Make Me A Marketer Podcast with Landon Poburan

041: Why Online Courses Often Don't Deliver Results

Landon Poburan Season 1 Episode 41

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In Ep. 041 we open a discussion on tactics vs. strategy. While tactics (specific actions or tools, like webinars) are more visible and often get the credit, the underlying strategy (long-term plans and brand-building) is the real driver of success.

Tactics are short-term, instantly gratifying actions that can give the illusion of progress. On the other hand, strategies are long-term plans and efforts that genuinely bring about success. Using Alex Hormozi as an example, we show how it was Hormozi's years of strategic brand-building that allowed his tactics, like his webinar, to be successful. Without the right strategy, even the best-executed tactic is likely to fail.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tactics vs. Strategy: Tactics are short-term actions or tools that are visible and often credited for success. Strategy, however, is the long-term plan and effort behind that success.
  • Illusion of Tactics: Tactics can offer instant gratification and make things seem easy, but they're not the main driver of success.
  • Using Alex Hormozi as a Case Study: Alex Hormozi had 500,000 people register for his webinar. But the real success driver was the 4+ years he spent building his personal brand.
  • The Iceberg Analogy: What we see (tactics) is just the tip of the iceberg. The real bulk (strategy) is hidden below the surface.
  • Dangers of Blind Copying Competitors: Simply copying another's tactics without understanding or having the underlying strategy can lead to failure.
  • Marketing's Seductive Nature: Marketing can be persuasive, preying on our desires for quick success. But understanding the strategy behind a success story is crucial.

Focus on Strategy for Genuine Success (Please!) Before diving into tactics, it's essential to have a solid strategy in place for long-term results.

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Writer, Podcaster & Digital Marketing Consultant.

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