have spent uh I think in game time it's been almost exactly a week or just over over a week for how long the party's been inflicted Stone and within that time so many things have occurred friendships have formed uh with Jimmy and uh his mother and uh some of the other Dennis you've cleared out new spaces for homes you have thwarted uh incredibly old threats to to the citizens and then you have uncovered secrets you found the Old Forge and in the midst of all that this um demonic Pawn so to speak uh the pudding King emerges and attacks the city and you all come in and you manage to sift through everything to get in there and battle him and over the course of this battle he becomes empowered even further by his is Lord and rips into your minds and pulls forth these secrets and shares them with all you all and um damages you in a way that I the party I don't think has ever been uh significantly harmed in any such way and so when we left you all you besides Artemis you all went your uh separate ways finding quiet spaces to to rest uh where you could within the Maze of Bon Stone and emis when last we saw them was amongst the people uh kind of reveling in What happiness could be found what food and drink they could scr up to kind of feast and celebrate the fact that this horror is over um however the faces seen within the maze as lanterns are lit and multiple fires are turning over what bits of meats or vegetables that they could kind of scr up stew pots are simmering it's about evenly split as to how many people are happy en joyous and dancing while the rest are holding families close or strangers formerly neighbors together as so many are missing and emis as you have been given a table essentially to yourself amongst those that are Tru truly frolicking In This Moment moment they've given you uh a barrel of Ale they have given you plate after plate of food and I imagine they have given you chairs or stools whatever you could choose to sit upon what's going through your head now as you are alone here in this moment amongst this joyous festivities yeah I I imagine emis is letting this world kind of like orbit around him um and while outwardly he he is joyous he is um in a kind of a calculating place inside um his his ambition has to a certain extent been unmasked and um they're also had a pivotal Junction right now they have just um toppled these threats and blinked Stone um and they're hopefully their way is now going to be clear towards starting to move towards the surface again um with a populace here that is very much in their debt um and so hopefully you know also uniting them with the kingdom of Ember as far as you creating a anti-d demonic Force here in the under dark um but I feel like Star he's sitting he's kind of you know he he always has like a hand on or near Dawn's Edge to hear her thoughts um but you know his other hand is kind of idly like touching the the cloak that he got off of um the pudding king um and also kind of fiddling with um the remains of his gaus pistol uh and wondering if that Smith is even still alive um to possibly repair it so it's it's so interesting to me this image that you painted and whether or not it was your intention but like I can see it I can see like you have your hand on the half of DA's Edge and then you have like on your belt I can see the remains of your pistol and then in the other you're holding perhaps the the inky hood of this cloak and I picture like this lone table and you're just entirely analytical you're like what's the next step in this greater plan that you have and it between dod's DA's Edge and the cloak it's almost like an angel and a devil on your shoulders like here's the two halves of star collar almost it's a it's a cool image to me this dichotomy you have of you know that the darker almost thirst you have for Conquest here's your SPO a literal spoil in your hand and then this this voice of reason on your your other as we experienced last time um what a great image um and and while I'm hanging out here if it if it goes long enough uh might I try to ascertain um what exactly this this hood is sure do you have uh an identify spell or do you want to try to flag down somebody who might find someone who could help you with that oh man you know I would love to talk to a smarter person um so I'm I'm going to look for uh n me pass shutter or one of the other stonehart Enclave members sure uh roll an investigation check for me just what I excel at yeah it's a four four uh you don't see anybody from from where you're currently sitting but I am imagine that uh somebody has noticed that you've kind of been it seems like you've been searching for someone so this person kind of comes up and they're like uh um excuse me sir are you uh in need of anything more food or drink uh yes I I would like to speak uh with either uh know me or well actually not that I'm thinking of it perhaps perhaps that's a fell fellow um would you be capable of bringing one of them to my Aid um of course I will I will search for them uh at this very moment excuse me and they kind of bow and duck away from you and um disappear into the crowd sael when we left you you had gone off to your your own space and essentially you've all taken up residences in these either small rooms