[Music] so[Music] last week you guys were[Music] kind of dealing with the uh tumultuous tumultuous aftermath of what occurred with the deaths of darren dill ront and jim jar and then you were approached this drought jorlin came up to you and propositioned that they might be able to give you a chance to escape the only thing they asked is that you absolutely made sure that you did so to piss off mistress ilvara however after you all kind of came through to your uh awakening you heard this buzzing this drone and all of a sudden these five large creatures came bursting in these blue mosquito-esque creatures chasing after these uh humanoid bird-like monsters with these large wings um and large beaks upon their faces and jorlin came released you guys and said basically run for it i have no effing idea what this what this is what is happening and so you guys start running for it you made it across into the first stalactite you see that all the drow and the quaggas are kind of uh shielding themselves up and trying to pick off at whatever these creatures are and you guys decided i believe it was cephel and indigo most needing their materials that they had lost when captured you guys ran into mistress elvara's chambers indigo you are up next you see safel standing at this large chest you see that he's tried to uh jab his dagger into it what do you want to do standing in this room uh as i as i step in uh i'm gonna you know this is what we talked about i'm gonna gather uh what's left of ron's tusk and i'm also gonna use it to try to break open that lock okay make an attack roll all right and does that have uh stats similar to a dagger yes absolutely that is just considered a background as a 21. okay yeah you hit roll roll damage all right that is a four on the die that is a six okay you see that a large gash tears into it as the two of you have uh kind of made these blows but it still seems to be somewhat intact all right so then i'm going to use my bonus action um to make to use my uh fey hop goblin uh fay gift i'm gonna use my bonus action as the help action uh for cephel for the next time he you know tries to jimmy that lock open okay nice using that awesome new ua ability um okay lara you are up you were trying to tug this dagger that bupido smashed into this drow you were trying to yank it out and at the same time throw them over the edge but they managed to resist you what are you doing yeah laura is gonna try again i imagine that she does like a and then she's just going to try and reach for it again and try again to um swing him around and shove him over the edge while keeping hold of that all right let's make the strength contest oh 18 plus five 23. you got a plus five already damn girl damn girl uh yeah you win uh so you managed to you wanted to like at the same time rip this dagger out and like pitch them over the edge right like yeah one foot braced on like their abdomen grab it and take the knife while kicking them over okay yeah you managed to uh do exactly that you pull the knife from the stomach with that leverage you try to throw them over they get a deck saving throw to see if they can grab the ledge natural one you just hear as you plummets uh downwards and you just see him kind of disappear into the black there uh all right um i will use my movement then to move further down here um just i guess um these are uh so i'm running along the edge here and i'm i'm running into these npcs that are on our side but i could go past them right you could uh squeeze past them it would be considered difficult terrain though as this ledge is pretty narrow um and you see that they're all kind of buckled up there and you're not exactly sure what's really going on around the corner there i don't think i'm gonna do that because i don't think i can get the whole way through so do i see um if i turn to my right as i'm crossing this bridge am i seeing indigo and safal or i guess not that galaxies so you go into the stalactite you don't see them you see the hatch open and you could probably hear their grunts from down below and probably like the tink of uh something hitting metal like yeah um i'll skid to a stop and just go saval indigo what we're busy i'll end my turn either come help either well if you have one tell me either come help or kill more drow okay uh all right well that is your uh you're not going down the ladder no i'm i just yelled from up top they said either help or kill more drows i think next to her laura's just gonna do the ladder okay uh all right then so next up is the creatures turn they are still kind of buzzing about each other uh these two blue mosquito-like creatures uh dive bombing this humanoid bird like creature um and we actually see more of the drow kind of like spacing themselves up more kind of move out onto this ladder um trying to get shots off on these guys and then things kind of take a turn we see these creatures as they these two mosquito-like ones take out this large bird-like creature you just you guys just hear this as it cuts off this scream it crumbles to the ground and or drops through this cavern i should say and these two large mosquito like creatures all of a sudden seem to notice the drow and then you guys really start to hear screams just oh god no as they start dive bombing towards everybody that is uh in the stalactites we see one all of a sudden like come up to want to just start jabbing its hibiscus in through one of the uh the arrow slits and like skewer one of the drow for a moment and you just hear these screams starting to echo and you can tell things are getting fat alright sephill it is your turn you see that this lock is looking pretty beat up now you feel like you don't have too much more left to dig through on it to pop it open would you would you say that the metal lock is bloodied well then what are we even doing here will you have advantages obviously i'm going to attack it okay uh uh yes thank you oh i need it i was gonna stay with you i very much needed those old man he's really getting through there yeah uh 15 hit you hit it okay all