hello and welcome to the madness table I'm Andrew Walker using my soft inside voice after I was told that if I yell too loud it's bad for audio quality we're going to have a great time today as we do some Adventure stuff and maybe one of us Dies who knows it's the madness table that's right and if you have questions like oh Why will why God why log onto our Discord and ask him he is legally obligated to answer all questions ass in bonus action content that do not contain major spoil LS for the players and fans so log on in like subscribe and let William Johnston take you away back to you will I went from fireside chat to ASMR real quick and you know what I'm so here for it those o o Andrew Andrew you can talk me to sleep any day Mr Walker Mr Walker you're really working on that steamy non-erotic scene that people are going to make fan art about who said anything about non-erotic I felt I had to say that because Sam's mom's listening and I don't want her to get the wrong impression of me sorry really not you mean you don't want her to get the right impression of you that's correct yes well uh man I just I gotta follow up those those smooth buttery tones um you won't I won't and so I can't even try but last time you all were somewhat resting licking your wounds celebrating within what remains of Bon Stone's people um all hold up in the Maze kind of the the original Entry Way um for anybody trying to make their way into the City and eventually you all kind of regathered began speaking with each other you learned that Jimmy had not returned yet and as you had gathered up search parties and you open the main gates into the city proper you found him covered in slime wounds and blood uh awaiting you with his horribly Beed up mithil Skillet and two odd Toms in a ring now reunited with his mother he is just fine and everybody is quite surprised with how uh daring he was you have holed yourselves up in this closet where you talked a bit about what happened and what what you learned of each other um from the pudding King delving into your minds and kind of re-evaluating as a group and your priorities and where you stand to an extent and we ended with Vlad in his uh smaller Dragonoid form asking you all what's the next steps so it's still the evening of the battle you have not long rested you last time um a couple important things you had figured out what that robe was Sila had spoken to grave Warden uh burrow Warden Jagger not grave Warden um and learned a few things and the Knight is still yours what are we feeling well as we we have come to a um at least somewhat of a piece uh within the party um a ceasefire if you will indeed well now that we have agreed that we will continue adventure together and um let us say that we will strike out to find more allies um I believe we should resupply and prepare ourselves to depart I do not think we should long Terry here um I I think it would only uh serve our enemies purposes he's there what is the next destination there were a few places that the king of Ember had had originally suggested to us there's of course grle stug we' have not returned to um I thought you were not allowed back there I'm not allowed in a lot of places that that doesn't mean I don't go fair enough I would prefer not to backtrack too much I believe that we have a a mission ahead of us as much as I would like to return and see those who we have left behind I think we should continue forward perhaps to this gondal Grim it was mentioned to me by the burough War as a place near the surface that senny had sent a convoy yes G To Grim I I have heard of this place um I will be frank I I wish to see the surface again but not to stay there I I wish to Bass Dawn's Edge in the Morning Light once more um and then return to our task but I think there are important allies that we can um gain in gal grim and perhaps above as well DM does um what do we know of gal Grim just as a civilization uh sounds like some history checks I'll give you a history check give me the history check I will not give you that done it before you can all roll I I'll help someone I'll help I'll help sell and I I know G GM is a very important gnomish city and there are many waterfalls within it and by that you're I'm helpful because you know all the things I'm saying are wrong and thus you will pick different ones it's like activating the the naysay part of my brain it's like that is not correct I need uh uh 26 five 26 five makes sense that Sila would have no knowledge uh all right sael you you know of gal Grim as an A Very Old some would even say ancient Dwarven City uh and it was once the capital of an old dwarvish Empire however it was lost uh many hundreds of years ago and has only been recently reclaimed by King Bruno battlehammer and this city was built at least upon the surface from what you can see on a truly massive scale uh you've heard legendary stories of it with many of the doorways supposedly large enough that even full grown or even ancient dragons could pass through them and much of its construction was made from Iron mithil Stone and uh many of its of its ways and operations are conducted with um tremendous machinery and Magics unlike many cities today or even other Dwarven cities that continue to stand so the fact that it's been um re populated or is being repopulated under this this Dwarven King uh is an incredible Fe because it had been torn apart by Dr oogs Orcs um and the uh the gray dwarfs as well so everybody had a piece into the city because not only does it rest upon the surface it acts almost like if you guys guys were to picture an iceberg the smallest part is on the surface and even that is considered massive so it stretches down deep into the under darkar as well oh would share that uh yes yeah at least[Music] the it's all kind of History so yeah he would okay yes that sounds like there might be a mighty Ally and perhaps this um battle Hammer might be one to our cause wishing to um you know ensure the the the safety of their Kingdom excellent s does that work work for you I mean it's not uh not grle stug so that's a a point in its favor yes yes I am I feel as though it is our next step to attend to a city that has a connection