or almost like closet like spaces um what do we see when we find them uh safel has sort of just been in a state of contemplation while he was in there um we saw a bit of that quite a vulnerable moment uh of his at the end of last episode and I I think he's still very much in that space he's still and he's trying to be analytical about it like he always does or always had and is just trying to figure out what to do with this scenario where they can't not move forward like they the[Music] entire time down here it has been what is the next step what is the next mission what is the next task that will lead us to the one after and right now the only question he has is how do I move forward if I don't have my friends and does that line of thinking bring to mind um anything in particular for him the fact that this this this secret thought this feeling he had of his friends using him as a tool and this intense need it seems especially that we saw in the last battle to to be up in the front lines um yes um sael had a lot of Revelations in his time away the most important of which was that well in learning his past he found out a lot about the kind of protector he used to be he there was an entire lifetime lost to him where his entire being was dedicated to protection in the largest of scales possible like unfathomable scales and that was the only thing that he did and he doesn't care about that anymore to him the like the only thing that is important to him is the people who he has found and who have been with him and he has done his best in his own way this entire time e even before falling to protect the people around him from a survival perspective you know I I need to keep these people alive so that they can help me stay alive um but it's towards the end and after it morphed more into caring about the actual people and especially with[Music] the person that he met in his time away there were a lot of Revelations about you know what he actually cared about and and those connection those human connections to other people that he learned were important to him and he's afraid that he's lost that with this group before he even was able to realize that as you're having these these thoughts and these feelings you hear a knock on on the door do you answer it um I'll be a minute he sort of puts himself together grabs his thing sort of makes himself look presentable he um he Dawn the Hat of dis SK again and puts on his human Vis uh and he'll answer the door you open the door and you see a a younger deep gnome who uh kind of quickly bows awkwardly and was like uh excuse me sir um your com companion uh Mr star caller uh was hoping for some assistance with something that they found um during during the battle um uh he asked for yourself or perhaps miss path Shredder I haven't been able to find them but I just figured I'd let you know very well I will um I'll find timus thank you of course uh thank you and they they bow and they Scurry off in uh the opposite direction and he sort of takes a minute you like internally Chuckles to himself and just thinks anything to be of use and he'll go find emus Sila you had found yourself in a kind of like a larger closet space and what a beautiful scene uh or image you had painted of us to us last time of pulling out I believe it was IND journal and no or um indigo's Journal was lost to the lava I had scale mail from Indigo it was all that I had from him that's right and what was was there another object was it um I had items from Sue yes and from Sue I imagine it's like tattered pieces of like recipes she had written different alchemical things but maybe even mundane like meals that you got tubers yeah yeah you put these tubers together they create a nice crunch don't burn them too long yeah I love it so you you're sitting here with these these items and what what's going through Sila's head as to what comes next or is that not even on Sila's mind are they just to conflicted with everything that's occurred um Sila is thinking about um indigo's very um moral View and she's thinking about the way that Sue was always able to point her in the correct direction um and she's she's trying to remember those things in the good and people as she's thinking thinking about spel she's thinking about star callar she's thinking about the pudding King who she pulls out that etching that she got of that stone that was the stone shine family she's thinking about how the pudding King started out as this good person and then she's thinking about herself and the fact that she hasn't done great things either um and so it's just kind of this like these big questions are weighing of like when when is someone too far gone and so she's I think she's considering these things and she's looking at the the um Stone shine family etching uh and she's going to seek out the burough Warden Jagger oh okay do you do you gather up any of these items and kind of like put them back in your bag or you're like I'm going to leave him here cuz I'm coming back um she would not leave without out those items yeah okay they stay with her for sure so you look at this almost uh photograph or of such and you you gather up the things and you leave the room looking for the the warden and we're going to jump back to Artemis