hey welcome in everybody hey what's up what's up welcome in for our New Year's resolutions episode a little little bonus content for everybody out there and you know what I'm a little dressed up today because it's a dressed up kind of night we're gonna be reviewing all of 2023 in our New Year's resolutions and we're going to be we're going to be setting setting some goals for next year year now just jumping right into this here we didn't do too great did we jents no we sucked no yeah we did real bad yeah and I would I I would go so far as to say that the problem was that we weren't properly motivated but we'll get to that later let's go over our first 2023 New Year's resolutions Jesus like this is like a quarterly review almost yeah this this is where Sam fires us she's this is why the who are theing us right now yeah who are the lowest performers uh sorry you're we'll get to that Jesus so starting out let's go with who wants does anybody want to volunteer let's do it everybody's like me please no we're GNA we're g to [ __ ] on will later uh Brendan yeah you had a few different New Year's resolutions the first was that you wanted to help Shepherd the podcast to 15,000 downloads yeah I I feel like I'm gonna I'm gonna handicap myself here I started at 10 will way over [ __ ] shot me and he hyped me up and I I I got baited yeah who's the greater fool the fool the four fo the fool follower it is I it is I yeah so I what I'll say here is um we ended the year with 10,900 downloads and it'll probably be 11,000 by the time this comes out so yeah you're about 4,000 off I got us well we got 1115s of the way there uh which you know is a solid D D minus yeah yeah yeah I'll take it so um I think we would all agree that Brenda did not make this goal correct no no NOP got it got it y uh next item character goal yeah he wanted seel to survive all of 2023 how do you feel about this Brandon I know how I feel I I would love to win this on a technicality but I feel like I feel like I have to secede to the fact that he did for a very brief period of time die interesting how how does uh how does the group uh feel here did fa yeah saale sailed all right well Brendon that was your two goals you did not make either moving on oh no you had one more I'm so sorry sael crafting three more spells yep you did one uh brandan crafted three spells how do we feel or did they make it into the podcast no but but did I but did I say did I say they get released into the podcast well you didn't say Brendan crafted them you said sael did sure she's got you there that's fair I think I think this is another saale yep all right all right BR uh Brandon I'm so sorry she's even forgetting your name now she's so like who are you I'm totally you know what New Year's resolutions are stupid she thanks Brent moving on yeah wow let's move over to Andrew Andrew well hey there your first resolution to play a scene so spicy it compels listener to create non-erotic fan art yep yep unfortunately all of my fan art was erotic um so yeah going to say the wall that you can't see in here is plastered covered so much so much beus yeah how do you feel Andrew you know I I feel uh I feel as though I failed um I failed because I limited myself to non-erotic Fan Art yeah um and we all know that's my Niche um yeah I I bring a lot of sexual energy to the podcast you do it's true especially that last episode mhm someone's compensating you're second resolution Mike discipline you know I think that I'm going to you know I think this is a win right here because there is no evidence that I failed it and thus because you cut it all out who to say how does the group feel you're who's to say just now kind of blew the mic out so yeah you also need need I need I remind everyone the the episode that we just recorded uh we had to redo the intro of because you started it screaming into the blood curdling screams into the microphone oh I don't know what it is but the uh the Youtube intro is really just unleash a side of me I didn't know I had yeah N I say I'll give him a 50 I'll give him a 50 he's he's learned a little bit yeah yeah yeah so uh as a the the other three of us how do we feel about U mic discipline is that a past fail uh on on a on a grade school rubric I would mark it as needs Improvement it it's it's not a fail but I'm not happy about passing it you it I I concur with this sounds like a fail sounds like a fail to me that's what my dad always said oh God my dad didn't say anything he was dead stop people don't know that they do now Jesus it's bonus content all right oh I'm gonna puke let's go over to will will uh starting with your first goal of 20,000 downloads you dumb[ __ ] now I believe when we set the goal everyone responded with Will that's stupid will I don't think that's a good idea I think I started that chance considering we went from like 3,000 to almost 11,000 that's good growth I not this is not me defending me not hitting 20 20,000 we did hit the 50k views on Tik Tok for that one video um but that's not downloads so I I failed and you did say downloads absolutely absolutely I did thank you you're I think we're all an agree fail although like as an aside let's not downplay on the community side that is an immense amount of growth I'm not excusing will but the community did grow very well and we're very appreciative of that but will failed right right the listeners are not on trial yeah Will is on you guys you guys did great will has too high expectations and I will I will pay for my crimes accordingly I'm sure good good uh your second goal write on DM Guild about the city of diim Karen how'd you do I I I still have uh a week I would argue that's not an answer uh for listening audience it is December 18th today yes so we'll uh hope he has a itchy writing finger cuz he's on are we going to give it to him cuz no because by by that logic safel could craft three spells in the next episode and have a success it's all here though it's all here yeah needs to go on the computer that that's not DM Guild is it buddy yeah it's my DM skill great Arbiter of Justice I I I vote fail fail fail because I'm too busy waiting for this [ __ ] ass