welcome to a very special episode of the madness table in which William Johnston attempts to murder the rest of the team brutally with a card he has been waiting to flip for the last year and three months I don't know actually how long we've been doing for a while he's been waiting for a while two years my dude that's that doesn't make sense that's longer that's way longer ended I'm pretty sure it's no we'll get back to it but if you want to see the manner of my death continue to watch if you want to yell at will for the blood on his hands join our Discord it's mostly what it's for that and memes we have a good time uh other than that like follow subscribe uh tell your little cousin who wants to get into D and D about this podcast so they can get really really into Dungeons and Dragons and bring it up during Thanksgiving next year um because that's what your family needs it's what your family wants and I am out of content so I want to throw it back to will thanks Andrew thank you I appreciate that what a wonderful intro as as always um you know uh as I was stating to you guys before before we even begin because we're instantly launching into combat here uh Mr silvara has arrived she has has her retinue she has summoned some giant spiders uh this is one of the longest initiative trackers I've ever written down and I am so nervous because um there's a couple insights I'll definitely have to write or talk to you guys about after uh and we can probably share it in like a forthcoming bonus action but um my wife to me tonight she goes oh uh tell everybody good luck in the recording I was like oh yeah they're going to need it and she was like be a nice DM I said what you don't even know and she's like you're going to you're doing something evil tonight she was like try to keep your friends and I was like why wa put a she's like I know you she's like I absolutely know you're heinous and she's like married a mon oh my God committed to the bit Yeah so I will I will do my best to keep my friend friends while being honest to the enemies cuz the monsters know what they're doing don't disappoint your wife will too late if I do this if I do this correctly I will disappoint her because I will have no friends in the podcast will be over oh man uh hey it's a great place to rap this is the tying of Luc ends absolutely we're like halfway through the adventure just tie it up in a nice bow here they didn't do it guys guys the demons continue to Rampage and the world ends well well listen if they kill us here then the story is not out of the Abyss the story is a prison break that took way too long to not succeed Fair Point Fair Point yeah the next the next chapter is just ilvar going back to menu barzon and having to explain why she wasted six months of Comedy resources yeah so what did you do with with the the plumbing budget again why why did we not improve anything at the prison this is this is like somebody tried to shoot Oceans 3 and uh they were like but what if it was in medieval times all right well we have already rolled for initiative um do you guys want some bad news oh already if you're here I'm going to start here um all the important baddies rolled higher than you guys of course they did we roll like of course you rolled garbage I'll be honest it was garbage and it makes me very here's the other thing Brendan I [ __ ] up on the poison that got you you are not paralyzed they have drow poison on their weapons so you are unconscious instead uh elaborate that's better for you it's somewhat better the only thing I need to know is do I have hit points you absolutely have hit points it's like you got hit and you're asleep okay you're taking you're taking a nap you're taking a nap that's way better the only way you come up from it is if you are damaged or if someone takes an action and this is under the rules takes an action to wake you okay so enjoy a nice slumber have fun playing Vlad and uh if one of your friends decides to wake you up great okay good okay I'm glad everybody's so hyped for this com I did give a thumbs up for the listeners I did give my consent for this terrible situation the rest of us just in our eyes the listeners really appreciate that thumbs up that they can see I also I also apologize to the listeners I am coming off of a sickness if you can't tell this is me today this is this is Brendan at his prime right now obviously we're doing great doing great well you are surrounded on all sides let's repaint this picture for for everybody at home or on their drives or whenever ilvara and a another female Priestess looking individual are about let's see here they are why is this thing in my way roll 20 they are 25 ft from sael in emis to the Northeast while two guards are 25 ft away from Vladimir and Sila to the southeast so Northwest and Southeast and there are two giant spiders that stand on these 15t Ledges to the um east and west so to speak but first up in the initiative is joran and for those of you that remember that name he was the slightly disfigured drow that attempted to help you guys in your Escape you can see that they've been injured a little bit they are limping however that does not stop them from firing a hand crossbow at Sila is this considered a surprise round uh no no this is just because he rolled top of the initiative he is going um however I rolled a natural to so it's definitely not going to hit your Shield immediately comes up you're catching it but they are going to charge forward and they're actually going to take a stab at Vlad now with a shortsword so that is that's a natural 20 I started with a two and now we're at a 20 I don't know what this means for the combat this is really bad because um this shortsword is coded in Poison okay so you are a uh Vlad I almost said ashney you almost said Ash yeah uh piercing damage oh go ahead I I just want to make sure that we're we're on the same level here poison damage is not d double during a crit yes I'm yes yeah this is just the physical uh you take 16 points of piercing damage okay and you take 11 points of poison damage okay does he have resistances not to poison so Jan very quickly H fires off a hand crossbow at Sila charges in while Sil is distracted instead ABS Vladimir with his short sword and then there's no save for