hello and welcome and welcome to another very special episode of bonus action here at the madness table well all your questions are answered and all the secrets are revealed at least the ones you remember to send us on the Discord please join the Discord uh for the madness table this is Andrew Walker um joined here by Mr Brandon PRL Mr William Johnson and Miss Samantha and there she goes all right this time we are talking the kingdom of Ember Arc that's episode's about 51 to 68 so close to Glory um so brief summary we end uh with the heroic death of the obvious main character of our story Indigo honeydew hbe name um the part rules important stuff uh the party finds themselves in the company of one archus star collar and the scale guard heading off to a place called the kingdom of Ember that we guys know pretty well during this Arc it is after all what we named The Arc after uh but after we meet with king baltier um we make our way to a a a nearby tomb find an extremely op magic weapon Dawn's Edge um and fight off some baddies before we head um off for some Shenanigans around the city getting to know its inhabitants a little bit better uh we end up gaining some new allies opening up some new Mysteries and then foring our path Into the Heart of den Karen and a demonic cult therein it's a wild little ride here so let's let's get into it uh we're going to start off a question from Mr Johnson himself um can you tell us a little bit about how you came up with the kingdom this is our first like large large scale Homebrew element we've had locals we've had characters but this is a whole City a whole Kingdom if yeah uh well this this was a super fast because I think I think we had recorded the fall like the immediate fall of indigo and then we we were doing a double that night and it was the first episode and like the whole time during the second episode I was like holy smokes we just lost Indigo and we have to record another episode like immediately um and then you and I got talking and you you told me this idea for this Paladin and I was like oh that's awesome and I really wanted to explore some more of the um underd dark races that aren't talked about in this this adventure path and Cobalts came to mind and I was kind of tired of the whole where you know weak nasty Little Creatures I was like all right let's totally go to the flip side let's make them high and mighty um and then I think I had actually said it to you Andrew or I had mentioned it to a friend I was like I'm gonna go almost like Renaissance level of like or not Renaissance but uh like a ren a Renaissance Fair level of just nightly Fashions and all sorts of stuff and so it started as a joke but then I got really into it and I love this idea of this uh humanoid lion just walking amongst these mini lizard dragons and uh fitting in so perfectly after everything that he went through um and I felt I also felt too that the party needed something um something resembling kind of like a safe haven because from the moment you begin this book you are always in danger you're just trying to survive you are you know they they ask or they suggested DMS at the beginning like none of your player characters should be like races from the underd dark so there you have no idea of anything that's really down here and so to give I wanted to give the party something that was calmer but still introduced a different underd dark race and um a little more elaborate so that's where it started I'm curious to hear more about your creation of star callar Andrew absolutely um as we have kind of been discovering um through our our our playthrough um as we now passed um in Real Time episodes um 100 or so um starlar has a bit of a darker Edge to him um but you know he is kind of at his best and brightest um in the Kingdom of Ember um and when I was making him I wanted to make a character that was different from Indigo um I remember early on there was a few moments of indigo where like my my instincts as a player and his instincts as a character were very much at odds like there's times where he is snuck up you know on like the Hag on the island and like has a clean shot before hostilities actually break but he's not the kind of guy to shoot the first shot um so he doesn't and I wanted to play characters a little bit different um Indigo had just died I was looking for something that also had a little bit of Versatility so I was thinking Paladin um so I would have a little bit of offensive capability as also some healing abilities in case because the party didn't have an obvious healer at that point um because Sue had already bit the lava as well um kind of a twofer there um and uh I just rewatched Lion King 2 and played a lot of um Call of Duty and I was like what if Kovu was Ghost Kovu that was his name yes yes and I also wanted to um every time I make a a character I try to do something I've never done before um so I I had never played a paladin before I almost always shy away from playing non like non Neuman humanoids um I don't I I usually don't like to play things don't look terribly lot like people um so Al Le was a big jump for me um and to kind of you know line King Edge as well as I love the um the the dting roar effect um is a really fun mechanical bit to add with a conquest Paladin who kind of relies on fear uh which as we we delve deeper into the the darker recesses of star crawler's personality that's very much kind of um um so a nice bit of synergy there the daunting Roar that's never worked it has not once worked but one day one day will one day it one day when it's not used against a Demon Lord you