so i imagine us kind of coming back into this scene find ourselves kind of like in a dark tunnel somewhere we hear the dripping of water we hear something moving across the stony ground the floor we just hear an echo elvis and just[Music] slowly fade off twists and turns in the darkness and then it comes out into the small hole and we enter into this huge cavern we see the purple torches and the stalactites hanging from the ceiling we see the rope bridges and the waterfall and we see shore the drow captain kicking off derendil over the edge we see that large purple giant spider quickly spray its web catching him in it he starts to struggle and thrash we just see a silent scream as his broken maw opens up and quickly the spider just envelops him in the web and sinks its stinger into it and you we see the body twitch slowly and less frequently until it grows still we see that spider kind of slowly descend into this large web where it attaches it and you just see the camera pan you see dozens and dozens of these old wrapped bodies back up to that ledge where we see shore looking down upon the giant spider in its work and he gets this kind of sideways smile that comes across his face turns back to look at the lot of you sneers and kind of turns away motions to his guards to follow him and they all disappear back into the guard tower what do you guys do what's going through what's going through your character's heads actually in this moment in this moment lara sees that broken tusk on the floor and she wants to forget it okay yeah you uh you quickly go over to the scene you swipe up his his tusk sort kind of improvised hacker yeah what's uh what's going on with indigo i think indigo is actually really shell shocked right now he's never one never seen anyone die violently before and he honestly opened this point didn't think this was that serious he thought they were gonna make a clean getaway and it was all gonna be fine and that just kind of went out the window uh as jim jar went over the side sans hand so this is the most violence that indigo has ever seen so he is just like rooted to the spot eyes wide open just like trembling pretty pretty well in shock after this huh okay sephel you creepy old man safel who is much more intelligent and well put together and tactical than i am uh is still sort of in the heat of planning mode and trying to you know stack contingencies upon contingencies and to him this is still playing out like yeah this isn't a that wasn't an end to the plan that was a change in the plan that is still in progress he's still trying to think in in real time and sort of make a contingency plan to this um and doesn't actually have anything at the moment to to do that with so he's just kind of sitting there more in his own brain than in his physical body you guys can feel the tension in the room amongst yourselves indigo kind of working through that shock eldeth actually comes over do you mind if i sit next to you indigo you seem to seem to be rather distraught okay yeah that that's that's fine and she uh settles down beside you she props her arms on the top of her knees her back to the wall and have you have you never seen a person die before uh i saw brother lehman died but he was 103 years old it was it was it wasn't like this at all and who's brother layman oh he's he's one of my uh teachers at the abbey he was a specialist in in runes and stars you knew a lot of constellations i i wasn't always the best student i didn't always listen to him he was pretty boring but he was nice he taught me a lot that's nice and he says you're part of an abbey what abby what did this be i didn't know that you were part of a holy holy place or of a religious mind well yeah um we're we're called the wandering abbey of toro um we travel all over just studying and learning and um you know worshiping toro and in all her her forms and shapes and you know just recording everything uh about her i feel i might have heard of you once or twice hmm and what uh could i ask you what uh what made you join the sabby uh i mean i've been there as long as i can remember that the brothers and sisters they told me that i showed up when i was three i just kind of happened along and they they took me in and i it's only only and best home i've ever known uh such a good family now even though you might not know your your true birth family i should say i shouldn't say true family but your birth family your you know your parents oh family something that you build it's it's it's a verb it's something that you you do it's not something that you necessarily are born into it's something that um that we use to build each other up it's true i'm from uh confirm it's uh recently restored dwarven city have you heard of it i'm i'm not sure that i have what what's it like there well we took it back about 100 years ago but we're we're buried deep deep beneath the earth it's filled with large halls and large mines and we have a forge that you wouldn't believe we produce some of the greatest works the north has ever seen indigo you can roll an insight check here all right all right highest role of the campaign so far you can tell while she's being completely honest about everything she's saying she's doing this to kind of pull you out of the shock like you know well enough as a as a healer that you know that could have been very detrimental to you and and so you realize as she starts to talk about her home and in describing it to you that she's you know she was genuinely worried about you but knew it was best to kind of pull your mind from it it's like trying to ground exactly exactly and as you're slowly coming back you realize this and uh she goes you know i'm i've got a husband and a son back home it's uh his name's toradar really do hope to be getting out of here i'd like to see him once again elder i think we need to get out of here i think you're very much right we need to get out of here as soon as we can well the only thing i can think of indigo is that we're probably going to have to use the lift have you noticed it i i think i saw it on the way in good it's uh that will that get us somewhere we can get out from from what i've seen it leads us down to the uh the cavern floor and i've heard a little bit of whispering that there's three passageways of which could lead towards what they call the dark lake i've never been there myself but uh from what i've heard they generally try to avoid it the draw i mean for it's filled with koatoa they kind of claim it as their own and that of the durgar they they claim it a little bit on the other side and she says but uh i believe from one of those passages and perhaps one of the others might know a little bit better i believe one leads back to well the spider city the one they'll be leading us to to be sacrifices or slaves i i would really prefer not to go to that one so i same here indigo that's