Artemis you I imagine it was probably a good 30 minutes before you see that small gnomish figure appear and they quickly bow and they're like uh your your friend um should hopefully be coming soon um pardon for the wait not at all thank you my friend oh thank you of course uh and they take off now sael you've been asked this but considering everything what like how how urgent do you tend to this request if you actually attend to it at all I'm very curious how you'll handle this considering everything no I think you know he has his own feelings about things obviously but if nothing else this is status quo like H and that's better than the alternative so I like and it's seel isn't a person that wants to be heavily invested in his own emotions especially hampered by them so I I think this is sort of an opportunity for him to sort of push it off and get back to some sense of normaly gotcha so yeah I like he's not sprinting uh but he's not holding back either like he squidman run yeah yeah don't want to snap one of them old dead bones yeah you know the the few good ones left um So eventually parting through the crowd Artemis you see seel appear in his human disguise you can't even come find me in a room to ask a favor I did not want to Corner you after how things were left I appreciate that also I did not know where you went and listen he had a better chance of finding you than I did it's one of the more logical things I've heard you say he gets a nose bled what do you have for me um we'll we'll get to that um would you set a moment first sure he saids do do do you do you a can you consume he's like mouthing drinking to you I mean you you remember conversationally I I don't do anything with it but but where does it go we don't need to talk about that that's mechanics beyond the scope of of the game that we exist in so let's just leave that to the imagination fair enough uh St car will pass a a mug over to seil sure it is odd in a way to see you in this Vis is this how you were be before or have you made this up no this was me before and a long time ago it's um it's the most approachable image I could conjure for uh for these people I imagine the Deep gnomes don't want to see a ilcd walking amongst them they've been through enough fair I I again I do have something to ask you but first I would I would know um not that I have a right to demand an answer but what is next for us after the way Sila left I worry she may not see in[Music] US I've worried the same I don't I remember our purpose to to not run when we were given the chance even now when we are so close to the surface I think we both would see this through if given the chance I don't know the cost it will reap and I I don't know my position in any of it anymore there are complications I would discuss with both of you when when and if Sila comes around but I would still see this through good good on this at least we will agree um I I don't know if there is truly a a home for you or or me or for any of us really on the surface but at the very least I think it is worth to try I have come to the um I've come to peace with the idea that I may not have a home above but that does not mean we shouldn't make sure those who do keep[Music] it wise words seel wise words how did you two fa after the[Music] bridge um well we we saw you immediately and um f fell rather quickly not literally um the company of that just true um we found um the remains of uh the minots um I can't remember if we found the goat man um but we did not find you um and we saw your note um Sila was much much grieved at your loss not that I wasn't but you know we had things to attend to we ran right into a a regant of blinking Stone the Hester that you have me passing small one yes he's a rat man and you are a squid man we are quite a little managerie here with our fish lady friend that's good it's good I um I saw you fighting the genie creature he seemed well Hester seemed quite Adept so was good to see you in good hands how did you see this I ended up um after much traveling I accidentally ended back in Sear's domain in dimc count and much was revealed to me not not uh excluding your location and and the situation that you and plon stone were in that was right before I came he he had means to get me[Music] here he it was a long and and strange journey I I would wish to tell you both of it when when things are less tense yes yes anyway your um request ah yes I don't know what this is and it slaps like the the inky wet cloak on the table you should have led with that the 10 minutes could have been could have been spent uh all right well shut up and give me another 10 and I will ritually cast identify on it yeah and while he's doing that since he can't talk I'm going to keep talking um and oh no since you are concentrating I um the reason I wish to speak to you first is this is a a partnership after all we may have goals that might not always perfectly align but we are partnership first and though we at times we'll have our parts to play we are not mute instruments in the doing uh and then aremis will like lean back and um touch the the half of um Dawn's Edge how was that you think that was pretty good I think that was pretty good uh you can actually soon as your hand makes contact