know eventually eventually I'm GNA find someone who looks real bad at wisdom saves and that's I'm going to hit him here we go yeah fair enough uh and our next question actually comes from a listener um it's actually a a little C for will and I um will where did you spring this beatric idea like what where did this come from because the the question as asked one of our Discord users uh Saka was did you spring beatress on Andrew or was it pre-planned um and I it was not pre-planned absolutely not I was a total surprise on Andrew and it was uh legitimately just I wanted to uh fck with Andrew a little bit because I think if I remember correctly going back through I had sent you guys before we had begun like a checklist of things you were okay with and not okay with and I think the one thing that like just about everybody except for maybe Andrew if I'm remembering right had checked on was like inner party romance was not interested but I think Andrew hadn't checked that one okay or not he was like yes yes and so I can't believe you guys don't want to make for tend smooch me I mean Andrew beatric is there man you just got to get back to the kingdom we we'll dive I ain't I ain't afraid to role play when I found that form I didn't know you guys at all true Sam you didn't you didn't know especially and now she knows us so there's a big red cross AC absolutely not that's a no um she's like it went from I'm not sure to absolutely [ __ ] not absolutely yes uh so yeah it was mostly I just wanted to mess with Andrew um a lot and then I I also like Andrew I'm like what have I not done before what is just what's a good gag in this moment and it it stuck and it worked and Andrew was has been a great player about it yeah nothing El I'm always down for H Jinks and I also say for me um I really like this idea um that's this HDs to our next question so I'll ask that then I'll get back to to beist who I always come back to um question was was the creature that attacked star C Nile's crew in his background like was it gistro yes it was uh because when I was talking to will I was like I want a character who has a connection to the demon plot but isn't like a cut and Pac like like member of like the party and so I want a character who who came down to dark for completely different reasons came down willingly but on a different Quest and just got swide swiped by The Rage of demons U which I assume must be happening to a lot of people who come down to the underd dark now is that is a huge as we've known multiple Demon Lord layer threat um so yes it was a Grist because I asked will what what you know demon could I have fought and he's like I guess you could have a gistro so um I was like all right that that's a that's a good enough get that's a that's a that's a a stat block that I wouldn't be too surprised wiped out a bunch of level three Advent well it was also the thing too of like you were like here's this uh Conquest Paladin coming from this particular culture and your background and stuff like that and I didn't want it to be I like I wanted to give your former party a good like ending and something that you would be like one of these days I'm going to take that minitar bastard down kind of a thing yeah he didn't get taken down by a couple of imps like it was a worthy fight to L absolutely yeah yeah U but like getting back to beatric like this this like with the gistro uh this totally shattered like the idea that you know arabus had of being down here um and I want to show also that he kind of grew in this Cobalt Society like that's kind of where his his Rogue levels come from you know this is he's kind of retrained how he is going to fight this war um and he's also Fallen a bit in love with parts of the underd dark um beatric being part of that uh before we move on from uh you know allowing you to talk about yourself Andrew um one best I do have sort of a mechanical question about your your star caller creation I'm always curious was there a pressure for you to make a paladin or some sort of healing class where we did just lose the party cleric was that like something you were heavily influenced by or or you able to sort of uh not be so heavily seded by the party makeup I I I am nearly always um the person who picks their class last in a party CU I love party cohesion um and it also takes the pressure off of me of choosing what I actually want um so I was definitely thinking like we need a Healer but also thinking that a lot of times Indigo wasn't doing like a lot of healing sure um so maybe just someone who who like Lura in those bad moments could you know drop a little um Healing Hands on um it's like hey star caller has cure wounds packed has he used it I don't think so but it's you know it's the last ditch because I mean also in 5 combat your your action is almost always better spent attacking defending unless you got that you know healing word in your back pocket right fair enough and I mean also I need those spell slots they're for smiting they're for SM the the allout assault plan that you guys have as a party makeup has served you well so far you know the the alive members well defense anytime yeah always attack never defend um so after we met with our our Cobalt monarchs our first kind of quest in their name um was the tomb that provided the theater for the trials of Dawn's Edge um which was a nasty bit of uh like Undead combat um and personally one of my favorite I want to say like hood winkings of a trap that I've yet seen um and I I want Sam and brenon to speak about this um if me serves this is seel's first coldblooded brain slurp um that also