that poison it just applies once it hits it applies it is got coated on that weapon um I will double check the official stab block I have my desk is littered in papers here Noe it just says uh piercing damage plus x amount of poison damage okay yep um all right so next up is the other Warrior this is the younger one if you remember by the name of who Jan had told you all was now ivara's favorite like um boy toy for lack of a better word and he is going to charge immediately at Sila and take two Swings with his short sword first swing at Sila that is a 14 so that's an obvious Miss second swing uh no better that's an eight so two misses just Tink Tink off of your Shield that is his turn turn next up is the younger looking priestess as a bonus action she is going to summon a spiritual weapon um which I am going to just pull out an animated armor token and summon it next to actually let me check my range on that here move the weapon up to can you oh within 60 ft okay so this spiritual H uh shortsword appears right next to Artemis [ __ ] and that is her bonus action uh it it also gets to attack as part of that bonus action casting yes it does on Hit the Target blah blah blah Andre you're on our side yeah but I'm going to use the same spell later I need to set the presedent you're right you're right you're right good uh that is a 16 to hit you Artemis that does not hit Artemis okay so you bravely duck out of the way as this dark Celestial weapon swings out at you um all right as her action she is going to use the cantrip sacred flame and I need I need emis to make a dexterity saving throw all right all right all right that's all right uh that is a 21 okay you save this sacred like just comes down you dodge out of the way she is then going to move her full movement 10 20 uh up towards the north getting a little bit further away from the combat and that is asha's turn next up is ilara and ilara is nasty and she has been saving up some Wicked spells for you all as I check my distances here yeah she actually like pulls off of her belt this rod and from it she like flicks it and you hear this this wet wet uh clack as what appeared like one strand splits into three as you see it is a tentacle like Rod uh she then like holds one hands up into the air and she's like my mistress Lo with their blood I sacrifice them to you honor me once again and she is going to cast over the entire party in insect plague at fifth level this is a 20ft radius sphere centered over all of you so I'm going to duplicate a token here and put this in the middle of the fight give it an aura just so we can all see clearly here I'm sure it'll probably hit some of her friends there actually yeah let's adjust she's going to push it to just behind seel and Artemis the center of this Aura uh Shore will still need to make the same save however everybody in there needs to make a constitution saving thr H okay Artemus what you got uh 17 you save I got a 15 you save uh would I autof fail this um that's interesting cuz it's not a deck no it's for physical iCal damage uh Andrew I'm really sorry it sounds like you're still not like talking into your mic for some reason is it just me how about now is that any better uh better I just don't think you're as loud as everyone else maybe but you sound clear maybe it's your distance yeah I don't know if the mic was tilted or it was a little tilted how's I'm also turning it up a bit is that that's better yeah this midet down yes midet down how about now that's that sounds pretty clean sorry man no you're good all right um brenon no go ahead and roll me the Constitution saving throw uh okay yeah this fight is already probably the hardest you guys have encountered to date I'm not going to not going to do that to you uh 22 okay you save Sila I got that 15 you got that 15 okay Vlad Vlad okay Constitution save okay he's pretty good at these uh 21 okay he's saved so everybody passed however you are going to take half damage from 5 d10 yep okay okay okay uh so far my rolles what kind of damage is it uh piercing damage o uh all right everybody takes 23 points of P damage I'm sorry hold on this is sorry this is very important would these would the state of unconsciousness be considered a state of magical sleep no cuz this is from a poison I wouldn't consider this magic it's not a magic poison okay not poisons are magic not all magic is poison fine uh so that is 23 points of piercing damage to everybody uh and that is her turn except she's going to move 5 10 15 20 to the base of the 15t ledge to the Southwest there um and she just begins laughing as the insects are woring all over you all all right um uh question will does does seel wake up then after taking that damage I would yes he does yes he does however he is still prone just keeping you aware of that honest yep uh some other things happen and then it's the giant spiders turns both of them uh the one to the north East is going to they're going to run down the wall and actually let me double check their movement here uh they are not going to be able to do that so they move 5 10 15 20 they are they get down to the bottom of this 15t ledge this first spider and they are m is this one creature they're going to launch a web at Artemis so this is a ranged weapon attack so I got to go against your AC jeez um crow that was probably the 120 I'm going to get tonight guys cuz that was a three uh so that web just long sails by you hitting on the ground uh a little ways away and that is that spider's turn however the one to the Southwest is then it's going to do the same at sael uh so I believe they have advantage on a prone Target on a ranged attack ranged attacks have disadvantage On aone Target thank you thank you for keeping me honest so that's an eight and a natural 20 so thank goodness the eight does that um however that is a total I don't know does a 13 get you h just know all right so two webs launched this other spider also gets down to the bottom of the ledge that is their turn Artemis you are up so these people seem to know you is this the oh oh this is the thing you were just talking about remember the story I literally just finished telling you that's are those people and I'll just point at elar uh arus Smiles oh that's all you had to say um and I'm going to break