[Music] so[Music] quick little recap here though i know you guys are fully you know what [ __ ] that[ __ ] that we haven't like we've talked but we haven't done like that wonderful thing of pre-show banter and like i don't know about you guys but i think about these topics like while i'm at work amongst like all the other campaign things that i have constantly going through my mind and i had like a really [ __ ] good one and i was like nah that's that's fine brain you can just you can just shove that all away um but here's a question for you guys are you at all scared of your characters going insane i know we we've only had the one instance of sam using her her brand new sanity score and you guys like started to feel it but are you guys excited for the potential that your characters could literally go insane or are you more terrified yes[Laughter] okay uh i probably phrased it very badly no i am uh i am excited for the role play possibility of an insane character as the as the intelligence-based uh character in the group i'm terrified of the implications of me losing my mind we need you for those roles right like especially you know nature based to find like the difference between plants we can eat now that that's a thing and the things that will kill us um arkana would be huge to lose like i obviously i don't think i don't think the scores affect each other but i don't[ __ ] know i've never played with sanity so um so yeah i i don't know what the effects are i don't know what the the repercussions would be of losing one's mind in the underdark especially one that is is fully reliant on their own mind yeah i'm i'm a little horrified over here in indigo corner because um he's such a sweet little innocent boy i don't know what he's gonna do if he goes like if he if you lose his grip on uh on his sanity you know he's very you know a grounded person uh i think he becomes a very very different character if he's not moored uh to the reality that he's been living in yeah i would i would echo that in that my character lara i feel like is you know maybe a little more gruff and aggressive than the others and he makes something like that insane and you know from a role play like standpoint like she could get a little wild and she's already lost one so i'm i'm like worried about you guys going feral like essentially just like the bro the the mind breaks and you're just barney dps monsters with no thought process whatsoever like now i need to ask because it would be just such a 180 for indigo and i think it would truly destroy us all to see you go down this road do you think if you went insane would you kill and eat stool oh no the most terrific of all possibilities my my best friend my best lunch oh no i suppose i mean i know it's i know it's a hard ask yeah the darkest timeline it's a hard reality but you know given given the circumstances and how you know the insanity might work i think i think we have to entertain the option that these things may happen yeah it's like how much does your sanity score affect your alignment is the question yeah i think yes you guys will uh we'll find out will are you concerned about your sanity while dming this campaign yeah are you making roles i am always making saves every day all day and uh you know what some days i lose it all and some days i get it back and i'm like wow i'm king of the world but then i'm like is that the madness or am i actually getting better um so i'm glad that you guys are both excited and intimidated i think it adds a wonderful layer to this already difficult campaign now we're really getting into it last time you guys awoke specifically indigo and lara in a weird mushroom-filled chamber lying down with all of your companions topsy-turvy eldeth sarith bupido and you realized your friend was not with you however his belongings were nearby you guys were kind of investigating the area noticing this weird fungus that kind of provided light when you heard these large footsteps approaching a moment later this large insectoid-like creature came through and you guys kind of managed to get through a language barrier through indigo uh knowing elvish and this creature speaking kind of a bad kind of broken rough more ancient like elvish and you guys learned that it was of a species called a culturid which were and i didn't realize it until later they're basically fear bulge of the underdark you know they are the underdark insectoid tamers they kind of roamed it uh keeping a natural order of of things down there until the drow and the dwagger as they started arriving more into the underdark and eventually the illithids kind of like pushed these kind of peaceful creatures back until they were forced to create some kind of ritual to preserve themselves in this sanctuary however this particular one brilliant um seems to be the only one that has survived or that still remains here and in your fall you kind of broke the cocoon that kind of kept them in this state and to which they were actually grateful for because they have no idea how long it's been but uh they are now kind of on a mission to go find the others of their species you guys inquired about your friend like where's the phil what's happening he's like oh that dude he mad sick um like he's got things going on underneath his skin come with me and he shows you guys uh through this large cavern and as you approach this like spider web locked cave you peek in and sure enough there's some mad tentacle [ __ ] happening underneath the skin and you guys watch as sephel tears his skin his human skin off and uh illiterate boy comes to life you guys kind of have a moment of um oh what okay awkward you just got way creepier than you were already um you guys kind of small talk amongst yourselves like what does this kind of mean is this really okay what's the implications of of having a mind flare in our midst you know um you guys eventually determined that you know what it's a fell so far we're good he seems all right he can still do his magic we all need