Sil was like hey you want to you know maybe suck all this mummified brain so we don't open this chest by accident yeah um Sam where did this absolutely mad idea come from and then Brendan uh how you feel about really getting down to that ithd nature when this happened I I still remember um like in my head I was like there's organs in those jars no and then I was like well are there any brains in those jars and he didn't pick up on it yet and he was like yeah absolutely there's a brain in there I was like oh you [ __ ] up it was just like I think you literally had said there are organs in there and I'm always thinking about like um that ability for seel because it it really has given us huge amounts of information every time no I I was honestly totally uh shocked that you initiated that like like I I am uh very frequently the like [ __ ] [ __ ] up push the boundaries kind of person that's like yeah I'm going to MCH some brain on that jar 3,000 year old brains hit me up dude uh but no to have have somebody else uh like especially Sila sort of initiate that action uh was absolutely insane well Sila Sila's like perfect for that because she she doesn't like uh she like pretends to be like a normal person and like in mind this is like rain man get in there yeah this is you eat this eat it yeah no the the choice that you made in in Sila's creation to have her be like totally lack Nuance to just be like like straight up what you see is what you get has led to so many good moments um she's ailia medila with a really high strength score and we cherish her yes a um love that yeah I I mean it was such a um I think my shock was definitely felt a little bit by safel as someone who is not you know he was still getting used to this ability at the time he was still very much fighting if it was even okay to to like it was sort of a thought crime at that point for him to be like hey is it okay if I eat a brain in front of you guys um so to have it suggested by another party member was of like one of those moments uh in Sila's you know not not even early time with the party but like one of those earlier moments where he was like oh like you you you look at things differently um yeah but it was weird it I think it was actually the first like voluntary choice of this doesn't have to be what we do but we're choosing to do it yeah uh so yeah I it it was weird it was definitely a turning point mhm absolutely and will as someone who had a gnarly trap it seems waiting for us uh how piss were you that sevel brain sucked his way out of it I was so[ __ ] mad but also but also so proud because I gave Brenan that ability and then I was like oh yeah it'll be cool it'll be fun and it was the first instance of game breaking and I was like [ __ ] I think I I can't remember if it got left in the episode at this moment but I I'm pretty sure I was like God damn it I like I totally lost it um which is so funny too because like seel when you talk to me about that ability like it was a big conversation when we decided seel was a mind flayer of of you being like how deep do you want to go here like how mind flare do you want to go and it was always something that I I was pushing against um so I'm I'm very glad that when I embraced it it was to your detriment and you know I actually flipped back into the book where the Lost Tomb is here because I don't know if I ever told you guys the effects that would have occurred with that trap had you not eaten the brain and had that information but um it it's called The False tomb and if you were to have opened the sarcophagus it triggers a magic mouth spell and like this voice calls out and it says you have Disturbed the tomb of brises of kahim accursed are you most miserable of creatures and all of you would have had to make a dc15 Charisma saving throw and on a failure the creature is cursed with disadvantage on attack roles and saving throws um and the creature can repeat the saving throw after 24 hours ending the effect on itself with a successful save otherwise a remove curse spell ends this effects um and then it's like if you had gone on and destroyed The Wraith later on um it would have ended the effect anyways but like it potentially could have gotten really bad and made that relatively easy fight later on uh much more difficult so you you really skipped a big one there uh so good job that that would have been rough it would have made it much harder for me to claim what is to date my favorite magic item apart from the deck of many things ever gotten in a game um did you know that she would be this like powerful and like definitive for like oris's build um is she based on an item from the book and would you give it to us again uh I would 100% give it to you again it in is this the Lost Tomb is actually one of the early sub Adventures of three that they give and there's two others that I haven't used yet um that can come up later because they're even like you can throw these in later as a random encounter kind of a thing um and I had no like I had plans for this one to come up early because it's a suggestion too of like if your party starts losing a lot of NPCs early on that's supposed to help them with these really difficult fights you could throw the Lost Tomb at them and give them this weapon as a means of you know uh being more balanced and however uh it's the thing is is she was supposed to be known as dawnbringer and she was a sunblade just a regular sunblade however I was like I want to do more flavor-wise um so I made her an Axe and I was like well well Don Brer sounds cool but I want to make something that's more fitting