uh that'd be a fate i'd wish to avoid perhaps you and your uh your friends we could perhaps gather with the others and and come up with a perhaps a better fully realized plan for how to get out of here but i i fear there may be a bit uh more on alert because of that stunt between ront and darrendl and i don't know what jim jar was thinking but that was just plain stupid we'll need to have everybody involved we're all gonna get after well we all have to get out of this hey all right uh i'll be feeling a little bit better indigo i'm feeling a bit awake after the chores today so i'm just gonna rest my eyes for a few minutes eldest yes thank you you're welcome and she uh squeezes your shoulder as she stands up and walks over to the other side of the cell and she settles down you see her cross her arms and kind of lean her head back and she closes her eyes and you are left against the wall on your own what are the rest of you thinking about now savelle has literally just been standing in that spot where he was in front of the cell door for probably about five minutes now just thinking for the first time in at least his memory he is currently faced with a challenge that he has no feasible way to solve and it's infuriating he's coming up with you know this whole time he's been like okay this happened contingency no that doesn't work i don't have that or you know okay uh contingency on top of that backup plan no i can't do that right now and and over and over and over again he's coming up with new plans in there nothing is landing for as much of a mental capacity as he likes to believe he has he is sort of at the brink right now of burning his himself out and he kind of walks over to the wall and slumps as you uh as you settle back down against the wall really trying to think about things you see um that drow that is in there with you those red kind of chicken pox dots adorning his face he's staring wide-eyed and intently at you okay make an inside check okay uh 17. he looks frightened while looking at you and you see him actually like kind of slowly straighten up he doesn't like stop looking at you and he just slowly backs across the room and like sits down and just kind of like tucks into himself and you feel like this odd pulsing pounding headaches starting to appear in your head and you like go to rub your forehead and like you feel like a very large vein there kind of pulsing and as your fingertips are kind of like rubbing against it you just all of a sudden feel it move out from underneath your finger and that vein is like no longer present underneath your skin what under your face was so good there that's not that doesn't sound good you should get that checked out yeah indigo was in shock before and now he's just looking across and he's like what the [ __ ] phil is like fighting his own like he feels like he's just thought way too hard in his brain like his head is literally pounding it's too much exertion i need rest he kind of looks up and sees that uh sarath and and probably a couple others are like starting to look at him weird and he's just gonna kind of pull to himself lara you have picked up this broken large tusk of rants and now you you have it in your possession along with this iron bar that you found what you would presume was like a day ago what are you thinking of you saw that the uh the twins have been or watched you take this and you see sarith move across and you see indigo kind of talking to eldeth before she kind of moves across and you see safel standing staring outside this gate for a couple of minutes and then going and sitting down and now he seems to be kind of resting he seems in deep pensive thought watching kind of how everyone has settled down after this i think she would start by approaching indigo and go here take this you're going to want to arm yourself you will see much worse before this is over and she'll hand over the um broken tusk oh thanks oh god it's still bloody no i i should have wiped it off i was feeling better but now i feel a little nauseous but uh i i i i i appreciate the effort some of like that literally got ripped out of an orcs yeah he's like you see something like a blue green fur attached to the end of it and like some extra blood and flesh where he was like probably using it to stab into darren doe after it was broken out of his mouth i'll i'll keep that safe what uh stalagmite had we uh discovered was probably what led to ilvara's chambers where our items would be kept you learned that her door was underneath the shrine in the uh upper level of that stalactite so i mean the the biggest thing right is that we lost our equipment i mean that that's a huge setback for for any character especially a level one that has literally nothing else so the struggle that i'm going through where the equipment that i start with is so pivotal to literally the progression of my character um i i don't know if we're intended to cut our losses and start from literal scratch or or if we have to to bust in and get our [ __ ] and then figure it out from there that's a tough choice uh i am as as much as indigo wants his book back i don't know that he's willing to dive and raise other people's lives for it sure lara has no attention attachment to her personal possessions i don't think so it is literally just my spell book that is the hang up yeah it's it's a big thing for you absolutely it's a and you know i imagine i picture you sefeld like that is what's really giving you this pounding headache is like i need my [ __ ] spell book like this the rest of this is not a problem i can i can get away out of here i can do all these things but if i don't have my spell book i am[ __ ] kind of a thing no that that that's exactly it half the plans that have gone through his head that have that have ended up being dead ends all come to that one kind of to to turn the phrase that that one spin of the web that is his book his book is the thing that is all of these lines are connecting that if he just had his his stuff he could fix he could fix this so quickly and also cephel doesn't know the meta of how [ __ ] wizards work in dnd to him that that book is his core that is his magic and especially the the one lead that he has the one thing that he's been following for his you know his perceptible memory is inside that and that's uh you know jumping jumping to andrew here is indigo that book's got a lot for you too like i was pretty surprised for you to be like you know what he can break away it it's his life work it's what he's been working for his entire life but i'm just thinking he just watched someone die and it was in his mind it was his idea and partially never his fault and so it's you know it's his ambition like the book versus his kind of core sense of you know humanity um that he is kind of like like gripping with right here he he wants the book he wants it very badly uh but