wide after ilara I have 35 ft of movement so I can't quite Clos in her do I want to use a bonus action arus do you do you be a monster uh Aris turns back to the almost reaching ilvar Smiles at seel and then looks past her her past him at um Sila oh that I can do um help bonus Action cutting action um Dash you don't have cutting actions anymore you're no longer a ro you know you make a strong point you make a really strong point on the flip side I think instead I will use my bonus action to hex blade curse IL v m um which lowers my crit threshold and applies extra damage okay there's no save or anything for that nope just a feature all right marking her for the C A a bit of Dawn's light glows from beneath her armor and I'm going to you know why not uh I'm going to launch both of my eldric blasts at her oh you already get two it's about character level not class level my friend gross um so that is a 27 to hit chees them Crow yeah that first one definitely hits and that is a Max 18 points of damage and I get to do it again okay uh and that is a 24 to hit that is also a hit and a easily 10 points of force damage okay she gets a little bit weaker and you launch these attacks into her and it hits her and she our intelligence might not have had everything about you all but you will die she says this to you aremis you have chosen to die here remember that as you thrive in the demon webs all right uh is that the end of your turn uh yeah you know that's all I got there okay I mistook um another person's turn for vlad's in the initiative order so Vlad gets to go now but that will change in the next round oh good yes sorry about that okay uh as I said it's very long initiative tracker wow yeah already how is everybody feeling about this combat good [ __ ] you our chances are pretty good [ __ ] youu straps wow okay so explain partial blink to me partial blink so that is that is a feature of the obsidian dragon wormling oh once per that just that is just a thing it doesn't doesn't have an action it doesn't have like it's a special feature but they get to use it I believe once per day yes okay okay so he is uh he is in human form right now what would it take to it's a bonus action to turn back into his draconic form but he still has like full range of movement even as uh human like to his Dragon abilities okay so what we're going to do is he's going to partial blink uh can you give me control of the pawn o sorry about that there you go okay so he's going to partial blink just back here up to the Northwest sort of away from most enemies so he just moved to the Northwest 45 ft just so everybody is following along he is then going to fly how high is this chamber it is 30 ft High okay he's going to get up to the ceiling okay just flies instantly up uh he can't fly in human form he's got to transform okay so he doesn't have full range of his Dragon abilities uh yeah it's the only one sorry so he's going to bonus action transform okay he is going to fly up to the ceiling all right okay and that's his turn no you wish uh so it was 30 ft up he's then fine is going to fly 25 ft to the West so he is hovering slightly above ilvara mhm and he is going to unleash a plasma breath all right ooh so ilvara has to make a dexterity 15 saving throw okay she's pretty good at these you see Ash's like draconic mouth just like his Stony body from the chest up through the neck into the mouth just begins to like almost like Godzilla ass just until this roing mass of almost like lava uh bursts forth and that is a 18 okay that is a save so you're still going to take half damage mhm so this is uh do you want me to roll the 5 d8 or just use the suggested damage dude the 5 d8 rolled I'm here for the spirit of rolling roll our dice they're here that okay could screw me who knows it won't where is my I need more di more dice uh okay 10 15 so many so many okay 20 points uh reduced to 10 ni of radiant damage okay so she gets hit by this and she Sears part of her her body some of her almost spiderweb like clothing actually just like melts away with that radiant exposure uh and she glances up at Vlad is that the rest of the final finality of his turn yes he does not have any kind of multi-attack here so that is all he has okay Sila you are up you have two Warriors beside you you see these spiders creeping in uh ilara is being cornered by Vlad and emis what is up with you let's go uh I will bonus action rage absolutely uh Sila is I think she's looking at these people and she's like the are she thinks of them as slavers um and there is correct this Extreme Rage um and she's got her Trident we haven't seen this in a while yeah well burn my shorts[Laughter] or me me you mean a pudding king um and then uh so this is Shore right yes it is the one who is right uh next to you yeah he took two attacks on her and she's going to throw it back how terrifying 17 to hit uh let me just double check that's a Miss he manages to Parry you with uh uh or actually he like just Dodges out of the way of the Trident a dextrous boy okay second attack uh Nat 20 okay I think we'll hit yeah that's when it hits I would like to expend a superiority die to attempt to disarm him forcing him to drop one weapon item excuse me of my choice that it's holding uh I want him to drop that weapon yeah do your damage first so we can keep track of these good numbers that's he was all cocky before he like dodged it and he was like you can't hit me ugly fishwomen at you uh and then you hit and then like I imagine you trap his short sword hell yeah and he's like uhoh not many people go up against the Trident and live to tell the tale um that is 17 points of piercing nice nice nice okay uh and so what is my save here the save is uh it's a strength save okay see let me check real quick yep um yeah it's a strength save against my DC of 15 okay that is a natural 16 for a total of a 17 so he's not disarmed correct okay so he you like catch the blade and he just barely manages it to keep it in his grip uh and you do not disarm him I see absolutely no reason to action Surge and so I will be doing that let's go um yeah this is this is the fight to unleash it all uh this is going to be an 11 plus 8 for a 19 to hit uh he is going to use his reaction to Parry and add three to his AC causing that attack