[Music] this is andrew i voice indigo on the madness table before we get to the madness today i want to shout out balocory and fredward thank you for your support it means the world to us and now on with the show last we met in this wonderful hellhold um you guys had just gotten over a fight with some oddly raised skeletons in shadows and after that harrowing experience you had an extremely odd occurrence in which lara had backed into a a crystal and all of a sudden the floor had fallen out from beneath her feet as you guys got lara up you saw that there was this massive skeleton of some kind of lizardoid uh lizard creature were able to find that there this was an egg mound a nest and one of them remained intact and one awakened to lara's touch and it has now kind of bonded to her this uh very odd kind of behear like creature as far as you could identify indigo you guys decided to rest because you were down some some strength down a bit of hit points uh and you had leveled up and some of you need to have rest to kind of gain access to those abilities so you did so during safel's uh little rest he had a dream and in this dream his arcane eldritch knowledge coming back to him almost tenfold something that he had not experienced before and in doing so was able to comprehend and then not comprehend everything that he had seen in this trance-like state and woke up paralyzed with the maddening scenes and visions and knowledge that he had simultaneously learned and unlearned from who knows when and in that time period he was able to kind of see his surroundings and he saw lupito creep up to sarith who was taking watch and brutally murder him stabbing him in the chest multiple times cutting his throat then licking the blood from the blade before noticing zafel paralyzed watching him where he then came over and proceeded to threaten zafel proclaiming himself to be a god and that he was going to be leaving but with a thank you for the escape from the prison and not to keep him waiting and then he had ventured off and exited through those doors zafel we find you minutes later finally able to pull yourself out of your your paralyzed state you have a small weeping wound on your chest from the dagger a brutally murdered sarith on the floor 15 feet away from you and your friends still soundly asleep what do you want to do wow yeah that was a lot of stuff that that was totally uh expected and not not terrifying at all um everybody else is asleep right now okay another odd thing you notice as you you're kind of able to move yourself again from the crippling visions that you saw that just straight up terrified you is that there is a like white hazy glow around you and as you look to your left you see the crystal that you're kind of sitting near it's actually glowing with kind of a white energy now instead of a red like some of the other crystals in the room um so there's the notes that yeah the the crystals were a point of interest to him and he did make a note when he originally saw arcane energy coming off of them he is still interested in that and still intends to act upon it but that is not the priority at the moment um this situation is interesting uh i i literally spent all week trying to figure out what safel's reaction this would be um everybody else is asleep he bupido is gone sarith is literally maimed on the cave floor um safel is going to ponder the possibilities of what this development currently means and what it may affect he is going to read up on a spell really quick uh wow my gosh how exciting do you guys think this is amazing radio or what well the the beauty of radio is that it can be be edited um okay i am going okay well here's an important question that's going to determine if i can do this did i with everything i went through i i don't remember if i got enough like sound rest to be considered a long rest i only need four hours and it doesn't necessarily mean sleep it just has to be like a trance-like meditation but during that time all of that knowledge came back i went through essentially crazed mad sleep paralysis um and then watched a murder so i get my question is would i have gotten the benefits of a long rest you would have the rest uh in terms of like having your spells and stuff like that i some of your new spells came from memories in these visions that you were called as only a couple of them were in your book so you would have to kind of scribe them down to like capture them to to be able to use them but otherwise you're you're good to go okay uh in that case i will take my benefits back i am going to uh waste a first level spell before anyone has ever woken up and i am going to cast unseen servant okay going to summon this servant which will be here for an hour okay where you i would have to remain within 60 feet of it uh oh right roll 20 that's a that's a thing just ping i'll throw something up for you oh wow yep uh i'm going to cesaro's body is right there i'm going to summon him right next to sarah's body so let's say right there okay i am going to command him i am going to command the unseen servant supervised by me because i have to remain within 60 feet to remove sarah's body from the hall how much weight can they move i will backtrack the servant can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do such as fetching things cleaning mending folding clothes lighting fire serving food and pouring wine so it it would have the human's capability to to pick up a limp body and move it okay all right so where do you want it it doesn't give a specific weight but it seems if it's fine i'll i'll allow it where do you want it to pull i am going okay i am going to backtrack i'm going to oh[ __ ] the door is locked[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i mean you haven't tried it as far as the others i've told you down the hole then i'm going to to have the servant toss the body down the hole okay and once it has done so i will command it to clean the mess left behind comes over towards you where the hole is and where you and lara are and just tosses it down the hole and you wait a couple seconds and then you just hear as you hear okay sarah's that was left and once it has you just you just all of a sudden see what it looks like a bloody palm just like smearing blood on the floor oh jesus and then once the area is clean i will dispel it okay um[Music] you just see it seems to keep smearing blood upon the old stone floor doesn't doesn't have cleaning supplies okay it it pulls out some bleach and you hear the small hiss and it like pours it on the ground and just like all of a