you get this overwhelming uh feeling of joy and uh Pride actually like she's she's proud of you for taking good good strides and steps in uh a better non tyrannical way um so you definitely feel that from her and she she kind of Whispers she's like well done well done thank you thank you now can you sign this letter saying that we had 15 minutes of progressive constructive conversation um so as you are conducting the identify ritual I imagine Sila there's no way that you don't notice the kind of larger table piled with both food and drink and as you are making your way through the throng of people you do see safel and Artemis kind of sitting at this table together conversing does that bring anything up in Sila or change her direction or is she more like you know what I gotta find the burrow Ward what's going through their head do they they look like chummy um I I imagine you come up towards the end of this moment that we just left where you see like they're having what looks like an Earnest conversation and then seel seems to be pouring over this this odd bit of uh clothing and Artemis you can see you can see putting his hand on Don's Edge and just kind of like nodding his head uh looking away from seel he's going to kill me um I think she would uh see it happening and not sure how she feels about that either um she would sneak her way out not wanting them to see that she saw it um she doesn't planned to be gone for long so she figures she can always come back and they might still be here sure maybe yeah I I picture the the two of them just kind of sitting down their heads and you're just kind of like that shot in a movie where it's just the the protagonist in the crowd and they're like Head and Shoulders above everybody but they're still and everyone's just passing about them that Sila looking at the two of them before you sneaking out yeah you like look away and then you actually see um a ghostly form just kind of flittering over on the edge of your vision um um and it could be one of the wardens okay yeah um I will head directly to the warden um I imagine Sila is kind of obnoxious about it like getting right in everyone's way to like com straight line right at that person not weaving around sure and I I think there's probably one or two people that you bump into before everybody notices you because you're you're a large intimidating presence so it's just like the sea parts and you march right up and you see that it is burrow Warden Jagger and they are conversing with um a couple of like Teenage older teenage deep gnomes uh who are holding a couple of makeship weapons and they they all look at you the kids and then they kind of bow and take their leave and the Ghostly form of Jagger turns to you and they MH ah Sila how may I be of service to you fine Warrior yes bro warten Jagger I was looking for you I had some questions I'm hoping that you have been here for some time yes I I'm hoping that you might have the knowledge I I seek well I have been indeed here for quite a long time and uh hopefully not for too much longer before my purpose is fulfilled what uh what is this knowledge you seek yes um and she will reach into her bag and pull out the stone etching and show the burrow Warden I found this after our encounter with the pudding King and I I found myself wondering if you had known the stone skin family and stone shine Stone shine I see it here on the plaque it says Stone shine ston skin a totally different family they're awful people um no the stone shines yes yes I would argue these people were not great either but um anyway did you know did you know the pudding King when they were not pudding uh while I do not remember meeting the chap that would come to be such a vicious foe to us all I do remember a stone shine family that belonged here um hundreds of years ago when the city was in its its infancy and they were uh amongst the nobility here besides our king and queen the ston shine family were amongst those that help both fortify but direct this this city they were um counselors and dear friends to to the king and queen know they were an exceptionally kind-hearted family well off um even before blinkon Stone was established they had ties to the surface World um old Dwarven City gal G that's what it was they had connections there which I believe many of our ancest well these young ones I am their ancestor many of these descendants here uh have come from it seems that our our neighbors there of the Dwarven kind gave many of us shelter but no the stone shines when I knew them were fine upstanding people I did not think any of them still lived to be quite hon honest the last I knew uh many of the surviving members had given their lives to protect the king and queen I see uh and she will look at the edging um gondel Grim then it is a Surface city is what you are saying uh well in in part uh while it is not of the great wolves it was of the the hill and Mountain dwarves very very old Dwarven Citadel upon the surface in a city that was almost like a hive that descended here into the underdog a bit I do not recall the where upon the surface it SAT but I believe it was closer to the coast you have perhaps helped me in more multiple ways um gondel Grim might be a valuable stopping point for us