which we know here which is SNY perhaps she can give us something to um help our favor in meeting someone kind to us however I am leery of returning to the surface should we reach the city well it would be your first time right yeah I am lary of going to the reach the city yes um I thought that was your your sworn quest in the name of your departed comrade Indigo it was at that however I now find myself hesitant to bring you to the surface starer it seems that perhaps you have a aggressive side that I do not wish to uh unleash on those unwilling on the surface so it has come to my attention that perhaps we should not you you do realize I am from the surface yes H I do and it hasn't you know crossed your mind that perhaps it is the surface that molded me into the force of pure divine retribution that I am now I would say yes that is part of the problem excellent we'll cross that bridge when we get to it huh so I we we should go and we should meet those who have connections with senny and perhaps we travel to the surface your your logic might be slightly unsound but I find myself agreeing I too would like to remain as close to the underd dark as possible as disgusting a sentence as that is simply because so much has occurred down here so much darkness is active at every moment I find myself unwilling to remove myself from the information of what is going on should we step away sure I I think there's logic there as well but I think we can gain strength beneath the Sun's light and also who to say this is not happening above ground as well we do not know we do we don't I know nothing of the surface so I don't know wise words I I must admit there is also a part of me that wishes to expose as few people as possible to this conflict we of course need allies we need Powers but the fewer people that get dragged into the abyss the better it feels like containment if we can stop it here we should if we need resources outside I will not turn them down but I will not ask people not yet involved in it to give up everything if I cannot offer them security from what we already have indeed it falls to us to give everything as you say but that's I suppose we get the best of both worlds with GLE Grim we get the connection to the surface with the survival instincts and manufacturers of the under dark we shall see what it has to offer and should we need to go further we will but we should assess once we are there very well this is a solid plan I also would not want to stay here much longer I do not think no inde I I have but a brief bit of business and then I am too ready to leave perhaps is perhaps we meet at midday tomorrow yes yes take your time wrap up what you need and rest do you I have not been here um I don't assume the relationship but do you need to tell your new friend where you're going or oh yeah take I oh don't worry I will be speaking to him he has an important part yet to play as he has one fewer limbs I find him to be less of an asset oh no I just need his hammer um he has a magic hammer I need to fix my magic gun no that's fair forgot about that I will come with you to see him very well I have a feeling that I should allow you to attend to that bit of business on your own I don't want to impose myself but um shall we at the a good idea I will begin to make preparations where where should I meet you yes perhaps[Music] the uh the city Gates the ones that we um found Jimmy at is that should we that that goes into the city center we're in the Maze now should we meet with senny to figure out more of gal Grim before we depart how about this we meet midday with senny we handled every business we need before then and then right after we talk to her we just get out of time peace I think that's what seel was saying that we should meet with SNY at it's okay sometimes sometimes you have to let the peons reach reach the conclusions by themselves they feel better about it what is a PE on not the thing you think it might be literally I'll explain it to you on the road uh I look over at um it's wait it's dra name no Ivan's Vlad Vlad Vlad I was like different yeah other Transylvanian name yeah I just like gesture towards like I I give like um Vlad the check out this guy like like thumb towards he doesn't even know what a peon[Applause] is uh roll an Insight check not my best but not my worst it's an eight 13 okay uh you like you do that gesture and you look away Sila you look over after just like briefly like just hearing the tail end of that and you look at Vlad and you see Vlad just like Huff some smoke and roll his eyeball at Star That's my boy um but he he's also got a little bit of a grin on his face all right I um Vlad let's find a quiet spot and and prepare ourselves for the journey and let these two to wrap up what they need unless you would prefer to get out and see some things as long as you're careful this is a quiet spot for me I might dally here on these crates a while longer before pondering about the place I'll find you when I'm ready can you swim Vlad I can I would like to do that with youtime it's not my favorite but uh we I can try it with you it would be fun uh and then I think I'm gonna head out with starer okay uh all right let's let's do some Hester business then because that's going to require all of us again yep so as you guys leave this store room and you start venturing back out into kind of like the general populace here you you find that just about everything is quieted down most people have either settled around their campfires or have moved off into other store rooms and you can like see through open doors that people have stacked up crates and boxes to form like tiers of beds and bunk beds of sorts um but everything's pretty quiet not everybody's uh fully asle s there's some stragglers moving about um go ahead and make perception[Applause] checks uh n 20 24 nice 19 nice so Hester the last time we saw them had kind of been mustered off with I believe it was Nomi um to see if anybody in the ston heart Enclave had the means of regenerating your limb um but I think when you guys spot him you see him sitting alone actually um towards towards the far Northern kind of Arc here if you're on Roll 20 um I'm