to get out of here let's kind of make this happen so you gathered some edibles some water and as you guys are ready to go brilliant hand waved um kind of near a wall and the stone opened up to reveal a kind of passageway and as they started leading you in they fluttered their carapace and what were essentially like um fireflies came out and started to illuminate the way so that's where we find ourselves you guys are on your way trying to get to grackle stug the wagger city i um okay sorry lara would like to lead and um if if this is like a a tunnel i have dark vision so i can see pretty far um i'd like to cast light on my staff um so that we have some light with us but definitely ready to uh get rid of that if we encounter anything okay sure yeah you can you can be in the lead um brendan i'm just gonna let you know because you are focusing on mapping you will not be able to participate in any of the foraging checks or survival checks because that will take a lot of detailing because you don't know kind of like how everything kind of comes together and as you guys are probably to the party's benefit yeah because my wife is like as you guys start as as you start making your way through this tunnel kind of like beginning to gather everybody kind of fall into a formation you see that not even after like 10-15 minutes as you're walking through this kind of narrow space all of a sudden it this your path is just intersected by a huge 15 foot wide in diameter hole and uh everybody's just like purple worm came through okay like must be digging its way through to another place and you know as you keep venturing forth more and more tunnels branching off in all sorts of different directions just keep happening and uh let's go ahead and have um lara at advantage because you have brilliant go ahead and roll me a uh survival check buddy that is a 13 and a 10. so 13. okay uh great so between you and brilliant you guys are kind of talking back and forth about this and you are able to kind of um with their help keep you pointed up in what feels like a slow ascent uh as you guys are coming through these different tunnels and um indigo do you want to forage any kind of food while you guys are traveling i most certainly would love to all right uh go ahead and make me a survival check as well do you want any kind of help ooh i would i would most certainly take some help especially from our uh some of our more underdog resident folks who would know what food is okay do you want advantage or do you want them to roll separately uh i'll take the advantages i feel like i'm pretty good at survival in general all right go ahead and take it all right and i need it uh with the advantage that is a lowly eleven okay as you guys are making your way through for the day you are keeping your eye out constantly but you just you don't come across anything it's pretty bare bones in these these current tunnels that you guys are traversing um[Music] sam go ahead and make me or i should say lara go ahead and make me a perception check please 12. okay um you guys as you are coming through these these dark caverns these weird tunnels occasionally you see like small glowing bits of fungi and you'll see like old bug carpet carcasses or you'll just see like various small ones skittering up onto the walls occasionally you see like a damp patch uh where it seems like water is kind of seeping through and then the rest is just kind of barren um and as you guys are going along you actually come up on this slightly larger cavern as you've seen like a couple of small uh paths that break off to the left and to the right and as you're peeking down you just see they kind of lead to dead ends you know have you guys ever seen um you guys ever see that toy kind of thing where you could keep like ants in a glass container and you could see how they tunnel down through the sand oh yeah ant farm okay so it's it's kind of like that it's just like fractaling about within the ground and you you're kind of picturing uh picking up on this that that it's just random around here and you're all like how the hell do any of these guys find their way you feel like you've been probably traveling for a couple of hours now and you you've come up on this this cavern and you see that it's quite large but lara you notice that there is like some larger skeletoid uh or skeleton like figures laying upon the ground in this cavern they are about four feet tall a little heavy set but it's just the bones that you see um okay let me uh go ahead and show you guys the map how yeah so go ahead and kind of like sit yourself situate yourselves around as you've like come into this room or this cavern i should say uh and you see that like near where safel actually stands there is a skeleton upon the the ground one of these smaller skeletons which tunnel do we enter from is it something you want to investigate is it something you just want to blast on by what do you think oh we should we should take a look should to figure out what went down here okay yeah i'm gonna um leave that to the people that are good at it and i'm going to i think i want to kind of take a peek down the different tunnels because we're in this like room with multiple potential exits and entrances okay uh yeah go ahead and move yourself to to to where you want to kind of check out while uh which of you guys want to check out these these skeletal bodies yeah i like to go ahead savelle i was gonna say i'm less interested in the the bodies themselves and if somebody else wants to investigate the bot like look at the bodies i was gonna see if they had any like if there were any belongings or materials on the skeletons okay uh roll an investigation check there safel all right and i'd i'd love to take a look and see if i could figure out what killed these folks okay you go ahead and make a medicine check uh that is a 13 for investigation and uh 19 on the medicine check okay lara you still kind of uh moving your way down this this tunnel kind of seeing what's