The old persons take on protecting your stuff

Good password etiquette is the answer, what is the question

Director Season 1 Episode 1

We all have passwords

They are one of the hardest components for most people to understand the significance and reasons behind them.

Passwords are your passport to the digital world and like your passport there are some principles and requirements we need to embrace

From your need to gain access to the internet in the 90's to a system of protection for all access to the internet.

There are a number of areas where retirees and the elderly need to focus and address

This episode we are going to focus on passwords ………..

How did we get into the password issue, why we need passwords, what should be a password (or not), why we need them, understanding that when it comes to security convenience is our enemy, and how do the cybercriminal steal them.

Passwords, password scams and password managers. 

History of passwords (open sesame)

Since the late 90's

Started basic and got more and more complex.

Why do we have passwords

Protect our digital assets.

Restrict access to information

Stop the bad guys getting information

What should be a passwords

Unique, complex and 12 characters

What should not be a password

Names, personal information, locations

Understanding the need for a password

To stop people gaining access to PI

Convenience vs security

Small passwords are convenient for you and also for the bad guys

Password theft and scams

Never give away your password

If it demands your password never give it away

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