he's also thinking how badly would hurt see someone get hurt because he wants that book yeah okay now here's what i think the interesting difference is between our characters it is very easy for me to and and i might be it might be a similar situation for you i'm not i don't know what you're working with exactly though i have ideas but at least for me i can recreate my book eventually it's not it's not a thing that is forever gone um and to some degree cephel knows that he knows that his magical at least the stuff that is in his head right now he knows well enough that he could jot back down if he had the right place to put it it is more the story connection for him and the the tie that he has inside it that he is so remiss to let go of but i'm i mean even at this point while he's trying his best to rest i think he's really grappling with the fact that he he may very well have to let go of it at least for now yeah indigo's book is is irreplaceable um not non-mechanical but it is irreplaceable those that research cannot be redone it's the content of it not the the actual book yeah it's like the it's it's years of notes and figures and sketches laura's probably like nah [ __ ] that [ __ ] man yeah i was just thinking like lauren i'll give a [ __ ] about your book she's like sorry about your cute drawings i'm[ __ ] going yeah wow wouldn't be too bad if you didn't have somewhere else you could draw outside of here in a different book nice picture dweeb i i think everyone knows each other fairly well and like this context that we've been sitting in this prison cell together i think you would also know that lara is easily manipulated into doing what you want perhaps so if you want it um and not in like a just in kind of like a this is part of the escape plan so you better fall in line if you want my help kind of thing yeah you want me to throw my body upon the sword of elvara's so you guys can run the [ __ ] absolutely yeah yeah if that's what needs to happen yeah man[Laughter] so you guys have all kind of had your moments here do you guys want to rest are you guys kind of thinking gather yourselves to kind of formulate a new plan of attack here what are what are your thoughts i'm happy to take the reins and kind of move you guys along to the next day the only thing that i would like to do to kind of go back to you know creating that contingency and the worst case scenario the last thing that the fell will do is sort of go to the people that uh they've talked to and have decided that they trust which as of this point you know as far as trust goes here which at this point is uh eldeth topsy-turvy and you got stool um and you can forget about oh you do have stupid boys how dare you no i'm just i i'm just going to to the people i think will credibly have you know a chance for this uh because i know that stool has not been out of his room for quite some time uh i'm going to go around to the aforementioned individuals and ask if anybody has collected a feather or a piece of gown maybe if they were fluffing a guard's pillow or you know they they were doing some clothing wow you really want something [ __ ] downy and feathery or anything right so they're all staring at you and they're like just oh okay something down yeah yeah wow and stool just like stare at you also in the cell just like okay cool this is um stools like what you doing i am wondering if anybody present has a feather or something down-ish stool's like no i don't i don't have anywhere to put it this is hyper intelligent i didn't [ __ ] ask you weird stuff just this hyper-intelligent uh wizard this scholar of magics and and the universe and the fabric of being is just standing in the middle of an underground cell asking for a [ __ ] piece of fluff eldeth goes uh no i don't i don't have any of that but uh if if i get duty tomorrow in uh in one of the barracks i will uh i'll do what i can to get some and the others kind of nod like yeah they don't have it but you know same thing like if that's something that's needed for potential escape like they'll they'll do their best to get some i have two stipulations that i need to save us all of us i need that police or feather of any kind and if anyone you've said it's like and eight times[ __ ] i will bitch-slap you over the wall these fingers aren't just for fluttering um if anybody has chores within the mistress's chambers there is a book that would be invaluable[Laughter] it has my name right on the back it says no it says no incorrect if if you find indigo's book don't push your luck but if it's there i guess take it but it is a leather-bound folder of kinds not so much a book it is a scrap of leather with many pieces in a portfolio this is heartbreaking to listen to you describe a book without it being a book no it is literally yes no so no that it's it is actually not a book uh safel's no i i have it written it's a bell spell book because it does not technically have to be a physical just tome it can be literally anywhere you store spells so it is literally a scrap of leather okay with like twine tied just scribbled pizza pieces of parchment of all different kinds on the inside it's not it's not like an official tour like a very like hodgepodge of information that he's found um okay yeah and he will he will describe that um if you can if anybody can retrieve it you um you feel our escapes almost like he'd bop itself against you and goes um i'm the only one allowed in the mistresses chambers for chores son of a [ __ ][Laughter] every time he like goes up to the rock wall and just starts bashing his skull again every [ __ ] time i have a play could i i could try to get this blood trickling down his forehead he's dizzy and then he goes back up there's lots of uh webbing and a wiggly bed and two people and things in the webs and a box sometimes[Music] sometimes there's a table dear [ __ ] god this is painful stool if if you can get the books primarily the leather one but if you can get the books i will be i will personally make sure that you become our best friend do you promise and i will save you until the end of my days wow hi i'll do my best he like turns to the others and telepathically like all of you here he's like guys did you hear if i could get the books he's gonna save me forever and be my best friend yay[Music] what this is a great turn of events awesome thanks for talking there's always two people in the room that's really helpful advice yeah they um they're usually like together like i don't have arms to do it but they like hug each other a lot oh oh um oh oh my stool there is a there is a ritual among bipedal individuals um humanoid creatures with uh you it's it's gross and messy and it's energy exerting and honestly a waste of time it's you you don't need to yeah never speak on the subject ever again they like wasting time but i'll i'll do my best to get laura's thinking that school is already