sudden the csi trunk and like fbi or whatever is just like written on the side and it starts going to [ __ ] town just like no worries boss i got this god damn it i said mineral spirits only you're making too much noise um[ __ ] so it's just smearing blood yeah i mean if you got it like a rag or something or tore some of the stuff off of the old skeletons it could probably do something yes i will do that then i just i didn't want to go too in detail with my my borderline crime here uh but yeah okay bro you're hiding a body you better go detailed yeah you don't know [ __ ] i ain't got a borderline crime that's a full-on crime yeah so i will have the unseen servant i will wow okay you know what i just rolled stealth for the hell of it for dragging that body that's my uh my fourth natural 20 of the night so uh yeah it's it's totally silent i'll take you guys that are sleeping have no idea what's going on yeah i'll uh i'll allow you that one um it's also invisible so it gets like a plus 20 anyway sure it's the it's not the the servant it's the body in the art of dragon yeah no that's fair so uh yeah it it it goes at your orders and going goes and gets some some rags off of the old bodies here and uh starts kind of pooling up and soaking up the blood in these cloths as best as it can and it's it's almost been about an hour before you think like good enough what what's left probably matches the old blood stains um that litter some of the floor and some of the blood from you guys as you had been attacked uh and you just see these floating rags where do you want it to put the racks uh rags down the hole as well okay they they fall down the hole and once i am confident that it is masked as much as it can be i will dispel the unseen servant and i will um i will go up against the wall that i was already sitting at and take out my notes and roughly scroll the symbols i know i can't copy them for arcane purposes but just so he doesn't lose them he will he will create rough copies of them okay for a second i thought you were going to say you're going to write down the the details of your dirty crime never leave a paper trail and then i then i had to serve and clean up the mess yeah let's let's keep let's keep exact documentation of the crimes i've committed so that other people can commit me later i mean you're a wizard you love frightened [ __ ] i do you are not wrong um but yeah i love paperwork diaries back against the wall and i will scroll those symbols and i will uh i will wait out the rest of my my rest there safel starts writing on his blog you guys won't believe what [ __ ] happened today the craziest [ __ ] just so hours and hours and hours go on sephel roll a perception check since you're the only one that's currently awake okay uh just a 10. okay you think it's probably by your account close to to what you would surmise to be a morning time or at least you have all slept long enough um and you feel like you might have heard something coming from the opposite side of the hall but you're not entirely sure the opposite side of the hall like so if you're on roll 20 i should say the right hand uh the easter egg okay so the eastern side yeah east end uh near where that that smaller door is he'll go to lara and indigo and he will um wake them up in turn[Music] it is moaning we need to keep moving oh okay i mean your little breakfast first be nice but um i'm sorry i keep mentioning breakfast i just i get hungry when i wake up but yeah no ready to go up in that up and adam our group will be lighter from now on sarath and bupido approached me at the end of soros watch they had spoke of unfinished business i didn't press because i don't care but they went another direction i said they will catch up with us later if they can oh that sounds ominous and frankly ungrateful considering we saved them we've known each other for a matter of days we were bound to go different directions at some point i mean if you say so it well i i really feel like sorrowful was just on the verge of opening up to me but i guess you know i guess when we back up we can do it then which they went back is that no they continued further into the fortress the doors are still locked there is no way back well which way should we go forward i heard something coming from the eastern direction i would also like to investigate these crystals they're still giving off some arcane readings though they are different from before it intrigues me i should tell you both when i was unconscious down at the bottom of that hole and she's gonna lean over the hole um just like pointing in its direction um she's un unknowingly pointing right at sarath's dead body when i was unconscious someone spoke to me they offered me life and returned to in return for their my servitude um and i don't know who this being was but they knew me and they knew a bit about us and i would guess that they are connected to this structure in some way oh should we should keep our eyes out i guess but were they were they threatening were they were they nice not threatening but powerful okay well i mean i guess nothing to it but to do it better get on yeah you want help with those crystals yes i would but did this uh person thing apparition offer services or power or knowledge that you report that they have they offered me power and essentially my life back it was very close to me not surviving that fall so you took it to return then no my my patron saved me kn and then she's gonna like look up and this like like as if she's looking for this guy but obviously it's not there um cayenne saved me make no mistake about that oh man that was that was badass first thing that i thought you're going to do like they're like the thump the chest twice kiss your feet the way she was looking yeah so i'm like to be honest i wanted to and then i was like oh god you got me yeah i wanted to but man in andrew's campaign i do that [ __ ] all the time and i'm like i can't staphel you yes you notice as uh lara is saying all this her new companion is like starting to like climb its way up her leg and like onto her back and it just like poignantly is looking at you and you see this long kind of forked tongue come out and just a little bit of blood off of its lips before it like comes up onto her shoulders and it's just watching you interesting i i wiggle my tentacles in response uh uh but um lara if you don't mind giving me a hand looking at these crystals you were i believe the first to notice their energy all right happy too um let's go washity and i'll uh walk over you guys can do either nature particularly who are