to lead us[Music] in don't open with a moan what the [ __ ] is wrong with you Brenan you and I are not we're not the thespians here it Andrew's got itre he's got I missed my calling no no no no no will you and I are very familiar with the concept that there is a difference between a thespian and a drama queen they call themselves thesans yet they're afraid to moan I'm afraid of your moans you should be should be and you should also be afraid I guess hi I'm Andrew welcome to the Man stable 104 wow if you're having fun you should like and review and Sub on YouTube and get therapy why not just take all the boxes I would recommend therapy for everyone uh it's the best part of every other two weeks we are not sponsored by betterhelp yet hey better help call me um anyway you should join our Discord where you can do this all the time um just keep piling it on we can take it probably we'll find out I that you know I I should have a segue and I was that a transition I looked at my cat thinking that she would help me and she didn't she just sitting there we don't pay you specifically to do[Music] this pass off the duties anytime get it together man just say will will back to you will thank you andw[Laughter] Christ oh man well you have a acid covered blood soaked form of Jimmy collapsed at your feet you see his Broken Beautiful Skillet by his side now in the dirt you see these two odd books that have fallen out of his arms and you see a ring that Tink Tink Tink collapses uh and Falls across the ground towards your feet as well and you got the whole entire search party beside you you what do you do ah good news everyone we have found Jimmy was the quickest search party I've ever participated in s you're very good any others no this this was organized very well uh this will be repeated by people across the underd dark the Jimmy alert will will spread far and wide yes we must get him medical attention immediately oh yeah probably oh oh yeah I'll bend down and I'll pump a solid 10 HP of Layon hands into him Hester comes forward and kicks him in the ribs no no right back down um you you pump that into him and you can see a couple of his wounds smaller more superficial wounds close up but he remains unconscious just you you presume sleeping now yeah uh I'm going to pick pick him up um his frying pan I'll hand sael I will take it from spel um while I wanted the frying pan while she's doing that and the broke distracted I'm going to put his ring into my pocket huh no no no I was going to watch that [ __ ] there ain't no way my eyes are leaving you're playing you're playing with the frying pan S I was literally about to say I don't trust any you [ __ ] with any uh how about this St caller roll a stealth check uh and and you can oppose it with a perception check there Sila okay okay beat beat this 18 Sila beat it I probably won't I have a plus too uh 17 very close hold on I'll share my inspiration all right roll again oh [ __ ] it again roll better um you know historically it does not get higher yeah I R I rolled worse we knew that was going to [ __ ] hi inspiration Yeah by but I heard the ring right you said that CL clink CL that was it falling on the ground when Jimmy like collapsed yeah so we understand there is a ring in existence you understand that there's a ring in existence but as like Star caller goes and picks up the body uh you just see them as far as I'm concerned it's lost yeah yeah and like you you go and you see that there's these two old leatherbound um tones it looks like I'll pick those up I'll take it from SE [ __ ] off I'll fight her I don't even care do you does Sila literally reached for it and seel's just like no I think I think star caller is like handing Jimmy's things to spel who she does not trust and she's trying to keep Jimmy's things safe I get to carry something he has to F the it and she takes it from spel and then he and then he picks up the spell book and she takes it from him and if he fights her on it I think she will like they're both like holding it like looking at each other and then she'll slowly let go but she's got the skillet now my my friends we all have what we came for knowledge strength of arms Jimmy come let's just lay him to rest soone more comfortable that that's what people say when people die emis but he also needs I need to lay him down so he may rest I don't understand yeah that's a very different sentence say that one silly you understood right we should hurry uh as you all turn around and start to head back into the large Cavern tappy just like breaks through the crowd and she is weeping and she just like comes and latches onto Jimmy in your arms Artemis and she just kind of like stays with you as you all walk through and um You probably make it back to where tappy was at her own fire and she's just like people are laying out some blankets for for Jimmy to be laid down and tappy is in like just profusely just thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and she's wiping away both the the acid in the blood and one of The stoneart Enclave comes over and begins you know giving himself themselves and you see there's like a small potion given to him but he remains unconscious during this time period uh do we think it's just like he needs to like he's just been exhausted and needs a rest is that what it's seeming like or people actually concerned that there's something medically wrong you like looking him over uh actually all of you roll either medicine or Insight checks Insight medicine 12 show me your 12 16 13 Insight 13 doesn't know Jimmy doesn't know his ways um you you all catch on that you've never for those of you that know s uh Jimmy you've never seen him like this looks like he's been through hell and back you see large patches of skin have been scarred from as and burns you see large um kind of like gashes but