dead yeah they waste time real good there's no way i guess safel will will kind of call a a meeting of the uh the troublesome trio that's yeah uh sort of i am as much as it disgusts me i feel dependency is going to be important when enacting this escape plan so i feel it is important that we share with each other everything that we could contribute to a potential exodus you know that i can make a fall less so should we decide to jump instead of taking the lift if you hadn't caught on the feather and or down is is what i need for that specifically although i feel like i sound a broken record at this point other than that my abilities are quite limited until i regain my book create another or find new magics from which to pull from yeah um that's all gonna come in handy and i'll be able to provide um offensive um melee in addition to potential ground cover should we need it um if our escape plan requires us to disappear quickly yes um i can um i can heal pretty well um i can blast a guy with holy magic sometimes um i'm also like i'm pretty good with locks if i get a couple tools to jimmy some locks um you know it's the most things i'm i'm also like really really buff so that's also you know i'm bringing a lot to the team as you guys are talking you actually hear footsteps coming across the the bridge here like[Music] kind of like this clunking drag and you guys look over and you actually see that scarred drow making its way across the bridge carrying your kind of measly meals for the day it comes up to the bars it's the same one that has like the horrible scarring across the left-hand side of his face and he looks at the three of you holding these bowls filled with like this mushroom stew then he like slowly peeks over his right shoulder back towards the guard tower looks back at you guys walks a little bit closer and like knots his head as in like a khmer gesture i i'm going to go right over don't seem too bad yeah no he means he's just [ __ ] with you definitely a level of caution but he's he's a pro like there's a there's a healthy you know distrust there but he's interested okay so you guys make your way over to this this scar drow and uh he slowly passes these small bulls through the bars and goes if i could give you a means to escape from here would you take it i'm i'm gonna need a a check on his uh his intensity i thought you were gonna be like i'm gonna need you to roll me up persuasion or something please no i'm i'm not going to say [ __ ] to that make an insight i i'm not gonna say [ __ ] to that until i know where it's coming from all of you can make it you're all there goes not that cautious absolutely that's a 15. lara you uh you insight checking this dude are you gonna just kind of go with your gut um if indigo immediately said yes um she she's just going to stand and ah i'll do i'll do an inside check real quick but i think she's just kind of going along with indigo right now uh that's in 11 12 12. okay uh you two believe that he legitimately wants to know if you want a means of escape he doesn't um like you you haven't heard his proposal or anything but he seems genuinely interested and doesn't seem to be coming from kind of a uh sneaky like tell me i'll tell on you kind of a thing are you oh are you not that's not slimy are you a cop you gotta tell me if you're a cop it's a rules um so here's indigo and he looks at both you lara and yousafel kind of like waiting for a confirmation uh lara's gonna give a nod and um kind of stand uh to the side and look at savelle we'll hear your proposal good good quickly though so that we are not mistaken for being in cahoots here past the balls through to the others and he's like ever so slightly checking behind his shoulders take the bowls kind of pass it into the cell stool distribute the food he comes over and you just like place it on his bulbous mushroom head and he just kind of starts running it around the room to everybody coming back you're like after he's delivered a bowl just like i'm ready for another and then he runs off again so this this drow because i could create a distraction for you and leave this cell unlocked all i need from you is to make sure you make it out of here all of you i can distract them long enough in the armory outpost there behind me where your other guards sit what's in it for you do you see these scars they were a gift from an ooze a horrible black one i once stood as captain here and that ooze left me crippled he holds up his left hand and you actually see he only has three fingers remaining on it the rest of his skin has been horribly burned and same with his face that limp that he has on his in his left leg now i'm nothing but a mockery here especially to ilvara all i want is to see them humiliated and if that that taste of it comes from your escape i'd gladly do it a hundred times over what are the conditions of this distraction do they involve an immediate exit or could items be gathered that were taken from us most of the others are two the southern stalag tights some within the armory the guard posed across the bridge if i were to distract them you would need to head closer to the quaggath den as we call it and maybe jump into the pools below so that's a no one getting our things i cannot make any promises on that if you decide to push your way through the armory and escape that way and try to gather your things do it i'll try to distract them as much as possible maybe even draw them more close to the southern gate [ __ ] that's all i needed to hear i'm in i uh we could give stool one shot before the distraction potentially we could what do i call you i'm jorlin i know this guy jorlin do you enter the chambers of the mistress he actually looks pretty pissed when you kind of say that man he just said that that she doesn't like him no i don't he kind of says through some gritted teeth then your distraction will be more than enough how long do we have i can have my shift switched for tomorrow is that soon enough yeah i am that sounds great i need one thing is this what the [ __ ] feathers fell it's together[Laughter] it is literally the only thing that's gonna get us down safely unless we take the lift oh i think he told us to take the lift yeah we could take the lift you you know in talking to a couple of the people that like you could take the lift you know that it's usually guarded by some quagoth he said you could jump down to the river below slash pool below however you want to do it he's like[ __ ] do it if you want me to do something towards the south i'll do something towards the south but like his only demand is is that you guys have to make it out and that's it he doesn't care how you do it you just have to make it out of here take the distraction as far south as you possibly can to give us as much time and as much room to move and a chance to gain our items if we do not have the time nor the