gon to move lad's token to where Hester is oh nope there's Hester's token up to the Northwest from where you all were um alone kind of with his own settled camp and what do we see Hester doing uh I think Hester is sort of um he's sort of been in deep pondering uh going over you know he used his energy he you know kept on this bright face to help set up the celebration for the people because they needed it but there's still a lot of um you know grief and pain and Misfortune to process uh and I think he's sort of allowed himself to do that last so I think he's just been sort of on his own um processing and sort of letting things come to rest sure as you guys are approaching you see that he is still missing his arm however it is bandaged and salved um what do you guys do ah eser well met how do you fear hello all my good limbs are working fine so I thank thank the smooth hands for another day I suppose yeah may we join you for a moment of course um AR will go sit down next to him yeah Sila is also uh Sila's intent here is to be a bit of a babysitter um from the last time that she was with both of them and it was a little tense tense mhm so she'll said um I'm glad to hear that you are well um have you had any luck finding um a Healer well the um the people at The Enclave are doing their best and I think n is still trying to reach out and figure out but but they patched me up the best they could and I'm already feeling a little better but perhaps a friend is still here she could assist that's actually a very good idea I don't really know what their capabilities are but certainly something to inquire but I indeed I am I like to think of myself an optimist but I I feel like I have to plan for this thing not coming back you know so I guess I just have to figure out what that means yes and what what do you think will become of the city now do you think these two halves can make a hole I think we have a better shot than we've ever had I hope so I think I think seni and ship grin have got the the nerve to make something work if they uh if their attitudes follow suit but um I don't know I worry these people have been through a lot indeed um soon we must leave you we will joury on to um gal Grim I believe and seek of more allies for the fight to come unfortunately hlex is not the only demonic thre R well as you as you well know oh that that makes sense and you got your friend back which the hell of a lot better than I thought you would wind up when I found you yes he is not dead anymore that's a big that's a big get friend is a statement which carries a lot of meaning I would not say it quite yet but he is back all right that was suitably ominous great I was merely making sure you were correct perhaps these things mean different things for you and for me would you call me a friend uh star caller like looks you in the eyes and like slowly Smiles well yes Silla we have based in the shared blood of battle we have stood by one another I dare say we have each saved the other's life more than once if that is not a friend I I suppose I don't know what is interesting Hester I am sorry we must leave you here no that's honestly I I've been trying to figure out how to talk to you I I was going to stay um I don't know if there was going to be any invitation where I'm kind of a[ __ ] at the moment uh so so forgive me for being presumptuous I I've done a lot of work and spent a lot of time trying to get these people to where I think we're we're right at the precipice and I need if there's any chance that I can help push them over that edge I have to see what I can do it is good that you have such purpose and they will need you here you will be invalu invaluable to them in the time to come but yes your lack of one limb did affect our decision I appreciate your honesty as always always but do not worry Hester the demon threat is not going anywhere and will continue to be a clear and present day danger to your life and life of all around you for the foreseeable future so don't worry we will have need of you again I um I look forward to the day that those battles come indeed but until then I'm very glad that you're leaving not as as a personal thing uh it could be a per not a personal thing this we could all just use break interesting I'm sure I have no idea what you mean because I don't but I do have a a favor to ask okay do you remember when we met with Miss kohoot about fixing my ballista device vaguely well we uh she asked us she said the only way she could be sure that if we came back with L sky for for's Hammer you currently hold that hammer[ __ ] I I was going to tell you the only way the only way that they could give me back my arm was melting down a powerful artifact oh a beans you hate to see it so so I handed that over I really no I'm I'm I'm just I'm just kidding uh and I am I am glad I was going to kill you and that still wouldn't have fixed your gun and he pulls out the hammer and hands it to star collar all right starer you have the the hammer and um make no mistake I I will bring this back I I just must first see if Miss K fooot is you know alive and also still smithing well um I I wish you both the best and I do truly mean I I look forward to the day we fight the hordes again it was certainly the most exhilarating time of my life so far it has been a pleasure friend Hester star Coller indeed our caller stands up Sila if if I can offer some friendly advice of course I again presume nothing of your relationships and I know you have your you have a very particular way of viewing the world that I've I've come to cherish but um friendship is a weird thing and it's it's not defined by the lack of hurting each other although you wish it was it's it's when laughter around a campfire covers up the hurt I um you have given me much to ponder I don't know what it is I have heard by I enjoyed hearing it that doesn't surprise me at all anyway good luck luck y'all I will um see you around the tunnels quite so yes and star callar will will stride off and Sila will follow him back okay uh you two leave Hester there and you start making your way back into the throngs of everybody are you you searching for this Smith you searching for senny are