right uh all right daggers are[ __ ] terrible oh my god and minimum damage again four points of damage that's that's a minimum for you some people minimum is two or less um yeah you dig well it's a d4 but i have a plus three with my dad is the oh is the is the old guy faster than me possibly oh uh yeah you break the lock off and you see it just didn't fall to the floor and this weird dark kind of um pumicy wood is uh this chest is now open to you if you want to see what's inside uh yes i would i would like to see if if my things are in there okay all right you open it up and i need you to make a constitution saving throw as a salvo oh poison out of a boat thanks for holding that at you okay there so so they're bolts that contain poison it's not just poison yeah okay [ __ ] uh constitution save uh 14. okay you just make it so you guys see you laura you can just like you look down you hear this tink of the lock hitting the floor you just hear like a quiet like exclamation of like yes and you hear that as the chest gets open and then and just probably a yell from safel indigo you're probably horrified as this old man just gets littered with a dozen bolts that stick into them oh great i'm i'm so glad it hits me anyway yeah oh yeah yeah yeah you take uh one point of piercing damage okay um however you are not poisoned oh good good yes you you manage to fend it off and you wipe and like rip out a number of these darts uh and and prevent yourself from taking it's bad bad bad poison um yeah yeah that would have sucked all right so what you see inside is you see a variety of silken garments and personal items first off in there you see what looks like a silver chain headdress set with small onyx stones that you would think would be worth a little bit of gold you see a drawstring bag that could hold a couple of things you see a small leather purse you see a small moonstone and you see what looks to be like a uh actually make an arcana check for me arcana check i am fairly good at those i'm uh i'm something of a spellcaster myself[Music] roll the [ __ ] natural one of course of course it's it's a total of eight though if that if that means anything oh wow you know you're like ripping a dart out of your eye and you're like it's a bag no um this is this is easy enough this looks like a spare spell component pouch however you also see all of the belongings that the three of you lost as you had been taken hostage yes um so it would be an action to kind of like gather all of these things um so either you could wait or you could uh like tell indigo indigo you can kind of see everything that's in there as well um so you could grab it but it's a lot of stuff i would say you know you um like donning armor and stuff like that takes anywhere from like five to ten minutes so you're gonna have to consider do you try to wait that long and try to put your stuff on or do you grab it and go kind of a thing um food for thought uh and so i kind of i actually got the order wrong but that is fine we're gonna we're gonna switch it up here uh indigo you are up wow great job sephill sorry about your hello body but you seem fine it's fine grab everything it's time to go and he's like still like brushing bolts out of his skin yeah and if i can i will i'm gonna try to grab everything um is there like a bag or anything i can put stuff into for easier carrying um did you have any kind of backpack before i i did have a i had an explorer's pack okay so yeah you see that you that your pack is there you could start stuffing some some things in there i would say that you would be able to grab all of yours half of lara's stuff and a couple of the spare belongings in there if you want them such as like the uh little leather bags the headdress set um with the the onyx stones um and whatnot and then the same goes for safel you can grab your stuff half of lara's and some of the other belongings in there i wanted i will uh i'll do that on my next turn okay yeah yeah uh yeah i'm going to grab my pack i'm going to grab as much of the extra material and laura lara stuff as i can and shove it into my bag if i could i'd like to grab my holy symbol uh as well and have that like in hand yeah okay um i will say as an action you gather all that stuff i will say as a bonus action you you manage to uh pull your uh holy symbol out and you have it in hand perfect yeah i will take that action bonus action and i'll turn to sephill um are you good to grab the rest of the stuff i have it go keep me on the bridge uh and i will i will do as the man says i'm gonna um scurry up the trap door again um and then i'm gonna start moving out okay um yeah yeah well uh so it was 10 feet to the bottom of the ladder it's about 10 feet up so you'd have like 10 feet more movement coming out uh so like you could probably get to like the ledge area cool yeah i'll step over to the ledge and i'll say it uh turn to laura hey i got yours i got some of your stuff sethel's getting the rest let's get out of here wow nice job uh yeah let's do this it was incredible we hit that lock and then it it shot sephill but he's fine i think anyway let's go oh that's what i heard he's a scraper he's a screamer[Laughter] uh okay all right that's just part of who i am now that's wonderful it's canon it's canon all right laura you are up yeah um so tell me how are these ladders connected to the ledge uh they are connected by uh uh pitons or whatever you wanna call them i'm pretty sure it's pitons um that are kind of like bolted the the ropes to the uh the cave walls or cavern walls and then they are also uh again once again kind of nailed down uh right at the lip as well so there's a couple different secure points but otherwise it is just like this thick twined rope like material okay and are those those drow are like not even looking at us right because the mosquito thing uh not at you and indigo at the moment but make a perception check okay five and negative one that's a four okay yeah you feel like you're you're not noticed at the moment there's just there's so much chaos going around all right