to miss interesting interesting I see what you're doing and uh I don't like it I justlike it my second attack is a 24 16 plus 8 that is a hit I will get cocky disarming strike no yes stop Lan put it down put it down uh that one's only be 12 piercing all right Str save again I mean damage is damage we love it uh all right and it's strength 15 let's see if I can save again and I think this is just like a full like two Battle Masters like boom Parry boom Parry boom Parry yeah he's like this is very he was cocky at first and then seeing what you can do he's like oh [ __ ] uh I Ruled a 10 + one for an 11 so you whip that short sword out of his hand and it drops to the floor imagine she is like in his face like I don't think she growls but it's whatever fish do when they're mad well you're raging and we were discussing this recently that like we pictured some of the deep lake tritons being far more monstrous and maybe even like houses have a certain animal like attributed to them that they kind of take on from the deep have you decided on something like that or is that something in the works in the works but I do think it is it is like when she rages she drops some of that humanistic element for sure oh absolutely I yeah this point I equate uh equate uh Sila to the Hulk cuz hell yeah you have an impossibly high AC and uh an innumerable uh innumerable amount of hit points and you just you can dish out damage mad all right well if that is all of your turn yeah that's it it is seel's turn who is prone on the ground in the middle of the field oh lovely get up squid boys it's time to fight yeah so sael is going to stand up how far away are we here 45 ft from ilvara yes okay and she's kind of tucked into this corner so if you're going to do a direct Ray she's going to get a plus two to her AC but if you have something that causes a save or otherwise she'll be uh unprotected sure okay we're going to start God damn it so many combatants on the field and the wizard doesn't know what to do I I made you no the issue is they're spread out uh okay we're going to start with something simple okay go ahead mistress alvara I don't like the sound of this already ready give me an intelligence save all right what's your spell save C DC like 17 18 I'll [ __ ] tell you yes a natural 20 all right all right uh so nothing [ __ ] happens cuz I was using a can trip oh damn it I was trying to mine sliver oh that would have been good though uh I what I am going to do instead glad I got Andrew with that is uh it's okay someone thinks you're funny will consolation prize I I appreciate that if someone does uh I'm going to duck uh Run Southwest into this little notched corner here try to give myself some cover 10 ft away from the giant spider I love that thank you I appreciate that a lot that'll be fun in the next round uh emis and Vlad have cornered ilvara but you can see after she's been burnt like her shoulder now has what looks like third degree burns it's just even darker charred skin she turns back to Artemis and you see this cruel smile come over her face and she goes surprise come forth and we see four more Dr appear from The Ledges in the combat that's okay they do not appear to be as heavily armored as the others but they are here nonetheless oh great not good not good so one of them appears right at the top of the ledge from the Shadows right over sael and they are going to charge over and you could just like you look up as you hear the footsteps toell as you look up and you see a hand crossbow trained at you and they are going to fire I mean did they see me on top of that ledge I'm I'm tucked under there you in the middle of the field before doesn't take much movement to spot whatever uh but it's okay because they missed with a natural Thor and their plus does not even get close the next one of these D is the one nearest ilvara up on the Le she uh they are about 15 ft away they charge and they are also going to fire a hand cross B at Artemis nice does a 21 hit you uh it usually would I'm going to Shield all right nice Don's Edge you can feel that like new protection sore through you as you swipe up your hand and that Shield comes up blocking it and you have that the whole round baby mhm yep the next Dr is the one to farthest to the North near Asha the other Priestess who is is going to jump down the ledge and is going to move across the field 5 10 15 20 25 ft and is going to fire a hand crossbow at Vlad uh that is an 18 to hit Vlad uh I believe that does hit okay uh except he is going to use a reaction and cash no he's not no he's not that hits okay uh you take Max eight points of piercing and I need you to make a constitution saving throw okay natural one beautiful except this is only going to last for a moment because you failed by five or more you you immediately drop unconscious however you fall and you're going to hit take damage and reawaken however that is 3d6 falling damage oh that is 12 points of bludgeoning damage to Vlad how's Vlad doing they're beef cake but they've been hit quite uh they're not this kind of beef cake uh in the last Dr as Vlad drops uh to the ground is going to also drop to the ledge this is one's on the Northern side drop that 15 ft they take a tiny bit of damage the other one did two just okay and this one is going to charge near the giant spider to the east moving about 15 ft and is going to fire a hand crossbow at Sila let's switch up my D20 this one's been rolling low uh nice but I don't think that's going to hit uh yeah no 17 doesn't hit you right uh it does not okay that is the what I will call the Lesser drows turn and we are now back at the top of the initiative order with joran joran now losing his not losing his prey actually though I can't reach you so he's going to flank Sila with Shore by moving 10 ft so he is on the East and he they like seeing the monster that Sila is and disarming Shore is going to take two short sword attacks at you first one's a natural three God damn it second swing different die different die nope that's a natural 10 two misses from short all right uh I mean from Jan next up is Shore uh who lost his shortsword yeah not great he is going to spend his action to pick up his shortsword uh and stands right there toe-to-toe with Sila still so that is his turn