Hug Me Brother: A Teen Nick Podcast
Hug Me Brother is the weekly show where we take a deep dive into the wide world of Teen Nick, show by show, one episode at a time.Every week, Dylan and Rob get together and discuss the wild and nostalgic world of Teen Nick (often stylized as TEENick). Together, we'll cover shows like Drake and Josh, iCarly, Ned's Declassified, and many more!
Hug Me Brother: A Teen Nick Podcast
Believe Me, Brother: A Rough Episode of Drake and Josh?
Hemmas Studios
Season 1
Episode 4
Dylan and Rob break down the season 1 episode of Drake and Josh- Believe Me, Brother. They dive into the episode, discuss the Star Wars connection, and talk about this episode's high highs and low lows!
Welcome to Hug Me Brother: A Teen Nick podcast! On this weekly show, we take a deep dive into the world of TeenNick, show by show, one episode at a time. This week, we continue our run with Drake and Josh, which may be the most iconic show ever put to air on Teen Nick.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @HugMeBrotherPod