
50Talk Episode 100

March 03, 2024 Victor Episode 100
50Talk Episode 100
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50Talk Episode 100
Mar 03, 2024 Episode 100

Welcome to our 100th Episode of 50Talk. Cathy and I would like to mark this momentous occasion with a great show and also some great conversation. We thank each and everyone of you for taking this journey with us over the last 100 episodes. We look forward to continuing to bring you a entertaining and unscripted podcast for at least another 100 episodes. We're sorry we couldn't get out a show last week but you all know what it is. Life just hits you sometime and changes your schedule. 

W do have some interesting things to talk about in this episode so please, enjoy this 100th episode.First we'll start off with some good and bad statistics from our last 10 episodes. Also the top listening device for 50Talk and Top locations around the world. Yes,I said around the world. I was just as surprised as you all were to. Your also gonna be shocked at the top territories as well. 

My first question to Cathy in the show is "What have we/you/I learned about ourselves since the podcast started.  This has definitely been a learning process the last two years. I know I use this show as therapy. I love sitting down with Cathy and asking her these questions and hearing her response. I'm learning more and more about her as the show goes on. 

I proclaimed that the rest of 2024, until the election I will use this platform to get people out to vote. Get them registered to vote and to get them to realize how truly important it is to vote in this election. I know that's been said about elections before but this time it's the real deal.  

I was sitting down on the couch yesterday morning having coffee and this border issue just popped into my head. Why are so many people upset about this "border problem" and our own Lawmakers are playing politics with it. If they don't give a shit then why do you? This is the part in the show when I start getting loud and my passion starts to flow. 

We talk a little bit about "Forgiveness", is getting good at forgiveness good marriage advice? That's a great question right? I would love to hear from other married or committed people. Please send me an email at victor50talk@gmail.com I would love to hear from you guys about this. 

Don Lemon formerly of CNN just got paid from being fired three and a half years early. My guy is walking away with some fat ass pockets. I know he was controversial at CNN but I personally liked his interview style. 

The killers of Run DMC's Jam Master Jay have been sentenced, finally. After 22 years they are on their way to the Big House. What took so freaking long?  Was this mans life not important enough to look into and convict the people who did this to him? 

Cathy has 20 things that people in their 50's have to worry about. I'm sure there are some over 50 people who don't have to deal with these but it is good fun conversation. Cathy and I sat down and put all these together, can you believe that?

What in the hell is going on again in Alabama with this IVF ruling? Our Judges and Politicians need to get their heads out there assess and clear up what they  mean by this ruling. We can't have our young daughters and granddaughters with less rights then what we have. All this shit is getting out of control. It's almost scary to even go south any more with all this religious craziness going on. 

Thank you all for joining us this week for our 100th Episode. Make sure you listen to episode 101 next week too. See you all next week. 

Show Notes

Welcome to our 100th Episode of 50Talk. Cathy and I would like to mark this momentous occasion with a great show and also some great conversation. We thank each and everyone of you for taking this journey with us over the last 100 episodes. We look forward to continuing to bring you a entertaining and unscripted podcast for at least another 100 episodes. We're sorry we couldn't get out a show last week but you all know what it is. Life just hits you sometime and changes your schedule. 

W do have some interesting things to talk about in this episode so please, enjoy this 100th episode.First we'll start off with some good and bad statistics from our last 10 episodes. Also the top listening device for 50Talk and Top locations around the world. Yes,I said around the world. I was just as surprised as you all were to. Your also gonna be shocked at the top territories as well. 

My first question to Cathy in the show is "What have we/you/I learned about ourselves since the podcast started.  This has definitely been a learning process the last two years. I know I use this show as therapy. I love sitting down with Cathy and asking her these questions and hearing her response. I'm learning more and more about her as the show goes on. 

I proclaimed that the rest of 2024, until the election I will use this platform to get people out to vote. Get them registered to vote and to get them to realize how truly important it is to vote in this election. I know that's been said about elections before but this time it's the real deal.  

I was sitting down on the couch yesterday morning having coffee and this border issue just popped into my head. Why are so many people upset about this "border problem" and our own Lawmakers are playing politics with it. If they don't give a shit then why do you? This is the part in the show when I start getting loud and my passion starts to flow. 

We talk a little bit about "Forgiveness", is getting good at forgiveness good marriage advice? That's a great question right? I would love to hear from other married or committed people. Please send me an email at victor50talk@gmail.com I would love to hear from you guys about this. 

Don Lemon formerly of CNN just got paid from being fired three and a half years early. My guy is walking away with some fat ass pockets. I know he was controversial at CNN but I personally liked his interview style. 

The killers of Run DMC's Jam Master Jay have been sentenced, finally. After 22 years they are on their way to the Big House. What took so freaking long?  Was this mans life not important enough to look into and convict the people who did this to him? 

Cathy has 20 things that people in their 50's have to worry about. I'm sure there are some over 50 people who don't have to deal with these but it is good fun conversation. Cathy and I sat down and put all these together, can you believe that?

What in the hell is going on again in Alabama with this IVF ruling? Our Judges and Politicians need to get their heads out there assess and clear up what they  mean by this ruling. We can't have our young daughters and granddaughters with less rights then what we have. All this shit is getting out of control. It's almost scary to even go south any more with all this religious craziness going on. 

Thank you all for joining us this week for our 100th Episode. Make sure you listen to episode 101 next week too. See you all next week.