you what what are you two doing um I are you going to rest or I actually want to see the Smith um or I basically I want to I want to buy some gear I don't know if it's best to go to the Smith I don't think A Smith could probably do what I need before we leave right so I probably just want to go buy something okay all right uh but you two want to generally find the Smith or maybe somebody who has some things that you might be able to buy off of them yeah I want to at least see if make sure the Smith is alive and see if they can do what I want done okay uh seel what have you been doing in the meantime just resting uh sael I think is just trying to like it's a little bit of resting and a little bit of like trying to deepen his connection with Vlad like there was a very brief like he's literally known Vlad for cumulatively like a couple of hours uh between you know [ __ ] off from the tower and then leaving him to go do battle um so I think just sort of yeah mostly resting but also trying to deepen that connection a bit okay um you quickly find it's like they are very much like the equivalent of a 13-year-old um who they're already bored of me yeah essentially like they're already Moody like you're you're trying I imagine it's like so what kind of things do you like don't talk to me you know 20 Questions what's your favorite color and Vlad is just like smoking nostrils is just like not even paying attention to almost like the equivalent of putting in headphones and like Turning Away um and you you get this sense that something did myth him sure whether it be from the group or you yeah you're not entirely sure but like definitely upset okay um let's quickly jump to Star CER and Sila though uh both of you another perception or investigation check uh 14 investigation 14 okay 19 perception nice uh you don't see the Smithy uh however as you're kind of moving through the thongs of people you do find n me uh know me path shutter who is tending to a number of shrouded bodies actually um what do you do um Miss pth sha um you see your straighten up turn around uh uh Mr starcaller a pleasure to see you againa we are um seeking Miss K foot um do you know if she is about um just a moment and you see she actually pulls out like a clipboard of sorts and she is going through a long list of names and she flips through a couple pages and she goes ah yes unfortunately they are no longer with us um they have passed was there something that you needed from her though um we do have a collection of her some of her belongings oh no I I was hoping uh for her expertise in fact she um was hopeful that um she could repair an item for me uh if we recover the hammer of legendary Smith liy Sky forger uh and that is when Sila feels a very cold presence kind of like hit their shoulder and Sila you look over and you see it's bro Warden Jagger and he's like floating through you guys and turns around in front of starer and goes what is this of L Sky forger that you have found oh yes well we found his secret uh Forge uh with its many um other worldly uh I don't know mechan you found her Forge where in this blasted tunnel scape was it well see you take three turns and go left and he describes about where it is so that is how they did it after all these years it turns out right behind the foaming mug yes yeah we were always quite curious how they managed to disappear and appear quite quickly whenever danger arrived within the city and you did you find her a ghost were you able to put her spirit to rest was she still amongst us um you know actually great question never found her how fascinating that this is the case so it is not her that we seek to to end our continued existence here but what is what is it of her her Forge or Miss coold foot he's like looking over at Nomi oh what of this what Aid did you require uh s caller just pulls out the hammer and pulls out his dented uh gista well as you can see this should be straight but it's curved and but this is Li's Hammer so I was hoping that you know we just hit it a few times and then it would be straight again I have not seen that weapon in a very very long time yeah it's really cool I mean look at this and he SAR throws it and then presumably comes back to his hand I hope uh you're not ATT tuned to it so you throw it and it just dink dink and you hear somebody in the background ow oh perhaps you are not proficient I I don't think that could possibly be the problem stard picks up the hammer yeah you go over to the injured person who's like got already got a concussion he's like God damn man throwing that that's my bad and then I like pull the Gish head and like pump three points of lay on hands into him oh uh thanks uh I guess stay stay frosty little guy sure you can actually see there's like a ring of Frost from the the point where it hit and bruised him um that's think it's pretty pretty pretty good at being a weapon I guess you you come back and Jagger um kind of floats up to you to meet you par way and goes you know um we always wondered how she had conducted her experiments her her craftting ing in secret you know it only took her what a fortnight to create and assemble our our greater Stone armor that we wore something that we thought should be impossible by any normal smithing smithing manner or process she she did not use a normal process my friend now she made use of a um a metallic a Aon that was infused with the spirit of an ephr how fascinating but if that is the case how could you not would you could you not activate the automaton and see if it could repair your weapon couldn't figure it out also didn't try to figure it out I was almost immediately unconscious as a matter of fact I would suggest that you try and awaken this automaton if you require forging Aid I do know seni has sent for help from gal Grim she has not received a returned missive as of yet from her Runners perhaps in due time and in such time you can conduct what experiments you may and uh uh Awakening this figure indeed Perhaps Perhaps that is a good use of our time well well silly want to come or do you have other stuff you want to do I am interested in purchasing weapons and armor is that something that this Smith can assist