happening yeah i think he can only go on like probably to here um okay still eyesight so you see that you this kind of forks off in a couple different ways um you see some of those glowing mushrooms kind of coming up in this in this particular direction um but it just seems like more paths uh safel you actually see that there are no like objects on these guys it's just skeletons you don't see clothes you don't see uh any armor or weapons or anything you don't see any bags um indigo you are looking at these guys and uh you see that they they have on the bones what look like large um what's the word i want to use like lacerations deep within the bone in a couple of places the bones are actually like severed apart but pretty cleanly and you kind of put together that these whatever these creatures were they were eaten somehow by something that doesn't necessarily have teeth but some kind of beak well uh i have good news and bad news um bad news these people were um um ripped apart by some sort of giant bird creature um so that's not great on the bright side there's no giant bird here so maybe we'll get away scot-free are you capable of cross-referencing these lacerations with the harpy-like creatures we saw at the prison i cast my mind back to those strange bird-like beasts doesn't it look like about the same thing um their beaks in particular they you would think by these bite marks they look similar but you would think these came from some kind of a medium kind of size creature something a little bit smaller than those heartbeats and you also know like those guys uh those particular creatures like to fly whereas this cavern is maybe only about 15 feet tall so something could but it would be rather difficult to kind of fly through these tunnels um that's a great and as you're like investigating it you actually feel something like behind you and as you turn and look you see this large worm-like creature coming down and you see these four tentacles leap back in a large beak up here from the center and just goes roll for initiative oh [ __ ] oh no oh no you roll that your roll's just that good huh i rolled a one i rolled a two oh no it's fine i hold up 15. i i will i will deal with it before you're around it's fine great all right so andrew has a 15. who got the one uh i did which totals four for me okay sam would you get there my two also totals four okay who's got the higher decks sixteen okay so brendon slash fell we'll go before that okay wow guys this is uh sticky wicket as this large worm like creature not large i should say but this weird four-tentacled large beak-like worm creature descends itself from the ceiling you see that three others do the same around the party oh boy oh boy oh boy give me a minute to write all these npcs out okay um so there are four in particular that you can control there's eldeth the dwarf there is sarith the drow there's stool the myconid and bupido topsy and turvy are going to stay under my control here as i said before if there's any kind of weapons that you see in the stat block like other than natural weapons consider the fact that they do not have it um except bupido does have a dagger um so your typical 1d4 plus dex modifier and he is proficient so you guys decide who wants to control whom give me stool all right yeah i feel like we have to give andrew stool i'll take blue pedo okay taking the daryl uh eldeth okay and who wants to be the odd person to control three and take serif who's the drow stat block i can take him all right may they all to be ever in your favor first up here because there's these oh so good creatures that surprised you they all get to do a quick little attack so first up indigo this worm-like creature reaches down and is going to take a tentacle attack at you all right that's a natural whoa that's how i like my dm to roll so it lashes out at you and you just like having just enough time to see you duck down out of the way uh all right uh all right the next one is gonna be this one next to topsy who is going to also swing out with its tentacle uh that is uh that does actually hit so they are going to take they take seven points of damage as this tentacle hits it uh hits topsy and you just hear them scream but as they get hit you see the tentacle latches on and this worm reaches forward and goes to take a bite with its beak now that it has topsy in its grass it's natural too so doxy is just able to like barely pull it their head back enough to avoid uh this beat coming in as it had latched on uh all right next one is the one above eldeth that's an 18 a natural 18 so that's a 22 to hit uh does that hit you eldif 22 hits oh okay all right we are already bitter and that's like our first real combat i see i see uh you take you take six points of slashing damage and since i hit you i get a free attack with the beak great oh my god that's another natural one what the hell is this i'm not okay i'm not okay uh next is the one next to tervy oh my god that just hits them i'm getting low rolls again guys i don't i don't like these little rolls i'm gonna have to start switching up dice however that is nine points of damage to you you hear her yell out in pain and since that hit here comes the beak natural four so the beak also misses these two deep gnome uh are able to pull themselves away just in time we are now at the top of the order with brilliant who is represented by this particular token at the moment brilliant is going to let's see let's take a look at our actions yes this is good this is good they uh pull from behind in their shell like what looks like a long jagged piece of bone uh that kind of looks what you guys would consider like a short sword and they are going to step all the way over towards turvey and attack this creature i'm gonna use my roman numeral die here that is a 10 plus 4 for 14. does that hit this creature it just hits all right that that is five points of damage to this creature on your hair i just[Music] kind of squealing and you see it has this long caterpillar-like