capability to retrieve them we will not risk our lives gaining them we will take the loss i will do my best i will have to come by sooner and unlock the gate don't go too soon i will need time to make my way to the south without being clear on my intentions will there be a signal you'll see the guards rushing from the guard post let it be so then starts to shuffle away from you guys so you guys start to kind of settle in for a little bit trying to get some rest you know tomorrow however long that might be it could be just a couple hours it could be a hell of a long time you're not sure but he will leave the gate open create a distraction and you guys can get the[ __ ] out you find yourself in a very square corridor and it's like any dream you just find yourself kind of in the middle of it and you're running we see you panting and you're sprinting and you're running down this corridor and you you can you can't see anything in front of you but the darkness and as you come up all of a sudden like a wall appears in front of you and you you slam into it and you you see that there's a turn to your right so you immediately start sprinting it down and looking the way that you had just come before and you frantically you come up to another corner you see that there's a left and right and left and right which way do you go left okay you start you start running to the left and you can hear behind you just in this heavy footsteps starting to crap come up closer and closer here something huge slams into a wall behind you you're sprinting faster now you see from that huge explosion when you look behind you you see like this curling dust come out of the darkness closer towards you as it enters your field of vision and you just start sprinting faster and faster and just and it starts growing and growing in those footsteps ever closer and then this large hand starts reaching out from the shadows towards you and you're just no as it clamps down on you and you awake sam would you roll for that d10 seven seven you find yourself as you wake up in a large open cavern you can just barely see the spring print pick of light who knows how far above you but you can see that you're kind of swathed in this kind of circular lighted area and as you go to like stand up you like place your arms beside you and just hear this squelch and you look down your hands are sinking into like what looks like flesh and you're looking all around you just see what looks like muscles all about you and your hand like slips in between them and you're just you pull them out and like you feel that same slurping just and you feel your body kind of like sinking into it and you feel like something grab onto you from beneath and you you you yell out and you try to like scramble away and then all of a sudden from like beneath this fleshy substance hands start coming out and like grabbing you and just trying to pull you in like quicksand in your body and you're struggling to get out and as your face slowly sinks beneath in your arms reaching outwards your eyes panicked you wake up and you're in the cell brendan what's your role uh i rolled a six okay and you technically because of your race you don't really sleep correct uh the way that it is uh an active motionless state during which i retain consciousness so essentially i just kind of go into a conscious stasis okay you settle into this kind of meditative state and as you're in it as vigilant as you're trying to be you find yourself quickly becoming distracted because as like you're holding your hands picture your kind of your fingers kind of methodically like steepling and kind of folding together and unsteepling and then maybe kind of like rubbing the backs of your hands and you can you look down and you see your bony fingers and you can see all your veins kind of underneath your thin skin and you see one of those prominent veins all of a sudden like slink back into your arm and you're like what and then you feel like your lip starting to like twitch in a weird way just like raising up towards your your nose and then it settles back down and you just feel like something like pull and you feel like your face is moving and like you put up your your your hand to your cheekbone and you feel it move and like you go to press back and it feels fine but you can't deny what you just felt and then you kind of feel things kind of you're like a little shaky and you're looking at yourself in that vein that you saw kind of like slink back underneath your skin it's still there you're like what the hell and as you guys all kind of come back to full consciousness a fell kind of still pondering what the hell he felt and he saw if he saw anything if he really felt anything alara and indigo awake from their dreams all of you make a perception check for me 19 19 great 14. okay nine nine okay you two hear this like distant screeching almost like a bird it's crying and then you hear what sounds like like a mosquito when it flies next to your ear just hear like this droning and all of a sudden as you hear the sound growing louder and louder you guys feel yourselves like walking towards the gate you even see a couple of the drow exit out from the guard tower and the sound becomes louder and louder and louder and then all of a sudden you just hear that screeching air and it's closer and you guys [ __ ] see these two large harpy like creatures all of a sudden just burst from down below just coming out of nowhere and they start screaming and flying around in the air and then you see these large mosquito-like creatures following up behind them and they're just [ __ ] those things dog fighting each other and you see them like one of them is trying to grab this bird creature humanoid type thing and trying to stab it with this huge hibiscus like needle just on its face that droning growing ever louder and all of a sudden cries and screams are coming from the drows and these large creatures are just flying about the cavern guys see the drought all of a sudden moving from between the stalactites screaming and yelling orders you see them starting to launch arrows out into this cavern space at these large monstrous creatures and then you see jorlin all of a sudden comes sprinting across the walkway and he comes up to the gate and he like quickly unlocks it and flings it open and he goes i don't know what's happening but now you'll never find a better distraction go this wasn't the point what do you guys do guys it's time to go stool yeah with me no topsy turvy let's go okay all the others just they just start scrambling up behind you like where are we going what what's happening where are you guys going to go my book i'm going to run for the bridge uh i'm i'm going to see if i can get my my[ __ ] equipment back i'm i'm gonna try i'm right behind him all right the gate is open you guys have been told to go safel is making a break for it to try