um i think um the the weapon that i got from that drow that i shoved over the edge was the dagger is that right yep okay i think what i want to do is um move past indigo over to that ladder and i want to try and see what i can do to um maybe pry up one of the um titans fitments yeah whatever of the three um yeah you could you could try to uh rip them up it's going to be a strength check okay um yeah let's i i'm imagining that her first instinct is going to be to try and like get down and use um some leverage with um the dagger to you know stick the point underneath and then try and jimmy it and loosen it out so straight okay yeah i will say because of that kind of creative ingenuity you lowered the dc a little bit but yeah let's hear that strength okay straight strength uh is a dirty 20. i got a 17 plus three okay you managed to pop one of the the pitons out um so you see the bridge start to wobble a little bit as these drow are kind of on it trying to defend themselves from this large uh mosquito-like creature and as you like look up and you see the scene where it's just like this creature dives bombs and just like simply spears in through one of these drow's heads and like rips it off go ahead and make me a sanity check the first one i feel so honored what's your what's your sanity number by the way uh 16. okay good let's uh let's see yeah so i'll explain should we explain okay yeah um i rolled a four plus three is seven okay wow all right not good no it's not so for for anybody that doesn't know there is a optional uh kind of skill slash uh in dnd that you can use at any time uh dm's i highly encourage it i never really thought to use it till i opened up this adventure path but there's two of them there is the sanity score and then there's the hero score so if you want like a campaign where your characters are going to be basically like um you know any kind of marvel or dc character and they're you know super capable of doing amazing feats all the time throw in that hero score and it allows them to do like all sorts of crazy fancy feats sanity however is when you're dealing with anything darker or kind of uh messed up in a sense and what happens here for for our players here is you have to make a certain dc if you see if like i determine a situation is horrifying enough that it could impact your psyche if you fail that dc your sanity score goes down by one permanently after a certain amount of time if you learn lose a certain amount of points you will start to experience certain um problems and issues along the way uh that may or may not stick with you for the rest of your character's lives so yeah we want to make them check what you're saying is um a seven bad seven's really [ __ ] bad because you just lost a point of sanity you see this horrifying scene something that you've never once witnessed in your life and you've seen some stuff but just this horrible monster coming in skewering this man's head ripping it off and then just like proceeding to stick its hibiscus into its neck like into the torso and you just see it like it's starting to suck the blood you see it's a thorax thoracic period no um what is it what's the word is it thorax thor abdomen abdomen thorax um yeah it starts to like undulate and you see it's like lower half starting to fill with blood in its body just like shrivel i don't think i'll ever be able to have a slurpee again cherry oh god no more strawberry no fruit no fruit punch drinks for this wizard no sir yeah i i mean so lara got one of those pythons out and after seeing that and lowering her sanity which by the way sure it lowered by one but i lost because i'm no longer at 16 i'm now plus two so yeah it's pretty impactful yeah um it's very impactful uh so she's gonna um just oh my god and to go run run and then she's actually gonna leave i'm not gonna bother with more titans i'm gonna head head the other direction okay i think that is a extremely uh good character reaction for that so go ahead and take a point of inspiration for like really falling into what your character is going for uh you're just you're just feeling guilty no i'm not no i'm not he's here he just knows what we're in don't don't argue when i give it to you because you don't need it you might want it on your next sanity role someday he's to stop giving them and we're going to miss the day thank you oh gosh i love this game anyways i i love the i love the idea that safel is like still standing in front of a chest like if we're thinking in real time he's like just beginning to reach in and like grab a handful of stuff and meanwhile just up the ladder lara just watched a drow get [ __ ] slurpeed out of its own like the whole rip off their heads [ __ ] down their neck thing but in reverse and just bolt and he's just like oh pretty things here's my ball game here my clothes he picked nothing going on you see him pause he's just like and he pulls out a feather hey hey you said it you said it i have it you picked up a a component pouch like yeah you've got a feather you're fine yeah well two to be fair if if everything that i had was in there my spell casting focus is also in there and i no longer need a feather the feathers obsolete okay uh yeah that's a that's another thing for everybody listening we are keeping track of material components so enjoy that anyways yeah that great image of you just gathering your stuff while laura sees this horrible scene and starts booking it running for uh telling indigo to run as well uh all right next up are these creatures the drow and the npc's so we see this one all of a sudden just get absolutely uh decimated by this large creature and it this demon like or or whatever just rips its provisions out the body just crumbles onto it and it like on all six of its legs like clings to the top of this um uh bridge and starts like very quickly chasing its way across after this more heavily armored uh drow and you see it starts swiping at it and eventually it gets like uh it just grabs onto him and races out into the cavern the two of them you hear it's his screams just