definitely and the others are slowly starting to gather around now hmm i'm going to use my knowledge from my past life okay uh 14. okay um you you guys how long do you do you want to investigate the this these crystals um i mean my goal is essentially i want to glean i plan to study it for a longer period of time my main goal right now is just seeing if it is harvestable without losing its arcane properties okay um[Music] so you spend a little while doing this with some of the others help and you find uh a couple of things one nobody knows what this is in your group if it has a name they don't know it they haven't seen it but crystals appear everywhere in the underdark but this particular one nobody knows um after kind of about an hour or so you figure out a few things first is that this crystal these crystals act almost as a almost act as like a conductor in a way for magical energy so you're you're kind of able to focus in in the red energy you could feel[Music] conjuration magic from some of the others but to kind of see if it's harvestable and stuff like that you guys you know have to break a couple of chunks off and you just kind of like in holding it and as you focus on the powers and stuff like that you actually see different colors kind of appearing in it all and you you find that whatever kind of magic you use as long as it is within a close proximity or in your hand it starts to kind of hold that energy but also can release it um the other thing you notice is that in a couple places weirdly enough this some of these crystals look like they have been broken already in one or two of the spikes coming out in another part of the room you swear to god looks like it was melted somehow so have you guys ever seen like uh hardened molten steel or iron when it just like naturally kind of cools into like a slag yeah you see like that coming off of the top of one of the crystals and you see where some had come to the floor and while it still somewhat looks like that it has taken on kind of like a new crystalline hard shape which makes you think that for some reason in some way this crystal can be malleable and moved much like any other kind of metal or uh multiple material and still retain its properties this makes sense based on when i was firing my lightning magic into it i got zapped as a result so that tracks so it yeah that's recalling that that's really what kind and yeah okay um would i anywhere in that hour would a an identify ritual give me any more properties than what you said or is that is that all i glean from it that's really all you glean because it itself doesn't hold any natural magics it just seems to almost resonate with magix but what what kind of magic is detect magic is it a divination spell or anything like that uh yes it is divinity okay uh well first off roll mandy 20. uh 16. okay uh nothing happens but you do see the crystal as i'm assuming you're holding it while you're you're doing this detect magic or you're just doing it nearby one no i'm i'm holding it i think i have to be touching it you see a almost like golden-esque light kind of suffuse it for a moment as you're casting this spell and it's almost like when you when you put um food coloring in water like it just kind of billows out and fills up the rest of the space it almost looks like that going into it and then slowly you see from a jagged broken edge that energy eventually dissipate from it as you let go of the spell okay it's very interesting substance indigo are you do we think that with time okay go ahead go ahead sam oh sorry do we think that with time we would be able to create armor out of these crystals um go ahead and roll me a uh let me just check the skills here you can either do you can make another arcana check or a um this is my problem with this skills are you proficient with any like tools like crafting tools i'm proficient with land vehicles wow um survival i have oh yeah get a tank out of this bad boy let's see yeah survival doesn't survival could appear it's it's more for like tracks wild game guiding your way identifying signs and natural hazards we just let me just quickly peruse through here you know you could also just attach it to an ability score and say add your proficiency or don't yeah i mean i go ahead and just roll a straight up intelligence check for me damn it brandon why did you say that that's you cannot other people to kind of ponder this issue um that's a two thank you we'll be here all night um you're really you're holding on to the idea but you yourself just you're not sure how you would go about it but you think it's it's very well possible nope never seen it i don't know what it does that's very cool i mean you said over time it can be moved and like it will grow into the area that it is placed not necessarily no um you think some either some kind of heat or something melted a piece of it and that when it had quote unquote puddled when it had hit the floor as it like you would assume as it was coming back to its crystalline form it created more of a jagged like shape versus a like a soft um soft slag i guess it's the best way to describe that and in armor pieces something a bit outside is my purview but if i am correct about its properties if you were to have a mold to fuse it around melted a large amount of it onto that mold and allowed it to harden again it would in theory become a garment contemplating that then can we take some of this with us i feel like if we can get to a city perhaps we can make use of it but i'm also happy to leave this behind i'm not i'm i'm not committed no i would i would like to take an amount of it for myself as well um so gathering a conservative quantity as we do need to watch what we carry wouldn't be a bad idea uh yeah safel is definitely going to take at least two or three shards for research and application purposes sure uh go ahead and all of you that want to do this or any of the npcs left that you want to do this go ahead and make strength tech uh checks for them so you know tell me if you want any of the mvc's to um i think topsy and turvy are the only ones you guys don't have the stats for oh yeah another important question do i still have my strength drained uh oh yes i meant to address that let me double check because i'm still sitting in a negative two strength modifier whack nope you all of your strength uh has come back you guys are back up to normal now cool um i rolled an 8. but jesus said i know i might get rid of these dice man it's not good um can ashni help in this endeavor um they've got claws yeah yeah um uh what's their intelligence