body that goes up to the ceiling where they're like suction cupped to it um all right that is their turn eldeth you are up okay so eldeth who is right up in uh melee with this gross tentacle beat creature is going to make uh she's going to pull her short sword and make two attacks again she does not have her equipment she doesn't have her equipment that's no right uh in that case she is going to punch it i guess yeah you can totally take an unarmed uh uh strike against it um you can also try to use something in the area there are rocks there are the bones of that skeleton you can try to use them as improvised weapons uh okay i am going to is there a rock that looks jagged enough to be um like a knife of some kind or anything like that not jagged enough to be a knife but uh you definitely find a big enough rock kind of like near your feet that would have it would be like a d4 worth of damage bludgeoning damage okay she's gonna pick that up in her hand and just crack the the thing twice in the in the beak mouth okay go ahead and roll the head first one what would i be adding to this is this strength this is just straight straight strength no proficiency bonus okay so the first one definitely doesn't hit with a natural 11. uh natural 17 for the second attack okay that hits okay and you said it's a d4 for the rock okay uh two points of damage okay you smash this creature right on the beak with that rock and you feel like you didn't even do that much damage uh okay next up in the order is bupido okay um lupito is going to you said he has a dagger he has a dagger yes and he is proficient so uh i think you guys have a plus two proficiency bonus right now yes so yeah so two plus his dex modifier he's gonna run up to the creature next to either topsy or derby whoever that is um okay and do a little jib jab with that old dagger all right do it do it hit it seven to hit that's a mess i'm shocked i know i know he's so good um yeah yeah that's that's bupido okay uh next up we have topsy now topsy not really having anything here is going to try and punch this creature here uh that is a miss nice job uh however they are going to try and run away so they're going to chance a talk uh attack of opportunity that is a miss with a natural two so topsy actually runs all the way over to here uh all right next up we have indigo honeydew oh yeah all right um let's get ready to rumble all right well i i see myself um mildly surrounded by um two of these tentacle beak boys which i don't love uh but we're gonna go ahead and make the most of it here um uh indigo's gonna collapse uh their hands together uh and say a short prayer uh to toril uh please guide us and give us strength and make sure that we don't all die that would be great and i'm gonna cast bless on myself on satellite i cannot see laura so i'll drop it on uh bupido oh no so i only get three so i'll do indigo cfl and uh sarif okay all right uh cool cool any kind of movement listen i've seen stool stand sanity is starting to take over all right um one more thing um just depends on what it is i want to pull my shield out okay all right you you pull your shield out yeah that's that's fine uh right it is now tervy's turn turvy is gonna try and sucker punch this dude uh nope that's a five what the hell uh okay turvy though is a little bit tougher than or actually tervy is the brother topsy is the sister so tervy is gonna try and stand strong and stay in range of this creature um all right next up sarith all right uh our big bad boy uh he is gonna move over here uh and he's gonna pick up a piece of bone like a nice jagged piece of bone off the ground if we can yeah absolutely uh i'll say that'll do a d6 love it uh and then he's gonna go ahead and make a stab at this one right here okay go ahead um you are well this is going to equate to like a short sword and i will say it's close enough to it that you can add your proficiency bonus here all right sounds good all right and then we'll make the attack uh it's not great that's a 12. that is a miss ah ls yikes uh okay that is their their turn safel you are finally up okay safel uh sees you know multiple people now pulling out bones and using them as weapons and he uh sort of looks back and forth and looks at these creatures and gets this like this grin you're not using them to their full potential he's going to glide backwards five feet which i am sure will invoke an attack of opportunity from that creature oh yeah it's gonna do it uh let's see that is a thirteen plus four seventeen that's gotta hit a wizard uh it will it will okay i'm sure you were thinking about the math for the shield uh you take eight points of slashing damage okay uh you are correct that i was thinking about shield but it was more in the conservation of spell slots shield would have uh helped oh nice okay all right i see which i'm choosing i'm doing a long game doing that long game so i i am gliding backwards uh and he he takes the damage reels a little bit but lands on his feet and reaches out long purple gnarled fingers to the corpses on the ground and rips his hand forward and from the corpses fly shards of bone at this creature uh in melee with indigo under him on the map and i will cast bone shard first uh all right tell us about the bone chart since the home brews sure aren't gonna know about it sure so it is a uh first level necromancy spell it uses the skeletal remains of a corpse to create a projectile weapon i get to choose a corpse of a creature within range which is 30 feet in fragments of bone from the corpse splinter off and fly toward another selected creature within range uh on a successful range spell attack the target takes 2d8 damage half of which is piercing and half of which is necrotic and then there are uh there are rules about uh how many times you can cast it on a single corpse dependent on size uh but that will come in possibly later but for right now i'm going to make my spell attack yes yes it is uh and that hits with a 18 i assume yes it does all right