they're not thin Cuts they're more like grooves almost and um you can see some of the skillet has been kind of melted and you think that this must be while he does have a large number of wounds this is probably just exhaustion looks like he's literally been fighting on his own for or who knows how long truly the greatest hero the city's ever seen he fought alone now I'm just sort of curious why you were fighting with the ratman and not this one he simply seems to be able to hold himself better yes well we we met the ratman first it was a whole thing I taught you better than senority sorry sorry Jimmy possessed this sort of strength and resilience it was not clear to us I am curious to hear what he has to say to what he's been through it is surprising to say the least that he's alive you may leave his book here by his body fine did you happen to pick up his ring no I assumed you would have no I did not see it I assumed you had picked it up with the book ah you mean this ring uh and starer like puts his hand up and he's wearing it yes you may lay it on the book it is stuck on my hand it is far too small for me interesting can I do an Insight on that sure yeah does it look stuck on yeah like how stuck on is uh starer you want to roll a deception check that's a natural one I got I only got a 13 well [ __ ] I only I only got an eight oh uh a wondrous item it's a magic ring so it resizes to Star callar M you still are like yeah no like that could come off you are lying that is correct um and I'll put the ring on top of the um the book I think that she looks at the ring and then it's like this like emotionless like dead eyee Blackfish eye stare straight at starf Feller it's like she's not even breathing she just like flare of the fins yeah like the fins are like quivering it's like she says nothing it's like she's not even breathing she's just staring at you Sila do you have something to say I'm getting to know that look better I think you should walk away from the ring I am uncertain as to why you would lie I didn't lie had it the whole time you had said it did not fit on your finger no it doesn't suit me at all does it I see deception is something that you are proficient in that is technically correct yes I will not forget this good you should remember what I'm good at and how I can help you I don't know what's occurring right now I think we should leave the the young gnome to heal oh that's yes um sleep well sweet prince um and uh and tappy yes let us do this conversation outside emus put the ring down uh[Laughter] fine um Miss phone strap yes these are Jimmy's possessions and she gestures to the skillet the book in the ring well the skillet I I recognize the the book in the ring are not his though I've never seen him with with those before if they are not his then they are Spoils of War and he has earned them this is the way Miss foam strap it is interesting you would say that if you were going to steal someone else's Spoils of War well yes then they would be my Spoils of War that's how that works those who believe in honor would disagree they would most likely be dead now come we have much to discuss [ __ ] Christ um yeah Sila will uh look to CH and like indicate for her to watch these things I I I I tapped Happy on the back after her coughing fit that was Jimmy actually oh [ __ ] as you like you can see his eyes start to open up and he's just kind of he's blinking and he's looking around and he he actually sees and notices mother and he immediately starts to tear up and he just wraps her in a hug and he's like I I thought I thought that you were you were dead right that's that's why I went out there my own and and he he sees the three of you and he's like you you're all okay you made it through did you did you find her ah yes Jimmy we did in the belly of the Beast as it were not literally but figuratively as it is said thank you so much for for saving her I I looked everywhere I so many slimes and loses I just I could see was red and I couldn't leave without without killing as many as I could have again I can't wait for the new path of the kitchen Barbarian to come out yeah he's a he's a valorar oath of vent Jin's uh Barbarian path of the the cook yeah oh Jimmy I always knew you had the spirit of a warrior but now I see you also have the conviction to see it through of course I I I always wanted to do the right thing I I just I don't know something possessed me after watching all those people die around me and my mom here obviously but you saved her but so please I I found these these books and this ring take them please I I don't even understand what's in the the books and the ring seems magical but I'm just happy so many people are safe H you done well oh go ahead no is Jimmy wearing the armor I gave him oh my gosh I forgot that you gave him armor what was it exactly uh it was adamantine chain uh yeah actually you do see like underneath his his like tunic you see bits and pieces of the of the chain actually was that the adamantine chain that Hester tried to get and you you uh hid from him yes great but he's not relevant anymore so no you know it just sit lopsided because he doesn't have that arm[Music][ __ ] I didn't build the monster Hester who um are you sure you do not want these items Jimmy I listen um I don't I don't know who your robes friends here is but he's uh he looks certainly of the kind of somebody who be able to decipher some of what's in here and he hands you the two books to fell and you you see that it's covered in a type of hide these books it's like a grayish blackish kind of hide and you you kind of like begin opening up the pages and it doesn't feel like parchment or paper or typical scroll like but you immediately start noticing in there is incantations and spells and you like flip back to the front of the book and on like the inside