with or should I head to the trader grot well the only current living Smithy is now no longer amongst the living living so that is rather unfortunate um great scarcity yes there is a uh a few Merchants remaining and we have pulled what we can from the battlefield um some things however remain lost into the Ooze infested infested Halls Beyond you can try with them or perhaps if there's something you need created and your friend can awaken this automaton perhaps they can help you I will assist you star Coler very good um should we attempt to find um the smart one I mean SEL um something tells me he would not be interested in this yeah and we could probably figure out ourselves come s let us enrich the bond of our friendship come I have suddenly changed my mind I think perhaps we should find cel was it was it the middle[Laughter] finger um all right so you guys head back and sael is in with Vlad and uh here's a quick question though sure who's got the ephr gem uh I thought Hester put it back in the thing like the the automaton oh that's ah no you didn't no no we didn't have time C cuz we rested and he was like trying to figure some stuff out but but we rested and then the lights got all [ __ ] and he was like oh we gotta go so I think Hester still has it okay so we want to go back and get that and then go yeah hey h um it's us again okay what's up well it turns out um Miss K foot's dead so I was wondering if we could have the uh iFit gem to perhaps awaken the metallic guardian of the forge after everything that we just went through you would like me to hand you the gem that has an a fre precariously trapped inside of it the gem that is mechanically inclined and you could [ __ ] with it very easily I would like you to hand me the gem I would also like to hand Sila the gem have it your way all right let's go find the squid man the Dragon Boy we can sort this fire up Hester puts it in Sila's hand and just goes under no circumstances does he touch that Gem of course not I would not never dream of it dear God let's go find seel Excellent all our friends together again sir isn't it Grand and Hester just say something Hester just stares at a wall pondering the horror that he may have just Unleashed into the world again well you you gather up sael then sael I'm sorry to interrupt this awkward silence you're having with this teenage Dragon but we have a exciting um mouth seel puts up a very long uh finger as he is you he gave up on the talking uh as you walk in he's actually uh he has Pages just like strewn about the floor uh of like segments of room combinations and has been like copying and scribing and uh combining and so there's just a very scribbled Inky mess on uh pieces of parchment uh as he's been experimenting do you produce this ink yourself I can't just ask people who prod own ink Andrew me on the same do you think that I am a squid I am not sure how mine fers work exactly I we don't think you can actually hear Vlad like rumbling laugh at all of this I mean are you sure you don't ink you are fairly new at the whole being a mind flare thing perhaps you haven't Inked yet I I don't accent may I may I squeeze you show them that tentacle thing you did where you you sprawled them out and you started writing with your different tentacles on the paper that is an instinctive skill that I am still a little sub I'm still a little conscious of uh anyway did you sorry what about the blacksmith ah yes they're dead we're going to make a new one out of a metal thing and a Shiny Rock I need context right now all right we'll do it on the way come on okay glad we're going on an adventure would you like to come see a metal thing in a Shiny Rock I don't need your permission and yes uh Vlad gets up and like catlike high tail in the air prances by sael flicking it until they're like up against star callar and Sila I don't know what's going on but I like this Dragon Boy uh all right so you guys get outside the the inner gates leading into the city proper and it is dark it is kind of sketchy and you have this Eerie feeling as you can feel the like the palpable measure of death that has occurred here like has anybody here set foot on like an old Battlefield here in the US like a Civil War battlefield um for me my my greatest example is like Gettysburg like holy smokes like you can just feel it it's like that and I need everybody to roll stealth checks because you know these Halls are still infested to a degree seven okay also seven 18 okay uh uh so emis up at the the head here kind of one uh Vlad got a 16 actually not bad um you're a little bit louder and I assume that's because safel is probably like taking a little bit longer and Sila is kind of like almost tucking at tugging at his robes like come on we don't have time to to look down every Corridor because seel hasn't seen much of the city sure that's fair but eventually you make your way to the tavern you do have to make a couple stops uh peering around corners because you see or hear like the movement of ooes and you eventually find that secret tunnel and a few hours later you find your SE exiting out of that kind of tighter Corridor into the halls in Chambers of lry Sky forgers uh hidden home you see that the lights have returned to a green color and as you walk into the large Smithy you see the large and smaller anvils you see the giant Forge the Bellows the tables The Scorch marks and that hunched over automaton rusted and pitted uh in humanoid shape what do you guys do saal this is where we were is this where starer bit it yes I did not bite anything I was unconscious for a short time yes anyway oh um this is the gem that we have been told lights the um go individual here and she will hand you the the gem uh do I get any what is the read I get off of this gem like it's nature doing detect magic or are you just G to do like a straight up Arcana check I just I was just thinking a straight up Arcana to begin with okay rule it uh that's balls but I'm really good at things uh and I'm going to use a knowledge okay um only a 15 okay um you can feel heat emanating off of the gem that is still uh open and not surrounded by the metal rhombus and you can almost as you look into the gem you can