podcast and your third goal Sir William to get 50 people on the Discord how we feel yeah uh your honor I think this goes to the people on the Discord not me oh interesting oh are you blaming the listeners wow is this William Elizabeth Johnston blaming the it is now is this William Elizabeth Johnston blaming the viewer so we've got so we've got what 20 23 23 bummer I would have loved to see more people maybe maybe you'll join us next year yeah so I think we're all agreed here fail fail yep it's a horrible fail all right over to myself yeah no wonder you saved yourself for last um first scho Sila will reach the surface fail so uh how's that going there yeah didn't make it you know I'm going to get to this but I really think that it's will Will's fault that this one didn't happen yeah so how how does it feel to tell us to be so close to be scraping at the upper crust of the underd dark but not quite there it's not good kind of feels like right now with his DM skill that's almost you know you know this brings to mind a really good question which is Sil has literally never seen sunlight will she have sunlight sensitivity like most that sounds like a threat yeah it's cuz it is find out next time interesting interesting okay so I think next fail for me fail okay you guys didn't want to speedrun that's all my second goal video content up on YouTube okay all right hey thank you thank you thank you yes I I would say that was a a group effort um in what way Andrew Andrew has amazing intros well now we're on to something um you know other than the screaming you know screaming aside no Brandon you bring up a good point here which is I think we need to revamp our resolutions and that's really what we're going to get to with this bonus content all right okay a lot that we talk about with these resolutions is like ah throw a number out there 15 20,000 no meaning there it doesn't matter if I don't make it no longer friends no longer I have have told some of you about this but not all of you I would like to Institute a process of reward and punishment for New Year's resolutions now I know what you're thinking what kind of rewards Sam what kind of punishments are we talking about that is the question luckily you're all getting punishments so let's post the punishment list now this is going to eventually go in the Discord oh now what I have here is a list of eight items okay is great we roll a d8 and you land on one of these the first item oh the crew picks your outfit for the next recording oh no number two a madness mocktail Okay in which the crew chooses three things which may or may not be in your fridge and you put them together and have to take a drink on screen okay number three the crew writes a text you have to send to your mother oh damn could be just about anything okay number four the crew picks an image or a meme you have to post on Facebook with absolutely zero context no deleting either sorry under our personal account or the madness table account oh your personal account great number five your significant other paints your nails for a week the crew gets to pick the color that's not the worst one no it isn't no I think Abby would have a fun time with that yeah number six we send a prank package incorrectly addressed to your parents oh no I don't know if you've ever seen these but some of them say things like uh gay cruise or like um Ed dildo package sorry we were out of doc your bad dragon dildo will be in the next exactly yes number seven you get to pick your own punishment or number eight we get to pick your punishment okay how are we feeling I feel I feel I feel great so sad the word ambushed comes to mind you were the only one I didn't tell about this coming in seriously hey hey to be fair I didn't know what punishments were coming only Sam was just like hey quick thing reward and punishment for New Year's Eve and I was like the actual[ __ ] now I know what you're thinking Sam these punishments are brutal well we have some rewards should you succeed in your resolutions next year let's take a look at those now the first couple are ingame rewards for your character which will has agreed that he will uh work with us to find something that isn't totally gamebreaking MH you have minor Boon a major Boon rare very rare legendary item a major lore drum dip major lore drop from the DF you uh one of your rewards could be that you pick someone to roll on the punishment wheel uh you get some Madness table swag of your choice um this one I didn't ask you guys about but this reward is the other members of the crew pch in for a little gift card for you everyone on the crew writes a poem about how great you are so sweet um you pick a reward or the crew picks your reward okay if you do well at your resolutions I feel like the punishments are far more severe rewards are I don't know that is how the corporate world works and you have will have all year to succeed at your res we play Dungeons and Dragons you Monster not well enough apparently some of my resolutions are changing currently yeah same yeah so just like I I will not budge from my resolutions however I do have a question um U Miss Conlin um if Will wins who does he give the very rare item to um so I wasn't as worried about getting the rewards ready this time because no one got any so wait no no can't say we cannot roll on these when we were just told about them what do you mean oh we certainly can um also Sam you're the only one to succeed so this is a little self-serving no I I I I think you have to succeed at like all of your resolutions like it's not like multiple punishments it's like clean sweep yeah th this is past fail correct past fail okay we all failed and so with the the full fail are we picking a a punishment for every single fail or is it just one punishment no just one punishment per person that failed right okay it's one fail or one pass it's either one punishment or one reward can I just say if I roll the send a prank package don't make it a dildo to my parents they have many ISS shoes and they would probably die of heart attacks we would never we would we would work with you to pick something that wouldn't cause any