of the cover you see uh is written in this nice um I'm assuming you you're intelligent enough to identify it as Nish and it says property of arch mage lesla Caro and wow they are chock full of spells the first one underneath the where it says property of lesla Carell it says uh it's titled underland magic and it contains the following Spells at level one it has alarm color spray comprehend language fine familiar grease identifi jump Tasha's hideous laughter unseen servant at second level it has alter self blur crown of Madness gust of wind invisibility knock magic weapon fantasmal Force spider climb and then it even have a variety of spells at the third and fourth level the second book also previously owned by this gnomish Arch Mage is titled Magic from Beyond the mirror and it contains very powerful Magics in mechanical terms spells of fifth level all the way up to eighth level some of them include Cloud kill IE bite force cage teleport feebleminded and power word stun and you can feel over the surfaces of these books are like Flex of black ooze and Jimmy Go I I found them in by a broken statue there was um the pair of what looks like a some kind of gray and some kind of black ooze that had been killed before and they these books were just lying in the puddles of them untouched I I don't know what anything I could possibly do with these but you're welcome to him for helping my mom in that in that ring I found it in floating on a pool of slime in a room with an awful Throne it was it was just outside of a small tunnel this is Jimmy giving a [ __ ] for not looting our kills well you did but some of you did not roll high enough to find this ring god wow in this ring AR miss this will perhaps explain a little bit to you is a ring of radiant resistance that[ __ ] which seel tells you after 10 minutes yes yeah right and uh I will I'll add those books to your inventory later but please there is at least about six to seven spells from from 1 through eth level uh per level yeah Dam these are extremely uh valuable magical tones yeah jib we will leave you to rest but no you may always call upon our service uh and I'll unchi one of my few unbroken blades a short sword um and lay it beside him on the bed you're you're giving this to me indeed a warrior such as you should have more than a frying pan at his disposal thank you I I really truly appreciate that I hope you won't leave too soon before I can say goodbye properly wouldn't dream of It Soldier can't and then armis will will stride out and he'll do the thing where like he makes eye contact with Silla and like maintains it like a step farther than is natural uh and then walks out the door his hand comes up ever so slightly in his gate to show off the[Laughter] ring now yeah you did quite well Jimmy thank you I it means a lot coming from from someone who I've seen take on Powers I couldn't have ever imagined before star caller admires your strength of conviction and your ability to be a warrior but what is most impressive to me is your ability to do good to do what is right out where you must have been quite scared well now that I think about it I I certainly was scared Shea but I just I think the scarier part was I don't know if I would have come back if I hadn't run out of you know ooes the smash felt very lost when the last one fell and now I felt lonely and and yet scared and I suppose now it could be seen as an act of good or righteousness but at the time I I just I don't know I just lashed out I can understand and that feeling quite well than a hero's courage some would say and she uh like gives him like a a strong hand on his shoulder to be like sensitive sorry too soon too soon yeah you got to kill her G Jes sorry I will leave you to rest and keep that Skillet yeah no I'm I'm sure Mom would kill me I'll have to find her a new one uh SAA hey SAA SAA yes who who's the old eyy with the the robes ah yes this is somewh new their name is maguer oh that's a wow that's a that's quite a name sir it is but it hides the fact that they are a frail old man maguer this is Jimmy howd to do sir I've heard much of your exploits young Jimmy you um I do not know you or what you have done but these Toms you have provided are invaluable and you have earned the respect of my companions which is Quite a feat indeed so I'll just awkwardly not him and leave the room wait wait wait they're invaluable like is there perhaps enough money to help us rebuild the the the the foaming mug no uh sure don't go what do you mean sorry uh losing signal uh leaving a[Laughter] tunnel uh will follow behind medication and so you all leave Jimmy and tappy to rest what are you what are you thinking now as your your friend has been returned to family and these items that had that were left behind presumingly by the pudding King are now in your possession kind of perhaps giving you uh odd links to either where they had been or what they had what are the three of you thinking now we should talk we can come up with steps next but yeah we we've had enough interactions with other people that have been awkward as all Abyss I think we need to lay everything out yes we have much to discuss I find that perhaps the words that we have not yet spoken will give me New Perspective that's a rather wise statement I learned it recently a ghost head pops out Winks REM well let's um let's find somewhere quiet and um figure this [ __ ] out you aged you begin looking for uh a place to kind of have some privacy when the three of you hear a whistle and you look up to see the small horned and tailed child of Vlad um who stands near a CO a corner and kind of like flicks their head and you see a door just beyond them that they open up and um kind of just end up crouching down on their hunches looking at the three of you well that will do will it not I think that's perfect thank