echoing out and then just as he gets dropped you see we see this other one starting to come across and it's all the start and starting to make sweeps across where the npcs are all and you guys start to hear their yells laura you see it you actually see that mistress elvara uh serif and one of the elite drow uh warriors in a quagga are all there and they were starting to make moves on the uh your your buddies your cell mates and then this this large creature just almost starts sweeping over trying to take stabs at everyone let's actually see if it does some damage okay so you see it come down and swipe at this quag off in front of you and it does some damage like rips into one of its arms swings back around actually beats uh mr silvara against like the stalag type wall where it comes to the ledge and she kind of like bounces off of it and crumbles to the ground it comes back and it tries to make a dive bomb at seraph and misses sarah manages to duck at the exact moment that he needed to and it kind of zooms off over them making its way past that stalactite as well again picking up another drow and again you hear the wilhelm screams as it gets dropped into the cavern um lara you hear uh what sounds like shoeshare just everybody come here i'm going to rub in the west and uh all of them start making their way onto the lift uh trying to get into it to get out uh unless they all make their way over charis he's going to take an attack of opportunity from this elite warrior here he misses oh my gosh wow bad rolls where where were these before um but they are not all capable of getting in we are back at the top of the order uh safel you are up you are standing in front of this chest of goodies wouldn't it be nice if we he's just like picking [ __ ] uh i'm going to uh grab the rest of the stuff and i'm going to do something similar to what uh indigo did where i'm going to pull everything but i'm going to make a point to separate out my book and my staff actually if i can only do one i'm gonna prioritize the staff because the book i don't need to have necessarily you know in my hand at all times i'm gonna take my staff out um this like very gnarled like purplish uh elm twisted rod with just a fork like a three-prong fork at the end of it nothing sitting in it just this long gnarled piece of wood and he is going to have that in his hand and he is going to uh run back on the ladder and you said about 10 feet left at the top so i can get out to the ledge here with indigo about there uh and i'm going to can i see the lift from here or is that sort of blocked by that lag type uh it's a it's a little blocked so yeah you can't really see it okay uh either way i'm sort of sandwiched in the middle of them uh next to the ledge so i'm going to look to the both of them and i'm going to um and i'm just going to yell come to me we're leaving now okay and uh and that is my turn all right uh indigo it is your turn all right uh i'm going to run a little bit farther along the um passageway here between safel and laura kind of squeezing by um like holding a hand on uh safel's arm um what what what what are we doing we are jumping isn't there a bramble of spiders webs like right beneath us we'll cross that bridge when we get to it okay uh and i'll i'll i'll hold safel's arm um i am going to look over at the uh the qual goth it seems to be blocking uh laura's path i feel like she might like a little help uh and i am gonna like hold out a hand and like sweep it upwards of two fingers uh and cast a good old-fashioned uh sacred flame if i could oh all right hell yeah it's like as a dex save on the quad off spot all right spells are back [ __ ] that is a natural 17 plus three for a 20. okay so this horribly injured quagga if you cast a sacred flame what does it look like and what's your holy symbol look like as well so our holy symbol for indigo is is a a perfect silver circle uh held on a leather uh length around his neck um and when he like kind of like flicks his fingers up uh kind of like a crescent marking a a jet of like radiant fire like kind of peeks out through a crack in the earth beneath the quad off it kind of like jets up from the earth itself uh before the stone kind of like heals itself behind it okay cool um yeah so he he dodges out of the way of this this flame and uh kind of like dives towards the floor before scrambling up he's they seem pretty pretty messed up from whatever this creature was that attacked him um but they definitely notice your presence now for sure good luck laura you got this uh okay laura it is your turn um yeah laura looks back at safal who has blatantly said that they're gonna jump um and um i would like to turn to this quagoth and attempt a grapple okay with another strength contest yeah oh 18 and that five so 23 again you managed to grapple it yeah and all the other rules okay so i wanna i wanna um uh chokehold kind of thing and position him over the ledge so that when we jump he's gonna hit the web and i'm not that's the intent okay all right uh we're gonna pile drive him into a sp and then i've that's amazing i'm loving it i'm loving this this is awesome this is dope okay oh god so you you grapple this clog off you swing around this huge this large monstrous creature uh and you point it towards the edge do you say anything to it when you do this um yeah i imagine that she's gonna say um deserve this for what you've done to the people in this prison and then she's gonna stand and wait right okay all right uh yeah so it's just it's just snarling just this ferocious spittle everywhere it's trying to like bite back towards your face okay next up is everyone else so we see uh all of you make perception checks for me actually oh am i even good at those not one when did we play last uh flat ten okay 15. so laura you are uh too distracted trying to keep this quagoth in check it's it's fur in this gray blue uh kind of greenish fur in your face uh constantly trying to bite at you that you're you're not too keen on your surroundings at the moment sephill you see that most of the drow that were