almost see like the swirling within it that seems to to look like swirling flame and you almost feel like you for a moment see something of like a figure within um but it radiates h a very very large amount of power off of it just straight kind of unchanneled power but you feel like in this this metal container it is uh it's that almost acts like a conduit or a means of channeling that energy you said this was um you trapped in a fre in here that we did is I was asleep for that poot is there anything suggesting that socketing this inside of the automaton would simply give the AF control of the object you're asking us I don't know what you gleaned I'm I'm just trying to figure out a baseline um I would say potentially well I mean if liri used it it couldn't have operated in that way at the time do do you know exactly how ly used this no but I'm saying if you know the the the if wasn't like happy to see us you know so if ly had like trapped it there they must have had some way of controlling it sure well I mean if you think there's a a high probability that this goes horribly arai we could do it in the morning uh well I was going to point out that we are [ __ ] stupid stupid and came here uh before resting uh so you sleep right here there is a potential this goes terrible and I am useless to you um I'm going to does anybody have identify no I mean I have it I have to cast it as a ritual H something nags at your subconscious to do it okay [ __ ] it 11 minutes later ritual ritual and you learn two things about this okay one it acts as a magical Arcane engine of but two the gem within it acts as nef freti bottle which to anybody that knows anything about that if you were to free the afit it has the potential to serve you in some sort of way now as to what that could be it's uncertain you've heard reports that the afit has turned on those that have freed it you have learned that uh it can serve you for a short period of time and some have even been able to get wishes is from the afit so we could just like wish away all our problems and then we just like close the door and the wish spell has uh it has many limitations limitations but as as soon as sael gleans that though he's just thinking of his the basically the two ways he knows to detach from Marcus you have gone quiet sorry uh there's did any of you bother talking to the arit to before the combat ensued um tried to strike a bargain with it perhaps I did not it was pretty much immediately attacking very hostile he's it's it's a it's entirely dependent on temperament and probably innumerable factors but there have been stories of creatures of this kind granting wishes to those who free them from containment and if you would permit me to tell you more of my scenario the two ways that I can be separated from orcus that I am currently aware of are killing him and they wish spell Which is far beyond my reach what sorts of things other things can a wish spell do it can give you currency it can there are some instances however documented of high consequence of individuals wishing certain events had never occurred um there are limitations it it's very fickle and very specific um if you are not careful with the wording of your wish things can go horribly wrong but it's versatile if you know how to use it but this is assuming that this is the kind of a fre who would who would do such a thing I simply wanted to put that into the world well there's also the option we release him and he turns on us again I would like to have a nap before that might happen I would as well shall we rest here for an hour and then give it a go I'm at more like eight hours but yeah I have nothing I have I have hit points and that's it so it's like y'all are weak yeah must be nice to hit stuff oh it is so just so our options are out there we can place this in the automaton assuming it works the way that we think it does which we have the most information pointing towards we fix star collar's gun and we are on our way we also have the option of releasing this of fre and seeing the scenario that that creates but there are no guarantees in that scenario could we not create a fixed Stoller gun and then release the AIT it's potential we could assuming this a has some sort of knowledge of its scenario we could use it for this purpose as a bargaining chip to release it but that might harm our chances of gaining wishes from it can we can we talk to it before we release it uh I will I will stare at the gem uh can can you hear and respond to outside speech Mr afit uh you're just speaking to this gem in common uh I'm just asking for clarification that's all would I know better uh I think when it all went down I was the only one that could understand it right Am I Wrong uh you spoke primordial correct yeah I ALS sael knows primordial so it's a question of would he know to use that tongue for this I that you roll a straight up uh you roll an Insight or a straight intelligence check uh Intelligence being like the last time I spoke to this individual was when okay I I got a dirty 20 for straight intelligence uh okay uh you what you know of a frits is that they're very proud and evil creatures um so if you want to for lack of a better word charm this creature into working with you this extremely powerful creature and potentially granting your wishes uh as part of the group that captured it you'll have to do some Supreme sucking up to it um and one of the ways you could do that is by addressing it formally in primordial However the fact that it's inside a gem you need some way of transcending boundaries whether that be telepathically or some other type of spell perhaps that allows you to communicate almost as if far away oh I got you know so many spells like so many spells all the spells all the damn spells okay let's see all the damn spells then just casat wish yourself magic boy uh magic man I didn't say all the levels I said all the[Laughter] Spells uh um oh that's actually a good point did you send me the stuff for um oh shoot I didn't add for the spell books you [ __ ] flip back to that actually so let's see here yeah we we can we can do that off air because it's not going to matter I like I literally don't have