you Vlad remind me Vlad um Vlad has like a person that they can look like and a wormling yes so they are a wormling that has been taught how to parti Al almost polymorph themselves to look somewhat more humanoid like um but them being so young and um uneducated they're unable to like finalize the process so they still have these these deep red eyes and their hair and their skin looks kind of like Ashy and dark black and you can see these small horns kind of picking up through the the kind of bushel of hair and then they have this longer very worm like tail that follows them Vlad would you join us sure and he walks inside after the three of you I'm wearing like a little hidey hole Yeah you find yourselves um in a similar room that you had been in Sila it's it's like a store room um you you see that there's barrels and crates um there's a couple racks where some older looking weapons are hung um but you find that there's uh more than enough space for all of you to kind of find a spot to either sit or stand and I am imagine this room is just awkward tension lightning yeah you know um describe to me like yeah go ahead I was just going to say it feels like constipation like the room is like emotional constipation emotionally constip oh if you oh the episode has to be emotional constipation Sam once again you're breaking your SEO something fierce yeah I I bet like Sila goes and leans against a large barrel and his like arms crossed yeah Artemis is probably like turned around a chair backwards and is sitting on it and zel who knows could just be like twirling his staff in his hands I'm curious silence first exactly and then Vlad has reverted into wormling form and has like climbed on top of another a number of like crates and boxes and just folds their for Limbs and puts their head upon them very much like a cat just watching you on can see their tail is just kind of flicking can do they speak telepathically like this Vlad yeah yeah they can they can actually speak telepathically but they can also speak uh common oh okay okay got it yeah I like emis is like seated with um the half of Dawn's Edge just like supporting up like like propping up his chin uh safel has has done this song and dance before so he's going to uh he's going to take his staff he's going to take his his bag from off his shoulder he's going to uh plop it in the center of the room and he's going to back up to a wall uh and he is going to sit it's got a bomb get it no s sil's also not wearing any armor I will just say that cuz I lost it all and he stab no uh vulnerable yeah no and and he is going to sit against the wall after leaving his things in the center of the room so it seems like I am creating the most tension here I am open you have questions you have concerns let me assuage them I think there's like still that like awkward silence you just he's just making dead contact dead eye contact with Sila he he knows the the relationship here and he's just waiting for when she's ready when you fell from the bridge sael tell me what your first decision was after the fall was complete I assume you're you're referring to yes well my first decision was that I needed to figure out what had happened to me before I returned to you all in potentially put you in danger you were worried for us I was why when I fell I died I would hope that is not a secret I was brought back by a opportunistic onlooker uh a entity that this Mortal realm knows as orcus he a demon Prince an intelligent one a scheming one perhaps the most intelligent and he he spoke to me as if he had done me a favor and it was one that owed recompense I am not a puppet I will have you know that there is no scenario where my eyes glaze over and a Demon Lord uses my body to kill you in your sleep but he has errands that he would like me to run he has information he thinks I am useful enough to gain and so that is what he said to me I am not forced or compelled to complete those things in in any particular way in any particular time frame as far as I am aware and he is intelligent enough to know that I would like to and am trying to defy him at any given chance so there is an understanding but to be completely honest the situation is still quite new and I the options of alleviating myself of the situation are not within close grasp you understand why this would be difficult of course I do so you finally understand why I left what if you do not complete the task I assume he will not be happy but as to as to his actions beyond that point I can only speculate are you in communication not frequent he has spoken to me I have reached out with varying success uh I think Sila is like um contemplating everything that like it's just kind of dead silence again it is hard to believe that a demon Prince would be outwitted by you I surprisingly I don't have enough ego to say that's what's happening or what then you agree you are dangerous I've always been dangerous that's why I've been useful as are you as is emus extremely and Sila if you doubt his ability to hold back he has hold back the inclination of his current species well enough uh and the armaz is going to throw the um the Ooze shroud on the ground before Sila if you wish to test your metal try on the shroud it is pledged to jubil uh he who made the pudding King both pudding and King contains great power one that I cannot personally use uh I think Sila like is like looking at starer as he says this and then she's going to look to spel safel has had his eyebrow raised at Artemis since he threw it and like a what the [ __ ] are you doing power is Temptation is it not power is a tool often diminished by Temptation no power is the Temptation the only temptation uh I think Sila now is like staring down star callar um yes yes Lay Your Eyes Upon me they have not left since the pudding King got into my head say