for the axe so uh I I figured Don's Edge was cool but she she does come with like the full personality and I think you guys figured out or maybe you you never realized but you remember that there was a voice calling out to you all before yeah that was her calling to you guys drawing you into the tomb um but yeah I I didn't at the time when I was getting this all prepared that uh what a powerful fraking combo it was going to be for you later um but it's very fitting and I I love it and I also expected far more of a fight between you and Sila over her possession as well I I will say I did feel guilty claiming it um but you know na have caliber and so it all worked out uh I got to tell you at the time I mean I love I love weapons but like they're not the thing that I'm like I have to have it like I think they're awesome and I love the idea of it but ultimately it just wasn't I think I also had just gotten like I really loved my Trident at the time like it was yeah felt a little more like matching of her whole aesthetic for the Trident it's true yeah you you had a a a fantastic theme going and you were sticking to it and I was it it was great mhm heck yeah I think on our way out of the Tomb Brenda I think this is your first use of polarity shift and perhaps your only use of polarity is this your first custom spell in the game so it was actually not my first use of it I had used it one time before uh although I it was like very offand um it nothing like we didn't really say anything about it but yeah so polarity shift is the first spell that I created um it is a it's it's purely a utility spell it can't be used in combat it is a similar uh spell to spider climb the actual utility of it in uh sort of being synchronized to the gravit turgy wizard I needed I wanted to flavor it that way so basically what it does is it changes your gravitational anchor you choose a surface that you can see and that is the surface that gravity natur naturally pulls you towards um and but there there is the downside to that like you can't change it on a whim like if you were to pass a hole on a wall you would fall into that hole as if it was on the ground um so it was just sort of an interesting thing I was playing with the bounds of of gravit tury magic will and I have a couple other uh spells that we've sort of pitched back and forth but a lot of them have hit the back burner at this point um I'd like to get back to that at some point but yeah yeah polarity shift was my first love that very nice you never forget your first spell you don't uh as as we you know you know new spell in the off thing and new weapon U we head back to the inner Kingdom where um we got you know a look at you know the great Kingdom of of Ember and and the City of didn't care itself got to explore a little bit and U we had a little bit of Midnight Madness where we thought we're were getting a long rest in instead and got into trouble uh which we so often do um Sam you got to battle another Marshall Powerhouse here yeah and ended up rather literally dropping the elbow on them from the top rope yeah um how did it feel to go toe for toe blow for blow with this Barbarian call it westl Mania yeah westl Mania oh my God that's so good [ __ ] we got to go back yeah I got to rename change the episode and post it's fine I that was so fun that will set that up because it was like I truly got to play around with all my like battle Maneuvers and particularly Shield Master because usually like in all the combats we've had since then like it's difficult to use the shield um because I've got all these other like things going on and and so in that moment it was truly just like Shield Master getting right in there uh I was really nervous though uh will will had talked it up I was like get my ass kicked you played it you played it so well though um cuz I was like yeah this this should be uh a good CR solo encounter for you and then you just mop the floor with them uh which was so fitting cuz I I also was like I've always wondered too I'm like if a barbarian or a fighter were to go Toe to Toe who would come out on top you know uh and to me you said fighter fighter clearly so yeah hell yeah well and that was also when your um one of your most popular Tik toks hit will oh yeah yeah I don't know the movie that's from but it was so good I I don't remember what that movie is either but I remember seeing the clip and I was dying for hours afterwards because it's exact the Tik Tok I later made that's all that came to mind everyone if you're listening to this you got to check out the manisable on Tik Tok and it's one of the pinned it's actually the first pinned Tik Tok yeah it's our biggest one I think besides uh how does your wizard learn their spells oh yeah brain yeah yeah oh God no that was a good that was a good fight it was fun damn um one of our more mysterious areas and was was this ruined quarter that we got a peek at a little bit later but brenon you had been talking about like getting yourself in there and doing some exploration for the longest time um Y what did it take to hold yourself back until we handled business it was hard it it was really hard and a lot of it came down to the lore uh surrounding the area that King biter had had passed along to us if it had been something as simple as like yeah I'm going to walk down to the libr and do some research that's one thing but this was clearly an area that was entrenched in a lot of you know history in the city um it had a very ominous nature to it and not least of which obviously the the gate that no one could get through um so yeah it was very much