kind of coming from the direction you guys came from are either severely wounded or uh kind of like splitting off to find cover somewhere because these demons continue to just uh dive in on on them constantly trying to to kind of kill them off but they as they come up from hiding they do try to get a couple pop shots and these creatures are starting to look a bit worse for wear indigo you notice that uh basically all of the your npc buddies have made it into this lift except for uh shushar who you can hear yelling i will try to mumble you down and somebody cannot get you please save yourselves head to the dark lake you will be most safe there with my people and uh he like lets go of this lever like rips it back and all of a sudden you hear this as this lift just all of a sudden plummets into the darkness um okay we are uh we see them they're starting to move in trying to get a stop on them this guy's out uh all right we are back at the three of you guys um i'm assuming all of you guys are jumping or is there something else you guys want to do because i can kind of make this a group action if you want to jump i uh safel is just turning to the like back to the ledge t poses out with them on either arm like staff in one hand bag in the other and just lets himself fall backwards yeah and i'm basically surfboarding this quag off okay i'm going with the party all right you all jump uh safel are you doing anything else with this jump or no yes okay yes i am i am as we uh actually before i i say what i'm doing can i get a quick look down and see distance wise you know how far is it to the webs roughly how far down is this is this drop i mean you kind of said you jumped already oh i'm not i'm not stopping the jump i jumped i just i just want to look i just want to look down before i do what i'm going to do next okay uh let me check here yeah i'm not i'm not going back on this on this swan dive you think from your particular position you've got maybe 25 30 feet before you hit that web and you do see that there is webbing okay in that case as soon as we fall i am going to uh raise my staff relatively upwards as as far as i can and reach my hand out kind of split my fingers between lara and indigo and i'm going to cast feather fall okay so i get to choose i get to choose up to five falling creatures within a range of 60 feet however i am only going to choose indigo lara and myself okay this is uh this is great all right so you do that that's it i do okay that is my turn uh as you're all falling and your weight is drastically reduced and your speed also slows down lara um you're holding on to essentially what is dead weight now uh are you gonna try and hold on to this quagoth we could i mean we could like drop him and let him create a hole in the website yeah i'm i'm so i'm gonna let him go either he's going to land beneath us and not rip a hole and we're going to hope that i land relatively on him to save myself from getting stuck or he's going to rip them all that's the intent okay yeah we'll we'll we'll see so you start to feel it's heavy weight of this quadcopter just also rip like start to rip it from your hands and you you let go and you watch it plummet um all right since it's gonna hit faster i guess we should resolve that first and let's see okay all right so this is what happens you guys jump over the edge you start falling sephill casts feather fall to slow you all make sure that you land safely laura let's go of this quag off and you just see him also start hurtling and it hits the web and you see the web like bend down almost cartoonishly just like and you see that they are stuck there and the webs did not break and you guys all slowly come down and land on the webbing and you find yourselves stuck all right uh next up are everybody else you guys now can see from your positions that all of your buddies the lift crashes down to the bottom cavern floor you just hear it just kind of hit there and uh yells and kind of cries come out from them you hear more of the droning from up above as these large creatures continue to terrorize everyone above and we are already back at you guys as you cannot see everything that is happening above you are all considered restrained within this web oh dear yeah yeah so as an action you guys can attempt to kind of break out of this stickiness this web here um or you can attempt to do anything else uh or tr uh actually hang on pretty sure that's the only thing you can do is attempt to get out when you are restrained so yeah all right uh top of the order is to fell so fell what do you want to do uh well i guess i will do the only thing that the dm has outlined that i can do i will uh attempt to break from the uh restraint okay however uh actually before that how high are we now i know you said it was about 30 feet down to the webbing can i see the floor make a perception check jesus [ __ ] natural one so no yeah i cannot you you know what i can't bend my head exactly yeah you can't bend it enough to to get a good look at it um you said we're restrained yes um yes please correct me if i'm wrong on it i believe speed is reduced to zero but and we have disadvantage on attack rolls and deck saving throws and any attackers have an advantage against us but we can still make attack roles just with this advantage or like yes okay okay yeah that sounds uh that sounds good to me as as resident rules lawyer i'm i'm a little upset i didn't catch that but that is also wonderful um i am going to uh in that case i'm gonna use my dagger to just try to like like i'm gonna flip it into my hand and just try to like carve at the webs that are are kind of sticking me okay uh yeah go ahead and roll uh are those attacks at disadvantage sam or yes okay okay not bad and okay still not bad uh 14 you hit it yeah roll for all four damage all right oh yay something more than a one it's a two by the way uh uh five points of damage to to the webbing under me okay you see this uh these silky strands start to like tink as uh the silk starts to like rip apart as your uh your flint dagger starts