your peace we met in a pursuit of power but I have long believed that it is how you wield that power which determines your success you would wield power to enslave I would wield power to crush chaos and its nency I would bring order where there is disorder I would March to the very Gates of the nine Hells or the bleeding doors of pandemonium and you would trample all those in your way yes I do not Savor the falling of my allies you have had sainted fellows fall at your side it is part of battle it can be no more prevented than stopping the leaves from falling things happen star collar but I have not wished my friends to die for the sake of mission the the fear I have with your philosophy I am all for using tools and power available to accomplish goals you speak of order you speak of crushing chaos those are things defined by perspective you can justify any action by saying you were creating order restoring balance eliminating Evil all you need is for the people you speak to to agree with your perspective of what those uncomprehensible subjects are the pudding King thought he was ding out Justice how is what you say different other than we agree with your current goal your truths are as malleable as ooze seel by your very definitions the pudding King was a hero and we the villains all a matter of perspective correct whose story are you the villain starer I he like takes a deep breath and kind of like leans back Dawns Edge no longer on his chin but instead like propped up almost like a cane I came to the underd dark to burn menzo barazan to the ground to crush those spider loving slavers in in their web I would have been their nightmare would that I not found the demons that pollute these tunnels and it would be their nightmares that I inhabit you do not have to like my philosophy but it has served me well it has served you well and he looks um very closely at um Sila we have made every choice that we have made together and it looks at seel in search of our next objective drawing ourselves one step closer to ridding this place of the the Demonic filth that possess it if you're asking me if I am some sort of villain in my own eyes absolutely not but if you're expecting a hero's welcome from me on the surface you are likewise mistaken hey have one question that will bring me some about as much pieace as can be derived from this I am not one to judge means and I myself have wrestled and come to peace with the idea that good men will not survive down here we fight monsters and only monsters kill monsters but are you capable of assessing yourself for the moment you step too far if the chance if the choice between saving your soul and those around you in completing some goal that will be distant to you tomorrow will you pause at that choice or do you only know the path your wordss are as honeyed as they are Byzantine seel things are not so complicated strength overall the strong Rises until there is a stronger to unseed them you grow mightier and meet the challenge or you fall everything else is a fantasy everything else is as malleable as the pudding King and twice his slippery there is might and there is right hard pause for a moment Andrew I think it's a really good moment to go into your flashback thank God will a I got to take a piss but I'm listening listen and post just[Music] fine especially because you used some of the words that like brought forth that memory I think it's a really good moment to like Drop That in all right um then do you are you going to read it or do you want me to read it that's entirely up to you I that's that's your choice if you want me to or if you if you want to share it um yeah I I'll share it um if it sounds like dooo garbage then we'll have you uh du and post we'll cut it never will okay yep we see a much younger star Coller sitting in a foul mixture of mud and blood his hand trembles of the fallen short sword at his side he trembles as he looks up at the hulking dark figure with a jagged scar over his left eye aramis's own Uncle diogenes Pride leader of the broken Throne nightstalkers dases dieses among the bones and Gore of his most recent Slaughter on the outskirts of the black d Plains exulting in the sweet stench of death around him the bones of Leaning Pride members mingling with Noles in a hyena viscero you see my dear aramus this is the joy that comes of battle this is the joy that comes of blessed Slaughter his eyes are light and alive in the fires burning around him someday it will be your turn to raise the howl of the hunt it will be yours to seek the blood of our enemies as di Ain speaks he crosses the spoiled Glade and dips his hands in the empty sockets of a skull he spreads the gore across armas's face anointing him Uncle why why why why did you do this why do do we do this emis in tones pitifully because child diyes answers we are strong and they are weak it is only right that we should strike them down this is the first and only law of this life and the next remember this and now now diogenes has snatched up artemis' sword and broken it over his knee fear is the Ultimate Weapon use it to douse the flame of Hope and you will win Victory before the blade can be drawn he plunges the Broken Blade into an inferno that was once a home renting it out hot and etches a mark upon artemis's shoulder Artemis screams attempting to recoil from his uncle but is unable to retreat rooted with fear diogenes crouches and looks his nephew in his eyes seeing the delicious fear etched across his features witness my teachings learn them well for if you are to survive in this God bleached world It Is by strength and strength alone crush your enemies allow No Quarter douse the flame of Hope such it can never burn again this is our way this is your birth right this is by The Code by which we live and die witness me timus do not forget do