so it does roll that 2d8 yeah 2d 8ps boy oh that is good uh all right so ooh i rolled a seven and an eight so we're talking seven points of piercing damage eight damage uh that is necrotic for 15 total very nice you launch this bone shard it explodes from the body i imagine it's like one of the ribs and it just flies and overend and stabs into the side of this creature's mouth you just see like this font of green blood just explode outwards it starts rashing thrashing its head back and forth you actually did a pretty big chunk of damage to it uh all right you got anything else on your turn there hell yeah uh i don't think so one of the pitfalls of being a wizard but uh yeah yeah the only thing i would be able to do is to weapon fighting and i don't have two weapons so that is my turn that's a bummer all right lara lara lara you are up and you are away from the party okay lara is going to um upon hearing the screeching the smacking the the squawking uh going to turn south and at a dead sprint move into the cavernous space again seeing just like pottery chaos and fire off a good ol eldritch blast oh one between indigo and bupido okay so that one there gotcha yeah i'm assuming i can do that without hitting right yeah they're they're they're small creatures so yeah you you definitely have enough line of sight that this weird worm is hanging from the ceiling um that's a 12. it's a miss okay do i have um enough time to drop my staff and pull out the club and dagger i'm pretty sure it's a free action to uh pull out different uh weapons um if i'm if i'm remembering that rules lawyer do you have anything to comment on that so you get as part of your turn you get one free object interaction that is essentially tied into either your movement or your action so if you were to say make an attack with your club it would be part of that action to pull it from your pack and and use it to attack uh stowing also counts so it would be a if you were to try to stow your staff and pull another weapon one of them would take up your action okay uh then i am after the eldritch blast um lara is just going to leave it there i'm not going to worry about the other stuff okay so you you stow it away and you will continue to kind of get into it later all right all right now it's the true hero of this story stool kill him first blood um[Music] stool's so precious to me i don't know if i want to risk his life and i study any sort of foolhardy move that's andrew for this stat block sucks[Laughter] you ain't wrong[Laughter] he's a little boy yeah they're they're sorry he's cute there's a reason he didn't get that bless i uh just don't see him be much juice uh he is going to uh he's gonna run over to uh laura okay and he will take the dodge action smart smart mike okay all right now we are back up at the top here miraculously my highest rolls of the night were for all of these friggin creatures right now uh all right so first one is the one with indigo right now that just took that horrible bone into the side of its face as it's sticking out it's going to try and lash out with its tentacle one more time at indigo use my big my big red dye thirteen plus four seventeen that's a hit right here comes the 2d6 that's eight points of slashing damage now and since it has hit you with its tentacle it like suckers on to you and it's gonna try and bite you with its beak the green dye that's a five so nope nine does not hit you i know that much for sure all right this one here having bupido and sarith both stabbing at it is going to it's actually going to swing at let's swing at sarith here let's do my big metal die switch it around no that's uh actually well maybe that's a that's a 10 to hit bubito oh uh that does not hip damn it dang it i wanted i want to draw blood i'm thirsty for death all right uh next one is the one on top of brilliant and tervy and near safel it is going to swing at uh turvy here let's do that red dye since that red dye seemed pretty good nope that's another natural one i think that's my fourth one tonight i've never seen you roll this shitty especially when it was against us yeah and in combat so this is this is great good things to come all right the one that's with eldeth it's gonna swing at her again roman numeral die thank you that's a 16. plus four 20 it hit before the bonus see here roman numeral die you're so nice to me that is seven points of slashing damage oh she is not looking great and you know what else is not looking great pretty long horses the tentacle stuck to her oh [ __ ] that is a 11 to hit that does not hit you lucky son of a [ __ ] it'll never happen again uh all right now we are officially back into you guys brilliant nero is gonna go they are going to take this large shard or actually oh they have what's where's their bonus action do they not have that hang on i know i can they are going to do all right they are going to mark this creature as their favored foe and they're going to take a swing fudge-a-duck that's a natural four berliners swipes out with this large kind of shard and misses uh okay cool good job you useless bug[ __ ] yours sure anyways uh all right uh eldef you are up okay so eldeth who is uh bleeding profusely at this point uh is going um oh wow okay she is going to i feel like i should know this but as disengaged it is an action can anybody anybody can do it as an action correct and yes okay so she is uh she is actually uh going to disengage as her action uh and she is going to i don't have control of her token but she's going to back away from this creature um mark uh ping where you want her to go and i will move her there uh okay so she's gonna actually um sort of uh duck under it and move past it to the north and head up this northwestern tunnel here and try to um you know remain in sight of everything that's going on but uh remove herself from its uh its melee range okay all right yeah she manages to escape away and she starts traversing back the the uh the tunnel that you actually got you guys actually came from