to cut through uh there okay uh okay indigo you are up all right uh i am also gonna take a a stab at getting out of here um i'm gonna reach up though and and take like a hand against my holy symbol um make kind of a swiveling like circular motion with my hand and kind of pull it tight i'm going to cast thorn whip against the um webs that are restraining me okay um is that any kind of save on my part or is that just a rule to hit from you that's a rule to hit from me okay go ahead and roll that disadvantage i believe all right yes that is an 11 okay you hit it see and that will do a measly two piercing damage okay yeah you manage to think a little bit more seems to kind of fray off here um okay lara you are up you see your companions trying to kind of rip through this uh spidery silk that holds on to you okay um yeah i would like to try and um seeing where they're attacking i'm gonna attack that same spot and i want to fire off an eldritch blast oh whipping out the spells uh so that's a 12 and then i roll again for a 23 so 12. okay yeah you hit you manage you guys describe how your eldritch blast looks nobody ever describes it and i like wanna know how it looks for your character yeah so my eldritch blatch i imagine that um lara says something in celestial um is the verbal component and then um out comes this like um it looks like um a gust of wind surrounded by lightning as she fires it out yeah very cool i like that i like that a lot does uh do cephel or uh indigo speak celestial uh oh no no i do not no close but no so you you uh see this flash of light in this kind of like stormy wind like projectile just blast across and into the the silky webs in this like echoing haunting and also beautiful voice comes out from sam ash uh calls out something in another language uh you don't understand uh roll for damage all right that is a 10 oh god that has 10 sides good five 547 okay all right yeah you see it's it's almost there it's getting ready to break but you still haven't done it uh all right the quagga here he's gonna try and swing at you sam as you are the closest that landed to him disadvantage what's your ac right now um oh [ __ ] i said 12. wow very good uh yeah he he misses he can't get his claw up enough to try and rake out at you uh so you are safe for the moment all right we are back at you guys this silk that is holding you is getting pretty stiff however i need you all to roll a perception check for me oh no those of you that rolled above a 10 see a giant spider descend from the ceiling and appear upon the spider web and it's beginning to make its way towards you all we see oh [ __ ] he's had to move a little bit it gets to about here we're back at the top of the order safel what do you do you see a giant spider coming i actually didn't see the giant oh so you have no words no worries yeah so so i imagine when i fell because i i've rolled two perception checks since we've hit the webs and they were one and two so i imagine like when i fell i kind of fell like i was laying back sort of in that t-pose that i fell in and my neck just kind of got stuck in the web and his head is like locked in position while he's trying to saw at the webs uh so that that's all he can really do he doesn't know what's going on um he just started feeling [ __ ] move and got a real bad feeling so he's gonna just keep [ __ ] sawing at those webs no not great uh better what do i have for my bonus okay uh that is a 12 to hit with the dagger okay uh i was about to roll a d20 for damage that's not how d d works oh we're back to the ones though so that is four points of damage there's one piece of strand holding it together oh [ __ ] off indigo you're up you do see you're so sick of these d4s man if you do see this giant spider running towards you see that there's one uh silky piece of strand holding up kind of the lot of you guys and you might be able to cut it and get through or fall to the bottom what are you doing oh man tells us tears this can't get any fine uh and i'm gonna like just close my eyes and concentrate and say like a brief prayer and i'm gonna try another sacred flame but on the webbing now to see if i can just like burn it away so we can keep falling okay uh it definitely fails so go ahead and roll damage yes yes no to self more more dexterity saving throw spells on inanimate objects that probably would have helped really that's a two that's a two this holy flame burns through and you all feel it just like you hear the snapping of this silk and you all start to fall down but you feel the webbing still clinging to you i need you all to make strength checks at advantage to see if you can use the momentum to rip yourselves free natural 20 for safel that's a total of 20 okay oh he's buff now is it straight straight[Music] you all managed to rip yourselves off sephel doing it quite deftly as he does and you all start bawling towards the cavern floor quick question for you safel is uh is feather fall concentration spell uh feather fall it is not it uh it is a duration of one minute however however it specifies that if the creature lands before the spell ends it takes no falling damage and can land on its feet and the spell then ends for that creature so if us hitting the webs was considered a landing the spell has dropped yeah yep i'm gonna say it i figured we were there for a couple of rounds so there's uh for all you listening at home there's no [ __ ] water there it's stone yeah maybe we should look at the maps better they're very important i feel like most players in other games including myself have been guilty of not looking at the map um this is the madness table we don't this is we don't use maps would it be a thing to like grab onto the webs and try to swing with them as they're snapping to get into the water is that a thing that can happen you just spent your action ripping yourself from them[Music] okay just do them again let me explain something to you about wizards andrew spell casting is our only thing as a level one wizard you can do your thing twice and then you have to sleep for a long