not forgive give mat passes through artemis's mind as he stands there and he says there is right and there is might you can trust me by your side but do not hesitate we strive towards a goal a goal more important than any of our lives lives would you have demons raging across the underd dark ripping apart more cities would you hesitate uh and he does give a sharp look at Sila when these people need saving or would you strike down our enemies our goals may be the same but our methods will differ at some point at some point you and I will disagree and when that happens I will not hesitate to strike AR Miss's smile grows a little wider and he flicks you the Ring of radiant protection oh[ __ ] good wow you should be ready for I will not freeze in that moment uh I think there's like a a flicker of cold that burst through the blade at her back oh you will I well I had feared our alliance shaded but I can see the forge of this experience will see us stronger than ever before hardened into the steel needed for the task at hand as for the Shroud either of you may have it I again literally cannot use it it's not just a fash why does it require good alignment no it sprouts a bunch of[ __ ] eyeballs that can't be closed and my main weapon is pure light and I will blind myself and be entirely useless actually couldn't think of it you should probably all not use that CU why I thought you were used to your radiant light making your companions useless yeah right it was a flawed build okay it needed to be exposed Sila I think uh will step forward and reach down to pick up the cloak okay I'll uh throw it in your inventory there so you can when she see all its Dark Secrets when she goes to pick it up though I think she like she bends down and star callar can't see her face but she looks up spel and it's this moment of like I'm trusting you to tell me if I shouldn't Touch This like can I I don't think I can send we can okay how does vlad's uh telepathy work or like the the telepathic speech is it like a one-way Channel or is it any of us can hear it at any time that's entirely up to him if he wants you all to hear he'll connect with you all if he wants to speak with someone individually he will only speak to one but like if you are contacting him telepathically I would say it's only to him that he will like you and him will be the only ones that hear so I'm going to make eye contact with Vlad and I'm just going to think to him let her know what is useful but unknowingly dark and I cannot reach its depths h it Bears a large amount of Unholy Magics within it and this one and kind of like nods his snout towards theel has already been claimed and cannot reach such depths uh she nods and picks it up and immediately puts it in the bag of holding okay you feel that that gross oozing kind of rubbery feeling as you put it in there and it's like as it slides off of your hand you can feel it it's like it's almost alive and like the tendrils cling to you as it slowly sinks into the bag um so is going to look to Sila I know you hold a lot of anger towards me and I do not blame you and right now it it's hard to trust what I am and I cannot fault you for that either but I have always been a monster but I want I need you I thought both to know that although it was cruel every choice I made on and after that bridge was because I cared about you both and I didn't trust me either sael you are not a monster you are playing The Hop that fate has gifted you you're honing in into something deadly that you might use for your own ends and there is no shame in that and here is where we disagree if Deon came to me in the form of Sue I would feel no differently I understand what happened to you I understand that you are fighting it I simply don't believe you are strong enough prove me wrong I'll do even better help me I would never turn down a hand offered then we are I'm quite wise a ghost told me that peekaboo taks his head in flies out emist um like [ __ ] is that not like super abruptly but like deliberately stands up um holds out the half of Dawn's Edge um to the point betwix sael himself and Sila let us make a compact then that together we will fight to be our better selves as we break the hearts of those who would make a worse world I believe at this we can all agree at that much we agree agreed do you put your staff in the middle I do not I think um I think we the awkwardness of this is going to break me this is just like all manly and like this we could do and he's and then he looks over come on come on like no I'm holding my arm out like a [ __ ] idiot come on think don't leave me hanging bro I think In This Moment Like sefel like refuses but I think Sila she'll pull caliburn symbolic indeed my staff to be fair is still in the middle of the room just work over to the staff that's just standing on its own and like touch it then go get it seel no I'm good right here [ __ ] [ __ ] Vlad you want it on this uh Vlad looks at you you all you see Sila and emis like Crossing blades and the staff just kind of betwix everybody and Cel standing there doing his creepy seel thing and Vlad very like Chesire catlike just has like this odd reptilian like grin and it's just like so if the secrets have been let out and alliances are once again made what's the plan and we'll catch up next time oh boy howdy was that a release of emotional constipation well that's just a high quality content you come to find here at the madness table YouTube page don't forget to like comment and subscribe send it to your friends send it to your mom don't send it to your dad he wouldn't approve uh and come on down to our Discord it's where the party is it's where um I think the kids say the most lit memes be I'm not sure I'm over 30 um anyway that's enough for me my back hurts and it's pass by bedtime see you next time wow bye everybody