spell slots um so yeah there's some there's some spells that would allow you to communicate but you don't have straight up telepathy no nope okay um cool all right then yeah uh no there's some spells within the books that you could try to transcribe with some coin and stuff like that to uh to learn and then use okay so to come back to the point that we were already at we need to rest yes I can I can speak to this creature I can attempt to talk it onto in work our way into its favor that is going to be incredibly difficult considering that you already put it away which means star caller your pride will have to take a back seat when we are conversing with it yeah I'm I'm good at that what if star caller and myself were out of the room that's an option what if you told him that you killed us I have a feeling it would not believe that deception is not hold on why would it not believe it well it is simply that if you look at myself in star collar we have strong abilities and you saw me have disintegrate an aspect of of a never mind anyway I have more hit points than[Laughter][Music] you so we rest I can transcribe some spells from the books that Jimmy found to try to talk to it it may be wise for you two to leave the room room at least at first and I can call you if necessary agreed but I think we start with a rest okay I think that is good so you all I'm assuming you hunker down here within the forge where there's the Old Stone bed and at least some mooms of comfort unless you go back to the city no no right here was fine yeah all right then you settle down for a long rest and everybody can mark that yay uh[Music] SEL remind me what it costs you to learn a new spell from a source I believe it is 100 gold pieces and well so I have special ink well yeah that that I had stocked up on at one point and will I worked out like creating some so the materials to scribe are not an issue at the moment ah so you can make your own ink squid convenient no not not with mine I believe it is I want to say it's 50 gold pieces and an hour per level of spell okay uh where is that sorry just confirming what level because it actually doesn't say it don't I'm also confirming that I am not okay so this would be you would essentially be having the spell sending uh it's of third level and it's of evocation so that would be 300 gold to learn for you no hold on for each level of spell the process takes two hours and costs 50 GP so it would be 60 or sorry six hours and 150 gold pieces okay for sending well thankfully it doesn't take you a full eight hours to Long rest no it does not you all settle in for a long rest and seel after you rise essentially from yours you begin uh learning this spell so go ahead and mark the gold off of your sheet and you now have the spell sending now you've all I'm assuming moved into L's old bed Chambers instead of all residing within the forge correct yeah it seems a little little little homier there for for old star CER if I will move your tokens on Roll 20 Cel are you going to conduct this communication and possible release within the forge or you going to do it within the small mine or back in like the old kitchenpantry what are you thinking I think well so having known its scenario I'm sure like they filled me in on on the thing on the way in I don't know if doing it in the Forge would be a good idea because I would be freeing it in its place of you know captivity and servitude uh so I don't think that's the best idea so I think I would probably step out into the larger like Southern M sections of this this place and um so like out where the mine carts are yeah mhm all right let's see it spell boy do you guys have any words before sael leaves as you all eventually rise uh before this communic occurs well SEL good luck and remember just say that you killed Sila first and then me and I was much more difficult to hurt lying is not something that you should ever partake in and when you are participating in this Gambit and it goes poorly just scream I will be listening fair enough I will be watching for when s is listening sounds fantastic I feel like that you like turn to leave and start CW like leans Ina wait do you really not not believe in lying lying is one of my top 10 skills to be honest I have learned this about you recently and it is drastically lowered my impression of you that either means you're good at it or you don't have at least 10 things you're good at[Laughter] yes all right Cel you move to the southern area here into these mines and you have this gem in hand how does this go do I as part of the identification would I have learned the means of releasing it from the gem you would know that you would have to uh separate it from the metal housing essentially and then you would have to essentially just will for the eff fre to be free from the gem okay I am going almost like a magic lamp you know like rub it three times you know like I wish I wish I wish kind of a thing it's essentially that that's what you would have to do to release it not necessarily only communicate with it I am not going to use sending okay I am going to open up the housing and remove the gem it kind of spiral unlocks and you see the gem kind of rise up a little bit till you can pull it out and I'm going to uh do I have to be touching the gem to will it out uh unless you have another means okay uh so I'm going to hold the gem I'm going to will it released and and then once it starts to releasee I'm going to place it on the floor and I'm going to uh step back and kneel in subjugation yo how interesting you rub this Gem and you see like from the kind of like sharpest facet of it smoke and you can smell like campfire smoke and then like what smells of like a bonfire and more smoke continues to pour out and you put it down and it just eventually becomes this blazing Inferno that just lighting up this entire Cavern away from you mind these Jets of flame until eventually smoke just covers everything and this large figure comes leaping out of the smoke and like grabs you you this large[ __ ] figure and just picks you up and goes who are you and what are you doing here I I will respond to it in primordial oh no oh no keep keep going keep