and get to his belongings you guys have told the other ones to like go they're basically following your guys's lead so what are you guys doing you're making a break for the room yeah yep i'm running straight for where i was last told our belongings might be okay i am taking if like i'm taking the chance to get them if it looks like it's gonna kill us to do it he's gonna cut his loss but he's he's not going without trying okay let's just quickly put this into initiative order just so we can do this kind of like a second by second type thing uh so go ahead and roll that for me guys initiative guys this is our first initiative of the podcast i rolled a natural [ __ ] 20 for our first initiative so that is a total of 23 which honestly makes sense because as soon as that door was opened safel started old man sprinting i got a dirty toy surprisingly agile oh no this is great because i did not i got a four y'all that's i'll catch up i'll catch up get new dice man i did well they they're wrong that you hey they had some bad juju in him or the last guy like all right the guy who made him or the guy who had him last just didn't treat him right enough about the dice you guys got to escape so uh first in the order we do have cephel safel so you've got your full range of movement you are still back at this gate go ahead and do what you want to do okay i can get so i can get into this tower so i am uh forget we have to describe things because no one can see what we're seeing yes so he bursts from the gate goes directly across to the bridge that leads to that first stalagmite that will lead south towards uh elvara's chamber where his equipment supposedly is so i'm going to sprint across the bridge into that first tower but before i exit it onto the secondary bridge he's going to stop at the door and take a look to make sure that he's not going to be running right into guards that are just going to grab him well funnily enough as you run into this guard tower you actually see that there is a quag off and a drow both in there but as you're running through they don't even seem to be paying you any mind their eyes are looking out the windows in this stalactite out at these creatures these huge creatures clawing and crying out at each other's and trying to tear each other apart um and you see that there are in fact two drow upon this rickety bridge by the waterfall you do think you have space to like run by them but you also see um that you see mistress elvara and captain shore right by the uh entrance to that stalactite that you know her belong uh your belongings are in so that's what you see what do you want to do uh i'm going to assume that the magic's back on and i'm going to cast disguise self and make myself look like one of the drow guards okay you do that you turn into an eye okay and as i do that i'm going to run out the door and just start making my way across the bridge so you you start making your way out onto this bridge but before you get too far you change yourself into the appearance of a drow okay laura you are up um so these giant or not large creatures are like flying straight can i get a sense of are they flying they're just fighting each other they're not attacking anyone specifically yeah they don't even seem to be paying the drought any attention you see the mosquito-like creatures are like actively trying to chase down these harpy bird-like creatures and they're just like tearing at each other uh and they're flying all about the cavern they're not necessarily flying in a particular direction lara's instinct i think um because she saw safel run down and then disguise himself right i definitely saw that uh you didn't see that actually you don't have good line of sight on it but you heard him say like he's he's going for his stuff indigo are you going in well yeah i mean it's like sort of on the way and you know if we can grab it that'll be great okay i thought i said she was highly convinced hi i thought you said she was highly influenced she's gonna run outside the cell and then she's going to turn back and yell to the group all right this is our chance we have to all escape here if you want to leave this place with your lives you will leave now and we have to split up or else we are dead do you understand me half of you this way and she's gonna point north um okay so the idea here is to get a distraction to potentially lose half but also potentially help us you monster okay um roll a persuasion check because you weren't specific about this will it it will be interesting how this goes this is gonna be chaos i'm not proud of this guys it's in that one they look at you and they're like bupido like turns around to the others and it's like no we stay together we can escape in greater numbers and like there they like know bubito a little bit better and they're like okay yeah yeah yeah yeah stick together your funeral and she's gonna get out her club and move like she's told okay all right uh cool that is your turn you see this creature right here actually get into a coral with this bird-like one and they are like biting into each other but you see this bird-like one actually gets onto the back of the mosquito type one and actually is like clawing into its back tears off of its wings and that large creature the mosquito like one just starts plummeting towards the bottom of the cavern just[Music] he moves up and all of a sudden like you see as this bird one sends the other one to the ground starts to turn to the others it just gets speared right through its chest as this other mosquito comes up and like eviscerates it with this large probiscus and that one starts to crumble towards the ground this one comes around this particular winged one also starts to clamber with this mosquito one and they just start getting into a slugfest on each other um next up is the drow you see jorlin in an effort because you can see that there are drow coming from the north running up the staircase towards to like where you guys are but their eyes seem to be on these creatures jorlin actually starts running into this guard post and the other ones on this bridge next to yusifel just start pulling out bows and firing arrows you see shore actually moving towards the south a little bit like calling out what sounds like orders and ilvara starts following while this drow kind of makes it around this side of the stalactite trying to uh get a better view as he pulls out a bow um and that is their turn indigo you are up oh boy uh i i'm gonna follow the gang here um so indigo is gonna burst out of the cell head over the first rope bridge into the uh kind of log jam behind um cephel and lara and while there i think he then he's gonna reach into his robes he's gonna pull out the uh the ron's tusk um and i would like to ready an action um okay to take a a stab at anyone who um attempts to apprehend me or anyone in my crew right here