heart attacks okay[Laughter] great all right how we feeling let's let's keep it rolling all right first up Bron okay you want to roll a d8 yeah I guess so uh five all right significant other paints your nails for a week hey and we get to pick color great that's right and uh do we have an idea of a color here folks oh we picked the color ooh ooh man I almost wish we could get Abby on the call to be like what you got maybe I I'm just thinking like a shade of red or pink I think that's a pretty I I was thinking red that's something red I was leaning towards like a salmon so I feel like that fits in between the two perfect Sam Sam Danny would be very proud of me for using a different color name than just the I was impressed I was impressed yeah yeah this is great y all right Brandon you have your uh we're gonna need a photo of you at work with painted nails fair enough cool and we'll post that on the uh social great cool well done BR never coming back to the Pod a new member yeah yeah you'll have my resignation next week uh all right next up Andrew that's me mine's a four as well wait five crew picks an image or meme that you have to post on Facebook with no context interesting there's a lot of options here I think this will take more deliberation later yeah I think you know what if you're listening right now we'll uh you'll have to join the Discord to hear about what happened yeah absolutely or we we'll post I I'll post when we post this episode how about that perfect perfect awesome Yep and then we can uh share the uh updates on all the strange comments you get on the picture in the Discord I look forward I look forward to it okay great awesome um will you want to roll yep and I think no repeats is good we don't want any repeats yeah one number one picture outfit for the next recording now we're talking well oh did you have a costume for your uh horny Julia Caesar Play jul Caesar jul Cesar I did I did it was a toga and I there was no shirt it was just toga so you you still got that toga yeah I used a sheet so yeah I can make okay that that's that's it buddy y'all Y are just horny yes for you baby oh yeah bring bring the red wine too oh yeah you want me to R it all over myself yeah we'll get this on camera great y all right you got yep eight crew picks your punishment crew picks boys boys oh we get to pick the punishment the person who invented a punishment wheel and dropped the bar without any warning whatsoever be sweet yes I'm thinking I'm thinking either a text to Mom Conlin or or the prank package I want the prank package yeah prank package okay right my family can handle it you sure we will confirm yeah Andrew we're GNA have to we're going to have to have a meeting over what things the uh the conin family finds most vile and most unacceptable in their daughter uh yes yeah all right well you know I was also going to say we could take away her wish you mean you mean the one I wasn't going to give her can't do that I don't know it say crew pick your punishment Miss wheel of Doom just kidding no if you want to take your wish away that's fair you know just remember that of everyone on the podcast I succeeded in half of my resolutions so I think should be a little bit you did you did your you also had one of the easiest resolutions to succeed on what there's a button that says record do you edit video content and put it on the YouTube channel Brendon I don't it didn't hey your resolution was not good video content it was just video content all right we're turning against each other this is uh yeah that's what this [ __ ] is Sam all right and wow what a smashing success we've had here oh my God different punishments so I think that now we we know that the punishment wheel exists but also the reward wheel and we'll continue to add to both throughout the year because we'll have an entire year before next year so the punishments can get worse but the rewards can get better but they will exist so let's talk about next Year's resolutions let's start with since you've been going first uh sure so the so there's one in podcast goal and one out of podcast goal so like one I have for my character one I have for the Pod um simply I would like to increase viewer interaction so just more contact with the viewers more conversations uh more you know just just interaction with the community in general um the community's been growing we've been getting more people in the Discord we have been having uh a little bit more discussion there which is fantastic I just just want that to keep going um in a positive direction so that is my out of podcast the inner podcast I'm gonna dig in it's a little bit lame we're gonna go three more spells I'm I'm gonna I'm going to reinvigorate that one and I'm going to hold firm on it there will be three new spel spells by 2025 why not make it six shut up capitalize on what you failed this year why why not 100 why not 100,000 viewers will you're technically three down no no this is a the what is a New Year's resolution if not a blank slate for the next year a fresh start I will not muddy the resolution the only thing I'm going to say here is that we are going for smart goals so I'm going to need the number of increased viewer interactions in other words you want something to punish me off of if we don't hit I will get back to you on that yeah we'll talk about it we'll talk about it okay all right Andrew all right um I I having not known of the extent to which Sam had invested in her her wheel of pun I I will not demure from my um previously goal s goals uh my personal podcast goal is to defeat will at Tik Tock oh as a vehicle uh for the podcast um you know hopefully bring more listeners in but I would like to Smart goal this is that I would like to have a post my my top post will have more views than Will's top post oh is my look and and as of right now I just letting you see how high the mountain is here Will's highest is like 55,000 mhm and mine is 1,000 yeah so we'll we're starting at the bottom I love you're gonna you're gonna hit it man you're gonna hit it no problem uh and then I I have two character goals one star CER will have a successful fear effect at