going don't stop I will respond to it in primordial magnificent and Powerful Le freit I have heard that I could release you from from the bindings of that vile Contraption and humbly if you if you would deem me worthy ask for your favors I have I have heard wonderful Tales of of the power and the the reality warping capabilities of of your kind and I simply wish to see if I could sway you to bless me with them roll a persuasion check God I'm so good at those oh okay nobody gave me blessings or anything on the way out did they nope not that kind of Paladin my guy no I liked to go better than you he would hit you out that eagle Splendor for sure for sure s would never have blessed anything that was close to a eye just threw that on the floor holy I lost the D are you shaking so hard cuz you you're you're so scared about what's about to happen yes I'm rolling a different die cuz I can't find where that one went okay all right so it's a it's a 15 plus zero I'm going to use one of my knowledges all right and in the flavor of this as cell is speaking he's going to remember walking uh or more or less running from the the ruins of sloa doop in the wake of Lara dying and being brought back by something and she was talking about this figure this Patron who wouldn't answer who she believed wholeheartedly in uh and he's just sort of using that reverence that she spoke of cenne with to Aid in this this speech okay love that that's a six so 21 21 let's go this AF kind of like had grabbed you by the robes and you are up in the air you're like eye to eye with it and he releases the robes to let go of you but only for the briefest of moment because then it grabs you by the neck and it's got like its thumb and its forefinger like up around your face and he begins tilting you to get like a good look at you and he's like you have been touched creature it's true I am claimed by a vile decrepit power that I am not strong enough to break free of and is this something you would have undone no if you would Grace me it is something I would discuss of course I will consider it if and they point with their other arm back towards the ground mhm if you destroy that vessel I will consider granting you your wish I thank you um I would be remiss to turn down such an offer I have Arcane means to destroy objects although I am unaware of the power of that object are my abilities able to do such a thing or is a greater task needed I do not know I cannot touch it for I will be absorbed within it again very well try whatever you would see it done and I shall Grant your wish and perhaps if you do it speedily enough I will consider another gift very well um he releases you onto the floor okay I'm going[Music] to I will look to him I'm going to inspect the object to try to ascertain what can be done with it so I'm going waves his hand like make haste okay uh so I'm going to hold it again uh would a would an identify or something like detect magic tell me how strong this thing like what means would be needed to destroy it this is without the this is just like a Spell gem essentially as of right now it is so it's not an artifact it could be destroyed with with magical means absolutely it can be destroyed with magical means okay all right uh in that case I am just going to place it on the ground uh and I'm going to it probably need to be a leveled spell if I were to guess yeah it's not going to be a first level that breaks this sure sure sure sure not that attitude let's try actually that's a good idea I'm going to use some charges instead of spell slots um and cast mels minute meteors through Celestia okay and I am just going to launch uh of course over the next uh 18 seconds uh all of those meteors at the gym okay uh you begin launching these meteors or meteorites at this Gem and you can see it's like hopping against off the ground with every explosion and it's like moving about and you see after the end of these meteorites are thrown you go and inspect it and you see that there is a small crack but it isn't broken yet and the af's like more give it more see the Vel broken I'll cast it again you go through another volum and you see the the crack is even larger now but the gem is still together third spell Jesus [ __ ] Christ okay uh I'm not gonna use a fourth not right now all right let's do a scorching Ray at third level which is four what yeah four rays okay total more like spider webbing is beginning to move across this gem but it is still together and the afit is now like up in front of you grabs you once again and goes do you wish to be free then empty yourself into its destruction I wish not to see a speck of it left and he like tosses you down to the ground again trying to I think this works let's cast blight okay talk to me about blight uh it's just 88 necrotic it does more if it's a uh non-magical plant it doesn't work on Undead or constructs um if you target a plant creature or a magical plant Target a yeah it doesn't say anything about specifically magical objects but I guess there is something to be determined in there over why it doesn't work on constructs okay you cast blight and you can see the the gem is starting to turn black in dark and there's like this roing energy within it and it seems to be like ever so slightly crumbling and you feel this sense of dread starting to kind of come over you from within and this horrible Twisted voice that you recall Awakening you once again begins to reach out oh no why what do you think you will accomplish you may possibly free yourself for now would you think you are free you do not think I will find you again in death There Is No Escape From Me consider it a temporary reprieve from service I will see you again and you feel that dread beginning to pull away as finally this Gem shatters and all across the ground is just this faint almost reddish dust that then seemingly becomes smaller and smaller and Fades into the rubble and the afre looks at you and goes you have your wishes and that's where we'll end today yo Immaculate what an incredible end to a wonderful episode Miss sit and Ponder its meanings and how eventually safel will too be screwed by his decisions but until then like follow And subscribe