all right uh bupido you are up all right vopido's gonna get down low and get at him with another little swipe of his dagger do it that is a 12 to hit oh wait no i'm sorry it's a 14 to hit 14 to hit that is a hit all right all right so he's gonna do 184 plus strength which is a negative one so i don't do i don't subtract from the damage right uh no so daggers are for nests so you can use your dex modifier on that so don't don't subtract don't use your strength on that i think he is a dex thank you yes higher um that is four damage okay again you like you see burpito trying to stab in and he just can't you see he's swung with a lot of force but he can't quite sink it in far enough and this creature is just its tentacles waving about its face uh okay all right bukito good job good job it's now topsy's turn she sees how everybody's kind of faring here and she is actually going to run back in against her better judgment she's like i i'm and she just like runs in and she's gonna try to hit it with her fist wow that's uh that's a big old hit and she does she does six points of damage um however you see like her fists connect with it and once again just like not a whole lot getting through but this this creature seems somewhat dazed by the hit uh because you could see its body like kind of waver back and forth as the as topsy connected with it um all right indigo you are up uh also against better judgment uh indigo is going to look over to this guy and not wanting them to uh latch on to eldaf who is clearly pretty badly hurt uh i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna thorn with him to try to bring him over closer to me so okay attack plus my bless ooh i need to make a concentration check for that bless oh that's true you did get hit all right let's let's see it all right cool 16 still good all right yep you're good here is uh that's a natural 20 plus the two total oh now we're talking roll that [ __ ] run that [ __ ] critical damage shots fired tentacles well you know this is this is why it's it's that's snake eyes that's two two points of damage oh little minimum damage yup minnow but all that hurts but i still get to do that oh get over here uh and i'll pull them 10 feet closer to me hell yeah get your ass into my my uh my melee range uh and as i bring them over to my dungeon am i able correct me on this rule am i able to ask a cast a bonus action spell if as long as it's a can trip okay if my action was a con can trip does the bonus action have to be a cancer as well no you can do a spell yes action spell yeah yeah if if it is a leveled spell so the the rule is you can do one leveled spell in a round after that anything else has to be a can drip cool so if it has a casting time of a bonus action you can use a spell slotted spell perfect uh then i'll do that i will cast a little healing word uh to hopefully cinch up some of these bloody wounds on my body uh you know that's what i deserve that's another one uh that's a total of five so we're looking we're looking a lot better god damn all right so many ones indigo's just like cowering behind their shield i got this i got this i got this all right uh well it's tervy's turn turb he's going to swing with their feast feast at this creature it's a natural 16 here next yes thank you i worked really hard on that uh but actually does no damage uh with that hit seemed inaffected by it uh with that hit you see he launches a solid hit but the creature doesn't even react to it uh you you see that their heights are pretty tough to your your weapons and uh whatnot all right sarith you are up now all right our boy steps up boone's short story in hand he's swinging at our friend right here and this time he remembers that he's blessed whoa you know this is i wrote a four on the blessed dive that's a natural one baby that's a miss oh jeez and we are all just so i'm really good at rolling once hey hey hey do not lump me in with you i have world okay tonight i will not be insulted get over here yeah the man who's carrying the team in the damage department right now indigo uh i mean not indigo sorry so sorry it's it fell safely you are up all right uh so seeing that that damage uh wonderfully went through uh safel is going to key in to let's see a 10 foot radius safel is going to key into some new knowledge he learned a couple of things and has been looking over them in the small amount of spare time that he's had he looks uh to these you know two creatures in between sarith and indigo uh who unfortunately are probably well indigo is actually probably going to get caught in the uh the crossfire of this spell excuse me oh no and he reaches he reaches his hand out and part of his mind connects with the fabric of the world around him and he wants it to move a little bit slower and a little bit heavier and he is going to cast magnify gravity which is a it is a 60 foot range spell uh and it has a 10 foot radius so if i unfortunately cast it right on indigo i can catch all of these creatures or these these three creatures all right all right is there any save for this there is there is a uh a dc-15 constitution save oh my oh my i don't like that i don't like that i am blessed so i need to roll three saves i did not roll great on the damage you aren't going to like me okay uh there is a 16 uh two sixteens and a thirteen uh the thirteen fails uh indigo you also have to make that save well uh twelve plus one thirteen psych bless plus four seventeen save hey you do save you do make the save this one here next to you cephel is the one that failed the rest okay passed so the one uh the one that failed takes eight points of force damage oh very nice the other two uh and indigo take four points and the one that failed uh his speed is reduced by half until the end of its next turn um and so this is like gravity pulling at them right you said they'll kind of focusing them towards indigo i'm gonna just because of the way they're positioned i'm gonna do a little something here i'm gonna i'm gonna make some rolls