if we could reach it um well yes per perhaps in indeed I I do know uh Madam seni dig matics had sent out a couple members from The stonehart Enclave to make contact with some of those within gondal Grim 48 uh Medical surprise Provisions uh perhaps a bit of manpower to help straighten up the city uh I would suggest speaking with them further about it if you have interests within that City your yourself I will do so although I must confess that your prattling has gotten off track I had other things to ask you oh which was I'm very sorry oh no I apologize I did not mean that in a um derogatory way I was simply had other purposes mostly I hoped you did know the pudding King before they were what they were and as I said I'm afraid not but you have been around for some time and perhaps I find myself wondering what takes a person from being like Jimmy to becoming someone like the pudding King I I believe that is what a both wonderful and awful question I came to you because of your age and thus your wisdom I yes I understand that young man mind settled get him get him Sam get him those that I had seen follow such a similar path had done so after great Injustice had been uh befallen them and for someone to to dip to such lows as we might see it while to them it was perhaps a means of finding justice justice that could not be found otherwise you you see I have found Silla that the line between good and evil sits Upon A Razor's Edge and it is more often than not a matter of perspective that makes one a villain or a hero see your actions here to many of us to I would say presumably all of us were quite heroic here you are a stranger who not uh but a little over a week ago came here not knowing anyone has now become a friend in Ally and you protected us saved so many but to those that like the the pudding King you could be the villain in their story you defend everything that they perhaps felt wronged by and it's curious that you mention Jimmy I have not seen them unfortunately since the attack began have you no I had assumed that they were back with their mother um not that I had noticed but I have not taken a a means of watching over the the young lad but perhaps I can but no s I believe it is I believe it is uh it takes a great deal of wrongdoing upon a person to to subject them to such a path that is what I would say this this has been quite helpful however you I I find myself increasingly worried about Jimmy now um I per perhaps I would ask you one more thing Burl Warden of course at what point is the perspective such that someone is too far gone[Music] I I think that if there's someone that still cares enough about the other to reach out a helping hand as a means of[Music] aiding them then that person cannot be too far gone however I think it is when the hand that is offered is harmed by the one who has been offered help perhaps then that is the line[Music] H thank you Burl Warden well I I I do hope that my wisdom as you put it has been of of good help though I'm not always so sure yeah call them old[Music] again it has been very illumin ating I sometimes I find myself struggling with the cultures and customs of the people of the land I find myself unable to read what someone is saying and what they are doing for[Music] truth well I suppose that what I've always fallen back on is actions speak louder than words but do not necessarily throw away one's word back in the day that was how we how we confided how we had faith in one another even in strangers was on a word but then we waited for the action to follow H so that is what I would say to you Sila is if you find yourself in a moment of distrust or MH unknowing speak let them speak and watch for their[Music] actions this is good wisdom I was right to come such an old being as yourself ah wonderful thank you thank you for that now I am going to hopefully find a ethereal mug with some Ale in it that I can actually enjoy and uh perhaps look for young Jimmy yes me as well I will go rally um a group to see if I can find him thank you again of course and then he like floats straight up and you can he get me out of this immediately and he just flitters off and a totally different direction from you you're not even sure if he's like looking for Jimmy at this point but he's gone um I will actually go and look for Jimmy um I think now Sila would return to starer and um s okay roll a perception check on your way back through the crowds to sael and star caller now sael you cast identify as a ritual yes yes okay uh you learn that this cloak has been known as the oozing shroud oo this black and Rippling cloak was once the cloak of the pudding King and over its long use became torn and ripped creating multiple whole tail like ends and when the pudding King met his master and pledged himself to the Demon Lord jubil X he was blessed with power and control to manipulate oozes and over time this cloak gained some interesting properties uh this piece of clothing from a distance appears like any other dark cloak with a hood however as one begin begins to get closer they see its surface sh Ripples and shimmers like the dark waves of water giving those Who Stare too long at it an unsettling feeling this oozing shroud gives a plus two bonus to intimidate checks to all