again uh plus one thirteen okay roll me an animal handling check um to see if you can communicate well enough the idea that you want it to kind of break this stuff[ __ ] i can't it's a four wait yeah what's your what's your what's ash news intelligence score plus one yeah sure is oh shame so that's a real shame uh yeah no it it ashley just kind of looks at you and eventually like climbs off down your back like a young cat does and goes over to one of the skeletal bodies and just starts like gnawing on one of the bones it's just like now hey be careful with that that might be ammunition watch it swallow like an entire femur christ um i'll have to do some more sketches of that um two things one i want to uh get a sketch of the crystal and also i just love the scene of like i just like imagine like laura and cephale just like arguing in front of this crystal and i had them in the sketch like for scale but also as like a nice little memory yeah absolutely i also got a 15 on that strength check so i'm gonna grab some of that i also got a 15. okay all right uh do you get any of your npc pals to help you out yeah okay but i will i will offer a crystal to stool if he wants one but i also think i think that sketch is hysterical because i definitely believe that indigo put us arguing but in fact this is the most cooperative we've been with each other like thus far like we're actually getting along and like research partners like looking at this thing and studying it and like talking about the applications in indigo is just like look at those two [ __ ] squabbling with each other friends fools uh okay well let me uh see here so because i rolled an eight i imagine that laura is going to like gesture over to whoever um saw eldeth um i'm sorry who tried to get someone to help i know i almost said sorry so eldest come comes over she also got a 15. um the the others though are stool he's just like i don't have hands and doesn't do anything and then topsy and turby um indigo roll an insight check for me absolutely yeah it's a nine okay uh oddly enough you notice as they're like over there and they're kind of grasping onto the crystal you think they're definitely not trying as hard as you think like they're it seems like they're very poorly acting like they're they're too weak to break it however with eldeth you and uh safel you guys are able to harvest what you think is probably about 10 to 12 pounds worth of this stuff which is you know a decent amount um probably fill up a backpack very easily okay uh how many chunks would you say that is because i want to put it into the new backpack tab in d and d uh i would say that it is uh about eight pieces okay uh i am i am having two of those if that is cool with everybody okay yeah whatever everyone else doesn't carry lara will carry just because i think i'm i'm also carrying like i think at one point we said that i was like you're carrying all the food and water okay so i'm but okay all right you i think you might be just straight up inventory master yeah okay give me your you split up a couple things yeah so you're going to take the remaining i think you have it unless specifically noted yep unless someone else wants one for whatever reason but i'll take the remaining six no all yours okay she's holding it for a stool that's awesome that's so good that someone with arms can do that i i wish i had arms maybe one day what i'm well you have more legs than we do so that's pretty cool i i i only have two do you do i have wait do i have my picture you all wrong i'm gonna have to read you these sketches oh yeah i i've only got i can't see my we find out he's really more useless than we thought he's got a bunch of like centipedes under him just carrying him across the floor yeah yep absolutely uh that's why it's so slow all right so you guys have gathered some crystals you seem to be locked in whatever the[ __ ] this place is bupido and sarith have left and uh yeah what do you guys want to do will you be leaving us as well eldiff topsy turvy uh topsy and turvy you guys actually all you make insight checks while uh eldeth is just like no i don't i don't imagine i'll be taken off anytime soon you guys are trying to get top side and that's where i'm trying to get to as well because i don't know how to navigate my ways out of here all right one of those insights 16 on my inside check 16 okay uh indigo has a 19. 18. nice 19. okay you guys notice that both of the twins are definitely lying to you when they're like uh no no no no um we're not we're not going anywhere we're not gonna leave you guys the uh indigo you definitely just go that is holding you here oh it's it's no we're we're here we're here with you guys um you know we we owe you after uh after getting us out well you can stay with us as long as you'd like obviously but if you're not going to pull your weight in combat and in survival scenarios then well and she'll just point uh back the way we came in the girls looked at stool man this is this is getting heavy uh[Music] yeah no this is intense lara looks like she she'd boot him in the butt and just like send me[Music] hey hey we get eight seconds that was it that was goddammit i'm not saying anymore and uh no topsy and turvy topsy's just like i uh we can't we can't even go back if we wanted to so we're here we'll we'll pull our way great we've lingered here enough lara heard noises from the north and i have heard similar from the east we should pick a direction and go east okay east east go any all right move your goddamn pawns lara is the de facto leader so i will go east where the scary noise was that sounds great cool i'm the i'm the brains and she punches us in the direction of maybe victory who knows something or we all die beyond the door go on behind me um yeah you want to open that door tara aren't you coming with us oh [ __ ] we've gathered the crystals we can it is time to go looking at rolls funny wow visual jokes are purely for us yeah yeah who's opening up the door lara she walks up to the door and immediately pushes it okay yeah it swings open and you see a hall filled with more skeletal bodies and more of these crystals along a wall here you see a smaller set of double doors that appear to be a jar and go ahead and make me a perception check 12. you hear what sounds like shuffling coming from beyond that door hmm everyone stay grouped up we need to be quiet there's something and beyond those doors uh and shall point uh in that direction we'll move slowly and quietly but we don't know what that is and unless no one stops her she's gonna just hit all over okay