some point in 2024 something he failed to accomplish in 2023 now just in general fear effect or have the daunting Roar well so daunting roar or the Divinity fear effect Fair those two explicit devices and currently their uh DC is the same poultry 13 we're going to work on that one as well all right all right I like that my my other podcast go and I here is the here is the non-smart version the non-smart version is I will lean all the way in on starer I will not blanch um and I believe what this may mean is at some point in time I will have to kill a significant NPC or PC in order to not diverge from Star College chosen path damn interesting sounds about right though yeah does sound right uh can I request that Sam goes next yeah sure all right so 2024 uh the first one which Brendan says is easy I would like to post one video episode a week all year not missing a single one 52 videos on the YouTube channel um my second is I would like to attempt to live stream one of our recordings so nice one of these sessions we do right here but I'm live on Twitch um and just see how it goes okay um them old feelers my third is kind of a twofer I want to increase the Discord engagement and the way I need a smart goal on that I I was about to say it the way that I will do that is through eight Discord server game nights and creating a dozen Madness table themed emojis very nice I like emo and then I actually have a fourth I want to finish Cave of the Damned and start another one shot all right pretty good pretty good she got will um my first one is uh after reflection of like the last couple months um and this is for like General podcast SL iname uh which is I think I've put too much pressure on myself to have um like perfected moments every week and like trying to uh like I want this to be a beautiful listening experience but I want this to be the best gameplay possible for you guys as well and I don't know about y'all but seriously all the way up through like just before the Battle of Blan Stone all the way through and then the pudding King fight and like these last couple of episodes I have been absolutely jazzed to come to the table every time we record um like it's been phenomenal to me um having these this brief flashback with star caller and I know some other peoples are going to get in there so my my first one is to um really lift everybody's like gaming experience here at the table to um an incredible level that by the time we finish the year like um we we know everybody's characters better and that like this is such a broad one it's not a smart one but this will be your inputs you guys will decide that like there was never a time that you were like [ __ ] I don't want to record tonight like I just not feeling this character or where we're at that's my that's my first goal um my second one is an outof podcast one but it still relates is I I love the artwork that we have gotten from everybody but I I've been trying to find somebody to do this for like the past six months I want to get like really extremely good fan fan art made or or character art made of all of your characters for you um and then I I want to make sure that we accomplish our summer Meetup like it was so awesome to see you guys so many times this past year that I want to see it through that we can all Gather in some way even if it's not for the podcast but just to like meet up and hang out again in person i' would love for that to happen so those are those are my goals those are really good ones no no trying to kill anybody no nothing I love it I think um oh we have one more which is Andrew and I have a uh group goal together a joint goal Jo joint goal um we would like to staff a Madness table booth at a nerd event hell yeah oh so TMT midatlantic coming to a convention near you all right with enough heads up I would love to be there hell yeah we can do that we and we'll keep everyone listening updated on if that comes to pass and we um when that comes to pass and where we end up so just to be clear so it's on the record if that fails both of you failure resolutions okay true this is in some ways the most important resolution sure it's a it's a collateral kill that's right yeah I have never been to a big I haven't either so I I've been wanting to for a while and I think paxes is coming up relatively soonish right like that's in the spring of next year but probably we're kind of thinking some of those bigger ones are like really expensive but there's some like nice smaller ones in like the DC area that we might be able to do or even Baltimore so but we'll keep all the listeners updated on what happens there um all right everyone are we locking in our resolutions locking them in yeah locked in ch okay great let's go well I want to thank everybody for participating 2023 was a it really was super successful for us like I don't want to joke about that I think as a podcast we really did uh amazing things together you we broke into um video content which is my resolution and then we also got 10,000 downloads which was great we hit 100 episodes um we did an entire 100 episode like week of Celebration our Discord channel has been growing like crazy honestly like 23 people might not sound like a lot to everyone out there but when you're starting out it's a a really big deal when people start popping in and you didn't invite them personally so and the comments we've gotten like social media interaction and like the YouTube comment that was phenomenal that was so nice yeah we gotten a lot of great YouTube comments our Tik Tok comments are great and like Andrew getting a thousand views on his and he's like posting memes literally like every day which is czy and they're all bangers mostly my mind is mostly memes yeah so um we've had a lot of great success and then I think we can all agree that the story has reached a point where we really are all so excited to keep going so all great things yeah and we'll have even greater things in 2024 so G be a good one all right thanks everybody for listening and I hope you all had a happy holidays and we're wishing you the best in 2024 and we will see you the next time happy New Year peace