time well hopefully we we survived this fall so i can use my two spell slots to heal your broke ass and guess what i can get another feather fall but you need to give me an hour rest so if you can make this fall last an hour i got us but otherwise we're hitting ground is that is that quagga falling uh you know what i didn't roll its strength check here no no that was a three he's he's still stuck holding on he just sees you all falling and tries to like swipe at hmm i'll tell you guys it's a 60-foot fall oh so we're dead well we got those other characters wait thanks for coming everybody to the mouse table enjoy yourself hold on so so it's it's 60 feet is that from the top to the bottom or from the webs to the bottom uh that's from the webs to the bottom that is straight out of the book we've been 90 feet up this entire time yeah it says a creature falling uh it says a creature falling from the webbing to the cavern floor takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage so we're dead well let me describe what happens you all start falling ah we see you guys in slow motion and as you're all about to hit the bottom you just stop and then flump to the ground and the reason for that is you see a small mushroom-like creature standing next to you that has exploded the nearby fungi around you and you all land softly on these tubers but end up breaking him in the process and stool stands there next to you guys like oh my god i thought you were gonna die thank goodness i got you're telling me are you [ __ ] telling me i owe my life i owe my goddamn life to a mushroom is that what you're [ __ ] telling me will yep enjoy enjoy that you dumb old wizard you know what let me die so you gotta die[Laughter] i can't i can't live like this i can't do it dude safel stands up and offs himself uh all right you guys have all landed breaks you see yeah you all see your uh companions there you see topsy you see turvy you see stool you see bupido you see eldeth the only person that you uh or yeah the other person that you see there is uh uh sarith as well the only person that you don't see is shushar the koatoa um that was operating the lift up above however as you guys are all there and you are picking yourselves up off the ground you hear this and you look over and you see one of these bird-like creatures that had fallen to the cavern floor above from where you guys were before actually starts to pick itself up it's horribly wounded but it sees a lot of you and just and it gets ready to swing at you guys we are technically at the top of the order again sephel you see this bird-like creature uh he's actually a couple more feet away from you guys about 15 feet away from you starting to hobble its way kind of towards you what do you do it is a large creature what's happening what's going through your mind so i don't have any of my so all i have is can trips um so i'm gonna uh now that i know the full length of this spell and i know that on creatures it can actually work i'm gonna use my celestial burst and i'm going to shoot a comet of cosmic light at the weird bird thing okay do it that is a 17 to hit all right hit it it takes uh where are my dice right there three points of radiant damage it hit you hit it with this uh cosmic energy and it kind of like buffets it a little bit you see its face[Music] turn back towards you indigo you are up this uh creature is still trying to move towards you on a scale of one to ten how how scary does this thing look it's [ __ ] terrifying i mean compared to anything that we would have seen on the surface this is like some horror movie [ __ ] yeah yep it's got these long blue humanoid arms with these three talon like fingers it has a long probably like two foot long neck that goes up to like this dinosaur bird-esque face with like this little patch of hair on its forehead this long jaw that has teeth and then at the ends of it forms into a beak it has this long tongue that comes out its torso is slightly harried think like gorilla where it's more like on the back but not on its chest and stomach and it goes down to these like four-toed regular like kind of chicken-esque feet a short tail in these large wings that sprout from its back cool cool all right yeah that's yeah um indigo's gonna clutch the holy symbol for a hot sec draw a little bit of like divine light from it uh and then i feel like almost like eyes glowing a bit like points two fingers at it and just says guide me guide me uh and i'm gonna guess uh guiding bolt at first level be beautiful all right and that is also a 17. you hit it roll that beautiful damage sweet sweet four d six[ __ ] first level yeah i got uh yeah sh sh shitty roll that's eight eight radiant damage uh but the next attack has uh advantage as it's outlined in light uh and i'm gonna turn towards the fell that that's how you do radiant damage it's it's a little more only a little out of my wheelhouse i can do without the patronization thank you indigo you're just professionals and professionals you cast this brilliant bolt at this winged creature it hits it we hear this like cosmic uh radiant energy hit it indigo turns to cephalon like that's how you do it and like everybody's just like slack-jawed as you both look back and you see that this creature is dead from indigo's bolt nice job oh look at that i have been saved by a mushroom and out fought by a man-child the dark knight of the soul yeah we're feeling similarly savelle uh which way should we go you guys drop out of initiative but as you say that indigo all the others start kind of like uh piping up um sarith for the first time ever kind of looks to the rest of you all and um he says hang on a sec here he says uh you wish to be taken by my kind again we should avoid the path to the north um and stool kind of pipes up ah i just want to get back to the grove but i have no idea how to get there so we have west and we have south we don't know where either of them go no you do not eldriff do you know where um[ __ ] delta grom that place where you're from do you remember where it is that's a