those within 10 ft of the wearer as its uncanny movement brings unnerving feelings and once per day the user may envelop them themselves in the oozing tendrils of the cloak and allowing them and all their gear to become ooike which then allows the user to move through spaces as small as 1 inch for up to a minute after which the user is then returned to uh as much of their original size regardless of the space they are in however you get the feeling that there is more connected to this cloak more as in like latent ability or more as in something a little darker both you see as you're like closely feeling over the material and it's um it's almost like tadp jelly like on the eggs if you think about that like that's what the outside feels like but the inside side just feels like regular cloth and as you're kind of like pushing this kind of like losing material which kind of flubs back into its original shape as you like push and pull on it you see in multiple marks what look like slits and you can you you you feel them because it's almost like there's these little ridges in certain spots and they're perhaps only an inch or two in length with maybe a quar of an inch in width and as your like thumb pass over these ridges you're like what the hell and it almost feels like make a nature check actually oh God okay uh 19 feels like closed eyelids oh and you feel that like all over and weird spots of the outside of the cloak and as like your thumb passes over it you can feel it like that bulge almost just kind of like move and then settle back into place and you recall the way the pudding King looked when he emerged in in his monstrous form how eyes began to form and appear and move all across their body and you think perhaps that if one were to Devout themselves in the same way that the pudding King did that there's more that this Rob SL cloak could do yeesh this um on its own there's certainly some utility here not unlike things that we've seen however do not be confused emus this this is a tool of jubil X so I'm not one to make judgments of the things we use to do what is necessary but be aware I don't know the depths of this item's connection with the one who created it so pretty cursed then oh most definitely honestly I already have two cloaks you want this one it's nasty I've got enough connections to worry about on my own um oh yes that's right that was one of your dirty little secrets yeah we'll we'll talk about that sure sure I think this is um this is for one of those uh uh Area 51 movies where they do like the shot of the guy walking out in the 10 like iron doors closing in different directions yeah oh this is a this is a hide it and forget it item yeah uh Artemis nods and puts it back in his bag yeah you're just going to sell this evil object hey All Kinds of Kinds baby yeah do your thing dude hey you know what we killed a guy and uh this was on his body you want it uh well in the meantime uh Andrew I have put the oozing shroud in your inventory to uh to look over I'll just take a look at that it's probably fine you'll probably some interesting things about it as you read through it I mean you can probably exploit it real like what are you g to do throw an arm in say praise jubil X and you get a boon out of it like it seems kind of like a net win there is no bad there is no good there was only power power uh uh Sila what' you roll for that perception check by the way 17 17 you are moving through the crowd back towards spell and aremis when you see uh tappy actually Jimmy's mother uh she sits alone at a campfire uh a little ways away from you and she's wrapped up in a blanket and she's just kind of staring into the fire I will hurry over to her um Miss Pham strap foam strap uh hello hello Sila um how do you uh how how do you fair uh tired very tired and um were you fighting no no I wasn't I wasn't fighting um I was talking with uh s not long ago um she told me what happened during the battle how what Jimmy believed was me and for so many other family members and whatnot that we were um we were there was copycats or or mimics of us of A Sort that exploded and harmed so many others and ever since then Jimmy has not been seen nor found um Jimmy is missing yes yes and nobody nobody seems to know his whereabouts so I'm just greatly concerned right now I am concerned as well but please tappy do not worry we will find him I will gather those who I know and we will immediately send out a search party uh andilla will turn around and March off she's like uh but and you you keep marching on and she uh she's trying to say something I'm like moving but looking back yes thank you thank you uh and she will nod and spin off again yeah for sure and you eventually come back to the table where Cel and star caller sit and so I'm I have three robes I only have two shoulders what am I going to do with that ah Silla it is good to see you we were just about to trauma dump it is acceptable to see you both we need to speak however it's acceptable however we cannot do so right now and Sila will stand on the table that they are both sitting at oh oh will announce to the room is arus not the one moning excuse me everyone in the room please quiet down quiet you just like record scratch everybody immediately like whips their