The old persons take on protecting your stuff

Why you need to keep your privacy private!


Introduction to the episode

This episode we are going to focus on privacy

Privacy protection is keeping your information from getting into the wrong hands

Ever heard of KISS (keep it simple stupid) KISS for privacy is all about just that.

Any information that is specifically related to you that could identify you easily should not be shared

Passport numbers

License Numbers

Dates of birth

Credit cards

Bank accounts


 Sometimes some information is needed - Government sites, medical sites, banking sites.

 But in most cases think carefully about the information and whether you use real info of just make it up (hint - if it cannot be checked then use a fake)

 We are putting this information on the internet continually we need to reduce it

 Lets talk about privacy and how people handle it

What is privacy

Your information

Any information specifically related to you

You have been bought up with a privacy mindset - use it

How do we protect our information

 Reduces the chances of scams but it is also information they are after

If asked then be wary

 Look at the systems (compliance)

Is it reputable

Have you heard of them

Is it secure

 How do they get your information

Social media


insecure sites

Links and attachments



Pop ups

 Some basic protection and ones we have already spoken about



 What else

Privacy settings on everything - check regularly

Public information on public sites - including Notes, office, google

Turn of tracking as much as comfort will allow

Get an alias (spare email address to use on sites you are not sure about)  that you can use 

End to end encryption - might be a bit far but use an encrypted end to end messenger (WhatsApp, telegram)

Turn off lock screen notifications