if you're uh if you're trying to move in quietly go ahead you know indigo will kind of draw a dagger and follow okay all right okay stealth checks yep nicki uh 12 first all[ __ ] i don't want to say choose different dice sam i paid a lot of money for these i will send you another set we can we can get through this together but they're hurting you and you deserve better this toxic relationship just infested so much um i got a nap one plus two jesus hey sam you know it makes you feel better i roll a net one and a plus two as well yeah how am i the stealthiest out of all of us so uh indigo you go to stack up across the far wall and you actually like trip over a bone and like slam into the wall and just like all your gear bounces off of it lara you get distracted you look over and you fall backwards and you actually land on your here in which it goes and uh creates a lot of noise while everybody else just freezes and looks at you both with wide eyes like what the[ __ ] and [ __ ] [ __ ] i said be quiet she she yells out uh now you definitely hear from the other room a small voice yell out help[Music] what do you guys do oh i i look at laura and i look down the hallway and then indigo's gonna start moving that way uh yeah laura will hesitate briefly and then follow okay you guys hear it coming from actually from beyond this door interesting um i'm gonna i'm gonna thaw maturgy and just try to open that so like if it's unlocked it'll just like bust on open okay you thaumaturge and break open or like burst open this door and you immediately are greeted with the sight of a few shambling corpses[Music] they turn towards you roll four initiative oh my so first up in the order sephel what do you want to do oh dear uh okay i'm going to i'm strategically i'm at the very back of everybody uh i'm going to step around oh hold on bit next to um the re-skinned behear i'm sorry i forget the name um is that a a pillar this is a pillar right in the space above it okay um what is the size of the creature if i wanted to like walk through its space uh the here uh it's small so you could you could get through there okay so i'm going to walk up and cross over between the pillar and lara so i am kind of in the line of sight kind of looking past indigo's shoulder through the door uh what do i have a line of sight on anything uh you have line of sight on this creature here uh that's about 20 feet away from you and you can make out this one that's about 25 feet away from you and your dark vision is like 60 feet ain't it uh yes i believe so actually it well okay yeah depending on how how far we're taking this whole thing i'm pretty sure i have 120 feet uh but 60 feet would give me more than enough anyway um okay so you can see all the way into this room and it appears to be some kind of library you can see that there's a couple of these figures you see that there's some kind of skeletal or skeleton marching towards and a sm very small tiny winged like creature flying up against a bookcase and that's as far as eurovision allows you to see with the obstacles in the way okay so uh these two creatures at the forefront um is there any sort of check i can do to discern what they are or are they just your regular run-of-the-mill zombie uh roll me a religion check okay religion well the guy decided to fail me so that's a natural one for an eight yeah you don't know you haven't you your memories are not coming to you you have no idea what these creatures are but they are nasty looking um to give you a little bit more of a descriptor they have these um this like kind of grayish skin tone you see that they have these larger kind of fangs and while they have chunks and bits of their body missing they kind of walk with this like hunched demeanor uh and they seem to have a little bit more intelligence than you think huh interesting okay uh regardless that doesn't change what i'm gonna do i'm going to break out something from my new arsenal uh i'm going to point over indigo's shoulder and release a uh a beam of fiery energy that as it breaks the doorway splits into three different beams and i'm going to catch a cast scorching ray at these two fanged creatures oh oh my well fine i forget that virtual tabletop is on uh no matter i rolled a natural 18 for a 25 to hit for the hit the first array um i'm gonna roll my own dice thank you very much d beyond uh yeah uh scorching ray 2d6 where's my other guy no all right come prepared i i have them i'm looking for particular ones uh seven points of fire damage on the first array and that's going to be at this one closest to the doorway um oh i'm on the measure tool so uh this one right here yep i got you okay it's the second uh the second ray a natural 16 for a 23. that is ahead god damn i forget you have a 20 intelligence already hell yeah i do i have a very particular set of skills uh and that is nine points of fire damage on that beam uh let's see mr third ray natural 14 for a 21. okay which one are you hitting with that third ray still the top uh the one closest to the door if he is still standing he is yeah okay as well okay yeah uh not great uh four points of fire damage on that one okay it is still up and now that you've launched these three fiery beams out that collide with these figures you just hear it as they turn towards you and just[Music] oh of that noise and you can start to hear like approaching footsteps uh all right uh yes that is indeed my turn all right well uh next up is turvey so tervy here is gonna like look at the sister kind of quivers for a moment let's see if he can uh work up the courage here ha he does you see this like resolve come over turvy this quiet figure that you really haven't talked too much it seems his sister does most of it and he just goes takes a deep breath grits his teeth and he just runs into the room and he comes up on this first first creature and he's gonna try and punch it punch it natural three on the first one misses you see the creature just dodge out of the way natural one okay so tervy goes in there swings wildly trying to clock into this creature and misses horribly and he's just looking a little bit shaken now um man we should we should really give him like a knife or something i'll get around to that yeah yeah did had we not given tervy any weapons yet no topsy and tervy are uh barefisted okay uh all right it is eldest turn okay eldeth i know has her has a short sword now that she picked up off of one of the corpses in the main chamber uh so she is the door is getting very crowded uh yes it's gonna be a squeeze to get in there that's gonna cost 10 feet