head in your direction and we're in like a giant Cavern right like like real loud you see people on like the bridges and Towers within this maze just like people are peeking over the parapets like everyone in the room the guy the block over what I apologize for interrupting your joy and Mart this is of extreme import importance we are looking for Jimmy foam strap has anyone seen Jimmy uh from you see a lot of people looking at each other but from a number of like guards almost right in front of you you just hear like a collective grown like oh for [ __ ] sake oh yes you know Jimmy the powerful Slayer of foes yes the one who was very helpful many times uh and like over throughout this Cavern you just hear like a clamor of voices one after the other of just like uh no Jimmy up here and just more and more responses of people just calling back of no haven't seen him he's not up here not here and then someone's like oh wait I think nope that ain't him and eventually you just hear back from everyone like there's no signs of him Nobody seen him here well he is not here in the Maze perhaps we may seek him uh back at the foaming mug or somewhere else in the city yes we will now split up into search parties but we just got down to aen this is extremely important and you may eat after but what if he's dead my more biscuits will be cold Sila like whips her head and stares daggers at this person then you will eat your food cold in mour yes ma'am put some biscuit down on like a rock and you can see syny starts moving through the crowd and she's like uh I everyone everyone calm down I'm certain we can formulate search parties to to look for survivors however and she's like at the foot of the table now and she's looking at the three of you but not everybody's um in great shape to conduct a search right now you yourselves have not even rested yet there is a small window of time in which you can recover a lost individual and then the risk of death increases we are short on time and will have to split up if someone is unable to search then they may stay right yeah especially if someone's moved to a secondary location then like all CH at that point you're basically so exactly um do not wor I will find Jimmy and emis like just like stands up picks up his um Cask of Ale and walks out so you start walking towards the big double doors that out the maze emus should should we not just go together I thought we had to split up teams Sila was referring to us as in the hundreds of people here here we we can stay together all right yeah all fa uh and so like the three of you just hop off heading towards the uh the main do I think we like quickly get like I I don't think still is crazy like if people like some people can stay behind take care of the Wounded rest up if they need to and then maybe we get like 10 search parties of like three people something not too crazy okay I I picture yeah you're formulating this plan with syny and then eventually you do you get um 30 volunteers essentially and it's you know some decent groups some not so much but again like even you all have been quite injured and uh not everybody's totally well at this point but these speak for your are are willing to go out you know okay yeah so I think we as a group of the trio of us yeah uh we'll we'll go the furthest out to the most dangerous places probably I would think okay yeah do we want to go directly to the foaming like sort of the epicenter of where he last was or do we want to go even further than that like outskirts I think we're foaming mud first mug first and then and then expand yeah yeah yeah and everyone else is kind of like more localized where it's less dangerous makes sense all right so you've formed these search parties and you are ready to set out on this mission to to find Jimmy and you all start heading towards the double doors and um a number of guards like go on either side and they begin unbolting it unlatching and eventually just open these doors and as all of the fire and Lantern light then washes out into the tunnels Beyond you see on the very edge of this light two smaller feet all of a sudden appear and they start walking further and further into the light and you can see it's covered these feet and legs and then torso arms and head are just covered in wounds and blood and their clothes are torn but in one hand you see a very fine but now beater Skillet oh my God and in the other arm is a pair of old looking leatherbound books and you see that it's Jimmy and they walk right up to the three of you and you can see like the there are acid burns all over him and he is just weeping blood from sores and his Skillet is bent and broken and many different ways and he just kind of looks up at the three of you and I took care of the last of them and then he faints and collapses at your feet and we'll see you guys next time God damn you heard a hero first folks here on M 103 Jimmy is the actual hero and we are just his Supporting Cast and we could just like Jimmy we're nothing about our Supporting Cast that's right which is all of you because you support us and love us every day except for Brendan and we all know why but otherwise thank you so much like follow And subscribe and we'll be thinking of you especially Brendan byebye bye