sure okay all right you prepare yourself that way and next up are the npcs so we see bupido sprint uh out here he moves in let's take a look at his movement speed oh yeah and then he's going to double move and you see as he crosses the bridge here he actually shoves this drought just let's make actually a strength check here strength contest[ __ ] he just makes it so you see bupido run across and like dive underneath the straw's legs and then like throw himself upwards and this drow gets chucked over the side and just starts hurtling towards the bottom wilhelm scream um and then he uh that's as far as he gets we see shushar just starting to run out and he gets into the guard room because he's uh a little bit slow he sees everybody he's like and he starts making his way across but he's actually got pretty good movement and he makes it all the way to here uh topsy and turvey actually hold back a little bit but we see sarith make his way out and he's like all caught up in the creatures he actually just freezes there eldif she moves all the way into the guard room stool the little boy starts running his way in and he gets in next to laura and safel laura you see this drow kind of like hunched over in front of you by the way the odd kind of looking as he like glances back at you and topsy and tervy start making their way across this bridge we are now back at you safel what do you want to do okay disguised as the drow i am going to um now that my companions have made their way to the bridge at least to lara i'm going to look back at her and try to give her a glance and sort of uh god i don't know a good like signal to to identify that it's me um oh i i[Music] i'm going to to make like a swooshing motion with my hand that sort of uh mimics a feather that would be floating to the ground oh i said i will do that yeah well i'll do that as quickly as possible and then i will uh run across okay i can get all the way to the end of the bridge and then i can actually make it into that uh chamber yeah don't forget where supposedly our equipment don't forget you can double move yes i am aware okay uh i'm just going to well the the first turn i couldn't because i had to use an action to cast disguise self um and right now my full movement is getting me into that chamber and i'm kind of waiting to see what i i see in there before i make any you see that it's uh you see that it's empty but you do see the trap door is open that leads down below okay i am going to make a dash for that then i will use my action to dash and i will move down that trapdoor okay so you enter into what you believe to be uh ilvara's quarters and as you descend down this ladder inside you see that the walls all along them are hung like this black mesh that kind of resembles a spider web and from it extends from kind of a central point in the ceiling out to the walls and they drape kind of like curtains you see that there are thick woven mats covering all the floor while there's a low platform that is covered with cushions and pillows to kind of make a broad devon-like bed on one side of the chamber you see that there is a small table and two chairs while on the other holds a small shrine to what appears to be that same figure as above but this one uh is kind of draped in what looks like a white kind of cloth you also see that there's this heavy chest of that weird kind of wood that you guys have seen in some of the other locations at the foot of this bed and that's what you see okay do i see any of my stuff around no you don't you don't see any of your stuff uh immediately lying about okay wha uh what did you say was on the foot of the bed chest a very large heavy chest okay do i have enough movement uh to get to it how much did it take you to get in there like 30 and then uh it took me my 30 to get into the chamber i don't know you know where the trap door was how high the ladder was and how big her chamber is so that's sort of the yeah so the circle that you're kind of standing in for the stalactite is kind of the same all the way down through um okay so you it would you would probably need to double move to get down there because the ladder descends about 10 feet um and then the uh chest is probably like eight feet away from you okay so i believe i would actually have enough movement to get to the chest absolutely yes okay um so this is sort of this will be up to you whether this is a whole separate action but the rules on interacting with an object allow one free object interaction per turn as either part of your action or your movement um it doesn't require one or the other it just sort of is assumed that it's during your mover action um okay that's fine so do you want to try and open this chest i'll say that yeah that's gonna be part of your movement okay you go to try to open it it's locked i figured as much yeah okay um lara it is your turn you see this weird kind of signal from this drow in kind of a feather-like motion um you kind of maybe intuit that it would be safel and you see them run across the bridge as they do not seem to give a [ __ ] about these large creatures flying around or what the other drow are doing and disappear into the stalactite where you know mistress elvara's room to be yeah i think i would definitely if i saw that drow also go into the quarters of ilvara then i would know like okay he's gonna get his [ __ ] book um is this drow still on the bridge or is this the one that bupido knocked over no so the one with the x is the one that uh bupido shoved over this one is still kind of like in the moment kind of like looking back and forth but trying to fire arrows at these large creatures flying in the cavern um i would like to um do a shove action and push this drow also over the bridge okay let's do this contest or actually yeah i think it's a contest yeah go for it that's a dirty 20. okay cool i rolled a natural one so like he turns around describe how you toss this dude yeah i think lara is gonna do a clothesline like it's not even a toss it's a full-on just like about to run past him brings her arm across the front of his shoulders and just he flips like feet overhead over the bridge another wilhelm scream as he goes flying down below um you don't hear any splashing or anything as he falls and disappears okay all righty next up is the large creatures they are still just kind of dog fighting each other these two mosquito-like ones trying to get the better of this feathered one and you see that they're actually starting to slightly take notice of the drow but are don't seem to be too bothered by them at the moment um okay next up is the drow so you guys notice that these ones are kind of growing more uh fervored you guys laura you have line of sight in shushar you guys noticed that mistress ilvara and shore are making their way to what appears to be these towers over here and disappearing inside of them you see these