a and I actually remember you know in those episodes chomping at the bit to get in there and it just being okay when we finish this thing we go right like what at we get rid of the the monster in the springs and then we go to the ruins that's the next thing um yeah no he he always sort of had like his head on a swivel looking at that area nice and after our our little sojourn and exploration we got our new um wlem Mania um companion and then we headed into the Springs where we um fought my least favorite aberration um slad which I thought was going to be the worst thing but it wasn't we had an aspect of thua also I will also point out uh will bad guy falling into a pool and coming out as a dark Avatar is again exactly the end of act two of balers Gate 3 how did you hack laran servers to get this info yeah uh you guys don't know this but now I can say it because you know they've won all the Game of the Year Awards and such uh I I was their ghost rer oh oh that's cool cool I'm glad you did nothing with that money to help out the Pod listen listen I got an old house sh Renovations okay sure um sure when are you starting those uh no no I've invested in property for everybody here in the podcast so you can all move closer o you know what he put it in Bitcoin before the fall he's he he's too much of a coward to say it uh no I I I don't know there's been a weird amount of coincidences and lately too I've like someone else mentioned it to me and I was like yeah I should really go back through all my previous notes before balers Gate 3 came out and make sure it doesn't sound like I'm ripping them off because it'll probably be two years from now by the time we wrap up and it'll be like Jesus Christ he just everything from balers gate what the[ __ ] is this guy just playing Boulder's game so you guys you know you can just buy the game right is Sila anger just the dark urge what the [ __ ] man yeah you all three the dark urge with these characters that's true true that we're the dark three is a Tik Tok anyway um speaking of you know getting after it um at this moment when we first saw the aspect of thua sagua yeaha um we had two distinct reactions Sam sil's hesitation to engage the big toad has led to some gorgeous character development down the stretch and some Eerie kind of reverberations of her her encounter with deeon was this all intentional like what like gets Inside the Mind of this creative genius creative the truth Sam's personal Terror it can be both this you don't understand like as a player I know nothing about demon princes and Demon Lords sometimes it's a prince and we don't want to fight them other times it's something that we can take down and frankly they're all terrifying so in this moment I was like we're not fighting that yeah we had a lot of talks about that especially in the next section when when Zuck Moy come yeah exactly yeah and then yall were like now we're going in and I was like okay so I was like yeah Sil just had this like flashback to dayon in my mind I was like this is a bad idea no thank you Ember yeah on the other side of the coin seel had a [ __ ] it we ball attitude in this fight which is kind of the opposite of y classic seel yeah what changed uh so I actually it's it's very funny I I read this question and I I had to go back and listen because I was like yeah I did what the [ __ ] was up with that it's not sell we traded no so what I remember uh and what I listened to I highlighted very much at the beginning of that that this was sort of the beginning of of seel's um sort of cracking the The Logical uh exterior and starting to give into emotion and rage and sort of the um his his emotional reactions to the lack of control that he had had up until that point and there was a bit that I a bit of um you know mental thought process that I went through where he was remembering the beach of sloid doop with demogorgan storming the beach when he had developed the the short-term Madness of not being able to speak which rendered him useless he couldn't cast spells he couldn't do anything and it was the anger remembering the last time something like this had happened where he had no control where he couldn't do anything and people got hurt um so so it was sort of a first moment of rage for cfel it wasn't actually there wasn't a plan or l it was I'm not going think I said this I I won't uh I'm not going to lose control again yeah um was sort of the thought there translation [ __ ] it we ball yeah and it ended up being a hell of a fight I ended up on top of that dang toe Sila carried that fight which was the funniest thing Silo ran away and ended up doing most of the work it's it's also where Sila began to develop her like signature move which is teleport on top plunge attack Dark Souls Style just on top of everybody that classic dimension door action surge you know yeah yeah yeah absolutely if the shoe fits wear it my guy no yeah you guys were doing great what was it it was stool and we that were just at the feet of the aspect of s and while the rest of you I think it was like Star caller with the the gaus ballista at the time peppering it sel's launching spells and then Sila's riding the whip ese essentially just taking out the eyes which beautiful Play Beautiful play that's fun a beautiful time and I also think will this might have been about when you um were like maybe we need to revisit this gal ballista phenomena I was like yeah he I me I was like it'll be okay and then I was like[ __ ] it's not okay it's not okay it's a broken weapon and then you add Divine favor and it becomes untenable yeah fun fact that that