next up is the Priestess Asha who is going to command as her bonus action it takes a bonus action to command the weapon yes for those that are more familiar with I believe so yeah but uh as a bonus action you can move it up to 20 ft yeah I know gosh uh All Right Moves 5 10 15 to Sila and is going to take a swing at you the[ __ ] so you are you are are surrounded on three sides natural 18 for a 23 yeah that H okay you are then going to take that is the wrong spell I'm looking at that would have been bad there it is that is 1d8 you take oh Max you take eight points uh oh NOP I need to add my spellcast ability modifier so trying to look for it here on the Priestess stat which is not great uh okay you take 10 points of force damage I'm saying this because I can't remember if you guys have resistances to some of these things uh that is a bonus action she is then let's take a look at her spells no oh do you have a reaction that you're going to use I don't sorry okay just double checking she is then going to move a little bit South so she can get clear line of sight on Artemis 510 15 20 ft to the South kind of coming back to where she was and she is going to fire a guiding bolt at emis uh-oh that is a let's see does a 24 hit a 24 is the AC oh so it it that means it does hit well yeah all right this is uh 46 radiant damage I like it I like it more when I use the spell against you yeah sure I don't think you should get to play clerics uh only 10 points of radiant damage I'm I'm rolling low guys I'm rolling low uh which is great for you uh so that is asha's turn now it's ilvara oh ilvara ilvara ilara ilara she is at that okay she's got so many spells here and I have so many characters she is yeah yeah she's going to do that you can see she arus she is like decently wounded now at this point so she begins weaving her hands and she goes my mistress please give me a and she attempts to summon something which I actually have to roll a d00 for and I rolled in yeah okay I rolled a 98 I had to double check my stuff there is that good or bad well you hear from d 's Edge Aras she immediately is like perks up and she is like no no no no no no and you feel it too as a fish entity like this craw comes over you as you realize a demon has now appeared called forth from the abyss in the center of the field it's this horrible yellow nasty Icarus tree looking like creature um I'm going to show you guys this image can you guys see that on Roll 20 oh yeah oh yeah it's got this large eye these multiple tendrils it's nasty uh and so this creature appears and vvar is like yes yes thank you thank you mistress um and this combat got way harder so this creature appears this oozing kind of thing and is going to I haven't even looked at it stat block you guys she was supposed to do this at a certain threshold got her there very fast oh boy[Music] um okay it looks about let me just double check got to check my yeah okay so it is definitely an ally there's not a chance that it could turn against uh it is going to mist form where it turns into this gaseous yellow green mist and it is going to then fly 30 feet 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 moving within 10 ft of seel you can see as it like gets close closer um let's see oh gosh all right so it reverts back to its physical form yikes uh let me just double check here yes okay and I'm sorry guys there's so many so many things here it is oh my God saal I need you to make a Charisma saving throw okay okay natural 20 thank goodness because it just tried to cast dominate person would pretty bad I'm I'm honestly I'm playing this as hard as it should be but I'm really freaking rooting for you guys um yeah we feel it we can feel it uh all right that is so good that you saved thoughts and prayers yeah okay ilvara is then going to turn and she's going to climb up the ledge I need to do an Athletics check [ __ ] die she makes it okay one of my higher rolls for the evening she makes it and she's going to then move a little bit away um that is an action to cast that does she have a bonus action that I can use no so that is the entirety of her turn Artemis she has just like just moved out of sight but you know she is up there um all right that was the yol's turn next up I need emis and Vladimir to make a perception check okay perception we uh a dirty 20 okay what did Vlad get you didn't roll yet shut up 13 13 all right sorry I'm trying to save my [ __ ] character you know what that's fair that's very fair you should be focused on that emis you hear it almost instantly it sounds like the sounds like metal on metal coming from the north as and you like quickly turn an eye and then Vladimir hears it as this thin but armored woman all of a sudden appears from out of the tunnel she has contrary to the image on her token she is wielding what looks like a large mace she has a very large shield on her back and she has this old tarnished armor and what almost looks like a half kind of metal visor and over her head is draped like this chain mail Veil they are very thin but they are tall probably about 6'4 and you look and like her armor ends at her feet after these like plate skirts in Greaves and then just bare feet that have been wound and cloth she looks older perhaps probably in her like her 60s or so but like she enters the room and there's like a palpable silence that follows it as she pulls from off of her armor you can see these like small bits of cloth or parchment that are like hanging from it she pulls one attached to it out she goes excuse me all here in attendance and her voice is just booming out amongst this Cavern it is of a dire charge that I am here to retrieve three individuals are you not of the Dr persuasion by the names of and she reads the scroll seel Silla and emus are there any here and you can see ilvara like immediately whips around and she's like how dare you and this older woman just like turns and Barks at her and points a finger and she goes Neil I am not finished and you can see this compulsion come over ilvara as this woman has bonus action com use the spell command and you see ilvara Buckle to her knees and she this old woman then awaits a reply from everybody [ __ ] I don't know you hi I'm I am Ultimus starer um Sworn Sword of the kingdom of Ember um