of movement to go through the door okay if she so i'm gonna draw the path out now and tell me how you best want me to do this i'm gonna go up sort of up and to the right so i'm next to indigo back down kind of like stepping in front of him and then cross up but i don't want to be right in the line of the doorway so uh i'm already at 15 movements so she's gonna yeah are you trying to get here are you trying to get here no i'm i'm i'm trying to get up in in the second location between the two of them not leaving their range so i won't incur an attack but i don't want to be in the way of the door uh you will get there but that will cost um 5 15 20 25 feet of movement to get to that point okay that is fine um just make sure that yeah she has she has standard 30 feet so um since i still do not have control over her i will need you to move there okay so she steps up around indigo cuts in through like squeezes past hervey in the door steps in uh and as she goes to step upwards she doesn't realize it but there's another one of these creatures that reaches out to swing at her as she ducks okay okay all right uh okay hide between your screen of lies i will uh okay it reaches out with a claw and goes to attacker that is a 14 to hit that does beat the ac okay she takes uh six points uh wait hang on um seven points of slashing damage okay and i need you to make me a constitution saving throw okay um just checking her proficiencies now yeah with the scouts they don't have they don't have like any saving for proficiency so i think it's just the the standard modifier um constitution you said natural 20 for a 21. okay she is all right but she feels like something slightly passed through her wound as she uh got raped there i hated her uh okay uh so well she's still uh she's still got an action yep so now that she is up there she is going to uh try to quickly dispatch of the one that safel fired his scorching ray at hoping that sephel did enough damage to be able to to fell it quickly um so she's going to make her multi-attack with her short sword first attack yep ah definitely not that's an eight total second yeah that's a miss oh jesus uh her second attack is a 12. uh that hits exactly oh [ __ ] okay not not good rolls for poor eldest um okay almost max damage though oh well that's gonna die uh seven points of piercing damage okay it is still standing she uh stabs into this creature right in the gut and it just kind of looks up its mouth slathering blood dripping from it this long gross forked tongue flicking out at her as she does so where's that her oh that's cute that that's real cute all right anybody keeping track of how much damage this thing has taken already no but it's a it's a it's one of those high numbers yeah it's it's more than i like is the correct answer wow you little metal metagamers i had no idea well i guess i'll tell you this guys this um it's the monster's turn and as eldeth pulls the short sword back she sees that there's two more of these creatures one up above and one starting to peek out from this bookcase and in fact the two closest to her are going to attack her first we're going to start off here with this one it is going to uh slash out with a claw uh that is a 12 to hit okay so hold on it's a story no so so no this was a this was a thing that happened last time because the scout which which is the you know the sheet i have for eldeth has an armor class of 13 but that is assuming leather armor which i know she doesn't have so it just defaults to 10 plus her dexterity which is a two so if that is the case 12 is exactly her ac yeah okay okay all right she is going to take oh she's going to take nine points of damage and i need you to make me another constitution saving throw um well okay so answer me this do unconscious creatures get to make con saves uh no she falls to the ground prone so uh eldeth after getting raked across the face by this creature uh falls unconscious to the ground however this one besides exactly nine head points is going to now try to bite her uh unconscious form as it's going to try and eat her flesh oh this doesn't bother me no uh so this is that advantage because she's prone yeah that's a hit uh it's not a critical she takes six points of damage so go ahead and mark a i think a hit on an unconscious creature and two dozens oh great great so two d uh two death saves off for poor old eldeth who you [ __ ] sacrificed uh-huh oh and now this one's gonna come off son's name because i don't nope you awful no[ __ ] this don't don't remember where she was from safel hasn't really had many conversations with her pretty sure she hates him anyway well here so so sorry it was 12 points of damage as an auto crit let me let me ask you yeah where are we at the turnover what number we're at number four well i never had a turn uh yeah because we haven't gotten to oh i thought you meant we were at four never mind go ahead no no no we're still in the first round yeah still in the first first round there's a lot of you yeah they they rolled really well um okay so i i thought you had said 12 before we said auto crit so that's why i'm afraid uh no that was okay that was counting it as a crit okay yeah however this ghoul uh which that's what it is runs up and is also going to bite her so autocrit and eldest dies you see this creature run up on all fours rip back her head and go for her throat and you just see her neck disappear underneath the uh the maw of this creature and you hear the squelching of blood no screams just the sickening sound of flesh do we know if we gave her anything valuable uh no you didn't even anyways i just wanted to check yeah go go in there get that short sword no i'm not [ __ ] going in there right now are you doing next up is this one who's gonna move in on turby oh no my sweet boy yep your sweet baby boy's gonna die natural 16 that's a friggin hood oh that is eight points of damage to him we're about to be with no npcs this is going to be terrible he needs to make a constitution saving throw as he gets raked with this claw oh and he fails you see indigo lara and safel through the door you see this creature this ghoul run up on topsy rake him across his chest and you just see him lock up and then fall prone to the ground as he becomes paralyzed okay next one this this ghoul from to the north is going to run down and attack the prone form of him of that poor old autopsy and yeah that's a definite hit it's another six points of damage and that is it for the ghoul turn all right laura you are up huh is there a boy topsy still still pulling breath you still give me turvy