episode titled uh battle at the springs is I think the first and the only sense uh episode where I have referenced seel's staff by name oh really yeah I think you're right yeah yeah seel staff has a name and I can I only think I have used it in that one fight what's the name Celestia who Celestia interesting it's fun how you all have like a named item now too so s's got caliburn uh star collar's got Don's Edge you sael have Celestia uh it's fun I didn't think about that but I like that yeah uh oh I have a question for you guys uh this is totally off the cuff what did you did you think when you were going it down into the battle of the Springs like you had some baller moments even before the big bad um one of my favorite and I'm like this will lead into like a greater question of like what is your singular favorite moment within this Arc but I think one of my favorite moments when you guys were like oh wait a minute we have dynamite and just started blowing [ __ ] up left we've had that thought multiple times throughout the podcast yeah oh yeah we have Dynamite that's guys we have bombs wait a minute Sue gave us those yeah that was and what was crazy about that is like it was the first time we used it so it was like uncovering like the radius of it and everything and I remember us being like Oh that big yeah we went to use it we were like we should leave the room real quick back up yeah yeah yeah I think uh oh man who fell a couple of you fell deaf because of the noise I think I I think one was definitely me but for me it didn't really matter yeah oh no that was that was my one of my favorite item usages to date uh was you guys were just like oh yeah Dynamite it's just the fighter of dynamite and things happen most slad tadp explode that's right I loved the um the pools of the tadp I thought that was like so interesting um especially for silla being Aquatic and then one of my favorite things was that you let me use my um wall of water as a jet propeller get me out that was great and it made perfect sense because I could swim up it um but it was like it was just that was that was very cool I I personally have a lot of internal conflict cuz like as a only logic rules lawyer [ __ ] when when will pulls rule of cool [ __ ] because it's like that shouldn't work but I'm so glad it did that was me too I was like got technically that was amazing magic you know it do be like that yeah speaking of magic uh after our Victory we head it off to the fabled ruin section and um got to chat with a certain wizard named sagak for the first time but not the last um you also you gave away the dragon egg yeah I did I did do that I'm not saying I'm against I am I'm saying I mean I mean Sam said it enough for the both of you I think how we keep ending up a dragon egg down yeah I know I cannot I cannot claim fault for the first uh that was purely no that was the Blue Man Group that was a choice by will that they had taken the bag and when we got it back the egg was gone I had no control over that scenario um the second one I have no excuses second what was me yeah no that was purely for personal gain uh he he dangled the carrot and I gave away the kingdom but for those who watch for it all worked out in the end so it's fine All Is Forgiven well last yeah yeah not not much not much is really about that last one yeah um and forgives but she never forgets that's right she doesn't forgive either so good luck no it's true luckily emis forgets because intelligence score is very low yes um thinking of things that slip like AR Miss's memory um will there's a lot going on in those mids that we just barely Glimpse uh are there any just like loose secrets that you just want to leave like a little breadcrumb Trail the truth for us yeah I mean you guys aren't going to dump this back in the episode log right where people are going to listen to this before they catch up to where we are currently correct it'll happen like after it'll happen after 100 so so I can I can let this loose then since uh spoiler alert spoiler alert spoiler aler please cut that Sam yeah no truly spoiler alerts listen to the[Music] solo um The Mists if for those of you that have listened to it those are so sarak is a deep Dragon um who spicy yeah they event they have this fungal breath and they are um like any dragon they have a a certain type of uh horde that they cultivate which for deep dragons is like magical knowledge and art and artifacts and various types of things like that and with their fungal breath um and some of their innate magic abilities they can use that to both like terrify people or[ __ ] with their mind um and so I loved the idea of this and they like deep dragons also like next to like to be next to water or like to be close to civilizations as almost living as part of a symbiotic relationship but I love this idea of there being this this ancient deep Dragon who had a connection to a character's past that wasn't necessarily star caller um because like really the kingdom of emper came up because of star caller's creation um and then Brendan didn't know like hardly any of his backstory for his character he was like oh let's do Amnesia we're going to do the whole mind flare thing and so I came up with the rest of his background um so The Mists are spores that sarak releases to prevent uh essentially unwanted guests from getting too close to his Tower and his uh horde um so yeah that's what was going on there not that the the history that you had gleaned and learned was false um because there was a bunch of stuff that happened in in the past long long ago and that is explained in those