deep uh that's far above on on the surface we'd have to oh that's it's near the uh sneer the sword coast i have no idea for a nearest or not there is still battle above us we have to make a decision quickly and move if we are not inclined towards a certain direction pick one i don't want to be here mosquitoes come down here then okay uh go ahead and move yourselves on the map uh this is your westerly tunnel there as you guys start running can i also get my things from um indigo yeah you can uh um indigo and cephel you guys can like quickly hand over um lara's belongings like tossing them to her in the backpack as you guys are running uh and you guys enter into this cavern tunnel you see that it's this wet uh kind of cavern and it starts to descend downwards you hear the uh clamoring of the the fight echoing far above you the screeching of whatever those creatures were and you guys are just booking it booking it booking it booking and booking it um who is in the lead here i think laura would be if nobody cares yeah lara would be yeah would be keeping close behind okay you guys are running for probably a good 20 or so minutes when lara you come upon a fork in kind of the road here you see that there's a tunnel that leads to the left in a tunnel that leads to the right roll a survival check for me i've got a plus three to survival oh not 20. okay um so you kind of make this on the fly decision as you are you're going you feel like the path to the right um leads downwards while the path to the left leads upwards indigo down or up uh up uh up is good uh safal do you want to weigh in you're trying to get back split section we're trying to get back to the surface up all right yeah i'll start running up okay you start running up the others quickly following uh behind you and as you guys are running you guys kind of like reach this plateau level you're going and all of you make a perception check for me oh my [ __ ] god another natural one for a perception perception jesus this is the third one that's crazy you have a very special set of skills looking at it that is important is not a skill of mine yeah i got a indigo got a 14. okay 14 13. uh safel is just kind of bent over just trying to catch his breath the two of you notice you hear and you look down and you see that the stones you're standing on actually begin to crumble and you all oh [ __ ] not again so i want you all to picture gan off like on the bridge of kaza doom just slow motion falling into this black abyss as you guys all like the two of you laura and indigo pause as you hear this cracking and i picture the two of you just like looking back and like about to say no as you guys start falling and everybody else not even noticing quick enough to sprint out and like fall into this empty space these screams echoing out but we don't hear anything and we see like a couple different flashes of just you guys falling down you're facing into the blackness you see all of a sudden like these different glowing funguses and crystals as you guys are just falling for what it feels like forever and you just all have time to think like this is the end you can feel the space the wind blowing on your face blowing back your cheeks and it's probably been almost a 30 40 seconds of solid straight falling your screams echoing around you and then we hit blackness and almost like a move me movie we kind of light up and we're back in falcon valve and we see and hear the footsteps these padded footsteps across the stone floor we see the edge of a sword as it comes up across one of these blue mosquito-like creatures and it just kind of like taps it to tink and then we hear the swishing of cloth and faster footsteps i can't believe these creatures and we like pan up and we see mr silva oh i can't believe these creatures got in here and attacked and she just like lets out this long screams frustration and it goes out and we see as the camera kind of opens up the other kind of huddled forms of these drought warriors bleeding and beating and one of them we see comes from a bridge mrs elvara is back to her and we hear him she turns and she goes what mistress i'm i'm sorry to tell you but the koatoa we we cannot find the bodies of any of the others and picture like the camera zoom zip on her eyes and they just these red deep red eyes and they grow narrow she goes gather your things we give chase and it blacks out again and you all level up to level two yes hey hell yeah oh yeah and before we close one more time we open up and we see the scattered forms of u three and topsy turvy stool sarath eldeth and you're all lame and once again this extremely large fungi and you're all completely unconscious bloody we see the pieces of different uh fungi and whatnot just burst all around you clearly from the breaking of your fall and we see the forms of topsy and turvy start to lift up their limp bodies as something rises from underneath them and they kind of slump off let me see this large ish looking creature kind of comes up it looks like a large kind of almost oval shape and we see it's silhouette and we see above the rounder almost body-like section two large protrusions kind of come up when it almost looks like a crown and we see the form start to turn and we just hear this chittering and that's hey everybody this is sam conklin i voice laura in the madness table we are so delighted to have you here thank you so much for listening to our dinky little podcast we pour our hearts into this so to have you here it's just it's the world if you haven't already we have a twitter instagram and facebook at the madness table you can also shoot us an email at the madness themadnesstable gmail.com we would love to hear from you love to hear how you're enjoying the show any questions you have for the characters we might even shut you out in some future post show notes so please do so if you're loving the podcast we would just adore you if you shared it with a friend and that's it so we'll see you in two weeks for our next episode when[Applause][Music][Music] do[Music] so[Music] do[Music] do you