it's uh it's it's very very hard to tell in his paralyzed state um[ __ ] yeah yeah the entire reason that we're here is because there's something in there that needs help we heard cries yeah and i think always elders could see them but they can't i think i did too when i first looked in the door um yeah he only said like fairy looking creature um so i think our best bet here is to look for a different entrance into this room uh and then lara is going to sprint forward can i reach through the door and grab jerry's body uh yeah you can do that i would like to pull them out of the room okay um go ahead you can i'm pretty sure you can just grab right you don't need to do a special move for that he's on the the only the only situation would be if he was trying to resist and i don't think he can if he's paralyzed no so yeah you have you have a hold of him all right then i will use uh my action movement to so i've moved 10 feet i just want to pull them back out of the room as far as i can you want to move okay uh sure sure i'm gonna say that uh one of these creatures though is gonna get an attack of opportunity on them yep that's another hit on turvy as you're dragging away his body oh yikeys that's another eight points of damage uh surprisingly though as you are pulling them away you feel like tervy is surprisingly still somewhat healthy okay can i actually swap so that i'm in front of them so i'm here okay um and then i will bonus action do nothing just kidding okay bonus action do nothing it's a classic move it's a classic move all right well now it is topsy who uh is now just losing her mind as you pull her her brother over and she is just in sheer panic like clutching onto turvy she's like please please wake up wake up why aren't you moving and uh she does nothing other than try to get her brother moving again uh all right indigo you are up my friend hey um uh topsy i can totally fix him there's just um i'm just gonna make sure that it doesn't happen again so if everyone could just move away from the door uh and i'm gonna step back in front of safel here i think i'll take a attack of opportunity in the doing uh it it can't reach around the door so you're okay perfect um and i'm gonna bow my head in respect to eldeth um but she'll protect us one last time uh as i am going to center a spike growth spell on her fallen body here okay uh how much of an area does that cover so it's a twenty uh foot sphere or circle okay so i wanted to encompass i guess this whole area or actually even in front of that ghoul there so it gets this whole area including like the door itself is covered in the spike growth which it it hurts very much to walk through i i'd have to check it oh it is a 20 foot radius oh [ __ ] it's yeah damn it's some big this is my big boy spell it is his big boy spell yeah so these tendrils erupt out of eldest bodies and start skittering all the way across the floor uh do they need to make any saves or take any damage right away from that let me see uh it becomes difficult terrain and when a creature moves into or within the area it takes 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels so not yet only on the move so unfortunately that will also affect myself laura and bleth's stool but stool god what a shame 2d4 it could kill him if he tried to leave oh my god someone pick my sweet boy up so he doesn't have to walk uh all right the funniest part of that that no one can appreciate is that andrew just looked at his character sheet before panicking yeah yeah well i get to see their health bars it's just like yeah that that poor stool has seven hit points okay i feel like and and this can happen off air but i feel like we need to start a bet pool or how long stools gonna last level 20 baby still is going all the way yeah depending on how long the combat lasts i guess well let's keep it rolling then uh our fairy friend is going to fly forward she's gonna do something in there yeah and she uh you can see them fly forward and start like taking this tiny shiny thing that you can just kind of make out and seems to be like stabbing into the skull of this skeleton um all right next up is said skeleton who is going to try and swing at her uh no that is a big old miss jesus crow i can't hit myself jesus all right stool stool it's your turn this true hero you will survive oh man you know what you gotta i'm just gonna rip off the band-aid i'm gonna do it now um and also uh since it is difficult terrain it'll take his entire movement to move one square to the south uh which is what he will do okay and i will roll the damage twirl favors stool greatly that's just but two two points of damage for our best character wow okay sorry guys i know everyone was pretty nervous there but it's okay it's okay yep i'm i'm sorry i think you meant to say excited now yeah all right that's kind of a bummer all right also we are back at the optimistic way to phrase that you roll like garbage yes yes also will he move stool down uh otherwise i will forget ah sorry yes there we go all right stool takes a step to the south taking a little bit of damage ouch um all right so fell you you are up okay um well now that uh indigo has lined them up so to speak um i'm going to reach into the powers of the universe and i am going to uh also use that that area though not as big uh i will start from eldeth and in a 10 foot radius sphere so i will actually be able to hit every creature in that room minus the fairy uh i am going to cast magnify gravity at first level okay uh each creature uh so the gravity in a 10 foot radius sphere centered on a point you can see within range increases uh each creature in the sphere on the turn when you cast the spell has to make a constitution saving throw on a failed save they take x amount of force damage uh and its speed is halfed until the end of its next turn all right if it succeeds the save it takes half damage and suffers no reduction okay this one uh got a natural 16 you said it was a constitution saving throw yes and that beats okay so top the one to the furthest nor uh furthest furthest north is fine this one rolled a 15. that is exactly the dc okay this one got a 12. this one got it seven so let me go ahead and mark that i'm just gonna put this symbol on i think i want this symbol on okay uh last couple of creatures here the last ghoul got a nine and the skeleton got that's a fail thirteen okay also a fail uh so i actually rolled really well on my damage um so the[Music] anyone who failed takes 14 points of force damage and their speed is halfed until the end of their next turn all right anybody