proponent of the Thousand broken blades I do not care for your names other than the first do you travel with the others known as safel and Sila Maybe I am not an enemy boy I have been sent here by Bruno battle Hammer oh in that case yes yeah there we're totally here actually good you may call me abys whipping and she all of a sudden starts like shks off this large shield and you can see as she brings it in front of her crucified across it and chained to it is this horrible Fish skeleton she goes we shall dispatch of these Dr momentarily uh and with that little interlude let's get back with the spoy music and abis whon is then going to she's going to March forward another 30 ft 5 10 15 20 25 30 getting around uh underneath Vladimir and emis and she is going to let's see she's got quite a few things she can do here she is going to she actually pulls off she like with her free hand that's not holding the shield she pulls off another one of these hanging kind of like uh rights or rits and she is going to use a fourth level Mass healing word scroll uh so let me just double check the range on that to see if everybody can be affected I need it please I need so it's everybody within 60 feet of her that she chooses so yes Sila you get it gets it emis gets it Vladimir gets it so at fourth level let me just check my note here that is 44 + 4 hit points so that is three three two another three and that is 50 HP back to everybody wowy she do not fit children the gods protect and that is her turn it is now vlad's okay so Vlad does not get his plasma breath back oh thank goodness uh uh have created a monster but you earned it you you act like you're not a lethal [ __ ] weapon that needs nukes to fight you're like oh my God I gave you powerful things yeah they're may be keeping us alive so this is this is the thing I was going to say in the bonus action but I'm going to reveal here in the book they state that most parties should have about three or four of the NPCs from the beginning possibly with them to help with this fight y'all had none yeah we did however notice had been sent to Bruno battlehammer and he sent abbis whippin who is a badass yes okay okay Power Technics does [ __ ] nothing okay so he can just bite so vlad's still in his Dragon form is going to uh spell is in a [ __ ] corner here um what do we got for distance there so Vlad is going to race in a straight line towards the giant spider all right the one that is just North of sael um and he's going to make a bite attack do it okay that's a 19 that's absolutely a hit okay and we are talking I need a d10 kill it flad kill It uhy spoilers he didn't um so five piercing damage okay and eight Force damage nice all right uh he's just Clinging On with his M yes Vlad is wrangling with this giant spider which it was a pretty potent bite as that spider is not looking so good now uh however it is their turn so they are going to retaliate with a bite of their own on Vlad okay so this is going to be a where's my bite that is a 16 to hit uh does not hit Okay so this spider just can't get their fangs back far enough to get Vlad however the next giant spider is up and they're going to move 5 10 15 20 25 closer to the middle of the field and they're going to actually let me see if it's a recharge let's see if their web recharges that was a five it's a recharge they're going to fire a web at emus uh does an 18 hit it does not oh thank goodness okay uh so you are not restrained um that is the giant spiders turns emis you're up all right um I am going to rush after uh ilvara so I'm going to um try to hop up this little Hill here all right make me an Athletics check o that is a 13 that does not pass so you are not able to immediately scramble up this ledge okay um so I guess I I can't see her over the top then nope 15 ft tall gosh oh darn it well you know you know what they say I don't always have to see you uh I'm going going to uh uh for my bonus action spiritual weapon um up there aha how nice what shape does it take uh it takes a a if possible even more brightly lit version of Dawn's Edge nice yeah you can feel this pulse come through her as like a duplicate of her appears up by ilvara in this drought I'm going to use an animated armor I will try to create an axe spiritual weapon for you at another time no worry um okay and how much of my movement I should ask uh did I take to I I mean I took it like 510 or five to get over here did I lose movement trying to go up the the incline yes I would say so okay cool cool uh then I am going to f first things first um spiritual weapon go Burr um just going to do attempt to hit ilvara okay um oh howdy uh that is a 26 to hit holy smokes yes um and that is 11 points of force damage oh I'm sorry make that 14 points of force damage before I still have my curse on thank you thank you I don't I don't love that but uh you can hear her cry out in pain and she like immediately turns to the other drw and she's like get rid of this thing yeah good luck it's um it's pretty annoying I got I got to say uh all right arus let's check in the wording here okay I can't see so I can't do that uh I am then going to go ahead and get a little feisty uh I'm going to look over at uh Priestess Asha mhm uh I'm going to look her dead in the eyes and I'm going to say hold still uh and I'm going to need her to make a wisdom saving throw against old person oh it was sitting on an 18 and then it rolled to a four[ __ ] she is held ized nice nice you got that wish worked out well for you yep uh I look back at the abis as you wish my lady she just kind of nods at you uh I'm going to put a snail on Asha to remind me that they don't want to move uh all right next up is another interesting thing to happen that Dr between Asha and the abis all of a sudden let's see here yes yes you see it all of a sudden two arrows just or bolts appear in the neck of it and it just crumples to the ground Dead uh and because of where everybody is I think the only person who could possibly see this individual is is Sila Sila roll me a perception check or actually what's your passive uh perception it is 12 12 that's enough you see crouched in the back uh about what is this 30 30 ft away from the abis crouched on the ground in like almost like this Gilly like cloak is this slight individual