episodes as well yeah you created a lot of layers it was like things are true but not the whole picture yeah it's like you have to have the full perspective to put it together and I think uh it's funny that you make that point I feel like especially with this most recent Arc that's what you guys are starting to learn is like everything's got more layers than you think in this in this uh Adventure path yeah you heard it here first folks if you don't want about your character's backstory just say Amnesia the character death Without Really Trying uh be Brendan be lazy uh we had this this final question comes to us from um Discord user sakaa there are a lot of good RP moments in the city of Embers um did anyone have any particular favorites oh God for me it's grumbles yes hilarious is it really wow yes grumbles the little Cobalt the crazy prophecy guy yeah we ran around yelling out like the Deep King did Andy things to like attract him to us and then I think was sail like knocks the tinf foil hat off his head and then he gets his like wild like Professor trones like yeah scade of actual prophecy and then like yeah he like grabbed my head or something and like went on this huge I need to listen back to that I forget what he said oh yeah we heard prophecies might be important something about Giants Giants yeah which is Will loves Giants oh [ __ ] I do love Giants dragons and Giants man love them one of one of my favorite moments was when we came back from the Battle of the Springs I think before we went to the ruins um sael decid or or figured out that he could connect with people telepathically at least through some connection that maybe sarak had enabled and he connected to a dream that Sila was having where she was reliving the moment where she was running away from the fight uh and I remember that because he he sort of saw that saw her her fear and through the dream offered you know told her that that she had saved them that she was the reason that they were still alive um which was a very cool like human meta moment for seel so I I really enjoyed that personally yeah uh for me it was all the interactions with weth after the battle of like we were in the um the banquet hall and it was just like a food fight happening with W that's right so just some like good like downtime moments there I yeah those those were very good you know what uh didn't come up in these questions was cuz it's one of those parts that I'm like I wish I had done more because of like my uh failure there is the trial because you guys had gone down into the mindes you fought the hag you came back but there was like the rich um oh my God why am I blanking on his name I made him but the like the uh Merchant Miner he was the the mine owner and all I can think is dimatic because we've been so around them yeah um who was like well it's your fault that The Hags even here like oh yeah you you owe these people for the lives lost for the damages that you brought to this city um and we just left and you and you took off and I I remember we still owe Den Karen like 2,000 gold each I think yeah oh yeah left before they could get the money from us yeah because because you you you leaned on The King and I really wanted to drag out that whole trial process but you guys were very good about being like I'm not risking bullshitting your way and then you were like King hello King save sa your Springs excuse me excuse me I possibly yeah um and then you guys got out of there and I was like so looking forward cuz I was like oh this isn't something we have Haven done in any of our games before is like a trial and then it was just done I was like what how can I let this happen I remember being eager for a trial as well but I did think it was the right call to just go yeah no you guys did great you got out of there it could have been it could have gotten really ugly in games as in life if there's ever a chance to avoid legal action take it well well so yeah so we went up like we did go on trial and they were deciding our like that's where they decided you know x amount of money is going to be paid but it was like so we can stick around the town and they can hate us and and throw things at us and whatever we're like maybe we should give them some space right uh I did actually find funny enough I was digging through my notes trying to find the mine owner's name uh and I found grumbles prophecy uh so it was uh God just handwriting or your note taking no I lost it again so uh no it was uh Giants Giants find the horde of wealth an army a wizard seeking great power Just Like Screaming uh a lot of that to me now seems like it is referring to at least either history or present tense of sarak and perhaps a little SEL um but the Giants part you know might come out lat we met one giant we did we met the dreamer so curious curious It's all connected all connected q q uh paranoid Always Sunny meme yeah um yeah abely well I think that is enough Secrets exposed for this episode of bonus action thank you so much for listening in for a little secet uh and remember if you want have questions if you put them into our Discord we are legally obligated to answer them so come on down write it down and we'll see you next time and if you're still here it's because you're on YouTube in which I would inspire you please like follow subscribe do the things look at the stuff anything send it to your mom send it to your uncle don't send it to your dad I remember what he said last time please please please we're counting on you you keep us going and have a great rest of your Diggity day just tell me you're proud of me dad no