and we'll see what happens here okay oh all right the same one that failed this one here actually the force of the gravity was enough to uh unkilter it as it was clinging to the ceiling and it actually falls prone to the ground so any anybody that's going after it uh melee now has advantage on it uh good use of that spell i love it and i will always throw in fun benefits for for great usage like that that was that was a really cool really cool move amazing so i want to take just just a second uh because we didn't so this is the first time that cephel has used anything like this and i specifically left out in talking about the level of what safel was uh he is a gravitage wizard so uh really quick there are a couple cool things that come with that i will speed through so magnify gravity was the other spell that i got uh that i wasn't talking about and there is a similar uh ability that comes with his arcane tradition which is called adjust density which as an action i can alter the weight of one object or creature within 30 feet the target's weight is halfed or doubled for up to a minute or until my concentration ends uh while it is halfed the creature's speed increases by 10 feet it can jump twice as far but it has disadvantage on strength checks and strength saving throws and if i choose to double its weight the creature speed is reduced by 10 but it has advantage on uh strength checks and throws saving throws interesting enter the gravitage there's a lot going on there all right well lara you are up that eldritch blast didn't work and you threw down your staff what's up um okay so uh my intention was to pull out the club and the dagger but if i can only pull out one i'm gonna pull up the club um uh okay on into here um so i laura's gonna first excuse me lara is going to position herself between the because indigo's kind of like surrounded um so she's gonna position herself between two of those and then the one is prone so that's the one i'm gonna swing at um okay um so the first one is 10 and the second one is an 11. oh no now uh correct me if i'm wrong since you entered this one space and kind of like moved around that doesn't because you didn't leave it you don't take an attack of opportunity right my resident rules lawyer and right dms that that is correct you have to you have to leave its melee range to incur great all right well uh lara runs in she positions herself over this this worm creature withering on the ground and like strikes down and just happens to squirm enough out of the way that she smashes the club into the ground that middle bar you stole from falconville they were looking for that bar how dare you steal it it's very important yes everything is falling apart stool you are up bring us back home you're our only hope do i dare do i dare risk the life of my favorite character including my own do it stool rushes in the kid's gonna oh it's gonna stand between saraf and bupido he's gonna wait wait nevermind he's way faster he's gonna go all the way around seraph to the one that's prone sensing blood in the water it's stools time to strike[Laughter] stool gets the first kill will's gonna weave through the combatants and and thrust himself at uh the prone uh enemy all right you have advantage do it micronoid ferocity just total metal all right well uh his fist attack did one damage minus one damage equals zero damage plus one poison damage that's right one poison damage and you know what else is gonna do this turret he's gonna lose his last 10 feet of movement to run back over here away from the thing while it's still prone okay so uh[ __ ] me yeah totally this this poor creature just misses trying to lash out at the ground at this thing uh but stool runs i just picture slow motion like action movie you know like hiro comes running in he like lashes out with his foot kicks it nothing happens a little bit of poison residue remains and then he's like i'm out of here and then runs across the battlefield indigo just gives it like a hard like nice nod that's my boy right there you showed you showed that creature whose boss i i did my best to go uh okay next we're back up at these creatures so the one at indigo it's looking rough he's gonna swing out at you let's do this red dye this red dye's been hot it's a five [ __ ] red eye all right this one misses this one here am i right oh you shut your mouth i'm coming for you uh this one's going to attack laura that is wait a minute wait a minute is my roman numeral die you're all right it's just an 18. yeah no that's gonna hit i was a natural 20. and oh i basically rolled almost minimum damage uh five points of damage uh is going to reaction turn and point and cast hello tribute okay okay can i resolve this like free attack though that i get because i hit you with a tentacle first yes okay thanks so that that was full right that was what no go ahead just say what say what what did you say uh that's a 14 uh 18 to hit uh yeah okay oh same roll five more points of damage and now now hit me with your hairless rebuke uh i need a dexterity saving throw dc13 great well they're [ __ ] pieces that's a 5. you're killing my wormies that is that is a spicy roll right there that is 18 fire damage plus two thunder describe your kill well i'm imagining hellish rebuke like for lara is it's like a fiery lightning um and then she's always got this thunder that surrounds it so it's kind of like this this piercing bolt that then singes and then like the thunder is inside and it explodes jesus oh yeah i love it so like enters in then you just hear this and it explodes oh and this this worm creature it's just literally destroys it just spatters the rock just descending upon you bopido bupidos looking like um william defoe on the cover uh platoon just like arms raised up and topsy is just like oh my god there's chunks in my mouth uh indigo is raining down on you this green icker uh wow okay this this creature is gone uh all right it is this one it gets up from its prone position and it's gonna lash out