holding a very large crossbow that they are now like yanking back a lever on to reload um but it seems another Ally has entered The Fray and that was their action let's see what they've got for bonus actions they are then going to use face step to teleport 30 feet and appear about 10 feet by uh in front of Artemis and 10 ft away from the abbis so in between them and like lands in this burst of kind of like cold air brushes past you aremis as they appear but they are still in this Crouch position and they are aiming at the giant spider in the middle of the room Sila you are surrounded by two heavy armor Dr and a spiritual weapon of a short sword what do you do oh what a what a sticky picket wickle thing here yeah that one that you what I love that one um Sila uh I think she's like spun and she sees this Ally and just for a split second before turning back to shore uh and I will make my first attack okay that's a 16 uh that is a Miss um after my attack I will uh bonus action attempt to shove him prone okay strength contest correct all right I have advantage or do I I don't think save for me it's just acrobatics I'm thinking rage rules uh oh yeah doesn't that give you bonuses to tr checks let's go okay yeah then you've got it okay I'm going to tell you you'll have to roll basically a natural one to lose this well I didn't I got a 18 okay you win he is shoved back or prone which one is itone ising cuz you can either do shoving 5et or not prone and I'm going nice okay so sure is shoved down to the ground all right I will make my second attack at Advantage this right you don't have Reckless attack yet thank goodness uh it's 18 to hit this time oh that is just a hit that is ac18 so you hit barely okay and then this is bring on the damage uh 12 points of piercing as she I imagine she uses the blunt end of her Trident to trip him down and then she flips it around and stabs down into him oh nice I imagine you like you cover it with the shield so you swipe he's unaware he falls very nice uh that and then I'm going to move 5T to the South proding an opportunity attack from the uh spiritual spiritual we all right H Jesus don't worry it's a natural six I cannot roll tonight okay which is great for you guys it's really good uh as the spiritual weapon misses me with a melee attack I would like to use my reaction to expend another superiority die to make a melee attack against It Go all right all right uh 23 to hit yeah it's going to hit and I'll add the die to this one just going to be bad roll uh that is 12 points of piercing again I'm just double checking something here you create a floating spiritual weapon seual weapon doesn't say anything about hit points it it can't it can't be attacked I was going to say that's that's it doesn't Boulders gate it's yeah only if you can dispel it damn it okay it's It's Tricky so we'll just say weapons technically get opportunity attacks as well no they don't okay so they're not a creature I mean it didn't hit so that's good too much bg3 yeah right I'm so confused uh if that is true though I'll move another 5 fet and provoke the other provoke from Shore and joran yeah Shore would have disadvantage cuz he's prone absolutely uh that was a 12 and a one and then from joran you can see see Jordan's having a hard time because they're so disfigured um that was a 12 and a four so they also missed all right it's going on no I'm too far away to hit shore without dis actually I don't think I can hit either right uh tridon is not a reach weapon so no I don't believe it's a reach weapon it's been a while correct so but I am 10 ft away which I like yeah I'll end my turn there okay how many spear already dice do you have left only used two but what's your total just asking for a friend all right sael you have had a very long time to ponder this turn you have a demon 10t in front of you a giant spider 10 ft to the north of you and a Dr 15 ft above you with a hand crossbow and you back into a corner going on you know in his time away you know he did a lot of self-reflecting he did a lot of self-growth uh but the most important thing the most important thing that he did was he took an econ 101 class and he learned about maximizing gains let's go between seeing Arthur's son and everything hey hey make them listen you idot there there's a little drop for you guys to listen to some of the bonus content uh so I'm going to draw a circle for you you tell me if you see this 20 foot radius Circle I could see you doing it during all the previous other turns and it made me very nervous oh you just see all of them even if I don't have broadcasting turned on okay uh so yeah I'm DM I see all so there's a 20ft radius Circle drawn on on the map right now uh it it is uh it is capturing Asha the Giant spider Jan uh Shore the spiritual weapon which can't be attacked and the Pawn East of that giant spider every single one of those [ __ ] needs to make a constitution saving throw against my black [ __ ] hole baby let's go I don't even know what that means but I like it gravity sinkhole at fourth level God damn it explain gravity sinkhole for everybody a 20ft radius sphere of crushing Force forms at a point you can see within range and tugs at the creatures there each creature in the sphere must make a con save on a failed save they take five d10 Force damage and pulled in a straight line towards the center God sucess they take half damage and can stay where they are great well I have five different d20s in my hand each one representing different individuals here here we go Asha uh this is a con saving throw yep yeah not great for her that is a 14 so I got to I got to Mark everybody who fails here with colors I'm going to put blue for those that fail right Mark them mark them and then we'll we'll go over the damage giant spider failed oh my God I what is your spell save DC 17 not a single one of them saved that 13 a seven 11 a five and a one all of them fail so holy a spicy hole okay so they all take 23 points of force damage oh all right before you do anything more Asha needs to make a constitution saving throw again to see if spiritual weapon is gone dc11 it's not concentration it's not concentration no thank you a[ __ ] just it's just broken it's a god level cleric spell and everyone to it all right all