two quag off kind of like follow into this stalactite as well while the others kind of are moving into this other one they seem to kind of like moving towards cover but then you see arrows and like a couple spells being launched out from the windows in these stalactites um okay the other ones are slowly starting to like make their ways up the stairs taking little pot shots as they can um all right indigo you are up all righty um having had not occasionally used the wrong uh indigo's gonna run out of the stalactite cavern through the um the hanging bridge there um we're gonna squeeze by uh laura and shushar and it's gonna do dash uh beneath or dash into the um like the sanctuary area where he saw um the cephel drow go and it's gonna also try to make his way down yeah you've uh you've got 30 feet of regular movement right yep yeah so you you make it down there you see the same draped black mesh cloth uh room and you see sephill is like at this chest like trying to get it open it's locked uh yeah i'm gonna run up to it um and pull out my my orc tusk um and begin to size up if i can use it to pick or not um but that is my my movement and my action here okay all right um cool so next uh our npc's here eldeth quickly sprints across she passes by you laura and gets past shushar and she starts trying to make her way and as she like passes you guys she goes i'll try to make it to the lift make sure you guess there and quickly behind her you see topsy and turvy sprint by uh sarith kind of slower but he eventually kind of makes his way and he starts making it uh and then shushar makes his way down and uh stool just hi i'll make sure that we have space on the lift for you makes his way over and then bupido slips by you and you actually see him pull out what looks like a rock and he like stabs this drought in the gut and without even like flinching just like leaves it buried in the gut and keeps moving onward uh and he makes it to about here uh okay safel you are up you are at this locked chest what do you want to do i mean i can't open it i don't have anything to attempt to open it so i am going to um do i have anything uh okay i have the flint shard so i am going to is there any way that i can use that in an attempt to aid bupido in his picking of the lock like i know he has the tusk that he's going to try to use to jimmy it maybe i can give him the the shard as a sort of um i don't know the technical terms because i don't pick a lock but there's usually the actual pick and then the piece that you put in to put pressure on the the tines of the lock to try to move it into place so i will uh completely set in that way it's too thick to use to pick it but you think if you guys were trying to like break the lock you could probably help him in that regard i mean i can do that i cannot is it like a is it a regular chest locker is there like a like a physical like it's like like it's like a padlock oh perfect it's not integrated in yeah you feel like you could potentially bust this off if you guys you know way along yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna step back 10 feet and i'm going to cast celestial burst on it okay describe that spell for those that don't know because that's actually yeah homebrew celestial is it really yeah it is okay celestial burst is a evocation can drip it is an at will cast time of an action range of 60 feet it uh only requires verbal and somatic components you shoot a comet of cosmic light at a creature or object within range you make a range spell attack against the target on a hit the target takes 1d8 radiant damage if the target was an object it takes no damages instead [ __ ] i was waiting for that to happen just this just like that poison you remember that [ __ ] poison what happened from our priest so many times yeah read your spells can i hold on nope i can't do that one either never mind uh [ __ ] me running okay i will uh our wizard doesn't have damaging spells no not damaging cantrips i have damaging spells um but i'm trying to save one just in case so i will use the flint chart then as it seems mechanically intended as a dagger and just try to bust okay make an attack okay uh i believe a dagger i can use my dexterity score with as well yes yeah because it is weapon okay 17. okay you hit it roll for damage wow uh four points of damage okay for four points of damage all right you uh you make a good gouge into it lara you are up um lara is standing next to that drow that bupidu just um stuck something pointy in right mm-hmm yeah he took like what looked like a sharpened rock and just like jammed it into that drow's stomach okay i would like to and i don't know if this is like fudging it i want to um grab the weapon that was shoved into his stomach pull it out as a free object interaction um[Music] i don't know what like what do you want to do with it once you have it give me give me that like give me the full idea of this turn that you're describing well so i'm kind of imagining if it if it doesn't come out easily she's going to use it to pull this drow and throw him over the edge okay if it's stuck in there then she's just gonna whip it and then he she's keeping the dagger but he's going over the side so uh a foot of maybe bracing a foot against the body and pull it out okay um it's definitely not gonna be an easy pull he's actually like clutching it as it's like in his gut and like your hand reaches for it and he looks up and he's like no no no no and uh do you want to try to rip it out and like send him flying over the edge or do you want to just like shove him off i'm imagining that this is like a um grab and shove okay make another string check let's make this contest[ __ ] die uh 18. ho uh natural 20. so like you start to shove him and he manages to like resist you and like throw you off okay all right um hmm i think i i cannot move past in his square right you you could but you take an attack of opportunity i will stay where i'm at because i know my friends are still on that um stalag tight stalactite um right there so i'm gonna wait and i will end my turn hey everybody this is sam conklin i voice lara in the madness table we are so delighted to have you here thank you so much for listening to our dinky little podcast we pour our hearts into this so to have you here it's just it's it's the world if you haven't already we have a twitter instagram and facebook at the madness table you can also shoot us an email at themadnesstable we would love to hear from you love to hear how you're enjoying the show any questions you have for the characters we might even shut you out in some future post show notes so please do so if you're loving the podcast we would just adore you if you shared it with a friend and that's it so we'll see you in two weeks for our next episode when[Music][Applause][Music] do[Music] so[Music][Music][Music][Music] do[Music][Music][Music] you