at sephill cause[ __ ] your wizardry i mean yeah that's fair you're no wizard harry oh that's a natural seventeen plus four twenty-one yeah that that that really hits that hits are you ready for some you ready for some pain i don't know man seven points of damage okay safel is looking about as beat up as el death is okay one left it's going to take a swing of turvey that's another natural one okay that's five [ __ ] this [ __ ] i'm sorry i'm swearing so much that's a fight not to kill myself but doesn't the one that hit me get a free beak attack oh you're so right you're so right thank you you know i mean like take take a point of inspiration because your character might die you're gonna kill me if you're gonna kill me do it right that's all i'm saying this is fair oh that's a natural 18 plus four five oh no he came in as a rules lure he's going out as a rules lawyer yeah near next to the [ __ ] near next to max damage i rolled a five that is seven more points of piercing damage okay all right well uh i am unconscious all right fella is unconscious indigo smiles finally my moment has come uh actually i'm still our school just starts eyeing him hungrily i'm sorry it's only been this is this creature's first turn since never mind the movement wouldn't even come into this yeah it didn't just it just got up so yeah yes i felt because i because i'm thinking if that was its first turn since the magnify gravity its speed would be half so literally its only movement would be to get up um but i'm i'm right in its range anyway so yeah okay i'm unconscious yep uh all right brilliant is up and uh sees cephale go down however they know that they cannot save you they don't have anything no spells or anything that will help here uh okay however they are going to cast zephyr strike so you see them like wind up uh this blinding speed and swing out at this worm that is a natural 20. wow he rolls well when it's on our side yeah weird and it was its favorite foe so holy smokes this is gonna be 2d6 a d8 and a d4 wow holy mother of god uh six of five so that's 11 3 14 plus 6 that's 20 points of damage plus the modifier what am i doing because that was with a okay so 22 points of damage against this creature uh and that was some magical damage in there so that's gonna this creature you see uh brilliant this coulter ridge is run up and using its knowledge on insectoid-like creatures comes up stabs into it and just eviscerates this creature and it is dead um nice nice nice ah let's see here i think i get to do something else because of cipher strike till the spell ends your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks whenever you hit or miss your walking speed increases by 30 feet until the end of your turn so they now have 60 feet of movement they're going to run over here because they don't need that much position themselves uh wow okay uh eldeth you are up seems like the tide may be turning okay uh eldeth actually sees uh safel go down as this is her very limited uh view and the compassionate person that she is is going to decide that she is not going to just cower in this this tunnel and let her friends die so she is going to see here she's going to move inward to this um down the tunnel and to the worm creature that knocked safel down so she's going to take up arms right next to savel uh safel's body and she is going to uh smash this worm a couple of times with her in her rock okay take a swing abby boy okay uh the first attack is a 15. that is a hit she's got two attacks yep okay uh the second one was an eight so it doesn't hit but uh one point of damage she smashes this rock against it and sees that it really doesn't have any effect on this weird tough rubbery hide of this worm-like creature amazing all right yeah so good bupido you're up finishing um lupita's gonna rush to the one um next to safal and he's feeling confident about that dagger work he's been doing um so he's going to lash out that's not 20. yeah here come the crits critical critical grids so that's a two plus two is four and then you roll again and you just double it uh roll again okay that is a three okay so seven points of damage nice uh you see that it doesn't quite go all the way through but this worm is looking very very rough all right nice job bupido topsy is up topsy is gonna run over here and she's going to swing at this worm let's get the roman die out again so good never mind back into jail cause that's a natural three all right good job topsy yeah that's okay you can keep that one we like that one yeah yeah that's fine that's fine uh all right indigo you are up these two worm-like creatures one above one below they're both looking rough what you want to do all right well i'm looking on the one hand at uh safel lying in the heap on the ground and i'm looking at uh worm boy right next to me uh and indigo's gonna go full anime like stretch out an arm to both sides a little bit of like white holy fire breathing his arms uh i'm gonna use my action for a sacred flame on the enemy to my uh to myself and then i'm going to give a bonus action healing word for cephel okay so it's a deck save for me yes dc14 deck save that's a fail consistent with most of my roles tonight well yeah take a cheeky two points of radian damage ah he's still up um and hey sophia that's max heal baby eight points of healing for you get your bones up hell yeah got banana bread at work today dude oh yeah[Laughter] got a free uh healing word hell yeah uh jesus bro all right it's tervy's turn now seeing sephill up is going to run over here to attack the worm that is engaged with his sister let's see come on die natural 15 that is a hit let's see if he can kill this creature see there's a damage i want boom he you see he like grabs on and rips the mouth open like king kong style to those t-rexes in the uh jack black king kong rips it open and this creature is dead all right you guys are almost done almost done finish it off sarif all right our our favorite uh quiet drow boy uh gonna take another swing