right so forget that thank you Andrew for being wonderful uh the good lawyer uh all right let's hear about all the nasty crap you're about to do to all dades so 23 points of for image oh my God and the the center point is the square uh hold on is this square right next to the spider they are all pulled towards that Central Point so they're all just sucked obviously not in one square but as close as they can possibly get to that Central Point okay so they they will move all the way there there's no like it moves only 10 ft they just immediately they are they are sucked the wording is they are pulled in a straight line towards the center of the sphere ending in an unoccupied space as close to the center as possible even if the center is in air oh my God this is broken but I love it all right you see that one less armored drought just like fall in hit the backside of that giant spider and its neck snaps it's dead Asha flies into the giant spider also is looking horrible the giant spider is looking extremely bad as both joran and Shore fly up into its legs crunching H more than half of its legs and they are all in this pile in the center of the field yeah yeah so so for those who would have seen seel's the staff the head broke apart and the Flory that is now sitting in the middle that black greenish purplish Vortex shot a beam to a unoccupied space at next to that spider that then just built into a void and all of the air in that area just pulled everything toward it yo O Okay uh is that your entire turn can I try to scramble up the actually hold on what these mushrooms over here like at the bottom is this giving any sort of uh stepping ability like could I use this to help get up onto the ledge or is it a climb regardless it's a climb regardless they're about 8T tall uh and how high is the ledge 15 ft h all right it's kind of a halfway um I'm going to try to get up there yeah it's a terrible Choice cuz Athletics but I'm going to try it okay okay straight roll off 14 no really nope okay there's no like super good handholds here so you fall back down I'm not going to roll any damage on you uh okay you still got a Bonus action you got anything you can do with that I'm a [ __ ] wizard I don't have bonus actions I'm just double checking that's F that's absolutely okay by me you said you don't have a bonus action so that's we're moving I'm also double cheing take some Rog take some Rogue levels buddy you know enjoy it yeah everybody knows that's the best combo it's not a bad combo I did one in our uh I made one in our storm Kings Thunder game as an NPC what's the what's the name for that rard rard rard uh I think I called him a spell thief or something like that that does go pretty hard I like that the next up in the order are the regular drows so this one moves a little bit closer to the edge they have yeah they are going to plunge down at you safel with didn't that guy jump down to shoot me no he was he came to the edge of the ledge pointed down and shot at you okay so he's going to jump down uh makes the athletic and they are going to try to stab you with a short sword that is a 16 to hit uh yes okay wow wow oh that do Five Points of piercing damage okay and thankfully these ones don't have the poison for you uh next up is the Dr on the ledge above Artemis who is going to lean over and fire their crossbow uh that is a Miss with a 14 I need to stop using this beautiful cat's ey die because it is not not doing its work to all right that is it for the remaining Dr next up is joran who smacked in this middle here now is he stuck here renin or is he now free to move no there's no there's no lasting effects it's instantaneous it's gone okay doy that's that's better um they kind of like extracts from the mess and they are they are going to move oh can I make it to Sila yes I can they are going to like limp charge towards Sila and are going to take two short sword attacks at you uh first one uh I need my other sheet here first one is a 22 to hit uh yes that hits okay you take uh minimum piercing damage that is 5 points of piercing now you're going to take some poison damage you take 10 points of poison damage second swing that is a Miss with a natural two so Jan manages to get in one sneaky stab at you you feel that poison oozing in that is his turn when they move into my reach I would like to expend a superiority die and I would like to brace yes [ __ ] okay I think that definitely misses I only roll a 10 that is a Miss on his AC of 18 thank goodness Jan was probably like I am too wise to see your Small Tricks uh next up is Shore and Shore is pissed but he's not dumb so he reloads and he fires his hand crossbow at Silla that is a ooh that is a 22 again to hit yep so that is uh six points of piercing and I need you to make a constitution saving throw okay con save let's go you know what I should be using my Dice Tower 15 that is a save oh sorry uh yeah 16 okay you are not poisoned oh man uh all right next up is Asha who is in horrible horrible shape now however she's being held she being held she is going to cast cure wounds she can't she's being held rain she can make a save at the end of her turn thank you uh [ __ ] D that is a 16 16 is the DC all right not going to do her much good cuz she's going to die um all right asha's dumb turn ilvara though ilara ilvara Elara she is not liking the look of this she is she's looking around at all of her companions here and she's like the mistress shall not let us F to here we will stand and dispatch these h horrible Twisted insects and at fifth level she is going to cast Mass cure wounds so everybody within 60 ft which gets all of her companions except for jorin all those that are alive those that are dead are dead are going to get 3d8 plus our spellcasting modifier back did I say this fight was going to be one of the hardest you guys ever did because it is couple of times and we'll see you next week who wow boy howdy that was an exciting fight man I thought will was kidding when he said this is the most tokens you'd ever seen on field well I guess he had a few surprises up his sleeve surprises like you'll find on our Discord come on down like follow And subscribe all of the social meds you won't be disappointed unless you don't like quality content see you next week bye