that succeeded still takes seven points of damage uh but is not slowed down okay give me a moment to go through all these friggin numbers you guys with your aoe spells oh i just totally forgot make me a d20 roll no go [ __ ] yourself andrew go ahead and make me one as well uh so does the just tell me that you don't know the school of magic nope just seven you're fine andrew seventeen okay you're fine okay now that that's been resolved all right uh going through going through going through all right so you cast this spell and two uh actually three the skeletons and the two ghouls that were kind of to the closest to the fairy and over uh over the body of eldeth eating her they all die crushed under this uh this gravity right nice nice job there brendan damn thank you all right uh and as as the lame wizard that i am that is my entire turn yeah if you could do more i'd be a little upset because you just took out half of my people uh all right well it happens next is turvy let me just see if they can make another check here oh yep okay so they can make another con save here that's a natural one they are still paralyzed uh okay oh eldiff no term for you you're dead yeah i'm just going to go ahead and close out that character sheet real quick and just close that out for me why don't you yep that's just going to disappear might as well delete it from the uh the handouts as well all right next up are the ghouls the remaining ones uh great okay well this one here is actually going to try and charge out of the room at indigo so it's going to move 510 so roll 4d4 oh yeah all right now we're talking about six and then there is that's 13 points of piercing oh jesus so it starts running and you just see the vines like ripping through its body and it actually dies and collapse at your feet uh this one here is actually going to try and make a go for the ferry so it's going to be 5 10 15 20 feet so that's eight d4 oh yeah three six thirteen and sixteen points of piercing it's still up would it even have 20 feet of movement isn't it difficult terrain as well difficult terrain and its gravity um uh yeah but if that one if that one succeeded to save its speed wouldn't be affected by the gravity speed okay so it can get so it would only it would be half to buy the spike growth all right uh so it gets there still can't quite reach her damage then okay yeah it's it's still good this one around the corner of the door is going to move 5 10 is going to try and get you in to go go ahead and roll that damage there's six and six that has 12 points of piercing okay uh well it's still alive so it's gonna swing at you with its claw uh natural 15 for a 19 to hit that's a hit you are going to take nine points of slashing damage and i need you to make a constitution saving throw all right natural 20 plus one all right you are you are fine you feel this kind of odd sensation start to pulse at your wound but you managed to shrug it off ah right i thought this fight was going to be more in my favor but it's not laura you're up hey hey you you killed somebody today that's something on the bright side for you will that's a four on my concentration check so there is no more spike growth yes[Music] yeah you can move around anywhere you want now if i survive hit me up sam whatcha gonna do yeah i would like to uh action booming blade and attack the ugly boy in front of indigo i almost said diego yeah okay that's a 15 to hit 15 yeah that's a hit christ on a cracker sorry just just what do you got like 60 d8 over there no i'm trying to remember i'm using the great club so it is only a 1d4 plus 3. but that is 4 plus 3 is 7 bludgeoning plus 2 thunder uh describe your kill yeah this is um i imagine that this uh shambling corpse uh comes over attacks indigo and then laura just right on the head with her great club and the thunder like explodes his skull when it collides brains blood viscera everywhere just covering indigo's face and skin and yeah if there wasn't some gray skin you that's disgusting notice too much of a difference yeah the thunder looks cool but it does create quite a mess i'm really sorry to go it's and i like wiped some off of his forehead clean up later all right uh well anything else you want to do with your turn laura no i'm going to stay with the tomb raider all right well in this case it is topsy's turn who is uh not leaving her brother's side um so moving on ahead to indigo oh right i see um the one last uh ghoulie boy in there um and i'm going to kind of finish things up uh i am going to um just say little prayer and just point two fingers and cast guiding bolt at first level at okay roll a d20 while i'm doing this deck save all right oh it's a that's a to hit um no i know this is for you casting a spell right oh yeah no i'm saying the the it's not a deck save for the ghoul oh sorry but it is a it is a six on that roll for me uh okay and you're fine and then a 19 on the guiding bolt strike oh yeah oh yeah don't you said guiding bolt yeah don't bother rolling damage it's it's dead it's so dead the undead is dead leave it be leave it live all right kicking in the dick while it's down kick it at the proverbial dick do it i don't know if it has one of those all right well you guys have made it through and as the uh as they would say dust settles this uh winged friend flies forward over the body of eldith and then looks out to all of you and says thank you i i i didn't know there was truly anybody else here how did you get in oh we we used the front door it was it opened for us and then it closed but that's how we got here you came through the front is it still wait you set it closed have you tried opening it no please there has to be a way out of here i've been trapped here for so long how long have you been here something like[Music] 200 years[Music][Music] hey everybody this is sam conklin i voice laura in the madness table we are so delighted to have you here thank you so much for listening to our dinky little podcast we pour our hearts into this so to have you here it's just it's the world um if you haven't already we have a twitter instagram and facebook at the madness table you can also shoot us an email at themadnesstable gmail.com we would love to hear from you love to hear how you're enjoying the show any questions you have for the characters we might even shut you out in some future post show notes so please do so if you're loving the podcast we would just adore you if you shared it with a friend and that's it so we'll see you in two weeks for our next episode when[Applause][Music] so[Music] do[Music] foreign[Music][Music] you